2016-10-10 15:24:25 +02:00

1368 lines
54 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

* @category pricing_promotion
* @author Timactive - Romain DE VERA <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) TIMACTIVE 2014 - Romain De Véra AI
* @version 1.0.0
* @license Commercial license
** V 1.0.0 *
* +
* + Languages: EN, FR
* + PS version: 1.5,1.6
* ******* 1.0.8 ******
* BUG #3634: PS VERSION <= 1.5.2 / getMimeTypeByExtension not exist
* BUG #3640: Bug / mail lang select error
* ******* 1.0.7 ******
* BUG #3599: when order template select is ko
* ******* 1.0.6 ******
* Evolution #3559: Fixed price
* BUG #3551: Admin order / blank page for ps_version <
* BUG #3548: Display date warning PS < 1.5.5
* Evolution #3542: Multiboutique / intégration
* ******* 1.0.5 ******
* BUG #3472: Cannot add to giftcard in the cart
* BUG #3499: Traduction not work after code formatter
* BUG #3500: installation / on time to use / image is to all
* Evolution #3462: carte cadeaux / option free delivery
* Evolution #3495: Free Shipping
* ******* 1.0.4 ******
* BUG #3441: Initialisation des variables / erreur clé incorrecte
* BUG #3443: Page commande / erreur d'alignement
* ******* 1.0.3 ******
* BUG #3426 Giftcard / ready to use / lang
* BUG #3427 Date d'envoi inférieur au lieu supérieur
* BUG #3428 Front / apercu Pdf / langue autre que fr et en
* ******* 1.0.2 ******
* BUG 3300 TPL 1.5, no image, breadcrumb ...
* ******* 1.0.1 ******
* BUG 3364 Prestashop 1.5 create default template error update
if (! defined ( '_PS_VERSION_' ))
exit ();
if (! defined ( '_MYSQL_ENGINE_' ))
define ( '_MYSQL_ENGINE_', 'MyISAM' );
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/models/GiftCardProduct.php');
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/models/GiftCardOrder.php');
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/models/GiftCardTag.php');
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/models/GiftCardTemplate.php');
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/models/PDFGiftCard.php');
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/tools/GiftCardTools.php');
require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/tools/MailGiftCard.php');
class Giftcard extends Module {
public function __construct()
$this->name = 'giftcard';
$this->version = '1.0.8';
$this->module_key = '5cab7347ab5e4b12806ca91019ec40ba';
$this->accesslog = false;
parent::__construct ();
$this->bootstrap = true;
$this->page = basename ( __FILE__, '.php' );
$this->tab = 'pricing_promotion';
$this->author = 'Timactive';
$this->displayName = $this->l ( 'Gift card' );
$this->description = $this->l ( 'Add the functionality needed to the creation, management and use of gift card.' );
$this->template_front_directory = dirname ( __FILE__ ).'/views/templates/front/';
$this->template_admin_directory = dirname ( __FILE__ ).'/views/templates/admin/';
$this->confirmUninstall = $this->l ( 'Are you sure uninstall module gift card , all information will be deleted?' );
$this->log_directory = dirname ( __FILE__ ).'/logs/';
$this->img_directory = _MODULE_DIR_.'giftcard/img/';
$this->log_fic_name = '';
// Current version of the module
// Min version of PrestaShop wich the module can be install
$this->ps_versions_compliancy['min'] = '1.5';
$this->imagick = false;
if (extension_loaded ( 'imagick' ))
$this->imagick = true;
if ((Configuration::get('GIFTCARD_VERSION') != $this->version) && Configuration::get('GIFTCARD_VERSION'))
public function install()
$sql = '';
include (dirname ( __FILE__ ).'/sql/sql-install.php');
/* ISSUE 3241 : Catbibi */
Configuration::updateGlobalValue ( 'PS_CUSTOMIZATION_FEATURE_ACTIVE', '1' );
Configuration::updateGlobalValue ( 'PS_VIRTUAL_PROD_FEATURE_ACTIVE', '1' );
foreach ($sql as $s)
if (! Db::getInstance ()->execute ( $s ))
return false;
$categorygift = new Category ();
$languages = Language::getLanguages ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr')
$categorygift->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Module Carte Cadeau ne pas supprimer';
$categorygift->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Gift Card Addon no delete';
foreach ($languages as $language)
if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr')
$categorygift->link_rewrite[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'carte-cadeau-'.(int)$language['id_lang'];
$categorygift->link_rewrite[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'gift-card-'.(int)$language['id_lang'];
$categorygift->active = 0;
$catroot = Category::getRootCategory ();
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_TOKEN', $this->generateCode ( '', 20, false ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PREFIX', 'GC_' );
/* from */
$fromL = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$fromL[$language['id_lang']] = 'De la part de';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$fromL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Desde';
$fromL[$language['id_lang']] = 'From';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_FROM', $fromL );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_WIDTH', 300 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_HEIGHT', 191 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_IMG_WIDTH', 300 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_IMG_HEIGHT', 191 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_WIDTH', 300 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_HEIGHT', 191 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_WIDTH', 800 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_HEIGHT', 460 );
$frontcontent_install_dir = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/giftcard/datadefault/frontcontent/';
$frontcontents = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
$content = '';
if (@file_exists ( $frontcontent_install_dir.$language['iso_code'].'/content.html' ))
$content = @Tools::file_get_contents ( $frontcontent_install_dir.$language['iso_code'].'/content.html' );
elseif (@file_exists ( $frontcontent_install_dir.'en/content.html' ))
$content = @Tools::file_get_contents ( $frontcontent_install_dir.'en/content.html' );
$frontcontents[$language['id_lang']] = $content;
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_CONTENT', $frontcontents, true );
$toL = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$toL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Email destinataire';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$toL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Email destinatario';
