Marion Muszynski fff250224a fix testPaxbox
2017-05-04 14:03:15 +02:00

695 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
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class Paybox extends PaymentModule
public $bin_dir;
public function __construct()
$this->name = 'paybox';
$this->version = '3.3.8';
$this->author = 'PrestaShop';
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '') >= 0)
$this->tab = 'payments_gateways';
$this->tab = 'Payment';
$this->module_key = '170f3891caee2f46fbbad73f0ce74276';
/** Backward compatibility */
$this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
$this->displayName = $this->l('Paybox');
$this->description = $this->l('This payment module for banks using Paybox allows your customers to pay by Credit Card');
$this->bin_dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/cgi/';
public function install()
return (
parent::install() && $this->registerHook('payment')
&& $this->registerHook('orderConfirmation')
&& $this->registerHook('cancelProduct')
&& $this->registerHook('cancelShipping')
public function hookOrderConfirmation($params)
global $smarty;
if ($params['objOrder']->module != $this->name)
if ($params['objOrder']->valid)
'mobile' => (_PS_MOBILE_) ? 1 : 0,
'status' => 'ok',
'id_order' => $params['objOrder']->id)
$smarty->assign('status', 'failed');
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'hookorderconfirmation.tpl');
public function getProperBin()
$file_list = Tools::scandir($this->bin_dir, '');
$ignore_list = array('.', '..', 'index.php', 'modulev2.exe');
$handle = array_diff($file_list, $ignore_list);
foreach ($handle as $file)
$is_response = stristr($file, 'module');
if($is_response !== false)
$result = $this->simpleExec($this->bin_dir.$file);
if (!empty($result))
if ($file == 'modulev2.cgi')
$suffix = str_replace('modulev2', '', $file);
unset($handle, $file, $ignore_list, $file_list);
public function renameBin($suffix)
if (file_exists($this->bin_dir.$suffix))
rename($this->bin_dir.'modulev2.cgi', $this->bin_dir.'modulev2_old.cgi');
rename($this->bin_dir.$suffix, $this->bin_dir.'modulev2.cgi');
public function simpleExec($cmd)
exec($cmd, $output);
return ($output);
public function getContent()
$exec = is_callable('exec');
$is_win = (Tools::strtoupper(Tools::substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');
// Binary auto configuration
if ($exec && (int)$is_win === 0)
$result = $this->simpleExec($this->bin_dir.'modulev2.cgi');
if (empty($result))
$html = '';
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitPaybox'))
Configuration::updateValue('PBX_SITE', trim(Tools::getValue('PBX_SITE')));
Configuration::updateValue('PBX_RANG', trim(Tools::getValue('PBX_RANG')));
Configuration::updateValue('PBX_ID', trim(Tools::getValue('PBX_ID')));
Configuration::updateValue('PBX_DEMO_MODE', (int)Tools::getValue('demo_mode'));
$html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l(' Configuration updated'));
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitPaybox2'))
Configuration::updateValue('PBX_3X', Tools::getValue('PBX_3X'));
Configuration::updateValue('PBX_DELAY', Tools::getValue('PBX_DELAY'));
$html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l(' Options updated'));
$html .= '<h2>'.$this->displayName.'</h2>
<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
<form action="'.htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'" method="post">
<label>'.$this->l('Site number (TPE)').'</label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" name="PBX_SITE" value="'.Tools::getValue('PBX_SITE', Configuration::get('PBX_SITE')).'" />
<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
<label>'.$this->l('Rang (2 digits)').'</label>
<div class="margin-form">
<td><input type="text" name="PBX_RANG" value="'.Tools::getValue('PBX_RANG', Configuration::get('PBX_RANG')).'" />
<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
<label>'.$this->l('Paybox ID').'</label>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="text" name="PBX_ID" value="'.Tools::getValue('PBX_ID', Configuration::get('PBX_ID')).'" />
<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="margin-form">
<input type="radio" name="demo_mode" value="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" '.(!Tools::getValue('demo_mode', Configuration::get('PBX_DEMO_MODE')) ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' />
<b><span style="color: #900;">'.$this->l('Test').'</span></b>&nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="demo_mode" value="1" style="vertical-align: middle;" '.(Tools::getValue('demo_mode', Configuration::get('PBX_DEMO_MODE')) ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' />
<b><span style="color: #080;">'.$this->l('Production').'</span></b><br /><br />
'.$this->l('URL of the merchand test account backoffice :').'<br />
'.$this->l('The username and password are the same that for your production account.').'<br /><br />
'.$this->l('Here are the test informations you have to use on test mode :').'<br />
'.$this->l('Site Number (TPE) 1999888').'<br />
'.$this->l('Rang 99').'<br />
'.$this->l('Paybox ID 2').'<br /><br />
<b><span style="color: #900;">'.$this->l('Before moving paybox into production mode, you must first set your Paybox account into production mode otherwise you will get a payment error.').'</span></b>
<div class="margin-form">
<input class="button" name="submitPaybox" value="'.$this->l('Update settings').'" type="submit" />
<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
<legend>PrestaShop Addons</legend>
<b>'.$this->l('Thank you for choosing a module developed by the Addons Team of PrestaShop.').'</a></b><br /><br />
'.$this->l('If you encounter a problem using the module, our team is at your service via the ').' <a href="">'.$this->l('contact form').'</a>.
