2016-02-09 10:18:17 +01:00
< ? php
* 2012 - 2015 NetReviews
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License ( AFL 3.0 )
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// opensource . org / licenses / afl - 3.0 . php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ prestashop . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future . If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http :// www . prestashop . com for more information .
* @ author NetReviews SAS < contact @ avis - verifies . com >
* @ copyright 2015 NetReviews SAS
* @ version Release : $Revision : 7.1 . 4
* @ license NetReviews
* @ date 25 / 08 / 2015
* International Registered Trademark & Property of NetReviews SAS
if ( ! defined ( '_PS_VERSION_' )) {
exit ;
require_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'netreviews/models/NetReviewsModel.php' ;
class NetReviews extends Module
public $_html = null ;
public $iso_lang = null ;
public $id_lang = null ;
public $group_name = null ;
public $stats_product ;
public function __construct ()
$this -> name = 'netreviews' ;
$this -> tab = 'advertising_marketing' ;
$this -> version = '7.1.4' ;
$this -> author = 'NetReviews' ;
$this -> need_instance = 0 ;
parent :: __construct ();
$this -> displayName = $this -> l ( 'Verified Reviews' );
$this -> description = $this -> l ( 'Collect service and product reviews with Verified Reviews. Display reviews on your shop and win the trust of your visitors, to increase your revenue.' );
$this -> module_key = 'd63d28acbac0a249ec17b6394ac5a841' ;
if ( self :: isInstalled ( $this -> name )) {
$this -> id_lang = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' );
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> confirmUninstall = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Are you sure you want to uninstall %s module?' ), $this -> displayName );
$this -> initContext ();
* Don ' t forget to create update methods if needed :
* http :// doc . prestashop . com / display / PS16 / Enabling + the + Auto - Update
public function install ()
// Create PS configuration variable
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET' , '0' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' , '0' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_PROCESSINIT' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_ORDERSTATESCHOOSEN' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DELAY' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_GETPRODREVIEWS' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CSVFILENAME' , 'Export_NetReviews_01-01-1970-default.csv' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_FORBIDDEN_EMAIL' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CODE_LANG' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DISPLAYGOOGLESNIPPET' , '0' );
if ( ! ( $query = include dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/sql/install.php' )) {
$this -> context -> controller -> errors [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'SQL ERROR : %s | Query can\'t be executed. Maybe, check SQL user permissions.' ), $query );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
return parent :: install ()
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'productTabContent' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'productTab' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'extraRight' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'extraLeft' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'rightColumn' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'leftColumn' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'header' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'footer' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'newOrder' );
} else {
return parent :: install ()
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayProductTabContent' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayProductTab' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayRightColumnProduct' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayLeftColumnProduct' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayHeader' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayFooter' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayRightColumn' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'displayLeftColumn' )
&& $this -> registerHook ( 'actionValidateOrder' );
public function uninstall ()
//Uninstall NetReviews configurations variable
$sql = 'SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration where name like 'AV_%' " ;
if ( $results = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( $sql )) {
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
Configuration :: deleteByName ( $row [ 'name' ]);
//Uninstall NetReviews Database
if ( ! ( $query = include dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/sql/uninstall.php' )) {
$this -> context -> controller -> errors [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'SQL ERROR : %s | Query can\'t be executed. Maybe, check SQL user permissions.' ), $query );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