$toL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Email recipient';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TO', $toL );
$LastnameL = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$LastnameL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Nom';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$LastnameL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Appelido';
$LastnameL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Lastname';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_LASTNAME', $LastnameL );
$deliverydatel = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$deliverydatel[$language['id_lang']] = 'Date d\'envoi';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$deliverydatel[$language['id_lang']] = 'Fecha de envío';
$deliverydatel[$language['id_lang']] = 'Date send';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_DATESEND', $deliverydatel );
$MessageL = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$MessageL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Message';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$MessageL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Mensaje';
$MessageL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Message';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_MESSAGE', $MessageL );
$TemplateL = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$TemplateL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Modèle';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$TemplateL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Modelo';
$TemplateL[$language['id_lang']] = 'Template';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TEMPLATE', $TemplateL );
$objs = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$objs[$language['id_lang']] = 'Carte cadeau offerte par %s';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$objs[$language['id_lang']] = 'Tarjeta regalo ofrecido por %s';
$objs[$language['id_lang']] = 'Gift card offer from %s';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_REC', $objs );
$objs = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$objs[$language['id_lang']] = 'Votre carte cadeau';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$objs[$language['id_lang']] = 'Tarjeta regalo';
$objs[$language['id_lang']] = 'Your gift card';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_CUST', $objs );
$pdf_install_dir = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/giftcard/datadefault/pdf/';
$pdfcontents = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
$content = '';
if (@file_exists ( $pdf_install_dir.$language['iso_code'].'/pdfcontent.html' ))
$content = @Tools::file_get_contents ( $pdf_install_dir.$language['iso_code'].'/pdfcontent.html' );
elseif (@file_exists ( $pdf_install_dir.'en/pdfcontent.html' ))
$content = @Tools::file_get_contents ( $pdf_install_dir.'en/pdfcontent.html' );
$pdfcontents[$language['id_lang']] = $content;
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_CONTENT', $pdfcontents, true );
$pdf_prefixs = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'fr')
$pdf_prefixs[$language['id_lang']] = 'CARTECADEAU-';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language['iso_code'] ) == 'es')
$pdf_prefixs[$language['id_lang']] = 'TARJETAREGALO-';
$pdf_prefixs[$language['id_lang']] = 'GIFTCARD-';
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_PREFIX', $pdf_prefixs );
Configuration::updateValue('GIFTCARD_VERSION', $this->version);
$categorygift->id_parent = $catroot->id;
if (! $categorygift->add ())
return false;
if (! Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CATEGORY_ID', $categorygift->id ))
return false;
if (! parent::install () || ! $this->installModuleTab () || ! $this->registerHook ( 'actionValidateOrder' ) || ! $this->registerHook ( 'shoppingCart' ) || ! $this->registerHook ( 'actionOrderStatusUpdate' ) || ! $this->registerHook ( 'displayHeader' ) || ! $this->registerHook ( 'displayAdminOrder' ) || ! $this->registerHook ( 'displayFooter' ) || ! $this->registerHook ( 'displayLeftColumn' ))
return false;
return true;
public function runUpgrades($install = false)
if (Configuration::get('GIFTCARD_VERSION') != $this->version)
foreach (array('1.0.5','1.0.6','1.0.7') as $version)
$file = dirname(__FILE__).'/upgrade/install-'.$version.'.php';
if (Configuration::get('GIFTCARD_VERSION') < $version && file_exists($file))
include_once $file;
call_user_func('upgrade_module_'.str_replace('.', '_', $version), $this, $install);
Configuration::updateValue('GIFTCARD_VERSION', $this->version);
public function uninstall()
$sql = '';
include (dirname ( __FILE__ ).'/sql/sql-uninstall.php');
$giftcards = GiftCardProduct::getGiftCards ( null );
$templates = GiftCardTemplate::getTemplates ();
/* delete properly giftcards */
foreach ($giftcards as $giftcard)
$product = new Product ( (int)$giftcard['id_product'] );
if ($product->id)
$product->delete ();
/* delete properly template */
foreach ($templates as $template)
$template = new GiftCardTemplate ( (int)$template['id_gift_card_template'] );
if ($template->id)
$template->delete ();
foreach ($sql as $s)
if (! Db::getInstance ()->execute ( $s ))
return false;
if (($id_category = (int)Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CATEGORY_ID' )) && $id_category > 0)
$category = new Category ( $id_category );
if (! $category->delete ())
return false;
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_CATEGORY_ID' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_TOKEN' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_PREFIX' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_FROM' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TO' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_DATESEND' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_MESSAGE' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TEMPLATE' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_REC' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_CUST' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_CONTENT' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_WIDTH' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_HEIGHT' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_IMG_WIDTH' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_IMG_HEIGHT' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_WIDTH' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_HEIGHT' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_WIDTH' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_HEIGHT' );
