/* * 2007-2014 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('.cart_quantity_up').off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); upQuantity($(this).attr('id').replace('cart_quantity_up_', '')); }); $('.cart_quantity_down').off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); downQuantity($(this).attr('id').replace('cart_quantity_down_', '')); }); $('.cart_quantity_delete' ).off('click').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); deleteProductFromSummary($(this).attr('id')); }); $('.cart_address_delivery').on('change', function(e){ changeAddressDelivery($(this)); }); $(document).on('click', '.voucher_name', function(e){ $('#discount_name').val($(this).data('code')); }); $('.cart_quantity_input').typeWatch({ highlight: true, wait: 600, captureLength: 0, callback: function(val){ updateQty(val, true, this.el); } }); $('#proceed_to_checkout').on('click',function(){ if (isOtherDelay) { if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, autoCenter: true, content: '

'+txtOtherdelay+' '+otherDelayTitle+txtOtherdelayPlus+'

Je valide ma commande

' }], { padding: 0 }); else { alert(txtOtherdelay+' '+otherDelayTitle+txtOtherdelayPlus); return true; } return false; } else { return true; } }); cleanSelectAddressDelivery(); refreshDeliveryOptions(); $('.delivery_option_radio').on('change', function(){ refreshDeliveryOptions(); }); $('#allow_seperated_package').on('click', function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, data: 'controller=cart&ajax=true&allowSeperatedPackage=true&value=' + ($(this).prop('checked') ? '1' : '0') + '&token='+static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { if (typeof(getCarrierListAndUpdate) !== 'undefined') getCarrierListAndUpdate(); } }); }); $('#gift').checkboxChange(function(){ $('#gift_div').show('slow'); }, function(){ $('#gift_div').hide('slow'); }); $('#enable-multishipping').checkboxChange( function(){ $('.standard-checkout').hide(0); $('.multishipping-checkout').show(0); }, function(){ $('.standard-checkout').show(0); $('.multishipping-checkout').hide(0); } ); }); function cleanSelectAddressDelivery() { if (window.ajaxCart !== undefined) { //Removing "Ship to an other address" from the address delivery select option if there is not enought address $.each($('.cart_address_delivery'), function(it, item) { var options = $(item).find('option'); var address_count = 0; var ids = $(item).attr('id').split('_'); var id_product = ids[3]; var id_product_attribute = ids[4]; var id_address_delivery = ids[5]; $.each(options, function(i) { if ($(options[i]).val() > 0 && ($('#product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + $(options[i]).val()).length == 0 // Check the address is not already used for a similare products || id_address_delivery == $(options[i]).val() ) ) address_count++; }); // Need at least two address to allow skipping products to multiple address if (address_count < 2) $($(item).find('option[value=-2]')).remove(); else if($($(item).find('option[value=-2]')).length == 0) $(item).append($('')); }); } } function changeAddressDelivery(obj) { var ids = obj.attr('id').split('_'); var id_product = ids[3]; var id_product_attribute = ids[4]; var old_id_address_delivery = ids[5]; var new_id_address_delivery = obj.val(); if (new_id_address_delivery == old_id_address_delivery) return; if (new_id_address_delivery > 0) // Change the delivery address { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: 'controller=cart&ajax=true&changeAddressDelivery=1&summary=1&id_product=' + id_product + '&id_product_attribute='+id_product_attribute + '&old_id_address_delivery='+old_id_address_delivery + '&new_id_address_delivery='+new_id_address_delivery + '&token='+static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { if (typeof(jsonData.hasErrors) != 'undefined' && jsonData.hasErrors) { if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + jsonData.error + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(jsonData.error); // Reset the old address $('#select_address_delivery_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + old_id_address_delivery).val(old_id_address_delivery); } else { // The product exist if ($('#product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + new_id_address_delivery).length) { updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); if (window.ajaxCart != undefined) ajaxCart.updateCart(jsonData); updateCustomizedDatas(jsonData.customizedDatas); updateHookShoppingCart(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART); updateHookShoppingCartExtra(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA); if (typeof(getCarrierListAndUpdate) !