2016-10-10 15:24:25 +02:00
{ *
* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
<script type="text/javascript">
var orderUrl = ' { $link - > getPageLink ( "order" , true ) } ';
{ capture name = path } { l s = 'Your shopping cart' } { /capture }
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl" }
<div class="borderGreen auto">
<h1>[ { l s = 'Mon panier' } ]</h1>
{ assign var = "current_step" value = "" }
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./order-opc-steps.tpl" }
<div class="order-opc-rightColumn">
{ hook h = 'displayTopOrderRightColumn' }
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./order-opc-rightColumn.tpl" }
<div class="order-opc-leftColumn">
<div class="contenu">
<p class="submitTop clear">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$('#submitPanier').click()" class="button uppercase"> { l s = 'Valider mon panier' } </a>
<a href=" { $link - > getCategoryLink ( 2 , 'nos-produits' ) } " class="button simple"> { l s = 'Continuer mes achats' } </a>
<p class="green"> { l s = 'Livraison offerte à partir de 60€ d\'achats' } </p>
{ if isset ( $account_created ) }
<p class="success">
{ l s = 'Your account has been created.' }
{ /if }
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./errors.tpl" }
{ if isset ( $empty ) }
<p class="warning"> { l s = 'Your shopping cart is empty.' } </p>
{ elseif $PS_CATALOG_MODE }
<p class="warning"> { l s = 'This store has not accepted your new order.' } </p>
{ else }
2017-03-17 12:39:37 +01:00
{ if isset ( $restricted_product_txt ) & & $restricted_product_txt ! = '' }
2017-03-17 13:30:49 +01:00
<p class="warning { if isset ( $restricted_product_id ) } restricted_product_ { $restricted_product_id } { /if } " id="restricted_product_txt">
2017-03-17 12:39:37 +01:00
{ $restricted_product_txt }
{ /if }
2016-10-10 15:24:25 +02:00
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var currencySign = ' { $currencySign | html_entity_decode : 2 : "UTF-8" } ';
var currencyRate = ' { $currencyRate | floatval } ';
var currencyFormat = ' { $currencyFormat | intval } ';
var currencyBlank = ' { $currencyBlank | intval } ';
var txtProduct = " { l s = 'product' js = 1 } ";
var txtProducts = " { l s = 'products' js = 1 } ";
var deliveryAddress = { $cart - > id_address_delivery | intval } ;
var orderOpcUrl = ' { $link - > getPageLink ( "order" , true ) } ';
{ if $total_products_wt > = 1 0 0 }
var maxE=5;
{ else }
var maxE=3;
{ /if }
// ]]>
<p style="display:none" id="emptyCartWarning" class="warning"> { l s = 'Your shopping cart is empty.' } </p>
2016-11-30 11:33:29 +01:00
{ if isset ( $smarty.get.error_echantillons ) }
<p id="emptyCartWarning" class="warning"> { l s = 'Too much samples selected.' } </p>
{ /if }
2016-10-10 15:24:25 +02:00
<div id="order-detail-content" class="table_block">
<table id="cart_summary" class="std">
{ * if $use_taxes }
{ if $priceDisplay }
<tr class="cart_total_price">
<td colspan="5"> { if $display_tax_label } { l s = 'Total products (tax excl.)' } { else } { l s = 'Total products' } { /if } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_product"> { displayPrice price = $total_products } </td>
{ else }
<tr class="cart_total_price">
<td colspan="5"> { if $display_tax_label } { l s = 'Total products (tax incl.)' } { else } { l s = 'Total products' } { /if } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_product"> { displayPrice price = $total_products_wt } </td>
{ /if }
{ else }
<tr class="cart_total_price">
<td colspan="5"> { l s = 'Total products' } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_product"> { displayPrice price = $total_products } </td>
{ /if * }
<tr { if $total_wrapping = = 0 } style="display: none;" { /if } >
<td colspan="5">
{ if $use_taxes }
{ if $display_tax_label } { l s = 'Total gift wrapping (tax incl.):' } { else } { l s = 'Total gift-wrapping cost:' } { /if }
{ else }
{ l s = 'Total gift-wrapping cost:' }
{ /if }
<td class="price-discount price" id="total_wrapping">
{ if $use_taxes }
{ if $priceDisplay }
{ displayPrice price = $total_wrapping_tax_exc }
{ else }
{ displayPrice price = $total_wrapping }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ displayPrice price = $total_wrapping_tax_exc }
{ /if }
{ * if $total_shipping_tax_exc < = 0 & & ! isset ( $virtualCart ) }
<tr class="cart_total_delivery" style=" { if ! isset ( $carrier - > id ) | | is_null ( $carrier - > id ) } display:none; { /if } ">
<td colspan="5"> { l s = 'Shipping' } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_shipping"> { l s = 'Free Shipping!' } </td>
{ else }
{ if $use_taxes }
{ if $priceDisplay }
<tr class="cart_total_delivery" { if $total_shipping_tax_exc < = 0 } style="display:none;" { /if } >