return parent :: uninstall ()
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'productTabContent' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'productTab' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'extraRight' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'extraLeft' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'rightColumn' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'leftColumn' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'header' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'footer' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'newOrder' );
} else {
return parent :: uninstall ()
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayProductTabContent' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayProductTab' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayRightColumnProduct' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayLeftColumnProduct' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayHeader' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayFooter' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayRightColumn' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'displayLeftColumn' )
&& $this -> unregisterHook ( 'actionValidateOrder' );
* Load the configuration form
public function getContent ()
global $currentIndex ;
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
Tools :: addCSS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-back.css' , 'all' );
} else {
$this -> context -> controller -> addCSS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-back.css' , 'all' );
if ( ! empty ( $_POST )) {
$this -> postProcess ();
// There are 3 kinds of shop context : shop, group shop and general
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 &&
( Shop :: getContext () == Shop :: CONTEXT_ALL || Shop :: getContext () == Shop :: CONTEXT_GROUP )) {
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayError ( $this -> l ( 'Multistore feature is enabled. Please choose above the store to configure.' ));
return $this -> _html ;
$o_av = new NetReviewsModel ();
$nb_reviews = $o_av -> getTotalReviews ();
$nb_reviews_average = $o_av -> getTotalReviewsAverage ();
$nb_orders = $o_av -> getTotalOrders ();
$current_avisverifies_idwebsite = array ();
$current_avisverifies_clesecrete = array ();
$order_statut_list = OrderState :: getOrderStates (( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ));
$current_avisverifies_idwebsite [ 'root' ] = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' );
$current_avisverifies_clesecrete [ 'root' ] = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' );
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( true );
foreach ( $languages as $lang ) {
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $lang [ 'iso_code' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $this -> group_name )) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$current_avisverifies_idwebsite [ $lang [ 'iso_code' ]] = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$current_avisverifies_clesecrete [ $lang [ 'iso_code' ]] = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
} else {
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name , '' );
$current_avisverifies_idwebsite [ $lang [ 'iso_code' ]] = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name );
$current_avisverifies_clesecrete [ $lang [ 'iso_code' ]] = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
$current_avisverifies_idwebsite [ $lang [ 'iso_code' ]] = '' ;
$current_avisverifies_clesecrete [ $lang [ 'iso_code' ]] = '' ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'current_avisverifies_urlapi' => Configuration :: get ( 'AV_URLAPI' ),
'current_lightwidget_checked' => Configuration :: get ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET' ),
'current_multilingue_checked' => Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ),
'current_displaygooglesnippet_checked' => Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYGOOGLESNIPPET' ),
'current_avisverifies_idwebsite' => $current_avisverifies_idwebsite ,
'current_avisverifies_clesecrete' => $current_avisverifies_clesecrete ,
'version' => $this -> version ,
'order_statut_list' => $order_statut_list ,
'languages' => $languages ,
'debug_nb_reviews' => $nb_reviews [ 'nb_reviews' ],
'debug_nb_reviews_average' => $nb_reviews_average [ 'nb_reviews_average' ],
'debug_nb_orders_flagged' => $nb_orders [ 'flagged' ][ 'nb' ],
'debug_nb_orders_not_flagged' => $nb_orders [ 'not_flagged' ][ 'nb' ],
'debug_nb_orders_all' => $nb_orders [ 'all' ][ 'nb' ],
'av_path' => $this -> _path ,
'shop_name' => $this -> context -> shop -> name ,
'url_back' => Tools :: safeOutput ( $currentIndex . '&configure=' . $this -> name . '&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' ))
$this -> _html .= $this -> display ( __FILE__ , '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-backoffice.tpl' );
return $this -> _html ;
* Save configuration form .
