522 lines
16 KiB
522 lines
16 KiB
* 2007-2014 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class UpgraderCore
const DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 'major';
// @todo channel handling :)
public $addons_api = 'api.addons.prestashop.com';
public $rss_channel_link = 'https://api.prestashop.com/xml/channel.xml';
public $rss_md5file_link_dir = 'https://api.prestashop.com/xml/md5/';
* @var boolean contains true if last version is not installed
private $need_upgrade = false;
private $changed_files = array();
private $missing_files = array();
public $version_name;
public $version_num;
public $version_is_modified = null;
* @var string contains hte url where to download the file
public $link;
public $autoupgrade;
public $autoupgrade_module;
public $autoupgrade_last_version;
public $autoupgrade_module_link;
public $changelog;
public $available;
public $md5;
public static $default_channel = 'minor';
public $channel = '';
public $branch = '';
public function __construct($autoload = false)
if ($autoload)
$matches = array();
preg_match('#([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+#', _PS_VERSION_, $matches);
$this->branch = $matches[1];
if (class_exists('Configuration', false))
$this->channel = Configuration::get('PS_UPGRADE_CHANNEL');
if (empty($this->channel))
$this->channel = Upgrader::$default_channel;
// checkPSVersion to get need_upgrade
if (!extension_loaded('openssl'))
$this->rss_channel_link = str_replace('https', 'http', $this->rss_channel_link);
$this->rss_md5file_link_dir = str_replace('https', 'http', $this->rss_md5file_link_dir);
public function __get($var)
if ($var == 'need_upgrade')
return $this->isLastVersion();
* downloadLast download the last version of PrestaShop and save it in $dest/$filename
* @param string $dest directory where to save the file
* @param string $filename new filename
* @return boolean
* @TODO ftp if copy is not possible (safe_mode for example)
public function downloadLast($dest, $filename = 'prestashop.zip')
if (empty($this->link))
$destPath = realpath($dest).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename;
if ($zip = Tools14::file_get_contents($this->link, false, null, 1000))
if((bool)file_put_contents($destPath, $zip) === true)
return true;
return false;
public function isLastVersion()
if (empty($this->link))
return $this->need_upgrade;
* checkPSVersion ask to prestashop.com if there is a new version. return an array if yes, false otherwise
* @param boolean $refresh if set to true, will force to download channel.xml
* @param array $array_no_major array of channels which will return only the immediate next version number.
* @return mixed
public function checkPSVersion($refresh = false, $array_no_major = array('minor'))
// if we use the autoupgrade process, we will never refresh it
// except if no check has been done before
$feed = $this->getXmlChannel($refresh);
$branch_name = '';
$channel_name = '';
// channel hierarchy :
// if you follow private, you follow stable release
// if you follow rc, you also follow stable
// if you follow beta, you also follow rc
// et caetera
$followed_channels = array();
$followed_channels[] = $this->channel;
case 'alpha':
$followed_channels[] = 'beta';
case 'beta':
$followed_channels[] = 'rc';
case 'rc':
$followed_channels[] = 'stable';
case 'minor':
case 'major':
case 'private':
$followed_channels[] = 'stable';
if ($feed)
$this->autoupgrade_module = (int)$feed->autoupgrade_module;
$this->autoupgrade_last_version = (string)$feed->autoupgrade->last_version;
$this->autoupgrade_module_link = (string)$feed->autoupgrade->download->link;
foreach ($feed->channel as $channel)
$channel_available = (string)$channel['available'];
$channel_name = (string)$channel['name'];
// stable means major and minor
// boolean algebra
// skip if one of theses props are true:
// - "stable" in xml, "minor" or "major" in configuration
// - channel in xml is not channel in configuration
if (!(in_array($channel_name, $followed_channels)))
// now we are on the correct channel (minor, major, ...)
