* @copyright 2016-2017 GFI Informatique, 2016-2017 TNT * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License */ /******************************************************************************* * FPDF * * * * Version: 1.6 * * Date: 2008-08-03 * * Author: Olivier PLATHEY * *******************************************************************************/ define('TNTOFFICIEL_FPDF_VERSION', '1.6'); class TNTOfficiel_FPDF { var $page; // current page number var $n; // current object number var $offsets; // array of object offsets var $buffer; // buffer holding in-memory PDF var $pages; // array containing pages var $state; // current document state var $compress; // compression flag var $k; // scale factor (number of points in user unit) var $DefOrientation; // default orientation var $CurOrientation; // current orientation var $PageFormats; // available page formats var $DefPageFormat; // default page format var $CurPageFormat; // current page format var $PageSizes; // array storing non-default page sizes var $wPt, $hPt; // dimensions of current page in points var $w, $h; // dimensions of current page in user unit var $lMargin; // left margin var $tMargin; // top margin var $rMargin; // right margin var $bMargin; // page break margin var $cMargin; // cell margin var $x, $y; // current position in user unit var $lasth; // height of last printed cell var $LineWidth; // line width in user unit var $CoreFonts; // array of standard font names var $fonts; // array of used fonts var $FontFiles; // array of font files var $diffs; // array of encoding differences var $FontFamily; // current font family var $FontStyle; // current font style var $underline; // underlining flag var $CurrentFont; // current font info var $FontSizePt; // current font size in points var $FontSize; // current font size in user unit var $DrawColor; // commands for drawing color var $FillColor; // commands for filling color var $TextColor; // commands for text color var $ColorFlag; // indicates whether fill and text colors are different var $ws; // word spacing var $images; // array of used images var $PageLinks; // array of links in pages var $links; // array of internal links var $AutoPageBreak; // automatic page breaking var $PageBreakTrigger; // threshold used to trigger page breaks var $InHeader; // flag set when processing header var $InFooter; // flag set when processing footer var $ZoomMode; // zoom display mode var $LayoutMode; // layout display mode var $title; // title var $subject; // subject var $author; // author var $keywords; // keywords var $creator; // creator var $AliasNbPages; // alias for total number of pages var $PDFVersion; // PDF version number /******************************************************************************* * * * Public methods * * * *******************************************************************************/ public function TNTOfficiel_FPDF($orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $format = 'A4') { // Some checks $this->_dochecks(); // Initialization of properties $this->page = 0; $this->n = 2; $this->buffer = ''; $this->pages = array(); $this->PageSizes = array(); $this->state = 0; $this->fonts = array(); $this->FontFiles = array(); $this->diffs = array(); $this->images = array(); $this->links = array(); $this->InHeader = false; $this->InFooter = false; $this->lasth = 0; $this->FontFamily = ''; $this->FontStyle = ''; $this->FontSizePt = 12; $this->underline = false; $this->DrawColor = '0 G'; $this->FillColor = '0 g'; $this->TextColor = '0 g'; $this->ColorFlag = false; $this->ws = 0; // Standard fonts $this->CoreFonts = array( 'courier' => 'Courier', 'courierB' => 'Courier-Bold', 'courierI' => 'Courier-Oblique', 'courierBI' => 'Courier-BoldOblique', 'helvetica' => 'Helvetica', 'helveticaB' => 'Helvetica-Bold', 'helveticaI' => 'Helvetica-Oblique', 'helveticaBI' => 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'times' => 'Times-Roman', 'timesB' => 'Times-Bold', 'timesI' => 'Times-Italic', 'timesBI' => 'Times-BoldItalic', 'symbol' => 'Symbol', 'zapfdingbats' => 'ZapfDingbats' ); // Scale factor if ($unit == 'pt') $this->k = 1; elseif ($unit == 'mm') $this->k = 72 / 25.4; elseif ($unit == 'cm') $this->k = 72 / 2.54; elseif ($unit == 'in') $this->k = 72; else $this->Error('Incorrect unit: '.$unit); // Page format $this->PageFormats = array( 'a3' => array(841.89, 1190.55), 'a4' => array(595.28, 841.89), 'a5' => array(420.94, 595.28), 'letter' => array(612, 792), 'legal' => array(612, 1008) ); if (is_string($format)) $format = $this->_getpageformat($format); $this->DefPageFormat = $format; $this->CurPageFormat = $format; // Page orientation $orientation = strtolower($orientation); if ($orientation == 'p' || $orientation == 'portrait') { $this->DefOrientation = 'P'; $this->w = $this->DefPageFormat[0]; $this->h = $this->DefPageFormat[1]; } elseif ($orientation == 'l' || $orientation == 'landscape') { $this->DefOrientation = 'L'; $this->w = $this->DefPageFormat[1]; $this->h = $this->DefPageFormat[0]; } else $this->Error('Incorrect orientation: '.