339 lines
14 KiB
339 lines
14 KiB
* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
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* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class Dashtrends extends Module
protected $dashboard_data;
protected $dashboard_data_compare;
protected $dashboard_data_sum;
protected $dashboard_data_sum_compare;
protected $data_trends;
public function __construct()
$this->name = 'dashtrends';
$this->tab = 'dashboard';
$this->version = '0.7.5';
$this->author = 'PrestaShop';
$this->push_filename = _PS_CACHE_DIR_.'push/trends';
$this->allow_push = true;
$this->displayName = $this->l('Dashboard Trends');
$this->description = $this->l('Adds a block with a graphical representation of the development of your store(s) based on selected key data.');
$this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_);
public function install()
return (parent::install()
&& $this->registerHook('dashboardZoneTwo')
&& $this->registerHook('dashboardData')
&& $this->registerHook('actionAdminControllerSetMedia')
&& $this->registerHook('actionOrderStatusPostUpdate')
public function hookActionAdminControllerSetMedia()
if (get_class($this->context->controller) == 'AdminDashboardController')
public function hookDashboardZoneTwo($params)
'currency' => $this->context->currency
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'dashboard_zone_two.tpl');
protected function getData($date_from, $date_to)
// We need the following figures to calculate our stats
$tmp_data = array(
'visits' => array(),
'orders' => array(),
'total_paid_tax_excl' => array(),
'total_purchases' => array(),
'total_expenses' => array()
if (Configuration::get('PS_DASHBOARD_SIMULATION'))
$from = strtotime($date_from.' 00:00:00');
$to = min(time(), strtotime($date_to.' 23:59:59'));
for ($date = $from; $date <= $to; $date = strtotime('+1 day', $date))
$tmp_data['visits'][$date] = round(rand(2000, 20000));
$tmp_data['conversion_rate'][$date] = rand(80, 250) / 100;
$tmp_data['average_cart_value'][$date] = round(rand(60, 200), 2);
$tmp_data['orders'][$date] = round($tmp_data['visits'][$date] * $tmp_data['conversion_rate'][$date] / 100);
$tmp_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date] = $tmp_data['orders'][$date] * $tmp_data['average_cart_value'][$date];
$tmp_data['total_purchases'][$date] = $tmp_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date] * rand(50, 70) / 100;
$tmp_data['total_expenses'][$date] = $tmp_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date] * rand(0, 10) / 100;
$tmp_data['visits'] = AdminStatsController::getVisits(false, $date_from, $date_to, 'day');
$tmp_data['orders'] = AdminStatsController::getOrders($date_from, $date_to, 'day');
$tmp_data['total_paid_tax_excl'] = AdminStatsController::getTotalSales($date_from, $date_to, 'day');
$tmp_data['total_purchases'] = AdminStatsController::getPurchases($date_from, $date_to, 'day');
$tmp_data['total_expenses'] = AdminStatsController::getExpenses($date_from, $date_to, 'day');
return $tmp_data;
protected function refineData($date_from, $date_to, $gross_data)
$refined_data = array(
'sales' => array(),
'orders' => array(),
'average_cart_value' => array(),
'visits' => array(),
'conversion_rate' => array(),
'net_profits' => array()
$from = strtotime($date_from.' 00:00:00');
$to = min(time(), strtotime($date_to.' 23:59:59'));
for ($date = $from; $date <= $to; $date = strtotime('+1 day', $date))
$refined_data['sales'][$date] = 0;
if (isset($gross_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date]))
$refined_data['sales'][$date] += $gross_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date];
$refined_data['orders'][$date] = isset($gross_data['orders'][$date]) ? $gross_data['orders'][$date] : 0;
$refined_data['average_cart_value'][$date] = $refined_data['orders'][$date] ? $refined_data['sales'][$date] / $refined_data['orders'][$date] : 0;
$refined_data['visits'][$date] = isset($gross_data['visits'][$date]) ? $gross_data['visits'][$date] : 0;
