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326 lines
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* 2007-2016 PrestaShop
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* @author EnvoiMoinsCher <informationapi@boxtale.com>
* @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA / 2011-2016 EnvoiMoinsCher
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
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/* change event associated to next step button to prevent carrier without relay point */
var geocoder;
var mapOptions;
var map;
var markers = new Array();
var openedWindow;
var daysLetter = translations.daysLetter;
var list;
var inputCallBackName = "";
var host = "";
* Initialise les textes d'affichage des points relais contenus dans la
* liste passée en parametre.
function initTextDisplays(l, type) {
inputCallBackName = $('#ptrel-inputCallBack').val();
host = $('#host').val();
for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
var point = l[i];
point['rightcoltext'] = getRightColText(point, i);
point['markertext'] = getMarkerText(point, i);
* Fonction d'affichage des informations d'un relais dans le div de la page choix.
* Les parametres sont
* - index : l'index du relais dans le tableau des relais
* - selected : un booleen qui indique si le relais est affiche en temps que relais
* le plus proche ou le relais sélectionné.
function displayRelayInfo(index, selected) {
var point = list[index];
// affichage des horaires.
var horaires ="<div>";
for(var k in point.days){
if(!daysLetter[k]) continue;
if(point.days[k].open_am != "" && point.days[k].open_pm != ""){
if(point.days[k].close_am != point.days[k].open_pm)
horaires += daysLetter[k]+" : <span class='db fr'>"+ point.days[k].open_am+"-"+ point.days[k].close_am+", "+ point.days[k].open_pm+"-"+ point.days[k].close_pm+"</span><br />";
horaires += daysLetter[k]+" : <span class='db fr'>"+ point.days[k].open_am+"-"+ point.days[k].close_pm+"</span><br />";
} else if(point.days[k].open_am != ""){
horaires +=daysLetter[k]+": <span class='db fr'>"+point.days[k].open_am+"-"+point.days[k].close_am+"</span><br />";
horaires += "</div>";
var infos = "<p><strong>"+point.name+"</strong><br />"
+point.address+"<br />"
+point.zipcode+" "+point.city+"<br />"
+'<a class="popover-hour pointer" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" type="button" data-original-title="'+horaires+'" >'
+"<img class='pl5 pb2' src='/img/ico-question.png'>"
+(selected ? "": "<a class='choice pointer button' rel='"+point.id+"' onClick='choicePtrel("+index+")'>"+translations.selecting+"</a>")
// activation tooltip horaires
$('.popover-hour').popover({ trigger :"hover", html : true });
* Fonction de creation de l'affichage des informations du point relais dans la colonne de droite
function getRightColText(point, index) {
var nbImg = index+1;
var parcelPointSelect = "";
if( inputCallBackName != '' && inputCallBackName != 'undefined' ){
parcelPointSelect = "<a class='btn btn-info btn-xs' style='width:190px;' onClick='chooseParcelPoint(\""+point.code.split("-")[1]+"\")' ><b>"+translations.choose+"</b></a>";
var txt = "<tr class='mt20' id='infos-pr-"+nbImg+"' class='point-relais-right-col'>"
+"<td><img src='"+host+"modules/envoimoinscher/views/img/marker-number-"+nbImg+".png'/>"
+"<a class='showInfo"+point.code+" pointer'>"+point.name+"</a><br />"
+point.address+"<br />"+point.zipcode+" "+point.city+"<br />"
+translations.code+" <strong>"+point.code.split("-")[1]+"</strong><br/>"
+ parcelPointSelect
return txt;
* Fonction de creation du texte d'un marker google maps
* Prend en parametre index car on en a besoin pour le lien de choix.
function getMarkerText(point, index) {
var horaires ="";
var parcelPointSelect = "";
if( inputCallBackName != '' && inputCallBackName != 'undefined' ){
parcelPointSelect = "<a class='btn btn-info btn-xs' onClick='chooseParcelPoint(\""+point.code.split("-")[1]+"\")' ><b>"+translations.choose+"</b></a><br/>";
for(var k in point.days){
if(!daysLetter[k]) continue;
if(point.days[k].open_am != "" && point.days[k].open_pm != ""){
if(point.days[k].close_am != point.days[k].open_pm)
horaires += daysLetter[k]+" : <span class='fr' style='font-size:11px;'>"+ point.days[k].open_am+"-"+ point.days[k].close_am+", "+ point.days[k].open_pm+"-"+ point.days[k].close_pm+"</span><br />";
horaires += daysLetter[k]+" : <span class='fr' style='font-size:11px;'>"+ point.days[k].open_am+"-"+ point.days[k].close_pm+"</span><br />";
} else if(point.days[k].open_am != ""){
horaires +=daysLetter[k]+": <span class='fr' style='font-size:11px;'>"+point.days[k].open_am+"-"+point.days[k].close_am+"</span><br />";
var txt = "<div style='width:250px'><b>"+point.name+"</b><br/>"
+point.zipcode+" "+point.city+"<br/>"
+"<div style='font-size:11px;'>"+horaires+"</div>"
return txt;
* Fonction qui permet de selectionner un point relais.