foreach ($channel as $branch)
// branch name = which version
$branch_name = (string)$branch['name'];
// if channel is "minor" in configuration, do not allow something else than current branch
// otherwise, allow superior or equal
if (
(in_array($this->channel, $followed_channels)
&& version_compare($branch_name, $this->branch, '>='))
// skip if $branch->num is inferior to a previous one, skip it
if (version_compare((string)$branch->num, $this->version_num, '<'))
// also skip if previous loop found an available upgrade and current is not
if ($this->available && !($channel_available && (string)$branch['available']))
// also skip if chosen channel is minor, and xml branch name is superior to current
if (in_array($this->channel, $array_no_major) && version_compare($branch_name, $this->branch, '>'))
$this->version_name = (string)$branch->name;
$this->version_num = (string)$branch->num;
$this->link = (string)$branch->download->link;
$this->md5 = (string)$branch->download->md5;
$this->changelog = (string)$branch->changelog;
if (extension_loaded('openssl'))
$this->link = str_replace('http', 'https', $this->link);
$this->changelog = str_replace('http', 'https', $this->changelog);
$this->available = $channel_available && (string)$branch['available'];
return false;
// retro-compatibility :
// return array(name,link) if you don't use the last version
// false otherwise
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, $this->version_num, '<'))
$this->need_upgrade = true;
return array('name' => $this->version_name, 'link' => $this->link);
return false;
* delete the file /config/xml/$version.xml if exists
* @param string $version
* @return boolean true if succeed
public function clearXmlMd5File($version)
if (file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml/'.$version.'.xml'))
return unlink(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml/'.$version.'.xml');
return true;
* use the addons api to get xml files
* @param mixed $xml_localfile
* @param mixed $postData
* @param mixed $refresh
* @access public
* @return void
public function getApiAddons($xml_localfile, $postData, $refresh = false)
if (!is_dir(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml'))
if (is_file(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml'))
mkdir(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml', 0777);
if ($refresh || !file_exists($xml_localfile) || @filemtime($xml_localfile) < (time() - (3600 * Upgrader::DEFAULT_CHECK_VERSION_DELAY_HOURS)))
$protocolsList = array('https://' => 443, 'http://' => 80);
if (!extension_loaded('openssl'))
// Make the request
$opts = array(
'method'=> 'POST',
'content' => $postData,
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'timeout' => 10,
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$xml = false;
foreach ($protocolsList as $protocol => $port)
$xml_string = Tools14::file_get_contents($protocol.$this->addons_api, false, $context);
if ($xml_string)
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
if ($xml !== false)
file_put_contents($xml_localfile, $xml_string);
$xml = @simplexml_load_file($xml_localfile);
return $xml;
public function getXmlFile($xml_localfile, $xml_remotefile, $refresh = false)
// @TODO : this has to be moved in autoupgrade.php > install method
if (!is_dir(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml'))
if (is_file(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml'))
mkdir(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml', 0777);
if ($refresh || !file_exists($xml_localfile) || @filemtime($xml_localfile) < (time() - (3600 * Upgrader::DEFAULT_CHECK_VERSION_DELAY_HOURS)))
$xml_string = Tools14::file_get_contents($xml_remotefile, false, stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 10))));
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
if ($xml !== false)
file_put_contents($xml_localfile, $xml_string);
$xml = @simplexml_load_file($xml_localfile);
return $xml;
public function getXmlChannel($refresh = false)
$xml = $this->getXmlFile(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml/channel.xml', $this->rss_channel_link, $refresh);
if ($refresh)
if (class_exists('Configuration', false))
Configuration::updateValue('PS_LAST_VERSION_CHECK', time());
return $xml;
* return xml containing the list of all default PrestaShop files for version $version,
* and their respective md5sum
* @param string $version
* @return SimpleXMLElement or false if error
public function getXmlMd5File($version, $refresh = false)
return $this->getXmlFIle(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/xml/'.$version.'.xml', $this->rss_md5file_link_dir.$version.'.xml', $refresh);
* returns an array of files which are present in PrestaShop version $version and has been modified
* in the current filesystem.
* @return array of string> array of filepath
public function getChangedFilesList($version = null, $refresh = false)
if (empty($version))
$version = _PS_VERSION_;
if (is_array($this->changed_files) && count($this->changed_files) == 0)
$checksum = $this->getXmlMd5File($version, $refresh);
if ($checksum == false)
$this->changed_files = false;
return $this->changed_files;
/** populate $this->changed_files with $path
* in sub arrays mail, translation and core items
* @param string $path filepath to add, relative to _PS_ROOT_DIR_
protected function addChangedFile($path)
$this->version_is_modified = true;
if (strpos($path, 'mails/') !== false)
$this->changed_files['mail'][] = $path;
elseif (strpos($path, '/en.php') !== false || strpos($path, '/fr.php') !== false
|| strpos($path, '/es.php') !== false || strpos($path, '/it.php') !== false
|| strpos($path, '/de.php') !== false || strpos($path, 'translations/') !== false)
$this->changed_files['translation'][] = $path;
$this->changed_files['core'][] = $path;
/** populate $this->missing_files with $path
* @param string $path filepath to add, relative to _PS_ROOT_DIR_
protected function addMissingFile($path)
$this->version_is_modified = true;
$this->missing_files[] = $path;
public function md5FileAsArray($node, $dir = '/')
$array = array();
foreach ($node as $key => $child)
if (is_object($child) && $child->getName() == 'dir')
$dir = (string)$child['name'];
// $current_path = $dir.(string)$child['name'];
// @todo : something else than array pop ?
