2017-06-07 16:31:24 +02:00
{ *
* 2007-2016 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./errors.tpl" }
{ if $errors | @ count = = 0 }
{ if ! isset ( $priceDisplayPrecision ) }
{ assign var = 'priceDisplayPrecision' value = 2 }
{ /if }
{ if ! $priceDisplay | | $priceDisplay = = 2 }
{ assign var = 'productPrice' value = $product - > getPrice ( true , $smarty.const.NULL , 6 ) }
{ assign var = 'productPriceWithoutReduction' value = $product - > getPriceWithoutReduct ( false , $smarty.const.NULL ) }
{ elseif $priceDisplay = = 1 }
{ assign var = 'productPrice' value = $product - > getPrice ( false , $smarty.const.NULL , 6 ) }
{ assign var = 'productPriceWithoutReduction' value = $product - > getPriceWithoutReduct ( true , $smarty.const.NULL ) }
{ /if }
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Product">
<meta itemprop="url" content=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product ) } ">
<div class="primary_block row">
{ if ! $content_only }
<div class="container">
<div class="top-hr"></div>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $adminActionDisplay ) & & $adminActionDisplay }
<div id="admin-action" class="container">
<p class="alert alert-info"> { l s = 'This product is not visible to your customers.' }
<input type="hidden" id="admin-action-product-id" value=" { $product - > id } " />
<a id="publish_button" class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="#">
<span> { l s = 'Publish' } </span>
<a id="lnk_view" class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="#">
<span> { l s = 'Back' } </span>
<p id="admin-action-result"></p>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $confirmation ) & & $confirmation }
<p class="confirmation">
{ $confirmation }
{ /if }
<!-- left infos-->
<div class="pb-left-column col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-5">
<!-- product img-->
<div id="image-block" class="clearfix">
{ if $product - > new }
<span class="new-box">
<span class="new-label"> { l s = 'New' } </span>
{ /if }
{ if $product - > on_sale }
<span class="sale-box no-print">
<span class="sale-label"> { l s = 'Sale!' } </span>
{ elseif $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction & & $productPriceWithoutReduction > $productPrice }
<span class="discount"> { l s = 'Reduced price!' } </span>
{ /if }
{ if $have_image }
<span id="view_full_size">
{ if $jqZoomEnabled & & $have_image & & ! $content_only }
<a class="jqzoom" title=" { if ! empty ( $cover.legend ) } { $cover.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { else } { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } " rel="gal1" href=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product - > link_rewrite , $cover.id_image , 'thickbox_default' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } ">
<img itemprop="image" src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product - > link_rewrite , $cover.id_image , 'large_default' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { if ! empty ( $cover.legend ) } { $cover.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { else } { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } " alt=" { if ! empty ( $cover.legend ) } { $cover.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { else } { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } "/>
{ else }
<img id="bigpic" itemprop="image" src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product - > link_rewrite , $cover.id_image , 'large_default' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { if ! empty ( $cover.legend ) } { $cover.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { else } { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } " alt=" { if ! empty ( $cover.legend ) } { $cover.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { else } { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } " width=" { $largeSize.width } " height=" { $largeSize.height } "/>
{ if ! $content_only }
<span class="span_link no-print"> { l s = 'View larger' } </span>
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ else }
<span id="view_full_size">
<img itemprop="image" src=" { $img_prod_dir } { $lang_iso } -default-large_default.jpg" id="bigpic" alt="" title=" { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " width=" { $largeSize.width } " height=" { $largeSize.height } "/>
{ if ! $content_only }
<span class="span_link">
{ l s = 'View larger' }
{ /if }
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end image-block -->
{ if isset ( $images ) & & count ( $images ) > 0 }
<!-- thumbnails -->
<div id="views_block" class="clearfix { if isset ( $images ) & & count ( $images ) < 2 } hidden { /if } ">
{ if isset ( $images ) & & count ( $images ) > 2 }
<span class="view_scroll_spacer">
<a id="view_scroll_left" class="" title=" { l s = 'Other views' } " href="javascript: { ldelim } { rdelim } ">
{ l s = 'Previous' }
{ /if }
<div id="thumbs_list">
<ul id="thumbs_list_frame">
{ if isset ( $images ) }
{ foreach from = $images item = image name = thumbnails }
{ assign var = imageIds value = "`$product->id`-`$image.id_image`" }
{ if ! empty ( $image.legend ) }
{ assign var = imageTitle value = $image.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' }
{ else }
{ assign var = imageTitle value = $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' }
{ /if }