* Les paramètres sont :
* - type : exp ou dst
* - index : index du point dans le tableau.
var choicePtrel = function(index) {
displayRelayInfo(index, true);
* Mise à jour de la liste des relais en ajax.
function updateListPoints(urlBase,cp, ville, pays, poids, ope_code, srv_code) {
var list;
type: "GET",
url: urlBase+"type=json&ville="+ville+"&cp="+cp+"&country="+pays+"&poids="+poids+"&ope="+ope_code+"&srv="+srv_code,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function(data) {
list = eval(data);
return list;
var minLng = 180;
var maxLng = -180;
var minLat = 90;
var maxLat = -90;
var count = 0;
* Permet de reinitialiser ce qui doit l'etre
* quand on raffraichit la carte
function resetGlobals() {
minLng = 180;
maxLng = -180;
minLat = 90;
maxLat = -90;
count = 0;
if(markers.length > 0) {
for(var i=0; i<markers.length; i++) {
// si le geocoder n'a pas reussi a situer un relais,
// on a un trou dans le tableau.
if(markers[i]) markers[i].setVisible(false);
markers = new Array();
function initMarker(point, index, length) {
geocoder.geocode({ address: point.address+" "+point.zipcode+" "+point.city+" "+point.country}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
latlng = results[0].geometry.location;
makeMarker(latlng, point, index);
if(latlng.lat() > maxLat) maxLat = latlng.lat();
if(latlng.lat() < minLat) minLat = latlng.lat();
if(latlng.lng() > maxLng) maxLng = latlng.lng();
if(latlng.lng() < minLng) minLng = latlng.lng();
if(count == length) {
map.fitBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(new google.maps.LatLng(minLat, minLng), new google.maps.LatLng(maxLat, maxLng)));
} else {
// alert("not found "+ point.name);
// else nothing to do;
* Affichage d'un marker sur la carte.
function makeMarker(latlng, point, index) {
var nbImg = index + 1;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: latlng,
'icon': host + "modules/envoimoinscher/views/img/marker-number-"+nbImg+".png"
markers[index] = marker;
var infowindows = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
'content' : point.markertext
var added = false;
for(var j = nbImg-1 ; j > 0 ; j--) {
if($("#infos-pr-"+j).length > 0 && !added) {
added = true;
if(!added) {
google.maps.event.addListener(marker,"click",function() {
if(typeof openedWindow != 'undefined' && openedWindow != null) {
openedWindow = infowindows;
infowindows.open(map, this);
//Trigger a click event to marker when the button is clicked.
if(typeof openedWindow != 'undefined' && openedWindow != null) {
openedWindow = infowindows;
//chois du point relais
$(document).ready(function (){
// initialisation des variables Google
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
mapOptions = { zoom: 8,
zoomControlOptions : { style : google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.LARGE },
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
streetViewControl: false };
// premier init de la map
list = updateListPoints($('#urlBase').val(), $('#ptrel-cp').val(), $('#ptrel-ville').val(), $('#ptrel-pays').val(), $('#ptrel-poids').val(), $('#ptrel-ope').val(), $('#ptrel-srv').val());
if(!map && $('#map-canvas').length > 0) {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions);
for(var i=0;i<list.length; i++) {
initMarker(list[i], i, list.length);
* Soumission du pseudo formulaire de la popup.
$('#submitNewMap').click(function() {
list = updateListPoints($('#urlBase').val(), $('#ptrel-cp').val(), $('#ptrel-ville').val(), $('#ptrel-pays').val(), $('#ptrel-poids').val(), $('#ptrel-ope').val(), $('#ptrel-srv').val());
for(var i=0;i<list.length; i++) {
initMarker(list[i], i, list.length);
return false;
* Choose Parcel Point and close modal
function chooseParcelPoint(parcelPoint) {
$("input[name='"+inputCallBackName+"']", window.parent.document).val(parcelPoint);
/* close fancybox in prestashop */
$("#my-modal-close-iframe", window.parent.document).click();