return $html;
public function loadKey($keyfile, $pub=true, $pass='')
$keyfile = dirname(__FILE__).'/pubkey.pem';
$fpk = $filedata = $key = false; // initialisation variables
$fsize = filesize( $keyfile ); // taille du fichier
if( !$fsize ) return false; // si erreur on quitte de suite
$fpk = fopen( $keyfile, 'r' ); // ouverture fichier
if( !$fpk ) return false; // si erreur ouverture on quitte
$filedata = fread( $fpk, $fsize ); // lecture contenu fichier
fclose( $fpk ); // fermeture fichier
if( !$filedata ) return false; // si erreur lecture, on quitte
if( $pub )
$key = openssl_pkey_get_public( $filedata ); // recuperation de la cle publique
else // ou recuperation de la cle privee
$key = openssl_pkey_get_private( array( $filedata, $pass ));
return $key; // renvoi cle ( ou erreur )
// comme precise la documentation Paybox, la signature doit <20>tre
// obligatoirement en derni<6E>re position pour que cela fonctionne
public function GetSignedData( $qrystr, &$data, &$sig, $url ) // renvoi les donnes signees et la signature
$pos = strrpos( $qrystr, '&' ); // cherche dernier separateur
$data = substr( $qrystr, 0, $pos ); // et voila les donnees signees
$pos= strpos( $qrystr, '=', $pos ) + 1; // cherche debut valeur signature
$sig = substr( $qrystr, $pos ); // et voila la signature
if( $url ) $sig = urldecode( $sig ); // decodage signature url
$sig = base64_decode( $sig ); // decodage signature base 64
// $querystring = chaine enti<74>re retourn<72>e par Paybox lors du retour au site (m<>thode GET)
// $keyfile = chemin d'acc<63>s complet au fichier de la cl<63> publique Paybox
public function PbxVerSign( $qrystr, $keyfile, $url ) // verification signature Paybox
$key = self::loadKey($keyfile); // chargement de la cle
if( !$key ) return -1; // si erreur chargement cle
// penser <20> openssl_error_string() pour diagnostic openssl si erreur
self::GetSignedData( $qrystr, $data, $sig, $url ); // separation et recuperation signature et donnees
return openssl_verify( $data, $sig, $key ); // verification : 1 si valide, 0 si invalide, -1 si erreur
public function hookPayment($params)
global $cart, $smarty;
$customer = new Customer((int)$cart->id_customer);
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
if(_PS_MOBILE_) {
'PBX_PAYBOX' => '',
'PBX_BACKUP1' => ''
$ps_url = ((Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] == '443')) ? 'https://' : 'http://').$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__;
$pbx_total = (int)sprintf('%f', number_format(Tools::convertPrice($cart->getOrderTotal(), null, false), 2, '.', '') * 100);
$pbx_link = $ps_url.'modules/'.$this->name.'/paiement.php';
$pbx_link_plus = $ps_url.'modules/'.$this->name.'/direct_paiement.php';
// verif if there's at least one order with this delivery address
$orders_with_delivery_address = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT COUNT(o.`id_order`)
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o
WHERE o.`id_address_delivery` = '.(int)$cart->id_address_delivery.'