$orientation); $this->CurOrientation = $this->DefOrientation; $this->wPt = $this->w * $this->k; $this->hPt = $this->h * $this->k; // Page margins (1 cm) $margin = 28.35 / $this->k; $this->SetMargins($margin, $margin); // Interior cell margin (1 mm) $this->cMargin = $margin / 10; // Line width (0.2 mm) $this->LineWidth = .567 / $this->k; // Automatic page break $this->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 2 * $margin); // Full width display mode $this->SetDisplayMode('fullwidth'); // Enable compression $this->SetCompression(true); // Set default PDF version number $this->PDFVersion = '1.3'; } public function SetMargins($left, $top, $right = null) { // Set left, top and right margins $this->lMargin = $left; $this->tMargin = $top; if ($right === null) $right = $left; $this->rMargin = $right; } public function SetLeftMargin($margin) { // Set left margin $this->lMargin = $margin; if ($this->page > 0 && $this->x < $margin) $this->x = $margin; } public function SetTopMargin($margin) { // Set top margin $this->tMargin = $margin; } public function SetRightMargin($margin) { // Set right margin $this->rMargin = $margin; } public function SetAutoPageBreak($auto, $margin = 0) { // Set auto page break mode and triggering margin $this->AutoPageBreak = $auto; $this->bMargin = $margin; $this->PageBreakTrigger = $this->h - $margin; } public function SetDisplayMode($zoom, $layout = 'continuous') { // Set display mode in viewer if ($zoom == 'fullpage' || $zoom == 'fullwidth' || $zoom == 'real' || $zoom == 'default' || !is_string($zoom)) $this->ZoomMode = $zoom; else $this->Error('Incorrect zoom display mode: '.$zoom); if ($layout == 'single' || $layout == 'continuous' || $layout == 'two' || $layout == 'default') $this->LayoutMode = $layout; else $this->Error('Incorrect layout display mode: '.$layout); } public function SetCompression($compress) { // Set page compression if (function_exists('gzcompress')) $this->compress = $compress; else $this->compress = false; } public function SetTitle($title, $isUTF8 = false) { // Title of document if ($isUTF8) $title = $this->_UTF8toUTF16($title); $this->title = $title; } public function SetSubject($subject, $isUTF8 = false) { // Subject of document if ($isUTF8) $subject = $this->_UTF8toUTF16($subject); $this->subject = $subject; } public function SetAuthor($author, $isUTF8 = false) { // Author of document if ($isUTF8) $author = $this->_UTF8toUTF16($author); $this->author = $author; } public function SetKeywords($keywords, $isUTF8 = false) { // Keywords of document if ($isUTF8) $keywords = $this->_UTF8toUTF16($keywords); $this->keywords = $keywords; } public function SetCreator($creator, $isUTF8 = false) { // Creator of document if ($isUTF8) $creator = $this->_UTF8toUTF16($creator); $this->creator = $creator; } public function AliasNbPages($alias = '{nb}') { // Define an alias for total number of pages $this->AliasNbPages = $alias; } public function Error($msg) { // Fatal error die('TNTOfficiel_FPDF error: '.$msg); } public function Open() { // Begin document $this->state = 1; } public function Close() { // Terminate document if ($this->state == 3) return; if ($this->page == 0) $this->AddPage(); // Page footer $this->InFooter = true; $this->Footer(); $this->InFooter = false; // Close page $this->_endpage(); // Close document $this->_enddoc(); } public function AddPage($orientation = '', $format = '') { // Start a new page if ($this->state == 0) $this->Open(); $family = $this->FontFamily; $style = $this->FontStyle.($this->underline ? 'U' : ''); $size = $this->FontSizePt; $lw = $this->LineWidth; $dc = $this->DrawColor; $fc = $this->FillColor; $tc = $this->TextColor; $cf = $this->ColorFlag; if ($this->page > 0) { // Page footer $this->InFooter = true; $this->Footer(); $this->InFooter = false; // Close page $this->_endpage(); } // Start new page $this->_beginpage($orientation, $format); // Set line cap style to square $this->_out('2 J'); // Set line width $this->LineWidth = $lw; $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F w', $lw * $this->k)); // Set font if ($family) $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size); // Set colors $this->DrawColor = $dc; if ($dc != '0 G') $this->_out($dc); $this->FillColor = $fc; if ($fc != '0 g') $this->_out($fc); $this->TextColor = $tc; $this->ColorFlag = $cf; // Page header $this->InHeader = true; $this->Header(); $this->InHeader = false; // Restore line width if ($this->LineWidth != $lw) { $this->LineWidth = $lw; $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F w', $lw * $this->k)); } // Restore font if ($family) $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size); // Restore colors if ($this->DrawColor != $dc) { $this->DrawColor = $dc; $this->_out($dc); } if ($this->FillColor != $fc) { $this->FillColor = $fc; $this->_out($fc); } $this->TextColor = $tc; $this->ColorFlag = $cf; } public function Header() { // To be implemented in your own inherited class } public function Footer() { // To be implemented in your own inherited class } public function PageNo() { // Get current page number return $this->page; } public function SetDrawColor($r, $g = null, $b = null) { // Set color for all stroking operations if (($r == 0 && $g == 0 && $b == 0) || $g === null) $this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F G', $r / 255); else $this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F RG', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255); if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out($this->DrawColor); } public function SetFillColor($r, $g = null, $b = null) { // Set color for all filling operations if (($r == 0 && $g == 0 && $b == 0) || $g === null) $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $r / 255); else $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255); $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out($this->FillColor); } public function SetTextColor($r, $g = null, $b = null) { // Set color for text if (($r == 0 && $g == 0 && $b == 0) || $g === null) $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $r / 255); else $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255); $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); } public function GetStringWidth($s) { // Get width of a string in the current font $s = (string)$s; $cw =& $this->CurrentFont['cw']; $w = 0; $l = strlen($s); for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) $w += $cw[ $s[ $i ] ]; return $w * $this->FontSize / 1000; } public function SetLineWidth($width) { // Set line width $this->LineWidth = $width; if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F w', $width * $this->k)); } public function Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { // Draw a line $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S', $x1 * $this->k, ($this->h - $y1) * $this->k, $x2 * $this->k, ($this->h - $y2) * $this->k)); } public function Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, $style = '') { // Draw a rectangle if ($style == 'F') $op = 'f'; elseif ($style == 'FD' || $style == 'DF') $op = 'B'; else $op = 'S'; $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re %s', $x * $this->k, ($this->h - $y) * $this->k, $w * $this->k, -$h * $this->k, $op)); } public function AddFont($family, $style = '', $file = '') { // Add a TrueType or Type1 font $family = strtolower($family); if ($file == '') $file = str_replace(' ', '', $family).strtolower($style).'.php'; if ($family == 'arial') $family = 'helvetica'; $style = strtoupper($style); if ($style == 'IB') $style = 'BI'; $fontkey = $family.$style; if (isset($this->fonts[ $fontkey ])) return; include($this->_getfontpath().$file); if (!isset($name)) $this->Error('Could not include font definition file'); $i = count($this->fonts) + 1; $this->fonts[ $fontkey ] = array('i' => $i, 'type' => $type, 'name' => $name, 'desc' => $desc, 'up' => $up, 'ut' => $ut, 'cw' => $cw, 'enc' => $enc, 'file' => $file); if ($diff) { // Search existing encodings $d = 0; $nb = count($this->diffs); for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb; $i++) { if ($this->diffs[ $i ] == $diff) { $d = $i; break; } } if ($d == 0) { $d = $nb + 1; $this->diffs[ $d ] = $diff; } $this->fonts[ $fontkey ]['diff'] = $d; } if ($file) { if ($type == 'TrueType') $this->FontFiles[ $file ] = array('length1' => $originalsize); else $this->FontFiles[ $file ] = array('length1' => $size1, 'length2' => $size2); } } public function SetFont($family, $style = '', $size = 0) { // Select a font; size given in points global $tntofficiel_fpdf_charwidths; $family = strtolower($family); if ($family == '') $family = $this->FontFamily; if ($family == 'arial') $family = 'helvetica'; elseif ($family == 'symbol' || $family == 'zapfdingbats') $style = ''; $style = strtoupper($style); if (strpos($style, 'U') !== false) { $this->underline = true; $style = str_replace('U', '', $style); } else $this->underline = false; if ($style == 'IB') $style = 'BI'; if ($size == 0) $size = $this->FontSizePt; // Test if font is already selected if ($this->FontFamily == $family && $this->FontStyle == $style && $this->FontSizePt == $size) return; // Test if used for the first time $fontkey = $family.$style; if (!isset($this->fonts[ $fontkey ])) { // Check if one of the standard fonts if (isset($this->CoreFonts[ $fontkey ])) { if (!isset($tntofficiel_fpdf_charwidths[ $fontkey ])) { // Load metric file $file = $family; if ($family == 'times' || $family == 'helvetica') $file .= strtolower($style); include($this->_getfontpath().$file.'.php'); if (!isset($tntofficiel_fpdf_charwidths[ $fontkey ])) $this->Error('Could not include font metric file'); } $i = count($this->fonts) + 1; $name = $this->CoreFonts[ $fontkey ]; $cw = $tntofficiel_fpdf_charwidths[ $fontkey ]; $this->fonts[ $fontkey ] = array('i' => $i, 'type' => 'core', 'name' => $name, 'up' => -100, 'ut' => 50, 'cw' => $cw); } else $this->Error('Undefined font: '.$family.' '.$style); } // Select it $this->FontFamily = $family; $this->FontStyle = $style; $this->FontSizePt = $size; $this->FontSize = $size / $this->k; $this->CurrentFont =& $this->fonts[ $fontkey ]; if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out(sprintf('BT /F%d %.2F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt)); } public function SetFontSize($size) { // Set font size in points if ($this->FontSizePt == $size) return; $this->FontSizePt = $size; $this->FontSize = $size / $this->k; if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out(sprintf('BT /F%d %.2F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt)); } public function AddLink() { // Create a new internal link $n = count($this->links) + 1; $this->links[ $n ] = array(0, 0); return $n; } public function SetLink($link, $y = 0, $page = -1) { // Set destination of internal link if ($y == -1) $y = $this->y; if ($page == -1) $page = $this->page; $this->links[ $link ] = array($page, $y); } public function Link($x, $y, $w, $h, $link) { // Put a link on the page $this->PageLinks[ $this->page ][] = array($x * $this->k, $this->hPt - $y * $this->k, $w * $this->k, $h * $this->k, $link); } public function Text($x, $y, $txt) { // Output a string $s = sprintf('BT %.2F %.2F Td (%s) Tj ET', $x * $this->k, ($this->h - $y) * $this->k, $this->_escape($txt)); if ($this->underline && $txt != '') $s .