private function postProcess ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submit_export' )) {
try {
$o_av = new NetReviewsModel ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
//Do not use simple quote for \r\n
$header_colums = 'id_order;order_amount;email;lastname;firstname;date_order;delay;id_product;category;description;product_url;image_product_url;id_order_state;iso_lang;id_shop' . " \r \n " ;
$return_export = $o_av -> export ( $header_colums , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
} else {
//Do not use simple quote for \r\n
$header_colums = 'id_order;order_amount;email;lastname;firstname;date_order;delay;id_product;category;description;product_url;image_product_url;id_order_state;iso_lang' . " \r \n " ;
$return_export = $o_av -> export ( $header_colums );
if ( file_exists ( $return_export [ 2 ])) {
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayConfirmation ( sprintf ( $this -> l ( '%s orders have been exported.' ), $return_export [ 1 ]) . '<a href="../modules/netreviews/Export_NetReviews_' . $return_export [ 0 ] . '"> ' . $this -> l ( 'Click here to download the file' ) . '</a>' );
} else {
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayError ( $this -> l ( 'Writing on the server is not allowed. Please assign write permissions to the folder netreviews' ) . $return_export [ 2 ]);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayError ( $e -> getMessage ());
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submit_configuration' )) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ()) != 'checked' ) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_idwebsite' ), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_clesecrete' ), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$sql = '
SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration
where ( name like 'AV_GROUP_CONF_%'
OR name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%'
OR name like 'AV_CLESECRETE_%' )
AND id_shop = " . $this->context ->shop->getContextShopID(). "
" ;
} else {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) != 'checked' ) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_idwebsite' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_clesecrete' ));
$sql = '
SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration
where name like 'AV_GROUP_CONF_%'
OR name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%'
OR name like 'AV_CLESECRETE_%'
" ;
if ( $results = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( $sql )) {
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
Configuration :: deleteByName ( $row [ 'name' ]);
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( true );
$this -> setIdConfigurationGroup ( $languages );
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayConfirmation ( $this -> l ( 'The informations have been registered' ));
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submit_advanced' )) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_lightwidget' ), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_multilingue' ), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DISPLAYGOOGLESNIPPET' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_displaygooglesnippet' ), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
} else {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_lightwidget' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_multilingue' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DISPLAYGOOGLESNIPPET' , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_displaygooglesnippet' ));
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayConfirmation ( $this -> l ( 'The informations have been registered' ));
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submit_purge' )) {
$query_id_shop = " " ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
$query_id_shop = ' AND oav.id_shop = ' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ();
$query = ' SELECT oav . id_order , o . date_add as date_order , o . id_customer
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.' av_orders oav
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.' orders o
ON oav . id_order = o . id_order
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.' order_history oh
ON oh . id_order = o . id_order
WHERE ( oav . flag_get IS NULL OR oav . flag_get = 0 ) '
. $query_id_shop ;
$orders_list = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $orders_list )) {
foreach ( $orders_list as $order ) { /* Set orders as getted */
Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( 'UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' av_orders
SET horodate_get = " '.time().' " , flag_get = 1
WHERE id_order = '.(int)$order[' id_order ' ]);
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayConfirmation ( sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'The orders has been purged for %s' ), $this -> context -> shop -> name ));
} else {
$this -> _html .= $this -> displayError ( sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'No orders to purged for %s' ), $this -> context -> shop -> name ));
* Return the widget flottant code to the hook header in front office if configurated
* Case 1 : Return widget flottant code if configurated
* Case 2 : Return '' if not configurated
* @ return javascript string in hook header
public function hookHeader ()
$widget_flottant_code = '' ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
Tools :: addCSS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-front.css' , 'all' );
// If there is a specific css file for the client then load
// (to avoid the specific problems of loss contained to update the module)
if ( file_exists ( './' . ( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-front-specifique.css' )) {
Tools :: addCSS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-front-specifique.css' , 'all' );
Tools :: addJS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/js/avisverifies.js' , 'all' );
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED' . $this -> group_name ) != 'yes' ) {
return '' ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT' . $this -> group_name )) {
$widget_flottant_code .= " \n " . Tools :: stripslashes ( html_entity_decode ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT' . $this -> group_name )));
} else {
$this -> context -> controller -> addCSS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-front.css' , 'all' );
// If there is a specific css file for the client then load
// (to avoid the specific problems of loss contained to update the module)
if ( file_exists ( './' . ( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-front-specifique.css' )) {
$this -> context -> controller -> addCSS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/css/avisverifies-style-front-specifique.css' , 'all' );
$this -> context -> controller -> addJS (( $this -> _path ) . 'views/js/avisverifies.js' , 'all' );
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ()) != 'yes' ) {
return '' ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
$widget_flottant_code .= " \n " . Tools :: stripslashes ( html_entity_decode ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())));
return $widget_flottant_code ;
* Return the rich snippet code to the hook footer in front office if configurated
* Case 1 : Return rich snippet code if configurated
* Case 2 : Return '' if not configurated or if the product are no reviews
* @ return tpl string in hook footer
public function hookFooter ()
global $smarty , $cookie ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
$id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' );
if ( empty ( $id_product )) {
return '' ;
$o_av = new NetReviewsModel ();
$stats_product = ( ! isset ( $this -> stats_product ) || empty ( $this -> stats_product )) ?
