265 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
265 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @property Profile $object
class AdminAccessControllerCore extends AdminController
/* @var array : Black list of id_tab that do not have access */
public $accesses_black_list = array();
public function __construct()
$this->bootstrap = true;
$this->show_toolbar = false;
$this->table = 'access';
$this->className = 'Profile';
$this->multishop_context = Shop::CONTEXT_ALL;
$this->lang = false;
$this->context = Context::getContext();
// Blacklist AdminLogin
$this->accesses_black_list[] = Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminLogin');
* AdminController::renderForm() override
* @see AdminController::renderForm()
public function renderForm()
$current_profile = (int)$this->getCurrentProfileId();
$profiles = Profile::getProfiles($this->context->language->id);
$tabs = Tab::getTabs($this->context->language->id);
$accesses = array();
foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
$accesses[$profile['id_profile']] = Profile::getProfileAccesses($profile['id_profile']);
// Deleted id_tab that do not have access
foreach ($tabs as $key => $tab) {
// Don't allow permissions for unnamed tabs (ie. AdminLogin)
if (empty($tab['name'])) {
foreach ($this->accesses_black_list as $id_tab) {
if ($tab['id_tab'] == (int)$id_tab) {
$modules = array();
foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
$modules[$profile['id_profile']] = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
SELECT ma.`id_module`, m.`name`, ma.`view`, ma.`configure`, ma.`uninstall`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'module_access ma
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'module m
ON ma.id_module = m.id_module
WHERE id_profile = '.(int)$profile['id_profile'].'
ORDER BY m.name
foreach ($modules[$profile['id_profile']] as $k => &$module) {
$m = Module::getInstanceById($module['id_module']);
// the following condition handles invalid modules
if ($m) {
$module['name'] = $m->displayName;
} else {
uasort($modules[$profile['id_profile']], array($this, 'sortModuleByName'));
$this->fields_form = array('');
$this->tpl_form_vars = array(
'profiles' => $profiles,
'accesses' => $accesses,
'id_tab_parentmodule' => (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminParentModules'),
'id_tab_module' => (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModules'),
'tabs' => $tabs,
'current_profile' => (int)$current_profile,
'admin_profile' => (int)_PS_ADMIN_PROFILE_,
'access_edit' => $this->tabAccess['edit'],
'perms' => array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'modules' => $modules,
'link' => $this->context->link
return parent::renderForm();
* AdminController::initContent() override
* @see AdminController::initContent()
public function initContent()
$this->display = 'edit';
if (!$this->loadObject(true)) {
$this->content .= $this->renderForm();
'content' => $this->content,
'url_post' => self::$currentIndex.'&token='.$this->token,
'show_page_header_toolbar' => $this->show_page_header_toolbar,
'page_header_toolbar_title' => $this->page_header_toolbar_title,
'page_header_toolbar_btn' => $this->page_header_toolbar_btn
public function initToolbarTitle()
$this->toolbar_title = array_unique($this->breadcrumbs);
public function initPageHeaderToolbar()
public function ajaxProcessUpdateAccess()
if (_PS_MODE_DEMO_) {
throw new PrestaShopException(Tools::displayError('This functionality has been disabled.'));
if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] != '1') {
throw new PrestaShopException(Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit this.'));
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAddAccess')) {
$perm = Tools::getValue('perm');
if (!in_array($perm, array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete', 'all'))) {
throw new PrestaShopException('permission does not exist');
$enabled = (int)Tools::getValue('enabled');
$id_tab = (int)Tools::getValue('id_tab');
$id_profile = (int)Tools::getValue('id_profile');
$where = '`id_tab`';
$join = '';
if (Tools::isSubmit('addFromParent')) {
$where = 't.`id_parent`';
$join = 'LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tab` t ON (t.`id_tab` = a.`id_tab`)';
if ($id_tab == -1) {
if ($perm == 'all') {
$sql = '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'access` a
SET `view` = '.(int)$enabled.', `add` = '.(int)$enabled.', `edit` = '.(int)$enabled.', `delete` = '.(int)$enabled.'
WHERE `id_profile` = '.(int)$id_profile;
} else {
$sql = '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'access` a
SET `'.bqSQL($perm).'` = '.(int)$enabled.'
WHERE `id_profile` = '.(int)$id_profile;
} else {
if ($perm == 'all') {
$sql = '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'access` a '.$join.'
SET `view` = '.(int)$enabled.', `add` = '.(int)$enabled.', `edit` = '.(int)$enabled.', `delete` = '.(int)$enabled.'
WHERE '.$where.' = '.(int)$id_tab.' AND `id_profile` = '.(int)$id_profile;
} else {
$sql = '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'access` a '.$join.'
SET `'.bqSQL($perm).'` = '.(int)$enabled.'
WHERE '.$where.' = '.(int)$id_tab.' AND `id_profile` = '.(int)$id_profile;
$res = Db::getInstance()->execute($sql) ? 'ok' : 'error';
public function ajaxProcessUpdateModuleAccess()
if (_PS_MODE_DEMO_) {
throw new PrestaShopException(Tools::displayError('This functionality has been disabled.'));
if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] != '1') {
throw new PrestaShopException(Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit this.'));
if (Tools::isSubmit('changeModuleAccess')) {
$perm = Tools::getValue('perm');
$enabled = (int)Tools::getValue('enabled');
$id_module = (int)Tools::getValue('id_module');
$id_profile = (int)Tools::getValue('id_profile');
if (!in_array($perm, array('view', 'configure', 'uninstall'))) {
throw new PrestaShopException('permission does not exist');
if ($id_module == -1) {
$sql = '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_access`
SET `'.bqSQL($perm).'` = '.(int)$enabled.'
WHERE `id_profile` = '.(int)$id_profile;
} else {
$sql = '
UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_access`
SET `'.bqSQL($perm).'` = '.(int)$enabled.'
WHERE `id_module` = '.(int)$id_module.'
AND `id_profile` = '.(int)$id_profile;
$res = Db::getInstance()->execute($sql) ? 'ok' : 'error';
* Get the current profile id
* @return int the $_GET['profile'] if valid, else 1 (the first profile id)
public function getCurrentProfileId()
return (isset($_GET['id_profile']) && !empty($_GET['id_profile']) && is_numeric($_GET['id_profile'])) ? (int)$_GET['id_profile'] : 1;
private function sortModuleByName($a, $b)
return strnatcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);