$refined_data['conversion_rate'][$date] = $refined_data['visits'][$date] ? $refined_data['orders'][$date] / $refined_data['visits'][$date] : 0;
$refined_data['net_profits'][$date] = 0;
if (isset($gross_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date]))
$refined_data['net_profits'][$date] += $gross_data['total_paid_tax_excl'][$date];
if (isset($gross_data['total_purchases'][$date]))
$refined_data['net_profits'][$date] -= $gross_data['total_purchases'][$date];
if (isset($gross_data['total_expenses'][$date]))
$refined_data['net_profits'][$date] -= $gross_data['total_expenses'][$date];
return $refined_data;
protected function addupData($data)
$summing = array(
'sales' => 0,
'orders' => 0,
'average_cart_value' => 0,
'visits' => 0,
'conversion_rate' => 0,
'net_profits' => 0
$summing['sales'] = array_sum($data['sales']);
$summing['orders'] = array_sum($data['orders']);
$summing['average_cart_value'] = $summing['sales'] ? $summing['sales'] / $summing['orders'] : 0;
$summing['visits'] = array_sum($data['visits']);
$summing['conversion_rate'] = $summing['visits'] ? $summing['orders'] / $summing['visits'] : 0;
$summing['net_profits'] = array_sum($data['net_profits']);
return $summing;
protected function compareData($data1, $data2)
return array(
'sales_score_trends' => array(
'way' => ($data1['sales'] == $data2['sales'] ? 'right' : ($data1['sales'] > $data2['sales'] ? 'up' : 'down')),
'value' => ($data1['sales'] > $data2['sales'] ? '+' : '').($data2['sales'] ? round(100 * $data1['sales'] / $data2['sales'] - 100, 2).'%' : '∞')
'orders_score_trends' => array(
'way' => ($data1['orders'] == $data2['orders'] ? 'right' : ($data1['orders'] > $data2['orders'] ? 'up' : 'down')),
'value' => ($data1['orders'] > $data2['orders'] ? '+' : '').($data2['orders'] ? round(100 * $data1['orders'] / $data2['orders'] - 100, 2).'%' : '∞')
'cart_value_score_trends' => array(
'way' => ($data1['average_cart_value'] == $data2['average_cart_value'] ? 'right' : ($data1['average_cart_value'] > $data2['average_cart_value'] ? 'up' : 'down')),
'value' => ($data1['average_cart_value'] > $data2['average_cart_value'] ? '+' : '').($data2['average_cart_value'] ? round(100 * $data1['average_cart_value'] / $data2['average_cart_value'] - 100, 2).'%' : '∞')
'visits_score_trends' => array(
'way' => ($data1['visits'] == $data2['visits'] ? 'right' : ($data1['visits'] > $data2['visits'] ? 'up' : 'down')),
'value' => ($data1['visits'] > $data2['visits'] ? '+' : '').($data2['visits'] ? round(100 * $data1['visits'] / $data2['visits'] - 100, 2).'%' : '∞')
'conversion_rate_score_trends' => array(
'way' => ($data1['conversion_rate'] == $data2['conversion_rate'] ? 'right' : ($data1['conversion_rate'] > $data2['conversion_rate'] ? 'up' : 'down')),
'value' => ($data1['conversion_rate'] > $data2['conversion_rate'] ? '+' : '') . ($data2['conversion_rate'] ? sprintf($this->l('%s points'), round(100 * ($data1['conversion_rate'] - $data2['conversion_rate']), 2)) : '∞')
'net_profits_score_trends' => array(
'way' => ($data1['net_profits'] == $data2['net_profits'] ? 'right' : ($data1['net_profits'] > $data2['net_profits'] ? 'up' : 'down')),
'value' => ($data1['net_profits'] > $data2['net_profits'] ? '+' : '').($data2['net_profits'] ? round(100 * $data1['net_profits'] / $data2['net_profits'] - 100, 2).'%' : '∞')
public function hookDashboardData($params)
// Artificially remove the decimals in order to get a cleaner Dashboard
$currency = clone $this->context->currency;
$currency->decimals = 0;
// Retrieve, refine and add up data for the selected period
$tmp_data = $this->getData($params['date_from'], $params['date_to']);
$this->dashboard_data = $this->refineData($params['date_from'], $params['date_to'], $tmp_data);
$this->dashboard_data_sum = $this->addupData($this->dashboard_data);
if ($params['compare_from'] && $params['compare_from'] != '0000-00-00')
// Retrieve, refine and add up data for the comparison period
$tmp_data_compare = $this->getData($params['compare_from'], $params['compare_to']);
$this->dashboard_data_compare = $this->refineData($params['compare_from'], $params['compare_to'], $tmp_data_compare);
