2017-08-28 17:20:27 +02:00

328 lines
15 KiB

* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
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* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class TntWebService
private $_login;
private $_password;
private $_account;
private $authheader;
private $authvars;
private $header;
private $file;
public function __construct($id_shop = null)
if (_PS_VERSION_ >= 1.5)
$this->_login = Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_LOGIN', null, null, $id_shop);
$this->_password = Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_PASSWORD', null, null, $id_shop);
$this->_account = Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_NUMBER_ACCOUNT', null, null, $id_shop);
$this->_login = Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_LOGIN');
$this->_password = Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_PASSWORD');
$this->_account = Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_NUMBER_ACCOUNT');
$this->_authheader = $this->genAuth();
$this->_authvars = new SoapVar($this->_authheader, XSD_ANYXML);
$this->_header = new SoapHeader("http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd", "Security", $this->_authvars);
$this->_file = "http://www.tnt.fr/service/?wsdl";
public function getSoapClient()
$soapclient = new SoapClient($this->_file, array('trace'=> 1));
return $soapclient;
public function genAuth()
return sprintf('
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">
</wsse:Security>', htmlspecialchars($this->_login), htmlspecialchars($this->_password));
public function getCity($postal)
$soapclient = $this->getSoapClient();
$cities = $soapclient->citiesGuide(array('zipCode' => $postal));
return ($cities);
public function verifCity($postal, $city)
$soapclient = $this->getSoapClient();
$cities = $soapclient->citiesGuide(array('zipCode' => $postal));
if (!isset($cities->City))
return false;
if (is_array($cities->City))
foreach ($cities->City as $v)
if (Tools::strtoupper($v->name) == Tools::strtoupper($city))
return true;
elseif (Tools::strtoupper($city) == Tools::strtoupper($cities->City->name))
return true;
return false;
public function getFaisability($dest, $postcode, $city, $date_exp)
$service = array();
foreach ($dest as $key => $val)
$faisability = $this->faisabilite($date_exp, Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ZIPCODE'), Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_CITY'), $postcode, $city, $val);
$service[] = $faisability;
catch (SoapFault $e)
if (strrpos($e->faultstring, "shippingDate") != false)
$service = $this->getFaisability($dest, $postcode, $city, date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date_exp.' + 1 day')));
elseif (strrpos($e->faultstring, "(zip code / city)") === 0)
return $e->faultstring;
return null;
return $service;
public function faisabilite($dateExpedition, $codePostalDepart, $communeDepart, $codePostalArrivee, $communeArrivee, $typeDestinataire)
$soapclient = $this->getSoapClient();
$sender = array("zipCode" => $codePostalDepart, "city" => $communeDepart);
$receiver = array("zipCode" => $codePostalArrivee, "city" => $communeArrivee, "type" => $typeDestinataire);
$parameters = array("accountNumber" => $this->_account, "shippingDate" => $dateExpedition, "sender" => $sender, "receiver" => $receiver);
$services = $soapclient->feasibility(array('parameters' => $parameters));
return ($services);
public function getPackage($info)
$soapclient = $this->getSoapClient();
$tntcarrier = new TntCarrier();
$sender = array(
'typeId' => "",//(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_COLLECT') ? "" : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_PEX')) , // code PEX if DEPOT is ON
'name' => (strlen(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_COMPANY')) > 32 ? substr(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_COMPANY'), 0, 32) : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_COMPANY')), // raison social
'address1' => (strlen(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1')) > 32 ? substr(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'), 0, 32) : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1')),
'address2' => (strlen(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2')) > 32 ? substr(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'), 0, 32) : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2')),
