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2016-01-04 12:49:26 +01:00

609 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <>
* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
* @version Release: $Revision: 10348 $
* @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* Interface
* Allow to create tickets - 'WSI2_CreationEtiquette'
class MRCreateTickets implements IMondialRelayWSMethod
private $_fields = array(
'id_mr_selected' => 0,
'list' => array(
'Enseigne' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z ]{6}$#'),
'ModeCol' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(CCC|CDR|CDS|REL)$#'),
'ModeLiv' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(LCC|LD1|LDS|24R|ESP|DRI)$#'),
'NDossier' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|[0-9A-Z_ -]{0,15})$#'),
'NClient' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|[0-9A-Z]{0,9})$#'),
'Expe_Langage' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'Expe_Ad1' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{2,32}$#'),
'Expe_Ad2' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{0,32}$#'),
'Expe_Ad3' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{0,32}$#'),
'Expe_Ad4' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z ]{6}$#'),
'Expe_Ville' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z_\-\' ]{2,26}$#'),
'Expe_CP' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'params' => array(),
'methodValidation' => 'checkZipcodeByCountry'),
'Expe_Pays' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'Expe_Tel1' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^((00|\+)[1-9]{2}|0)[0-9][0-9]{7,8}$#'),
'Expe_Tel2' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^((00|\+)[1-9]{2}|0)[0-9][0-9]{7,8}$#'),
'Expe_Mail' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[\w\-\.\@_]{0,70}$#'),
'Dest_Langage' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'Dest_Ad1' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{2,32}$#'),
'Dest_Ad2' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{2,32}$#'),
'Dest_Ad3' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{2,32}$#'),
'Dest_Ad4' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{0,32}$#'),
'Dest_Ville' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z_\-\' ]{2,26}$#'),
'Dest_CP' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'params' => array(),
'methodValidation' => 'checkZipcodeByCountry'),
'Dest_Pays' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'Dest_Tel1' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^((00|\+)[1-9]{2}|0)[0-9][0-9]{7,8}$#'),
'Dest_Tel2' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^((00|\+)[1-9]{2}|0)[0-9][0-9]{7,8}$#'),
'Dest_Mail' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[\w\-\.\@_]{0,70}$#'),
'Poids' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9]{3,7}$#'),
'Longueur' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9]{0,3}$#'),
'Taille' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(XS|S|M|L|XL|XXL|3XL)$#'),
'NbColis' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9]{1,2}$#'),
'CRT_Valeur' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9]{1,7}$#'),
'CRT_Devise' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|EUR)$#'),
'Exp_Valeur' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9]{0,7}$#'),
'Exp_Devise' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|EUR)$#'),
'COL_Rel_Pays' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'COL_Rel' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|[0-9]{6})$#'),
'LIV_Rel_Pays' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[A-Z]{2}$#'),
'LIV_Rel' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|[0-9]{6})$#'),
'TAvisage' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|O|N)$#'),
'TReprise' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|O|N)$#'),
'Montage' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|[0-9]{1,3})$#'),
'TRDV' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|O|N)$#'),
'Assurance' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^(|[0-9A-Z]{1})$#'),
'Instructions' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z_\-\'., /]{0,31}#'),
'Security' => array(
'required' => true,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^[0-9A-Z]{32}$#'),