Configuration::deleteByName ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_PREFIX' );
if (! parent::uninstall () || ! $this->uninstallModuleTab ())
return false;
return true;
/* Installation de l'onglet */
private function installModuleTab()
$adminTabCatalogId = Tab::getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminCatalog' );
$adminTabOrderId = Tab::getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminOrders' );
/* Gift Card Template */
$tabgiftcardtemplate = new Tab ();
$languages = Language::getLanguages ( true );
foreach ($languages as $language)
if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr')
$tabgiftcardtemplate->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Cartes Cadeaux Modèles';
$tabgiftcardtemplate->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Templates Gift Cards';
$tabgiftcardtemplate->class_name = 'AdminGiftCardTemplate';
$tabgiftcardtemplate->module = 'giftcard';
$tabgiftcardtemplate->id_parent = $adminTabCatalogId;
if (! $tabgiftcardtemplate->save ())
return false;
$tabgiftcardproduct = new Tab ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr')
$tabgiftcardproduct->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Cartes Cadeaux';
$tabgiftcardproduct->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Gift Cards';
$tabgiftcardproduct->class_name = 'AdminGiftCard';
$tabgiftcardproduct->module = 'giftcard';
$tabgiftcardproduct->id_parent = $adminTabCatalogId;
if (! $tabgiftcardproduct->save ())
return false;
$tabgiftcardorder = new Tab ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr')
$tabgiftcardorder->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Cartes Cadeaux';
$tabgiftcardorder->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Gift Cards';
$tabgiftcardorder->class_name = 'AdminGiftCardOrder';
$tabgiftcardorder->module = 'giftcard';
$tabgiftcardorder->id_parent = $adminTabOrderId;
if (! $tabgiftcardorder->save ())
return false;
return true;
private function uninstallModuleTab()
$idTabProduct = Tab::getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminGiftCard' );
$idTabOrder = Tab::getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminGiftCardOrder' );
$idTabTemplate = Tab::getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminGiftCardTemplate' );
if ($idTabTemplate != 0)
$tabTemplate = new Tab ( $idTabTemplate );
$tabTemplate->delete ();
if ($idTabProduct != 0)
$tabProduct = new Tab ( $idTabProduct );
$tabProduct->delete ();
if ($idTabOrder != 0)
$tabOrder = new Tab ( $idTabOrder );
$tabOrder->delete ();
return true;
return false;
public function hookDisplayLeftColumn($params)
$this->context->controller->addCSS ( ($this->_path).'css/giftcard.css', 'all' );
$this->context->smarty->assign ( array (
'link_choicegiftcard' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink ( 'giftcard', 'choicegiftcard' )
) );
//return $this->display ( __FILE__, 'blockgiftcard.tpl' );
public function hookDisplayRightColumn($params)
return $this->hookDisplayLeftColumn ( $params );
public function hookDisplayHeader()
* $this->context->controller->addCSS(($this->_path).'choicegiftcard.css', 'all'); $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path.'js/choicegiftcard.js', 'all');
public function hookDisplayMobileHeader()
($this->_path).'css/giftcard.css' => 'all',
($this->_path).'css/choicegiftcard.css' => 'all',
($this->_path).'css/giftcardorder.css' => 'all',
_PS_CSS_DIR_.'css/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css' => 'all'
) );
$this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin ( array (
) );
$this->context->controller->addJS ( array (
) );
if (Configuration::get ( 'PS_DISPLAY_JQZOOM' ) == 1)
$this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin ( 'jqzoom' );
public function hookDisplayFooter()
if ((int)Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_TRIGGERWEB' ) == 1 && (int)date ( 'Ymd' ) > (int)Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_BATCHLASTDATE' ))
return '<img src="'.$this->_path.'cron.php?token='.Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_TOKEN' ).'&time='.time ().'" alt="" width="0" height="0" style="border:none;margin:0; padding:0"/>';
public function hookDisplayAdminOrder($params)
$errors = array ();
$infos = array ();
$warnings = array ();
if (Tools::isSubmit ( 'cancelGiftCardOrder' ) && Validate::isUnsignedId ( Tools::getValue ( 'id_gift_card_order' ) ))
$giftcardOrder = new GiftCardOrder ( (int)Tools::getValue ( 'id_gift_card_order' ) );
if (isset ( $giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule ) && (int)$giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule > 0)
$cartRule = new CartRule ( (int)$giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule );
$cartRule->active = 0;
if (! $cartRule->update ())
$errors[] = $this->l ( 'Error update cartrule' );
$giftcardOrder->status = 'CANCEL';
$firstname = $this->context->employee->firstname;
$lastname = $this->context->employee->lastname;
$message = $this->l ( 'Cancel Gift card by employee ' ).Tools::ucfirst ( $firstname ).' '.Tools::ucfirst ( $lastname );
$giftcardOrder->addInfoLine ( $message );
if (! $giftcardOrder->update ())
$errors[] = $this->l ( 'Error update gift card order' );
$infos[] = $this->l ( 'Gift card is canceled with successful' );
if (Tools::isSubmit ( 'activeGiftCardOrder' ) && Validate::isUnsignedId ( Tools::getValue ( 'id_gift_card_order' ) ))
$giftcardOrder = new GiftCardOrder ( (int)Tools::getValue ( 'id_gift_card_order' ) );
if (isset ( $giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule ) && (int)$giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule > 0)
$cartRule = new CartRule ( (int)$giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule );
$cartRule->active = 1;
if (! $cartRule->update ())
$errors[] = $this->l ( 'Error update cartrule' );
$giftcardOrder->status = 'CREATED';
$firstname = $this->context->employee->firstname;
$lastname = $this->context->employee->lastname;
$message = $this->l ( 'Active Gift card by employee ' ).Tools::ucfirst ( $firstname ).' '.Tools::ucfirst ( $lastname );
$giftcardOrder->addInfoLine ( $message );
if (! $giftcardOrder->update ())
$errors[] = $this->l ( 'Error update gift card order' );
$infos[] = $this->l ( 'Gift card is actived with successful' );
$this->_html = '';
$current_index = AdminController::$currentIndex;
$id_order = (int)$params['id_order'];
$giftcardsorder = GiftCardOrder::exists ( $id_order, null, true );
$purchaseorders = GiftCardOrder::getPurchaseOrders ( (int)$params['id_order'], (int)$this->context->language->id );
