/* * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ /** * Handles loading of product tabs */ function ProductTabsManager(){ var self = this; this.product_tabs = []; this.tabs_to_preload = []; this.current_request; this.stack_done = []; this.page_reloading = false; this.has_error_loading_tabs = false; /** * Show / Hide languages semaphore */ this.allow_hide_other_languages = true; this.setTabs = function(tabs){ this.product_tabs = tabs; } /** * Schedule execution of onReady() function for each tab and bind events */ this.init = function() { for (var tab_name in this.product_tabs) { if (this.product_tabs[tab_name].onReady !== undefined && this.product_tabs[tab_name] !== this.product_tabs['Pack']) { this.onLoad(tab_name, this.product_tabs[tab_name].onReady); } } $('.shopList.chzn-done').on('change', function(){ if (self.current_request) { self.page_reloading = true; self.current_request.abort(); } }); $(window).on('beforeunload', function() { self.page_reloading = true; }); } /** * Execute a callback function when a specific tab has finished loading or right now if the tab has already loaded * * @param tab_name name of the tab that is checked for loading * @param callback_function function to call */ this.onLoad = function (tab_name, callback) { var container = $('#product-tab-content-' + tab_name); // Some containers are not loaded depending on the shop configuration if (container.length === 0) return; // onReady() is always called after the dom has been created for the tab (similar to $(document).ready()) if (container.hasClass('not-loaded')) container.bind('loaded', callback); else callback(); } /** * Get a single tab or recursively get tabs in stack then display them * * @param string tab_name name of the tab * @param boolean selected is the tab selected */ this.display = function (tab_name, selected) { var tab_selector = $("#product-tab-content-" + tab_name); $('#product-tab-content-wait').hide(); // Is the tab already being loaded? if (tab_selector.hasClass('not-loaded') && !tab_selector.hasClass('loading')) { // Mark the tab as being currently loading tab_selector.addClass('loading'); // send $_POST array with the request to be able to retrieve posted data if there was an error while saving product var data; var send_type = 'GET'; if (save_error) { send_type = 'POST'; data = post_data; // set key_tab so that the ajax call returns the display for the current tab data.key_tab = tab_name; } return $.ajax({ url : $('#link-' + tab_name).attr('href') + '&ajax=1' + ($('#page').length ? '&page=' + parseInt($('#page').val()) : '') + '&rand=' + + new Date().getTime(), async : true, cache: false, // cache needs to be set to false or IE will cache the page with outdated product values type: send_type, headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, data: data, timeout: 30000, success : function(data) { tab_selector.html(data).find('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown(); tab_selector.removeClass('not-loaded'); if (selected) { $("#link-"+tab_name).addClass('selected'); $('#product-tab-content-wait').hide(); tab_selector.show(); } self.stack_done.push(tab_name); tab_selector.trigger('loaded'); }, complete : function(data) { tab_selector.removeClass('loading'); if (selected) { tab_selector.trigger('displayed'); } }, beforeSend : function(data) { // don't display the loading notification bar if (typeof(ajax_running_timeout) !== 'undefined') clearTimeout(ajax_running_timeout); if (selected) { $('#product-tab-content-wait').show(); } } }); } } /** * Send an ajax call for each tab in the stack * * @param array stack contains tab names as strings */ this.displayBulk = function(stack){ this.current_request = this.display(stack[0], false); if (this.current_request !== undefined) { this.current_request.complete(function(request, status) { var wrong_statuses = new Array('abort', 'error', 'timeout'); var wrong_status_code = new Array(400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 410, 413, 429, 499, 500, 502, 503, 504); if ((in_array(status, wrong_statuses) || in_array(request.status, wrong_status_code)) && !self.page_reloading) { var current_tab = ''; if (request.responseText !== 'undefined' && request.responseText && request.responseText.length) { current_tab = $(request.responseText).filter('.product-tab').attr('id').replace('product-', ''); } jAlert((current_tab ? 