/* * 2007-2016 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ $(document).ready(function(){ // GUEST CHECKOUT / NEW ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT if ((typeof isLogged == 'undefined' || !isLogged) || (typeof isGuest !== 'undefined' && isGuest)) { if (guestCheckoutEnabled && !isLogged && !isGuest) { $('#opc_account_choice').show(); $('#opc_account_form, #opc_invoice_address').hide(); $(document).on('click', '#opc_createAccount',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.is_customer_param').show(); $('#opc_account_form').slideDown('slow'); $('#is_new_customer').val('1'); $('#opc_account_choice, #opc_invoice_address').hide(); if (typeof bindUniform !=='undefined') bindUniform(); }); $(document).on('click', '#opc_guestCheckout', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.is_customer_param').hide(); $('#opc_account_form').slideDown('slow'); $('#is_new_customer').val('0'); $('#opc_account_choice, #opc_invoice_address').hide(); $('#new_account_title').html(txtInstantCheckout); $('#submitAccount').attr({id : 'submitGuestAccount', name : 'submitGuestAccount'}); if (typeof bindUniform !=='undefined') bindUniform(); }); } else if (isGuest) { $('.is_customer_param').hide(); $('#opc_account_form').show('slow'); $('#is_new_customer').val('0'); $('#opc_account_choice, #opc_invoice_address').hide(); $('#new_account_title').html(txtInstantCheckout); } else { $('#opc_account_choice').hide(); $('#is_new_customer').val('1'); $('.is_customer_param, #opc_account_form').show(); $('#opc_invoice_address').hide(); } // LOGIN FORM $(document).on('click', '#openLoginFormBlock', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#openNewAccountBlock').show(); $(this).hide(); $('#login_form_content').slideDown('slow'); $('#new_account_form').slideUp('slow'); }); // LOGIN FORM SENDING $(document).on('click', '#SubmitLogin', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var that = $(this); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: authenticationUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: false, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'SubmitLogin=true&ajax=true&email='+encodeURIComponent($('#login_email').val())+'&passwd='+encodeURIComponent($('#login_passwd').val())+'&token=' + static_token , success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''+txtThereis+' '+jsonData.errors.length+' '+txtErrors+':
    '; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += '
  1. '+jsonData.errors[error]+'
  2. '; errors += '
'; $('#opc_login_errors').html(errors).slideDown('slow'); } else { // update token static_token = jsonData.token; updateNewAccountToAddressBlock(that.attr('data-adv-api')); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to send login informations \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + error + '

' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } } }); }); // VALIDATION / CREATION AJAX $(document).on('click', '#submitAccount, #submitGuestAccount', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#opc_new_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow') var callingFile = ''; var advApiParam = ''; var params = ''; if ($(this).attr('data-adv-api')) { advApiParam = '&isAdvApi=1'; } if (parseInt($('#opc_id_customer').val()) == 0) { callingFile = authenticationUrl; params = 'submitAccount=true&'; } else { callingFile = orderOpcUrl; params = 'method=editCustomer&'; } $('#opc_account_form input:visible, #opc_account_form input[type=hidden]').each(function() { if ($(this).is('input[type=checkbox]')) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) params += encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('name'))+'=1&'; } else if ($(this).is('input[type=radio]')) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) params += encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('name'))+'='+encodeURIComponent($(this).val())+'&'; } else params += encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('name'))+'='+encodeURIComponent($(this).val())+'&'; }); $('#opc_account_form select:visible').each(function() { params += encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('name'))+'='+encodeURIComponent($(this).val())+'&'; }); params += 'customer_lastname='+encodeURIComponent($('#customer_lastname').val())+'&'; params += 'customer_firstname='+encodeURIComponent($('#customer_firstname').val())+'&'; params += 'alias='+encodeURIComponent($('#alias').val())+'&'; params += 'other='+encodeURIComponent($('#other').val())+'&'; params += 'is_new_customer='+encodeURIComponent($('#is_new_customer').val())+'&'; // Clean the last & params = params.substr(0, params.length-1); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: callingFile + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime() + advApiParam, async: false, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&'+params+'&token=' + static_token , success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var tmp = ''; var i = 0; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') { i = i+1; tmp += '
  • '+jsonData.errors[error]+'
  • '; } tmp += ''; var errors = ''+txtThereis+' '+i+' '+txtErrors+':
