489 lines
17 KiB
489 lines
17 KiB
* @author GFI Informatique <www.gfi.fr>
* @copyright 2016 GFI Informatique, 2016 TNT
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
// On DOM Ready.
$(function () {
if (
// If Google Map API not loaded.
!(window.google && window.google.maps && window.google.maps.Map)
// and Google Map config exist.
&& (window.TNTOfficiel && window.TNTOfficiel.config && window.TNTOfficiel.config.google && window.TNTOfficiel.config.google.map)
) {
// Load Google Map API.
"url": window.TNTOfficiel.config.google.map.url,
"data": window.TNTOfficiel.config.google.map.data,
"dataType": 'script',
"cache": true
.done(function () {});
// Constructor
function TNTOfficielGMapMarkersConstrutor(elmtMapContainer, objGoogleMapsConfig) {
return this.init(elmtMapContainer, objGoogleMapsConfig);
// Prototype
TNTOfficielGMapMarkersConstrutor.prototype = {
// Google Map Default Config.
objGMapsConfig: {
"lat": 46.227638,
"lng": 2.213749,
"zoom": 4
// Google Map Object.
objGMapMap: null,
// Google Map Markers Area Boundaries.
objGMapMarkersBounds: null,
// Google Map Markers Collection.
arrGMapMarkersCollection: [],
// Google Map Markers Info Window (Bubble).
objGMapMarkersInfoWindow: null,
* Initialisation.
init: function init(elmtMapContainer, objGoogleMapsConfig) {
// Extend Configuration.
jQuery.extend(this.objGMapsConfig, objGoogleMapsConfig);
// Google Map Object.
this.objGMapMap = new window.google.maps.Map(elmtMapContainer, {
center: new window.google.maps.LatLng(this.objGMapsConfig.lat, this.objGMapsConfig.lng),
zoom: this.objGMapsConfig.zoom
// Init Markers.
this.objGMapMarkersBounds = new window.google.maps.LatLngBounds();
this.arrGMapMarkersCollection = [];
this.objGMapMarkersInfoWindow = new window.google.maps.InfoWindow();
return this;
addMarker: function addMarker(fltLatitude, fltLongitude, strURLIcon, strInfoWindowContent, objListeners) {
var _this = this;
var objGMapLatLng = new window.google.maps.LatLng(fltLatitude, fltLongitude);
// Create a new Google Map Marker.
var objGMapMarker = new window.google.maps.Marker({
position: objGMapLatLng,
icon: strURLIcon
// Add Marker to the Google Map.
// Extend Markers Area Boundaries.
this.objGMapMarkersBounds.extend(objGMapMarker.getPosition() /* objGMapLatLng */);
// Bind Markers Events.
jQuery.each(objListeners, function (strEventType, evtCallback) {
// If callback is a function.
if (jQuery.type(evtCallback) === 'function') {
// Set Marker Event Listeners and Bind this to callback.
objGMapMarker.addListener(strEventType, $.proxy(function (objGMapEvent) {
// Default click action is to show InfoWindow (if any).
if (strEventType === 'click') {
if (strInfoWindowContent) {
this.objGMapMarkersInfoWindow.open(this.objGMapMap /* objGMapMarker.getMap() */, objGMapMarker);
// Adjust zoom min/max range.
objGMapMarker.map.setZoom(Math.max(Math.min(17, objGMapMarker.map.getZoom()),10));
// Update the Google Maps size.
this.trigger('resize', this.objGMapMap);
// Go to marker position.
return evtCallback.call(this, objGMapEvent);
}, _this));
// Add Marker to collection.
return objGMapMarker;
fitBounds: function () {
// Fit Boundaries to display all markers.
if (this.arrGMapMarkersCollection.length > 0) {
// Bind event to callback to execute only once.
window.google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this.objGMapMap, 'bounds_changed', function () {
// this === this.objGMapMap
this.setZoom(Math.min(17, this.getZoom()));
// Update the Google Maps size.
this.trigger('resize', this.objGMapMap);
return this;
trigger: function (strEventType, objBind) {
window.google.maps.event.trigger(objBind, strEventType);
return this;
* @param method
* @param strDataB64
* @constructor
var TNTOfficiel_deliveryPointsBox = function (method, strDataB64) {
var _this = this;
// xett, pex
this.strRepoType = (method === 'relay_points') ? 'xett' : 'pex';
// relay_points, repositories.
this.method = method;
// ClassName Plural Prefix.
this.strClassNameRepoPrefixPlural = (this.strRepoType === 'xett') ? 'relay-points' : 'repositories';
// ClassName Prefix.
this.strClassNameRepoPrefix = (this.strRepoType === 'xett') ? 'relay-point' : 'repository';
this.strClassNameInfoBlocSelected = 'is-selected';
this.CSSSelectors = {
// Loading Mask and Progress indicator.
loading: '#loading',
// Popin Content Container.