'Texte' => array(
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'regexValidation' => '#^([^<>&\']{3,30})(\(cr\)[^<>&\']{0,30}){0,9}$#')));
private $_orderListId = NULL;
private $_totalOrder = 0;
private $_weightList = NULL;
private $_mondialRelay = NULL;
private $_fieldsList = array();
private $_webServiceKey = '';
private $_markCode = '';
private $_resultList = array(
'error' => array(),
'success' => array());
private $_webserviceURL = '';
public function __construct($params)
$this->_orderListId = $params['orderIdList'];
$this->_totalOrder = $params['totalOrder'];
$this->_weightList = $params['weightList'];
$this->_webServiceKey = Configuration::get('MR_KEY_WEBSERVICE');
$this->_markCode = Configuration::get('MR_CODE_MARQUE');
public function __destruct()
* Build a correct weight format (NNNNN)
private function _weightFormat($weight)
while (strlen($weight) != 5)
$weight = '0'.$weight;
return $weight;
* Set the default value to the order paramaters
private function _setRequestDefaultValue()
$this->_fields['list']['Enseigne']['value'] = Configuration::get('MR_ENSEIGNE_WEBSERVICE');
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Langage']['value'] = Configuration::get('MR_LANGUAGE');
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Ad1']['value'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME');
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Ad3']['value'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1');
// Deleted, cause to many failed for the process
// $this->_fields['list']['Expe_Ad4']['value'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR2');
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Ville']['value'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY');
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_CP']['value'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE');
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_CP']['params']['id_country'] = Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT');
if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.4')
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Pays']['value'] = Country::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY_ID'));
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Pays']['value'] = substr(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'), 0, 2);
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Tel1']['value'] = str_replace(array('.', ' ', '-', '_'), '', Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE'));
$this->_fields['list']['Expe_Mail']['value'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL');
$this->_fields['list']['NbColis']['value'] = 1;
$this->_fields['list']['CRT_Valeur']['value'] = 0;
$this->_fields['list']['CRT_Devise']['value'] = 'EUR';
* Initiate the data needed to be send properly
* Can manage a list of data for multiple request
public function init()
$this->_mondialRelay = new MondialRelay();
if ($this->_totalOrder == 0)
throw new Exception($this->_mondialRelay->l('Please select at least one order'));
if (count($orderListDetails = $this->_mondialRelay->getOrders($this->_orderListId)))
foreach ($orderListDetails as $orderDetail)
// Storage temporary
$base = $this->_fields;
$tmp = &$base['list'];
$deliveriesAddress = new Address($orderDetail['id_address_delivery']);
$customer = new Customer($orderDetail['id_customer']);
// Store the weight order set by the user
foreach($this->_weightList as $orderWeightInfos)
$detail = explode('-', $orderWeightInfos);
if (count($detail) == 2 && $detail[1] == $orderDetail['id_order'])
$tmp['Poids']['value'] = $this->_weightFormat($detail[0]);
$destIsoCode = Country::getIsoById($deliveriesAddress->id_country);
$tmp['ModeCol']['value'] = $orderDetail['mr_ModeCol'];
$tmp['ModeLiv']['value'] = $orderDetail['mr_ModeLiv'];
$tmp['NDossier']['value'] = $orderDetail['id_order'];
$tmp['NClient']['value'] = $orderDetail['id_customer'];
$tmp['Dest_Langage']['value'] = 'FR'; //Language::getIsoById($orderDetail['id_lang']);
$tmp['Dest_Ad1']['value'] = substr($deliveriesAddress->firstname.' '.$deliveriesAddress->lastname, 0, 32);;
$tmp['Dest_Ad2']['value'] = substr($deliveriesAddress->address2, 0, 32);
$tmp['Dest_Ad3']['value'] = substr($deliveriesAddress->address1, 0, 32);