      '+tmp; $('#opc_account_errors').slideUp('fast', function(){ $(this).html(errors).slideDown('slow', function(){ $.scrollTo('#opc_account_errors', 800); }); }); } else { $('#opc_account_errors').slideUp('slow', function(){ $(this).html(''); }); } isGuest = parseInt($('#is_new_customer').val()) == 1 ? 0 : 1; // update addresses id if(jsonData.id_address_delivery !== undefined && jsonData.id_address_delivery > 0) $('#opc_id_address_delivery').val(jsonData.id_address_delivery); if(jsonData.id_address_invoice !== undefined && jsonData.id_address_invoice > 0) $('#opc_id_address_invoice').val(jsonData.id_address_invoice); if (jsonData.id_customer !== undefined && jsonData.id_customer !== 0 && jsonData.isSaved) { // update token static_token = jsonData.token; // It's not a new customer if ($('#opc_id_customer').val() !== '0') if (!saveAddress('delivery')) return false; // update id_customer $('#opc_id_customer').val(jsonData.id_customer); if ($('#invoice_address:checked').length !== 0) { if (!saveAddress('invoice')) return false; } // update id_customer $('#opc_id_customer').val(jsonData.id_customer); // force to refresh carrier list if (isGuest) { isLogged = 1; $('#opc_account_saved').fadeIn('slow'); $('#submitAccount').hide(); updateAddressSelection(advApiParam); } else updateNewAccountToAddressBlock(advApiParam); } $('#opc_new_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save account \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + error + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } $('#opc_new_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow') } }); }); } bindInputs(); $('#opc_account_form input,select,textarea').change(function() { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $('#opc_account_saved').fadeOut('slow'); $('#submitAccount').show(); } }); // If the multishipping mode is off assure us the checkbox "I want to specify a delivery address for each products I order." is unchecked. $('#multishipping_mode_checkbox').attr('checked', false); // If the multishipping mode is on, check the box "I want to specify a delivery address for each products I order.". if (typeof(multishipping_mode) !== 'undefined' && multishipping_mode) { $('#multishipping_mode_checkbox').click(); $('.addressesAreEquals').hide().find('input').attr('checked', false); } if (typeof(open_multishipping_fancybox) !== 'undefined' && open_multishipping_fancybox) $('#link_multishipping_form').click(); }); function updateCarrierList(json) { var html = json.carrier_block; $('#carrier_area').replaceWith(html); bindInputs(); /* update hooks for carrier module */ $('#HOOK_BEFORECARRIER').html(json.HOOK_BEFORECARRIER); } function updatePaymentMethods(json) { $('#HOOK_TOP_PAYMENT').html(json.HOOK_TOP_PAYMENT); $('#opc_payment_methods-content #HOOK_PAYMENT').html(json.HOOK_PAYMENT); } function updatePaymentMethodsDisplay() { var checked = ''; if ($('#cgv:checked').length !== 0) checked = 1; else checked = 0; $('#opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow', function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&method=updateTOSStatusAndGetPayments&checked=' + checked + '&token=' + static_token, success: function(json) { updatePaymentMethods(json); if (typeof bindUniform !=='undefined') bindUniform(); } }); $(this).fadeOut('slow'); }); } function updateAddressSelection(is_adv_api) { var idAddress_delivery = ($('#opc_id_address_delivery').length == 1 ? $('#opc_id_address_delivery').val() : $('#id_address_delivery').val()); var idAddress_invoice = ($('#opc_id_address_invoice').length == 1 ? $('#opc_id_address_invoice').val() : ($('#addressesAreEquals:checked').length == 1 ? idAddress_delivery : ($('#id_address_invoice').length == 1 ? $('#id_address_invoice').val() : idAddress_delivery))); $('#opc_account-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); $('#opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'allow_refresh=1&ajax=true&method=updateAddressesSelected&id_address_delivery=' + idAddress_delivery + '&id_address_invoice=' + idAddress_invoice + '&token=' + static_token + (is_adv_api ? '&isAdvApi=1' : ''), success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
      ').html(jsonData.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + errors + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(errors); } else { if (jsonData.refresh) { location.reload(); return; } // Update all product keys with the new address id $('#cart_summary .address_' + deliveryAddress).each(function() { $(this) .removeClass('address_' + deliveryAddress) .addClass('address_' + idAddress_delivery); $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)); if ($(this).find('.cart_unit ul').length > 0 && $(this).find('.cart_unit ul').attr('id').length > 0) $(this).find('.cart_unit ul').attr('id', $(this).find('.cart_unit ul').attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)); if ($(this).find('.cart_total span').length > 0 && $(this).find('.cart_total span').attr('id').length > 0) $(this).find('.cart_total span').attr('id', $(this).find('.cart_total span').attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)); if ($(this).find('.cart_quantity_input').length > 0 && $(this).find('.cart_quantity_input').attr('name').length > 0) { var name = $(this).find('.cart_quantity_input').attr('name')+'_hidden'; $(this).find('.cart_quantity_input').attr('name', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_input').attr('name').