236 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
236 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
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* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
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* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
function getTax()
if (noTax)
return 0;
var selectedTax = document.getElementById('id_tax_rules_group');
var taxId = selectedTax.options[selectedTax.selectedIndex].value;
return taxesArray[taxId];
function getEcotaxTaxIncluded()
return ps_round(ecotax_tax_excl * (1 + ecotaxTaxRate), 2);
function getEcotaxTaxExcluded()
return ecotax_tax_excl;
function formatPrice(price)
var fixedToSix = (Math.round(price * 1000000) / 1000000);
return (Math.round(fixedToSix) == fixedToSix + 0.000001 ? fixedToSix + 0.000001 : fixedToSix);
function calcPrice()
var priceType = $('#priceType').val();
if (priceType == 'TE')
function calcPriceTI()
var tax = getTax();
var priceTE = parseFloat(document.getElementById('priceTEReal').value.replace(/,/g, '.'));
var newPrice = priceTE * ((tax / 100) + 1);
document.getElementById('priceTI').value = (isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' :
ps_round(newPrice, 2);
document.getElementById('finalPrice').innerHTML = (isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' :
ps_round(newPrice, 2).toFixed(2);
document.getElementById('finalPriceWithoutTax').innerHTML = (isNaN(priceTE) == true || priceTE < 0) ? '' :
(ps_round(priceTE, 2) + getEcotaxTaxExcluded()).toFixed(2);
$('#priceTI').val((parseFloat($('#priceTI').val()) + getEcotaxTaxIncluded()).toFixed(2));
function calcPriceTE()
ecotax_tax_excl = $('#ecotax').val() / (1 + ecotaxTaxRate);
var tax = getTax();
var priceTI = parseFloat(document.getElementById('priceTI').value.replace(/,/g, '.'));
var newPrice = ps_round(priceTI - getEcotaxTaxIncluded(), 2) / ((tax / 100) + 1);
document.getElementById('priceTE').value = (isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' :
ps_round(newPrice.toFixed(6), 6);
document.getElementById('priceTEReal').value = (isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? 0 : ps_round(newPrice, 9);
document.getElementById('finalPrice').innerHTML = (isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' :
ps_round(priceTI.toFixed(6), 6);
document.getElementById('finalPriceWithoutTax').innerHTML = (isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' :
ps_round(newPrice.toFixed(6), 6) + getEcotaxTaxExcluded();
function calcImpactPriceTI()
var tax = getTax();
var priceTE = parseFloat(document.getElementById('attribute_priceTEReal').value.replace(/,/g, '.'));
var newPrice = priceTE * ((tax / 100) + 1);
$('#attribute_priceTI').val((isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' : ps_round(newPrice, 2).toFixed(2));
var total = ps_round((parseFloat($('#attribute_priceTI').val())*parseInt($('#attribute_price_impact').val())+parseFloat($('#finalPrice').html())), 2);
if (isNaN(total) || total < 0)
function calcImpactPriceTE()
var tax = getTax();
var priceTI = parseFloat(document.getElementById('attribute_priceTI').value.replace(/,/g, '.'));
priceTI = (isNaN(priceTI)) ? 0 : ps_round(priceTI);
var newPrice = ps_round(priceTI, 2) / ((tax / 100) + 1);
$('#attribute_price').val((isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '' : ps_round(newPrice, 6).toFixed(6));
$('#attribute_priceTEReal').val((isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? 0 : ps_round(newPrice, 9));
var total = ps_round((parseFloat($('#attribute_priceTI').val())*parseInt($('#attribute_price_impact').val())+parseFloat($('#finalPrice').html())), 2);
if (isNaN(total) || total < 0)
function calcReduction()
if (parseFloat($('#reduction_price').val()) > 0)
else if (parseFloat($('#reduction_percent').val()) > 0)
function reductionPrice()
var tax = getTax();
var price = document.getElementById('priceTI');
var priceWhithoutTaxes = document.getElementById('priceTE');
var newprice = document.getElementById('finalPrice');
var newpriceWithoutTax = document.getElementById('finalPriceWithoutTax');
var curPrice = price.value;
document.getElementById('reduction_percent').value = 0;
if (isInReductionPeriod())
var rprice = document.getElementById('reduction_price');
if (parseFloat(curPrice) <= parseFloat(rprice.value))
rprice.value = curPrice;
if (parseFloat(rprice.value) < 0 || isNaN(parseFloat(curPrice)))
rprice.value = 0;
curPrice = curPrice - rprice.value;
newprice.innerHTML = (ps_round(parseFloat(curPrice),2) + getEcotaxTaxIncluded()).toFixed(2);
var rpriceWithoutTaxes = ps_round(rprice.value / ((tax / 100) + 1), 2);
newpriceWithoutTax.innerHTML = ps_round(priceWhithoutTaxes.value - rpriceWithoutTaxes,2).toFixed(2);
function reductionPercent()
var tax = getTax();
var price = document.getElementById('priceTI');
var newprice = document.getElementById('finalPrice');
var newpriceWithoutTax = document.getElementById('finalPriceWithoutTax');
var curPrice = price.value;
document.getElementById('reduction_price').value = 0;
if (isInReductionPeriod())
var newprice = document.getElementById('finalPrice');
var rpercent = document.getElementById('reduction_percent');
if (parseFloat(rpercent.value) >= 100)
rpercent.value = 100;
if (parseFloat(rpercent.value) < 0)
rpercent.value = 0;
curPrice = price.value * (1 - (rpercent.value / 100));
newprice.innerHTML = (ps_round(parseFloat(curPrice),2) + getEcotaxTaxIncluded()).toFixed(2);
newpriceWithoutTax.innerHTML = ps_round(parseFloat(ps_round(curPrice, 2) / ((tax / 100) + 1)),2).toFixed(2);
function isInReductionPeriod()
var start = document.getElementById('reduction_from').value;
var end = document.getElementById('reduction_to').value;
if (start == end && start != "" && start != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") return true;
var sdate = new Date(start.replace(/-/g,'/'));
var edate = new Date(end.replace(/-/g,'/'));
var today = new Date();
return (sdate <= today && edate >= today);
function decimalTruncate(source, decimals)
if (typeof(decimals) == 'undefined')
decimals = 6;
source = source.toString();
var pos = source.indexOf('.');
return parseFloat(source.substr(0, pos + decimals + 1));
function unitPriceWithTax(type)
var tax = getTax();
var priceWithTax = parseFloat(document.getElementById(type+'_price').value.replace(/,/g, '.'));
var newPrice = priceWithTax * ((tax / 100) + 1);
$('#'+type+'_price_with_tax').html((isNaN(newPrice) == true || newPrice < 0) ? '0.00' : ps_round(newPrice, 2).toFixed(2));
function unitySecond()
if ($('#unity').get(0).value.length > 0)
function changeCurrencySpecificPrice(index)
var id_currency = $('#spm_currency_' + index).val();
if (currencies[id_currency]["format"] == 2 || currencies[id_currency]["format"] == 4)
$('#spm_currency_sign_pre_' + index).html('');
$('#spm_currency_sign_post_' + index).html(' ' + currencies[id_currency]["sign"]);
else if (currencies[id_currency]["format"] == 1 || currencies[id_currency]["format"] == 3)
$('#spm_currency_sign_post_' + index).html('');
$('#spm_currency_sign_pre_' + index).html(currencies[id_currency]["sign"] + ' ');