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2017-06-07 16:31:24 +02:00
* 2007-2016 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <>
* @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* StockManager : implementation of StockManagerInterface
* @since 1.5.0
class StockManagerCore implements StockManagerInterface
* @see StockManagerInterface::isAvailable()
public static function isAvailable()
// Default Manager : always available
return true;
* @see StockManagerInterface::addProduct()
* @param int $id_product
* @param int $id_product_attribute
* @param Warehouse $warehouse
* @param int $quantity
* @param int $id_stock_mvt_reason
* @param float $price_te
* @param bool $is_usable
* @param int|null $id_supply_order
* @param Employee|null $employee
* @return bool
* @throws PrestaShopException
public function addProduct(
$id_product_attribute = 0,
Warehouse $warehouse,
$is_usable = true,
$id_supply_order = null,
$employee = null
) {
if ($this->shouldPreventStockOperation($warehouse, $id_product, $quantity)) {
return false;
$price_te = round((float)$price_te, 6);
if ($price_te < 0.0) { // why <= ?
return false;
if (!StockMvtReason::exists($id_stock_mvt_reason)) {
$id_stock_mvt_reason = Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MVT_INC_REASON_DEFAULT');
$context = Context::getContext();
$mvt_params = array(
'id_stock' => null,
'physical_quantity' => $quantity,
'id_stock_mvt_reason' => $id_stock_mvt_reason,
'id_supply_order' => $id_supply_order,
'price_te' => $price_te,
'last_wa' => null,
'current_wa' => null,
'id_employee' => (int)$context->employee->id ? (int)$context->employee->id : $employee->id,
'employee_firstname' => $context->employee->firstname ? $context->employee->firstname : $employee->firstname,
'employee_lastname' => $context->employee->lastname ? $context->employee->lastname : $employee->lastname,
'sign' => 1
$stock_exists = false;
// switch on MANAGEMENT_TYPE
switch ($warehouse->management_type) {
// case CUMP mode
case 'WA':
$stock_collection = $this->getStockCollection($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $warehouse->id);
// if this product is already in stock
if (count($stock_collection) > 0) {
$stock_exists = true;
/** @var Stock $stock */
// for a warehouse using WA, there is one and only one stock for a given product
$stock = $stock_collection->current();
// calculates WA price
$last_wa = $stock->price_te;
$current_wa = $this->calculateWA($stock, $quantity, $price_te);
$mvt_params['id_stock'] = $stock->id;
$mvt_params['last_wa'] = $last_wa;
$mvt_params['current_wa'] = $current_wa;
$stock_params = array(
'physical_quantity' => ($stock->physical_quantity + $quantity),
'price_te' => $current_wa,
'usable_quantity' => ($is_usable ? ($stock->usable_quantity + $quantity) : $stock->usable_quantity),
'id_warehouse' => $warehouse->id,
// saves stock in warehouse
} else {
// else, the product is not in sock
$mvt_params['last_wa'] = 0;
$mvt_params['current_wa'] = $price_te;
// case FIFO / LIFO mode
case 'FIFO':
case 'LIFO':
$stock_collection = $this->getStockCollection($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $warehouse->id, $price_te);
// if this product is already in stock
if (count($stock_collection) > 0) {
$stock_exists = true;
/** @var Stock $stock */
// there is one and only one stock for a given product in a warehouse and at the current unit price
$stock = $stock_collection->current();
$stock_params = array(
'physical_quantity' => ($stock->physical_quantity + $quantity),
'usable_quantity' => ($is_usable ? ($stock->usable_quantity + $quantity) : $stock->usable_quantity),
// updates stock in warehouse
// sets mvt_params
$mvt_params['id_stock'] = $stock->id;
return false;
if (!$stock_exists) {
$stock = new Stock();
$stock_params = array(
'id_product_attribute' => $id_product_attribute,
'id_product' => $id_product,
'physical_quantity' => $quantity,
'price_te' => $price_te,
'usable_quantity' => ($is_usable ? $quantity : 0),
'id_warehouse' => $warehouse->id
// saves stock in warehouse
$mvt_params['id_stock'] = $stock->id;