<li id="thumbnail_ { $image.id_image } " { if $smarty.foreach.thumbnails.last } class="last" { /if } >
<a { if $jqZoomEnabled & & $have_image & & ! $content_only } href="javascript:void(0);" rel=" { literal } { { / literal } gallery : 'gal1' , smallimage : '{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $imageIds, ' large_default ')|escape:' html ':' UTF - 8 '}' , largeimage : '{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $imageIds, ' thickbox_default ')|escape:' html ':' UTF - 8 '}' { literal } } { /literal } " { else } href=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product - > link_rewrite , $imageIds , 'thickbox_default' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " data-fancybox-group="other-views" class="fancybox { if $image.id_image = = $cover.id_image } shown { /if } " { /if } title=" { $imageTitle } ">
<img class="img-responsive" id="thumb_ { $image.id_image } " src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $product - > link_rewrite , $imageIds , 'cart_default' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " alt=" { $imageTitle } " title=" { $imageTitle } " { if isset ( $cartSize ) } height=" { $cartSize.height } " width=" { $cartSize.width } " { /if } itemprop="image" />
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end thumbs_list -->
{ if isset ( $images ) & & count ( $images ) > 2 }
<a id="view_scroll_right" title=" { l s = 'Other views' } " href="javascript: { ldelim } { rdelim } ">
{ l s = 'Next' }
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end views-block -->
<!-- end thumbnails -->
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $images ) & & count ( $images ) > 1 }
<p class="resetimg clear no-print">
<span id="wrapResetImages" style="display: none;">
<a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " data-id="resetImages">
<i class="icon-repeat"></i>
{ l s = 'Display all pictures' }
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end pb-left-column -->
<!-- end left infos-->
<!-- center infos -->
<div class="pb-center-column col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
{ if $product - > online_only }
<p class="online_only"> { l s = 'Online only' } </p>
{ /if }
<h1 itemprop="name"> { $product - > name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </h1>
<p id="product_reference" { if empty ( $product - > reference ) | | ! $product - > reference } style="display: none;" { /if } >
<label> { l s = 'Reference:' } </label>
<span class="editable" itemprop="sku" { if ! empty ( $product - > reference ) & & $product - > reference } content=" { $product - > reference } " { /if } > { if ! isset ( $groups ) } { $product - > reference | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /if } </span>
{ if ! $product - > is_virtual & & $product - > condition }
<p id="product_condition">
<label> { l s = 'Condition:' } </label>
{ if $product - > condition = = 'new' }
<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="https://schema.org/NewCondition"/>
<span class="editable"> { l s = 'New product' } </span>
{ elseif $product - > condition = = 'used' }
<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="https://schema.org/UsedCondition"/>
<span class="editable"> { l s = 'Used' } </span>
{ elseif $product - > condition = = 'refurbished' }
<link itemprop="itemCondition" href="https://schema.org/RefurbishedCondition"/>
<span class="editable"> { l s = 'Refurbished' } </span>
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ if $product - > description_short | | $packItems | @ count > 0 }
<div id="short_description_block">
{ if $product - > description_short }
<div id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify" itemprop="description"> { $product - > description_short } </div>
{ /if }
{ if $product - > description }
<p class="buttons_bottom_block">
<a href="javascript: { ldelim } { rdelim } " class="button">
{ l s = 'More details' }
{ /if }
<!-- { if $packItems | @ count > 0 }
<div class="short_description_pack">
<h3> { l s = 'Pack content' } </h3>
{ foreach from = $packItems item = packItem }
<div class="pack_content">
{ $packItem.pack_quantity } x <a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $packItem.id_product , $packItem.link_rewrite , $packItem.category ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $packItem.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </a>
<p> { $packItem.description_short } </p>
{ /foreach }
{ /if } -->
</div> <!-- end short_description_block -->
{ /if }
{ if ( $display_qties = = 1 & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE & & $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT & & $product - > available_for_order ) }
<!-- number of item in stock -->
<p id="pQuantityAvailable" { if $product - > quantity < = 0 } style="display: none;" { /if } >
<span id="quantityAvailable"> { $product - > quantity | intval } </span>
<span { if $product - > quantity > 1 } style="display: none;" { /if } id="quantityAvailableTxt"> { l s = 'Item' } </span>
<span { if $product - > quantity = = 1 } style="display: none;" { /if } id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple"> { l s = 'Items' } </span>
{ /if }
<!-- availability or doesntExist -->