AND o.`id_customer` = '.(int)$cart->id_customer.'
o.valid = 1
OR (
o.valid = 0
AND (SELECT h.id_order_state FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_history` h WHERE h.id_order = o.id_order ORDER BY h.date_add DESC LIMIT 1) NOT IN (6,8,15,16,18)
// $isInGroupTest = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
// SELECT COUNT(cg.`id_group`)
// FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group cg
// WHERE cg.`id_customer` = '.(int)$cart->id_customer.'
// AND cg.`id_group` = 2
// ');
//if ($isInGroupTest == 0 || $orders_with_delivery_address == 0){
if ($orders_with_delivery_address == 0){
$paybox_cards = array();
} else {
$paybox_cards = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
SELECT `id_paybox_card`, `value`, `date`, `payment_type`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paybox_customer_agreement`
WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)$cart->id_customer.'
foreach ($paybox_cards as $key => $card) {
$paybox_cards[$key]['date_validity'] = substr_replace($card['date'],'/',-2,0);
'PBX_MODE' => 1,
'pbx_link' => $pbx_link,
'PBX_TOTAL' => $pbx_total,
'pbx_picture' => 'paybox',
'pbx_text' => $this->l('Pay by credit card with Paybox'),
'paybox_cards' => $paybox_cards,
'pbx_link_plus' => $pbx_link_plus
return ($this->display(__FILE__, 'hookpayment.tpl'));
public function validateOrder($id_cart, $id_order_state, $amount_paid, $payment_method = 'Unknown', $message = null, $transaction = array(), $currency_special = null, $dont_touch_amount = false, $secure_key = false, $values = array())
if ($this->active)
parent::validateOrder((int)$id_cart, (int)$id_order_state, (float)$amount_paid, $payment_method, $message, $transaction, $currency_special, $dont_touch_amount, $secure_key);
if(!empty($values) && isset($values['i'])) {
if (!class_exists('Fraud')) {
include_once _MODULE_DIR_.'fraud/fraud.php';
$fraud = new Fraud();
* Save Information de Paiement Paybox (retour de la banque)
* @param array $values Tableau de retour Paybox
public function saveInformationPaiement($values,$direct_plus=false) {
|| !empty($values['u'])
&& !$direct_plus
) {
$cart = new Cart((int)$values["r"]);
$sql_cart = 'SELECT `num_transaction`
FROM `ps_paybox_transaction`
WHERE `id_cart` = ' .(int)$values["r"];
$exists = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql_cart);
if (empty($exists)) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `ps_paybox_transaction`
(`amount`, `id_cart`, `num_appel`, `num_autorisation`, `paiement`, `type`, `num_transaction`, `code_erreur`, `date_carte`, `date_add`, `is_saved_card`)
'. (int)$values["m"] .',
'. (int)$values["r"] .',
'. (int)$values["t"] .',
"'. pSQL($values["p"]) .'",
"'. pSQL($values["c"]) .'",
"'. pSQL($values["a"]) .'",
'. (int)$values["s"] .',
"'. pSQL($values["e"]) .'",
"'. pSQL($values["d"]) .'",
"'. date("Y-m-d H:i:s").'",
$save = Db::getInstance()->execute($sql);
if(!$save) {
mail('', 'Erreur save commande', serialize($values));
mail('', '[BBB] Erreur save commande', serialize($values));
* Save Information de carte Paiement Paybox (retour de la banque + handle de la cart)
* @param array $values Tableau de retour Paybox
public function saveInformationCB($values,$id_customer) {
$handle = explode(' ',$values['u']);
$date = substr($values["d"], -2).substr($values["d"], 0, 2);
$payment = str_replace("_", " ",$values["c"]);
$customer = new Customer((int)$id_customer);
$refabonne = $customer->email;
$exists = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT `id_paybox_card`
FROM `ps_paybox_customer_agreement`
WHERE `handle` = "'.pSQL($handle[0]).'"
AND `date`="'.pSQL($date).'"
AND `payment_type`="'.pSQL($payment).'"