if (($giftcardsorder && isset ( $giftcardsorder )) || ($purchaseorders && isset ( $purchaseorders )))
$order = new Order ( (int)$id_order );
$orderState = new OrderState ( $order->current_state );
$this->context->smarty->assign ( array (
'ps_version' => _PS_VERSION_,
'order' => $order,
'currentState' => $orderState,
'infos' => $infos,
'errors' => $errors,
'warnings' => $warnings,
'current_index' => $current_index,
'purchaseorders' => $purchaseorders,
'giftcardsorder' => $giftcardsorder,
'base_url' => _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__,
'params' => $params
) );
$this->_html .= $this->display ( __FILE__, 'admin_order.tpl' );
return ($this->_html);
public function isGiftCard($id_product)
return (GiftCardProduct::isGiftCard ( $id_product ));
* Hook::exec('actionValidateOrder', array( 'cart' => $this->context->cart, 'order' => $order, 'customer' => $this->context->customer, 'currency' => $this->context->currency, 'orderStatus' => $order_status ));
public static function getOrderedCustomizationsInProduct($id_cart, $id_product)
if (! $result = Db::getInstance ( _PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_ )->executeS ( 'SELECT `id_customization`, `quantity`,`id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customization` WHERE `id_product`='.(int)$id_product.' AND `id_cart` = '.(int)($id_cart) ))
return false;
$customizations = array ();
foreach ($result as $row)
$customizations[(int)($row['id_customization'])] = $row;
return $customizations;
public static function getCustDataValue($id_customization, $index)
$sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customized_data`
WHERE `id_customization` = '.(int)$id_customization.' AND `index`='.$index;
if (! $result = Db::getInstance ( _PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_ )->getRow ( $sql ))
return false;
return $result['value'];
public function hookActionValidateOrder($params)
// $currency = $params['currency'];
$order = $params['order'];
$customer = $params['customer'];
$orderStatus = $params['orderStatus'];
$products = $params['cart']->getProducts();
// $currency_default = (int)Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT');
foreach ($products as $product)
$id_product = (int)$product['id_product'];
// $productqtyincart = (int)$product['cart_quantity'];
$productqtydo = 0;
$card = new GiftCardProduct ( $id_product );
if (GiftCardProduct::isGiftCard ( (int)$product['id_product'] ))
/* first build customizations */
$customizations = self::getOrderedCustomizationsInProduct ( $params['cart']->id, $id_product );
foreach ($customizations as $customization)
$customquantity = (int)$customization['quantity'];
$from = self::getCustDataValue ( $customization['id_customization'], $card->id_customization_field_from );
$template_id = self::getCustDataValue ( $customization['id_customization'], $card->id_customization_field_template );
$mail_to = self::getCustDataValue ( $customization['id_customization'], $card->id_customization_field_mailto );
$lastname = self::getCustDataValue ( $customization['id_customization'], $card->id_customization_field_lastname );
$message = self::getCustDataValue ( $customization['id_customization'], $card->id_customization_field_message );
$delivery_date = self::getCustDataValue ( $customization['id_customization'], $card->id_customization_field_deliverydate );
$i = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $customquantity; $i ++)
$giftcardOrder = new GiftCardOrder ();
$giftcardOrder->id_customization = (int)$customization['id_customization'];
$giftcardOrder->id_gift_card_template = (int)$template_id;
$giftcardOrder->receptmode = ((isset ( $mail_to ) && ! empty ( $mail_to ) && trim ( $mail_to ) != '') ? 1 : 0);
$giftcardOrder->to_mail = ((isset ( $mail_to ) && trim ( $mail_to ) != '') ? $mail_to : null);
$giftcardOrder->message = ((isset ( $message ) && trim ( $message ) != '') ? $message : null);
$giftcardOrder->lastname = ((isset ( $lastname ) && trim ( $lastname ) != '') ? $lastname : null);
$giftcardOrder->from = ((isset ( $from ) && trim ( $from ) != '') ? $from : null);
$giftcardOrder->sended = false;
$giftcardOrder->period_val = $card->period_val;
$giftcardOrder->delivery_date = ((isset ( $delivery_date ) && trim ( $delivery_date ) != '') ? $delivery_date : null);
$giftcardOrder->customer_mail = $customer->email;
$giftcardOrder->id_currency = $order->id_currency;
$giftcardOrder->id_lang = $order->id_lang;
$giftcardOrder->id_order = $order->id;
$giftcardOrder->id_product = (int)($product['id_product']);
$giftcardOrder->price = $card->amount;
$giftcardOrder->status = 'WAIT';
$giftcardOrder->add ();
$productqtydo ++;
* while($productqtydo < $productqtyincart) { $giftcardOrder = new GiftCardOrder(); $giftcardOrder->customer_mail = $customer->email; $giftcardOrder->id_currency = $order->id_currency; $giftcardOrder->id_lang=$order->id_lang; $giftcardOrder->id_order = $order->id; $giftcardOrder->id_product= (int)($product['id_product']); $giftcardOrder->price=$card->amount; $giftcardOrder->status='WAIT'; $giftcardOrder->add(); $productqtydo++; }
if ($orderStatus->logable)
$this->buildAndSend ( $order->id );
* Hook call before update arg new_os is Hook::exec('actionOrderStatusUpdate', array( 'newOrderStatus' => $new_os, 'id_order' => (int)$order->id ));
public function hookActionOrderStatusUpdate($params)
$new_os = $params['newOrderStatus'];
$id_order = (int)$params['id_order'];
if ($new_os->logable)
$this->buildAndSend ( $id_order );
* if (!$new_os->logable) { }
/* Send mail to recipient of the gift card */
public function sendPendingMailRecipient()
$giftcardorders = GiftCardOrder::getGiftCardOrdersToSend ();
if ($giftcardorders)
foreach ($giftcardorders as $go)
$giftcardOrder = new GiftCardOrder ( (int)$go['id_gift_card_order'] );
$giftcardOrder->sendingMail ();
$giftcardOrder->update ();
public static function generateCode($prefix = '', $length = 8, $cardrulecheck = false)
$code = '';
$maxlength = Tools::strlen ( $possible );
if ($length > $maxlength)
$length = $maxlength;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length)
$char = Tools::substr ( $possible, mt_rand ( 0, $maxlength - 1 ), 1 );
if (! strstr ( $code, $char ))
$code .= $char;
$i ++;
if ($cardrulecheck)
$id = CartRule::getIdByCode ( $prefix.$code );
/* test si le code existe */
if ($id && (int)$id > 0)
$length ++;
return (generateCode ( $prefix, $length, $cardrulecheck ));
return $prefix.$code;
public function buildAndSend($id_order)
if ($giftcardsorders = GiftCardOrder::exists ( $id_order, 'WAIT', true ))
if (isset ( $giftcardsorders ) && $giftcardsorders != false)