== 'undefined') getCarrierListAndUpdate(); // @todo reverse the remove order // This effect remove the current line, but it's better to remove the other one, and refresshing this one $('#product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + old_id_address_delivery).remove(); // @todo improve customization upgrading $('.product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + old_id_address_delivery).remove(); } if (window.ajaxCart != undefined) ajaxCart.updateCart(jsonData); updateAddressId(id_product, id_product_attribute, old_id_address_delivery, new_id_address_delivery); cleanSelectAddressDelivery(); } } }); } else if (new_id_address_delivery == -1) // Adding a new address window.location = $($('.address_add a')[0]).attr('href'); else if (new_id_address_delivery == -2) // Add a new line for this product { // This test is will not usefull in the future if (old_id_address_delivery == 0) { if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + txtSelectAnAddressFirst + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(txtSelectAnAddressFirst); return false; } // Get new address to deliver var id_address_delivery = 0; var options = $('#select_address_delivery_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + old_id_address_delivery + ' option'); $.each(options, function(i) { // Check the address is not already used for a similare products if ($(options[i]).val() > 0 && $(options[i]).val() !== old_id_address_delivery && $('#product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + $(options[i]).val()).length == 0) { id_address_delivery = $(options[i]).val(); return false; } }); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', context: obj, data: 'controller=cart' + '&ajax=true&duplicate=true&summary=true' + '&id_product='+id_product + '&id_product_attribute='+id_product_attribute + '&id_address_delivery='+old_id_address_delivery + '&new_id_address_delivery='+id_address_delivery + '&token='+static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.error && !!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + jsonData.error + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(jsonData.error); var line = $('#product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + old_id_address_delivery); var new_line = line.clone(); updateAddressId(id_product, id_product_attribute, old_id_address_delivery, id_address_delivery, new_line); line.after(new_line); new_line.find('input[name=quantity_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_' + old_id_address_delivery + '_hidden]') .val(1); new_line.find('.cart_quantity_input') .val(1); $('#select_address_delivery_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + old_id_address_delivery).val(old_id_address_delivery); $('#select_address_delivery_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + id_address_delivery).val(id_address_delivery); cleanSelectAddressDelivery(); updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); if (window.ajaxCart !== undefined) ajaxCart.updateCart(jsonData); } }); } return true; } function updateAddressId(id_product, id_product_attribute, old_id_address_delivery, id_address_delivery, line) { if (typeof(line) == 'undefined' || line.length == 0) line = $('#cart_summary tr[id^=product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_0_], #cart_summary tr[id^=product_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_nocustom_]'); $('.product_customization_for_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + old_id_address_delivery).each(function(){ $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + id_address_delivery)).removeClass('product_customization_for_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + old_id_address_delivery + ' address_' + old_id_address_delivery).addClass('product_customization_for_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + id_address_delivery + ' address_' + id_address_delivery); $(this).find('input[name^=quantity_]').each(function(){ if (typeof($(this).attr('name')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name').replace(/_\d+(_hidden|)$/, '_' + id_address_delivery)); }); $(this).find('a').each(function(){ if (typeof($(this).attr('href')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace(/id_address_delivery=\d+/, 'id_address_delivery=' + id_address_delivery)); }); }); line.attr('id', line.attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + id_address_delivery)).removeClass('address_' + old_id_address_delivery).addClass('address_' + id_address_delivery).find('span[id^=cart_quantity_custom_], span[id^=total_product_price_], input[name^=quantity_], .cart_quantity_down, .cart_quantity_up, .cart_quantity_delete').each(function(){ if (typeof($(this).attr('name')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name').replace(/_\d+(_hidden|)$/, '_' + id_address_delivery)); if (typeof($(this).attr('id')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + id_address_delivery)); if (typeof($(this).attr('href')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace(/id_address_delivery=\d+/, 'id_address_delivery=' + id_address_delivery)); }); line.find('#select_address_delivery_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + old_id_address_delivery).attr('id', 'select_address_delivery_' + id_product + '_' + id_product_attribute + '_' + id_address_delivery); if (window.ajaxCart !