'zipCode' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_ZIPCODE'),
'city' => $tntcarrier->putCityInNormeTnt(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_CITY')),
'contactLastName' => (strlen(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_LASTNAME')) > 19 ? substr(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_LASTNAME'), 0, 19) : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_LASTNAME')),
'contactFirstName' => (strlen(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_FIRSTNAME')) > 12 ? substr(Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_FIRSTNAME'), 0, 12) : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_FIRSTNAME')),
'emailAddress' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_EMAIL'),
'phoneNumber' => str_replace(' ', '', Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_PHONE')),
'faxNumber' => '' //may be later
$phone = (isset($info[0]['phone_mobile']) && $info[0]['phone_mobile'] != '' ? str_replace(' ', '', $info[0]['phone_mobile']) : str_replace(' ', '', $info[0]['phone']));
if (substr($phone, 0, 3) == '+33')
$phone = str_replace('+33', '0', $phone);
else if (substr($phone, 0, 4) == '0033')
$number = substr($phone, 4);
$phone = '0'.$number;
if (strlen($phone) > 16)
$phone = substr($phone, 0, 16);
if ($info[4] == null)
$receiver = array(
'type' => ($info[0]['company'] != '' && (strlen($info[3]['option']) == 1 || substr($info[3]['option'], 1, 1) == 'S') ? "ENTERPRISE" : 'INDIVIDUAL'), // ENTREPRISE DEPOT DROPOFFPOINT INDIVIDUAL
'typeId' => '', // IF DEPOT => code PEX else if DROPOFFPOINT => XETT
'name' => ($info[0]['company'] != '' ? $info[0]['company'] : ''),
'address1' => (strlen($info[0]['address1']) > 32 ? substr($info[0]['address1'], 0, 32) : $info[0]['address1']),
'address2' => (strlen($info[0]['address2']) > 32 ? substr($info[0]['address2'], 0, 32) : $info[0]['address2']),
'zipCode' => $info[0]['postcode'],
'city' => $tntcarrier->putCityInNormeTnt((strlen($info[0]['city']) > 27 ? substr($info[0]['city'], 0, 27) : $info[0]['city'])),
'instructions' => '',
'contactLastName' => (strlen($info[0]['lastname']) > 19 ? substr($info[0]['lastname'], 0, 19) : $info[0]['lastname']),
'contactFirstName' => (strlen($info[0]['firstname']) > 12 ? substr($info[0]['firstname'], 0, 12) : $info[0]['firstname']),
'emailAddress' => $info[0]['email'],
'phoneNumber' => $phone,
'accessCode' => '',
'floorNumber' => '',
'buildingId' => '',
'sendNotification' => ''
$receiver = array(
'typeId' => $info[4]['code'], // IF DEPOT => code PEX else if DROPOFFPOINT => XETT
'zipCode' => $info[4]['zipcode'],
'city' => $tntcarrier->putCityInNormeTnt((strlen($info[4]['city']) > 27 ? substr($info[4]['city'], 0, 27) : $info[4]['city'])),
'instructions' => '',
'contactLastName' => (strlen($info[0]['lastname']) > 19 ? substr($info[0]['lastname'], 0, 19) : $info[0]['lastname']),
'contactFirstName' => (strlen($info[0]['firstname']) > 12 ? substr($info[0]['firstname'], 0, 12) : $info[0]['firstname']),
'emailAddress' => $info[0]['email'],
'phoneNumber' => $phone,
'accessCode' => '',
'floorNumber' => '',
'buildingId' => '',
'sendNotification' => ''
foreach ($info[1]['weight'] as $k => $v)
$parcelRequest[$k] = array(
'sequenceNumber' => $k + 1, // package number, there's only one at this moment
'customerReference' => $info[0]['id_customer'], // customer ref
'weight' => $v,
'insuranceAmount' => '',
'priorityGuarantee' => '',
'comment' => ''
$parcelsRequest = array('parcelRequest' => $parcelRequest);
$pickUpRequest = array(
'media' => "EMAIL",
'faxNumber' => "",
'emailAddress' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_EMAIL'),
'notifySuccess' => "1",
'service' => "",
'lastName' => "",
'firstName' => "",
'phoneNumber' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_PHONE'),
'closingTime' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_CLOSING'),
'instructions' => ""
$firstRequest = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_order` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tnt_package_history` WHERE `pickup_date` = NOW()');
if (Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_SHIPPING_COLLECT') == 1 && !$firstRequest)
$paremeters = array(
'pickUpRequest' => $pickUpRequest,
'shippingDate' => $info[2]['delivery_date'],
