* @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class AdminInformationControllerCore extends AdminController { public function __construct() { $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); } public function initContent() { $this->show_toolbar = false; $this->display = 'view'; parent::initContent(); } public function initToolbarTitle() { $this->toolbar_title = array_unique($this->breadcrumbs); } public function initPageHeaderToolbar() { parent::initPageHeaderToolbar(); unset($this->page_header_toolbar_btn['back']); } public function renderView() { $this->initPageHeaderToolbar(); $hosting_vars = array(); if (!defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')) { $hosting_vars = array( 'version' => array( 'php' => phpversion(), 'server' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'memory_limit' => ini_get('memory_limit'), 'max_execution_time' => ini_get('max_execution_time') ), 'database' => array( 'version' => Db::getInstance()->getVersion(), 'server' => _DB_SERVER_, 'name' => _DB_NAME_, 'user' => _DB_USER_, 'prefix' => _DB_PREFIX_, 'engine' => _MYSQL_ENGINE_, 'driver' => Db::getClass(), ), 'uname' => function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s').' '.php_uname('v').' '.php_uname('m') : '', 'apache_instaweb' => Tools::apacheModExists('mod_instaweb') ); } $shop_vars = array( 'shop' => array( 'ps' => _PS_VERSION_, 'url' => $this->context->shop->getBaseURL(), 'theme' => $this->context->shop->theme_name, ), 'mail' => Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_METHOD') == 1, 'smtp' => array( 'server' => Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_SERVER'), 'user' => Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_USER'), 'password' => Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_PASSWD'), 'encryption' => Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_SMTP_ENCRYPTION'), 'port' => Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_SMTP_PORT'), ), 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ); $this->tpl_view_vars = array_merge($this->getTestResult(), array_merge($hosting_vars, $shop_vars)); return parent::renderView(); } /** * get all tests * * @return array of test results */ public function getTestResult() { $tests_errors = array( 'phpversion' => $this->l('Update your PHP version.'), 'upload' => $this->l('Configure your server to allow file uploads.'), 'system' => $this->l('Configure your server to allow the creation of directories and files with write permissions.'), 'gd' => $this->l('Enable the GD library on your server.'), 'mysql_support' => $this->l('Enable the MySQL support on your server.'), 'config_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "config" folder.'), 'cache_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "cache" folder.'), 'sitemap' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "sitemap.xml" file.'), 'img_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "img" folder and subfolders.'), 'log_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "log" folder and subfolders.'), 'mails_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "mails" folder and subfolders.'), 'module_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "modules" folder and subfolders.'), 'theme_lang_dir' => sprintf($this->l('Set the write permissions for the "themes%s/lang/" folder and subfolders, recursively.'), _THEME_NAME_), 'translations_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "translations" folder and subfolders.'), 'customizable_products_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "upload" folder and subfolders.'), 'virtual_products_dir' => $this->l('Set write permissions for the "download" folder and subfolders.'), 'fopen' => $this->l('Allow the PHP fopen() function on your server.'), 'register_globals' => $this->l('Set PHP "register_globals" option to "Off".'), 'gz' => $this->l('Enable GZIP compression on your server.'), 'files' => $this->l('Some PrestaShop files are missing from your server.'), 'new_phpversion' => sprintf($this->l('You are using PHP %s version. Soon, the latest PHP version supported by PrestaShop will be PHP 5.4. To make sure you’re ready for the future, we recommend you to upgrade to PHP 5.4 now!'), phpversion()) ); // Functions list to test with 'test_system' // Test to execute (function/args): lets uses the default test $params_required_results = ConfigurationTest::check(ConfigurationTest::getDefaultTests()); if (!defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')) { $params_optional_results = ConfigurationTest::check(ConfigurationTest::getDefaultTestsOp()); } $fail_required = in_array('fail', $params_required_results); if ($fail_required && $params_required_results['files'] != 'ok') { $tmp = ConfigurationTest::test_files(true); if (is_array($tmp) && count($tmp)) { $tests_errors['files'] = $tests_errors['files'].'
('.implode(', ', $tmp).')'; } } $results = array( 'failRequired' => $fail_required, 'testsErrors' => $tests_errors, 'testsRequired' => $params_required_results, ); if (!defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')) { $results = array_merge($results, array( 'failOptional' => in_array('fail', $params_optional_results), 'testsOptional' => $params_optional_results, )); } return $results; } public function displayAjaxCheckFiles() { $this->file_list = array('missing' => array(), 'updated' => array()); $xml = @simplexml_load_file(_PS_API_URL_.'/xml/md5/'._PS_VERSION_.'.xml'); if (!$xml || !isset($xml->ps_root_dir[0])) { die(Tools::jsonEncode($this->file_list)); } $this->getListOfUpdatedFiles($xml->ps_root_dir[0]); die(Tools::jsonEncode($this->file_list)); } public function getListOfUpdatedFiles(SimpleXMLElement $dir, $path = '') { $exclude_regexp = '(install(-dev|-new)?|themes|tools|cache|docs|download|img|localization|log|mails|translations|upload|modules|override/(:?.*)index.php$)'; $admin_dir = basename(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_); foreach ($dir->md5file as $file) { $filename = preg_replace('#^admin/#', $admin_dir.'/', $path.$file['name']); if (preg_match('#^'.$exclude_regexp.'#', $filename)) { continue; } if (!file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/'.$filename)) { $this->file_list['missing'][] = $filename; } else { $md5_local = md5_file(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/'.$filename); if ($md5_local != (string)$file) { $this->file_list['updated'][] = $filename; } } } foreach ($dir->dir as $subdir) { $this->getListOfUpdatedFiles($subdir, $path.$subdir['name'].'/'); } } }