{if isset($smarty.get.validation)}
{l s='Your Sitemaps were successfully created. Please do not forget to setup the URL' mod='gsitemap'} {$gsitemap_store_url|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{$shop->id|intval}_index_sitemap.xml {l s='in your Google Webmaster account.' mod='gsitemap'}

{/if} {if isset($google_maps_error)}
{/if} {if isset($gsitemap_refresh_page)}
{l s='Your Sitemaps' mod='gsitemap'}

{$gsitemap_number|intval} {l s='Sitemaps were already created.' mod='gsitemap'}

{else} {if $gsitemap_links}
{l s='Your Sitemaps' mod='gsitemap'} {l s='Please set up the following Sitemap URL in your Google Webmaster account:' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='This URL is the master Sitemaps file. It refers to the following sub-sitemap files:' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='Your last update was made on this date:' mod='gsitemap'} {$gsitemap_last_export|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

{if ($gsitemap_customer_limit.max_exec_time < 30 && $gsitemap_customer_limit.max_exec_time > 0) || ($gsitemap_customer_limit.memory_limit < 128 && $gsitemap_customer_limit.memory_limit > 0)}

{l s='For a better use of the module, please make sure that you have' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='You can edit these limits in your php.ini file. For more details, please contact your hosting provider.' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='Configure your Sitemap' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='Several Sitemaps files will be generated depending on how your server is configured and on the number of activated products in your catalog.' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='Indicate the pages that you do not want to include in your Sitemaps file:' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='This can take several minutes' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='You have two ways to generate Sitemap:' mod='gsitemap'}

1. {l s='Manually:' mod='gsitemap'} {l s='using the form above (as often as needed)' mod='gsitemap'}

{l s='-or-' mod='gsitemap'}

2. {l s='Automatically:' mod='gsitemap'} {l s='Ask your hosting provider to setup a "Cron task" to load the following URL at the time you would like:' mod='gsitemap'} {$gsitemap_cron|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

{l s='It will automatically generate your XML Sitemaps.' mod='gsitemap'}