'Tab : ' + current_tab : '') + ' (' + (request.status ? request.status + ' ' : '' ) + request.statusText + ')\n' + reload_tab_description, reload_tab_title); self.page_reloading = true; self.has_error_loading_tabs = true; clearTimeout(tabs_running_timeout); return false; } else if (!self.has_error_loading_tabs && (self.stack_done.length === self.tabs_to_preload.length)) { $('[name="submitAddproductAndStay"]').each(function() { $(this).prop('disabled', false).find('i').removeClass('process-icon-loading').addClass('process-icon-save'); }); $('[name="submitAddproduct"]').each(function() { $(this).prop('disabled', false).find('i').removeClass('process-icon-loading').addClass('process-icon-save'); }); this.allow_hide_other_languages = true; clearTimeout(tabs_running_timeout); return false; } return true; }); } /*In order to prevent mod_evasive DOSPageInterval (Default 1s)*/ var time = 0; if (mod_evasive) { time = 1000; } var tabs_running_timeout = setTimeout(function(){ stack.shift(); if (stack.length > 0) { self.displayBulk(stack); } }, time); } } function loadPack() { var container = $('#product-pack-container'); var id_product = $('input[name=id_product]').first().val(); var data; $.ajax({ url : "index.php?controller=AdminProducts" + "&token=" + token + "&id_product=" + id_product + "&action=Pack" + "&updateproduct" + "&ajax=1" + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async : true, cache: false, // cache needs to be set to false or IE will cache the page with outdated product values type: 'GET', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, data: data, success : function(data){ $('#product-pack-container').html(data); product_tabs['Pack'].onReady(); } }); } // array of product tab objects containing methods and dom bindings // The ProductTabsManager instance will make sure the onReady() methods of each tabs are executed once the tab has loaded var product_tabs = []; product_tabs['Customization'] = new function(){ this.onReady = function(){ if (display_multishop_checkboxes) ProductMultishop.checkAllCustomization(); } } product_tabs['Combinations'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.bindEdit = function(){ $('table.configuration').delegate('a.edit', 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); editProductAttribute(this.href, $(this).closest('tr')); }); function editProductAttribute (url, parent){ $.ajax({ url: url, data: { id_product: id_product, ajax: true, action: 'editProductAttribute' }, context: document.body, dataType: 'json', context: this, success: function(data) { // color the selected line parent.siblings().removeClass('selected-line'); parent.addClass('selected-line'); $('#add_new_combination').show(); $('#attribute_quantity').show(); $('#product_att_list').html(''); self.removeButtonCombination('update'); scroll_if_anchor('#add_new_combination'); var wholesale_price = Math.abs(data[0]['wholesale_price']); var price = data[0]['price']; var weight = data[0]['weight']; var unit_impact = data[0]['unit_price_impact']; var reference = data[0]['reference']; var ean = data[0]['ean13']; var quantity = data[0]['quantity']; var image = false; var product_att_list = new Array(); for(i=0;i 0) { $("#attribute_wholesale_price_full").show(); $("#attribute_wholesale_price_blank").hide(); } else { $("#attribute_wholesale_price_full").hide(); $("#attribute_wholesale_price_blank").show(); } self.fillCombination( wholesale_price, price, weight, unit_impact, reference, ean, quantity, image, product_att_list, id_product_attribute, default_attribute, eco_tax, upc, minimal_quantity, available_date ); calcImpactPriceTI(); } }); } }; this.defaultProductAttribute = function(url, item){ $.ajax({ url: url, data: { id_product: id_product, action: 'defaultProductAttribute', ajax: true }, context: document.body, dataType: 'json', context: this, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'ok') { showSuccessMessage(data.message); $('.highlighted').removeClass('highlighted'); $(item).closest('tr').addClass('highlighted'); } else showErrorMessage(data.message); } }); }; this.bindDefault = function(){ $('table.configuration').delegate('a.default', 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); self.defaultProductAttribute(this.href, this); }); }; this.deleteProductAttribute = function(url, parent){ $.ajax({ url: url, data: { id_product: id_product, action: 'deleteProductAttribute', ajax: true }, context: document.body, dataType: 'json', context: this, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 'ok') { showSuccessMessage(data.message); parent.remove(); if (data.id_product_attribute) if (data.attribute) { var td = $('#qty_' + data.id_product_attribute); td.attr('id', 'qty_0'); td.children('input').val('0').attr('name', 'qty_0'); td.next('td').text(data.attribute[0].name); } else $('#qty_' + data.id_product_attribute).parent().hide(); } else showErrorMessage(data.message); } }); }; this.bindDelete = function() { $('table.configuration').delegate('a.delete', 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); self.deleteProductAttribute(this.href, $(this).closest('tr')); }); }; this.removeButtonCombination = function(item) { $('#add_new_combination').show(); $('#desc-product-newCombination').children('i').first().removeClass('process-icon-new'); $('#desc-product-newCombination').children('i').first().addClass('process-icon-minus'); $('#desc-product-newCombination').children('span').first().html(msg_cancel_combination); $('id_product_attribute').val(0); self.init_elems(); }; this.addButtonCombination = function(item) { $('#add_new_combination').hide(); $('#desc-product-newCombination').children('i').first().removeClass('process-icon-minus'); $('#desc-product-newCombination').children('i').first().addClass('process-icon-new'); $('#desc-product-newCombination').children('span').first().html(msg_new_combination); }; this.bindToggleAddCombination = function (){ $('#desc-product-newCombination').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).children('i').first().hasClass('process-icon-new')) self.removeButtonCombination('add'); else { self.addButtonCombination('add'); $('#id_product_attribute').val(0); } }); }; this.fillCombination = function(wholesale_price, price_impact, weight_impact, unit_impact, reference, ean, quantity, image, old_attr, id_product_attribute, default_attribute, eco_tax, upc, minimal_quantity, available_date) { var link = ''; self.init_elems(); $('#stock_mvt_attribute').show(); $('#initial_stock_attribute').hide(); $('#attribute_quantity').html(quantity); $('#attribute_quantity').show(); $('#attr_qty_stock').show(); $('#attribute_minimal_quantity').val(minimal_quantity); getE('attribute_reference').value = reference; getE('attribute_ean13').value = ean; getE('attribute_upc').value = upc; getE('attribute_wholesale_price').value = Math.abs(wholesale_price); getE('attribute_price').value = ps_round(Math.abs(price_impact), 2); getE('attribute_priceTEReal').value = Math.abs(price_impact); getE('attribute_weight').value = Math.abs(weight_impact); getE('attribute_unity').value = Math.abs(unit_impact); if ($('#attribute_ecotax').length != 0) getE('attribute_ecotax').value = eco_tax; if (default_attribute == 1) getE('attribute_default').checked = true; else getE('attribute_default').checked = false; if (price_impact < 0) { getE('attribute_price_impact').options[getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex].value = -1; getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex = 2; } else if (!price_impact) { getE('attribute_price_impact').options[getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex].value = 0; getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex = 0; } else if (price_impact > 0) { getE('attribute_price_impact').options[getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex].value = 1; getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex = 1; } if (weight_impact < 0) { getE('attribute_weight_impact').options[getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex].value = -1; getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex = 2; } else if (!weight_impact) { getE('attribute_weight_impact').options[getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex].value = 0; getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex = 0; } else if (weight_impact > 0) { getE('attribute_weight_impact').options[getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex].value = 1; getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex = 1; } if (unit_impact < 0) { getE('attribute_unit_impact').options[getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex].value = -1; getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex = 2; } else if (!unit_impact) { getE('attribute_unit_impact').options[getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex].value = 0; getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex = 0; } else if (unit_impact > 0) { getE('attribute_unit_impact').options[getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex].value = 1; getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex = 1; } $("#add_new_combination").show(); /* Reset all combination images */ combinationImages = $('#id_image_attr').find("input[id^=id_image_attr_]"); combinationImages.each(function() { this.checked = false; }); /* Check combination images */ if (typeof(combination_images[id_product_attribute]) != 'undefined') for (i = 0; i < combination_images[id_product_attribute].length; i++) $('#id_image_attr_' + combination_images[id_product_attribute][i]).attr('checked', true); check_impact(); check_weight_impact(); check_unit_impact(); var elem = getE('product_att_list'); for (var i = 0; i < old_attr.length; i++) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.text = old_attr[i++]; opt.value = old_attr[i]; try { elem.add(opt, null); } catch(ex) { elem.add(opt); } } getE('id_product_attribute').value = id_product_attribute; $('#available_date_attribute').val(available_date); }; this.init_elems = function() { var impact = getE('attribute_price_impact'); var impact2 = getE('attribute_weight_impact'); var elem = getE('product_att_list'); if (elem.length) for (i = elem.