'accountNumber' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_NUMBER_ACCOUNT'),
'sender' => $sender,
'receiver' => $receiver,
'serviceCode' => $info[3]['option'],
'quantity' => count($info[1]['weight']), //number of package; count($parcelsRequest)
'parcelsRequest' => $parcelsRequest,
'saturdayDelivery' => ($info[5]['saturday'] ? '1' : '0'),
'labelFormat' => (!Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_PRINT_STICKER') ? "STDA4" : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_PRINT_STICKER'))
$paremeters = array(
'shippingDate' => $info[2]['delivery_date'],
'accountNumber' => Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_NUMBER_ACCOUNT'),
'sender' => $sender,
'receiver' => $receiver,
'serviceCode' => $info[3]['option'],
'quantity' => count($info[1]['weight']), //number of package; count($parcelsRequest)
'parcelsRequest' => $parcelsRequest,
'saturdayDelivery' => ($info[5]['saturday'] ? '1' : '0'),
'labelFormat' => (!Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_PRINT_STICKER') ? "STDA4" : Configuration::get('TNT_CARRIER_PRINT_STICKER'))
$package = $soapclient->expeditionCreation(array('parameters' => $paremeters));
return $package;
public function followPackage($transport)
$soapclient = $this->getSoapClient();
$reponse = $soapclient->trackingByConsignment(array('parcelNumber' => $transport));
if (isset($reponse->Parcel) && $reponse->Parcel)
$colis = $reponse->Parcel;
$expediteur = $colis->sender;
$destinataire = $colis->receiver;
$evenements = $colis->events;
$requestDate = new DateTime($evenements->requestDate);
$processDate = new DateTime($evenements->processDate);
$arrivalDate = new DateTime($evenements->arrivalDate);
$deliveryDepartureDate = new DateTime($evenements->deliveryDepartureDate);
$deliveryDate = new DateTime($evenements->deliveryDate);
return array(
'number' => (isset($colis->consignmentNumber) ? $colis->consignmentNumber : ''),
'status' => (isset($colis->shortStatus) ? $colis->shortStatus : ''),
'account_number' => (isset($colis->accountNumber) ? $colis->accountNumber : ''),
'service' => (isset($colis->service) ? $colis->service : ''),
'reference' => (isset($colis->reference) ? $colis->reference : ''),
'weight' => (isset($colis->weight) ? $colis->weight : ''),
'expediteur_name' => (isset($expediteur->name) ? $expediteur->name : ''),
'expediteur_addr1' => (isset($expediteur->address1) ? $expediteur->address1 : ''),
'expediteur_addr2' => (isset($expediteur->address2) ? $expediteur->address2 : ''),
'expediteur_zipcode' => (isset($expediteur->zipCode) ? $expediteur->zipCode : ''),
'expediteur_city' => (isset($expediteur->city) ? $expediteur->city : ''),
'destinataire_name' => (isset($destinataire->name) ? $destinataire->name : ''),
'destinataire_addr1' => (isset($destinataire->address1) ? $destinataire->address1 : ''),
'destinataire_addr2' => (isset($destinataire->address2) ? $destinataire->address2 : ''),
'destinataire_zipcode' => (isset($destinataire->zipCode) ? $destinataire->zipCode : ''),
'destinataire_city' => (isset($destinataire->city) ? $destinataire->city : ''),
'request' => (isset($evenements->requestDate) ? $evenements->requestDate : ''),
'requestDate' => (isset($requestDate) && isset($evenements->requestDate) ? $requestDate : ''),
'process' => (isset($evenements->processDate) ? $evenements->processDate : ''),
'process_date' => (isset($processDate) && isset($evenements->processDate) ? $processDate : ''),
'process_center' => (isset($evenements->processCenter) ? $evenements->processCenter : ''),
'arrival' => (isset($evenements->arrivalDepartureDate) ? $evenements->arrivalDepartureDate : ''),
'arrival_date' => (isset($arrivalDate) ? $arrivalDate : ''),
'arrival_center' => (isset($evenements->arrivalCenter) ? $evenements->arrivalCenter : ''),
'delivery_departure' => (isset($evenements->deliveryDepartureDate) ? $evenements->deliveryDepartureDate : ''),
'delivery_departure_date' => (isset($deliveryDepartureDate) ? $deliveryDepartureDate : ''),
'delivery_departure_center' => (isset($evenements->deliveryDepartureCenter) ? $evenements->deliveryDepartureCenter : ''),
'delivery' => (isset($evenements->deliveryDate) ? $evenements->deliveryDate : ''),
'delivery_date' => (isset($deliveryDate) ? $deliveryDate : ''),
'long_status' => (isset($colis->longStatus) ? $colis->longStatus : ''),
'linkPicture' => (isset($colis->primaryPODUrl) ? $colis->primaryPODUrl : '')