2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
< ? php
* 2007 - 2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ prestashop . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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* @ author PrestaShop SA < contact @ prestashop . com >
* @ copyright 2007 - 2015 PrestaShop SA
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class AdminModulesControllerCore extends AdminController
private $_modules_ad = array (
'blockcart' => array ( 'cartabandonmentpro' ),
/* 'bloctopmenu' => array('advancedtopmenu'), */
'blocklayered' => array ( 'pm_advancedsearch4' )
** @ var array map with $_GET keywords and their callback
protected $map = array (
'check' => 'check' ,
'install' => 'install' ,
'uninstall' => 'uninstall' ,
'configure' => 'getContent' ,
'update' => 'update' ,
'delete' => 'delete' ,
'checkAndUpdate' => 'checkAndUpdate'
protected $list_modules_categories = array ();
protected $list_partners_modules = array ();
protected $list_natives_modules = array ();
protected $nb_modules_total = 0 ;
protected $nb_modules_installed = 0 ;
protected $nb_modules_activated = 0 ;
protected $serial_modules = '' ;
protected $modules_authors = array ();
protected $id_employee ;
protected $iso_default_country ;
protected $filter_configuration = array ();
protected $xml_modules_list = _PS_API_MODULES_LIST_16_ ;
* Admin Modules Controller Constructor
* Init list modules categories
* Load id employee
* Load filter configuration
* Load cache file
public function __construct ()
$this -> bootstrap = true ;
parent :: __construct ();
register_shutdown_function ( 'displayFatalError' );
// Set the modules categories
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'administration' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Administration' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'advertising_marketing' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Advertising and Marketing' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'analytics_stats' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Analytics and Stats' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'billing_invoicing' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Taxes & Invoicing' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'checkout' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Checkout' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'content_management' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Content Management' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'export' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Export' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'emailing' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Emailing' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'front_office_features' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Front office Features' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'i18n_localization' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Internationalization and Localization' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'merchandizing' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Merchandising' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'migration_tools' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Migration Tools' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'payments_gateways' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Payments and Gateways' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'payment_security' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Site certification & Fraud prevention' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'pricing_promotion' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Pricing and Promotion' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'quick_bulk_update' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Quick / Bulk update' );
/* $this->list_modules_categories['search_filter']['name'] = $this->l('Search and Filter'); */
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'seo' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'SEO' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'shipping_logistics' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Shipping and Logistics' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'slideshows' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Slideshows' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'smart_shopping' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Comparison site & Feed management' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'market_place' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Marketplace' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'others' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Other Modules' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'mobile' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Mobile' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'dashboard' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Dashboard' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'i18n_localization' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Internationalization & Localization' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'emailing' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Emailing & SMS' );
