572 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
572 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @since 1.5.0
class SupplyOrderCore extends ObjectModel
* @var int Supplier
public $id_supplier;
* @var string Supplier Name
public $supplier_name;
* @var int The language id used on the delivery note
public $id_lang;
* @var int Warehouse where products will be delivered
public $id_warehouse;
* @var int Current state of the order
public $id_supply_order_state;
* @var int Currency used for the order
public $id_currency;
* @var int Currency used by default in main global configuration (i.e. by default for all shops)
public $id_ref_currency;
* @var string Reference of the order
public $reference;
* @var string Date when added
public $date_add;
* @var string Date when updated
public $date_upd;
* @var string Expected delivery date
public $date_delivery_expected;
* @var float Total price without tax
public $total_te = 0;
* @var float Total price after discount, without tax
public $total_with_discount_te = 0;
* @var float Total price with tax
public $total_ti = 0;
* @var float Total tax value
public $total_tax = 0;
* @var float Supplier discount rate (for the whole order)
public $discount_rate = 0;
* @var float Supplier discount value without tax (for the whole order)
public $discount_value_te = 0;
* @var int Tells if this order is a template
public $is_template = 0;
* @see ObjectModel::$definition
public static $definition = array(
'table' => 'supply_order',
'primary' => 'id_supply_order',
'fields' => array(
'id_supplier' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
'supplier_name' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isCatalogName', 'required' => false),
'id_lang' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
'id_warehouse' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
'id_supply_order_state' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
'id_currency' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
'id_ref_currency' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
'reference' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true),
'date_delivery_expected' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate', 'required' => true),
'total_te' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isPrice'),
'total_with_discount_te' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isPrice'),
'total_ti' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isPrice'),
'total_tax' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isPrice'),
'discount_rate' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isFloat', 'required' => false),
'discount_value_te' => array('type' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'validate' => 'isPrice'),
'is_template' => array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool'),
'date_add' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate'),
'date_upd' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate'),
* @see ObjectModel::$webserviceParameters
protected $webserviceParameters = array(
'fields' => array(
'id_supplier' => array('xlink_resource' => 'suppliers'),
'id_lang' => array('xlink_resource' => 'languages'),
'id_warehouse' => array('xlink_resource' => 'warehouses'),
'id_supply_order_state' => array('xlink_resource' => 'supply_order_states'),
'id_currency' => array('xlink_resource' => 'currencies'),
'hidden_fields' => array(
'associations' => array(
'supply_order_details' => array(
'resource' => 'supply_order_detail',
'fields' => array(
'id' => array(),
'id_product' => array(),
'id_product_attribute' => array(),
'supplier_reference' => array(),
'product_name' => array(),
* @see ObjectModel::update()
public function update($null_values = false)
$res = parent::update($null_values);
if ($res && !$this->is_template) {
return $res;
* @see ObjectModel::add()
public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false)
$res = parent::add($autodate, $null_values);
if ($res && !$this->is_template) {
return $res;
* Checks all products in this order and calculate prices
* Applies the global discount if necessary
protected function calculatePrices()
$this->total_te = 0;
$this->total_with_discount_te = 0;
$this->total_tax = 0;
$this->total_ti = 0;
$is_discount = false;
if (is_numeric($this->discount_rate) && (float)$this->discount_rate >= 0) {
$is_discount = true;
// gets all product entries in this order
$entries = $this->getEntriesCollection();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
/** @var SupplyOrderDetail $entry */
// applys global discount rate on each product if possible
if ($is_discount) {
// adds new prices to the total
$this->total_te += $entry->price_with_discount_te;
$this->total_with_discount_te += $entry->price_with_order_discount_te;
$this->total_tax += $entry->tax_value_with_order_discount;
$this->total_ti = $this->total_tax + $this->total_with_discount_te;
// applies global discount rate if possible
if ($is_discount) {
$this->discount_value_te = $this->total_te - $this->total_with_discount_te;
* Retrieves the product entries for the current order
* @param int $id_lang Optional Id Lang - Uses Context::language::id by default
* @return array
public function getEntries($id_lang = null)
if ($id_lang == null) {
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
// build query
$query = new DbQuery();
IFNULL(CONCAT(pl.name, \' : \', GROUP_CONCAT(agl.name, \' - \', al.name SEPARATOR \', \')), pl.name) as name_displayed');
$query->from('supply_order_detail', 's');
$query->innerjoin('product_lang', 'pl', 'pl.id_product = s.id_product AND pl.id_lang = '.$id_lang);
$query->leftjoin('product', 'p', 'p.id_product = s.id_product');
$query->leftjoin('product_attribute_combination', 'pac', 'pac.id_product_attribute = s.id_product_attribute');
$query->leftjoin('attribute', 'atr', 'atr.id_attribute = pac.id_attribute');
$query->leftjoin('attribute_lang', 'al', 'al.id_attribute = atr.id_attribute AND al.id_lang = '.$id_lang);
$query->leftjoin('attribute_group_lang', 'agl', 'agl.id_attribute_group = atr.id_attribute_group AND agl.id_lang = '.$id_lang);
$query->where('s.id_supply_order = '.(int)$this->id);
return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);
* Retrieves the details entries (i.e. products) collection for the current order
* @return PrestaShopCollection Collection of SupplyOrderDetail
public function getEntriesCollection()
