= '2013-08-21 00:00:00' // and invoice_date <= '2013-08-21 23:59:59' // and valid = 1 "; $res = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $results=array(); $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $sql='SELECT * from ps_order_history oh where id_order='.$row['id_order'].' order by id_order_history desc limit 0,1'; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $id_order_state = mysql_fetch_array($result); $results[]=$row; $i++; } echo ' '; echo "
"; echo "SQL : ".$sql. "
"; echo $i.' commandes trouvés pour la période : invoice_date >= "'.$dayNOW_INF.'" and invoice_date <= "'.$dayNOW_SUP.'"'; echo "
"; $txt = ' '; // die(); $i=0; /* Code possibles dans le champ TRPGEST suivant le mode de livraison : -COLISSIMO EXPERT FR GAR -UPS SAVER GAR -MONDIAL RELAY 24R GAR -IMX GAR */ foreach($results as $row){ $carrier_name=$row['carrier_name']; $carrier_name=utf8_encode($carrier_name); if($carrier_name=="Mondial Relay") $carrier_name='MONDIAL RELAY 24R GAR'; elseif($carrier_name=="Livraison Colissimo") $carrier_name='COLISSIMO EXPERT FR GAR'; elseif($carrier_name=="UPS") $carrier_name='UPS SAVER GAR'; elseif($carrier_name=="IMX") $carrier_name='IMX GAR'; else $carrier_name='IMX GAR'; // COLISSIMO EXPERT FR GAR // IMX GAR // MONDIAL RELAY R24 GAR // UPS SAVER GARCOLISSIMO EXPERT FR GAR // IMX GAR // MONDIAL RELAY R24 GAR // UPS SAVER GAR $sql = "SELECT * from ps_address where id_address = '".$row['id_address_delivery']."'"; $resultAdress = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $rowAdress = mysql_fetch_array($resultAdress); $sql = "SELECT * from ps_customer where id_customer = '".$row['id_customer']."'"; $resultClient = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $rowClient = mysql_fetch_array($resultClient); $MondialRelay=""; $sql = "SELECT MR_Selected_Pays,MR_Selected_Num FROM `ps_mr_selected` where id_order=".$row['id_order']; $MR = mysql_query($sql, $conn); if($MondialR = mysql_fetch_array($MR)) $MondialRelay=$MondialR['MR_Selected_Pays'].$MondialR['MR_Selected_Num']; $sql = "SELECT * from ps_country where id_country = '".$rowAdress['id_country']."'"; $resultPays = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $rowPays = mysql_fetch_array($resultPays); $reference=strtoupper($row['id_order']); $nom=strtoupper(utf8_encode(($rowAdress['firstname']))); $prenom=strtoupper(utf8_encode(($rowAdress['lastname']))); $company=strtoupper(utf8_encode(($rowAdress['company']))); // $address1=$rowAdress['address1']; // $address2=$rowAdress['address2']; $address1=str_pad(utf8_encode($rowAdress['address1']), 35, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $address2=str_pad(utf8_encode($rowAdress['address2']), 35, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $codpost=strtoupper(utf8_encode($rowAdress['postcode'])); $ville=$rowAdress['city']; $pays=strtoupper(utf8_encode($rowPays['country'])); $isoPays=strtoupper($rowPays['iso_code']); $transporteur=strtoupper(" "); $express=" "; if($rowAdress['phone']!=""){ $telephone=strtoupper($rowAdress['phone']); }else{ $telephone=strtoupper(utf8_encode($rowAdress['phone_mobile'])); } // $mail=strtoupper($rowAdress['phone']); // if($telephone=='') // $telephone=strtoupper($rowAdress['phone']); // $phone=strtoupper($rowAdress['phone']); // $mail=strtoupper($rowClient['email']); // $instructions=$rowAdress['other']; // $instructions=str_replace('\n',' ',$rowAdress['other']); // $instructions=str_replace('\r',' ',$instructions); $INSTPRP=""; $LIVCOMM=""; if($row['gift']==1){ $INSTPRP="CADEAU"; // $LIVCOMM=str_pad(htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode($row['gift_message'])), 100, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $LIVCOMM=htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode($row['gift_message'])); $LIVCOMM=nl2br($LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace('
',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace('
',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace('
',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace('\r\n',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace('\n',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace(' ',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace('\r',' ',$LIVCOMM); $LIVCOMM=str_replace(' ',' ',$LIVCOMM); } $LIVCOMM=stripslashes($LIVCOMM); $invoice_date=str_replace(' ','T',$row['invoice_date']); $txt.=' GAR Garancia-GAR '.$row['id_order'].$dateAnnneMois.$lettre.' '.$invoice_date.' '.str_replace('&','&',$nom).' '.str_replace('&','&',$prenom).' '.str_replace('&','&',$company).' '.str_replace('&','&',$address1).' '.str_replace('&','&',$address2).' '.str_replace('&','&',$instructions).' '.$codpost.' '.str_replace('&','&',utf8_encode($ville)).' '.$isoPays.' '.$telephone.' '.$LIVCOMM.' '.str_replace('&','&',$carrier_name).' '.$MondialRelay.' '.$INSTPRP.' '; $sql = "SELECT product_reference, product_quantity, product_ean13,product_name from ps_order_detail where id_order = '".$row['id_order']."'"; $lettre=""; $i=0; if($resultProd = mysql_query($sql, $conn)){ // $txt.= "\n"; // print_r($rowProd); $ligne=0; while($rowProd = mysql_fetch_array($resultProd)){ $ligne++; $product_reference=$rowProd['product_reference']; $product_name=utf8_encode($rowProd['product_name']); $product_name=str_replace('&','&',$product_name); $qty=$rowProd['product_quantity']; $txt.=' '.$ligne.' '.$product_reference.' '.$qty.' '.$product_name.' '; } } $txt.=" "; } mysql_close($conn); $txt.="
"; echo $txt; // if($txt!=''){ // $file = "CMDCLI".date('YmdHis').".xml"; // $ar=fopen('archives/'.$file,'w') or die("Probleme de création"); // fputs($ar,$txt); // fclose($ar); // echo "
Voir le XML local"; // $fileFTP = "CMDCLI".date('YmdHis').".xml"; // echo $fileFTP; // $serveur_FTP = "ftp.l4-logistics.fr"; // $id_con = ftp_connect($serveur_FTP); // // DEV // $ftp_USER = "Gar_test"; // $ftp_PASSWORD = "Rsk33As*!"; // // PROD // $ftp_USER = "Gar_log"; // $ftp_PASSWORD = "ZAnP49*!"; // $ftp_dossier_local = 'archives/'; // $ftp_dossier_serveur = "/IN/"; // if($result_login = ftp_login($id_con, $ftp_USER, $ftp_PASSWORD)) // echo "LOGIN OK"; // if(ftp_put($id_con, $ftp_dossier_serveur.$fileFTP, $ftp_dossier_local.$file, FTP_BINARY)) // echo "