// div#repositories.repositories
popInContentContainer: '#' + this.method,
// Popin Header Container.
// div.repositories-header
popInHeaderContainer: '.' + this.strClassNameRepoPrefixPlural + '-header',
// Search form CP/Cities.
// form#repositories_form.repositories-form
formSearchRepo: 'form.' + this.strClassNameRepoPrefixPlural + '-form',
// Repo List Container.
// ul#repositories_list.repositories-list
infoBlocListContainer: '.' + this.strClassNameRepoPrefixPlural + '-list',
// Google Map Container.
// div#repositories_map.repositories-map
mapContainer: '.' + this.strClassNameRepoPrefixPlural + '-map',
// All Repo Bloc Item Container.
// li#repositories_item_<INDEX>.repository-item
infoBlocItemContainerCollection: '.' + this.strClassNameRepoPrefix + '-item',
// Repo Selected Button Bloc Item.
// button.repository-item-select
infoBlocItemButtonSelected: '.' + this.strClassNameRepoPrefix + '-item-select'
// One Repo Bloc Item Container.
// li#repositories_item_<CODE>.repository-item
// '#' + this.method + '_item_' + id
// getRelayPoints, getRepositories List.
this.arrRepoList = JSON.parse(base64_decode(strDataB64)) || null;
// If invalid repo list.
if ($.type(this.arrRepoList) !== 'array') {
// Set empty repo list.
this.arrRepoList = [];
// On repo form search submit.
$(this.CSSSelectors.formSearchRepo).on('submit', function (objEvent) {
// If test is valid, get all data for postcode and city and update the list
var objJqXHR = $.ajax({
"url": window.TNTOfficiel.link.front.module[_this.strRepoType === 'xett' ? 'boxRelayPoints' : 'boxDropOffPoints'],
"method": 'GET',
"data": $(objEvent.target).serialize(),
"dataType": 'html',
"cache": false,
"global": false
.done(function (mxdData, strTextStatus, objJqXHR) {
// Update PopIn Content.
.fail(function (objJqXHR, strTextStatus, strErrorThrown) {
// console.error( objJqXHR.status + ' ' + objJqXHR.statusText );
alert('Une erreur de communication avec le serveur est survenue, le transporteur TNT est momentanément indisponible.');
.always(function () {
// TODO: remove or add unbinding on close.
.on('resize.'+window.TNTOfficiel.module.name, $.proxy(this.prepareScrollbar, this));
// this.eventGoogleMaps();
// On select button repo info bloc click.
$(this.CSSSelectors.infoBlocItemButtonSelected).off().on('click', function () {
var intMarkerIndex = $(this).parents(_this.CSSSelectors.infoBlocItemContainerCollection).attr('id').split('_').pop();
// Loading.
var objJqXHR = $.ajax({
"url": window.TNTOfficiel.link.front.module.saveProductInfo,
"method": 'GET',
"data": {
product: _this.arrRepoList[intMarkerIndex]
"dataType": 'html',
"cache": false,
"global": false
.done(function (mxdData, strTextStatus, objJqXHR) {
// Delete existing Repository Info.
// Add Repository Info in Carrier Bloc.
.fail(function (objJqXHR, strTextStatus, strErrorThrown) {
// console.error( objJqXHR.status + ' ' + objJqXHR.statusText );
.always(function () {
// if ($('#opc_payment_methods').length > 0) {
// }
this.eventGoogleMaps = function () {
// If no Google library.
if (window.google && window.google.maps) {
var objTNTOfficielGMapMarkers = new TNTOfficielGMapMarkersConstrutor(
// Prepare and returns data marker to add on the map.
for (var intMarkerIndex = 0; intMarkerIndex < _this.arrRepoList.length; intMarkerIndex++) {
var objRepoItem = _this.arrRepoList[intMarkerIndex];
// Set Marker InfoWindow Content.
var strInfoWindowContent = '\
<ul style="margin: 0;">\
' + ( this.strRepoType == 'xett' ? '<li>Code: <b>' + objRepoItem[this.strRepoType] + '</b></li>' : '') + '\
<li><b>' + objRepoItem.name + '</b></li>\
<li>' + ( objRepoItem.address ? objRepoItem.address : objRepoItem.address1 + '<br />' + objRepoItem.address2 ) + '</li>\
<li>' + objRepoItem.postcode + ' ' + objRepoItem.city + '</li>\
var strCSSSelectorRepoInfoBloc = '#' + _this.method + '_item_' + intMarkerIndex;
var objGMapMarker = objTNTOfficielGMapMarkers.addMarker(
window.TNTOfficiel.link.front.shop + 'modules/' + window.TNTOfficiel.module.name + '/' + 'views/img/' + 'modal/marker/' + (intMarkerIndex + 1) + '.png',
// On Marker Click.
