529 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
529 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class DashGoals extends Module
protected static $month_labels = array();
protected static $types = array('traffic', 'conversion', 'avg_cart_value');
protected static $real_color = array('#9E5BA1', '#00A89C', '#3AC4ED', '#F99031');
protected static $more_color = array('#803E84', '#008E7E', '#20B2E7', '#F66E1B');
protected static $less_color = array('#BC77BE', '#00C2BB', '#51D6F2', '#FBB244');
public function __construct()
$this->name = 'dashgoals';
$this->tab = 'dashboard';
$this->version = '0.7.0';
$this->author = 'PrestaShop';
$this->displayName = $this->l('Dashboard Goals');
$this->description = $this->l('Adds a block with your store\'s forecast.');
$this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_);
Dashgoals::$month_labels = array(
'01' => $this->l('January'),
'02' => $this->l('February'),
'03' => $this->l('March'),
'04' => $this->l('April'),
'05' => $this->l('May'),
'06' => $this->l('June'),
'07' => $this->l('July'),
'08' => $this->l('August'),
'09' => $this->l('September'),
'10' => $this->l('October'),
'11' => $this->l('November'),
'12' => $this->l('December')
public function install()
Configuration::updateValue('PS_DASHGOALS_CURRENT_YEAR', date('Y'));
for ($month = '01'; $month <= 12; $month = sprintf('%02d', $month + 1))
$key = Tools::strtoupper('dashgoals_traffic_'.$month.'_'.date('Y'));
if (!ConfigurationKPI::get($key))
ConfigurationKPI::updateValue($key, 600);
$key = Tools::strtoupper('dashgoals_conversion_'.$month.'_'.date('Y'));
if (!ConfigurationKPI::get($key))
ConfigurationKPI::updateValue($key, 2);
$key = Tools::strtoupper('dashgoals_avg_cart_value_'.$month.'_'.date('Y'));
if (!ConfigurationKPI::get($key))
ConfigurationKPI::updateValue($key, 80);
// Prepare tab
$tab = new Tab();
$tab->active = 1;
$tab->class_name = 'AdminDashgoals';
$tab->name = array();
foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang)
$tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = 'Dashgoals';
$tab->id_parent = -1;
$tab->module = $this->name;
return (
&& parent::install()
&& $this->registerHook('dashboardZoneTwo')
&& $this->registerHook('dashboardData')
&& $this->registerHook('actionAdminControllerSetMedia')
public function uninstall()
$id_tab = (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminDashgoals');
if ($id_tab)
$tab = new Tab($id_tab);
return parent::uninstall();
public function hookActionAdminControllerSetMedia()
if (get_class($this->context->controller) == 'AdminDashboardController')
public function setMonths($year)
$months = array();
for ($i = '01'; $i <= 12; $i = sprintf('%02d', $i + 1))
$months[$i.'_'.$year] = array('label' => Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i], 'values' => array());
foreach (Dashgoals::$types as $type)
foreach ($months as $month => &$month_row)
$key = 'dashgoals_'.$type.'_'.$month;
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitDashGoals'))
ConfigurationKPI::updateValue(Tools::strtoupper($key), (float)Tools::getValue($key));
$month_row['values'][$type] = ConfigurationKPI::get(Tools::strtoupper($key));
return $months;
public function hookDashboardZoneTwo($params)
$year = Configuration::get('PS_DASHGOALS_CURRENT_YEAR');
$months = $this->setMonths($year);
'colors' => self::$real_color,
'currency' => $this->context->currency,
'goals_year' => $year,
'goals_months' => $months,
'dashgoals_ajax_link' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminDashgoals')
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'dashboard_zone_two.tpl');
public function hookDashboardData($params)
$year = ((isset($params['extra']) && $params['extra'] > 1970 && $params['extra'] < 2999) ? $params['extra'] : Configuration::get('PS_DASHGOALS_CURRENT_YEAR'));
return array('data_chart' => array('dash_goals_chart1' => $this->getChartData($year)));
protected function fakeConfigurationKPI_get($key)
$start = array(
'TRAFFIC' => 3000,
if (preg_match('/^DASHGOALS_([A-Z_]+)_([0-9]{2})/', $key, $matches))
if ($matches[1] == 'TRAFFIC')
return $start[$matches[1]] * (1 + ($matches[2] - 1) / 10);
return $start[$matches[1]];
public function getChartData($year)
// There are stream types (different charts) and for each types there are 3 available zones (one color for the goal, one if you over perform and one if you under perfom)
$stream_types = array(
array('type' => 'traffic', 'title' => $this->l('Traffic'), 'unit_text' => $this->l('visits')),
array('type' => 'conversion', 'title' => $this->l('Conversion'), 'unit_text' => ''),
array('type' => 'avg_cart_value', 'title' => $this->l('Average cart value'), 'unit_text' => ''),
array('type' => 'sales', 'title' => $this->l('Sales'), 'unit_text' => '')
$stream_zones = array(
array('zone' => 'real', 'text' => ''),
array('zone' => 'more', 'text' => $this->l('Goal exceeded')),
array('zone' => 'less', 'text' => $this->l('Goal not reached'))
// We initialize all the streams types for all the zones
$streams = array();
$average_goals = array();
foreach ($stream_types as $key => $stream_type)
$streams[$stream_type['type']] = array();
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams[$stream_type['type']][$stream_zone['zone']] = array(
'key' => $stream_type['type'].'_'.$stream_zone['zone'],
'title' => $stream_type['title'],
'unit_text' => $stream_type['unit_text'],
'zone_text' => $stream_zone['text'],
'color' => ($stream_zone['zone'] == 'more' ? self::$more_color[$key] : ($stream_zone['zone'] == 'less' ? self::$less_color[$key] : self::$real_color[$key])),
'values' => array(),
'disabled' => (isset($stream_type['type']) && $stream_type['type'] == 'sales') ? false : true