$this->dashboard_data_sum_compare = $this->addupData($this->dashboard_data_compare);
$this->data_trends = $this->compareData($this->dashboard_data_sum, $this->dashboard_data_sum_compare);
$this->dashboard_data_compare = $this->translateCompareData($this->dashboard_data, $this->dashboard_data_compare);
return array(
'data_value' => array(
'sales_score' => Tools::displayPrice(round($this->dashboard_data_sum['sales']), $currency),
'orders_score' => Tools::displayNumber($this->dashboard_data_sum['orders'], $currency),
'cart_value_score' => Tools::displayPrice($this->dashboard_data_sum['average_cart_value'], $currency),
'visits_score' => Tools::displayNumber($this->dashboard_data_sum['visits'], $currency),
'conversion_rate_score' => round(100 * $this->dashboard_data_sum['conversion_rate'], 2).'%',
'net_profits_score' => Tools::displayPrice(round($this->dashboard_data_sum['net_profits']), $currency),
'data_trends' => $this->data_trends,
'data_chart' => array('dash_trends_chart1' => $this->getChartTrends()),
protected function translateCompareData($normal, $compare)
$translated_array = array();
foreach ($compare as $key => $date_array)
$normal_min = key($normal[$key]);
end($normal[$key]); // move the internal pointer to the end of the array
$normal_max = key($normal[$key]);
$normal_size = $normal_max - $normal_min;
$compare_min = key($compare[$key]);
end($compare[$key]); // move the internal pointer to the end of the array
$compare_max = key($compare[$key]);
$compare_size = $compare_max - $compare_min;
$translated_array[$key] = array();
foreach ($date_array as $compare_date => $value)
$translation = $normal_min + ($compare_date - $compare_min) * ($normal_size / $compare_size);
$translated_array[$key][number_format($translation, 0, '', '')] = $value;
return $translated_array;
public function getChartTrends()
$chart_data = array();
$chart_data_compare = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->dashboard_data) as $chart_key)
$chart_data[$chart_key] = $chart_data_compare[$chart_key] = array();
if (!$count = count($this->dashboard_data[$chart_key]))
// We calibrate 100% to the mean
$calibration = array_sum($this->dashboard_data[$chart_key]) / $count;
foreach ($this->dashboard_data[$chart_key] as $key => $value)
$chart_data[$chart_key][] = array($key, $value);
// min(10) is there to limit the growth to 1000%, beyond this limit it becomes unreadable
//$chart_data[$chart_key][] = array(1000 * $key, $calibration ? min(10, $value / $calibration) : 0);
if ($this->dashboard_data_compare)
foreach ($this->dashboard_data_compare[$chart_key] as $key => $value)
$chart_data_compare[$chart_key][] = array($key, $value);
// min(10) is there to limit the growth to 1000%, beyond this limit it becomes unreadable
/*$chart_data_compare[$chart_key][] = array(
1000 * $key,
$calibration ? min(10, $value / $calibration) : 0
$charts = array(
'sales' => $this->l('Sales'),
'orders' => $this->l('Orders'),
'average_cart_value' => $this->l('Average Cart Value'),
'visits' => $this->l('Visits'),
'conversion_rate' => $this->l('Conversion Rate'),
'net_profits' => $this->l('Net Profit')
$gfx_color = array('#1777B6','#2CA121','#E61409','#FF7F00','#6B399C','#B3591F');
$gfx_color_compare = array('#A5CEE4','#B1E086','#FD9997','#FFC068','#CAB1D7','#D2A689');
$i = 0;
$data = array('chart_type' => 'line_chart_trends', 'date_format' => $this->context->language->date_format_lite, 'data' => array());
foreach ($charts as $key => $title)
$data['data'][] = array(
'id' => $key,
'key' => $title,
'color' => $gfx_color[$i],
'values' => $chart_data[$key],
'disabled' => ($key == 'sales' ? false : true)
if ($this->dashboard_data_compare)
$data['data'][] = array(
'id' => $key.'_compare',
'color' => $gfx_color_compare[$i],
'key' => sprintf($this->l('%s (previous period)'), $title),
'values' => $chart_data_compare[$key],
'disabled' => ($key == 'sales' ? false : true)
return $data;
public function hookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate($params)