// saves stock mvt
$stock_mvt = new StockMvt();
return true;
* @see StockManagerInterface::removeProduct()
* @param int $id_product
* @param int|null $id_product_attribute
* @param Warehouse $warehouse
* @param int $quantity
* @param int $id_stock_mvt_reason
* @param bool $is_usable
* @param int|null $id_order
* @param int $ignore_pack
* @param Employee|null $employee
* @param Stock|null $stock
* @return array
* @throws PrestaShopException
public function removeProduct(
$id_product_attribute = null,
Warehouse $warehouse,
$is_usable = true,
$id_order = null,
$ignore_pack = 0,
$employee = null,
Stock $stock = null
$removedProducts = array();
if ($this->shouldPreventStockOperation($warehouse, $id_product, $quantity)) {
return $removedProducts;
$id_stock_mvt_reason = $this->ensureStockMovementReasonIsValid($id_stock_mvt_reason);
if ($this->shouldHandleStockOperationForProductsPack($id_product, $ignore_pack)) {
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product = new Product((int)$id_product))) {
// Gets items
if (
$product->pack_stock_type == 1 ||
$product->pack_stock_type == 2 || (
$product->pack_stock_type == 3 &&
Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') > 0
) {
$products_pack = Pack::getItems((int)$id_product, (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
// Foreach item
foreach ($products_pack as $product_pack) {
if ($product_pack->advanced_stock_management == 1) {
$product_warehouses = Warehouse::getProductWarehouseList($product_pack->id, $product_pack->id_pack_product_attribute);
$warehouse_stock_found = false;
foreach ($product_warehouses as $product_warehouse) {
if (!$warehouse_stock_found) {
if (Warehouse::exists($product_warehouse['id_warehouse'])) {
$current_warehouse = new Warehouse($product_warehouse['id_warehouse']);
$removedProducts[] = $this->removeProduct(
$product_pack->pack_quantity * $quantity,
$id_stock_mvt_reason, $is_usable, $id_order
// The product was found on this warehouse. Stop the stock searching.
$warehouse_stock_found = !empty($removedProducts[count($removedProducts) - 1]);
if (
$product->pack_stock_type == 0 ||
$product->pack_stock_type == 2 || (
$product->pack_stock_type == 3 && (
Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') == 0 ||
Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') == 2
) {
$removedProducts = array_merge(
} else {
return false;
} else {
$quantity_in_stock = $this->computeProductQuantityInStock(
if ($this->ensureProductQuantityRequestedForRemovalIsValid($quantity, $quantity_in_stock)) {
return $removedProducts;
$stock_collection = $this->getProductStockLinesInWarehouse(
/** @var \Countable $stock_collection */
if (count($stock_collection) <= 0) {
return $removedProducts;
// switch on MANAGEMENT_TYPE
switch ($warehouse->management_type) {
// case CUMP mode
case 'WA':
/** @var Stock $stock */
// There is one and only one stock for a given product in a warehouse in this mode
$stock = $stock_collection->current();
$removedProducts[$stock->id]['quantity'] = $quantity;
$removedProducts[$stock->id]['price_te'] = $stock->price_te;
case 'LIFO':
case 'FIFO':
$stock_history_qty_available = array();
$quantity_to_decrement_by_stock = array();
$global_quantity_to_decrement = $quantity;
// for each stock, parse its mvts history to calculate the quantities left for each positive mvt,
// according to the instant available quantities for this stock
foreach ($stock_collection as $stock) {
/** @var Stock $stock */
$left_quantity_to_check = $stock->physical_quantity;
if ($left_quantity_to_check <= 0) {
$resource = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->query('
SELECT sm.`id_stock_mvt`, sm.`date_add`, sm.`physical_quantity`,
IF ((sm2.`physical_quantity` is null), sm.`physical_quantity`, (sm.`physical_quantity` - SUM(sm2.`physical_quantity`))) as qty
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_mvt` sm
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_mvt` sm2 ON sm2.`referer` = sm.`id_stock_mvt`
WHERE sm.`sign` = 1
AND sm.`id_stock` = '.(int)$stock->id.'