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)); if ($(this).find('[name="' + name + '"]').length > 0) $(this).find('[name="' + name + '"]').attr('name', name.replace(/_\d+_hidden$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery + '_hidden')); } if ($(this).find('.cart_quantity_delete').length > 0 && $(this).find('.cart_quantity_delete').attr('id').length > 0) { $(this).find('.cart_quantity_delete') .attr('id', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_delete').attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)) .attr('href', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_delete').attr('href').replace(/id_address_delivery=\d+&/, 'id_address_delivery=' + idAddress_delivery+'&')); } if ($(this).find('.cart_quantity_down').length > 0 && $(this).find('.cart_quantity_down').attr('id').length > 0) { $(this).find('.cart_quantity_down') .attr('id', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_down').attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)) .attr('href', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_down').attr('href').replace(/id_address_delivery=\d+&/, 'id_address_delivery=' + idAddress_delivery+'&')); } if ($(this).find('.cart_quantity_up').length > 0 && $(this).find('.cart_quantity_up').attr('id').length > 0) { $(this).find('.cart_quantity_up') .attr('id', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_up').attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)) .attr('href', $(this).find('.cart_quantity_up').attr('href').replace(/id_address_delivery=\d+&/, 'id_address_delivery=' + idAddress_delivery+'&')); } }); // Update global var deliveryAddress deliveryAddress = idAddress_delivery; if (window.ajaxCart !== undefined) { $('.cart_block_list dd, .cart_block_list dt').each(function(){ if (typeof($(this).attr('id')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + idAddress_delivery)); }); } updateCarrierList(jsonData.carrier_data); updatePaymentMethods(jsonData); updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); updateHookShoppingCart(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART); updateHookShoppingCartExtra(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA); if ($('#gift-price').length == 1) $('#gift-price').html(jsonData.gift_price); $('#opc_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save adresses \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + error + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } $('#opc_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }); } function getCarrierListAndUpdate() { $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&method=getCarrierList&token=' + static_token, success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
      ').html(jsonData.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) { $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + errors + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); } else { if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + errors + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(errors); } } else updateCarrierList(jsonData); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }); } function updateCarrierSelectionAndGift() { var recyclablePackage = 0; var gift = 0; var giftMessage = ''; var delivery_option_radio = $('.delivery_option_radio'); var delivery_option_params = '&'; $.each(delivery_option_radio, function(i) { if ($(this).prop('checked')) delivery_option_params += $(delivery_option_radio[i]).attr('name') + '=' + $(delivery_option_radio[i]).val() + '&'; }); if (delivery_option_params == '&') delivery_option_params = '&delivery_option=&'; if ($('input#recyclable:checked').length) recyclablePackage = 1; if ($('input#gift:checked').length) { gift = 1; giftMessage = encodeURIComponent($('#gift_message').val()); } $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&method=updateCarrierAndGetPayments' + delivery_option_params + 'recyclable=' + recyclablePackage + '&gift=' + gift + '&gift_message=' + giftMessage + '&token=' + static_token , success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
      ').html(jsonData.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + errors + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(errors); } else { updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); updatePaymentMethods(jsonData); updateHookShoppingCart(jsonData.summary.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART); updateHookShoppingCartExtra(jsonData.summary.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA); updateCarrierList(jsonData.carrier_data); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); refreshDeliveryOptions(); if (typeof bindUniform !=='undefined') bindUniform(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save carrier \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }); } function confirmFreeOrder() { if ($('#opc_new_account-overlay').length !== 0) $('#opc_new_account-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); else $('#opc_account-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); $('#confirmOrder').prop('disabled', 'disabled'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "html", data: 'ajax=true&method=makeFreeOrder&token=' + static_token , success: function(html) { $('#confirmOrder').prop('disabled', false); var array_split = html.split(':'); if (array_split[0] == 'freeorder') { if (isGuest) document.location.href = guestTrackingUrl+'?id_order='+encodeURIComponent(array_split[1])+'&email='+encodeURIComponent(array_split[2]); else document.location.href = historyUrl; } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to confirm the order \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + error + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } } }); } function saveAddress(type) { if (type !