$tmp['Dest_Ville']['value'] = $deliveriesAddress->city;
$tmp['Dest_CP']['value'] = $deliveriesAddress->postcode;
$tmp['Dest_CP']['params']['id_country'] = $deliveriesAddress->id_country;
$tmp['Dest_Pays']['value'] = $destIsoCode;
$tmp['Dest_Tel1']['value'] = str_replace(array('.', ' ', '-', '_'), '', $deliveriesAddress->phone);
$tmp['Dest_Tel2']['value'] = str_replace(array('.', ' ', '-', '_'), '', $deliveriesAddress->phone_mobile);
$tmp['Dest_Mail']['value'] = $customer->email;
$tmp['Assurance']['value'] = $orderDetail['mr_ModeAss'];
if ($orderDetail['MR_Selected_Num'] != 'LD1' && $orderDetail['MR_Selected_Num'] != 'LDS')
$tmp['LIV_Rel_Pays']['value'] = $orderDetail['MR_Selected_Pays'];
$tmp['LIV_Rel']['value'] = $orderDetail['MR_Selected_Num'];
// Store the necessary information to the root case table
$base['id_mr_selected'] = $orderDetail['id_mr_selected'];
// Add the temporary values to a field list for multiple request
$this->_fieldsList[] = $base;
* Generate the MD5 key for each param list
private function _generateMD5SecurityKey()
// RootCase is the array case where the main information are stored
// it's an array containing id_mr_selected and an array with the necessary fields
foreach($this->_fieldsList as &$rootCase)
$concatenationValue = '';
foreach($rootCase['list'] as $paramName => &$valueDetailed)
if ($paramName != 'Texte' && $paramName != 'Security')
// Mac server make an empty string instead of a cleaned string
// TODO : test on windows and linux server
$cleanedString = MRTools::replaceAccentedCharacters($valueDetailed['value']);
$valueDetailed['value'] = !empty($cleanedString) ? strtoupper($cleanedString) : strtoupper($valueDetailed['value']);
// Call a pointer function if exist to do different test
if (isset($valueDetailed['methodValidation']) &&
method_exists('MRTools', $valueDetailed['methodValidation']) &&
isset($valueDetailed['params']) &&
MRTools::$valueDetailed['methodValidation']($valueDetailed['value'], $valueDetailed['params']))
$concatenationValue .= $valueDetailed['value'];
// Use simple Regex test given by MondialRelay
else if (isset($valueDetailed['regexValidation']) &&
preg_match($valueDetailed['regexValidation'], $valueDetailed['value'], $matches))
$concatenationValue .= $valueDetailed['value'];
// If the key is required, we set an error, else it's skipped
else if ((!strlen($valueDetailed['value']) && $valueDetailed['required']) || strlen($valueDetailed['value']))
if (empty($valueDetailed['value']))
$error = $this->_mondialRelay->l('This key').' ['.$paramName.'] '.$this->_mondialRelay->l('is empty and need to be filled');
$error = 'This key ['.$paramName.'] hasn\'t a valid value format : '.$valueDetailed['value'];
$this->_resultList['error'][$rootCase['list']['NDossier']['value']][] = $error;
$concatenationValue .= $this->_webServiceKey;
$rootCase['list']['Security']['value' ] = strtoupper(md5($concatenationValue));
* Update the tables used and send mail with the order history
private function _updateTable($params, $expeditionNum, $ticketURL, $trackingURL, $id_mr_selected)
global $cookie;
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'mr_selected`
SET `MR_poids` = \''.pSQL($params['Poids']).'\',
`exp_number` = \''.pSQL($expeditionNum).'\',
`url_etiquette` = \''.pSQL($ticketURL).'\',
`url_suivi` = \''.pSQL($trackingURL).'\'
WHERE id_mr_selected = '.(int)$id_mr_selected);
// NDossier contains the id_order
$order = new Order($params['NDossier']);
// Update the database for order and orderHistory
$order->shipping_number = $expeditionNum;
$templateVars = array('{followup}' => $trackingURL);
$orderState = (Configuration::get('PS_OS_SHIPPING')) ?
Configuration::get('PS_OS_SHIPPING') :
$history = new OrderHistory();
$history->id_order = (int)$params['NDossier'];
$history->changeIdOrderState($orderState, (int)$params['NDossier']);
$history->id_employee = (int)$cookie->id_employee;
$history->addWithemail(true, $templateVars);
* Manage the return value of the webservice, handle the errors or build the
* succeed message
private function _parseResult($client, $result, $params, $id_mr_selected)
$errors = &$this->_resultList['error'][$params['NDossier']];
$success = &$this->_resultList['success'][$params['NDossier']];
if ($client->fault)
$errors[] = $this->_mondialRelay->l('It seems the request isn\'t valid:').