AND `id_customer`='.(int)$id_customer.'
if (empty($exists)) {
$count_cards = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT COUNT(`id_paybox_card`)
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paybox_customer_agreement`
WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)$id_customer.'
if ($count_cards) {
$refabonne = $customer->email.((int)$count_cards+1);
$num_value = $values["n"].'XXXXX'.$values["j"];
$save = Db::getInstance()->execute('
INSERT INTO `ps_paybox_customer_agreement`
'. (int)$id_customer .',
"'. pSQL($refabonne) .'",
"'. pSQL($handle[0]) .'",
"'. pSQL($num_value) .'",
"'. pSQL($payment) .'"
if(!$save) {
mail('', 'Erreur save card', http_build_query($values,'',', '));
public function hookcancelShipping($params) {
global $cookie;
if(Tools::getValue('noCancelHook')) {
// if(Tools::isSubmit('generateDiscount'))
// return false;
if($params['order']->module != $this->name)
return false;
if(!($order = $params['order']) OR !Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
return false;
if($cookie->profile == 1
|| $cookie->profile == 7
|| $cookie->profile == 14
|| $cookie->profile == 11) {
if(!$order->hasBeenPaid()) {
// mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
} else {
if ($order->payment == "Paybox") {
public function hookcancelProduct($params) {
global $cookie;
// if(Tools::isSubmit('generateDiscount')) {
// return FALSE;
// }
if($params['order']->module != $this->name) {
return FALSE;
if(!($order_detail = new OrderDetail((int)($params['id_order_detail'])))
|| !Validate::isLoadedObject($order_detail)) {
return FALSE;
$employee = new Employee((int) $cookie->id_employee);
if(!Validate::isLoadedObject($employee)) {
return FALSE;
if (Tools::isSubmit('generateCreditSlip')) {
if($cookie->profile == 1
|| $cookie->profile == 7
|| $cookie->profile == 14
|| $cookie->profile == 11) {
$order = new Order($order_detail->id_order);
if ($order->payment == "Paybox") {
if(!$order->hasBeenPaid()) {
// mail('', 'Erreur remboursement la commande nest pas valide pour etre rembourse', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
mail('', 'Erreur remboursement', 'Erreur de remboursement sur la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order . ' la commande n\'a pas été payée.');
} else {
* Rembourse un Order Detail
* @param int $id_order_detail Numéro de ligne de commande à refund
public function refundProduct($id_order_detail) {
global $cookie;
$order_detail = new OrderDetail($id_order_detail);
$order = new Order($order_detail->id_order);
$transaction = $this->loadTransaction($order->id_cart);
if(empty($transaction)) {
return false;
} else {
$products = $order->getProducts();
// quantite deja envoye
$send_quantity = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT `quantity`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'lapostews`
WHERE `id_order_detail` = '. (int) $order_detail->id
$quantity_available = $order_detail->product_quantity;
// $quantity_available = $order_detail->product_quantity - (($send_quantity - $order_detail->product_quantity_return));
if ( $_POST['cancelQuantity'][(int) $order_detail->id] <= $quantity_available) {
$total_shipping = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT `shipping_cost`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_slip`
WHERE `id_order` = '.(int) $order->id.'
AND `shipping_cost` = 1
$total_refunded = (float) Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT SUM(ROUND((product_price * (1 - reduction_percent / 100) - reduction_amount) * (1 - group_reduction / 100) * (1 + tax_rate / 100), 2) * product_quantity_refunded)
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail`
WHERE `id_order` = '.(int) $order->id.'
AND `id_order_detail` != '.(int) $order_detail->id.'
$amt = $products[(int) $order_detail->id]['product_price_wt'] * (int) ($_POST['cancelQuantity'][(int) $order_detail->id]);
$montant = min($amt, $order->total_paid_real - ((int) $total_shipping * $order->total_shipping) - $total_refunded);
$refund = $this->sendRefundPaybox($montant, 978, $transaction['num_transaction'], $order->id_cart, $transaction['num_appel']);
if (!$refund) {
// mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement produit', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
} else {
$this->refundSave($order_detail->id_order, $order_detail->id, $montant, $cookie->id_employee);
} else {
// mail('', 'Erreur dans la quantité du remboursement pas de num de transaction', 'Erreur remboursement pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
mail('', 'Erreur dans la quantité du remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
mail('', 'Erreur dans la quantité du remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
mail('', 'Erreur dans la quantité du remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement pour la commande ' . $order_detail->id_order);
* Remboursement des frais de port d'une commande
* @param Object $order
public function refundShipping($order) {
global $cookie;
$total_refunded = (float) Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT SUM(ROUND((product_price * (1 - reduction_percent / 100) - reduction_amount) * (1 - group_reduction / 100) * (1 + tax_rate / 100), 2) * product_quantity_refunded)
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail`
WHERE `id_order` = '.(int) $order->id.'
