/** * TNT OFFICIAL MODULE FOR PRESTASHOP * * @author GFI Informatique * @copyright 2016 GFI Informatique, 2016 TNT * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License */ $(document).ready(function () { // Remove the data-validate attribute from the city and postcode fields. $("#postcode").removeAttr("data-validate"); $("#city").removeAttr("data-validate"); $("#postcode").removeClass("validate"); $("#city").removeClass("validate"); // Create the FancyBox. createFancyBox(); // When a city is selected. $("#validateCity").on('click', function () { // Actions to perform when a city is selected in the fancybox. // put the value in the city field $("#city").val($("#helper_city").val()); // add the form-ok class to the city and postcode field $("#city").parent().removeClass('form-error').addClass('form-ok'); $("#postcode").parent().removeClass('form-error').addClass('form-ok'); // close the fancybox $.fancybox.close(); // enable the save button $("#submitAddress").removeClass("disabled"); }); $("#add_address").on('submit', function (objEvent) { var strPostalCode = $("#postcode").val(); var boolIsPostalCodeCityValid = false; // Do not perform a check if the postcode or the city is not entered if (strPostalCode.length < 1) { return null; } // call the middleware to check if the city match the CP. var objJqXHR = $.ajax({ "url": window.TNTOfficiel.link.front.module.checkAddressPostcodeCity, "method": 'POST', "data": { "postcode": strPostalCode, "city": $("#city").val(), "countryId": $("#id_country").val() }, "async": false }); objJqXHR .done(function (mxdData, strTextStatus, objJqXHR) { // handle the response from the ajax request. var response = JSON.parse(mxdData); //if the city match the postcode //resultCode are defined in TntAddressModuleFrontController switch (response.resultCode) { // postcode/city is not valid. case 0: $("#city").parent().removeClass('form-ok').addClass('form-error'); //display the fancybox displayFancyBox(response.cities, strPostalCode); break; // postcode/city is valid. case 1: $("#city").parent().removeClass('form-error').addClass('form-ok'); $("#postcode").parent().removeClass('form-error').addClass('form-ok'); boolIsPostalCodeCityValid = true; break; // postcode/city does not require validation. default: boolIsPostalCodeCityValid = true; } }) .fail(function (objJqXHR, strTextStatus, strErrorThrown) { // console.error( objJqXHR.status + ' ' + objJqXHR.statusText ); }) .always(function () { // if postal code and city is not correct. if (!boolIsPostalCodeCityValid) { objEvent.preventDefault(); } }); }); }); /** * insert the fancy box html into the page */ function createFancyBox() { $("#page").append('\ \

Sélectionnez votre ville

\ \ \
\ \ \

\ \

' ); } /** * Display the fancybox */ function displayFancyBox(arrArgCities, strArgPostCode) { // fancybox configuration $("a#fancybox_city_helper").fancybox({ "transitionIn": 'elastic', "transitionOut": 'elastic', "type": 'inline', "speedIn": 600, "speedOut": 200, "overlayShow": false, "autoDimensions": true, "helpers": { overlay: {closeClick: false} } }); // Generate the options to be put in the city select field. var strHTMLOptions = ""; $.each(arrArgCities, function (index, city) { strHTMLOptions += ""; }); $("#helper_city").html(strHTMLOptions); $("#helper_city").addClass("form-control"); $("#helper_postcode").val(strArgPostCode); $("a#fancybox_city_helper").trigger("click"); }