# Install - Install Db table - Some Core and Template Files must be changed (see install dir) - Modify ps_cart_product ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` ADD `id_configurator` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id_product_attribute`; ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart`, `id_product`, `id_product_attribute`, `id_address_delivery`, `id_configurator`) USING BTREE; - Modify ps_order_detail ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `id_configurator` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `product_price`; - Disable ajax cart (Module > Bloc panier > Configurer) # Documentation ## Usage - Reference all options to be use in your catalog 1. Add a group 2. Add items in this group - Add option group to your product 1. Select an option (group with items) and associate it with your product 2. Define price impact for each item * TODO - Ajouter la gestion des upload de fichiers - nom du fichier sans espace et caractère spéciaux - Proteger un groupe d'options si déjà affecté à un produit