GROUP BY sm.`id_stock_mvt`
ORDER BY sm.`date_add` DESC'
while ($row = Db::getInstance()->nextRow($resource)) {
// continue - in FIFO mode, we have to retreive the oldest positive mvts for which there are left quantities
if ($warehouse->management_type == 'FIFO') {
if ($row['qty'] == 0) {
// converts date to timestamp
$date = new DateTime($row['date_add']);
$timestamp = $date->format('U');
// history of the mvt
$stock_history_qty_available[$timestamp] = array(
'id_stock' => $stock->id,
'id_stock_mvt' => (int)$row['id_stock_mvt'],
'qty' => (int)$row['qty']
// break - in LIFO mode, checks only the necessary history to handle the global quantity for the current stock
if ($warehouse->management_type == 'LIFO') {
$left_quantity_to_check -= (int)$row['qty'];
if ($left_quantity_to_check <= 0) {
if ($warehouse->management_type == 'LIFO') {
// orders stock history by timestamp to get newest history first
} else {
// orders stock history by timestamp to get oldest history first
// checks each stock to manage the real quantity to decrement for each of them
foreach ($stock_history_qty_available as $entry) {
if ($entry['qty'] >= $global_quantity_to_decrement) {
$quantity_to_decrement_by_stock[$entry['id_stock']][$entry['id_stock_mvt']] = $global_quantity_to_decrement;
$global_quantity_to_decrement = 0;
} else {
$quantity_to_decrement_by_stock[$entry['id_stock']][$entry['id_stock_mvt']] = $entry['qty'];
$global_quantity_to_decrement -= $entry['qty'];
if ($global_quantity_to_decrement <= 0) {
$employeeAttributes = $this->getAttributesOfEmployeeRequestingStockMovement($employee);
// for each stock, decrements it and logs the mvts
foreach ($stock_collection as $stock) {
if (
array_key_exists($stock->id, $quantity_to_decrement_by_stock) &&
) {
$total_quantity_for_current_stock = 0;
foreach ($quantity_to_decrement_by_stock[$stock->id] as $id_mvt_referrer => $qte) {
$mvt_params = array(
'id_stock' => $stock->id,
'physical_quantity' => $qte,
'id_stock_mvt_reason' => $id_stock_mvt_reason,
'id_order' => $id_order,
'price_te' => $stock->price_te,
'sign' => -1,
'referer' => $id_mvt_referrer,
'id_employee' => $employeeAttributes['employee_id'],
// saves stock mvt
$stock_mvt = new StockMvt();
$total_quantity_for_current_stock += $qte;
if ($is_usable) {
$usableProductQuantity = $stock->usable_quantity - $total_quantity_for_current_stock;
} else {
$usableProductQuantity = $stock->usable_quantity;
$stock_params = array(
'physical_quantity' => ($stock->physical_quantity - $total_quantity_for_current_stock),
'usable_quantity' => $usableProductQuantity
$removedProducts[$stock->id]['quantity'] = $total_quantity_for_current_stock;
$removedProducts[$stock->id]['price_te'] = $stock->price_te;
// saves stock in warehouse
if (Pack::isPacked($id_product, $id_product_attribute)) {
$packs = Pack::getPacksContainingItem(
foreach ($packs as $pack) {
// Decrease stocks of the pack only if pack is in linked stock mode (option called 'Decrement both')
if (
!((int)$pack->pack_stock_type == 2) &&
(int)$pack->pack_stock_type == 3 &&
(int)Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') == 2
) {
// Decrease stocks of the pack only if there is not enough items to constitute the actual pack stocks.
// How many packs can be constituted with the remaining product stocks
$quantity_by_pack = $pack->pack_item_quantity;
$stock_available_quantity = $quantity_in_stock - $quantity;
$max_pack_quantity = max(array(0, floor($stock_available_quantity / $quantity_by_pack)));
$quantity_delta = Pack::getQuantity($pack->id) - $max_pack_quantity;
if ($pack->advanced_stock_management == 1 && $quantity_delta > 0) {
$product_warehouses = Warehouse::getPackWarehouses($pack->id);
$warehouse_stock_found = false;
foreach ($product_warehouses as $product_warehouse) {
if (!$warehouse_stock_found) {
if (Warehouse::exists($product_warehouse)) {
$current_warehouse = new Warehouse($product_warehouse);
$removedProducts[] = $this->removeProduct(
// The product was found on this warehouse. Stop the stock searching.