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (elem[i]) elem.remove(i); $('input[name="id_image_attr[]"]').each(function (){ $(this).attr('checked', false); }); $('#attribute_default').attr('checked', false); getE('attribute_price_impact').selectedIndex = 0; getE('attribute_weight_impact').selectedIndex = 0; getE('attribute_unit_impact').selectedIndex = 0; $('#span_unit_impact').hide(); $('#unity_third').html($('#unity_second').html()); if ($('#unity').is()) if ($('#unity').get(0).value.length > 0) $('#tr_unit_impact').show(); else $('#tr_unit_impact').hide(); try { if (impact.options[impact.selectedIndex].value == 0) $('#span_impact').hide(); if (impact2.options[impact.selectedIndex].value == 0) getE('span_weight_impact').style.display = 'none'; } catch (e) { $('#span_impact').hide(); getE('span_weight_impact').style.display = 'none'; } }; this.onReady = function(){ self.bindEdit(); self.bindDefault(); self.bindDelete(); self.bindToggleAddCombination(); if (display_multishop_checkboxes) ProductMultishop.checkAllCombinations(); }; } /** * hide save and save-and-stay buttons * * @access public * @return void */ function disableSave() { //$('button[name="submitAddproduct"]').hide(); //$('button[name="submitAddproductAndStay"]').hide(); } /** * show save and save-and-stay buttons * * @access public * @return void */ function enableSave() { $('button[name="submitAddproduct"]').show(); $('button[name="submitAddproductAndStay"]').show(); } function handleSaveButtons(e) { msg = []; var i = 0; // relative to type of product if (product_type == product_type_pack) msg[i++] = handleSaveButtonsForPack(); else if (product_type == product_type_pack) msg[i++] = handleSaveButtonsForVirtual(); else msg[i++] = handleSaveButtonsForSimple(); // common for all products $("#disableSaveMessage").remove(); if ($("#name_" + id_lang_default).val() == "" && (!display_multishop_checkboxes || $('input[name=\'multishop_check[name][' + id_lang_default + ']\']').prop('checked'))) msg[i++] = empty_name_msg; // check friendly_url_[defaultlangid] only if name is ok else if ($("#link_rewrite_" + id_lang_default).val() == "" && (!display_multishop_checkboxes || $('input[name=\'link_rewrite[name][' + id_lang_default + ']\']').prop('checked'))) msg[i++] = empty_link_rewrite_msg; if (msg.length == 0) { $("#disableSaveMessage").remove(); enableSave(); } else { $("#disableSaveMessage").remove(); do_not_save = false; for (var key in msg) { if (msg != "") { if (do_not_save == false) { $(".leadin").append('
'); warnDiv = $("#disableSaveMessage"); do_not_save = true; } warnDiv.append('


'); } } if (do_not_save) disableSave(); else enableSave(); } } function handleSaveButtonsForSimple(){return '';} function handleSaveButtonsForVirtual(){return '';} function handleSaveButtonsForPack() { // if no item left in the pack, disable save buttons if ($("#inputPackItems").val() == "") return empty_pack_msg; return ''; } product_tabs['Seo'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.onReady = function() { if ($('#link_rewrite_'+id_lang_default).length) if ($('#link_rewrite_'+id_lang_default).val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'') == '') { updateFriendlyURLByName(); } // Enable writing of the product name when the friendly url field in tab SEO is loaded $('.copy2friendlyUrl').removeAttr('disabled'); displayFlags(languages, id_language, allowEmployeeFormLang); if (display_multishop_checkboxes) ProductMultishop.checkAllSeo(); }; } product_tabs['Prices'] = new function(){ var self = this; // Bind to show/hide new specific price form this.toggleSpecificPrice = function (){ $('#show_specific_price').click(function() { $('#add_specific_price').slideToggle(); $('#add_specific_price').append(''); $('#hide_specific_price').show(); $('#show_specific_price').hide(); return false; }); $('#hide_specific_price').click(function() { $('#add_specific_price').slideToggle(); $('#add_specific_price').find('input[name=submitPriceAddition]').remove(); $('#hide_specific_price').hide(); $('#show_specific_price').show(); return false; }); }; /** * Ajax call to delete a specific price * * @param ids * @param token * @param parent */ this.deleteSpecificPrice = function (url, parent){ if (typeof url !== 'undefined') $.ajax({ url: url, data: { ajax: true }, dataType: 'json', context: this, success: function(data) { if (data !