253 lines
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253 lines
12 KiB
if (!class_exists('X_GoogleAnalyticsMobile', false))
class X_GoogleAnalyticsMobile
/** Google Analytics __utma cookie */
private $__utma;
/** 2 years (2 years is the default in Google Analytics) */
private $__utma_c_time = 63072000;
/** Google Analytics __utmb cookie */
private $__utmb;
/** 30 minutes (30 minutes is the default in Google Analytics) */
private $__utmb_c_time = 1800;
/** Google Analytics __utmc cookie */
private $__utmc;
/** Google Analytics __utmz cookie */
private $__utmz;
/** 7 days (6 months is the default in Google Analytics) */
private $__utmz_c_time = 604800;
/** Site host */
private $ga_utmhn;
/** Google Analytics account */
private $ga_utmac;
/** Google Analytics tracking code version (script based on 4.3.1 version at the first dev) */
private $ga_utmwv = '5.4.2';
/** Google Analytics hash for domain */
private $ga_hash;
/** Random number used to link Analytics GIF requests with AdSense */
private $ga_utmhid;
/** Referral, complete URL */
private $ga_utmr;
private $ga_img = 'http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif';
private $ga_search = array(array('google','q'),array('yahoo','p'),array('msn','q'),array('bing','q'),array('aol','query'),
private $ga_referer;
private $time;
private $ga_set_params;
private $__utmhid;
/** private $store_name; */
private $tracking_codes = array();
public function __construct($ga_utmac, $ga_utmhn, $referer, $gclid, $utm_params = '', $URI = null, $ga_params = array())
$this->ga_utmac = $ga_utmac;
$this->ga_utmhn = $ga_utmhn;
$this->ga_hash = $this->Hash($ga_utmhn);
$this->ga_utmhid = rand(1000000000, 2147483647);
$this->ga_utmr = (!empty($referer) ? $referer : 0);
// Rebuild $_GET params (gclid|utm_source|utm_medium|utm_campaign|utm_content|utm_term)
$_GET['gclid'] = (isset($gclid) && !empty($gclid)) ? $gclid : false;
if (!empty($utm_params))
$tab_utm_params = $this->UtmParams2tab($utm_params);
foreach ($tab_utm_params as $param_name => $param) $_GET[$param_name] = $param;
// Set the time for the request
$this->time = time();
// Set the page URI that is request
if ($URI == null) $URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// Set the referer page
$this->ga_referer = $referer;
// Set the visitor source
$source = $this->GetTrafficSource();
// Set the new traffic source
if ($source['utmgclid'] != '') $source_str = 'utmgclid='.$source['utmgclid'];
else $source_str = 'utmcsr='.$source['utmcsr'];
$source_str .= '|utmccn='.$source['utmccn'].'|utmcmd='.$source['utmcmd'];
if ($source['utmctr'] != '') $source_str .= '|utmctr='.$source['utmctr'];
if ($source['utmcct'] != '') $source_str .= '|utmcct='.$source['utmcct'];
// Set all extra parameters like screen resolution, color depth
$this->ga_set_params = '';
if (is_array($ga_params)) foreach ($ga_params as $key => $value) $this->ga_set_params .= '&'.$key.'='.rawurlencode($value);
// Check if Google Analytics cookie '__utma' already exists
if (isset($_COOKIE['__utma']))
// Save cookies to local variable
$this->__utma = $_COOKIE['__utma'];
$this->__utmb = isset($_COOKIE['__utmb']) ? $_COOKIE['__utmb'] : null;
$this->__utmz = $_COOKIE['__utmz'];
$__utmb = split('\.', $this->__utmb);
if (strpos($this->__utmz, 'utmgclid') > -1) $pos = strpos($this->__utmz, 'utmgclid');
else $pos = strpos($this->__utmz, 'utmcsr');
$__utmz = split('\.', Tools::substr($this->__utmz, 0, $pos));
$__utmz[4] = Tools::substr($this->__utmz, $pos);
$__utma = split('\.', $this->__utma);
// Check if Google Analytics 'session' cookie '__utmc' exists, if not create one and update the number of visits in cookie: '__utma'
if (!isset($_COOKIE['__utmc']))