= ' '.$this->_dounderline($x, $y, $txt); if ($this->ColorFlag) $s = 'q '.$this->TextColor.' '.$s.' Q'; $this->_out($s); } public function AcceptPageBreak() { // Accept automatic page break or not return $this->AutoPageBreak; } public function Cell($w, $h = 0, $txt = '', $border = 0, $ln = 0, $align = '', $fill = false, $link = '') { // Output a cell $k = $this->k; if ($this->y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger && !$this->InHeader && !$this->InFooter && $this->AcceptPageBreak()) { // Automatic page break $x = $this->x; $ws = $this->ws; if ($ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation, $this->CurPageFormat); $this->x = $x; if ($ws > 0) { $this->ws = $ws; $this->_out(sprintf('%.3F Tw', $ws * $k)); } } if ($w == 0) $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $s = ''; if ($fill || $border == 1) { if ($fill) $op = ($border == 1) ? 'B' : 'f'; else $op = 'S'; $s = sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re %s ', $this->x * $k, ($this->h - $this->y) * $k, $w * $k, -$h * $k, $op); } if (is_string($border)) { $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; if (strpos($border, 'L') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', $x * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k, $x * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k); if (strpos($border, 'T') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', $x * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k, ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k); if (strpos($border, 'R') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k, ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k); if (strpos($border, 'B') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', $x * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k, ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k); } if ($txt !== '') { if ($align == 'R') $dx = $w - $this->cMargin - $this->GetStringWidth($txt); elseif ($align == 'C') $dx = ($w - $this->GetStringWidth($txt)) / 2; else $dx = $this->cMargin; if ($this->ColorFlag) $s .= 'q '.$this->TextColor.' '; $txt2 = str_replace(')', '\\)', str_replace('(', '\\(', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $txt))); $s .= sprintf('BT %.2F %.2F Td (%s) Tj ET', ($this->x + $dx) * $k, ($this->h - ($this->y + .5 * $h + .3 * $this->FontSize)) * $k, $txt2); if ($this->underline) $s .= ' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x + $dx, $this->y + .5 * $h + .3 * $this->FontSize, $txt); if ($this->ColorFlag) $s .= ' Q'; if ($link) $this->Link($this->x + $dx, $this->y + .5 * $h - .5 * $this->FontSize, $this->GetStringWidth($txt), $this->FontSize, $link); } if ($s) $this->_out($s); $this->lasth = $h; if ($ln > 0) { // Go to next line $this->y += $h; if ($ln == 1) $this->x = $this->lMargin; } else $this->x += $w; } public function MultiCell($w, $h, $txt, $border = 0, $align = 'J', $fill = false) { // Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks $cw =& $this->CurrentFont['cw']; if ($w == 0) $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $s = str_replace("\r", '', $txt); $nb = strlen($s); if ($nb > 0 && $s[ $nb - 1 ] == "\n") $nb--; $b = 0; if ($border) { if ($border == 1) { $border = 'LTRB'; $b = 'LRT'; $b2 = 'LR'; } else { $b2 = ''; if (strpos($border, 'L') !== false) $b2 .= 'L'; if (strpos($border, 'R') !== false) $b2 .= 'R'; $b = (strpos($border, 'T') !== false) ? $b2.'T' : $b2; } } $sep = -1; $i = 0; $j = 0; $l = 0; $ns = 0; $nl = 1; while ($i < $nb) { // Get next character $c = $s[ $i ]; if ($c == "\n") { // Explicit line break if ($this->ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); $i++; $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; $ns = 0; $nl++; if ($border && $nl == 2) $b = $b2; continue; } if ($c == ' ') { $sep = $i; $ls = $l; $ns++; } $l += $cw[ $c ]; if ($l > $wmax) { // Automatic line break if ($sep == -1) { if ($i == $j) $i++; if ($this->ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); } else { if ($align == 'J') { $this->ws = ($ns > 1) ? ($wmax - $ls) / 1000 * $this->FontSize / ($ns - 1) : 0; $this->_out(sprintf('%.3F Tw', $this->ws * $this->k)); } $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $sep - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); $i = $sep + 1; } $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; $ns = 0; $nl++; if ($border && $nl == 2) $b = $b2; } else $i++; } // Last chunk if ($this->ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } if ($border && strpos($border, 'B') !== false) $b .= 'B'; $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); $this->x = $this->lMargin; } public function Write($h, $txt, $link = '') { // Output text in flowing mode $cw =& $this->CurrentFont['cw']; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $s = str_replace("\r", '', $txt); $nb = strlen($s); $sep = -1; $i = 0; $j = 0; $l = 0; $nl = 1; while ($i < $nb) { // Get next character $c = $s[ $i ]; if ($c == "\n") { // Explicit line break $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), 0, 2, '', 0, $link); $i++; $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; if ($nl == 1) { $this->x = $this->lMargin; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; } $nl++; continue; } if ($c == ' ') $sep = $i; $l += $cw[ $c ]; if ($l > $wmax) { // Automatic line break if ($sep == -1) { if ($this->x > $this->lMargin) { // Move to next line $this->x = $this->lMargin; $this->y += $h; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $i++; $nl++; continue; } if ($i == $j) $i++; $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), 0, 2, '', 0, $link); } else { $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $sep - $j), 0, 2, '', 0, $link); $i = $sep + 1; } $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; if ($nl == 1) { $this->x = $this->lMargin; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; } $nl++; } else $i++; } // Last chunk if ($i != $j) $this->Cell($l / 1000 * $this->FontSize, $h, substr($s, $j), 0, 0, '', 0, $link); } public function Ln($h = null) { // Line feed; default value is last cell height $this->x = $this->lMargin; if ($h === null) $this->y += $this->lasth; else $this->y += $h; } public function Image($file, $x = null, $y = null, $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '') { // Put an image on the page if (!isset($this->images[ $file ])) { // First use of this image, get info if ($type == '') { $pos = strrpos($file, '.'); if (!$pos) $this->Error('Image file has no extension and no type was specified: '.$file); $type = substr($file, $pos + 1); } $type = strtolower($type); if ($type == 'jpeg') $type = 'jpg'; $mtd = '_parse'.$type; if (!method_exists($this, $mtd)) $this->Error('Unsupported image type: '.$type); $info = $this->$mtd($file); $info['i'] = count($this->images) + 1; $this->images[ $file ] = $info; } else $info = $this->images[ $file ]; // Automatic width and height calculation if needed if ($w == 0 && $h == 0) { // Put image at 72 dpi $w = $info['w'] / $this->k; $h = $info['h'] / $this->k; } elseif ($w == 0) $w = $h * $info['w'] / $info['h']; elseif ($h == 0) $h = $w * $info['h'] / $info['w']; // Flowing mode if ($y === null) { if ($this->y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger && !$this->InHeader && !$this->InFooter && $this->AcceptPageBreak()) { // Automatic page break $x2 = $this->x; $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation, $this->CurPageFormat); $this->x = $x2; } $y = $this->y; $this->y += $h; } if ($x === null) $x = $this->x; $this->_out(sprintf('q %.2F 0 0 %.2F %.2F %.2F cm /I%d Do Q', $w * $this->k, $h * $this->k, $x * $this->k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $this->k, $info['i'])); if ($link) $this->Link($x, $y, $w, $h, $link); } public function GetX() { // Get x position return $this->x; } public function SetX($x) { // Set x position if ($x >= 0) $this->x = $x; else $this->x = $this->w + $x; } public function GetY() { // Get y position return $this->y; } public function SetY($y) { // Set y position and reset x $this->x = $this->lMargin; if ($y >= 0) $this->y = $y; else $this->y = $this->h + $y; } public function SetXY($x, $y) { // Set x and y positions $this->SetY($y); $this->SetX($x); } public function Output($name = '', $dest = '') { // Output PDF to some destination if ($this->state < 3) $this->Close(); $dest = strtoupper($dest); if ($dest == '') { if ($name == '') { $name = 'doc.pdf'; $dest = 'I'; } else $dest = 'F'; } switch ($dest) { case 'I': // Send to standard output if (ob_get_length()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { // We send to a browser header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); if (headers_sent()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer)); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$name.'"'); header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0'); } echo $this->buffer; break; case 'D': // Download file if (ob_get_length()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); header('Content-Type: application/x-download'); if (headers_sent()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"'); header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0'); echo $this->buffer; break; case 'F': // Save to local file $f = fopen($name, 'wb'); if (!$f) $this->Error('Unable to create output file: '.$name); fwrite($f, $this->buffer, strlen($this->buffer)); fclose($f); break; case 'S': // Return as a string return $this->buffer; default: $this->Error('Incorrect output destination: '.$dest); } return ''; } /******************************************************************************* * * * Protected methods * * * *******************************************************************************/ public function _dochecks() { // Check availability of %F if (sprintf('%.1F', 1.0) != '1.0') $this->Error('This version of PHP is not supported'); // Check mbstring overloading if (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2) $this->Error('mbstring overloading must be disabled'); } public function _getpageformat($format) { $format = strtolower($format); if (!isset($this->PageFormats[ $format ])) $this->Error('Unknown page format: '.