== null) { if (data.status == 'ok') { showSuccessMessage(data.message); parent.remove(); } else showErrorMessage(data.message); } } }); }; // Bind to delete specific price link this.bindDelete = function(){ $('#specific_prices_list').delegate('a[name="delete_link"]', 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (confirm(delete_price_rule)) self.deleteSpecificPrice(this.href, $(this).parents('tr')); }) }; this.loadInformations = function(select_id, action) { id_shop = $('#sp_id_shop').val(); $.ajax({ url: product_url + '&action='+action+'&ajax=true&id_shop='+id_shop, success: function(data) { $(select_id + ' option').not(':first').remove(); $(select_id).append(data); } }); } this.onReady = function(){ self.toggleSpecificPrice(); self.deleteSpecificPrice(); self.bindDelete(); $('#sp_id_shop').change(function() { self.loadInformations('#sp_id_group','getGroupsOptions'); self.loadInformations('#spm_currency_0', 'getCurrenciesOptions'); self.loadInformations('#sp_id_country', 'getCountriesOptions'); }); if (display_multishop_checkboxes) ProductMultishop.checkAllPrices(); }; } product_tabs['Associations'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.initAccessoriesAutocomplete = function (){ $('#product_autocomplete_input') .autocomplete('ajax_products_list.php?exclude_packs=0&excludeVirtuals=0', { minChars: 1, autoFill: true, max:20, matchContains: true, mustMatch:false, scroll:false, cacheLength:0, formatItem: function(item) { return item[1]+' - '+item[0]; } }).result(self.addAccessory); $('#product_autocomplete_input').setOptions({ extraParams: { excludeIds : self.getAccessoriesIds() } }); }; this.getAccessoriesIds = function() { if ($('#inputAccessories').val() === undefined) return id_product; return id_product + ',' + $('#inputAccessories').val().replace(/\-/g,','); } this.addAccessory = function(event, data, formatted) { if (data == null) return false; var productId = data[1]; var productName = data[0]; var $divAccessories = $('#divAccessories'); var $inputAccessories = $('#inputAccessories'); var $nameAccessories = $('#nameAccessories'); /* delete product from select + add product line to the div, input_name, input_ids elements */ $divAccessories.html($divAccessories.html() + '
 '+ productName +'
'); $nameAccessories.val($nameAccessories.val() + productName + '¤'); $inputAccessories.val($inputAccessories.val() + productId + '-'); $('#product_autocomplete_input').val(''); $('#product_autocomplete_input').setOptions({ extraParams: {excludeIds : self.getAccessoriesIds()} }); }; this.delAccessory = function(id) { var div = getE('divAccessories'); var input = getE('inputAccessories'); var name = getE('nameAccessories'); // Cut hidden fields in array var inputCut = input.value.split('-'); var nameCut = name.value.split('¤'); if (inputCut.length != nameCut.length) return jAlert('Bad size'); // Reset all hidden fields input.value = ''; name.value = ''; div.innerHTML = ''; for (i in inputCut) { // If empty, error, next if (!inputCut[i] || !nameCut[i]) continue ; // Add to hidden fields no selected products OR add to select field selected product if (inputCut[i] != id) { input.value += inputCut[i] + '-'; name.value += nameCut[i] + '¤'; div.innerHTML += '
 ' + nameCut[i] + '
'; } else $('#selectAccessories').append(''); } $('#product_autocomplete_input').setOptions({ extraParams: {excludeIds : self.getAccessoriesIds()} }); }; /** * Update the manufacturer select element with the list of existing manufacturers */ this.getManufacturers = function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'ajax-tab.php', cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: { ajaxProductManufacturers:"1", ajax : '1', token : token, controller : 'AdminProducts', action : 'productManufacturers' }, success: function(j) { var options; if (j) { for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { options += ''; } } $('select#id_manufacturer').chosen({width: '250px'}).append(options).trigger("chosen:updated"); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("select#id_manufacturer").replaceWith("

[TECHNICAL ERROR] ajaxProductManufacturers: "+textStatus+"

"); } }); }; this.onReady = function(){ self.initAccessoriesAutocomplete(); self.getManufacturers(); $('#divAccessories').delegate('.delAccessory', 'click', function(){ self.delAccessory($(this).attr('name')); }); if (display_multishop_checkboxes) ProductMultishop.checkAllAssociations(); }; } product_tabs['Attachments'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.bindAttachmentEvents = function (){ $("#addAttachment").on('click', function() { $("#selectAttachment2 option:selected").each(function(){ var val = $('#arrayAttachments').val(); var tab = val.split(','); for (var i=0; i < tab.length; i++) if (tab[i] == $(this).val()) return false; $('#arrayAttachments').val(val+$(this).val()+','); }); return !