$result = $result['WSI2_CreationEtiquetteResult'];
if (($errorNumber = $result['STAT']) != 0)
$errors[] = $this->_mondialRelay->l('There is an error number : ').$errorNumber;
$errors[] = $this->_mondialRelay->l('Details : ').
$baseURL = '';
$expedition = $result['ExpeditionNum'];
$securityKey = strtoupper(md5('<'.$params['Enseigne'].$this->_markCode.
$ticketURL = $baseURL.$result['URL_Etiquette'];
$trackingURL = $baseURL.
$success['displayExpedition'] = $this->_mondialRelay->l('Expedition Number : ') . $expedition;
$success['displayTicketURL'] = $this->_mondialRelay->l('Ticket URL : ') . $ticketURL;
$success['displayTrackingURL'] = $this->_mondialRelay->l('Tracking URL: ') . $trackingURL;
$success['expeditionNumber'] = $expedition;
$this->_updateTable($params, $expedition, $ticketURL, $trackingURL, $id_mr_selected);
* Send one or multiple request to the webservice
public function send()
if ($client = new nusoap_client($this->_webserviceURL, true))
$client->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
$client->decode_utf8 = false;
foreach($this->_fieldsList as $rootCase)
$params = $this->_getSimpleParamArray($rootCase['list']);
$result = $client->call(
$this->_parseResult($client, $result, $params, $rootCase['id_mr_selected']);
throw new Exception($this->_mondialRelay->l('The Mondial Relay webservice isn\'t currently reliable'));
** Check if the shop parameter are currently well configured
public function checkPreValidation()
$errorList = array('error' => array(), 'warn' => array());
if (!$this->_mondialRelay)
$this->_mondialRelay = new MondialRelay();
$list = array(
'Expe_Langage' => array(
'value' => Configuration::get('MR_LANGUAGE'),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your language configuration')),
'Expe_Ad1' => array(
'value' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your shop name configuration')),
'Expe_Ad3' => array(
'value' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1'),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your address 1 configuration')),
'Expe_Ville' => array(
'value' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY'),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your city configuration')),
'Expe_CP' => array(
'value' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE'),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your zipcode configuration'),
'warn' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('It seems the layout of your zipcode country is not configured or you didn\'t set a right zipcode')),
'Expe_Pays' => array(
'value' => ((_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.4') ?
Country::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY_ID')) :
substr(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'), 0, 2)),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your country configuration')),
'Expe_Tel1' => array(
'value' => str_replace(array('.', ' ', '-'), '', Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE')),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your Phone configuration')),
'Expe_Mail' => array(
'value' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL'),
'error' => $this->_mondialRelay->l('Please check your mail configuration')));
foreach($list as $name => $tab)
// Mac server make an empty string instead of a cleaned string
// TODO : test on windows and linux server
$cleanedString = MRTools::replaceAccentedCharacters($tab['value']);
$tab['value'] = !empty($cleanedString) ? strtoupper($cleanedString) : strtoupper($tab['value']);
if ($name == 'Expe_CP')
if (!($zipcodeError = MRTools::checkZipcodeByCountry($tab['value'], array(
'id_country' => Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT')))))
$errorList['error'][$name] = $tab['error'];
else if ($zipcodeError < 0)
$errorList['warn'][$name] = $tab['warn'];
else if (isset($this->_fields['list'][$name]['regexValidation']) &&
(!preg_match($this->_fields['list'][$name]['regexValidation'], $tab['value'], $matches)))
$errorList['error'][$name] = $tab['error'];
return $errorList;
* Get the values with associated fields name
* @fields : array containing multiple values information
private function _getSimpleParamArray($fields)
$params = array();
foreach($fields as $keyName => $valueDetailed)
$params[$keyName] = $valueDetailed['value'];
return $params;
* Return the fields list
public function getFieldsList()
return $this->_fieldsList['list'];
* Return the result of one or multiple sent requests
public function getResult()
return $this->_resultList;
* Return which number order of the list is currently managed
public static function getCurrentRequestUnderTraitment()
// TODO: Build a SQL Query to know how many request have been executed