$format); $a = $this->PageFormats[ $format ]; return array($a[0] / $this->k, $a[1] / $this->k); } public function _getfontpath() { if (!defined('TNTOFFICIEL_FPDF_FONTPATH') && is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/font')) define('TNTOFFICIEL_FPDF_FONTPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/font/'); return defined('TNTOFFICIEL_FPDF_FONTPATH') ? TNTOFFICIEL_FPDF_FONTPATH : ''; } public function _beginpage($orientation, $format) { $this->page++; $this->pages[ $this->page ] = ''; $this->state = 2; $this->x = $this->lMargin; $this->y = $this->tMargin; $this->FontFamily = ''; // Check page size if ($orientation == '') $orientation = $this->DefOrientation; else $orientation = strtoupper($orientation[0]); if ($format == '') $format = $this->DefPageFormat; else { if (is_string($format)) $format = $this->_getpageformat($format); } if ($orientation != $this->CurOrientation || $format[0] != $this->CurPageFormat[0] || $format[1] != $this->CurPageFormat[1]) { // New size if ($orientation == 'P') { $this->w = $format[0]; $this->h = $format[1]; } else { $this->w = $format[1]; $this->h = $format[0]; } $this->wPt = $this->w * $this->k; $this->hPt = $this->h * $this->k; $this->PageBreakTrigger = $this->h - $this->bMargin; $this->CurOrientation = $orientation; $this->CurPageFormat = $format; } if ($orientation != $this->DefOrientation || $format[0] != $this->DefPageFormat[0] || $format[1] != $this->DefPageFormat[1]) $this->PageSizes[ $this->page ] = array($this->wPt, $this->hPt); } public function _endpage() { $this->state = 1; } public function _escape($s) { // Escape special characters in strings $s = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $s); $s = str_replace('(', '\\(', $s); $s = str_replace(')', '\\)', $s); $s = str_replace("\r", '\\r', $s); return $s; } public function _textstring($s) { // Format a text string return '('.$this->_escape($s).')'; } public function _UTF8toUTF16($s) { // Convert UTF-8 to UTF-16BE with BOM $res = "\xFE\xFF"; $nb = strlen($s); $i = 0; while ($i < $nb) { $c1 = ord($s[ $i++ ]); if ($c1 >= 224) { // 3-byte character $c2 = ord($s[ $i++ ]); $c3 = ord($s[ $i++ ]); $res .= chr((($c1 & 0x0F) << 4) + (($c2 & 0x3C) >> 2)); $res .= chr((($c2 & 0x03) << 6) + ($c3 & 0x3F)); } elseif ($c1 >= 192) { // 2-byte character $c2 = ord($s[ $i++ ]); $res .= chr(($c1 & 0x1C) >> 2); $res .= chr((($c1 & 0x03) << 6) + ($c2 & 0x3F)); } else { // Single-byte character $res .= "\0".chr($c1); } } return $res; } public function _dounderline($x, $y, $txt) { // Underline text $up = $this->CurrentFont['up']; $ut = $this->CurrentFont['ut']; $w = $this->GetStringWidth($txt) + $this->ws * substr_count($txt, ' '); return sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re f', $x * $this->k, ($this->h - ($y - $up / 1000 * $this->FontSize)) * $this->k, $w * $this->k, -$ut / 1000 * $this->FontSizePt); } public function _parsejpg($file) { // Extract info from a JPEG file $a = GetImageSize($file); if (!$a) $this->Error('Missing or incorrect image file: '.$file); if ($a[2] != 2) $this->Error('Not a JPEG file: '.$file); if (!isset($a['channels']) || $a['channels'] == 3) $colspace = 'DeviceRGB'; elseif ($a['channels'] == 4) $colspace = 'DeviceCMYK'; else $colspace = 'DeviceGray'; $bpc = isset($a['bits']) ? $a['bits'] : 8; // Read whole file $f = fopen($file, 'rb'); $data = ''; while (!feof($f)) $data .= fread($f, 8192); fclose($f); return array('w' => $a[0], 'h' => $a[1], 'cs' => $colspace, 'bpc' => $bpc, 'f' => 'DCTDecode', 'data' => $data); } public function _parsepng($file) { // Extract info from a PNG file $f = fopen($file, 'rb'); if (!$f) $this->Error('Can\'t open image file: '.$file); // Check signature if ($this->_readstream($f, 8) != chr(137).'PNG'.chr(13).chr(10).chr(26).chr(10)) $this->Error('Not a PNG file: '.$file); // Read header chunk $this->_readstream($f, 4); if ($this->_readstream($f, 4) != 'IHDR') $this->Error('Incorrect PNG file: '.$file); $w = $this->_readint($f); $h = $this->_readint($f); $bpc = ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)); if ($bpc > 8) $this->Error('16-bit depth not supported: '.$file); $ct = ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)); if ($ct == 0) $colspace = 'DeviceGray'; elseif ($ct == 2) $colspace = 'DeviceRGB'; elseif ($ct == 3) $colspace = 'Indexed'; else $this->Error('Alpha channel not supported: '.$file); if (ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)) != 0) $this->Error('Unknown compression method: '.$file); if (ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)) != 0) $this->Error('Unknown filter method: '.$file); if (ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)) != 0) $this->Error('Interlacing not supported: '.$file); $this->_readstream($f, 4); $parms = '/DecodeParms <>'; // Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image data $pal = ''; $trns = ''; $data = ''; do { $n = $this->_readint($f); $type = $this->_readstream($f, 4); if ($type == 'PLTE') { // Read palette $pal = $this->_readstream($f, $n); $this->_readstream($f, 4); } elseif ($type == 'tRNS') { // Read transparency info $t = $this->_readstream($f, $n); if ($ct == 0) $trns = array(ord(substr($t, 1, 1))); elseif ($ct == 2) $trns = array(ord(substr($t, 1, 1)), ord(substr($t, 3, 1)), ord(substr($t, 5, 1))); else { $pos = strpos($t, chr(0)); if ($pos !== false) $trns = array($pos); } $this->_readstream($f, 4); } elseif ($type == 'IDAT') { // Read image data block $data .= $this->_readstream($f, $n); $this->_readstream($f, 4); } elseif ($type == 'IEND') break; else $this->_readstream($f, $n + 4); } while ($n); if ($colspace == 'Indexed' && empty($pal)) $this->Error('Missing palette in '.$file); fclose($f); return array('w' => $w, 'h' => $h, 'cs' => $colspace, 'bpc' => $bpc, 'f' => 'FlateDecode', 'parms' => $parms, 'pal' => $pal, 'trns' => $trns, 'data' => $data); } public function _readstream($f, $n) { // Read n bytes from stream $res = ''; while ($n > 0 && !feof($f)) { $s = fread($f, $n); if ($s === false) $this->Error('Error while reading stream'); $n -= strlen($s); $res .