$o_av -> getStatsProduct ( $id_product , $this -> group_name , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ()) :
$this -> stats_product ;
if ( $stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ] == 0 ) {
return '' ;
$lang_id = ( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id ;
if ( empty ( $lang_id )) {
$lang_id = 1 ;
$product = new Product (( int ) $id_product );
$link = new LinkCore ();
$a_image = Image :: getCover ( $id_product );
$smarty -> assign ( array (
'count_reviews' => $stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ],
'average_rate' => round ( $stats_product [ 'rate' ], 1 ),
'average_rate_percent' => $stats_product [ 'rate' ] * 20 ,
'product_name' => $this -> getProductName ( $id_product , $lang_id ),
'product_description' => $product -> description_short [ $lang_id ],
'product_price' => $product -> getPrice ( true , null , 2 ),
'product_quantity' => $product -> quantity ,
'url_image' => ! empty ( $a_image ) ? $link -> getImageLink ( $product -> link_rewrite [( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' )], $id_product . '-' . $a_image [ 'id_image' ]) : '' ,
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '>' ) && Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYGOOGLESNIPPET' ) == " checked " ) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , '/views/templates/hook/footer_av.tpl' ));
} elseif ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' ) && Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYGOOGLESNIPPET' ) == " checked " ) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , 'footer_av.tpl' ));
} else {
return '' ;
public function hookProductTab ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
$display_prod_reviews = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
$display_prod_reviews = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$o_av = new NetReviewsModel ();
$this -> stats_product = $o_av -> getStatsProduct (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' ), $this -> group_name , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( $this -> stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ] < 1 || $display_prod_reviews != 'yes' ) {
return '' ; //Si Aucun avis, on retourne vide
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array ( 'count_reviews' => $this -> stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ]));
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '>' )) {
if ( file_exists ( __FILE__ . '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab-specifique.tpl' )) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab-specifique.tpl' ));
} else {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab.tpl' ));
} elseif ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
if ( file_exists ( __FILE__ . 'avisverifies-tab-specifique.tpl' )) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , 'avisverifies-tab-specifique.tpl' ));
} else {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , 'avisverifies-tab.tpl' ));
/* WARNING : Modifications below need to be copy in ajax-load.php*/
public function hookProductTabContent ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
$display_prod_reviews = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this -> group_name );
$url_certificat = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
$display_prod_reviews = configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$url_certificat = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$shop_name = Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOP_NAME' );
$id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' );
$o_av = new NetReviewsModel ();
$stats_product = ( ! isset ( $this -> stats_product ) || empty ( $this -> stats_product )) ?