$warehouse_stock_found = !empty($removedProducts[count($removedProducts) - 1]);
return $removedProducts;
* @deprecated
* @see getPhysicalProductQuantities
* @param int $id_product
* @param int $id_product_attribute
* @param null $ids_warehouse
* @param bool $usable
* @return int
public function getProductPhysicalQuantities(
$ids_warehouse = null,
$usable = false
$ids_warehouse = $this->normalizeWarehouseIds($ids_warehouse);
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('SUM('.($usable ? 's.usable_quantity' : 's.physical_quantity').')');
$query->from('stock', 's');
$query->where('s.id_product = '.(int)$id_product);
if (0 != $id_product_attribute) {
$query->where('s.id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute);
if (count($ids_warehouse)) {
$query->where('s.id_warehouse IN('.implode(', ', $ids_warehouse).')');
return (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
* @param $productStockCriteria
* @return int
public function getPhysicalProductQuantities($productStockCriteria)
$productStockCriteria = $this->validateProductStockCriteria($productStockCriteria);
return (int)$this->getProductPhysicalQuantities(
* @param $productStockCriteria
* @return int
public function getUsableProductQuantities($productStockCriteria)
$productStockCriteria = $this->validateProductStockCriteria($productStockCriteria);
return (int)$this->getProductPhysicalQuantities(
$usable = true
* @param array $criteria
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected function validateProductStockCriteria(array $criteria)
if (!array_key_exists('product_id', $criteria)) {
throw new \Exception('Missing product id');
if (!array_key_exists('product_attribute_id', $criteria)) {
throw new \Exception('Missing product combination id');
if (!array_key_exists('warehouse_id', $criteria)) {
throw new \Exception('Missing warehouse id');
return $criteria;
* @param $ids_warehouse
* @return array
public function normalizeWarehouseIds($ids_warehouse)
$normalizedWarehouseIds = array();
if (!is_null($ids_warehouse)) {
if (!is_array($ids_warehouse)) {
$ids_warehouse = array($ids_warehouse);
$normalizedWarehouseIds = array_map('intval', $ids_warehouse);
return $normalizedWarehouseIds;
* @see StockManagerInterface::getProductRealQuantities()
public function getProductRealQuantities($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $ids_warehouse = null, $usable = false)
if (!is_null($ids_warehouse)) {
// in case $ids_warehouse is not an array
if (!is_array($ids_warehouse)) {
$ids_warehouse = array($ids_warehouse);
// casts for security reason
$ids_warehouse = array_map('intval', $ids_warehouse);
$client_orders_qty = 0;
// check if product is present in a pack
if (!Pack::isPack($id_product) && $in_pack = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(
'SELECT id_product_pack, quantity FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'pack
WHERE id_product_item = '.(int)$id_product.'
AND id_product_attribute_item = '.($id_product_attribute ? (int)$id_product_attribute : '0'))) {
foreach ($in_pack as $value) {
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product = new Product((int)$value['id_product_pack'])) &&
($product->pack_stock_type == 1 || $product->pack_stock_type == 2 || ($product->pack_stock_type == 3 && Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') > 0))) {
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('od.product_quantity, od.product_quantity_refunded, pk.quantity');
$query->from('order_detail', 'od');
$query->leftjoin('orders', 'o', 'o.id_order = od.id_order');
$query->where('od.product_id = '.(int)$value['id_product_pack']);
$query->leftJoin('order_history', 'oh', 'oh.id_order = o.id_order AND oh.id_order_state = o.current_state');
$query->leftJoin('order_state', 'os', 'os.id_order_state = oh.id_order_state');
$query->leftJoin('pack', 'pk', 'pk.id_product_item = '.(int)$id_product.' AND pk.id_product_attribute_item = '.($id_product_attribute ? (int)$id_product_attribute : '0').' AND id_product_pack = od.product_id');
$query->where('os.shipped != 1');
$query->where('o.valid = 1 OR (os.id_order_state != '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR').'