if (isset($stream_type['type']))
$average_goals[$stream_type['type']] = 0;
if (Configuration::get('PS_DASHBOARD_SIMULATION'))
$visits = $orders = $sales = array();
$from = strtotime(date('Y-01-01 00:00:00'));
$to = strtotime(date('Y-12-31 00:00:00'));
for ($date = $from; $date <= $to; $date = strtotime('+1 day', $date))
$visits[$date] = round(rand(2000, 5000));
$orders[$date] = round(rand(40, 100));
$sales[$date] = round(rand(3000, 9000), 2);
// We need to calculate the average value of each goals for the year, this will be the base rate for "100%"
for ($i = '01'; $i <= 12; $i = sprintf('%02d', $i + 1))
$average_goals['traffic'] += $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_TRAFFIC_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$average_goals['conversion'] += $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_CONVERSION_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$average_goals['avg_cart_value'] += $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_AVG_CART_VALUE_'.$i.'_'.$year);
foreach ($average_goals as &$average_goal)
$average_goal /= 12;
$average_goals['sales'] = $average_goals['traffic'] * $average_goals['conversion'] / 100 * $average_goals['avg_cart_value'];
// Now we can calculate the value for every months
for ($i = '01'; $i <= 12; $i = sprintf('%02d', $i + 1))
$timestamp = strtotime($year.'-'.$i.'-01');
$month_goal = $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_TRAFFIC_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = (isset($visits[$timestamp]) ? $visits[$timestamp] : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['traffic'], $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['traffic'] = $value;
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = $month_goal;
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['traffic'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['traffic'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
if ($value == 0)
$streams['traffic']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['traffic'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
$month_goal = $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_CONVERSION_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = 100 * ((isset($visits[$timestamp]) && $visits[$timestamp] && isset($orders[$timestamp]) && $orders[$timestamp]) ? ($orders[$timestamp] / $visits[$timestamp]) : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['conversion'], $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['conversion'] = round($value, 2);
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = round($month_goal, 2);
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['conversion'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['conversion'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
if ($value == 0)
$streams['conversion']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['conversion'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
$month_goal = $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_AVG_CART_VALUE_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = ((isset($orders[$timestamp]) && $orders[$timestamp] && isset($sales[$timestamp]) && $sales[$timestamp]) ? ($sales[$timestamp] / $orders[$timestamp]) : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['avg_cart_value'], $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['avg_cart_value'] = $value;
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = $month_goal;
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['avg_cart_value'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['avg_cart_value'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
if ($value == 0)
$streams['avg_cart_value']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['avg_cart_value'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
$month_goal = $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_TRAFFIC_'.$i.'_'.$year) * $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_CONVERSION_'.$i.'_'.$year) / 100 * $this->fakeConfigurationKPI_get('DASHGOALS_AVG_CART_VALUE_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = (isset($sales[$timestamp]) ? $sales[$timestamp] : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['sales'], $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['sales'] = $value;
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = $month_goal;
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['sales'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['sales'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
if ($value == 0)
$streams['sales']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['sales'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
// Retrieve gross data from AdminStatsController
$visits = AdminStatsController::getVisits(false, $year.date('-01-01'), $year.date('-12-31'), 'month');
$orders = AdminStatsController::getOrders($year.date('-01-01'), $year.date('-12-31'), 'month');
$sales = AdminStatsController::getTotalSales($year.date('-01-01'), $year.date('-12-31'), 'month');
// We need to calculate the average value of each goals for the year, this will be the base rate for "100%"
for ($i = '01'; $i <= 12; $i = sprintf('%02d', $i + 1))
$average_goals['traffic'] += ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_TRAFFIC_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$average_goals['conversion'] += ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_CONVERSION_'.$i.'_'.$year) / 100;
$average_goals['avg_cart_value'] += ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_AVG_CART_VALUE_'.$i.'_'.$year);
foreach ($average_goals as &$average_goal)
$average_goal /= 12;