$o_av -> getStatsProduct ( $id_product , $this -> group_name , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())
: $this -> stats_product ;
2016-03-18 17:38:54 +01:00
if ( $stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ] < 1 ) {
2016-02-09 10:18:17 +01:00
return '' ; /* if no reviews, return empty */
$reviews = $o_av -> getProductReviews ( $id_product , $this -> group_name , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID (), false , 0 );
$reviews_list = array (); //Create array with all reviews data
$my_review = array (); //Create array with each reviews data
foreach ( $reviews as $review ) {
//Create variable for template engine
$my_review [ 'ref_produit' ] = $review [ 'ref_product' ];
$my_review [ 'id_product_av' ] = $review [ 'id_product_av' ];
$my_review [ 'rate' ] = $review [ 'rate' ];
$my_review [ 'avis' ] = html_entity_decode ( urldecode ( $review [ 'review' ]));
$my_review [ 'horodate' ] = date ( 'd/m/Y' , $review [ 'horodate' ]);
$my_review [ 'customer_name' ] = urldecode ( $review [ 'customer_name' ]);
$my_review [ 'discussion' ] = '' ;
$unserialized_discussion = Tools :: jsonDecode ( NetReviewsModel :: acDecodeBase64 ( $review [ 'discussion' ]), true );
if ( $unserialized_discussion ) {
foreach ( $unserialized_discussion as $k_discussion => $each_discussion ) {
$my_review [ 'discussion' ][ $k_discussion ][ 'commentaire' ] = $each_discussion [ 'commentaire' ];
$my_review [ 'discussion' ][ $k_discussion ][ 'horodate' ] = date ( 'd/m/Y' , time ( $each_discussion [ 'horodate' ]));
if ( $each_discussion [ 'origine' ] == 'ecommercant' ) {
$my_review [ 'discussion' ][ $k_discussion ][ 'origine' ] = $shop_name ;
} elseif ( $each_discussion [ 'origine' ] == 'internaute' ) {
$my_review [ 'discussion' ][ $k_discussion ][ 'origine' ] = $my_review [ 'customer_name' ];
} else {
$my_review [ 'discussion' ][ $k_discussion ][ 'origine' ] = $this -> l ( 'Moderator' );
array_push ( $reviews_list , $my_review );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
$controller = new FrontController ();
$this -> context -> controller = $controller ;
$this -> context -> controller -> pagination (( int ) $stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ]);
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'current_url' => $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ],
'id_shop' => $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID (),
'nom_group' => ( ! empty ( $this -> group_name )) ? " ' " . $this -> group_name . " ' " : null ,
'reviews' => $reviews_list ,
'count_reviews' => $stats_product [ 'nb_reviews' ],
'average_rate' => round ( $stats_product [ 'rate' ], 1 ),
'average_rate_percent' => $stats_product [ 'rate' ] * 20 ,
'is_https' => ( array_key_exists ( 'HTTPS' , $_SERVER ) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] == 'on' ? 1 : 0 ),
'url_certificat' => $url_certificat
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '>' )) {
if ( file_exists ( __FILE__ . '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab-content-specifique.tpl' )) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab-content-specifique.tpl' ));
} else {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab-content.tpl' ));
} elseif ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
if ( file_exists ( __FILE__ . 'avisverifies-tab-content-specifique.tpl' )) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , 'avisverifies-tab-content-specifique.tpl' ));
} else {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , 'avisverifies-tab-content.tpl' ));
public function hookActionValidateOrder ( $params )
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
//$process_init = Configuration::get('AV_PROCESSINIT'.$this->group_name);
$id_website = configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name );
$secret_key = configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name );
$code_lang = configuration :: get ( 'AV_CODE_LANG' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
//$process_init = Configuration::get('AV_PROCESSINIT'.$this->group_name);
$id_website = configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$secret_key = configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$code_lang = configuration :: get ( 'AV_CODE_LANG' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( empty ( $id_website ) || empty ( $secret_key )) {
return ;
$code_lang = ( ! empty ( $code_lang )) ? $code_lang : 'undef' ;
$o_order = $params [ 'order' ];
$id_order = $o_order -> id ;
if ( ! empty ( $o_order ) && ! empty ( $id_order )) {
$o_av = new NetReviewsModel ();
$o_av -> id_order = ( int ) $id_order ;
if ( ! empty ( $o_order -> id_shop )) {
$o_av -> id_shop = $o_order -> id_shop ;
$o_av -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $o_order -> id_lang ));
$o_av -> saveOrderToRequest ();
$order_total = ( $o_order -> total_paid ) ? ( 100 * $o_order -> total_paid ) : 0 ;
return " <img height='1' hspace='0'
src = '//www.netreviews.eu/index.php?action=act_order&idWebsite=$id_website&langue=$code_lang&refCommande=$id_order&montant=$order_total' /> " ;
public function hookRightColumn ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
$av_scriptfixe_allowed = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED' . $this -> group_name );
$av_scriptfixe_position = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_POSITION' . $this -> group_name );
$av_scriptfixe = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
$av_scriptfixe_allowed = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$av_scriptfixe_position = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_POSITION' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$av_scriptfixe = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( $av_scriptfixe_allowed != 'yes' || $av_scriptfixe_position != 'right' ) {