<td colspan="5"> { if $display_tax_label } { l s = 'Total shipping (tax excl.)' } { else } { l s = 'Total shipping' } { /if } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_shipping"> { displayPrice price = $total_shipping_tax_exc } </td>
{ else }
<tr class="cart_total_delivery" { if $total_shipping < = 0 } style="display:none;" { /if } >
<td colspan="5"> { if $display_tax_label } { l s = 'Total shipping (tax incl.)' } { else } { l s = 'Total shipping' } { /if } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_shipping" > { displayPrice price = $total_shipping } </td>
{ /if }
{ else }
<tr class="cart_total_delivery" { if $total_shipping_tax_exc < = 0 } style="display:none;" { /if } >
<td colspan="5"> { l s = 'Total shipping' } </td>
<td class="price" id="total_shipping" > { displayPrice price = $total_shipping_tax_exc } </td>
{ /if }
{ /if * }
<tr class="cart_total_voucher" { if $total_discounts = = 0 } style="display:none" { /if } >
<td colspan="5">
{ if $display_tax_label }
{ if $use_taxes & & $priceDisplay = = 0 }
{ l s = 'Total vouchers (tax incl.):' }
{ else }
{ l s = 'Total vouchers (tax excl.)' }
{ /if }
{ else }
{ l s = 'Total vouchers' }
{ /if }
<td class="price-discount price" id="total_discount">
{ if $use_taxes & & $priceDisplay = = 0 }
{ assign var = 'total_discounts_negative' value = $total_discounts * - 1 }
{ else }
{ assign var = 'total_discounts_negative' value = $total_discounts_tax_exc * - 1 }
{ /if }
{ displayPrice price = $total_discounts_negative }
<tr class="cart_total_price">
<td colspan="5" class="price total_price_container" id="total_price_container">
<b> { l s = 'Total' } </b> ( { l s = 'Hors frais de livraison' } )
<td class="bold"><span id="total_price_sansTransport"> { displayPrice price = $total_products_wt } </span></td>
<tr class="free_ship">
<td colspan="6">
<div class="notfree { if $total_products_wt - $total_discounts > = 6 0 } hidden { /if } ">
{ l s = 'Plus que' }
{ displayPrice price = 6 0 - $total_products_wt + $total_discounts }
{ l s = 'pour bénéficier d\'une livraison gratuite en France' } *
<div class="free { if $total_products_wt - $total_discounts < 6 0 } hidden { /if } "> { l s = 'Livraison offerte' } </div>
<tr class="tr_cart_voucher">
<td colspan="6" id="cart_voucher" class="cart_voucher">
{ if $voucherAllowed }
{ if isset ( $errors_discount ) & & $errors_discount }
<ul class="error">
{ foreach $errors_discount as $k = > $error }
<li> { $error | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } </li>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
<form action=" { if $opc } { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order-opc' , true ) } { else } { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order' , true ) } { /if } " method="post" id="voucher">
<label for="discount_name"> { l s = 'Code promotion / e-carte cadeau' } </label>
<input type="text" class="inputText146" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value=" { if isset ( $discount_name ) & & $discount_name } { $discount_name } { /if } " />
<input type="hidden" name="submitDiscount" />
<input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value=" { l s = 'Appliquer au panier' } " class="button simple" />
{ if ! $logged }
<span class="promoAlert"> { l s = 'Vous devez être connecté à votre compte avant de rentrer un code promotion' } </span>
{ /if }
{ if $displayVouchers }
<p id="title" class="title_offers"> { l s = 'Take advantage of our exclusive offers:' } </p>
<div id="display_cart_vouchers">
{ foreach $displayVouchers as $voucher }
{ if $voucher.code ! = '' } <span onclick="$('#discount_name').val(' { $voucher.code } ');return false;" class="voucher_name"> { $voucher.code } </span> - { /if } { $voucher.name } <br />
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ foreach $products as $product }
{ if $product.id_category_default ! = 1 2 }
{ assign var = 'productId' value = $product.id_product }
{ assign var = 'productAttributeId' value = $product.id_product_attribute }
{ assign var = 'quantityDisplayed' value = 0 }
{ assign var = 'odd' value = $product @ iteration % 2 }
{ assign var = 'ignoreProductLast' value = isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) | | count ( $gift_products ) }
{ * Display the product line * }
{ include file = "./shopping-cart-product-line.tpl" productLast = $product @ last productFirst = $product @ first }
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ assign var = 'last_was_odd' value = $product @ iteration % 2 }
{ foreach $gift_products as $product }
{ assign var = 'productId' value = $product.id_product }
{ assign var = 'productAttributeId' value = $product.id_product_attribute }
{ assign var = 'quantityDisplayed' value = 0 }
{ assign var = 'odd' value = ( $product @ iteration + $last_was_odd ) % 2 }
{ assign var = 'ignoreProductLast' value = isset ( $customizedDatas . $productId . $productAttributeId ) }