$transaction = $this->loadTransaction($order->id_cart);
if(empty($transaction)) {
return false;
} else {
$montant = $order->total_shipping;
$montant = Tools::ps_round(min($montant, $order->total_paid_real - $total_refunded), 2);
if($montant > 0) {
$refund = $this->sendRefundPaybox($montant, 978, $transaction['num_transaction'], $order->id_cart, $transaction['num_appel']);
if (!$refund) {
// mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement des shippings', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order->id);
mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order->id);
mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order->id);
mail('', 'Erreur dans le remboursement', 'Erreur remboursement échoué pour la commande ' . $order->id);
} else {
$this->refundSave($order->id, 0, $montant, $cookie->id_employee);
* Génére un remboursement PAYBOX
* @param float $montant Montant à rembourser
* @param int $devise Numéro de la devise
* @param int $num_transaction Numéro unique de transaction retourné par Paybox au paiement initial
* @param int $reference Numéro de référence de la commande (id_cart)
* @param int $num_appel Numéro d'appel retourné par Paybox au paiement initial
public function sendRefundPaybox($montant, $devise, $num_transaction, $reference, $num_appel) {
$curl = curl_init('');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
$pbx_site = trim(Configuration::get('PBX_SITE'));
$pbx_rang = trim(Configuration::get('PBX_RANG'));
$pbx_id = trim(Configuration::get('PBX_ID'));
$num_question = Configuration::get('NUM_QUESTION_PAYBOX') + 1;
Configuration::updateValue('NUM_QUESTION_PAYBOX', $num_question);
$montant = $montant * 100;
$montant = str_pad($montant, 10, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$postfields = array(
'VERSION' => '00104',
'TYPE' => '00014',
'SITE' => $pbx_site,
'RANG' => $pbx_rang,
// 'IDENTIFIANT' => $pbx_id,
'NUMQUESTION' => $num_question,
'MONTANT' => $montant,
'DEVISE' => $devise,
'NUMTRANS' => $num_transaction,
'NUMAPPEL' => $num_appel,
'REFERENCE' => $reference,
'DATEQ' => date('dmYHis')
$trame = http_build_query($postfields, '', '&');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $trame);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$data = explode('&', $response);
$code_reponse = explode('CODEREPONSE=', $data[6]);
// refund success
if ( $code_reponse[1] == "00000"
|| $code_reponse[0] == "00000") {
return true;
} else {
// mail('', 'Soucis remboursement reponse globale', json_encode($response));
// mail('', 'Soucis remboursement envoi + code reponse', json_encode($postfields).' -- '.json_encode($code_reponse));
// mail('', 'post remboursement', $num_transaction .' -- '. json_encode($code_reponse));
return false;
* Save refund transaction in BDD when its OK
* @param int $id_order
* @param int $id_order_detail
* @param int $montant
* @param int $id_employee
protected function refundSave($id_order, $id_order_detail = 0, $montant, $id_employee) {
INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'refund_transaction`
(`id_order`, `id_order_detail`, `amount`, `date`, `id_employee`)
'. (int)$id_order .',
'. (int)$id_order_detail .',
'. $montant * 100 .',
"'. date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .'",
'. (int)$id_employee .'
* Load les informations d'une transaction paybox
* @param int $id_cart Numéro du panier à charger
* @return array Les informations de transaction
public function loadTransaction($id_cart) {
return Db::getInstance()->getRow('
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'paybox_transaction`
WHERE `id_cart` = '. (int)$id_cart
* Recupere la liste des remboursements effectués sur un id cmomande
* @param int $order_id id de la commande
* @return array
public static function getAllRefundbyOrder($order_id) {
return Db::getInstance()->executeS('
SELECT e.`email`, r.`date`, r.`amount`, r.`id_order_detail`, d.`product_name`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'refund_transaction` r
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'employee` e ON r.`id_employee` = e.`id_employee`
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` d on d.`id_order_detail` = r.`id_order_detail`
WHERE r.`id_order` = '. (int)$order_id