<p id="availability_statut" { if ! $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT | | ( $product - > quantity < = 0 & & ! $product - > available_later & & $allow_oosp ) | | ( $product - > quantity > 0 & & ! $product - > available_now ) | | ! $product - > available_for_order | | $PS_CATALOG_MODE } style="display: none;" { /if } >
{ *<span id="availability_label">{l s='Availability:'}</span>* }
<span id="availability_value" class="label { if $product - > quantity < = 0 & & ! $allow_oosp } label-danger { elseif $product - > quantity < = 0 } label-warning { else } label-success { /if } "> { if $product - > quantity < = 0 } { if $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT & & $allow_oosp } { $product - > available_later } { else } { l s = 'This product is no longer in stock' } { /if } { elseif $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT } { $product - > available_now } { /if } </span>
{ if ! $product - > is_virtual } { hook h = "displayProductDeliveryTime" product = $product } { /if }
<p class="warning_inline" id="last_quantities" { if ( $product - > quantity > $last_qties | | $product - > quantity < = 0 ) | | $allow_oosp | | ! $product - > available_for_order | | $PS_CATALOG_MODE } style="display: none" { /if } > { l s = 'Warning: Last items in stock!' } </p>
{ /if }
<p id="availability_date" { if ( $product - > quantity > 0 ) | | ! $product - > available_for_order | | $PS_CATALOG_MODE | | ! isset ( $product - > available_date ) | | $product - > available_date < $smarty.now | date_format : '%Y-%m-%d' } style="display: none;" { /if } >
<span id="availability_date_label"> { l s = 'Availability date:' } </span>
<span id="availability_date_value"> { if Validate : : isDate ( $product - > available_date ) } { dateFormat date = $product - > available_date full = false } { /if } </span>
<!-- Out of stock hook -->
<div id="oosHook" { if $product - > quantity > 0 } style="display: none;" { /if } >
{ if isset ( $HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT ) & & $HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT } { $HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT } { /if }
{ if ! $content_only }
<!-- usefull links-->
<ul id="usefull_link_block" class="clearfix no-print">
{ if $HOOK_EXTRA_LEFT } { $HOOK_EXTRA_LEFT } { /if }
<li class="print">
<a href="javascript:print();">
{ l s = 'Print' }
{ /if }
<!-- end center infos-->
<!-- pb-right-column-->
<div class="pb-right-column col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3">
{ if ( $product - > show_price & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) ) | | isset ( $groups ) | | $product - > reference | | ( isset ( $HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS ) & & $HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS ) }
<!-- add to cart form-->
<form id="buy_block" { if $PS_CATALOG_MODE & & ! isset ( $groups ) & & $product - > quantity > 0 } class="hidden" { /if } action=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " method="post">
<!-- hidden datas -->
<p class="hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value=" { $static_token } " />
<input type="hidden" name="id_product" value=" { $product - > id | intval } " id="product_page_product_id" />
<input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="id_product_attribute" id="idCombination" value="" />
<div class="box-info-product">
<div class="content_prices clearfix">
{ if $product - > show_price & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
<!-- prices -->
<p class="our_price_display" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Offer"> { strip }
{ if $product - > quantity > 0 } <link itemprop="availability" href="https://schema.org/InStock"/> { /if }
{ if $priceDisplay > = 0 & & $priceDisplay < = 2 }
<span id="our_price_display" class="price" itemprop="price" content=" { $productPrice } "> { convertPrice price = $productPrice | floatval } </span>
{ if $tax_enabled & & ( ( isset ( $display_tax_label ) & & $display_tax_label = = 1 ) | | ! isset ( $display_tax_label ) ) }
{ if $priceDisplay = = 1 } { l s = 'tax excl.' } { else } { l s = 'tax incl.' } { /if }
{ /if }
<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content=" { $currency - > iso_code } " />
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $product type = "price" }
{ /if }
{ /strip } </p>
<p id="reduction_percent" { if $productPriceWithoutReduction < = 0 | | ! $product - > specificPrice | | $product - > specificPrice . reduction_type ! = 'percentage' } style="display:none;" { /if } > { strip }
<span id="reduction_percent_display">
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction_type = = 'percentage' } - { $product - > specificPrice . reduction * 1 0 0 } % { /if }
{ /strip } </p>
<p id="reduction_amount" { if $productPriceWithoutReduction < = 0 | | ! $product - > specificPrice | | $product - > specificPrice . reduction_type ! = 'amount' | | $product - > specificPrice . reduction | floatval = = 0 } style="display:none" { /if } > { strip }
<span id="reduction_amount_display">
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction_type = = 'amount' & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction | floatval ! = 0 }
- { convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - $productPrice | floatval }
{ /if }
{ /strip } </p>
<p id="old_price" { if ( ! $product - > specificPrice | | ! $product - > specificPrice . reduction ) } class="hidden" { /if } > { strip }
{ if $priceDisplay > = 0 & & $priceDisplay < = 2 }