== undefined) { $('#cart_block_list dd, #cart_block_list dt').each(function(){ if (typeof($(this).attr('id')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/_\d+$/, '_' + id_address_delivery)); }); } } function updateQty(val, cart, el) { var prefix = ""; if (typeof(cart) == 'undefined' || cart) prefix = '#order-detail-content '; else prefix = '#fancybox-content '; var id = $(el).attr('name'); var exp = new RegExp("^[0-9]+$"); if (exp.test(val) == true) { var hidden = $(prefix + 'input[name=' + id + '_hidden]').val(); var input = $(prefix + 'input[name=' + id + ']').val(); var QtyToUp = parseInt(input) - parseInt(hidden); if (parseInt(QtyToUp) > 0) upQuantity(id.replace('quantity_', ''), QtyToUp); else if(parseInt(QtyToUp) < 0) downQuantity(id.replace('quantity_', ''), QtyToUp); } else $(prefix + 'input[name=' + id + ']').val($(prefix + 'input[name=' + id + '_hidden]').val()); if (typeof(getCarrierListAndUpdate) !== 'undefined') getCarrierListAndUpdate(); } function deleteProductFromSummary(id) { var customizationId = 0; var productId = 0; var productAttributeId = 0; var id_address_delivery = 0; var ids = 0; ids = id.split('_'); productId = parseInt(ids[0]); if (typeof(ids[1]) !== 'undefined') productAttributeId = parseInt(ids[1]); if (typeof(ids[2]) !== 'undefined' && ids[2] !== 'nocustom') customizationId = parseInt(ids[2]); if (typeof(ids[3]) !== 'undefined') id_address_delivery = parseInt(ids[3]); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: 'controller=cart' + '&ajax=true&delete=true&summary=true' + '&id_product='+productId + '&ipa='+productAttributeId + '&id_address_delivery='+id_address_delivery + ((customizationId !== 0) ? '&id_customization=' + customizationId : '') + '&token=' + static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if (error !== 'indexOf') errors += jsonData.errors[error] + "\n"; } else { if (jsonData.refresh) location.reload(); if (parseInt(jsonData.summary.products.length) == 0) { if (typeof(orderProcess) == 'undefined' || orderProcess !== 'order-opc') document.location.href = document.location.href; // redirection else { $('#center_column').children().each(function() { if ($(this).attr('id') !== 'emptyCartWarning' && $(this).attr('class') !== 'breadcrumb' && $(this).attr('id') !== 'cart_title') { $(this).fadeOut('slow', function () { $(this).remove(); }); } }); $('#summary_products_label').remove(); $('#emptyCartWarning').fadeIn('slow'); } } else { $('#product_' + id).fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); cleanSelectAddressDelivery(); if (!customizationId) refreshOddRow(); }); var exist = false; for (i=0;i 0)) exist = true; } // if all customization removed => delete product line if (!exist && customizationId) $('#product_' + productId + '_' + productAttributeId + '_0_' + id_address_delivery).fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); var line = $('#product_' + productId + '_' + productAttributeId + '_nocustom_' + id_address_delivery); if (line.length > 0) { line.find('input[name^=quantity_], .cart_quantity_down, .cart_quantity_up, .cart_quantity_delete').each(function(){ if (typeof($(this).attr('name')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name').replace(/nocustom/, '0')); if (typeof($(this).attr('id')) != 'undefined') $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/nocustom/, '0')); }); line.find('span[id^=total_product_price_]').each(function(){ $(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id').replace(/_nocustom/, '')); }); line.attr('id', line.attr('id').replace(/nocustom/, '0')); } refreshOddRow(); }); } updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); if (window.ajaxCart != undefined) ajaxCart.updateCart(jsonData); updateCustomizedDatas(jsonData.customizedDatas); updateHookShoppingCart(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART); updateHookShoppingCartExtra(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA); if (typeof(getCarrierListAndUpdate) !== 'undefined' && jsonData.summary.products.length > 0) getCarrierListAndUpdate(); if (typeof(updatePaymentMethodsDisplay) !== 'undefined') updatePaymentMethodsDisplay(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { var error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + error + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } } }); } function refreshOddRow() { var odd_class = 'odd'; var even_class = 'even'; $.each($('.cart_item'), function(i, it) { if (i == 0) // First item { if ($(this).hasClass('even')) { odd_class = 'even'; even_class = 'odd'; } $(this).addClass('first_item'); } if(i % 2) $(this).removeClass(odd_class).addClass(even_class); else $(this).removeClass(even_class).addClass(odd_class); }); $('.cart_item:last-child, .customization:last-child').addClass('last_item'); } function upQuantity(id, qty) { if (typeof(qty) == 'undefined' || !qty) qty = 1; var customizationId = 0; var productId = 0; var productAttributeId = 0; var id_address_delivery = 0; var ids = 0; ids = id.split('_'); productId = parseInt(ids[0]); if (typeof(ids[1]) !== 'undefined') productAttributeId = parseInt(ids[1]); if (typeof(ids[2]) !== 'undefined' && ids[2] !== 'nocustom') customizationId = parseInt(ids[2]); if (typeof(ids[3]) !== 'undefined') id_address_delivery = parseInt(ids[3]); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: 'controller=cart' + '&ajax=true' + '&add=true' + '&getproductprice=true' + '&summary=true' + '&id_product=' + productId + '&ipa=' + productAttributeId + '&id_address_delivery=' + id_address_delivery + ((customizationId !== 0) ? '&id_customization=' + customizationId : '') + '&qty=' + qty + '&token=' + static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