$order = new Order ( (int)($id_order) );
$customer = new Customer ( (int)$order->id_customer );
foreach ($giftcardsorders as $key => $giftcardsorder)
/* for each */
$giftcardOrder = new GiftCardOrder ( (int)$giftcardsorder['id_gift_card_order'] );
$giftcard = new GiftCardProduct ( (int)$giftcardsorder['id_product'] );
$cartRule = new CartRule ();
/* Information */
$cartRule->highlight = 0;
if (! isset ( $giftcard->id ) || ! Validate::isLoadedObject ( $giftcard ) || ! ((int)$giftcard->id > 0))
$languages = Language::getLanguages ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr')
$cartRule->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Carte cadeau '.(string)$giftcardOrder->price;
$cartRule->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = 'Gift card '.(string)$giftcardOrder->price;
$cartRule->name = $giftcard->name;
$cartRule->partial_use = (int)$giftcard->cr_partial_use;
$cartRule->free_shipping = (int)$giftcard->cr_free_shipping;
/* Condition */
$cartRule->date_to = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime ( date ( 'H' ), date ( 'i' ), date ( 's' ), date ( 'm' ) + ((int)($giftcardOrder->period_val)), date ( 'd' ), date ( 'Y' ) ) );
$cartRule->date_from = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$cartRule->quantity = 1;
$cartRule->quantity_per_user = 1;
/* minimum amount */
$cartRule->minimum_amount = 0;
/* Compatibilité avec les autre règles paniers */
$cartRule->cart_rule_restriction = 0;
* **** Action *****
$cartRule->reduction_tax = 1;
$cartRule->reduction_currency = $giftcardOrder->id_currency;
$cartRule->reduction_amount = $giftcardOrder->price;
$cartRule->reduction_percent = 0;
$cartRule->reduction_product = 0;
$prefix = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PREFIX' );
$code = $this->generateCode ( $prefix, 20, true );
$cartRule->code = $code;
$default_lang = (int)Configuration::get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' );
$language_default = new Language ( $default_lang );
if (Tools::strtolower ( $language_default->iso_code ) == 'fr')
$cartRule->description = 'Module Carte cadeau';
elseif (Tools::strtolower ( $language_default->iso_code ) == 'es')
$cartRule->description = 'Tarjeta de Regalo';
$cartRule->description = 'Gift Card Addon';
if ($cartRule->add ())
$giftcardOrder->status = 'CREATED';
$giftcardOrder->status = 'ERROR';
$giftcardOrder->discountcode = $cartRule->code;
$giftcardOrder->id_cart_rule = $cartRule->id;
$giftcardOrder->sended = 0;
$giftcardOrder->sendingMail ( $customer );
$giftcardOrder->update ();
public function buildFieldLang($field_key = null)
$languages = Language::getLanguages ( true );
$cffieldL = array ();
foreach ($languages as $language)
$cffieldL[$language['id_lang']] = Tools::getValue ( $field_key.'_'.$language['id_lang'] );
return ($cffieldL);
public function validateCustomField($cffieldL, $field_name, $methodvalidate = 'isName')
$error = '';
$default_lang = (int)Configuration::get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' );
if (! isset ( $cffieldL[$default_lang] ) || empty ( $cffieldL[$default_lang] ))
$language_default = new Language ( $default_lang );
$error .= $this->displayError ( sprintf ( $this->l ( 'Field \'%s\' is required for the default lang ' ).$language_default->iso_code, $field_name ) );
foreach ($cffieldL as $key => $cffield)
if (! empty ( $cffield ) && ! Validate::$methodvalidate ( $cffield ))
$language = new Language ( (int)$key );
if ($language && isset ( $language->iso_code ) && Validate::isLanguageIsoCode ( $language->iso_code ))
$error .= $this->displayError ( sprintf ( $this->l ( 'Field %1$s with value \'%2$s\' is not valid format, iso code ' ).$language->iso_code, $field_name, $cffield ) );
return ($error);
public function getContent()
$output = null;
if (Tools::isSubmit ( 'loaddefault' ))
$issvg = ((int)Tools::getValue ( 'withgenerictemplate' ) ? true : false);
if (! $this->imagick && $issvg)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'To use generic templates, you must install imagick, imagick is a popular free extension php' ) );
GiftCardTools::creatingDefaultTemplates ( $issvg );
GiftCardTools::creatingDefaultGiftCards ();
if (Tools::isSubmit ( 'submit'.$this->name ))
$prefix = (string)Tools::getValue ( 'prefix' );
$front_contentL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'front_content' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $front_contentL, $this->l ( 'Text in front office' ), 'isCleanHtml' );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_CONTENT', $front_contentL, true );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_templateL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'cf_template' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_templateL, $this->l ( 'Template label' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TEMPLATE', $cf_templateL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_fromL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'cf_from' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_fromL, $this->l ( 'From label' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_FROM', $cf_fromL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_lastnameL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'cf_lastname' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_lastnameL, $this->l ( 'Lastname label' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_LASTNAME', $cf_lastnameL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_toL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'cf_to' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_toL, $this->l ( 'Mail recipient label' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TO', $cf_toL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_date_sendL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'cf_date_send' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_date_sendL, $this->l ( 'Date send label' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_DATESEND', $cf_date_sendL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_messageL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'cf_message' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_messageL, $this->l ( 'Message label' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_MESSAGE', $cf_messageL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_mailObjRecL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'mail_obj_rec' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_mailObjRecL, $this->l ( 'Subject of email recipient' ), 'isMailSubject' );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_REC', $cf_mailObjRecL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$cf_mailObjCustL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'mail_obj_cust' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_mailObjCustL, $this->l ( 'Subject of email customer' ), 'isMailSubject' );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_CUST', $cf_mailObjCustL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$pdf_contentL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'pdf_content' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $cf_mailObjCustL, $this->l ( 'PDF content' ), 'isCleanHtml' );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_CONTENT', $pdf_contentL, true );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$pdf_prefixL = $this->buildFieldLang ( 'pdf_prefix' );