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $product type = "old_price" }
<span id="old_price_display"><span class="price"> { if $productPriceWithoutReduction > $productPrice } { convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval } { /if } </span> { if $productPriceWithoutReduction > $productPrice & & $tax_enabled & & $display_tax_label = = 1 } { if $priceDisplay = = 1 } { l s = 'tax excl.' } { else } { l s = 'tax incl.' } { /if } { /if } </span>
{ /if }
{ /strip } </p>
{ if $priceDisplay = = 2 }
<br />
<span id="pretaxe_price"> { strip }
<span id="pretaxe_price_display"> { convertPrice price = $product - > getPrice ( false , $smarty.const.NULL ) } </span> { l s = 'tax excl.' }
{ /strip } </span>
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end prices -->
{ if $packItems | @ count & & $productPrice < $product - > getNoPackPrice ( ) }
<p class="pack_price"> { l s = 'Instead of' } <span style="text-decoration: line-through;"> { convertPrice price = $product - > getNoPackPrice ( ) } </span></p>
{ /if }
{ if $product - > ecotax ! = 0 }
<p class="price-ecotax"> { l s = 'Including' } <span id="ecotax_price_display"> { if $priceDisplay = = 2 } { $ecotax_tax_exc | convertAndFormatPrice } { else } { $ecotax_tax_inc | convertAndFormatPrice } { /if } </span> { l s = 'for ecotax' }
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction }
<br /> { l s = '(not impacted by the discount)' }
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ if ! empty ( $product - > unity ) & & $product - > unit_price_ratio > 0.000000 }
{ math equation = "pprice / punit_price" pprice = $productPrice punit_price = $product - > unit_price_ratio assign = unit_price }
<p class="unit-price"><span id="unit_price_display"> { convertPrice price = $unit_price } </span> { l s = 'per' } { $product - > unity | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </p>
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $product type = "unit_price" }
{ /if }
{ /if } { *close if for show price* }
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $product type = "weight" hook_origin = 'product_sheet' }
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $product type = "after_price" }
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!-- end content_prices -->
<div class="product_attributes clearfix">
<!-- quantity wanted -->
<p id="quantity_wanted_p" { if ( ! $allow_oosp & & $product - > quantity < = 0 ) | | ! $product - > available_for_order | | $PS_CATALOG_MODE } style="display: none;" { /if } >
<label for="quantity_wanted"> { l s = 'Quantity' } </label>
<input type="number" min="1" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted" class="text" value=" { if isset ( $quantityBackup ) } { $quantityBackup | intval } { else } { if $product - > minimal_quantity > 1 } { $product - > minimal_quantity } { else } 1 { /if } { /if } " />
<a href="#" data-field-qty="qty" class="btn btn-default button-minus product_quantity_down">
<span><i class="icon-minus"></i></span>
<a href="#" data-field-qty="qty" class="btn btn-default button-plus product_quantity_up">
<span><i class="icon-plus"></i></span>
<span class="clearfix"></span>
{ /if }
<!-- minimal quantity wanted -->
<p id="minimal_quantity_wanted_p" { if $product - > minimal_quantity < = 1 | | ! $product - > available_for_order | | $PS_CATALOG_MODE } style="display: none;" { /if } >
{ l s = 'The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is' } <b id="minimal_quantity_label"> { $product - > minimal_quantity } </b>
{ if isset ( $groups ) }
<!-- attributes -->
<div id="attributes">
<div class="clearfix"></div>
{ foreach from = $groups key = id_attribute_group item = group }
{ if $group.attributes | @ count }
<fieldset class="attribute_fieldset">
<label class="attribute_label" { if $group.group_type ! = 'color' & & $group.group_type ! = 'radio' } for="group_ { $id_attribute_group | intval } " { /if } > { $group.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </label>
{ assign var = "groupName" value = "group_$id_attribute_group" }
<div class="attribute_list">
{ if ( $group.group_type = = 'select' ) }
<select name=" { $groupName } " id="group_ { $id_attribute_group | intval } " class="form-control attribute_select no-print">
{ foreach from = $group.attributes key = id_attribute item = group_attribute }
<option value=" { $id_attribute | intval } " { if ( isset ( $smarty.get . $groupName ) & & $smarty.get . $groupName | intval = = $id_attribute ) | | $group.default = = $id_attribute } selected="selected" { /if } title=" { $group_attribute | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $group_attribute | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </option>
{ /foreach }
{ elseif ( $group.group_type = = 'color' ) }
<ul id="color_to_pick_list" class="clearfix">
{ assign var = "default_colorpicker" value = "" }
{ foreach from = $group.attributes key = id_attribute item = group_attribute }
{ assign var = 'img_color_exists' value = file_exists ( $col_img_dir | cat : $id_attribute | cat : '.jpg' ) }
<li { if $group.default = = $id_attribute } class="selected" { /if } >