AND os.id_order_state != '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_OS_CANCELED').')');
if (count($ids_warehouse)) {
$query->where('od.id_warehouse IN('.implode(', ', $ids_warehouse).')');
$res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);
if (count($res)) {
foreach ($res as $row) {
$client_orders_qty += ($row['product_quantity'] - $row['product_quantity_refunded']) * $row['quantity'];
// skip if product is a pack without
if (!Pack::isPack($id_product) || (Pack::isPack($id_product) && Validate::isLoadedObject($product = new Product((int)$id_product))
&& $product->pack_stock_type == 0 || $product->pack_stock_type == 2 ||
($product->pack_stock_type == 3 && (Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') == 0 || Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') == 2)))) {
// Gets client_orders_qty
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('od.product_quantity, od.product_quantity_refunded');
$query->from('order_detail', 'od');
$query->leftjoin('orders', 'o', 'o.id_order = od.id_order');
$query->where('od.product_id = '.(int)$id_product);
if (0 != $id_product_attribute) {
$query->where('od.product_attribute_id = '.(int)$id_product_attribute);
$query->leftJoin('order_history', 'oh', 'oh.id_order = o.id_order AND oh.id_order_state = o.current_state');
$query->leftJoin('order_state', 'os', 'os.id_order_state = oh.id_order_state');
$query->where('os.shipped != 1');
$query->where('o.valid = 1 OR (os.id_order_state != '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR').'
AND os.id_order_state != '.(int)Configuration::get('PS_OS_CANCELED').')');
if (count($ids_warehouse)) {
$query->where('od.id_warehouse IN('.implode(', ', $ids_warehouse).')');
$res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);
if (count($res)) {
foreach ($res as $row) {
$client_orders_qty += ($row['product_quantity'] - $row['product_quantity_refunded']);
// Gets supply_orders_qty
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('sod.quantity_expected, sod.quantity_received');
$query->from('supply_order', 'so');
$query->leftjoin('supply_order_detail', 'sod', 'sod.id_supply_order = so.id_supply_order');
$query->leftjoin('supply_order_state', 'sos', 'sos.id_supply_order_state = so.id_supply_order_state');
$query->where('sos.pending_receipt = 1');
$query->where('sod.id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND sod.id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute);
if (!is_null($ids_warehouse) && count($ids_warehouse)) {
$query->where('so.id_warehouse IN('.implode(', ', $ids_warehouse).')');
$supply_orders_qties = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);
$supply_orders_qty = 0;
foreach ($supply_orders_qties as $qty) {
if ($qty['quantity_expected'] > $qty['quantity_received']) {
$supply_orders_qty += ($qty['quantity_expected'] - $qty['quantity_received']);
// Gets {physical OR usable}_qty
$qty = $this->getProductPhysicalQuantities($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $ids_warehouse, $usable);
//real qty = actual qty in stock - current client orders + current supply orders
return ($qty - $client_orders_qty + $supply_orders_qty);
* @see StockManagerInterface::transferBetweenWarehouses()
public function transferBetweenWarehouses($id_product,
$usable_from = true,
$usable_to = true)
// Checks if this transfer is possible
if ($this->getProductPhysicalQuantities($id_product, $id_product_attribute, array($id_warehouse_from), $usable_from) < $quantity) {
return false;
if ($id_warehouse_from == $id_warehouse_to && $usable_from == $usable_to) {
return false;
// Checks if the given warehouses are available
$warehouse_from = new Warehouse($id_warehouse_from);
$warehouse_to = new Warehouse($id_warehouse_to);
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($warehouse_from) ||
!Validate::isLoadedObject($warehouse_to)) {
return false;
// Removes from warehouse_from
$stocks = $this->removeProduct($id_product,
if (!count($stocks)) {
return false;
// Adds in warehouse_to
foreach ($stocks as $stock) {
$price = $stock['price_te'];
// convert product price to destination warehouse currency if needed
if ($warehouse_from->id_currency != $warehouse_to->id_currency) {
// First convert price to the default currency
$price_converted_to_default_currency = Tools::convertPrice($price, $warehouse_from->id_currency, false);
// Convert the new price from default currency to needed currency
$price = Tools::convertPrice($price_converted_to_default_currency, $warehouse_to->id_currency, true);
if (!$this->addProduct($id_product,
$usable_to)) {
return false;
return true;
* @see StockManagerInterface::getProductCoverage()
* Here, $coverage is a number of days
* @return int number of days left (-1 if infinite)
public function getProductCoverage($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $coverage, $id_warehouse = null)
if (!$id_product_attribute) {
$id_product_attribute = 0;
if ($coverage == 0 || !$coverage) {
$coverage = 7;
} // Week by default
// gets all stock_mvt for the given coverage period
$query = '
SELECT SUM(view.quantity) as quantity_out
( SELECT sm.`physical_quantity` as quantity
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_mvt` sm
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock` s ON (sm.`id_stock` = s.`id_stock`)
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON (p.`id_product` = s.`id_product`)
'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').'