$errorreturn = self::validateCustomField ( $pdf_prefixL, $this->l ( 'PDF prefix' ) );
if (empty ( $errorreturn ))
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_PREFIX', $pdf_prefixL );
$output .= $errorreturn;
$pdf_img_width = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'pdf_img_width', 0 );
if (! $pdf_img_width > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field width must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_WIDTH', $pdf_img_width );
$pdf_img_height = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'pdf_img_height', 0 );
if (! $pdf_img_height > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field height must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_HEIGHT', $pdf_img_height );
$front_img_width = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'front_img_width', 0 );
if (! $front_img_width > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field width must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_WIDTH', $front_img_width );
$front_img_height = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'front_img_height', 0 );
if (! $front_img_height > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field height must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_HEIGHT', $front_img_height );
$front_limg_width = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'front_limg_width', 0 );
if (! $front_limg_width > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field width must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_WIDTH', $front_limg_width );
$front_limg_height = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'front_limg_height', 0 );
if (! $front_limg_height > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field height must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_HEIGHT', $front_limg_height );
$mail_img_width = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'mail_img_width', 0 );
if (! $mail_img_width > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field img width must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_IMG_WIDTH', $mail_img_width );
$mail_img_height = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'pdf_img_height', 0 );
if (! $mail_img_height > 0)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'The field img height must superior to 0' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_IMG_HEIGHT', $mail_img_height );
GiftCardProduct::updateAllCustomFields ();
$triggerweb = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'triggerweb', 0 );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_TRIGGERWEB', $triggerweb );
if (! $prefix || empty ( $prefix ) || ! Validate::isGenericName ( $prefix ))
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'Invalid Configuration value' ) );
Configuration::updateValue ( 'GIFTCARD_PREFIX', $prefix );
$output .= $this->displayConfirmation ( $this->l ( 'Settings updated' ) );
if (Tools::isSubmit ( 'previewpdf' ))
$giftCardTemplate = GiftCardTemplate::getDefault ();
if (! $giftCardTemplate)
$output .= $this->displayError ( $this->l ( 'Default gift card template is required to preview PDF' ) );
$params = array ();
$params['id_shop'] = (int)Configuration::get ( 'PS_SHOP_DEFAULT' );
$params['id_currency'] = (int)Configuration::get ( 'PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT' );
$params['id_gift_card_order'] = 1;
$params['discountcode'] = 'GC_JN43F8Q2OMTG7K1CREDP';
$params['price'] = 100;
$params['date_to'] = Tools::displayDate ( date ( 'Y-m-d', strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d', time () ).' + 365 day' ) ) );
$params['id_lang'] = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'pdfpreview_id_lang', Configuration::get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ) );
$params['message'] = 'Message';
$params['lastname'] = 'John';
$params['from'] = 'William';
$prefix_pdf = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_PREFIX', (int)$params['id_lang'] );
if (! $prefix_pdf || empty ( $prefix_pdf ))
$prefix_pdf = 'GIFTCARD';
$filename = $prefix_pdf.sprintf ( '%06d', 0 );
GiftCardTools::processGeneratePdfV2 ( $giftCardTemplate, $params, true, $filename );
return $output.$this->displayForm ();
public function displayForm()
// Get default Language
$default_lang = (int)Configuration::get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' );
$cronurl = Tools::getProtocol ().$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/giftcard/cron.php?token='.Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_TOKEN' );
// Init Fields form array
// $giftcards = GiftCardProduct::getGiftCards();
if ($this->imagick)
$description_useimagick = $this->l ( 'Imagick is installed you can use generic template' );
$description_useimagick = $this->l ( 'To use generic templates, you must install imagick, imagick is a popular free extension php' );
$fields_form = array ();
$fields_form[0]['form'] = array (
'legend' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Documentation' ),
'image' => $this->img_directory.'icon/pdf.gif'
'description' => $this->l ( 'Read' ).'&nbsp;<a style="color:red" href="" target="blank"><img src="'.$this->img_directory.'icon/pdf.gif'.'"/></a>'.$this->l ( 'before use it' )
$fields_form[1]['form'] = array (
'legend' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Front office and configuration' ),
'image' => $this->img_directory.'icon/front_conf.png'
'input' => array (
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Prefix' ),
'name' => 'prefix',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Prefix used for gift card code (e.g. GC-****************)' ),
'size' => 15,
'required' => true
array (
'type' => 'textarea',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Text in front office:' ),
