2017-07-06 17:41:10 +02:00
< ? php
class AdvMenuLink extends ObjectModel {
public $id_link ;
public $id_parent ;
public $cta ;
public $title ;
public $url ;
public $classbloc ;
public $external ;
public $position ;
public $tree_categories ;
2017-07-12 15:04:20 +02:00
public $liste_icons_menu ;
2017-07-06 17:41:10 +02:00
public $has_error = FALSE ;
public static $definition = array (
'table' => 'advmenu' ,
'primary' => 'id_link' ,
'multilang' => TRUE ,
'fields' => array (
'id_link' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_INT , 'validate' => 'isInt' ),
'id_parent' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_INT , 'validate' => 'isInt' ),
'tree_categories' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_INT , 'validate' => 'isInt' ),
2017-07-12 15:04:20 +02:00
'liste_icons_menu' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_STRING , 'validate' => 'isGenericName' ),
2017-07-06 17:41:10 +02:00
'external' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_BOOL , 'validate' => 'isBool' ),
'position' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_INT , 'validate' => 'isInt' ),
'classbloc' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_STRING , 'validate' => 'isGenericName' ),
// Lang fields
'url' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_STRING , 'lang' => TRUE , 'validate' => 'isUrl' , 'required' => FALSE , 'size' => 255 ),
'title' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_STRING , 'lang' => TRUE , 'validate' => 'isGenericName' , 'required' => TRUE , 'size' => 255 ),
'cta' => array ( 'type' => self :: TYPE_HTML , 'lang' => TRUE , 'validate' => 'isCleanHtml' )
public function add ( $null_values = false , $autodate = true )
$this -> position = $this -> getHigherPosition ( $this -> id_parent ) + 1 ;
$result = parent :: add ( $null_values , $autodate );
//Add and remove shop association
if ( $result && Shop :: isFeatureActive ()) {
//Delete record if shop has been removed from the list
$result &= Db :: getInstance () -> delete ( $this -> def [ 'table' ] . '_shop' , '`' . $this -> def [ 'primary' ] . '` =' . ( int ) $this -> id . ' AND id_shop NOT IN (' . implode ( ', ' , $this -> id_shop_list ) . ')' );
// Insert new record if shop has been added in the list
$insert = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> id_shop_list as $id_shop ) {
if ( $insert != '' )
$insert .= ', ' ;
$insert .= '(' . ( int ) $this -> id . ' , ' . $id_shop . ') ' ;
$result &= Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
INSERT IGNORE INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->def['table'].'_shop` ( `'.$this->def['primary'].'` , `id_shop` )
VALUES ' . $insert
Hook :: exec ( 'actionSaveMenu' );
return $result ;
public function update ( $null_values = FALSE )
// check if the object has a different parent
$old_id_parent = - 1 ;
$old_object = new AdvMenuLink (( int ) $this -> id );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $old_object )) {
$old_id_parent = $old_object -> id_parent ;
if ( $old_id_parent != $this -> id_parent ) {
$this -> position = $this -> getHigherPosition ( $this -> id_parent ) + 1 ;
// update the object
$result = parent :: update ( $null_values );
//Add and remove shop association
if ( $result && Shop :: isFeatureActive ()) {
//Delete record if shop has been removed from the list
$result &= Db :: getInstance () -> delete ( $this -> def [ 'table' ] . '_shop' , '`' . $this -> def [ 'primary' ] . '` =' . ( int ) $this -> id . ' AND id_shop NOT IN (' . implode ( ', ' , $this -> id_shop_list ) . ')' );
// Insert new record if shop has been added in the list
$insert = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> id_shop_list as $id_shop ) {
if ( $insert != '' )
$insert .= ', ' ;
$insert .= '(' . ( int ) $this -> id . ' , ' . $id_shop . ') ' ;
$result &= Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . $this -> def [ 'table' ] . '_shop` (`' . $this -> def [ 'primary' ] . '`, `id_shop`) VALUES ' . $insert );
// update links position of previous parent and the new one
if ( $result && $old_id_parent != - 1 ) {
$this -> refreshPositions ( $old_id_parent );
$this -> refreshPositions ();
Hook :: exec ( 'actionSaveMenu' );
return $result ;
public function delete ()
$this -> has_error = FALSE ;
$nb_sublinks = $this -> getNbSubLinks ( $this -> id );
if ( $nb_sublinks > 0 ) {
$this -> has_error = TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
if ( parent :: delete ()) {
$this -> refreshPositions ();
return true ;
return false ;
public function getNbSubLinks ( $id_link )
return Db :: getInstance () -> getValue (
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'advmenu` WHERE `id_parent` = ' . ( int ) $id_link
public function hasError ()
return $this -> has_error ;
public static function getPath ( $id_parent , $id_lang )
$links = [];
while ( $id_parent ) {
$obj = new AdvMenuLink (( int ) $id_parent , ( int ) $id_lang );
$links [] = [ 'id_link' => $obj -> id , 'title' => $obj -> title ];
$id_parent = $obj -> id_parent ;