Le fichier ".$file." a bien été ajouté dans le dossier /IN sur le FTP de L4LOGISTICS"; // else // echo "

Problème dans la copie du backup dans le ftp distant IN
"; // function listeFichier( $dir,$id_con ) // { // $ftp_dossier_serveur = "/IN/"; // $dossier = opendir( $dir ); // while ( $fichier = readdir( $dossier ) ){ // if ( $fichier != "." && $fichier != ".."){ // if ( !is_dir( $dir . "/" . $fichier ) ){ // $ftp_dossier_local = 'PDF/'; // if(ftp_put($id_con, $ftp_dossier_serveur.$fichier, $ftp_dossier_local.$fichier, FTP_BINARY)){ // echo "

Le fichier ".$file." a bien été ajouté dans le dossier /IN sur le FTP de L4LOGISTICS"; // unlink( str_replace("./","",$dir) . "/" . $fichier ); // } // else // echo "

".$ftp_dossier_serveur.$fichier." ".$ftp_dossier_local.$fichier; // } // else listeFichier( $dir . "/" . $fichier,$id_con ); // } // } // } // listeFichier( "PDF",$id_con); // ftp_close($id_con); // } // foreach($results as $row){ // include_once('../config/config.inc.php'); // $history = new OrderHistory(); // $history->id_order = $row['id_order']; // $history->id_employee = 3; // $use_existings_payment = false; // $history->changeIdOrderState2(3, $row['id_order'], $use_existings_payment); // if ($history->addWithemail(true, $templateVars)) // { // $log=date('Y\-m-d')." Commande en cours de préparation :#".$row['id_order']." \n"; // $file3 = "LOG_COMMANDES_entre_5H_12H.txt"; // $ar3=fopen('logs/'.$file3,'a+'); // fputs($ar3,$log); // fclose($ar3); // // echo "

Voir les logs"; // }else{ // $file3 = "LOG_COMMANDES_entre_5H_12H.txt"; // } // }