== 'delivery' && type !== 'invoice') return false; var params = 'firstname=' + encodeURIComponent($('#firstname' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&lastname=' + encodeURIComponent($('#lastname' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#company' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'company=' + encodeURIComponent($('#company' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#vat_number' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'vat_number='+encodeURIComponent($('#vat_number' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#dni' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'dni=' + encodeURIComponent($('#dni' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val())+'&'; if ($('#address1' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'address1=' + encodeURIComponent($('#address1' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#address2' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'address2=' + encodeURIComponent($('#address2' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#postcode' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'postcode=' + encodeURIComponent($('#postcode' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#city' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'city=' + encodeURIComponent($('#city' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#id_country' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'id_country=' + parseInt($('#id_country' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#id_state' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'id_state=' + encodeURIComponent($('#id_state' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#other' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'other=' + encodeURIComponent($('#other' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#phone' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'phone=' + encodeURIComponent($('#phone' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#phone_mobile' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'phone_mobile=' + encodeURIComponent($('#phone_mobile' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if ($('#alias' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).length) params += 'alias=' + encodeURIComponent($('#alias' + (type == 'invoice' ? '_invoice' : '')).val()) + '&'; if (type == 'delivery' && $('#opc_id_address_delivery').val() != undefined && parseInt($('#opc_id_address_delivery').val()) > 0) params += 'opc_id_address_delivery=' + parseInt($('#opc_id_address_delivery').val()) + '&'; if (type == 'invoice' && $('#opc_id_address_invoice').val() != undefined && parseInt($('#opc_id_address_invoice').val()) > 0) params += 'opc_id_address_invoice=' + parseInt($('#opc_id_address_invoice').val()) + '&'; // Clean the last & params = params.substr(0, params.length-1); var result = false; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: addressUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: false, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&submitAddress=true&type='+type+'&'+params+'&token=' + static_token, success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var tmp = ''; var i = 0; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') { i = i+1; tmp += '
    1. '+jsonData.errors[error]+'
    2. '; } tmp += '
    '; var errors = ''+txtThereis+' '+i+' '+txtErrors+':
      '+tmp; $('#opc_account_errors').slideUp('fast', function(){ $(this).html(errors).slideDown('slow', function(){ $.scrollTo('#opc_account_errors', 800); }); }); $('#opc_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); result = false; } else { // update addresses id $('input#opc_id_address_delivery').val(jsonData.id_address_delivery); $('input#opc_id_address_invoice').val(jsonData.id_address_invoice); result = true; } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save adresses \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

      ' + error + '

      ' } ], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } $('#opc_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }); return result; } function updateNewAccountToAddressBlock(is_adv_api) { $('#opc_account-overlay, #opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&method=getAddressBlockAndCarriersAndPayments&token=' + static_token + (is_adv_api ? '&isAdvApi=1' : '') , success: function(json) { if (json.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in json.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
