266 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
266 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
* 2007-2014 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @deprecated
class DiscountCore extends CartRule
const PERCENT = 1;
const AMOUNT = 2;
const FREE_SHIPPING = 3;
public function __get($key)
if ($key == 'id_group')
return 0;
if ($key == 'id_discount_type')
if ($this->free_shipping)
return Discount::FREE_SHIPPING;
if ($this->reduction_percent > 0)
return Discount::PERCENT;
if ($this->reduction_amount > 0)
return Discount::AMOUNT;
if ($key == 'name')
return $this->code;
if ($key == 'value')
if ($this->reduction_percent > 0)
return $this->reduction_percent;
if ($this->reduction_amount > 0)
return $this->reduction_amount;
if ($key == 'cumulable')
return $this->cart_rule_restriction;
if ($key == 'cumulable_reduction')
return false;
if ($key == 'minimal')
return $this->minimum_amount;
if ($key == 'include_tax')
return $this->reduction_tax;
if ($key == 'behavior_not_exhausted')
return $this->partial_use;
if ($key == 'cart_display')
return true;
return $this->{$key};
public function __set($key, $value)
if ($key == 'id_discount_type')
if ($value == Discount::FREE_SHIPPING)
$this->free_shipping = true;
$this->reduction_percent = false;
$this->reduction_amount = false;
if ($value == Discount::PERCENT)
$this->free_shipping = false;
$this->reduction_percent = true;
$this->reduction_amount = false;
if ($value == Discount::AMOUNT)
$this->free_shipping = false;
$this->reduction_percent = false;
$this->reduction_amount = true;
if ($key == 'code')
$this->name[Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = $value;
if ($key == 'value')
if ($this->reduction_percent)
$this->reduction_percent = $value;
if ($this->reduction_amount)
$this->reduction_amount = $value;
if ($key == 'cumulable')
$this->cart_rule_restriction = 1;
if ($key == 'minimal')
$this->minimum_amount = $value;
if ($key == 'include_tax')
$this->reduction_tax = $value;
if ($key == 'behavior_not_exhausted')
$this->partial_use = $value;
$this->{$key} = $value;
public function __call($method, $args)
$obj = $this->parent;
if (in_array($method, array('add', 'update', 'getIdByName', 'getCustomerDiscounts', 'getValue', 'discountExists', 'createOrderDiscount', 'getVouchersToCartDisplay', 'display')))
$obj = $this;
return call_user_func_array(array($obj, $method), $args);
* @deprecated
public function add($autodate = true, $nullValues = false, $categories = null)
$r = parent::add($autodate, $nullValues);
// Todo : manage categories
return $r;
* @deprecated
public function update($autodate = true, $nullValues = false, $categories = null)
$r = parent::update($autodate, $nullValues);
// Todo : manage categories
return $r;
* @deprecated
public static function getIdByName($code)
return parent::getIdByCode($code);
* @deprecated
public static function getCustomerDiscounts($id_lang, $id_customer, $active = false, $includeGenericOnes = true, $hasStock = false, Cart $cart = null)
return parent::getCustomerCartRules($id_lang, $id_customer, $active, $includeGenericOnes, $hasStock, $cart);
* @deprecated
public static function getVouchersToCartDisplay($id_lang, $id_customer)
return CartRule::getCustomerCartRules($id_lang, $id_customer);
* @deprecated
public function getValue($nb_discounts = 0, $order_total_products = 0, $shipping_fees = 0, $id_cart = false, $useTax = true, Currency $currency = null, Shop $shop = null)
$context = Context::getContext();
if ((int)$id_cart)
$context->cart = new Cart($id_cart);
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($currency))
$context->currency = $currency;
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($shop))
$context->shop = $shop;
return parent::getContextualValue($useTax, $context);
* @deprecated
public static function discountExists($discountName, $id_discount = 0)
return parent::cartRuleExists($discountName);
* @deprecated
public static function createOrderDiscount($order, $productList, $qtyList, $name, $shipping_cost = false, $id_category = 0, $subcategory = 0)
$languages = Language::getLanguages($order);
$products = $order->getProducts(false, $productList, $qtyList);
// Totals are stored in the order currency (or at least should be)
$total = $order->getTotalProductsWithTaxes($products);
$discounts = $order->getDiscounts(true);
$total_tmp = $total;
foreach ($discounts as $discount)
if ($discount['id_discount_type'] == Discount::PERCENT)
$total -= $total_tmp * ($discount['value'] / 100);
elseif ($discount['id_discount_type'] == Discount::AMOUNT)
$total -= ($discount['value'] * ($total_tmp / $order->total_products_wt));
if ($shipping_cost)
$total += $order->total_shipping;
// create discount
$voucher = new Discount();
$voucher->id_discount_type = Discount::AMOUNT;
foreach ($languages as $language)
$voucher->description[$language['id_lang']] = strval($name).(int)($order->id);
$voucher->value = (float)($total);
$voucher->name = 'V0C'.(int)($order->id_customer).'O'.(int)($order->id);
$voucher->id_customer = (int)($order->id_customer);
$voucher->id_currency = (int)($order->id_currency);
$voucher->quantity = 1;
$voucher->quantity_per_user = 1;
$voucher->cumulable = 1;
$voucher->cumulable_reduction = 1;
$voucher->minimal = (float)($voucher->value);
$voucher->active = 1;
$voucher->cart_display = 1;
$now = time();
$voucher->date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now);
$voucher->date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now + (3600 * 24 * 365.25)); /* 1 year */
if (!$voucher->validateFieldsLang(false) || !$voucher->add())
return false;
// set correct name
$voucher->name = 'V'.(int)($voucher->id).'C'.(int)($order->id_customer).'O'.$order->id;
if (!$voucher->update())
return false;
return $voucher;
* @deprecated
public static function display($value, $type, $currency = null)
if ((float)$value && (int)$type)
if ($type == 1)
return $value.chr(37); // ASCII #37 --> % (percent)
elseif ($type == 2)
return Tools::displayPrice($value, $currency);
return ''; // return a string because it's a display method
} |