= $s; } if ($n > 0) $this->Error('Unexpected end of stream'); return $res; } public function _readint($f) { // Read a 4-byte integer from stream $a = unpack('Ni', $this->_readstream($f, 4)); return $a['i']; } public function _parsegif($file) { // Extract info from a GIF file (via PNG conversion) if (!function_exists('imagepng')) $this->Error('GD extension is required for GIF support'); if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) $this->Error('GD has no GIF read support'); $im = imagecreatefromgif($file); if (!$im) $this->Error('Missing or incorrect image file: '.$file); imageinterlace($im, 0); $tmp = tempnam('.', 'gif'); if (!$tmp) $this->Error('Unable to create a temporary file'); if (!imagepng($im, $tmp)) $this->Error('Error while saving to temporary file'); imagedestroy($im); $info = $this->_parsepng($tmp); unlink($tmp); return $info; } public function _newobj() { // Begin a new object $this->n++; $this->offsets[ $this->n ] = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out($this->n.' 0 obj'); } public function _putstream($s) { $this->_out('stream'); $this->_out($s); $this->_out('endstream'); } public function _out($s) { // Add a line to the document if ($this->state == 2) $this->pages[ $this->page ] .= $s."\n"; else $this->buffer .= $s."\n"; } public function _putpages() { $nb = $this->page; if (!empty($this->AliasNbPages)) { // Replace number of pages for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) $this->pages[ $n ] = str_replace($this->AliasNbPages, $nb, $this->pages[ $n ]); } if ($this->DefOrientation == 'P') { $wPt = $this->DefPageFormat[0] * $this->k; $hPt = $this->DefPageFormat[1] * $this->k; } else { $wPt = $this->DefPageFormat[1] * $this->k; $hPt = $this->DefPageFormat[0] * $this->k; } $filter = ($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) { // Page $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<_out('/Parent 1 0 R'); if (isset($this->PageSizes[ $n ])) $this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2F %.2F]', $this->PageSizes[ $n ][0], $this->PageSizes[ $n ][1])); $this->_out('/Resources 2 0 R'); if (isset($this->PageLinks[ $n ])) { // Links $annots = '/Annots ['; foreach ($this->PageLinks[ $n ] as $pl) { $rect = sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F', $pl[0], $pl[1], $pl[0] + $pl[2], $pl[1] - $pl[3]); $annots .= '<_textstring($pl[4]).'>>>>'; else { $l = $this->links[ $pl[4] ]; $h = isset($this->PageSizes[ $l[0] ]) ? $this->PageSizes[ $l[0] ][1] : $hPt; $annots .= sprintf('/Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.2F null]>>', 1 + 2 * $l[0], $h - $l[1] * $this->k); } } $this->_out($annots.']'); } $this->_out('/Contents '.($this->n + 1).' 0 R>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); // Page content $p = ($this->compress) ? gzcompress($this->pages[ $n ]) : $this->pages[ $n ]; $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<'.$filter.'/Length '.strlen($p).'>>'); $this->_putstream($p); $this->_out('endobj'); } // Pages root $this->offsets[1] = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('1 0 obj'); $this->_out('<_out($kids.']'); $this->_out('/Count '.$nb); $this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2F %.2F]', $wPt, $hPt)); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } public function _putfonts() { $nf = $this->n; foreach ($this->diffs as $diff) { // Encodings $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } foreach ($this->FontFiles as $file => $info) { // Font file embedding $this->_newobj(); $this->FontFiles[ $file ]['n'] = $this->n; $font = ''; $f = fopen($this->_getfontpath().$file, 'rb', 1); if (!$f) $this->Error('Font file not found'); while (!feof($f)) $font .= fread($f, 8192); fclose($f); $compressed = (substr($file, -2) == '.z'); if (!$compressed && isset($info['length2'])) { $header = (ord($font[0]) == 128); if ($header) { // Strip first binary header $font = substr($font, 6); } if ($header && ord($font[ $info['length1'] ]) == 128) { // Strip second binary header $font = substr($font, 0, $info['length1']).substr($font, $info['length1'] + 6); } } $this->_out('<_out('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->_out('/Length1 '.$info['length1']); if (isset($info['length2'])) $this->_out('/Length2 '.$info['length2'].' /Length3 0'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_putstream($font); $this->_out('endobj'); } foreach ($this->fonts as $k => $font) { // Font objects $this->fonts[ $k ]['n'] = $this->n + 1; $type = $font['type']; $name = $font['name']; if ($type == 'core') { // Standard font $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<_out('/BaseFont /'.$name); $this->_out('/Subtype /Type1'); if ($name != 'Symbol' && $name != 'ZapfDingbats') $this->_out('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } elseif ($type == 'Type1' || $type == 'TrueType') { // Additional Type1 or TrueType font $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<_out('/BaseFont /'.$name); $this->_out('/Subtype /'.$type); $this->_out('/FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255'); $this->_out('/Widths '.($this->n + 1).' 0 R'); $this->_out('/FontDescriptor '.($this->n + 2).' 0 R'); if ($font['enc']) { if (isset($font['diff'])) $this->_out('/Encoding '.($nf + $font['diff']).' 0 R'); else $this->_out('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding'); } $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); // Widths $this->_newobj(); $cw =& $font['cw']; $s = '['; for ($i = 32; $i <= 255; $i++) $s .