{ assign var = 'cannotModify' value = 1 }
{ * Display the gift product line * }
{ include file = "./shopping-cart-product-line.tpl" productLast = $product @ last productFirst = $product @ first }
{ /foreach }
{ if sizeof ( $discounts ) }
{ foreach $discounts as $discount }
<tr class="cart_discount { if $discount @ last } last_item { elseif $discount @ first } first_item { else } item { /if } " id="cart_discount_ { $discount.id_discount } ">
<td class="cart_discount_name" colspan="4"><i> { $discount.code } </i> - { $discount.name } </td>
<td class="price_discount_del">
{ if strlen ( $discount.code ) } <a href=" { if $opc } { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order-opc' , true ) } { else } { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order' , true ) } { /if } ?deleteDiscount= { $discount.id_discount } " class="price_discount_delete" title=" { l s = 'Delete' } "> { l s = 'Delete' } </a> { /if }
<td class="cart_discount_price">
<span class="price-discount price"> { if ! $priceDisplay } { displayPrice price = $discount.value_real * - 1 } { else } { displayPrice price = $discount.value_tax_exc * - 1 } { /if } </span>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if $show_option_allow_separate_package }
<input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" { if $cart - > allow_seperated_package } checked="checked" { /if } />
<label for="allow_seperated_package"> { l s = 'Send available products first' } </label>
{ /if }
{ if ! $opc }
{ if Configuration : : get ( 'PS_ALLOW_MULTISHIPPING' ) }
<input type="checkbox" { if $multi_shipping } checked="checked" { /if } id="enable-multishipping" />
<label for="enable-multishipping"> { l s = 'I would like to specify a delivery address for each individual product.' } </label>
{ /if }
{ /if }
<form action=" { $link - > getPageLink ( 'order' , true , NULL , 'step=1' ) } " method="post" id="submitShoppingCart">
{ if isset ( $echantillons ) & & $echantillons | @ count > 0 }
<div id="echantillons">
2016-11-30 16:59:46 +01:00
<h2>[ { l s = 'Sélectionnez' } <span class="maxE"> { $nb_max_echantillons } </span> { l s = 'échantillons gratuits' } ]</h2>
2016-10-10 15:24:25 +02:00
<ul class="items">
{ foreach from = $echantillons item = echantillon }
{ if $echantillon.quantity > 0 }
<li class="ajax_block_product { *if $smarty.foreach.echantillons.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.echantillons.last}last_item{/if* } { if $compteur = = 4 } { assign var = compteur value = 1 } { /if } item { $compteur + + } { if isset ( $echantillon.filtreSelected ) } { $echantillon.filtreSelected } { /if } ">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="echantillon_img_link" style="cursor:pointer" title=" { $echantillon.name | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } ">
<img src=" { $link - > getImageLink ( $echantillon.link_rewrite , $echantillon.id_image , 'echantillon_small' ) } " alt=" { $echantillon.legend | escape : 'htmlall' : 'UTF-8' } " />
<span> { $echantillon.name } </span>
<input id="echantillon- { $echantillon.id_product } " type="checkbox" name="echantillon[]" value=" { $echantillon.id_product } " { if IN_ARRAY ( $echantillon.id_product , $echantillons_selected ) } checked="checked" { /if } />
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> { /if }
{ if ! $virtualCart }
<div id="modeDeLivraison" class="modes">
<h1>[ { l s = 'Mode de livraison' } ]</h1>
{ include file = "$tpl_dir./order-carrier-simple.tpl" }
<p class="grey6">* { l s = 'Délai et participation aux frais de livraison pour la France métropolitaine, Corse et Monaco uniquement.' } <a href=" { $link - > getCMSLink ( 1 , 'livraison' ) } " class="underline"> { l s = 'En savoir plus' } </a></p>
{ /if }
<div class="totalTTC">
{ l s = 'Total TTC' } <span id="total_price"> { displayPrice price = $total_price } </span>
<p class="submitTop clear">
<input type="submit" name="submitPanier" id="submitPanier" value=" { l s = 'Valider mon panier' } " class="button uppercase" style="height:38px;line-height:38px"/>
{ *<a href="{if $back}{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, 'step=1&back={$back}')}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, 'step=1')}{/if}" class="button uppercase">{l s='Valider mon panier'}</a>* }
<a href=" { $link - > getCategoryLink ( 2 , 'nos-produits' ) } " class="button simple"> { l s = 'Continuer mes achats' } </a>
{ if ! empty ( $HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA ) }
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="cart_navigation_extra">
{ /if }
{ /if }
<p class="emptyCartWarning hidden warning"> { l s = 'Your shopping cart is empty.' } </p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
{ literal } $(document).ready(function() {
}); { /literal }
// ]]>