$details = new PrestaShopCollection('SupplyOrderDetail');
$details->where('id_supply_order', '=', $this->id);
return $details;
* Check if the order has entries
* @return bool Has/Has not
public function hasEntries()
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order_detail', 's');
$query->where('s.id_supply_order = '.(int)$this->id);
return (Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query) > 0);
* Check if the current state allows to edit the current order
* @return bool
public function isEditable()
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order_state', 's');
$query->where('s.id_supply_order_state = '.(int)$this->id_supply_order_state);
return (Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query) == 1);
* Checks if the current state allows to generate a delivery note for this order
* @return bool
public function isDeliveryNoteAvailable()
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order_state', 's');
$query->where('s.id_supply_order_state = '.(int)$this->id_supply_order_state);
return (Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query) == 1);
* Checks if the current state allows to add products in stock
* @return bool
public function isInReceiptState()
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order_state', 's');
$query->where('s.id_supply_order_state = '.(int)$this->id_supply_order_state);
return (Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query) == 1);
* Historizes the order : its id, its state, and the employee responsible for the current action
protected function addHistory()
$context = Context::getContext();
$history = new SupplyOrderHistory();
$history->id_supply_order = $this->id;
$history->id_state = $this->id_supply_order_state;
$history->id_employee = (int)$context->employee->id;
$history->employee_firstname = pSQL($context->employee->firstname);
$history->employee_lastname = pSQL($context->employee->lastname);
* Removes all products from the order
public function resetProducts()
$products = $this->getEntriesCollection();
foreach ($products as $p) {
* For a given $id_warehouse, tells if it has pending supply orders
* @param int $id_warehouse
* @return bool
public static function warehouseHasPendingOrders($id_warehouse)
if (!$id_warehouse) {
return false;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('COUNT(so.id_supply_order) as supply_orders');
$query->from('supply_order', 'so');
$query->leftJoin('supply_order_state', 'sos', 'so.id_supply_order_state = sos.id_supply_order_state');
$query->where('sos.enclosed != 1');
$query->where('so.id_warehouse = '.(int)$id_warehouse);
$res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
return ($res > 0);
* For a given $id_supplier, tells if it has pending supply orders
* @param int $id_supplier Id Supplier
* @return bool
public static function supplierHasPendingOrders($id_supplier)
if (!$id_supplier) {
return false;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('COUNT(so.id_supply_order) as supply_orders');
$query->from('supply_order', 'so');
$query->leftJoin('supply_order_state', 'sos', 'so.id_supply_order_state = sos.id_supply_order_state');
$query->where('sos.enclosed != 1');
$query->where('so.id_supplier = '.(int)$id_supplier);
$res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
return ($res > 0);
* For a given id or reference, tells if the supply order exists
* @param int|string $match Either the reference of the order, or the Id of the order
* @return int SupplyOrder Id
public static function exists($match)
if (!$match) {
return false;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order', 'so');
$query->where('so.id_supply_order = '.(int)$match.' OR so.reference = "'.pSQL($match).'"');
$res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
return ((int)$res);
* For a given reference, returns the corresponding supply order
* @param string $reference Reference of the order
* @return bool|SupplyOrder
public static function getSupplyOrderByReference($reference)
if (!$reference) {
return false;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order', 'so');
$query->where('so.reference = "'.pSQL($reference).'"');
$id_supply_order = (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
if (!$id_supply_order) {
return false;
$supply_order = new SupplyOrder($id_supply_order);
return $supply_order;
* @see ObjectModel::hydrate()
public function hydrate(array $data, $id_lang = null)
$this->id_lang = $id_lang;
if (isset($data[$this->def['primary']])) {
$this->id = $data[$this->def['primary']];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this)) {
// formats prices and floats
if ($this->def['fields'][$key]['validate'] == 'isFloat' ||
$this->def['fields'][$key]['validate'] == 'isPrice') {
$value = Tools::ps_round($value, 6);
$this->$key = $value;
* Gets the reference of a given order
* @param int $id_supply_order
* @return bool|string
public static function getReferenceById($id_supply_order)
if (!$id_supply_order) {
return false;
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->from('supply_order', 'so');
$query->where('so.id_supply_order = '.(int)$id_supply_order);
$ref = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
return (pSQL($ref));
public function getAllExpectedQuantity()
return Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT SUM(`quantity_expected`)
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'supply_order_detail`
WHERE `id_supply_order` = '.(int)$this->id
public function getAllReceivedQuantity()
return Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT SUM(`quantity_received`)
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'supply_order_detail`
WHERE `id_supply_order` = '.(int)$this->id
public function getAllPendingQuantity()
return Db::getInstance()->getValue('
SELECT (SUM(`quantity_expected`) - SUM(`quantity_received`))
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'supply_order_detail`
WHERE `id_supply_order` = '.(int)$this->id
* Webservices Specific Methods
* Webservice : gets the ids supply_order_detail associated to this order
* @return array
public function getWsSupplyOrderDetails()
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('sod.id_supply_order_detail as id, sod.id_product,
sod.name as product_name, supplier_reference');
$query->from('supply_order_detail', 'sod');
$query->where('id_supply_order = '.(int)$this->id);
return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query);