567 lines
21 KiB
567 lines
21 KiB
if(!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {
class WS_ServiceCallContextVO {
public $dateDeposite; // dateTime
//~ public $dateValidation; // dateTime
public $returnType = 'CreatePDFFile'; // RequestTypeVO, CreatePDFFile / ReturnPDFInResponse
public $serviceType; // string
public $crbt = FALSE; // bool
public $removalBAL = FALSE; // bool
//~ public VATCode; // int
//~ public VATPercentage; // int
//~ public VATAmount; // int
//~ public transportationAmount; // int
//~ public totalAmount; // int, oblig pour Andorre
//public $portPaye = FALSE; // bool
//~ public FTD; // bool
//~ public FTDAmount; // int
//~ public returnOption; // bool
//~ public returnOptionAmount; // int
public function __construct() {
$this->serviceType = (Module::isInstalled('socolissimo')? 'SO': 'DOM');
$this->dateDeposite = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000P');
class WS_ExpEnvVO {
public $alert = 'none'; // AlertTypeVO
public $addressVO; // AddressVO
class WS_AddressVO {
//~ public $companyName; // string
//~ public $Civility; // string
//~ public $Name; // string
//~ public $Surname; // string
//~ public $line0; // string
//~ public $line1; // string
public $line2 = ''; // string
//~ public $line3; // string
//~ public $phone; // string, not required for DOM or DOS only
//~ public $MobileNumber; // string
//~ public $DoorCode1; // string
//~ public $DoorCode2; // string
//~ public $Interphone; // string
//~ public $country; // string
public $countryCode; // string
public $city; // string
public $email; // string
public $postalCode; // string
class WS_DestEnvVO {
public $ref = '';
public $alert = 'none'; // AlertTypeVO
public $addressVO; // AddressVO
public $codeBarForreference = FALSE; // bool
public $deliveryError = FALSE; // bool
class WS_ServiceCallContextV2 extends WS_ServiceCallContextVO {
//~ public $commandNumber; // string
public $commercialName; // string
public function __construct() {
$this->commercialName = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_COMMERCIALNAME', 'ONLINE SHOP');
class WS_Letter {
public $password; // string, not null
public $contractNumber; // int, not null
public $profil = 'SPECIFIQUE'; // string
public $service; // ServiceCallContextV2
public $parcel; // ParcelVO
public $dest; // DestEnvVO
public $exp; // ExpEnvVO
public function __construct() {
$this->contractNumber = (int) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_API_CONTRACT');
$this->password = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_API_PASSWORD');
class WS_GetLetterColissimoRequest {
public $letter; // Letter
public function __construct($letter=NULL) {
$this->letter = $letter;
class WS_Contents {
public $article = array(); // ArticleVO, 1..10
public $categorie = 3; // CategorieVO
class WS_ArticleVO {
public $description;
public $quantite;
public $poids;
public $valeur;
public $numTarifaire;
public $paysOrigine = 'FR';
class WS_ParcelVO {
public $insuranceRange = '00'; // string, not null
public $typeGamme; // string, not null
//~ public $parcelNumber; // string, not null
//~ public $returnTypeChoice; // int, not null
//~ public $insuranceValue; // int, not null
//~ public $recommendationLevel; // string, not null
//~ public $RecommendationAmount; // int
public $weight = 0.01; // float, not null, /!\ décimales si > 0 uniquement
public $horsGabarit = FALSE;
//~ public $HorsGabaritAmount; // int
public $DeliveryMode = 'DOM'; // DeliveryModeVO: DOM, RDV, BPR, ACP, CDI, A2P, MRL, CIT, DOS
//public $ReturnReceipt = FALSE; // bool
//public $Recommendation = FALSE; // bool
//~ public $Instructions; // string
//public $RegateCode = ''; // string, vide si domicile, sinon point de livraison
public $contents; // ContentsVO, not null, required if Andorre
class Parcel {
public $mode;
public $parcelVO;
public $getLetterColissimoRequest;
public $letter;
public $serviceCallContextV2;
public $order;
public function __construct() {
$this->mode = (int) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_MODE'); // 0: test, 1: production
$this->serviceCallContextV2 = new WS_ServiceCallContextV2();
$this->parcelVO = new WS_ParcelVO();
$this->letter = new WS_Letter();
$this->letter->parcel = $this->parcelVO;
$this->letter->service = $this->serviceCallContextV2;
$this->letter->dest = new WS_DestEnvVO();
$this->letter->exp = new WS_ExpEnvVO();
$this->letter->contents = new WS_Contents();
public function addArticle($description, $qty, $weight, $value, $wco_nom) {
if(count($this->letter->contents->article) < 10) {
$article = new WS_ArticleVO();
if(mb_strlen($description) > 61) {
$article->description = mb_substr($customs_details[$k]['product_name'], 0, 61).'...';
} else {
$article->description = $description;
$article->quantite = (int) $qty;
$article->poids = str_replace('.00', '', (string) sprintf('%.02f', (float) $weight));
$article->valeur = str_replace('.00', '', (string) sprintf('%.02f', (float) $value));
$article->numTarifaire = $wco_nom;
$this->letter->contents->article[] = $article;
public function getShippingNumber($gamme) {
if($gamme == 'SO+A2P') {
$prefix = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_RANGE_0_P');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('START TRANSACTION');
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `value`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "0"
$max = (int) $res[0]['value'] + 1;
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
SET `value` = "'.(int) $max.'"