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'social_networks' ][ 'name' ] = $this -> l ( 'Social Networks' );
uasort ( $this -> list_modules_categories , array ( $this , 'checkCategoriesNames' ));
// Set Id Employee, Iso Default Country and Filter Configuration
$this -> id_employee = ( int ) $this -> context -> employee -> id ;
$this -> iso_default_country = $this -> context -> country -> iso_code ;
$this -> filter_configuration = Configuration :: getMultiple ( array (
'PS_SHOW_TYPE_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ,
'PS_SHOW_COUNTRY_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ,
'PS_SHOW_INSTALLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ,
'PS_SHOW_ENABLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ,
'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ,
// Load cache file modules list (natives and partners modules)
$xml_modules = false ;
if ( file_exists ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . Module :: CACHE_FILE_MODULES_LIST ))
$xml_modules = @ simplexml_load_file ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . Module :: CACHE_FILE_MODULES_LIST );
if ( $xml_modules )
foreach ( $xml_modules -> children () as $xml_module )
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $xml_module */
foreach ( $xml_module -> children () as $module )
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $module */
foreach ( $module -> attributes () as $key => $value )
if ( $xml_module -> attributes () == 'native' && $key == 'name' )
$this -> list_natives_modules [] = ( string ) $value ;
if ( $xml_module -> attributes () == 'partner' && $key == 'name' )
$this -> list_partners_modules [] = ( string ) $value ;
public function checkCategoriesNames ( $a , $b )
if ( $a [ 'name' ] === $this -> l ( 'Other Modules' ))
return true ;
return ( bool )( $a [ 'name' ] > $b [ 'name' ]);
public function setMedia ()
parent :: setMedia ();
$this -> addJqueryPlugin ( array ( 'autocomplete' , 'fancybox' , 'tablefilter' ));
if ( $this -> context -> mode == Context :: MODE_HOST && Tools :: isSubmit ( 'addnewmodule' ))
$this -> addJS ( _PS_JS_DIR_ . 'admin/addons.js' );
public function ajaxProcessRefreshModuleList ( $force_reload_cache = false )
// Refresh modules_list.xml every week
if ( ! $this -> isFresh ( Module :: CACHE_FILE_MODULES_LIST , 86400 ) || $force_reload_cache )
if ( $this -> refresh ( Module :: CACHE_FILE_MODULES_LIST , 'https://' . $this -> xml_modules_list ))
$this -> status = 'refresh' ;
elseif ( $this -> refresh ( Module :: CACHE_FILE_MODULES_LIST , 'http://' . $this -> xml_modules_list ))
$this -> status = 'refresh' ;
$this -> status = 'error' ;
$this -> status = 'cache' ;
// If logged to Addons Webservices, refresh default country native modules list every day
if ( $this -> status != 'error' )
if ( ! $this -> isFresh ( Module :: CACHE_FILE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_MODULES_LIST , 86400 ) || $force_reload_cache )
if ( file_put_contents ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . Module :: CACHE_FILE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_MODULES_LIST , Tools :: addonsRequest ( 'native' )))
$this -> status = 'refresh' ;
$this -> status = 'error' ;
$this -> status = 'cache' ;
if ( ! $this -> isFresh ( Module :: CACHE_FILE_MUST_HAVE_MODULES_LIST , 86400 ) || $force_reload_cache )
if ( file_put_contents ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . Module :: CACHE_FILE_MUST_HAVE_MODULES_LIST , Tools :: addonsRequest ( 'must-have' )))
$this -> status = 'refresh' ;
$this -> status = 'error' ;
$this -> status = 'cache' ;
// If logged to Addons Webservices, refresh customer modules list every day
if ( $this -> logged_on_addons && $this -> status != 'error' )
if ( ! $this -> isFresh ( Module :: CACHE_FILE_CUSTOMER_MODULES_LIST , 60 ) || $force_reload_cache )
if ( file_put_contents ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . Module :: CACHE_FILE_CUSTOMER_MODULES_LIST , Tools :: addonsRequest ( 'customer' )))
$this -> status = 'refresh' ;
$this -> status = 'error' ;
$this -> status = 'cache' ;
public function displayAjaxRefreshModuleList ()
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'status' => $this -> status ));
public function ajaxProcessLogOnAddonsWebservices ()
$content = Tools :: addonsRequest ( 'check_customer' , array ( 'username_addons' => pSQL ( trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'username_addons' ))), 'password_addons' => pSQL ( trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'password_addons' )))));
$xml = @ simplexml_load_string ( $content , null , LIBXML_NOCDATA );
if ( ! $xml )
die ( 'KO' );
$result = strtoupper (( string ) $xml -> success );
if ( ! in_array ( $result , array ( 'OK' , 'KO' )))
die ( 'KO' );
if ( $result == 'OK' )
Tools :: clearXMLCache ();
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_LOGGED_ON_ADDONS' , 1 );
