2017-06-14 11:41:31 +02:00

342 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

* All-in-one Rewards Module
* @category Prestashop
* @category Module
* @author Yann BONNAILLIE - ByWEB
* @copyright 2012-2015 Yann BONNAILLIE - ByWEB (
* @license Commercial license see license.txt
* Support by mail :
* Support on forum : Patanock
* Support on Skype : Patanock13
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class RewardsTemplateModel extends ObjectModel
public $id_template;
public $name;
public $plugin;
private static $_cache = array();
private static $_cache_customer = array();
public static $definition = array(
'table' => 'rewards_template',
'primary' => 'id_template',
'fields' => array(
'name' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isString', 'required' => true, 'size' => 100),
'plugin' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 20),
static private function _loadConfiguration($id_template)
self::$_cache[$id_template] = array();
$query = 'SELECT r.`name`, rl.`id_lang`, IF(rl.`id_lang` IS NULL, r.`value`, rl.`value`) AS value
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config` r
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config_lang` rl ON (r.`id_template_config` = rl.`id_template_config`)
WHERE r.`id_template`='.(int)$id_template;
$rows = Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);
if (is_array($rows)) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$lang = ($row['id_lang']) ? $row['id_lang'] : 0;
self::$_cache[$id_template][$lang][$row['name']] = $row['value'];
static private function _getIdByName($id_template, $key)
$query = 'SELECT `id_template_config`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config`
WHERE name = \''.pSQL($key).'\'
AND id_template = '.(int)$id_template;
return (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue($query);
static private function _hasKey($id_template, $key, $id_lang)
return isset(self::$_cache[$id_template][$id_lang]) && array_key_exists($key, self::$_cache[$id_template][$id_lang]);
static public function get($id_template, $key, $id_lang=0)
// If conf is not initialized, load configuration
if (!isset(self::$_cache[$id_template]))
if (self::_hasKey($id_template, $key, $id_lang))
return self::$_cache[$id_template][$id_lang][$key];
return false;
static public function updateValue($id_template, $key, $values, $html = false)
if (!Validate::isConfigName($key))
if (!is_array($values))
$values = array($values);
$result = true;
foreach ($values as $id_lang => $value) {
// if there isn't a $stored_value, we must insert $value
if ($value === self::get($id_template, $key, $id_lang))
// If key already exists, update value
if (self::_hasKey($id_template, $key, $id_lang)) {
if (!$id_lang) {
// Update config not linked to lang
$query = 'UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config c
SET c.value = \''.pSQL($value, $html).'\'
WHERE = \''.pSQL($key).'\'
AND c.id_template = '.(int)$id_template;
$result &= Db::getInstance()->execute($query);
} else {
// Update multi lang
$query = 'UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config_lang cl
SET cl.value = \''.pSQL($value, $html).'\'
WHERE cl.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.'
AND cl.id_template_config = (
SELECT c.id_template_config
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config c
WHERE = \''.pSQL($key).'\'
AND c.id_template = '.(int)$id_template.'
$result &= Db::getInstance()->execute($query);
} else {
if (!$id_template_config = self::_getIdByName($id_template, $key)) {
Db::getInstance()->insert('rewards_template_config', array(
'id_template' => (int)$id_template,
'name' => $key,
'value' => !$id_lang ? pSQL($value, $html) : ''
$id_template_config = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT `id_template_config`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config`
WHERE `name` = \''.pSQL($key).'\'
AND id_template = '.(int)$id_template);
if ($id_lang) {
$result &= Db::getInstance()->insert('rewards_template_config_lang', array(
'id_template_config' => (int)$id_template_config,
'id_lang' => (int)$id_lang,
'value' => pSQL($value, $html)
self::$_cache[$id_template][$id_lang][$key] = $value;
return $result;
static public function isActiveAtLeastOnce($key)
$row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config` WHERE `value`=1 AND `name`=\''.pSQL($key).'\'');
if ($row)
return true;
return false;
public function duplicate($name)
$id_template = $this->id;
$this->id = null;
$this->name = $name;
if ($this->add()) {
$done = array();
foreach(self::$_cache[$id_template] as $id_lang => $tabs) {
foreach($tabs as $key => $value) {
if (!isset($done[$key])) {
$result = Db::getInstance()->insert('rewards_template_config', array(
'id_template' => (int)$this->id,
'name' => pSQL($key),
'value' => !$id_lang ? pSQL($value, true) : ''
$id_template_config = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT `id_template_config`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config`
WHERE `name` = \''.pSQL($key).'\'
AND id_template = '.(int)$this->id);
$done[$key] = $id_template_config;
if ($id_lang) {
$result &= Db::getInstance()->insert('rewards_template_config_lang', array(
'id_template_config' => (int)$done[$key],
'id_lang' => (int)$id_lang,
'value' => pSQL($value, true)
public function delete()
if ($this->id) {
Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config_lang` WHERE `id_template_config` IN (SELECT id_template_config FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config` WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$this->id.')');
Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_config` WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$this->id);
Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer` WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$this->id);
return parent::delete();
// retourne la liste des templates pour un plugin
static public function getList($plugin)
return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template` WHERE `plugin`=\''.pSQL($plugin).'\' ORDER BY id_template ASC');
// retourne la liste des clients associés à un template
static public function getCustomers($id_template) {
return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT c.id_customer, c.firstname, c.lastname,
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer`
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c USING (id_customer)
WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$id_template);
// charge le cache des templates pour un client
static private function _loadTemplatesForCustomer($id_customer, $force=false) {
if (!isset(self::$_cache_customer[$id_customer]) || $force) {
self::$_cache_customer = array();
$query = 'SELECT t.id_template, t.plugin,
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template` t
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer` c USING (id_template)
WHERE c.`id_customer`='.(int)$id_customer;
$rows = Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);
if (is_array($rows)) {
foreach ($rows as $row)
self::$_cache_customer[$id_customer][$row['plugin']] = $row['id_template'];
// retourne l'id template associé à un client pour un plugin donné, s'il existe
static public function getIdTemplate($plugin, $id_customer) {
return isset(self::$_cache_customer[$id_customer][$plugin]) ? (int)self::$_cache_customer[$id_customer][$plugin] : 0;
static public function getCustomersForFilter($plugin, $filter) {
$query = ' SELECT c.`id_customer`, c.`firstname`, c.`lastname`, c.`email`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c
WHERE `id_customer` NOT IN (
SELECT `id_customer`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer`
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template` USING (`id_template`)
WHERE `plugin`=\''.pSQL($plugin).'\'
c.`id_customer` = '.(int)$filter.'
OR c.`firstname` LIKE "%'.pSQL($filter).'%"
OR c.`lastname` LIKE "%'.pSQL($filter).'%"
OR c.`email` LIKE "%'.pSQL($filter).'%"
return Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);
static public function addCustomer($id_template, $id_customer) {
$result = Db::getInstance()->insert('rewards_template_customer', array(
'id_template' => (int)$id_template,
'id_customer' => (int)$id_customer
self::_loadTemplatesForCustomer($id_customer, true);
return $result;
static public function deleteCustomer($id_template, $id_customer) {
$result = Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer` WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$id_template.' AND `id_customer`='.(int)$id_customer);
self::_loadTemplatesForCustomer($id_customer, true);
return $result;
static public function addCustomersFromGroup($id_template, $plugin, $id_group) {
$query = '
DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer`
WHERE `id_template`!='.(int)$id_template.'
AND `id_template` IN (
SELECT `id_template`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template`
WHERE plugin=\''.pSQL($plugin).'\')
AND `id_customer` IN (
SELECT `id_customer`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group`
WHERE `id_group`='.(int)$id_group.')';
$query = '
SELECT c.id_customer, c.firstname, c.lastname,
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group` cg
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c USING (`id_customer`)
WHERE cg.`id_group` = '.(int)$id_group.'
AND c.`deleted` != 1
AND c.`id_customer` NOT IN (
SELECT `id_customer`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer`
WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$id_template.'
$result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
$query = '
INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer`
SELECT '.(int)$id_template.', c.id_customer
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group` cg
JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c USING (`id_customer`)
WHERE cg.`id_group` = '.(int)$id_group.'
AND c.`deleted` != 1
AND c.`id_customer` NOT IN (
SELECT `id_customer`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'rewards_template_customer`
WHERE `id_template`='.(int)$id_template.'
return $result;
class MyConf {
static public function get($key, $id_lang=null, $id_template=0)
// try to load the key from the template, else return the default value
if (!empty($id_template)) {
$value = RewardsTemplateModel::get($id_template, $key, (int)$id_lang);
if ($value!==false)
return $value;
return Configuration::get($key, $id_lang);
static public function updateValue($key, $values, $html = false, $id_template=0)
if (!empty($id_template))
return RewardsTemplateModel::updateValue($id_template, $key, $values, $html);
else {
$result = Configuration::updateValue($key, $values, $html);
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5.2', '<') && $html)
Configuration::set($key, $values);
return $result;
static public function getIdTemplate($plugin, $id_customer)
if ($id_customer)
return RewardsTemplateModel::getIdTemplate($plugin, (int)$id_customer);
return 0;
static public function isActiveAtLeastOnce($key)
return RewardsTemplateModel::isActiveAtLeastOnce($key);