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "0"
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1');
} elseif($gamme == 'SO+BPR') {
$prefix = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_RANGE_1_P');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('START TRANSACTION');
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `value`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "1"
$max = (int) $res[0]['value'] + 1;
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
SET `value` = "'.(int) $max.'"
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "1"
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1');
} elseif($gamme == 'SO+DOS') {
$prefix = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_RANGE_2_P');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('START TRANSACTION');
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `value`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "2"
$max = (int) $res[0]['value'] + 1;
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
SET `value` = "'.(int) $max.'"
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "2"
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1');
} elseif($gamme == 'SO+DOM') {
$prefix = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_RANGE_3_P');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('START TRANSACTION');
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `value`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "3"
$max = (int) $res[0]['value'] + 1;
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
SET `value` = "'.(int) $max.'"
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "3"
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1');
} else {
$prefix = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_RANGE_4_P');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('START TRANSACTION');
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `value`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "4"
$max = (int) $res[0]['value'] + 1;
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'logistics_shipping`
SET `value` = "'.(int) $max.'"
WHERE `carrier` = "laposte"
AND `delivery_mode` = "4"
Db::getInstance()->Execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1');
$max = sprintf('%08d', $max);
$key = ((int) substr($max, 0, 1) * 8 + (int) substr($max, 1, 1) * 6 + (int) substr($max, 2, 1) * 4 + (int) substr($max, 3, 1) * 2 + (int) substr($max, 4, 1) * 3 + (int) substr($max, 5, 1) * 5 + (int) substr($max, 6, 1) * 9 + (int) substr($max, 7, 1) * 7) % 11;
if($key == 0) {
$key = 5;
} elseif($key == 1) {
$key = 0;
} else {
$key = 11 - $key;
return $prefix.$max.$key.'FR';
public function attachOrder($id_order) {
global $cookie;
$this->order = new Order($id_order);
if(Validate::isLoadedObject($this->order)) {
$this->serviceCallContextV2->commandNumber = $this->order->id;
$dst_customer = new Customer($this->order->id_customer);
$dst_address = new Address($this->order->id_address_delivery);
$dst_country = new Country($dst_address->id_country);
$dst_address_ws = new WS_AddressVO();
if($dst_address->company != '') {
$dst_address_ws->companyName = mb_substr($dst_address->company, 0, 32);
$dst_address_ws->Name = (string) mb_substr(str_replace(array('’', 'ª', 'ł', 'ň', 'ć', 'ņ', 'č',), array('\'', 'a', 'l', 'n', 'c', 'n', 'c',), $dst_address->firstname), 0, 32);
$dst_address_ws->Surname = (string) mb_substr(strtoupper(str_replace(array('ª', 'ł', 'ň', 'ć', 'ņ', 'č',), array('a', 'l', 'n', 'c', 'n', 'c',), $dst_address->lastname)), 0, 32);
$dst_address_ws->email = (string) $dst_customer->email;
if($dst_address->id_country == 193) {
$dst_address_ws->postalCode = str_replace('SI', '', (string) str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $dst_address->postcode));
} elseif($dst_address->id_country == 125) {
$dst_address_ws->postalCode = str_replace('LV', '', (string) str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $dst_address->postcode));
} else {
$dst_address_ws->postalCode = (string) str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $dst_address->postcode);
$dst_address_ws->city = (string) mb_substr(strtoupper($dst_address->city), 0, 32);
if(in_array($dst_country->iso_code, array('MO', 'GP', 'RE', 'MQ', 'YT', 'NC', 'PM', 'GF'))) {
$dst_address_ws->countryCode = 'FR';
} else {
$dst_address_ws->countryCode = (string) $dst_country->iso_code;
$dst_address_ws->country = (string) mb_substr($dst_country->name[$cookie->id_lang], 0, 32);
&& ($so_data = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'socolissimo_delivery_info`
WHERE `id_cart` = '.(int) $this->order->id_cart.'
AND `id_customer` = '.(int) $this->order->id_customer.'