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa ON (p.`id_product` = pa.`id_product`)
'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product_attribute', 'pa', false).'
WHERE sm.`sign` = -1
AND sm.`id_stock_mvt_reason` != '.Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MVT_TRANSFER_FROM').'
AND TO_DAYS("'.date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00") - TO_DAYS(sm.`date_add`) <= '.(int)$coverage.'
AND s.`id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.'
AND s.`id_product_attribute` = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.
($id_warehouse ? ' AND s.`id_warehouse` = '.(int)$id_warehouse : '').'
GROUP BY sm.`id_stock_mvt`
) as view';
$quantity_out = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
if (!$quantity_out) {
return -1;
$quantity_per_day = Tools::ps_round($quantity_out / $coverage);
$physical_quantity = $this->getProductPhysicalQuantities($id_product,
($id_warehouse ? array($id_warehouse) : null),
$time_left = ($quantity_per_day == 0) ? (-1) : Tools::ps_round($physical_quantity / $quantity_per_day);
return $time_left;
* For a given stock, calculates its new WA(Weighted Average) price based on the new quantities and price
* Formula : (physicalStock * lastCump + quantityToAdd * unitPrice) / (physicalStock + quantityToAdd)
* @param Stock|PrestaShopCollection $stock
* @param int $quantity
* @param float $price_te
* @return int WA
protected function calculateWA(Stock $stock, $quantity, $price_te)
return (float)Tools::ps_round(((($stock->physical_quantity * $stock->price_te) + ($quantity * $price_te)) / ($stock->physical_quantity + $quantity)), 6);
* For a given product, retrieves the stock collection
* @param int $id_product
* @param int $id_product_attribute
* @param int $id_warehouse Optional
* @param int $price_te Optional
* @param Stock $stock Optional
* @return PrestaShopCollection Collection of Stock
protected function getStockCollection(
$id_warehouse = null,
$price_te = null,
Stock $stock = null
$stocks = new PrestaShopCollection('Stock');
$stocks->where('id_product', '=', $id_product);
$stocks->where('id_product_attribute', '=', $id_product_attribute);
if ($stock) {
$stocks->where('id_stock', '=', $stock->id);
if ($id_warehouse) {
$stocks->where('id_warehouse', '=', $id_warehouse);
if ($price_te) {
$stocks->where('price_te', '=', $price_te);
return $stocks;
* For a given product, retrieves the stock in function of the delivery option
* @param int $id_product
* @param int $id_product_attribute optional
* @param array $delivery_option
* @return int quantity
public static function getStockByCarrier($id_product = 0, $id_product_attribute = 0, $delivery_option = null)
if (!(int)$id_product || !is_array($delivery_option) || !is_int($id_product_attribute)) {
return false;
$results = Warehouse::getWarehousesByProductId($id_product, $id_product_attribute);
$stock_quantity = 0;
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (isset($result['id_warehouse']) && (int)$result['id_warehouse']) {
$ws = new Warehouse((int)$result['id_warehouse']);
$carriers = $ws->getWsCarriers();
if (is_array($carriers) && !empty($carriers)) {
$stock_quantity += Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue('SELECT SUM(s.`usable_quantity`) as quantity
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock s
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'warehouse_carrier wc ON wc.`id_warehouse` = s.`id_warehouse`
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'carrier c ON wc.`id_carrier` = c.`id_reference`
WHERE s.`id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.' AND s.`id_product_attribute` = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.' AND s.`id_warehouse` = '.$result['id_warehouse'].' AND c.`id_carrier` IN ('.rtrim($delivery_option[(int)Context::getContext()->cart->id_address_delivery], ',').') GROUP BY s.`id_product`');
} else {
$stock_quantity += Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue('SELECT SUM(s.`usable_quantity`) as quantity
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock s
WHERE s.`id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.' AND s.`id_product_attribute` = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.' AND s.`id_warehouse` = '.$result['id_warehouse'].' GROUP BY s.`id_product`');
return $stock_quantity;