$this -> context -> cookie -> username_addons = pSQL ( trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'username_addons' )));
$this -> context -> cookie -> password_addons = pSQL ( trim ( Tools :: getValue ( 'password_addons' )));
$this -> context -> cookie -> is_contributor = ( int ) $xml -> is_contributor ;
$this -> context -> cookie -> write ();
die ( $result );
public function ajaxProcessLogOutAddonsWebservices ()
$this -> context -> cookie -> username_addons = '' ;
$this -> context -> cookie -> password_addons = '' ;
$this -> context -> cookie -> is_contributor = 0 ;
$this -> context -> cookie -> write ();
die ( 'OK' );
public function ajaxProcessReloadModulesList ()
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'filterCategory' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , Tools :: getValue ( 'filterCategory' ));
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'unfilterCategory' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , '' );
$this -> initContent ();
$this -> smartyOutputContent ( 'controllers/modules/list.tpl' );
exit ;
public function ajaxProcessGetTabModulesList ()
$tab_modules_list = Tools :: getValue ( 'tab_modules_list' );
$back = Tools :: getValue ( 'back_tab_modules_list' );
if ( $back )
$back .= '&tab_modules_open=1' ;
$modules_list = array ( 'installed' => array (), 'not_installed' => array ());
if ( $tab_modules_list )
$tab_modules_list = explode ( ',' , $tab_modules_list );
$modules_list_unsort = $this -> getModulesByInstallation ( $tab_modules_list );
$installed = $uninstalled = array ();
foreach ( $tab_modules_list as $key => $value )
$continue = 0 ;
foreach ( $modules_list_unsort [ 'installed' ] as $mod_in )
if ( $mod_in -> name == $value )
$continue = 1 ;
$installed [] = $mod_in ;
if ( $continue )
continue ;
foreach ( $modules_list_unsort [ 'not_installed' ] as $mod_in )
if ( $mod_in -> name == $value )
$uninstalled [] = $mod_in ;
$modules_list_sort = array (
'installed' => $installed ,
'not_installed' => $uninstalled
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'tab_modules_list' => $modules_list_sort ,
'admin_module_favorites_view' => $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&select=favorites' ,
$this -> smartyOutputContent ( 'controllers/modules/tab_modules_list.tpl' );
exit ;
public function ajaxProcessSetFilter ()
$this -> setFilterModules ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_type' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'country_module_value' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'module_install' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'module_status' ));
die ( 'OK' );
public function ajaxProcessSaveFavoritePreferences ()
$action = Tools :: getValue ( 'action_pref' );
$value = Tools :: getValue ( 'value_pref' );
$module = Tools :: getValue ( 'module_pref' );
$id_module_preference = ( int ) Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT `id_module_preference` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_preference` WHERE `id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee . ' AND `module` = \'' . pSQL ( $module ) . '\'' );
if ( $id_module_preference > 0 )
if ( $action == 'i' )
$update = array ( 'interest' => ( $value == '' ? null : ( int ) $value ));
if ( $action == 'f' )
$update = array ( 'favorite' => ( $value == '' ? null : ( int ) $value ));
Db :: getInstance () -> update ( 'module_preference' , $update , '`id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee . ' AND `module` = \'' . pSQL ( $module ) . '\'' , 0 , true );
$insert = array ( 'id_employee' => ( int ) $this -> id_employee , 'module' => pSQL ( $module ), 'interest' => null , 'favorite' => null );
if ( $action == 'i' )
$insert [ 'interest' ] = ( $value == '' ? null : ( int ) $value );
if ( $action == 'f' )
$insert [ 'favorite' ] = ( $value == '' ? null : ( int ) $value );
Db :: getInstance () -> insert ( 'module_preference' , $insert , true );
die ( 'OK' );
public function ajaxProcessSaveTabModulePreferences ()
$values = Tools :: getValue ( 'value_pref' );
$module = Tools :: getValue ( 'module_pref' );
if ( Validate :: isModuleName ( $module ))
Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( 'DELETE FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tab_module_preference` WHERE `id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee . ' AND `module` = \'' . pSQL ( $module ) . '\'' );
if ( is_array ( $values ) && count ( $values ))
foreach ( $values as $value )
Db :: getInstance () -> execute ( '
INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tab_module_preference` ( `id_tab_module_preference` , `id_employee` , `id_tab` , `module` )
VALUES ( NULL , '.(int)$this->id_employee.' , '.(int)$value.' , \ '' . pSQL ( $module ) . '\');' );
die ( 'OK' );
** Get current URL
** @ param array $remove List of keys to remove from URL
** @ return string
protected function getCurrentUrl ( $remove = array ())
$url = $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
if ( ! $remove )
return $url ;
if ( ! is_array ( $remove ))
$remove = array ( $remove );
$url = preg_replace ( '#(?<=&|\?)(' . implode ( '|' , $remove ) . ')=.*?(&|$)#i' , '' , $url );
$len = strlen ( $url );
