134 lines
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134 lines
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class Carrier extends CarrierCore
* For a given {product, warehouse}, gets the carrier available
* @since 1.5.0
* @param Product $product The id of the product, or an array with at least the package size and weight
* @return array
public static function getAvailableCarrierList(Product $product, $id_warehouse, $id_address_delivery = null, $id_shop = null, $cart = null)
if (is_null($id_shop))
$id_shop = Context::getContext()->shop->id;
if (is_null($cart))
$cart = Context::getContext()->cart;
$id_address = (int)((!is_null($id_address_delivery) && $id_address_delivery != 0) ? $id_address_delivery : $cart->id_address_delivery);
if ($id_address)
$address = new Address($id_address);
$id_zone = Address::getZoneById($address->id);
// Check the country of the address is activated
if (!Address::isCountryActiveById($address->id))
return array();
$country = new Country(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'));
$id_zone = $country->id_zone;
// Does the product is linked with carriers?
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('product_carrier', 'pc');
$query->innerJoin('carrier', 'c', 'c.id_reference = pc.id_carrier_reference AND c.deleted = 0');
$query->where('pc.id_product = '.(int)$product->id);
$query->where('pc.id_shop = '.(int)$id_shop);
$cache_id = 'Carrier::getAvailableCarrierList_'.(int)$product->id.'-'.(int)$id_shop;
if (!Cache::isStored($cache_id))
$carriers_for_product = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);
Cache::store($cache_id, $carriers_for_product);
$carriers_for_product = Cache::retrieve($cache_id);
if (empty($carriers_for_product)){
$carriers_for_product = self::getDefaultAvailableProductCarriersList();
if (isset(Context::getContext()->employee->id) && Context::getContext()->employee->id){
$default_admin_carrier = self::getDefaultCarrierAdmin();
$carriers_for_product = array_merge($carriers_for_product, $default_admin_carrier);
$carrier_list = array();
if (!empty($carriers_for_product))
//the product is linked with carriers
foreach ($carriers_for_product as $carrier) //check if the linked carriers are available in current zone
if (Carrier::checkCarrierZone($carrier['id_carrier'], $id_zone))
$carrier_list[] = $carrier['id_carrier'];
if (empty($carrier_list))
return array();//no linked carrier are available for this zone
// The product is not dirrectly linked with a carrier
// Get all the carriers linked to a warehouse
if ($id_warehouse)
$warehouse = new Warehouse($id_warehouse);
$warehouse_carrier_list = $warehouse->getCarriers();
$available_carrier_list = array();
$customer = new Customer($cart->id_customer);
$carriers = Carrier::getCarriersForOrder($id_zone, $customer->getGroups(), $cart);
foreach ($carriers as $carrier)
$available_carrier_list[] = $carrier['id_carrier'];
if ($carrier_list)
$carrier_list = array_intersect($available_carrier_list, $carrier_list);
$carrier_list = $available_carrier_list;
if (isset($warehouse_carrier_list))
$carrier_list = array_intersect($carrier_list, $warehouse_carrier_list);
if ($product->width > 0 || $product->height > 0 || $product->depth > 0 || $product->weight > 0)
foreach ($carrier_list as $key => $id_carrier)
$carrier = new Carrier($id_carrier);
if (($carrier->max_width > 0 && $carrier->max_width < $product->width)
|| ($carrier->max_height > 0 && $carrier->max_height < $product->height)
|| ($carrier->max_depth > 0 && $carrier->max_depth < $product->depth)
|| ($carrier->max_weight > 0 && $carrier->max_weight < $product->weight))
return $carrier_list;
public static function getDefaultAvailableProductCarriersList(){
/*$carrier_refs = array('92', '93');*/
$carrier_ref = 101;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('carrier', 'c');
/*$query->where('c.id_reference NOT IN ('.implode(',',$carrier_refs).')');*/
$query->where('c.id_reference != '.$carrier_ref);
$query->where('c.deleted = 0');
return Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);
public static function getDefaultCarrierAdmin(){
$carrier_ref = 101;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('carrier', 'c');
$query->where('c.id_reference = '.(int)$carrier_ref);
$query->where('c.deleted = 0');
return Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);