').html(jsonData.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + errors + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(errors); $('input[name=quantity_'+ id +']').val($('input[name=quantity_'+ id +'_hidden]').val()); } else { if (jsonData.refresh) location.reload(); updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); if (window.ajaxCart != undefined) ajaxCart.updateCart(jsonData); if (customizationId !== 0) updateCustomizedDatas(jsonData.customizedDatas); updateHookShoppingCart(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART); updateHookShoppingCartExtra(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA); if (typeof(getCarrierListAndUpdate) !== 'undefined') getCarrierListAndUpdate(); if (typeof(updatePaymentMethodsDisplay) !== 'undefined') updatePaymentMethodsDisplay(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') { error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + error + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(error); } } }); } function downQuantity(id, qty) { var val = $('input[name=quantity_' + id + ']').val(); var newVal = val; if(typeof(qty) == 'undefined' || !qty) { qty = 1; newVal = val - 1; } else if (qty < 0) qty = -qty; var customizationId = 0; var productId = 0; var productAttributeId = 0; var id_address_delivery = 0; var ids = 0; ids = id.split('_'); productId = parseInt(ids[0]); if (typeof(ids[1]) !== 'undefined') productAttributeId = parseInt(ids[1]); if (typeof(ids[2]) !== 'undefined' && ids[2] !== 'nocustom') customizationId = parseInt(ids[2]); if (typeof(ids[3]) !== 'undefined') id_address_delivery = parseInt(ids[3]); if (newVal > 0 || $('#product_' + id + '_gift').length) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: 'controller=cart' + '&ajax=true' + '&add=true' + '&getproductprice=true' + '&summary=true' + '&id_product='+productId + '&ipa='+productAttributeId + '&id_address_delivery='+id_address_delivery + '&op=down' + ((customizationId !== 0) ? '&id_customization='+customizationId : '') + '&qty='+qty + '&token='+static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData.hasError) { var errors = ''; for(var error in jsonData.errors) //IE6 bug fix if(error !== 'indexOf') errors += $('
').html(jsonData.errors[error]).text() + "\n"; if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $.fancybox.open([ { type: 'inline', autoScale: true, minHeight: 30, content: '

' + errors + '

' }], { padding: 0 }); else alert(errors); $('input[name=quantity_' + id + ']').val($('input[name=quantity_' + id + '_hidden]').val()); } else { if (jsonData.refresh) location.reload(); updateCartSummary(jsonData.summary); if (window.ajaxCart !== undefined) ajaxCart.updateCart(jsonData); if (customizationId !== 0) updateCustomizedDatas(jsonData.customizedDatas); updateHookShoppingCart(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART); updateHookShoppingCartExtra(jsonData.HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA); if (newVal == 0) $('#product_' + id).hide(); if (typeof(getCarrierListAndUpdate) !== 'undefined') getCarrierListAndUpdate(); if (typeof(updatePaymentMethodsDisplay) !== 'undefined') updatePaymentMethodsDisplay(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus !== 'abort') alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus); } }); } else { deleteProductFromSummary(id); } } function updateCartSummary(json) { var i; var nbrProducts = 0; var product_list = new Array(); if (typeof json == 'undefined') return; $('div.alert-danger').fadeOut(); for (i=0;i product_list[i].price) initial_price_text = ''+priceReductionPercent+'%' + initial_price + ''; var key_for_blockcart = product_list[i].id_product + '_' + product_list[i].id_product_attribute + '_' + product_list[i].id_address_delivery; var key_for_blockcart_nocustom = product_list[i].id_product + '_' + product_list[i].id_product_attribute + '_' + ((product_list[i].id_customization && product_list[i].quantity_without_customization != product_list[i].quantity)? 'nocustom' : '0') + '_' + product_list[i].id_address_delivery; if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) { $('#product_price_' + key_for_blockcart).html('' + current_price + '' + initial_price_text); if (typeof(product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal) !== 'undefined' && product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal > 0) $('#total_product_price_' + key_for_blockcart).html(formatCurrency(product_list[i].total_customization, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_product_price_' + key_for_blockcart).html(formatCurrency(product_list[i].total, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); if (product_list[i].quantity_without_customization != product_list[i].quantity) $('#total_product_price_' + key_for_blockcart_nocustom).html(formatCurrency(product_list[i].total, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } else { $('#product_price_' + key_for_blockcart).html('' + current_price + '' + initial_price_text); if (typeof(product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal) !