      ').html(json.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; alert(errors); } else { isLogged = 1; if (json.no_address == 1) document.location.href = addressUrl; $('#opc_new_account').fadeOut('fast', function() { if (typeof json.formatedAddressFieldsValuesList !== 'undefined' && json.formatedAddressFieldsValuesList ) formatedAddressFieldsValuesList = json.formatedAddressFieldsValuesList; if (typeof json.order_opc_adress !== 'undefined' && json.order_opc_adress) $('#opc_new_account').html(json.order_opc_adress); // update block user info // 1.5 template if (json.block_user_info !== '' && $('#header_user').length == 1) { var elt = $(json.block_user_info).find('#header_user_info').html(); $('#header_user_info').fadeOut('normal', function() { $(this).html(elt).fadeIn(); }); } // 1.6 temmplate if (json.block_user_info_nav !== '' && $('.header_user_info').length == 1) { $('.header_user_info').fadeOut('normal', function() { $(this).html(json.block_user_info_nav).fadeIn(); }); } $(this).fadeIn('fast', function() { if ($('#gift-price').length == 1) $('#gift-price').html(json.gift_price); //After login, the products are automatically associated to an address $.each(json.summary.products, function() { updateAddressId(this.id_product, this.id_product_attribute, '0', this.id_address_delivery); }); updateAddressesDisplay(true); if (typeof is_adv_api === 'undefined' || !is_adv_api) { updateCarrierList(json.carrier_data); updateCarrierSelectionAndGift(); updatePaymentMethods(json); } $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); }); }); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to send login informations \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay, #opc_payment_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }); } function bindInputs() { // Order message update $('#message').blur(function() { $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay').fadeIn('slow'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: false, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true&method=updateMessage&message=' + encodeURIComponent($('#message').val()) + '&token=' + static_token , success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
      ').html(jsonData.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; alert(errors); } else $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save message \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus); $('#opc_delivery_methods-overlay').fadeOut('slow'); } }); if (typeof bindUniform !=='undefined') bindUniform(); }); // Recyclable checkbox $('#recyclable').on('click', function(e){ updateCarrierSelectionAndGift(); }); // Gift checkbox update $('#gift').off('click').on('click', function(e){ if ($('#gift').is(':checked')) $('#gift_div').show(); else $('#gift_div').hide(); updateCarrierSelectionAndGift(); }); if ($('#gift').is(':checked')) $('#gift_div').show(); else $('#gift_div').hide(); // Gift message update $('#gift_message').on('change', function() { updateCarrierSelectionAndGift(); }); // Term Of Service (TOS) $('#cgv').on('click', function(e){ updatePaymentMethodsDisplay(); }); } function multishippingMode(it) { if ($(it).prop('checked')) { $('#address_delivery, .address_delivery').hide(); $('#address_delivery, .address_delivery').parent().hide(); $('#address_invoice').removeClass('alternate_item').addClass('item'); $('#multishipping_mode_box').addClass('on'); $('.addressesAreEquals').hide(); $('#address_invoice_form').show(); $(document).on('click', '#link_multishipping_form', function(e){e.preventDefault();}); $('.address_add a').attr('href', addressMultishippingUrl); $(document).on('click', '#link_multishipping_form', function(e){ if(!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox({ 'openEffect': 'elastic', 'closeEffect': 'elastic', 'type': 'ajax', 'href': this.href, 'beforeClose': function(){ // Reload the cart $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), data: 'ajax=true&method=cartReload', dataType : 'html', cache: false, success: function(data) { $('#cart_summary').replaceWith($(data).find('#cart_summary')); $('.cart_quantity_input').typeWatch({ highlight: true, wait: 600, captureLength: 0, callback: function(val) { updateQty(val, true, this.el); } }); } }); updateCarrierSelectionAndGift(); }, 'beforeLoad': function(){ // Removing all ids on the cart to avoid conflic with the new one on the fancybox // This action could "break" the cart design, if css rules use ids of the cart $.each($('#cart_summary *'), function(it, el) { $(el).attr('id', ''); }); }, 'afterLoad': function(){ $('.fancybox-inner .cart_quantity_input').typeWatch({ highlight: true, wait: 600, captureLength: 0, callback: function(val) { updateQty(val, false, this.el);} }); cleanSelectAddressDelivery(); $('.fancybox-outer').append($('')); $(document).on('click', '#multishipping-close', function(e){ var newTotalQty = 0; $('.fancybox-inner .cart_quantity_input').each(function(){ newTotalQty += parseInt($(this).val()); }); if (newTotalQty !== totalQty) { if(!confirm(QtyChanged)) { return false; } } $.fancybox.close(); return false; }); totalQty = 0; $('.fancybox-inner .cart_quantity_input').each(function(){ totalQty += parseInt($(this).val()); }); } }); }); } else { $('#address_delivery, .address_delivery').show(); $('#address_invoice').removeClass('item').addClass('alternate_item'); $('#multishipping_mode_box').removeClass('on'); $('.addressesAreEquals').show(); if ($('.addressesAreEquals').find('input:checked').length) $('#address_invoice_form').hide(); else $('#address_invoice_form').show(); $('.address_add a').attr('href', addressUrl); // Disable multi address shipping $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, data: 'ajax=true&method=noMultiAddressDelivery' }); // Reload the cart $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: orderOpcUrl + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, data: 'ajax=true&method=cartReload', dataType : 'html', success: function(data) { $('#cart_summary').replaceWith($(data).find('#cart_summary')); } }); } if (typeof bindUniform !=='undefined') bindUniform(); }