$dir_content = $this->md5FileAsArray($child, $dir);
$array[$dir] = $dir_content;
else if (is_object($child) && $child->getName() == 'md5file')
$array[(string)$child['name']] = (string)$child;
return $array;
* getDiffFilesList
* @param string $version1
* @param string $version2
* @param boolean $show_modif
* @return array array('modified'=>array(...), 'deleted'=>array(...))
public function getDiffFilesList($version1, $version2, $show_modif = true, $refresh = false)
$checksum1 = $this->getXmlMd5File($version1, $refresh);
$checksum2 = $this->getXmlMd5File($version2, $refresh);
if ($checksum1)
$v1 = $this->md5FileAsArray($checksum1->ps_root_dir[0]);
if ($checksum2)
$v2 = $this->md5FileAsArray($checksum2->ps_root_dir[0]);
if (empty($v1) || empty($v2))
return false;
$filesList = $this->compareReleases($v1, $v2, $show_modif);
if (!$show_modif)
return $filesList['deleted'];
return $filesList;
* returns an array of files which
* @param array $v1 result of method $this->md5FileAsArray()
* @param array $v2 result of method $this->md5FileAsArray()
* @param boolean $show_modif if set to false, the method will only
* list deleted files
* @param string $path
* deleted files in version $v2. Otherwise, only deleted.
* @return array('modified' => array(files..), 'deleted' => array(files..)
public function compareReleases($v1, $v2, $show_modif = true, $path = '/')
// in that array the list of files present in v1 deleted in v2
static $deletedFiles = array();
// in that array the list of files present in v1 modified in v2
static $modifiedFiles = array();
foreach ($v1 as $file => $md5)
if (is_array($md5))
$subpath = $path.$file;
if (isset($v2[$file]) && is_array($v2[$file]))
$this->compareReleases($md5, $v2[$file], $show_modif, $path.$file.'/');
else // also remove old dir
$deletedFiles[] = $subpath;
if (in_array($file, array_keys($v2)))
if ($show_modif && ($v1[$file] != $v2[$file]))
$modifiedFiles[] = $path.$file;
$exists = true;
$deletedFiles[] = $path.$file;
return array('deleted' => $deletedFiles, 'modified' => $modifiedFiles);
* Compare the md5sum of the current files with the md5sum of the original
* @param mixed $node
* @param array $current_path
* @param int $level
* @return void
protected function browseXmlAndCompare($node, &$current_path = array(), $level = 1)
foreach ($node as $key => $child)
if (is_object($child) && $child->getName() == 'dir')
$current_path[$level] = (string)$child['name'];
$this->browseXmlAndCompare($child, $current_path, $level + 1);
elseif (is_object($child) && $child->getName() == 'md5file')
// We will store only relative path.
// absolute path is only used for file_exists and compare
$relative_path = '';
for ($i = 1; $i < $level; $i++)
$relative_path .= $current_path[$i].'/';
$relative_path .= (string)$child['name'];
$fullpath = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$relative_path;
$fullpath = str_replace('ps_root_dir', _PS_ROOT_DIR_, $fullpath);
// replace default admin dir by current one
$fullpath = str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/admin', _PS_ADMIN_DIR_, $fullpath);
$fullpath = str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'admin', _PS_ADMIN_DIR_, $fullpath);
if (!file_exists($fullpath))
elseif (!$this->compareChecksum($fullpath, (string)$child) && substr(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '-', $relative_path), 0, 19) != 'modules/autoupgrade')
// else, file is original (and ok)
protected function compareChecksum($filepath, $md5sum)
if (md5_file($filepath) == $md5sum)
return true;
return false;
public function isAuthenticPrestashopVersion($version = null, $refresh = false)
$this->getChangedFilesList($version, $refresh);
return !$this->version_is_modified;
} |