$("#selectAttachment2 option:selected").remove().appendTo("#selectAttachment1"); }); $("#removeAttachment").on('click', function() { $("#selectAttachment1 option:selected").each(function(){ var val = $('#arrayAttachments').val(); var tab = val.split(','); var tabs = ''; for (var i=0; i < tab.length; i++) if (tab[i] != $(this).val()) { tabs = tabs+','+tab[i]; $('#arrayAttachments').val(tabs); } }); return !$("#selectAttachment1 option:selected").remove().appendTo("#selectAttachment2"); }); $("#product").submit(function() { $("#selectAttachment1 option").each(function(i) { $(this).attr("selected", "selected"); }); }); }; this.onReady = function(){ self.bindAttachmentEvents(); }; } product_tabs['Shipping'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.bindCarriersEvents = function (){ $("#addCarrier").on('click', function() { $('#availableCarriers option:selected').each( function() { $('#selectedCarriers').append(""); $(this).remove(); }); $('#selectedCarriers option').prop('selected', true); if ($('#selectedCarriers').find("option").length == 0) $('#no-selected-carries-alert').show(); else $('#no-selected-carries-alert').hide(); }); $("#removeCarrier").on('click', function() { $('#selectedCarriers option:selected').each( function() { $('#availableCarriers').append(""); $(this).remove(); }); $('#selectedCarriers option').prop('selected', true); if ($('#selectedCarriers').find("option").length == 0) $('#no-selected-carries-alert').show(); else $('#no-selected-carries-alert').hide(); }); }; this.onReady = function(){ self.bindCarriersEvents(); }; } product_tabs['Informations'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.bindAvailableForOrder = function (){ $("#available_for_order").click(function() { if ($(this).is(':checked') || ($('input[name=\'multishop_check[show_price]\']').length && !$('input[name=\'multishop_check[show_price]\']').prop('checked'))) { $('#show_price').attr('checked', true); $('#show_price').attr('disabled', true); } else { $('#show_price').attr('disabled', false); } }); if ($('#active_on').prop('checked')) { showRedirectProductOptions(false); showRedirectProductSelectOptions(false); } else showRedirectProductOptions(true); $('#redirect_type').change(function () { redirectSelectChange(); }); $('#related_product_autocomplete_input') .autocomplete('ajax_products_list.php?exclude_packs=0&excludeVirtuals=0&excludeIds='+id_product, { minChars: 1, autoFill: true, max:20, matchContains: true, mustMatch:false, scroll:false, cacheLength:0, formatItem: function(item) { return item[0]+' - '+item[1]; } }).result(function(e, i){ if(i != undefined) addRelatedProduct(i[1], i[0]); $(this).val(''); }); addRelatedProduct(id_product_redirected, product_name_redirected); }; this.bindTagImage = function (){ function changeTagImage(){ var smallImage = $('input[name=smallImage]:checked').attr('value'); var leftRight = $('input[name=leftRight]:checked').attr('value'); var imageTypes = $('input[name=imageTypes]:checked').attr('value'); var tag = '[img-'+smallImage+'-'+leftRight+'-'+imageTypes+']'; $('#resultImage').val(tag); } changeTagImage(); $('#createImageDescription input').change(function(){ changeTagImage(); }); var i = 0; $('.addImageDescription').click(function(){ if (i == 0){ $('#createImageDescription').animate({ opacity: 1, height: 'toggle' }, 500); i = 1; }else{ $('#createImageDescription').animate({ opacity: 0, height: 'toggle' }, 500); i = 0; } }); }; this.switchProductType = function(){ if (product_type == product_type_pack) { $('#pack_product').attr('checked', true); } else if (product_type == product_type_virtual) { $('#virtual_product').attr('checked', true); $('#condition').attr('disabled', true); $('#condition option[value=new]').attr('selected', true); } else { $('#simple_product').attr('checked', true); } $('input[name="type_product"]').on('click', function(e) { // Reset settings $('a[id*="VirtualProduct"]').hide(); $('#product-pack-container').hide(); $('div.is_virtual_good').hide(); $('#is_virtual').val(0); tabs_manager.onLoad('VirtualProduct', function(){ $('#is_virtual_good').removeAttr('checked'); }); product_type = $(this).val(); $('#warn_virtual_combinations').hide(); $('#warn_pack_combinations').hide(); // until a product is added in the pack // if product is PTYPE_PACK, save buttons will be disabled if (product_type == product_type_pack) { if (has_combinations) { $('#simple_product').attr('checked', true); $('#warn_pack_combinations').show(); } else { $('#product-pack-container').show(); // If the pack tab has not finished loaded the changes will be made when the loading event is triggered $("#product-tab-content-Pack").bind('loaded', function(){ $('#ppack').val(1).attr('checked', true).attr('disabled', true); }); $("#product-tab-content-Quantities").bind('loaded', function(){ $('.stockForVirtualProduct').show(); }); $('a[id*="Combinations"]').hide(); $('a[id*="Shipping"]').show(); $('#condition').