<a href=" { $link - > getProductLink ( $product ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " id="color_ { $id_attribute | intval } " name=" { $colors . $id_attribute.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " class="color_pick { if ( $group.default = = $id_attribute ) } selected { /if } " { if ! $img_color_exists & & isset ( $colors . $id_attribute.value ) & & $colors . $id_attribute.value } style="background: { $colors . $id_attribute.value | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } ;" { /if } title=" { $colors . $id_attribute.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } ">
{ if $img_color_exists }
<img src=" { $img_col_dir } { $id_attribute | intval } .jpg" alt=" { $colors . $id_attribute.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { $colors . $id_attribute.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " width="20" height="20" />
{ /if }
{ if ( $group.default = = $id_attribute ) }
{ $default_colorpicker = $id_attribute }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<input type="hidden" class="color_pick_hidden" name=" { $groupName | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " value=" { $default_colorpicker | intval } " />
{ elseif ( $group.group_type = = 'radio' ) }
{ foreach from = $group.attributes key = id_attribute item = group_attribute }
<input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name=" { $groupName | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " value=" { $id_attribute } " { if ( $group.default = = $id_attribute ) } checked="checked" { /if } />
<span> { $group_attribute | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </span>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end attribute_list -->
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
</div> <!-- end attributes -->
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end product_attributes -->
2017-06-08 12:23:50 +02:00
{ hook h = 'displayProductForm' mod = 'antadisconfigurator' }
2017-06-07 16:31:24 +02:00
<div class="box-cart-bottom">
<div { if ( ! $allow_oosp & & $product - > quantity < = 0 ) | | ! $product - > available_for_order | | ( isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) & & $restricted_country_mode ) | | $PS_CATALOG_MODE } class="unvisible" { /if } >
<p id="add_to_cart" class="buttons_bottom_block no-print">
<button type="submit" name="Submit" class="exclusive">
<span> { if $content_only & & ( isset ( $product - > customization_required ) & & $product - > customization_required ) } { l s = 'Customize' } { else } { l s = 'Add to cart' } { /if } </span>
</div> <!-- end box-cart-bottom -->
</div> <!-- end box-info-product -->
{ /if }
</div> <!-- end pb-right-column-->
</div> <!-- end primary_block -->
{ if ! $content_only }
{ if ( isset ( $quantity_discounts ) & & count ( $quantity_discounts ) > 0 ) }
<!-- quantity discount -->
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'Volume discounts' } </h3>
<div id="quantityDiscount">
<table class="std table-product-discounts">
<th> { l s = 'Quantity' } </th>
<th> { if $display_discount_price } { l s = 'Price' } { else } { l s = 'Discount' } { /if } </th>
<th> { l s = 'You Save' } </th>
{ foreach from = $quantity_discounts item = 'quantity_discount' name = 'quantity_discounts' }
{ if $quantity_discount.price > = 0 | | $quantity_discount.reduction_type = = 'amount' }
{ $realDiscountPrice = $quantity_discount.base_price | floatval - $quantity_discount.real_value | floatval }
{ else }
{ $realDiscountPrice = $quantity_discount.base_price | floatval * ( 1 - $quantity_discount.reduction ) | floatval }
{ /if }
<tr class="quantityDiscount_ { $quantity_discount.id_product_attribute } " data-real-discount-value=" { convertPrice price = $realDiscountPrice } " data-discount-type=" { $quantity_discount.reduction_type } " data-discount=" { $quantity_discount.real_value | floatval } " data-discount-quantity=" { $quantity_discount.quantity | intval } ">
{ $quantity_discount.quantity | intval }
{ if $quantity_discount.price > = 0 | | $quantity_discount.reduction_type = = 'amount' }
{ if $display_discount_price }
{ if $quantity_discount.reduction_tax = = 0 & & ! $quantity_discount.price }
{ convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - ( $productPriceWithoutReduction * $quantity_discount.reduction_with_tax ) | floatval }
{ else }
{ convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - $quantity_discount.real_value | floatval }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ convertPrice price = $quantity_discount.real_value | floatval }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ if $display_discount_price }
{ if $quantity_discount.reduction_tax = = 0 }
{ convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - ( $productPriceWithoutReduction * $quantity_discount.reduction_with_tax ) | floatval }
{ else }
{ convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - ( $productPriceWithoutReduction * $quantity_discount.reduction ) | floatval }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ $quantity_discount.real_value | floatval } %
{ /if }
{ /if }
<span> { l s = 'Up to' } </span>
{ if $quantity_discount.price > = 0 | | $quantity_discount.reduction_type = = 'amount' }
{ $discountPrice = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - $quantity_discount.real_value | floatval }
{ else }
{ $discountPrice = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval - ( $productPriceWithoutReduction * $quantity_discount.reduction ) | floatval }
{ /if }
{ $discountPrice = $discountPrice * $quantity_discount.quantity }