"click": $.proxy(function (strCSSSelectorRepoInfoBloc, objGMapEvent) {
var strClassNameInfoBlocSelected = 'is-selected',
$elmtInfoBlocSelect = $(strCSSSelectorRepoInfoBloc);
// Highlight Selected Marker Info.
$(_this.CSSSelectors.infoBlocItemContainerCollection + '.' + strClassNameInfoBlocSelected)
// The event is the click on marker (not triggered from list).
if (objGMapEvent != null) {
// Scroll to item
}, null, strCSSSelectorRepoInfoBloc)
// On click on info bloc item, trigger click on marker.
$(strCSSSelectorRepoInfoBloc).off().on('click', $.proxy(function (objGMapMarker) {
objTNTOfficielGMapMarkers.trigger('click', objGMapMarker);
}, null, objGMapMarker));
* Prepare scrollbar for list item
* @private
this.prepareScrollbar = function () {
preventPageScrolling: true
// Scroll to item.
this.scrollY = function ($elmtInfoBlocSelect) {
var $elmtContainer = $('#list_scrollbar_container'),
$elmtContent = $('#list_scrollbar_content'),
intPositionItem = parseInt($elmtInfoBlocSelect.offset().top + $elmtContent.scrollTop() - $elmtContainer.offset().top);
return this;
$(document).ready(function () {
* Global jQuery AJAX event, excepted for request with option "global":false.
// Triggered if an AJAX request is started and no other AJAX requests are currently running.
$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
// Triggered if there are no more Ajax requests being processed.
$(document).ajaxStop(function () {
* Payment Choice.
if (window.TNTOfficiel.order.isOPC) {
// On payment mode choice with OPC.
$(document).on('click', '#opc_payment_methods a', XHRcheckProductCode);
} else {
// On payment mode choice.
$('#form').on('submit', XHRcheckProductCode);
function XHRcheckProductCode (objEvent) {
// result from async AJAX request.
var result = null;
var objJqXHR = $.ajax({
"url": window.TNTOfficiel.link.front.module.checkProductCode,
"method": 'POST',
"data": {
product: _getCurrentShippingMethod(),
deliveryOptionTnt: deliveryOptionTnt
"async": false
.done(function (mxdData, strTextStatus, objJqXHR) {
result = JSON.parse(mxdData);
.fail(function (objJqXHR, strTextStatus, strErrorThrown) {
// console.error( objJqXHR.status + ' ' + objJqXHR.statusText );
.always(function () {
// If no result or has error.
if (!result || result.error == 1) {
alert("Vous ne pouvez pas continuer votre commande car aucun mode de livraison n'est sélectionné.");
return false;
if (!(window.TNTOfficiel.order.isOPC && result.error == 0 && result[ window.TNTOfficiel.module.name ] == 1
|| !window.TNTOfficiel.order.isOPC && result.error == 0)
) {
return false;
var $elmtForm = $(this);
if (window.TNTOfficiel.order.isOPC) {
window.$elmtPaymentLink = $elmtForm;
var $elmtCurrentSpMethod = $('.tnt_carrier_radio:checked');
var boolCGVDisplayed = $('#cgv').length > 0;
var boolCGVChecked = $('input#cgv:checked').length > 0;
var boolHasRepoAddressSelected = $($elmtCurrentSpMethod).closest('table').find('.shipping-method-info').length > 0;
var boolShowPopup = true;
if (($elmtCurrentSpMethod.attr('product-type') == 'dropoffpoint'|$elmtCurrentSpMethod.attr('product-type') == 'depot')& !boolHasRepoAddressSelected) {
boolShowPopup = false;
if ((boolCGVDisplayed&boolCGVChecked| !boolCGVDisplayed) && $elmtCurrentSpMethod.length && boolShowPopup) {
if (!$elmtForm.data('valid')) {
// Stop form submit
// Shows the modal popup
// Save which tnt product was chosen
} else {
if (window.TNTOfficiel.order.isOPC) {
window.location = $elmtForm.attr('href');
} else {