&& ($so_data['cecountry'] == 'FR' || $so_data['cecountry'] == 'AD' || $so_data['cecountry'] == 'MO')
) {
$this->parcelVO->typeGamme = 'SO';
$unicode_0 = json_decode('"\u0006"');
$unicode_1 = json_decode('"\u200b"');
$unicode_2 = json_decode('"\u00ad"');
$dst_address_ws->email = $so_data['ceemail'];
$dst_address_ws->Name = mb_substr(str_replace('ł', 'l', $so_data['cename']), 0, 32);
$dst_address_ws->Surname = mb_substr(str_replace('ł', 'l', $so_data['cefirstname']), 0, 32);
$address_lines = array();
for($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
if(($line = (string) mb_substr($so_data['pradress'.$i], 0, 32)) != '') {
$address_lines[] = str_replace(
array('Á', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', "\t", "\n", "\r", ' ', '–', '', $unicode_0, $unicode_1, $unicode_2,),
array('A', '', '', '', '', 'a', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '-', '', '', '', '',),
if(count($address_lines) == 1) {
$dst_address_ws->line2 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[0]);
} elseif(count($address_lines) == 2) {
$dst_address_ws->line2 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[0]);
$dst_address_ws->line3 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[1]);
} elseif(count($address_lines) == 3) {
$dst_address_ws->line0 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[0]);
$dst_address_ws->line2 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[1]);
$dst_address_ws->line3 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[2]);
} else {
$dst_address_ws->line0 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[0]);
$dst_address_ws->line1 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[1]);
$dst_address_ws->line2 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[2]);
$dst_address_ws->line3 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā',), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a'), $address_lines[3]);
$dst_address_ws->postalCode = (string) mb_substr($so_data['przipcode'], 0, 32);
$dst_address_ws->city = (string) mb_substr($so_data['prtown'], 0, 32);
$dst_address_ws->MobileNumber = (string) mb_substr($so_data['cephonenumber'], 0, 32);
if(strlen($dst_address_ws->MobileNumber) > 10) {
if(preg_match('/^(0033|\+33|33)[0-9]{9,10}$/', $dst_address_ws->MobileNumber)) {
$dst_address_ws->MobileNumber = '0'.mb_substr(mb_substr($dst_address_ws->MobileNumber, -10), 1);
if(mb_substr($dst_address_ws->MobileNumber, 0, 2) != '06' && mb_substr($dst_address_ws->MobileNumber, 0, 2) != '07') {
$dst_address_ws->MobileNumber = '0600000000';
if(($doorcode = (string) mb_substr($so_data['cedoorcode1'], 0, 32)) != '') {
$dst_address_ws->DoorCode1 = $doorcode;
if(($doorcode = (string) mb_substr($so_data['cedoorcode2'], 0, 32)) != '') {
$dst_address_ws->DoorCode2 = $doorcode;
$this->letter->parcel->Instructions = trim(str_replace(array('°', '|', ' ', '', "\n", "\r"), ' ', (string) $so_data['cedeliveryinformation']));
$this->letter->parcel->DeliveryMode = (string) $so_data['delivery_mode'];
if(!in_array($this->letter->parcel->DeliveryMode, array('DOM', 'DOS', 'RDV'))) {
$this->letter->parcel->RegateCode = $so_data['prid']; //(string) ltrim($so_data['prid'], '0');
} else {
//$this->serviceCallContextV2->serviceType = 'DOM';
if($dst_country->iso_code == 'FR' /*|| $dst_country->iso_code == 'BE'*/) {
$this->parcelVO->typeGamme = 'SO';
} else {
$this->parcelVO->typeGamme = 'EI';
if($dst_country->iso_code != 'FR') {
$this->parcelVO->parcelNumber = $this->getShippingNumber($this->parcelVO->typeGamme.'+'.$this->parcelVO->DeliveryMode);
$this->parcelVO->returnTypeChoice = 3;
$dst_address_ws->line2 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā', 'ė'), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a', 'e'), (string) $dst_address->address1);
$dst_address_ws->line3 = str_replace(array('’', '°', 'º', 'º', 'º', 'ª', 'ā', 'ė'), array('\'', ' ', '', '', '', 'a', 'a', 'e'), (string) $dst_address->address2);
if(in_array($dst_country->iso_code, array('FR', 'AD', 'MO', 'GP', 'RE', 'MQ', 'YT', 'NC', 'PM', 'GF'))) {
if($dst_address->phone != '' && preg_match('/^0[67][0-9]+$/', $dst_address->phone)) {
$dst_address_ws->phone = (string) $dst_address->phone;
} elseif($dst_address->phone_mobile != '' && preg_match('/^0[67][0-9]+$/', $dst_address->phone_mobile)) {
$dst_address_ws->phone = (string) $dst_address->phone_mobile;
if(strlen($dst_address_ws->phone) > 10) {
if(preg_match('/^(0033|\+33|33)[0-9]{9,10}$/', $dst_address_ws->phone)) {
$dst_address_ws->phone = '0'.mb_substr(mb_substr($dst_address_ws->phone, -10), 1);