* Prevent stock operation whenever product, quantity or warehouse are invalid
* @param Warehouse $warehouse
* @param $productId
* @param $quantity
* @return bool
protected function shouldPreventStockOperation(Warehouse $warehouse, $productId, $quantity)
return !Validate::isLoadedObject($warehouse) || !$quantity || !$productId;
* @param $stockMovementReasonId
* @return mixed
protected function ensureStockMovementReasonIsValid($stockMovementReasonId)
if (!StockMvtReason::exists($stockMovementReasonId)) {
$stockMovementReasonId = Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MVT_DEC_REASON_DEFAULT');
return $stockMovementReasonId;
* @param $productId
* @param $shouldIgnorePack
* @return bool
protected function shouldHandleStockOperationForProductsPack($productId, $shouldIgnorePack)
return Pack::isPack((int)$productId) && !$shouldIgnorePack;
* @param Warehouse $warehouse
* @param $productId
* @param $productAttributeId
* @param $isUsable
protected function hookCoverageOnProductRemoval(
Warehouse $warehouse,
if ($isUsable) {
'id_product' => $productId,
'id_product_attribute' => $productAttributeId,
'warehouse' => $warehouse
* @param Warehouse $warehouse
* @param $productId
* @param $productAttributeId
* @param $shouldHandleUsableQuantity
* @param $stock
* @return int
protected function computeProductQuantityInStock(
Warehouse $warehouse,
Stock $stock = null
$productStockCriteria = array(
'product_id' => $productId,
'product_attribute_id' => $productAttributeId,
'warehouse_id' => $warehouse->id
$physicalProductQuantityInStock = $this->getPhysicalProductQuantities($productStockCriteria);
$usableProductQuantityInStock = $this->getUsableProductQuantities($productStockCriteria);
if ($stock) {
$physicalProductQuantityInStock = $stock->physical_quantity;
$usableProductQuantityInStock = $stock->usable_quantity;
$productQuantityInStock = $physicalProductQuantityInStock;
if ($shouldHandleUsableQuantity) {
$productQuantityInStock = $usableProductQuantityInStock;
return (int)$productQuantityInStock;
* @param $quantity
* @param $quantity_in_stock
* @return bool
protected function ensureProductQuantityRequestedForRemovalIsValid($quantity, $quantity_in_stock)
return $quantity_in_stock < $quantity;
* @param $id_product
* @param $id_product_attribute
* @param Warehouse $warehouse
* @param Stock $stock
* @return PrestaShopCollection
protected function getProductStockLinesInWarehouse(
Warehouse $warehouse,
Stock $stock = null
$stockLines = $this->getStockCollection($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $warehouse->id, null, $stock);
return $stockLines;
* @param $employee
* @return array
protected function getAttributesOfEmployeeRequestingStockMovement($employee)
$context = Context::getContext();
if ((int)$context->employee->id) {
$employeeId = (int)$context->employee->id;
} else {
$employeeId = $employee->id;
if ($context->employee->firstname) {
$employeeFirstName = $context->employee->firstname;
} else {
$employeeFirstName = $employee->firstname;
if ($context->employee->lastname) {
$employeeLastName = $context->employee->lastname;
} else {
$employeeLastName = $employee->lastname;
return array(
'employee_id' => $employeeId,
'first_name' => $employeeFirstName,
'last_name' => $employeeLastName
* @param $quantity
* @param $id_stock_mvt_reason
* @param $is_usable
* @param $id_order
* @param $employee
* @param $stock
public function removeProductQuantityApplyingCump(
$employeeAttributes = $this->getAttributesOfEmployeeRequestingStockMovement($employee);
$movementParams = array(
'id_stock' => $stock->id,
'physical_quantity' => $quantity,
'id_stock_mvt_reason' => $id_stock_mvt_reason,
'id_order' => $id_order,
'price_te' => $stock->price_te,
'last_wa' => $stock->price_te,
'current_wa' => $stock->price_te,
'id_employee' => $employeeAttributes['employee_id'],
'employee_firstname' => $employeeAttributes['first_name'],
'employee_lastname' => $employeeAttributes['last_name'],
'sign' => -1
if ($is_usable) {
$usableProductQuantity = $stock->usable_quantity - $quantity;
} else {
$usableProductQuantity = $stock->usable_quantity;
$physicalProductQuantity = $stock->physical_quantity - $quantity;
$stockParams = array(
'physical_quantity' => $physicalProductQuantity,
'usable_quantity' => $usableProductQuantity
/** @var \StockCore $stock */
/** @var \StockMvtCore $stockMovement */
$stockMovement = new StockMvt();