* 2007-2016 PrestaShop
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*  @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
*  @copyright  2007-2016 PrestaShop SA
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*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
 * This class require PECL Memcached extension
class CacheMemcachedCore extends Cache
	 * @var Memcached
	protected $memcached;

	 * @var bool Connection status
	protected $is_connected = false;

	public function __construct()
		if ($this->is_connected)
			$this->memcached->setOption(Memcached::OPT_PREFIX_KEY, _DB_PREFIX_);
			if ($this->memcached->getOption(Memcached::HAVE_IGBINARY))
				$this->memcached->setOption(Memcached::OPT_SERIALIZER, Memcached::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY);

	public function __destruct()

	 * Connect to memcached server
	public function connect()
		if (class_exists('Memcached') && extension_loaded('memcached'))
			$this->memcached = new Memcached();
		$servers = self::getMemcachedServers();
		if (!$servers)
		foreach ($servers as $server)
			$this->memcached->addServer($server['ip'], $server['port'], (int) $server['weight']);

		$this->is_connected =  in_array('255.255.255', $this->memcached->getVersion(), true) === false;

	 * @see Cache::_set()
	protected function _set($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;
		return $this->memcached->set($key, $value, $ttl);

	 * @see Cache::_get()
	protected function _get($key)
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;

		return $this->memcached->get($key);

	 * @see Cache::_exists()
	protected function _exists($key)
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;
		return ($this->memcached->get($key) !== false);

	 * @see Cache::_delete()
	protected function _delete($key)
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;
		return $this->memcached->delete($key);

	 * @see Cache::_writeKeys()
	protected function _writeKeys()
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;
		return true;

	 * @see Cache::flush()
	public function flush()
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;
		return $this->memcached->flush();

	 * Store a data in cache
	 * @param string $key
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @param int $ttl
	 * @return bool
	public function set($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
		return $this->_set($key, $value, $ttl);

	 * Retrieve a data from cache
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return mixed
	public function get($key)
		return $this->_get($key);

	 * Check if a data is cached
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return bool
	public function exists($key)
		return $this->_exists($key);

	 * Delete one or several data from cache (* joker can be used, but avoid it !)
	 * 	E.g.: delete('*'); delete('my_prefix_*'); delete('my_key_name');
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return bool
	public function delete($key)
		if ($key == '*')
		elseif (strpos($key, '*') === false)
			$pattern = str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote($key));
			$keys = $this->memcached->getAllKeys();
			foreach ($keys as $key => $data)
				if (preg_match('#^'.$pattern.'$#', $key))
		return true;

	 * Close connection to memcache server
	 * @return bool
	protected function close()
		if (!$this->is_connected)
			return false;
		return $this->memcached->quit();

	 * Add a memcached server
	 * @param string $ip
	 * @param int $port
	 * @param int $weight
	public static function addServer($ip, $port, $weight)
		return Db::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'memcached_servers (ip, port, weight) VALUES(\''.pSQL($ip).'\', '.(int)$port.', '.(int)$weight.')', false);

	 * Get list of memcached servers
	 * @return array
	public static function getMemcachedServers()
		return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'memcached_servers', true, false);

	 * Delete a memcached server
	 * @param int $id_server
	public static function deleteServer($id_server)
		return Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'memcached_servers WHERE id_memcached_server='.(int)$id_server);