'name' => 'front_content',
'autoload_rte' => true,
'required' => true,
'lang' => true,
'rows' => 10,
'cols' => 100,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters:' ).' <>;=#{}'
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Height card image' ),
'name' => 'front_img_height',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Height card image in front office' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Width card image' ),
'name' => 'front_img_width',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Width card image in front office' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Height card image' ),
'name' => 'front_limg_height',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Height large card image in front office' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Width card image' ),
'name' => 'front_limg_width',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Width large card image in front office' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Template label' ),
'name' => 'cf_template',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters: numbers and' ).' !<>,;?=+()@#"<22>{}_$%:',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'This will be displayed in the cart summary, as well as on the invoice' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'From label' ),
'name' => 'cf_from',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters: numbers and' ).' !<>,;?=+()@#"<22>{}_$%:',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'This will be displayed in the cart summary, as well as on the invoice' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Lastname label' ),
'name' => 'cf_lastname',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters: numbers and' ).' !<>,;?=+()@#"<22>{}_$%:',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'This will be displayed in the cart summary, as well as on the invoice' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Mail recipient label' ),
'name' => 'cf_to',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters: numbers and' ).' !<>,;?=+()@#"<22>{}_$%:',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'This will be displayed in the cart summary, as well as on the invoice' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Message label' ),
'name' => 'cf_message',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters: numbers and' ).' !<>,;?=+()@#"<22>{}_$%:',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'This will be displayed in the cart summary, as well as on the invoice' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Date send label' ),
'name' => 'cf_date_send',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters: numbers and' ).' !<>,;?=+()@#"<22>{}_$%:',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'This will be displayed in the cart summary, as well as on the invoice' )
'submit' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Save' ),
'class' => 'button'
$fields_form[2]['form'] = array (
'legend' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Email' ),
'image' => $this->img_directory.'icon/mail.png'
'input' => array (
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Mail subject' ),
'name' => 'mail_obj_cust',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Received by the customer who purchased the gift card' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Mail subject' ),
'name' => 'mail_obj_rec',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Received by the recipient of the gift card' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Width card image' ),
'name' => 'mail_img_width',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Width card image in mail' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Height card image' ),
'name' => 'mail_img_height',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Height card image in mail' )
'submit' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Save' ),
'class' => 'button'
$fields_form[3]['form'] = array (
'legend' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Pdf' ),
'image' => $this->img_directory.'icon/pdf.gif'
'input' => array (
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Pdf prefix' ),
'name' => 'pdf_prefix',
'lang' => true,
'size' => 40,
'required' => true,
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Prefix used for gift card name (e.g. GIFTCARD-00001.pdf)' )
array (
'type' => 'textarea',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Pdf content:' ),
'name' => 'pdf_content',
'autoload_rte' => true,
'required' => true,
'lang' => true,
'rows' => 10,
'cols' => 100,
'hint' => $this->l ( 'Invalid characters:' ).' <>;=#{}'
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Width card image' ),
'name' => 'pdf_img_width',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Width card image in pdf generated' )
array (
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Height card image' ),
'name' => 'pdf_img_height',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'suffix' => 'px',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Height card image in pdf generated' )
array (
'type' => 'select',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Preview PDF Language' ),
'name' => 'pdfpreview_id_lang',
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Use just to see the result' ),
'required' => true,
'options' => array (
'query' => Language::getLanguages ( false ),
'id' => 'id_lang',
'name' => 'name'
'submit' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Save and Preview' ),
'name' => 'previewpdf',
'class' => 'button'
$fields_form[4]['form'] = array (
'legend' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Planification' ),
'image' => $this->img_directory.'icon/time.gif'
'description' => $this->l ( 'A process is launched every day to check the gifts cards to send. For customers who checked a date specific delivery of the gift card at the time of purchase.' ),
'input' => array (
array (
'type' => 'radio',
'label' => $this->l ( 'First visitor' ),
'name' => 'triggerweb',
'required' => true,
'class' => 't',
'is_bool' => true,
'values' => array (
array (
'id' => 'active_on',
'value' => 1,
'label' => $this->l ( 'First visitor' )
array (
'id' => 'active_off',
'value' => 0,
'label' => $this->l ( 'Crontab' )