if ( $url [ $len - 1 ] == '&' )
$url = substr ( $url , 0 , $len - 1 );
return $url ;
protected function extractArchive ( $file , $redirect = true )
$zip_folders = array ();
$tmp_folder = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . md5 ( time ());
$success = false ;
if ( substr ( $file , - 4 ) == '.zip' )
if ( Tools :: ZipExtract ( $file , $tmp_folder ))
$zip_folders = scandir ( $tmp_folder );
if ( Tools :: ZipExtract ( $file , _PS_MODULE_DIR_ ))
$success = true ;
require_once ( _PS_TOOL_DIR_ . 'tar/Archive_Tar.php' );
$archive = new Archive_Tar ( $file );
if ( $archive -> extract ( $tmp_folder ))
$zip_folders = scandir ( $tmp_folder );
if ( $archive -> extract ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ ))
$success = true ;
if ( ! $success )
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'There was an error while extracting the module (file may be corrupted).' );
//check if it's a real module
foreach ( $zip_folders as $folder )
if ( ! in_array ( $folder , array ( '.' , '..' , '.svn' , '.git' , '__MACOSX' )) && ! Module :: getInstanceByName ( $folder ))
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'The module %1$s that you uploaded is not a valid module.' ), $folder );
$this -> recursiveDeleteOnDisk ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $folder );
@ unlink ( $file );
$this -> recursiveDeleteOnDisk ( $tmp_folder );
if ( $success && $redirect )
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&conf=8&anchor=' . ucfirst ( $folder ) . '&token=' . $this -> token );
return $success ;
protected function recursiveDeleteOnDisk ( $dir )
if ( strpos ( realpath ( $dir ), realpath ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ )) === false )
return ;
if ( is_dir ( $dir ))
$objects = scandir ( $dir );
foreach ( $objects as $object )
if ( $object != '.' && $object != '..' )
if ( filetype ( $dir . '/' . $object ) == 'dir' )
$this -> recursiveDeleteOnDisk ( $dir . '/' . $object );
unlink ( $dir . '/' . $object );
reset ( $objects );
rmdir ( $dir );
** Filter Configuration Methods
** Set and reset filter configuration
protected function setFilterModules ( $module_type , $country_module_value , $module_install , $module_status )
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_TYPE_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , $module_type );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_COUNTRY_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , $country_module_value );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_INSTALLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , $module_install );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_ENABLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , $module_status );
protected function resetFilterModules ()
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_TYPE_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , 'allModules' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_COUNTRY_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , 0 );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_INSTALLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , 'installedUninstalled' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_ENABLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , 'enabledDisabled' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , '' );
** Post Process Filter
public function postProcessFilterModules ()
$this -> setFilterModules ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_type' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'country_module_value' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'module_install' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'module_status' ));
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token );
public function postProcessResetFilterModules ()
$this -> resetFilterModules ();
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token );
public function postProcessFilterCategory ()
// Save configuration and redirect employee
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , Tools :: getValue ( 'filterCategory' ));
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token );
public function postProcessUnfilterCategory ()
// Save configuration and redirect employee
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee , '' );
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token );
** Post Process Module CallBack
public function postProcessReset ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' )
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ))
if ( ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have the permission to use this module.' );
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'keep_data' ) == '1' && method_exists ( $module , 'reset' ))
if ( $module -> reset ())
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&conf=21&token=' . $this -> token . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&anchor=' . ucfirst ( $module -> name ));
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot reset this module.' );
if ( $module -> uninstall ())
if ( $module -> install ())