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#condition option[value=new]').removeAttr('selected'); $('.stockForVirtualProduct').show(); // if pack is enabled, if you choose pack, automatically switch to pack page } } else if (product_type == product_type_virtual) { if (has_combinations) { $('#simple_product').attr('checked', true); $('#warn_virtual_combinations').show(); } else { $('a[id*="VirtualProduct"]').show(); $('#is_virtual').val(1); tabs_manager.onLoad('VirtualProduct', function(){ $('#is_virtual_good').attr('checked', true); $('#virtual_good').show(); }); tabs_manager.onLoad('Quantities', function(){ $('.stockForVirtualProduct').hide(); }); $('a[id*="Combinations"]').hide(); $('a[id*="Shipping"]').hide(); tabs_manager.onLoad('Informations', function(){ $('#condition').attr('disabled', true); $('#condition option[value=refurbished]').removeAttr('selected'); $('#condition option[value=used]').removeAttr('selected'); }); } } else { // 3rd case : product_type is PTYPE_SIMPLE (0) $('a[id*="Combinations"]').show(); $('a[id*="Shipping"]').show(); $('#condition').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#condition option[value=new]').removeAttr('selected'); $('.stockForVirtualProduct').show(); } // this handle the save button displays and warnings handleSaveButtons(); }); }; this.onReady = function(){ loadPack(); self.bindAvailableForOrder(); self.bindTagImage(); self.switchProductType(); if (display_multishop_checkboxes) { ProductMultishop.checkAllInformations(); var active_click = function() { if (!$('input[name=\'multishop_check[active]\']').prop('checked')) { $('.draft').hide(); showOptions(true); } else { var checked = $('#active_on').prop('checked'); toggleDraftWarning(checked); showOptions(checked); } }; $('input[name=\'multishop_check[active]\']').click(active_click); active_click(); } }; } product_tabs['Pack'] = new function() { var self = this; this.bindPackEvents = function () { $('.delPackItem').on('click', function() { delPackItem($(this).data('delete'), $(this).data('delete-attr')); }); function productFormatResult(item) { itemTemplate = "
"; itemTemplate += "
"; itemTemplate += "" + item.name + ""; itemTemplate += "
"; itemTemplate += "
"; itemTemplate += "

" + item.name + "

"; itemTemplate += "REF: " + item.ref + ""; itemTemplate += "
"; itemTemplate += "
"; return itemTemplate; } function productFormatSelection(item) { return item.name; } var selectedProduct; $('#curPackItemName').select2({ placeholder: search_product_msg, minimumInputLength: 2, width: '100%', dropdownCssClass: "bootstrap", ajax: { url: "ajax_products_list.php", dataType: 'json', data: function (term) { return { q: term }; }, results: function (data) { var excludeIds = getSelectedIds(); var returnIds = new Array(); if (data) { for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var is_in = 0; for (var j = 0; j < excludeIds.length; j ++) { if (data[i].id == excludeIds[j][0] && (typeof data[i].id_product_attribute == 'undefined' || data[i].id_product_attribute == excludeIds[j][1])) is_in = 1; } if (!is_in) returnIds.push(data[i]); } return { results: returnIds } } else { return { results: [] } } } }, formatResult: productFormatResult, formatSelection: productFormatSelection, }) .on("select2-selecting", function(e) { selectedProduct = e.object }); $('#add_pack_item').on('click', addPackItem); function addPackItem() { if (selectedProduct) { selectedProduct.qty = $('#curPackItemQty').val(); if (selectedProduct.id == '' || selectedProduct.name == '' && $('#curPackItemQty').valid()) { error_modal(error_heading_msg, msg_select_one); return false; } else if (selectedProduct.qty == '' || !$('#curPackItemQty').valid() || isNaN($('#curPackItemQty').val()) ) { error_modal(error_heading_msg, msg_set_quantity); return false; } if (typeof selectedProduct.id_product_attribute === 'undefined') selectedProduct.id_product_attribute = 0; var divContent = $('#divPackItems').html(); divContent += '
  • '; divContent += ''; divContent += '' + selectedProduct.name + ''; divContent += 'REF: ' + selectedProduct.ref + ''; divContent += 'x ' + selectedProduct.qty + ''; divContent += ''; divContent += '