return array_reverse ( $links );
public static function getCategoryAssociates ( $id_link ) {
$cat = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( '
SELECT adv . `tree_categories`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu` adv
WHERE `id_link` = ' . (int)$id_link . '
ORDER BY `position` ASC
' );
return $cat ;
public static function getMenu ()
$context = Context :: getContext ();
$menuLinks = self :: getLinks ( 0 , $context );
foreach ( $menuLinks as $i => $link ) {
$menuLinks [ $i ][ 'children' ] = self :: getLinks ( $link [ 'id_link' ], $context );
$menuLinks [ $i ][ 'nbChildren' ] = count ( $menuLinks [ $i ][ 'children' ]);
foreach ( $menuLinks [ $i ][ 'children' ] as $y => $children )
$menuLinks [ $i ][ 'children' ][ $y ][ 'children' ] = self :: getLinks ( $children [ 'id_link' ], $context );
return $menuLinks ;
public static function getLinks ( $id_parent , $context )
$links = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( '
2017-07-12 15:04:20 +02:00
SELECT adv . `id_link` , `title` , `url` , `classbloc` , `cta` , `external` , `tree_categories` , `liste_icons_menu`
2017-07-06 17:41:10 +02:00
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu` adv
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu_lang` advl ON adv . `id_link` = advl . `id_link` AND id_lang = '. (int)($context->cookie->id_lang) . '
WHERE `id_parent` = ' . (int)$id_parent . '
ORDER BY `position` ASC
' );
return $links ;
public static function getLinksTree ( & $links , $id_parent , $id_lang , $id_link_to_exclude =- 1 , $level =- 1 )
$level ++ ;
$sql = '
SELECT adv . `id_link` , `title` , `id_parent`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu` adv
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu_lang` advl ON adv . `id_link` = advl . `id_link` AND id_lang = '. (int)($id_lang) . '
WHERE `id_parent` = ' . ( int ) $id_parent ;
if ( $id_link_to_exclude !=- 1 ) {
$sql .= ' AND adv.`id_link` <> ' . ( int ) $id_link_to_exclude ;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY `position` ASC' ;
$rows = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( $sql );
foreach ( $rows as & $row ) {
$row [ 'level' ] = $level ;
$links [] = $row ;
if ( $row [ 'id_link' ] != $id_link_to_exclude ) {
self :: getLinksTree ( $links , $row [ 'id_link' ], $id_lang , $id_link_to_exclude , $level );
public function cleanPositions ()
return Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( 'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' advmenu `
SET `position` = `position` - 1
WHERE `id_link` = '.(int)$this->id_link.'
AND `position` > ' . ( int ) $this -> position );
public function updatePosition ( $way , $position )
$sql = ' SELECT `position` , `id_link`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu`
WHERE `id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id_parent.'
ORDER BY `position` ASC ' ;
if ( ! $res = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( $sql ))
return false ;
foreach ( $res as $row )
if (( int ) $row [ 'id_link' ] == ( int ) $this -> id_link )
$moved_row = $row ;
if ( ! isset ( $moved_row ) || ! isset ( $position ))
return false ;
// < and > statements rather than BETWEEN operator
// since BETWEEN is treated differently according to databases
$res = Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu`
SET `position` = `position` '.($way ? ' - 1 ' : ' + 1 ').'
WHERE `id_parent` = '.(int)$this->id_parent.'
AND `position`
' . ( $way
? '> ' . ( int ) $moved_row [ 'position' ] . ' AND `position` <= ' . ( int ) $position
: '< ' . ( int ) $moved_row [ 'position' ] . ' AND `position` >= ' . ( int ) $position )
&& Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu`
SET `position` = '.(int)$position.'
WHERE `id_link` = '.(int)$moved_row[' id_link ' ]
$this -> refreshPositions ();
Hook :: exec ( 'actionSaveMenu' );
return $res ;
public function refreshPositions ( $id_parent =- 1 )
$sql = ' SELECT `id_link`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu`
WHERE `id_parent` = '.($id_parent>-1 ? $id_parent : (int)$this->id_parent).'
ORDER BY `position` ASC ' ;
if ( ! $blocks = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( $sql ))
return false ;
$pos = 0 ;
foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu`
SET `position` = '.(int)$pos.'
WHERE `id_link` = '.(int)$block[' id_link ' ]);
$pos ++ ;
public function getHigherPosition ( $id_parent )
$sql = ' SELECT MAX ( `position` )
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advmenu`
WHERE `id_parent` = ' . ( int ) $id_parent ;
$position = DB :: getInstance () -> getValue ( $sql );
return ( is_numeric ( $position )) ? $position : - 1 ;
public static function refreshPositionsAll ()
$obj = new AdvMenuLink ( null );
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT id_parent FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'advmenu`' ;
$rows = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( $sql );
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$obj -> refreshPositions ( $row [ 'id_parent' ]);