{ $qtyProductPrice = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval * $quantity_discount.quantity }
{ convertPrice price = $qtyProductPrice - $discountPrice }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $features ) & & $features }
<!-- Data sheet -->
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'Data sheet' } </h3>
<table class="table-data-sheet">
{ foreach from = $features item = feature }
<tr class=" { cycle values = "odd,even" } ">
{ if isset ( $feature.value ) }
<td> { $feature.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </td>
<td> { $feature.value | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </td>
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<!--end Data sheet -->
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $product ) & & $product - > description }
<!-- More info -->
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'More info' } </h3>
<!-- full description -->
<div class="rte"> { $product - > description } </div>
<!--end More info -->
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $packItems ) & & $packItems | @ count > 0 }
<section id="blockpack">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'Pack content' } </h3>
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" products = $packItems }
{ /if }
<section class="page-product-box">
<!--end HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB -->
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $accessories ) & & $accessories }
<!--Accessories -->
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'Accessories' } </h3>
<div class="block products_block accessories-block clearfix">
<div class="block_content">
<ul id="bxslider" class="bxslider clearfix">
{ foreach from = $accessories item = accessory name = accessories_list }
{ if ( $accessory.allow_oosp | | $accessory.quantity_all_versions > 0 | | $accessory.quantity > 0 ) & & $accessory.available_for_order & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) }
{ assign var = 'accessoryLink' value = $link - > getProductLink ( $accessory.id_product , $accessory.link_rewrite , $accessory.category ) }
<li class="item product-box ajax_block_product { if $smarty.foreach.accessories_list.first } first_item { elseif $smarty.foreach.accessories_list.last } last_item { else } item { /if } product_accessories_description">
<div class="product_desc">
<a href=" { $accessoryLink | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { $accessory.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " class="product-image product_image">
<img class="lazyOwl" src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $accessory.link_rewrite , $accessory.id_image , 'home_default' ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " alt=" { $accessory.legend | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " width=" { $homeSize.width } " height=" { $homeSize.height } "/>
<div class="block_description">
<a href=" { $accessoryLink | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { l s = 'More' } " class="product_description">
{ $accessory.description_short | strip_tags | truncate : 2 5 : '...' }
<div class="s_title_block">
<h5 class="product-name">
<a href=" { $accessoryLink | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } ">
{ $accessory.name | truncate : 2 0 : '...' : true | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' }
{ if $accessory.show_price & & ! isset ( $restricted_country_mode ) & & ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
<span class="price">
{ if $priceDisplay ! = 1 }
{ displayWtPrice p = $accessory.price }
{ else }
{ displayWtPrice p = $accessory.price_tax_exc }
{ /if }
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $accessory type = "price" }
{ /if }
{ hook h = "displayProductPriceBlock" product = $accessory type = "after_price" }
<div class="clearfix" style="margin-top:5px">
{ if ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE & & ( $accessory.allow_oosp | | $accessory.quantity > 0 ) & & isset ( $add_prod_display ) & & $add_prod_display = = 1 }
<div class="no-print">
<a class="exclusive button ajax_add_to_cart_button" href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'cart' , true , NULL , "qty=1&id_product={$accessory.id_product|intval}&token={$static_token}&add" ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " data-id-product=" { $accessory.id_product | intval } " title=" { l s = 'Add to cart' } ">
<span> { l s = 'Add to cart' } </span>
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<!--end Accessories -->
{ /if }
<!-- description & features -->
{ if ( isset ( $product ) & & $product - > description ) | | ( isset ( $features ) & & $features ) | | ( isset ( $accessories ) & & $accessories ) | | ( isset ( $HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB ) & & $HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB ) | | ( isset ( $attachments ) & & $attachments ) | | isset ( $product ) & & $product - > customizable }
{ if isset ( $attachments ) & & $attachments }
<!--Download -->
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'Download' } </h3>
{ foreach from = $attachments item = attachment name = attachements }
{ if $smarty.foreach.attachements.iteration % 3 = = 1 } <div class="row"> { /if }
<div class="col-lg-4">