// Increase the number of visits
$__utma[5] = $__utma[5] + 1;
// Update the time of the visit
$__utma[3] = $__utma[4];
$__utma[4] = $this->time;
// Save cookies
$this->__utma = join('.', $__utma);
@setcookie('__utma', $this->__utma, $this->time + $this->__utma_c_time, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
@setcookie('__utmc', $__utma[0], 0, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
// Update '__utmb' cookie with the number of pageviews or create a new cookie
if (isset($_COOKIE['__utmb'])) $__utmb[1] = 1;
else $__utmb = array($__utma[0], 1, 10, $this->time);
else $__utmb[1] = $__utmb[1] + 1; // Increase the number of pageviews in '__utmb' cookie
// Update the traffic source
if ($__utmz[4] != $source_str && $source['utmcsr'] != '(direct)') $__utmz = array($__utmz[0], $this->time, $__utma[5], $__utmz[3] + 1, $source_str);
// Save cookies '__utmb' and '__utmz'
$this->__utmb = join('.', $__utmb);
@setcookie('__utmb', $this->__utmb, $this->time + $this->__utmb_c_time, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
$this->__utmz = join('.', $__utmz);
@setcookie('__utmz', $this->__utmz, $this->time + $this->__utmz_c_time, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
// No Google Analytics cookies exists, create new ones and save them i local variables
$cookieRandom = rand(1000000000, 2147483647);
$this->__utma = $this->ga_hash.'.'.$cookieRandom.'.'.$this->time.'.'.$this->time.'.'.$this->time.'.1';
$this->__utmb = $this->ga_hash.'.1.10.'.$this->time;
$this->__utmc = $this->ga_hash;
$this->__utmz = $this->ga_hash.'.'.$this->time.'.1.1.'.$source_str;
@setcookie('__utma', $this->__utma, $this->time + $this->__utma_c_time, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
@setcookie('__utmb', $this->__utmb, $this->time + $this->__utmb_c_time, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
@setcookie('__utmc', $this->__utmc, 0, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
@setcookie('__utmz', $this->__utmz, $this->time + $this->__utmz_c_time, '/', '.'.$this->ga_utmhn);
public function Hash($d)
if (!$d || $d == '') return 1;
$h = 0;
$g = 0;
for ($i = Tools::strlen($d) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$c = (int)ord($d[$i]);
$h = (($h << 6) & 0xfffffff) + $c + ($c << 14);
$g = ($h & 0xfe00000);
if ($g != 0) $h = ($h ^ ($g >> 21));
return $h;
Here is how GA updates the campaign tracking cookie based on referrer:
Direct traffic is always overwritten by referrals, organic and tagged campaigns and does not overwrite existing campaign information
New campaign, referral or organic link that brings a visitor to the site always overrides the existing campaign cookie
http://www.fantazia-shop.fr/chemise-ethnique-homme/994-k1086-chemise-mixte-petit-col-mao-noire-tissee-comme-du-lin.html?codesf=30860&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping-flux&utm_term=Chemise+mixte+petit+col+mao+noire+tissee+comme+du+lin&utm_source=Twenga%28via+Shopping+Flux%29 */
public function GetTrafficSource()
if (isset($_GET['utm_source']) && isset($_GET['utm_medium']))
// The traffic source i set in the URL
$utmccn = isset($_GET['utm_campaign']) ? $_GET['utm_campaign'] : '(not set)';
$utmcct = isset($_GET['utm_content']) ? $_GET['utm_content'] : '(not set)';
return array('utmgclid'=>'', 'utmcsr'=>$_GET['utm_source'], 'utmccn'=>$utmccn, 'utmcmd'=>$_GET['utm_medium'], 'utmctr'=>$_GET['utm_term'], 'utmcct'=>$utmcct);
elseif ($this->ga_referer != '')
// The treffic source is from a referral site
$search_engine = $this->GetSearchEngine();
// Check if it's a search engine
if ($search_engine) return $search_engine;
// It's not a search engine and it's a new visit. Set the referer.