= $cw[ chr($i) ].' '; $this->_out($s.']'); $this->_out('endobj'); // Descriptor $this->_newobj(); $s = '< $v) $s .= ' /'.$k.' '.$v; $file = $font['file']; if ($file) $s .= ' /FontFile'.($type == 'Type1' ? '' : '2').' '.$this->FontFiles[ $file ]['n'].' 0 R'; $this->_out($s.'>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } else { // Allow for additional types $mtd = '_put'.strtolower($type); if (!method_exists($this, $mtd)) $this->Error('Unsupported font type: '.$type); $this->$mtd($font); } } } public function _putimages() { $filter = ($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; reset($this->images); while (list($file, $info) = each($this->images)) { $this->_newobj(); $this->images[ $file ]['n'] = $this->n; $this->_out('<_out('/Subtype /Image'); $this->_out('/Width '.$info['w']); $this->_out('/Height '.$info['h']); if ($info['cs'] == 'Indexed') $this->_out('/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB '.(strlen($info['pal']) / 3 - 1).' '.($this->n + 1).' 0 R]'); else { $this->_out('/ColorSpace /'.$info['cs']); if ($info['cs'] == 'DeviceCMYK') $this->_out('/Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]'); } $this->_out('/BitsPerComponent '.$info['bpc']); if (isset($info['f'])) $this->_out('/Filter /'.$info['f']); if (isset($info['parms'])) $this->_out($info['parms']); if (isset($info['trns']) && is_array($info['trns'])) { $trns = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($info['trns']); $i++) $trns .= $info['trns'][ $i ].' '.$info['trns'][ $i ].' '; $this->_out('/Mask ['.$trns.']'); } $this->_out('/Length '.strlen($info['data']).'>>'); $this->_putstream($info['data']); unset($this->images[ $file ]['data']); $this->_out('endobj'); // Palette if ($info['cs'] == 'Indexed') { $this->_newobj(); $pal = ($this->compress) ? gzcompress($info['pal']) : $info['pal']; $this->_out('<<'.$filter.'/Length '.strlen($pal).'>>'); $this->_putstream($pal); $this->_out('endobj'); } } } public function _putxobjectdict() { foreach ($this->images as $image) $this->_out('/I'.$image['i'].' '.$image['n'].' 0 R'); } public function _putresourcedict() { $this->_out('/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]'); $this->_out('/Font <<'); foreach ($this->fonts as $font) $this->_out('/F'.$font['i'].' '.$font['n'].' 0 R'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('/XObject <<'); $this->_putxobjectdict(); $this->_out('>>'); } public function _putresources() { $this->_putfonts(); $this->_putimages(); // Resource dictionary $this->offsets[2] = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('2 0 obj'); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_putresourcedict(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } public function _putinfo() { $this->_out('/Producer '.$this->_textstring('FPDF '.TNTOFFICIEL_FPDF_VERSION)); if (!empty($this->title)) $this->_out('/Title '.$this->_textstring($this->title)); if (!empty($this->subject)) $this->_out('/Subject '.$this->_textstring($this->subject)); if (!empty($this->author)) $this->_out('/Author '.$this->_textstring($this->author)); if (!empty($this->keywords)) $this->_out('/Keywords '.$this->_textstring($this->keywords)); if (!empty($this->creator)) $this->_out('/Creator '.$this->_textstring($this->creator)); $this->_out('/CreationDate '.$this->_textstring('D:'.@date('YmdHis'))); } public function _putcatalog() { $this->_out('/Type /Catalog'); $this->_out('/Pages 1 0 R'); if ($this->ZoomMode == 'fullpage') $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]'); elseif ($this->ZoomMode == 'fullwidth') $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]'); elseif ($this->ZoomMode == 'real') $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]'); elseif (!is_string($this->ZoomMode)) $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null '.($this->ZoomMode / 100).']'); if ($this->LayoutMode == 'single') $this->_out('/PageLayout /SinglePage'); elseif ($this->LayoutMode == 'continuous') $this->_out('/PageLayout /OneColumn'); elseif ($this->LayoutMode == 'two') $this->_out('/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft'); } public function _putheader() { $this->_out('%PDF-'.$this->PDFVersion); } public function _puttrailer() { $this->_out('/Size '.($this->n + 1)); $this->_out('/Root '.$this->n.' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Info '.($this->n - 1).' 0 R'); } public function _enddoc() { $this->_putheader(); $this->_putpages(); $this->_putresources(); // Info $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_putinfo(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); // Catalog $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_putcatalog(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); // Cross-ref $o = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('xref'); $this->_out('0 '.($this->n + 1)); $this->_out('0000000000 65535 f '); for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->n; $i++) $this->_out(sprintf('%010d 00000 n ', $this->offsets[ $i ])); // Trailer $this->_out('trailer'); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_puttrailer(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('startxref'); $this->_out($o); $this->_out('%%EOF'); $this->state = 3; } // End of class } // Handle special IE contype request if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == 'contype') { header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); exit; }