'desc' => '<b><u>'.$this->l ( 'First visitor' ).'</u></b><br/>'.$this->l ( 'When the first visitor of the day connects to your site,is launched in background' ).'<br/>'.$this->l ( 'This solution is use when you cannot access a crontab on your server' ).'</br>'.'<b><u>'.$this->l ( 'Crontab' ).'</u></b><br/>'.$this->l ( 'Contact your host or webmaster to configure crontab.' ).'</br>'.$this->l ( 'The following lines are to be added to crontab :' ).'</br>'.'30 4 * * * c'.'url <b>'.$cronurl.'</b></br>'.$this->l ( 'Also, giftcard is launch every day with a specific hour, here with this cron 4hours 30min AM' ).'</br>'
'submit' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Save' ),
'class' => 'button'
$fields_form[5]['form'] = array (
'legend' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Ready to use' ),
'image' => $this->img_directory.'icon/info.png'
'description' => $description_useimagick.'<br/>'.$this->l ( 'This action automatically creates models and gift cards.' ).'<br/>'.$this->l ( 'The process may take a few minutes..' ),
'input' => array (
array (
'type' => 'radio',
'label' => $this->l ( 'Customizable template' ),
'name' => 'withgenerictemplate',
'required' => true,
'class' => 't',
'is_bool' => true,
'values' => array (
array (
'id' => 'withgenerictemplate_on',
'value' => 1,
'label' => $this->l ( 'Yes' )
array (
'id' => 'withgenerictemplate_off',
'value' => 0,
'label' => $this->l ( 'No' )
'submit' => array (
'title' => $this->l ( 'Launch' ),
'class' => 'button',
'name' => 'loaddefault'
$helper = new HelperForm ();
// Module, token and currentIndex
$helper->module = $this;
$helper->name_controller = $this->name;
$helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' );
$helper->currentIndex = AdminController::$currentIndex.'&configure='.$this->name;
// Language
$helper->default_form_language = $default_lang;
$helper->allow_employee_form_lang = $default_lang;
// Title and toolbar
$helper->title = $this->displayName;
$helper->show_toolbar = true; // false -> remove toolbar
$helper->toolbar_scroll = true; // yes - > Toolbar is always visible on the top of the screen.
$helper->submit_action = 'submit'.$this->name;
$languages = Language::getLanguages ( true );
$nblang = count ( $languages );
for ($i = 0; $i < $nblang; $i ++)
if ($languages[$i]['id_lang'] == $default_lang)
$languages[$i]['is_default'] = 1;
$languages[$i]['is_default'] = 0;
$helper->languages = $languages;
$helper->toolbar_btn = array (
'save' => array (
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Save' ),
'href' => AdminController::$currentIndex.'&configure='.$this->name.'&save'.$this->name.'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' )
'back' => array (
'href' => AdminController::$currentIndex.'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' ),
'desc' => $this->l ( 'Back to list' )
// Load current value
$helper->fields_value['withgenerictemplate'] = ($this->imagick ? 1 : 0);
$helper->fields_value['prefix'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PREFIX' );
$helper->fields_value['pdf_img_width'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_WIDTH' );
$helper->fields_value['pdf_img_height'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_HEIGHT' );
$helper->fields_value['mail_img_width'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_WIDTH' );
$helper->fields_value['mail_img_height'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_IMG_HEIGHT' );
$helper->fields_value['front_img_width'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_WIDTH' );
$helper->fields_value['front_img_height'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_IMG_HEIGHT' );
$helper->fields_value['front_limg_width'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_WIDTH' );
$helper->fields_value['front_limg_height'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_LIMG_HEIGHT' );
$helper->fields_value['triggerweb'] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_TRIGGERWEB' );
$helper->fields_value['pdfpreview_id_lang'] = Tools::getValue ( 'pdfpreview_id_lang', (int)Configuration::get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ) );
$helper->fields_value['pdfpreview_withinformation'] = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'pdfpreview_withinformation', 0 );
$helper->fields_value['pdfpreview_id_gift_card'] = (int)Tools::getValue ( 'pdfpreview_id_gift_card', 0 );
foreach ($languages as $language)
$helper->fields_value['front_content'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_FRONT_CONTENT', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['cf_template'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TEMPLATE', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['cf_from'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_FROM', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['cf_to'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_TO', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['cf_lastname'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_LASTNAME', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['cf_date_send'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_DATESEND', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['cf_message'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_CF_MESSAGE', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['mail_obj_rec'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_REC', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['mail_obj_cust'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_MAIL_OBJ_CUST', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['pdf_content'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_CONTENT', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
$helper->fields_value['pdf_prefix'][(int)$language['id_lang']] = Configuration::get ( 'GIFTCARD_PDF_PREFIX', (int)$language['id_lang'] );
return $helper->generateForm ( $fields_form );
public function accessLogsDirectory()
if (! is_readable ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/giftcard/logs' ) || ! is_writable ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/giftcard/logs' ))
return (false);
return true;
public function log($log_message)
if ($this->accesslog)
if ($this->log_fic_name == '')
$this->log_fic_name = 'giftcardlog-'.date ( 'Ymd' ).'.log';
$fp = @fopen ( $this->log_directory.$this->log_fic_name, 'a' );
@fwrite ( $fp, date ( 'H\Hi' ).' '.$log_message.'\n' );
@fclose ( $fp );
public function loglongline($log_message)
if ($this->accesslog)
if ($this->log_fic_name == '')
$this->log_fic_name = 'giftcardlog-'.date ( 'Ymd' ).'.log';
$fp = @fopen ( $this->log_directory.'/'.$this->log_fic_name, 'a' );
if ($log_message)
@fwrite ( $fp, $log_message.'\n' );
@fwrite ( $fp, '============================================================================\n' );
@fclose ( $fp );