return ;
if ( $av_scriptfixe ) {
return " \n \n <div align='center'> " . Tools :: stripslashes ( html_entity_decode ( $av_scriptfixe )) . " </div><br clear='left'/><br /> " ;
public function hookLeftColumn ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
$av_scriptfixe_allowed = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED' . $this -> group_name );
$av_scriptfixe_position = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_POSITION' . $this -> group_name );
$av_scriptfixe = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
$av_scriptfixe_allowed = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$av_scriptfixe_position = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_POSITION' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$av_scriptfixe = Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( $av_scriptfixe_allowed != 'yes' || $av_scriptfixe_position != 'left' ) {
return ;
if ( $av_scriptfixe ) {
return " \n \n <div align='center'> " . Tools :: stripslashes ( html_entity_decode ( $av_scriptfixe )) . " </div><br clear='left'/><br /> " ;
public function hookExtraRight ()
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_MULTILINGUE' ) == 'checked' ) {
$this -> id_lang = $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$this -> iso_lang = pSQL ( Language :: getIsoById ( $this -> id_lang ));
$this -> group_name = $this -> getIdConfigurationGroup ( $this -> iso_lang );
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
$display_prod_reviews = configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this -> group_name );
} else {
$display_prod_reviews = configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this -> group_name , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
$id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' );
$o = new NetReviewsModel ();
$reviews = $o -> getStatsProduct ( $id_product , $this -> group_name , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
2016-03-18 17:38:54 +01:00
if ( $reviews [ 'nb_reviews' ] < 1 ) {
2016-02-09 10:18:17 +01:00
return '' ; //Si Aucun avis, on retourne vide
$percent = round ( $reviews [ 'rate' ]) * 20 ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'av_nb_reviews' => $reviews [ 'nb_reviews' ],
'av_rate' => $reviews [ 'rate' ],
'av_rate_percent' => ( $percent ) ? $percent : 100 ,
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET' ) == 'checked' ) {
$tpl = 'avisverifies-extraright-light' ;
} else {
$tpl = 'avisverifies-extraright' ;
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '>' )) {
if ( file_exists ( __FILE__ . " /views/templates/hook/ $tpl -specifique.tpl " )) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , " /views/templates/hook/ $tpl -specifique.tpl " ));
} else {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , " /views/templates/hook/ $tpl .tpl " ));
} elseif ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.5' , '<' )) {
if ( file_exists ( __FILE__ . " $tpl -specifique.tpl " )) {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , " $tpl -specifique.tpl " ));
} else {
return ( $this -> display ( __FILE__ , " $tpl .tpl " ));
* initContext for the retrocompatibility from previous versions of PS
private function initContext ()
if ( class_exists ( 'Context' )) {
$this -> context = Context :: getContext ();
} else {
global $smarty , $cookie ;
$this -> context = new StdClass ();
$this -> context -> smarty = $smarty ;
$this -> context -> cookie = $cookie ;
private function getProductName ( $id_product , $id_lang )
// creates the query
$query = ' SELECT DISTINCT pl . name as name
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.' product_lang pl
WHERE pl . id_product = '.(int)$id_product.'
AND pl . id_lang = ' . ( int ) $id_lang ;
return Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( $query );
private function getIdConfigurationGroup ( $lang_iso )
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
$sql = 'SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration where name like 'AV_GROUP_CONF_%' And id_shop = ' " . $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID () . " ' " ;
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration where name like 'AV_GROUP_CONF_%' " ;
if ( $results = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( $sql )) {
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
$vconf = unserialize ( Configuration :: get ( $row [ 'name' ], null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ()));
} else {
$vconf = unserialize ( Configuration :: get ( $row [ 'name' ]));
if ( $vconf && in_array ( $lang_iso , $vconf )) {
return '_' . Tools :: substr ( $row [ 'name' ], 14 );
private function setIdConfigurationGroup ( $languages = null , $i = 0 )
if ( empty ( $languages )) {
return ;
reset ( $languages );
$id_langue_curent = key ( $languages );
$lang = $languages [ $id_langue_curent ];
$id_website_current = Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_idwebsite_' . $lang [ 'iso_code' ]);
$cle_secrete_current = Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_clesecrete_' . $lang [ 'iso_code' ]);
if ( empty ( $id_website_current ) && empty ( $cle_secrete_current )) {
unset ( $languages [ $id_langue_curent ]);
return $this -> setIdConfigurationGroup ( $languages , $i );
} else {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
$sql = ' SELECT name
FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration
WHERE value = '".pSql($id_website_current)."'