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&conf=21&token=' . $this -> token . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&anchor=' . ucfirst ( $module -> name ));
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot install this module.' );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot uninstall this module.' );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot load the module\'s object.' );
if (( $errors = $module -> getErrors ()) && is_array ( $errors ))
$this -> errors = array_merge ( $this -> errors , $errors );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add this.' );
public function postProcessDownload ()
/* PrestaShop demo mode */
if ( _PS_MODE_DEMO_ || ( $this -> context -> mode == Context :: MODE_HOST ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This functionality has been disabled.' );
return ;
// Try to upload and unarchive the module
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] === '1' )
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'error' ]) && $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'error' ] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK )
switch ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'error' ])
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'File too large (limit of %s bytes).' ), Tools :: getMaxUploadSize ());
break ;
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'File upload was not completed.' );
break ;
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'No file was uploaded.' );
break ;
default :
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Internal error #%s' ), $_FILES [ 'newfile' ][ 'error' ]);
break ;
elseif ( ! isset ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'tmp_name' ]) || empty ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'tmp_name' ]))
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'No file has been selected' );
elseif ( substr ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ], - 4 ) != '.tar' && substr ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ], - 4 ) != '.zip'
&& substr ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ], - 4 ) != '.tgz' && substr ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ], - 7 ) != '.tar.gz' )
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Unknown archive type.' );
elseif ( ! move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'tmp_name' ], _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ]))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while copying the archive to the module directory.' );
$this -> extractArchive ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ]);
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add this.' );
public function postProcessEnable ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' )
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ))
if ( ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have the permission to use this module.' );
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'enable' ))
$module -> enable ();
$module -> disable ();
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $this -> getCurrentUrl ( 'enable' ));
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot load the module\'s object.' );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add this.' );
public function postProcessEnable_Device ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' )
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ))
if ( ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have the permission to use this module.' );
$module -> enableDevice (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'enable_device' ));
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $this -> getCurrentUrl ( 'enable_device' ));
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot load the module\'s object.' );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add this.' );
public function postProcessDisable_Device ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' )
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ))
if ( ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have the permission to use this module.' );
$module -> disableDevice (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'disable_device' ));
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $this -> getCurrentUrl ( 'disable_device' ));
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot load the module\'s object.' );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add this.' );
public function postProcessDelete ()
/* PrestaShop demo mode */
if ( _PS_MODE_DEMO_ )
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This functionality has been disabled.' );
return ;
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] === '1' )
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) != '' )
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ) && ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have the permission to use this module.' );
// Uninstall the module before deleting the files, but do not block the process if uninstall returns false
if ( Module :: isInstalled ( $module -> name ))
$module -> uninstall ();