$ref = $this->GetReferer();
if (Tools::substr($ref['host'], 0, 4) == 'www.') $ref['host'] = Tools::substr($ref['host'], 4); // Remove www from URL
return array('utmgclid'=>'', 'utmcsr'=>$ref['host'], 'utmccn'=>'(referral)', 'utmcmd'=>'referral', 'utmctr'=>'', 'utmcct'=>$ref['uri']);
return array('utmgclid'=>'', 'utmcsr'=>'(direct)', 'utmccn'=>'(direct)', 'utmcmd'=>'(none)', 'utmctr'=>'', 'utmcct'=>'');
public function GetSearchEngine()
$ref = $this->GetReferer();
$nb_ga_search = count($this->ga_search);
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $nb_ga_search; $ii++)
if (strpos(Tools::strtolower($ref['host']), Tools::strtolower($this->ga_search[$ii][0])) > -1)
$test1 = strpos($ref['referer'], '?'.$this->ga_search[$ii][1].'=');
$test2 = strpos($ref['referer'], '&'.$this->ga_search[$ii][1].'=');
$i = ($test1 > -1) ? $test1 : $test2;
if ($i > -1)
$k = Tools::substr($ref['referer'], $i + Tools::strlen($this->ga_search[$ii][1]) + 2, Tools::strlen($ref['referer']));
$i = strpos($k, '&');
if ($i > -1) $k = Tools::substr($k, 0, $i);
if ($_GET['gclid']) return array('utmgclid'=>$_GET['gclid'], 'utmcsr'=>'', 'utmccn'=>'(not set gclid)', 'utmcmd'=>'(not set)', 'utmctr'=>$k, 'utmcct'=>'');
else return array('utmgclid'=>'', 'utmcsr'=>$this->ga_search[$ii][0], 'utmccn'=>'(organic)', 'utmcmd'=>'organic', 'utmctr'=>$k, 'utmcct'=>'');
return false;
public function GetReferer()
$referer_tmp = $this->ga_referer;
$pos = strpos($referer_tmp, '://');
if ($pos > 0) $referer_tmp = Tools::substr($referer_tmp, $pos + 3);
$pos = strpos($referer_tmp, '/');
if ($pos > 0) return array('host'=>Tools::substr($referer_tmp, 0, $pos), 'uri'=>Tools::substr($referer_tmp, $pos), 'referer'=>$this->ga_referer);
else return array('host'=>$referer_tmp, 'uri'=>'', 'referer'=>$this->ga_referer);
public function UtmParams2tab($query)
$tab_params = array();
$query_params = explode('&', $query);
foreach ($query_params as $param)
$explode_param = explode('=', $param);
$tab_params[$explode_param[0]] = isset($explode_param[1]) ? $explode_param[1] : '';
return $tab_params;
public function SetTransaction($order_id, $amount, $shipping, $tax, $city, $region, $country, $currency)
// Generate code to set a new transaction in Google Analytics
$this->tracking_codes[] = $this->ga_img.'?utmwv='.$this->ga_utmwv.'&utmn='.rand(1000000000, 9999999999).'&utmhn='.$this->ga_utmhn.'&utmt=tran&utmtid='.$order_id.'&utmtto='.$amount.'&utmttx='.$tax.'&utmtsp='.$shipping.'&utmtci='.rawurlencode($city).'&utmtrg='.rawurlencode($region).'&utmtco='.rawurlencode($country).$this->ga_set_params.'&utmhid='.$this->ga_utmhid.'&utmr='.$this->ga_utmr.'&utmcu='.$currency.'&utmac='.$this->ga_utmac.'&utmcc=__utma%3D'.$this->__utma.'%3B%2B__utmz%3D'.rawurlencode($this->__utmz).'%3B';
public function SetTransactionItem($order_id, $item_id, $category, $name, $price, $quantity, $currency)
// Generate code to set a new transaction item in Google Analytics, you must call the function SetTransaction before you call this one.
$this->tracking_codes[] = $this->ga_img.'?utmwv='.$this->ga_utmwv.'&utmn='.rand(1000000000, 9999999999).'&utmhn='.$this->ga_utmhn.'&utmt=item&utmtid='.$order_id.'&utmipc='.rawurlencode($item_id).'&utmipn='.rawurlencode($name).'&utmiva='.rawurlencode($category).'&utmipr='.$price.'&utmiqt='.$quantity.$this->ga_set_params.'&utmhid='.$this->ga_utmhid.'&utmr='.$this->ga_utmr.'&utmcu='.$currency.'&utmac='.$this->ga_utmac.'&utmcc=__utma%3D'.$this->__utma.'%3B%2B__utmz%3D'.rawurlencode($this->__utmz).'%3B';
public function GetTrackingCode()
// Return the Google Analytics code for this request
return $this->tracking_codes;