$average_goals['sales'] = $average_goals['traffic'] * $average_goals['conversion'] * $average_goals['avg_cart_value'];
// Now we can calculate the value for every months
for ($i = '01'; $i <= 12; $i = sprintf('%02d', $i + 1))
$timestamp = strtotime($year.'-'.$i.'-01');
$month_goal = ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_TRAFFIC_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = (isset($visits[$timestamp]) ? $visits[$timestamp] : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['traffic'], $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['traffic'] = $value;
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = $month_goal;
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['traffic'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['traffic'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
if ($value == 0)
$streams['traffic']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['traffic'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
$month_goal = ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_CONVERSION_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = 100 * ((isset($visits[$timestamp]) && $visits[$timestamp] && isset($orders[$timestamp]) && $orders[$timestamp]) ? ($orders[$timestamp] / $visits[$timestamp]) : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['conversion'] * 100, $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['conversion'] = round($value, 2);
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = round($month_goal, 2);
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['conversion'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['conversion'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
if ($value == 0)
$streams['conversion']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['conversion'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
$month_goal = ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_AVG_CART_VALUE_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = ((isset($orders[$timestamp]) && $orders[$timestamp] && isset($sales[$timestamp]) && $sales[$timestamp]) ? ($sales[$timestamp] / $orders[$timestamp]) : 0);
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['avg_cart_value'], $month_goal, $value, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['avg_cart_value'] = $value;
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = $month_goal;
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['avg_cart_value'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['avg_cart_value'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
if ($value == 0)
$streams['avg_cart_value']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['avg_cart_value'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
$month_goal = ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_TRAFFIC_'.$i.'_'.$year) * ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_CONVERSION_'.$i.'_'.$year) / 100 * ConfigurationKPI::get('DASHGOALS_AVG_CART_VALUE_'.$i.'_'.$year);
$value = (isset($sales[$timestamp]) && $sales[$timestamp]) ? $sales[$timestamp] : 0;
$stream_values = $this->getValuesFromGoals($average_goals['sales'], $month_goal, isset($sales[$timestamp]) ? $sales[$timestamp] : 0, Dashgoals::$month_labels[$i]);
$goal_diff = $value - $month_goal;
$stream_values['real']['sales'] = $value;
$stream_values['real']['goal'] = $month_goal;
if ($value > 0)
$stream_values['real']['goal_diff'] = round(($goal_diff * 100) / ($month_goal > 0 ? $month_goal : 1), 2);
$stream_values['less']['sales'] = $value;
$stream_values['more']['sales'] = $value;
if ($value > 0 && $value < $month_goal)
$stream_values['less']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
elseif ($value > 0)
$stream_values['more']['goal_diff'] = $goal_diff;
if ($value == 0)
$streams['sales']['less']['zone_text'] = $this->l('Goal set:');
$stream_values['less']['goal'] = $month_goal;
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$streams['sales'][$stream_zone['zone']]['values'][] = $stream_values[$stream_zone['zone']];
// Merge all the streams before sending
$all_streams = array();
foreach ($stream_types as $stream_type)
foreach ($stream_zones as $stream_zone)
$all_streams[] = $streams[$stream_type['type']][$stream_zone['zone']];
return array('chart_type' => 'bar_chart_goals', 'data' => $all_streams);
protected function getValuesFromGoals($average_goal, $month_goal, $value, $label)
// Initialize value for each zone
$stream_values = array(
'real' => array('x' => $label, 'y' => 0),
'less' => array('x' => $label, 'y' => 0),
'more' => array('x' => $label, 'y' => 0)
// Calculate the percentage of fullfilment of the goal
$fullfilment = 0;
if ($value && $month_goal)
$fullfilment = round($value / $month_goal, 2);
// Base rate is essential here : it determines the value of the goal compared to the "100%" of the chart legend
$base_rate = 0;
if ($average_goal && $month_goal)
$base_rate = $month_goal / $average_goal;
// Fullfilment of 1 means that we performed exactly anticipated
if ($fullfilment == 1)
$stream_values['real'] = array('x' => $label, 'y' => round($base_rate, 2));
// Fullfilment lower than 1 means that we UNDER performed
elseif ($fullfilment < 1)
$stream_values['real'] = array('x' => $label, 'y' => round($fullfilment * $base_rate, 2));
$stream_values['less'] = array('x' => $label, 'y' => round($base_rate - ($fullfilment * $base_rate), 2));
// Fullfilment greater than 1 means that we OVER performed
elseif ($fullfilment > 1)
$stream_values['real'] = array('x' => $label, 'y' => round($base_rate, 2));
$stream_values['more'] = array('x' => $label, 'y' => round(($fullfilment * $base_rate) - $base_rate, 2));
return $stream_values;