$moduleDir = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . str_replace ( array ( '.' , '/' , '\\' ), array ( '' , '' , '' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
$this -> recursiveDeleteOnDisk ( $moduleDir );
if ( ! file_exists ( $moduleDir ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&conf=22&token=' . $this -> token . '&tab_module=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'tab_module' ) . '&module_name=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Sorry, the module cannot be deleted. Please check if you have the right permissions on this folder.' );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete this.' );
public function postProcessCallback ()
$return = false ;
$installed_modules = array ();
foreach ( $this -> map as $key => $method )
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( $key ))
continue ;
/* PrestaShop demo mode */
if ( _PS_MODE_DEMO_ )
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This functionality has been disabled.' );
return ;
if ( $key == 'check' )
$this -> ajaxProcessRefreshModuleList ( true );
elseif ( $key == 'checkAndUpdate' )
$modules = array ();
$this -> ajaxProcessRefreshModuleList ( true );
$modules_on_disk = Module :: getModulesOnDisk ( true , $this -> logged_on_addons , $this -> id_employee );
// Browse modules list
foreach ( $modules_on_disk as $km => $module_on_disk )
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) && isset ( $module_on_disk -> version_addons ) && $module_on_disk -> version_addons )
$modules [] = $module_on_disk -> name ;
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ))
$modules_list_save = implode ( '|' , $modules );
elseif (( $modules = Tools :: getValue ( $key )) && $key != 'checkAndUpdate' )
if ( strpos ( $modules , '|' ))
$modules_list_save = $modules ;
$modules = explode ( '|' , $modules );
if ( ! is_array ( $modules ))
$modules = ( array ) $modules ;
$module_upgraded = array ();
$module_errors = array ();
if ( isset ( $modules ))
foreach ( $modules as $name )
$module_to_update = array ();
$module_to_update [ $name ] = null ;
$full_report = null ;
// If Addons module, download and unzip it before installing it
if ( ! file_exists ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $name . '/' . $name . '.php' ) || $key == 'update' )
$files_list = array (
array ( 'type' => 'addonsNative' , 'file' => Module :: CACHE_FILE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_MODULES_LIST , 'loggedOnAddons' => 0 ),
array ( 'type' => 'addonsBought' , 'file' => Module :: CACHE_FILE_CUSTOMER_MODULES_LIST , 'loggedOnAddons' => 1 ),
foreach ( $files_list as $f )
if ( file_exists ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . $f [ 'file' ]))
$file = $f [ 'file' ];
$content = Tools :: file_get_contents ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . $file );
if ( $xml = @ simplexml_load_string ( $content , null , LIBXML_NOCDATA ))
foreach ( $xml -> module as $modaddons )
if ( Tools :: strtolower ( $name ) == Tools :: strtolower ( $modaddons -> name ))
$module_to_update [ $name ][ 'id' ] = $modaddons -> id ;
$module_to_update [ $name ][ 'displayName' ] = $modaddons -> displayName ;
$module_to_update [ $name ][ 'need_loggedOnAddons' ] = $f [ 'loggedOnAddons' ];
foreach ( $module_to_update as $name => $attr )
2015-08-12 14:10:25 +02:00
// if ((is_null($attr) && $this->logged_on_addons == 0) || ($attr['need_loggedOnAddons'] == 1 && $this->logged_on_addons == 0))
// $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('You need to be logged in to your PrestaShop Addons account in order to update the %s module. %s'), '<strong>'.$name.'</strong>', '<a href="#" class="addons_connect" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal_addons_connect" title="Addons">'.$this->l('Click here to log in.').'</a>');
// elseif (!is_null($attr['id']))
// {
// $download_ok = false;
// if ($attr['need_loggedOnAddons'] == 0 && file_put_contents(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$name.'.zip', Tools::addonsRequest('module', array('id_module' => pSQL($attr['id'])))))
// $download_ok = true;
// elseif ($attr['need_loggedOnAddons'] == 1 && $this->logged_on_addons && file_put_contents(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$name.'.zip', Tools::addonsRequest('module', array('id_module' => pSQL($attr['id']), 'username_addons' => pSQL(trim($this->context->cookie->username_addons)), 'password_addons' => pSQL(trim($this->context->cookie->password_addons))))))
// $download_ok = true;
// if (!$download_ok)
// $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Module %s cannot be upgraded: Error while downloading the latest version.'), '<strong>'.$attr['displayName'].'</strong>');
// elseif (!$this->extractArchive(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$name.'.zip', false))
// $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Module %s cannot be upgraded: Error while extracting the latest version.'), '<strong>'.$attr['displayName'].'</strong>');
// else
// $module_upgraded[] = $name;
// }
// else
// $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('You do not have the rights to update the %s module. Please make sure you are logged in to the PrestaShop Addons account that purchased the module.'), '<strong>'.$name.'</strong>');