<h4><a href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'attachment' , true , NULL , "id_attachment={$attachment.id_attachment}" ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } "> { $attachment.name | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </a></h4>
<p class="text-muted"> { $attachment.description | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } </p>
<a class="btn btn-default btn-block" href=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'attachment' , true , NULL , "id_attachment={$attachment.id_attachment}" ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } ">
<i class="icon-download"></i>
{ l s = "Download" } ( { Tools : : formatBytes ( $attachment.file_size , 2 ) } )
<hr />
{ if $smarty.foreach.attachements.iteration % 3 = = 0 | | $smarty.foreach.attachements.last } </div> { /if }
{ /foreach }
<!--end Download -->
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $product ) & & $product - > customizable }
<!--Customization -->
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading"> { l s = 'Product customization' } </h3>
<!-- Customizable products -->
<form method="post" action=" { $customizationFormTarget } " enctype="multipart/form-data" id="customizationForm" class="clearfix">
<p class="infoCustomizable">
{ l s = 'After saving your customized product, remember to add it to your cart.' }
{ if $product - > uploadable_files }
<br />
{ l s = 'Allowed file formats are: GIF, JPG, PNG' } { /if }
{ if $product - > uploadable_files | intval }
<div class="customizableProductsFile">
<h5 class="product-heading-h5"> { l s = 'Pictures' } </h5>
<ul id="uploadable_files" class="clearfix">
{ counter start = 0 assign = 'customizationField' }
{ foreach from = $customizationFields item = 'field' name = 'customizationFields' }
{ if $field.type = = 0 }
<li class="customizationUploadLine { if $field.required } required { /if } "> { assign var = 'key' value = 'pictures_' | cat : $product - > id | cat : '_' | cat : $field.id_customization_field }
{ if isset ( $pictures . $key ) }
<div class="customizationUploadBrowse">
<img src=" { $pic_dir } { $pictures . $key } _small" alt="" />
<a href=" { $link - > getProductDeletePictureLink ( $product , $field.id_customization_field ) | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } " title=" { l s = 'Delete' } " >
<img src=" { $img_dir } icon/delete.gif" alt=" { l s = 'Delete' } " class="customization_delete_icon" width="11" height="13" />
{ /if }
<div class="customizationUploadBrowse form-group">
<label class="customizationUploadBrowseDescription">
{ if ! empty ( $field.name ) }
{ $field.name }
{ else }
{ l s = 'Please select an image file from your computer' }
{ /if }
{ if $field.required } <sup>*</sup> { /if }
<input type="file" name="file { $field.id_customization_field } " id="img { $customizationField } " class="form-control customization_block_input { if isset ( $pictures . $key ) } filled { /if } " />
{ counter }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if $product - > text_fields | intval }
<div class="customizableProductsText">
<h5 class="product-heading-h5"> { l s = 'Text' } </h5>
<ul id="text_fields">
{ counter start = 0 assign = 'customizationField' }
{ foreach from = $customizationFields item = 'field' name = 'customizationFields' }
{ if $field.type = = 1 }
<li class="customizationUploadLine { if $field.required } required { /if } ">
<label for ="textField { $customizationField } ">
{ assign var = 'key' value = 'textFields_' | cat : $product - > id | cat : '_' | cat : $field.id_customization_field }
{ if ! empty ( $field.name ) }
{ $field.name }
{ /if }
{ if $field.required } <sup>*</sup> { /if }
<textarea name="textField { $field.id_customization_field } " class="form-control customization_block_input" id="textField { $customizationField } " rows="3" cols="20"> { strip }
{ if isset ( $textFields . $key ) }
{ $textFields . $key | stripslashes }
{ /if }
{ /strip } </textarea>
{ counter }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
<p id="customizedDatas">
<input type="hidden" name="quantityBackup" id="quantityBackup" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitCustomizedDatas" value="1" />
<button class="button btn btn-default button button-small" name="saveCustomization">
<span> { l s = 'Save' } </span>
<span id="ajax-loader" class="unvisible">
<img src=" { $img_ps_dir } loader.gif" alt="loader" />
<p class="clear required"><sup>*</sup> { l s = 'required fields' } </p>
<!--end Customization -->
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ /if }
</div> <!-- itemscope product wrapper -->
{ strip }
{ if isset ( $smarty.get.ad ) & & $smarty.get.ad }
{ addJsDefL name = ad } { $base_dir | cat : $smarty.get.ad | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /addJsDefL }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $smarty.get.adtoken ) & & $smarty.get.adtoken }
{ addJsDefL name = adtoken } { $smarty.get.adtoken | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' } { /addJsDefL }
{ /if }
{ addJsDef allowBuyWhenOutOfStock = $allow_oosp | boolval }
{ addJsDef availableNowValue = $product - > available_now | escape : 'quotes' : 'UTF-8' }
{ addJsDef availableLaterValue = $product - > available_later | escape : 'quotes' : 'UTF-8' }
{ addJsDef attribute_anchor_separator = $attribute_anchor_separator | escape : 'quotes' : 'UTF-8' }
{ addJsDef attributesCombinations = $attributesCombinations }