if(strlen($dst_address_ws->phone_mobile) > 10) {
if(preg_match('/^(0033|\+33|33)[0-9]{9,10}$/', $dst_address_ws->phone_mobile)) {
$dst_address_ws->phone_mobile = '0'.mb_substr(mb_substr($dst_address_ws->phone_mobile, -10), 1);
} else {
/*$this->parcelVO->typeGamme = 'AI';
$this->letter->parcel->DeliveryMode = 'DOM';*/
if($dst_country->iso_code == 'BE') {
if($dst_address->phone != '') {
$dst_address_ws->phone = (string) $dst_address->phone;
} else {
$dst_address_ws->phone = (string) $dst_address->phone_mobile;
$dst_address_ws->MobileNumber = '';
} else {
if($dst_address->phone != '') {
$dst_address_ws->phone = (string) $dst_address->phone;
if($dst_address->phone_mobile != '') {
$dst_address_ws->MobileNumber = (string) $dst_address->phone_mobile;
$this->letter->dest->addressVO = $dst_address_ws;
$this->letter->dest->ref = $this->order->id;
$exp_country = new Country((int) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_COUNTRY'));
$exp_address_ws = new WS_AddressVO();
$exp_address_ws->companyName = (string) mb_substr(Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_COMPANY', ''), 0, 32);
$exp_address_ws->Name = (string) mb_substr(Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_FIRSTNAME', ''), 0, 32);
$exp_address_ws->Surname = (string) mb_substr(strtoupper(Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_LASTNAME', '')), 0, 32);
$exp_address_ws->email = (string) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_EMAIL', '');
$exp_address_ws->postalCode = (string) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_POSTALCODE', '');
$exp_address_ws->city = (string) mb_substr(strtoupper(Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_CITY', '')), 0, 32);
$exp_address_ws->line2 = (string) mb_substr(strtoupper(Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_ADDR1', '')), 0, 32);
$exp_address_ws->line3 = (string) mb_substr(strtoupper(Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_ADDR2', '')), 0, 32);
if(in_array($exp_country->iso_code, array('MO', 'GP', 'RE', 'MQ', 'YT', 'NC', 'PM', 'GF'))) {
$exp_address_ws->countryCode = 'FR';
} else {
$exp_address_ws->countryCode = (string) $exp_country->iso_code;
$exp_address_ws->country = (string) mb_substr($exp_country->name[$cookie->id_lang], 0, 32);
$exp_address_ws->phone = (string) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_EXP_PHONE', '');
if(strlen($exp_address_ws->phone) > 10) {
if(preg_match('/^(0033|\+33|33)[0-9]{9,10}$/', $exp_address_ws->phone)) {
$exp_address_ws->phone = '0'.mb_substr(mb_substr($exp_address_ws->phone, -10), 1);
$this->letter->exp->addressVO = $exp_address_ws;
public function setWeight($weight=0) {
$this->parcelVO->weight = rtrim((string) $weight, '0');
public function send() {
if(Validate::isLoadedObject($this->order)) {
global $cookie;
$c = new SoapClient(
'trace' => $this->mode,
'exceptions' => !$this->mode,
'cache_wsdl' => $this->mode? WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY: WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
$this->getLetterColissimoRequest = new WS_GetLetterColissimoRequest($this->letter);
try {
/*if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
$x = $c->getLetterColissimo($this->getLetterColissimoRequest);
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
mail('perron@antadis.com', 'PSS TEST PANZOU', serialize($c->__getLastRequest())."\n".serialize($c->__getLastResponse())."\n".serialize($x)."\r\n\r\n".serialize($this->getLetterColissimoRequest));
return $x;
if($this->letter->dest->addressVO->countryCode == 'FR') {
// $x = $c->getLetterColissimo(array('in0' => $this->letter));
$x = $c->getLetterColissimo($this->getLetterColissimoRequest);
/*if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
mail('perron@antadis.com', 'PSS TEST PANZOU', serialize($x)."\r\n\r\n".serialize($this->getLetterColissimoRequest));
} else {
//if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
$this->getLetterColissimoRequest->letter->contractNumber = (int) Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_API_CONTRACT2');
$this->getLetterColissimoRequest->letter->password = Configuration::get('LAPOSTEWS_API_PASSWORD2');
$x = $c->genererEtiquetteBIC3($this->getLetterColissimoRequest);
mail('perron@antadis.com', 'BBB TEST LOG', serialize($x)."\r\n\r\n".serialize($this->getLetterColissimoRequest));
return $x;
} catch(Exception $e) {
mail('perron@antadis.com', 'BBB TEST LOG', serialize($x)."\r\n\r\n".serialize($this->getLetterColissimoRequest)."\n".serialize($e));
return $e;
} else {
return FALSE;