== 'undefined' && product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal > 0) $('#total_product_price_' + key_for_blockcart).html(formatCurrency(product_list[i].total_customization_wt, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_product_price_' + key_for_blockcart).html(formatCurrency(product_list[i].total_wt, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); if (product_list[i].quantity_without_customization != product_list[i].quantity) $('#total_product_price_' + key_for_blockcart_nocustom).html(formatCurrency(product_list[i].total_wt, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } $('input[name=quantity_' + key_for_blockcart_nocustom + ']').val(product_list[i].id_customization? product_list[i].quantity_without_customization : product_list[i].cart_quantity); $('input[name=quantity_' + key_for_blockcart_nocustom + '_hidden]').val(product_list[i].id_customization? product_list[i].quantity_without_customization : product_list[i].cart_quantity); if (typeof(product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal) !== 'undefined' && product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal > 0) $('#cart_quantity_custom_' + key_for_blockcart).html(product_list[i].customizationQuantityTotal); nbrProducts += parseInt(product_list[i].quantity); if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) saving_price = parseFloat(saving_price) + ( (parseFloat(product_list[i].price_without_quantity_discount)-parseFloat(product_list[i].price) ) * parseInt(product_list[i].quantity)); else saving_price = parseFloat(saving_price) + ( (parseFloat(product_list[i].price_without_quantity_discount)-parseFloat(product_list[i].price_wt) ) * parseInt(product_list[i].quantity)); } if (json.remaining_for_free_shipping) { if($('#cart_free_shipping span.cart_free_shipping_price_remaining').length<1) $('#cart_free_shipping').html("Il ne vous reste plus que TTC d'achat pour bénéficier de la livraison gratuite"); $('#cart_free_shipping span.cart_free_shipping_price_remaining').html(formatCurrency(json.remaining_for_free_shipping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#cart_free_shipping').show('slow'); } else if(json.notEligible) { $('#cart_free_shipping').html("Un produit de votre panier n'est pas eligible à la livraison gratuite"); $('#cart_free_shipping').show('slow'); } else if(json.free_shipping_ok || json.totalWithoutShipping>=49) { $('#cart_free_shipping').html("Livraison offerte sur cette commande !"); $('#cart_free_shipping').show('slow'); } else{ $('#cart_free_shipping').hide('slow'); //$('#cart_free_shipping').html("Pour bénéficier de la livraison gratuite, ajoutez le code promo LIVRAISON15 à votre panier"); //$('#cart_free_shipping').show('slow'); } isOtherDelay = json.isOtherDelay; if (isOtherDelay) { otherDelayTitle = json.otherDelayTitle; } // Update discounts var discount_count = 0; for(var e in json.discounts) { discount_count++; break; } if (!discount_count) { $('.cart_discount').each(function(){$(this).remove();}); $('.cart_total_voucher').remove(); } else { if ($('.cart_discount').length == 0) location.reload(); if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) $('#total_discount').html('-' + formatCurrency(json.total_discounts_tax_exc, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_discount').html('-' + formatCurrency(json.total_discounts, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('.cart_discount').each(function(){ var idElmt = $(this).attr('id').replace('cart_discount_',''); var toDelete = true; for (var i in json.discounts) if (json.discounts[i].id_discount == idElmt) { if (json.discounts[i].value_real !== '!') { if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) $('#cart_discount_' + idElmt + ' td.cart_discount_price span.price-discount').html(formatCurrency(json.discounts[i].value_tax_exc * -1, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#cart_discount_' + idElmt + ' td.cart_discount_price span.price-discount').html(formatCurrency(json.discounts[i].value_real * -1, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } toDelete = false; } if (toDelete) $('#cart_discount_' + idElmt + ', #cart_total_voucher').fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){ $(this).remove(); }); }); } // Block cart $('#cart_block_shipping_cost').show(); $('#cart_block_shipping_cost').next().show(); if (json.total_shipping > 0) { if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) { $('#cart_block_shipping_cost').html(formatCurrency(json.total_shipping_tax_exc, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#cart_block_wrapping_cost').html(formatCurrency(json.total_wrapping_tax_exc, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#cart_block_total').html(formatCurrency(json.total_price_without_tax, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } else { $('#cart_block_shipping_cost').html(formatCurrency(json.total_shipping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#cart_block_wrapping_cost').html(formatCurrency(json.total_wrapping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#cart_block_total').html(formatCurrency(json.total_price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } } else { if (json.carrier.id == null) { $('#cart_block_shipping_cost').hide(); $('#cart_block_shipping_cost').next().hide(); } } $('#cart_block_tax_cost').html(formatCurrency(json.total_tax, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('.ajax_cart_quantity').html(nbrProducts); // Cart summary /*$('#summary_products_quantity').html(nbrProducts + ' ' + (nbrProducts > 1 ? txtProducts : txtProduct)); if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) $('#total_product').html(formatCurrency(json.total_products, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_product').html(formatCurrency(json.total_products_wt, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_price').html(formatCurrency(json.total_price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_price_without_tax').html(formatCurrency(json.total_price_without_tax, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_tax').html(formatCurrency(json.total_tax, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));*/ // Cart summary $('#summary_products_quantity').html(nbrProducts + ' ' + (nbrProducts > 1 ? txtProducts : txtProduct)); if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) $('#total_product').html(formatCurrency(json.total_products, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_product').html(formatCurrency(json.total_products_wt, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); // $('#total_price').html(formatCurrency(json.total_price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_price').html(formatCurrency(json.total_products_wt, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_price_without_tax').html(formatCurrency(json.total_price_without_tax, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_tax').html(formatCurrency(json.total_tax, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); /** * @Override saving price */ $('#saving_price_container').html(formatCurrency(parseFloat(saving_price), currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('.cart_total_delivery').show(); if (json.total_shipping > 0) { if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) $('#total_shipping').html(formatCurrency(json.total_shipping_tax_exc, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_shipping').html(formatCurrency(json.total_shipping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } else { if (priceDisplayMethod !== 0) $('#total_shipping').html(formatCurrency(json.total_shipping_tax_exc, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); else $('#total_shipping').html(formatCurrency(json.total_shipping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } if (json.free_ship > 0 && !json.is_virtual_cart) { $('.cart_free_shipping').fadeIn(); $('#free_shipping').html(formatCurrency(json.free_ship, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } else $('.cart_free_shipping').hide(); if (json.total_wrapping > 0) { $('#total_wrapping').html(formatCurrency(json.total_wrapping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_wrapping').parent().show(); } else { $('#total_wrapping').html(formatCurrency(json.total_wrapping, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#total_wrapping').parent().hide(); } } function updateCustomizedDatas(json) { for(var i in json) for(var j in json[i]) for(var k in json[i][j]) for(var l in json[i][j][k]) { var quantity = json[i][j][k][l]['quantity']; $('input[name=quantity_' + i + '_' + j + '_' + l + '_' + k + '_hidden]').val(quantity); $('input[name=quantity_' + i + '_' + j + '_' + l + '_' + k + ']').val(quantity); } } function updateHookShoppingCart(html) { $('#HOOK_SHOPPING_CART').html(html); } function updateHookShoppingCartExtra(html) { $('#HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA').html(html); } function refreshDeliveryOptions() { $.each($('.delivery_option_radio'), function() { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { if ($(this).parent().find('.delivery_option_carrier.not-displayable').length == 0) $(this).parent().find('.delivery_option_carrier').show(); var carrier_id_list = $(this).val().split(','); carrier_id_list.pop(); var it = this; $(carrier_id_list).each(function() { $(it).closest('.delivery_options').find('input[value="' + this.toString() + '"]').change(); }); } else $(this).parent().find('.delivery_option_carrier').hide(); }); } function updateExtraCarrier(id_delivery_option, id_address) { var url = ""; if(typeof(orderOpcUrl) !== 'undefined') url = orderOpcUrl; else url = orderUrl; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: url + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "json", data: 'ajax=true' + '&method=updateExtraCarrier' + '&id_address='+id_address + '&id_delivery_option='+id_delivery_option + '&token='+static_token + '&allow_refresh=1', success: function(jsonData) { $('#HOOK_EXTRACARRIER_' + id_address).html(jsonData['content']); } }); }