{ addJsDef currentDate = $smarty.now | date_format : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' }
{ if isset ( $combinations ) & & $combinations }
{ addJsDef combinations = $combinations }
{ addJsDef combinationsFromController = $combinations }
{ addJsDef displayDiscountPrice = $display_discount_price }
{ addJsDefL name = 'upToTxt' } { l s = 'Up to' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $combinationImages ) & & $combinationImages }
{ addJsDef combinationImages = $combinationImages }
{ /if }
{ addJsDef customizationId = $id_customization }
{ addJsDef customizationFields = $customizationFields }
{ addJsDef default_eco_tax = $product - > ecotax | floatval }
{ addJsDef displayPrice = $priceDisplay | intval }
{ addJsDef ecotaxTax_rate = $ecotaxTax_rate | floatval }
{ if isset ( $cover.id_image_only ) }
{ addJsDef idDefaultImage = $cover.id_image_only | intval }
{ else }
{ addJsDef idDefaultImage = 0 }
{ /if }
{ addJsDef img_ps_dir = $img_ps_dir }
{ addJsDef img_prod_dir = $img_prod_dir }
{ addJsDef id_product = $product - > id | intval }
{ addJsDef jqZoomEnabled = $jqZoomEnabled | boolval }
{ addJsDef maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage = $last_qties | intval }
{ addJsDef minimalQuantity = $product - > minimal_quantity | intval }
{ addJsDef noTaxForThisProduct = $no_tax | boolval }
{ if isset ( $customer_group_without_tax ) }
{ addJsDef customerGroupWithoutTax = $customer_group_without_tax | boolval }
{ else }
{ addJsDef customerGroupWithoutTax = false }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $group_reduction ) }
{ addJsDef groupReduction = $group_reduction | floatval }
{ else }
{ addJsDef groupReduction = false }
{ /if }
{ addJsDef oosHookJsCodeFunctions = Array ( ) }
{ addJsDef productHasAttributes = isset ( $groups ) | boolval }
{ addJsDef productPriceTaxExcluded = ( $product - > getPriceWithoutReduct ( true ) | default : 'null' - $product - > ecotax ) | floatval }
{ addJsDef productPriceTaxIncluded = ( $product - > getPriceWithoutReduct ( false ) | default : 'null' - $product - > ecotax * ( 1 + $ecotaxTax_rate / 1 0 0 ) ) | floatval }
{ addJsDef productBasePriceTaxExcluded = ( $product - > getPrice ( false , null , 6 , null , false , false ) - $product - > ecotax ) | floatval }
{ addJsDef productBasePriceTaxExcl = ( $product - > getPrice ( false , null , 6 , null , false , false ) | floatval ) }
{ addJsDef productBasePriceTaxIncl = ( $product - > getPrice ( true , null , 6 , null , false , false ) | floatval ) }
{ addJsDef productReference = $product - > reference | escape : 'html' : 'UTF-8' }
{ addJsDef productAvailableForOrder = $product - > available_for_order | boolval }
{ addJsDef productPriceWithoutReduction = $productPriceWithoutReduction | floatval }
{ addJsDef productPrice = $productPrice | floatval }
{ addJsDef productUnitPriceRatio = $product - > unit_price_ratio | floatval }
{ addJsDef productShowPrice = ( ! $PS_CATALOG_MODE & & $product - > show_price ) | boolval }
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice | @ count }
{ addJsDef product_specific_price = $product - > specificPrice }
{ else }
{ addJsDef product_specific_price = array ( ) }
{ /if }
{ if $display_qties = = 1 & & $product - > quantity }
{ addJsDef quantityAvailable = $product - > quantity }
{ else }
{ addJsDef quantityAvailable = 0 }
{ /if }
{ addJsDef quantitiesDisplayAllowed = $display_qties | boolval }
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction_type = = 'percentage' }
{ addJsDef reduction_percent = $product - > specificPrice . reduction * 1 0 0 | floatval }
{ else }
{ addJsDef reduction_percent = 0 }
{ /if }
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction & & $product - > specificPrice . reduction_type = = 'amount' }
{ addJsDef reduction_price = $product - > specificPrice . reduction | floatval }
{ else }
{ addJsDef reduction_price = 0 }
{ /if }
{ if $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . price }
{ addJsDef specific_price = $product - > specificPrice . price | floatval }
{ else }
{ addJsDef specific_price = 0 }
{ /if }
{ addJsDef specific_currency = ( $product - > specificPrice & & $product - > specificPrice . id_currency ) | boolval } { * TODO: remove if always false * }
{ addJsDef stock_management = $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT | intval }
{ addJsDef taxRate = $tax_rate | floatval }
{ addJsDefL name = doesntExist } { l s = 'This combination does not exist for this product. Please select another combination.' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ addJsDefL name = doesntExistNoMore } { l s = 'This product is no longer in stock' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ addJsDefL name = doesntExistNoMoreBut } { l s = 'with those attributes but is available with others.' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ addJsDefL name = fieldRequired } { l s = 'Please fill in all the required fields before saving your customization.' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ addJsDefL name = uploading_in_progress } { l s = 'Uploading in progress, please be patient.' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ addJsDefL name = 'product_fileDefaultHtml' } { l s = 'No file selected' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ addJsDefL name = 'product_fileButtonHtml' } { l s = 'Choose File' js = 1 } { /addJsDefL }
{ /strip }
{ /if }