AND name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%' And id_shop = '".$this->context->shop->getContextShopID()."' " ;
if ( $row = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( $sql )) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE_' . Tools :: substr ( $row [ 'name' ], 13 ), null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ()) != $cle_secrete_current ) {
$this -> context -> controller -> errors [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'PARAM ERROR: please check your multilingual configuration for the id_website "%s" at language "%s"' ), $id_website_current , $lang [ 'name' ]);
unset ( $languages [ $id_langue_curent ]);
return $this -> setIdConfigurationGroup ( $languages , $i );
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . " configuration WHERE value = ' " . pSql ( $id_website_current ) . " ' AND name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%' " ;
if ( $row = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( $sql )) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE_' . Tools :: substr ( $row [ 'name' ], 13 )) != $cle_secrete_current ) {
$this -> context -> controller -> errors [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'PARAM ERROR: please check your multilingual configuration for the id_website "%s" at language "%s"' ), $id_website_current , $lang [ 'name' ]);
unset ( $languages [ $id_langue_curent ]);
return $this -> setIdConfigurationGroup ( $languages , $i );
$group = array ();
array_push ( $group , $lang [ 'iso_code' ]);
unset ( $languages [ $id_langue_curent ]);
foreach ( $languages as $id1 => $lang1 ) {
if ( $id_website_current == Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_idwebsite_' . $lang1 [ 'iso_code' ])
&& $cle_secrete_current == Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_clesecrete_' . $lang1 [ 'iso_code' ])) {
array_push ( $group , $lang1 [ 'iso_code' ]);
unset ( $languages [ $id1 ]);
// Create PS configuration variable
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE' ) == 1 ) {
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE_' . $i , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_idwebsite_' . $lang [ 'iso_code' ]), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE_' . $i , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_clesecrete_' . $lang [ 'iso_code' ]), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_GROUP_CONF_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_GROUP_CONF_' . $i , serialize ( $group ), false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET_' . $i , '0' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_PROCESSINIT_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_PROCESSINIT_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_ORDERSTATESCHOOSEN_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_ORDERSTATESCHOOSEN_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DELAY_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DELAY_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_GETPRODREVIEWS_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_GETPRODREVIEWS_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_FORBIDDEN_EMAIL_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_FORBIDDEN_EMAIL_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CODE_LANG_' . $i , null , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ())) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CODE_LANG_' . $i , '' , false , null , $this -> context -> shop -> getContextShopID ());
} else {
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_IDWEBSITE_' . $i , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_idwebsite_' . $lang [ 'iso_code' ]));
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CLESECRETE_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CLESECRETE_' . $i , Tools :: getValue ( 'avisverifies_clesecrete_' . $lang [ 'iso_code' ]));
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_GROUP_CONF_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_GROUP_CONF_' . $i , serialize ( $group ));
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_LIGHTWIDGET_' . $i , '0' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_PROCESSINIT_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_PROCESSINIT_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_ORDERSTATESCHOOSEN_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_ORDERSTATESCHOOSEN_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DELAY_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DELAY_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_GETPRODREVIEWS_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_GETPRODREVIEWS_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFLOAT_ALLOWED_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_SCRIPTFIXE_ALLOWED_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_URLCERTIFICAT_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_FORBIDDEN_EMAIL_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_FORBIDDEN_EMAIL_' . $i , '' );
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'AV_CODE_LANG_' . $i )) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'AV_CODE_LANG_' . $i , '' );
$i ++ ;
return $this -> setIdConfigurationGroup ( $languages , $i );