  • '; // QTYxID-QTYxID // @todo : it should be better to create input for each items and each qty // instead of only one separated by x, - and ¤ var line = selectedProduct.qty + 'x' + selectedProduct.id + 'x' + selectedProduct.id_product_attribute; var lineDisplay = selectedProduct.qty + 'x ' + selectedProduct.name; $('#divPackItems').html(divContent); $('#inputPackItems').val($('#inputPackItems').val() + line + '-'); $('#namePackItems').val($('#namePackItems').val() + lineDisplay + '¤'); $('.delPackItem').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); delPackItem($(this).data('delete'), $(this).data('delete-attr')); }) selectedProduct = null; $('#curPackItemName').select2("val", ""); $('.pack-empty-warning').hide(); } else { error_modal(error_heading_msg, msg_select_one); return false; } } function delPackItem(id, id_attribute) { var reg = new RegExp('-', 'g'); var regx = new RegExp('x', 'g'); var input = $('#inputPackItems'); var name = $('#namePackItems'); var inputCut = input.val().split(reg); var nameCut = name.val().split(new RegExp('¤', 'g')); input.val(null); name.val(null); for (var i = 0; i < inputCut.length; ++i) if (inputCut[i]) { var inputQty = inputCut[i].split(regx); if (inputQty[1] != id || inputQty[2] != id_attribute) { input.val( input.val() + inputCut[i] + '-' ); name.val( name.val() + nameCut[i] + '¤'); } } var elem = $('.product-pack-item[data-product-id="' + id + '"][data-product-id-attribute="' + id_attribute + '"]'); elem.remove(); if ($('.product-pack-item').length === 0){ $('.pack-empty-warning').show(); } } function getSelectedIds() { var reg = new RegExp('-', 'g'); var regx = new RegExp('x', 'g'); var input = $('#inputPackItems'); if (input.val() === undefined) return ''; var inputCut = input.val().split(reg); var ints = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < inputCut.length; ++i) { var in_ints = new Array(); if (inputCut[i]) { var inputQty = inputCut[i].split(regx); in_ints[0] = inputQty[1]; in_ints[1] = inputQty[2]; } ints[i] = in_ints; } return ints; } }; this.onReady = function(){ self.bindPackEvents(); } } product_tabs['Images'] = new function(){ this.onReady = function(){ displayFlags(languages, id_language, allowEmployeeFormLang); } } product_tabs['Features'] = new function(){ this.onReady = function(){ displayFlags(languages, id_language, allowEmployeeFormLang); } } product_tabs['Quantities'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.ajaxCall = function(data){ data.ajaxProductQuantity = 1; data.id_product = id_product; data.token = token; data.ajax = 1; data.controller = "AdminProducts"; data.action = "productQuantity"; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax-tab.php", data: data, dataType: 'json', async : true, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { $('.product_quantities_button').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { $('.product_quantities_button').removeAttr('disabled'); }, success: function(msg) { if (msg.error) { showErrorMessage(msg.error); return; } showSuccessMessage(quantities_ajax_success); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus != 'error' || errorThrown != '') showErrorMessage(textStatus + ': ' + errorThrown); } }); }; this.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm = function() { if ($('#depends_on_stock_0').prop('checked')) { $('.available_quantity').find('input').show(); $('.available_quantity').find('span').hide(); } else { $('.available_quantity').find('input').hide(); $('.available_quantity').find('span').show(); } }; this.onReady = function(){ $('#available_date').datepicker({ prevText: '', nextText: '', dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); $('.depends_on_stock').click(function(e) { self.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm(); self.ajaxCall( { actionQty: 'depends_on_stock', value: $(this).val() } ); if($(this).val() == 0) $('.available_quantity input').trigger('change'); }); $('.advanced_stock_management').click(function(e) { var val = 0; if ($(this).prop('checked')) val = 1; self.ajaxCall({actionQty: 'advanced_stock_management', value: val}); if (val == 1) { $(this).val(1); $('#depends_on_stock_1').attr('disabled', false); } else { $(this).val(0); $('#depends_on_stock_1').attr('disabled', true); $('#depends_on_stock_0').attr('checked', true); self.ajaxCall({actionQty: 'depends_on_stock', value: 0}); self.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm(); } self.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm(); }); $('.available_quantity').find('input').change(function(e, init_val) { self.ajaxCall({actionQty: 'set_qty', id_product_attribute: $(this).parent().attr('id').split('_')[1], value: $(this).val()}); }); $('.out_of_stock').click(function(e) { self.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm(); self.ajaxCall({actionQty: 'out_of_stock', value: $(this).val()}); }); if (display_multishop_checkboxes) ProductMultishop.checkAllQuantities(); $('.pack_stock_type').click(function(e) { self.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm(); self.ajaxCall({actionQty: 'pack_stock_type', value: $(this).val()}); }); self.refreshQtyAvailabilityForm(); }; } product_tabs['Suppliers'] = new function(){ var self = this; this.manageDefaultSupplier = function() { var default_is_set = false; var availables_radio_buttons = []; var radio_buttons = $('input[name="default_supplier"]'); for (i=0; i