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
if ( count ( $this -> errors ))
continue ;
// Check potential error
if ( ! ( $module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( urldecode ( $name ))))
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'Module not found' );
elseif (( $this -> context -> mode >= Context :: MODE_HOST_CONTRIB ) && in_array ( $module -> name , Module :: $hosted_modules_blacklist ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to access this module.' );
elseif ( $key == 'install' && $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] !== '1' )
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to install this module.' );
elseif ( $key == 'install' && ( $this -> context -> mode == Context :: MODE_HOST ) && ! Module :: isModuleTrusted ( $module -> name ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to install this module.' );
elseif ( $key == 'delete' && ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] !== '1' || ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' )))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete this module.' );
elseif ( $key == 'configure' && ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] !== '1' || ! $module -> getPermission ( 'configure' ) || ! Module :: isInstalled ( urldecode ( $name ))))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to configure this module.' );
elseif ( $key == 'install' && Module :: isInstalled ( $module -> name ))
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'This module is already installed: %s.' ), $module -> name );
elseif ( $key == 'uninstall' && ! Module :: isInstalled ( $module -> name ))
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'This module has already been uninstalled: %s.' ), $module -> name );
elseif ( $key == 'update' && ! Module :: isInstalled ( $module -> name ))
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'This module needs to be installed in order to be updated: %s.' ), $module -> name );
// If we install a module, force temporary global context for multishop
if ( Shop :: isFeatureActive () && Shop :: getContext () != Shop :: CONTEXT_ALL && $method != 'getContent' )
$shop_id = ( int ) Context :: getContext () -> shop -> id ;
Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop = clone ( Context :: getContext () -> shop );
if ( $shop_id )
Context :: getContext () -> shop = new Shop ( $shop_id );
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'controller' ) != '' )
$_POST [ 'tab' ] = Tools :: safeOutput ( Tools :: getValue ( 'controller' ));
$echo = '' ;
if ( $key != 'update' && $key != 'checkAndUpdate' )
// We check if method of module exists
if ( ! method_exists ( $module , $method ))
throw new PrestaShopException ( 'Method of module cannot be found' );
if ( $key == 'uninstall' && ! Module :: getPermissionStatic ( $module -> id , 'uninstall' ))
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to uninstall this module.' );
if ( count ( $this -> errors ))
continue ;
// Get the return value of current method
$echo = $module -> { $method }();
// After a successful install of a single module that has a configuration method, to the configuration page
if ( $key == 'install' && $echo === true && strpos ( Tools :: getValue ( 'install' ), '|' ) === false && method_exists ( $module , 'getContent' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token . '&configure=' . $module -> name . '&conf=12' );
// If the method called is "configure" (getContent method), we show the html code of configure page
if ( $key == 'configure' && Module :: isInstalled ( $module -> name ))
$this -> bootstrap = ( isset ( $module -> bootstrap ) && $module -> bootstrap );
if ( isset ( $module -> multishop_context ))
$this -> multishop_context = $module -> multishop_context ;
$back_link = self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&module_name=' . $module -> name ;
$hook_link = 'index.php?tab=AdminModulesPositions&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModulesPositions' ) . '&show_modules=' . ( int ) $module -> id ;
$trad_link = 'index.php?tab=AdminTranslations&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminTranslations' ) . '&type=modules&lang=' ;
$disable_link = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&enable=0&tab_module=' . $module -> tab ;
$uninstall_link = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&uninstall=' . $module -> name . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab ;
$reset_link = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&reset&tab_module=' . $module -> tab ;
$update_link = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&checkAndUpdate=1&module_name=' . $module -> name ;
$is_reset_ready = false ;
if ( method_exists ( $module , 'reset' ))
$is_reset_ready = true ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign (
array (
'module_name' => $module -> name ,
'module_display_name' => $module -> displayName ,
'back_link' => $back_link ,
'module_hook_link' => $hook_link ,
'module_disable_link' => $disable_link ,
'module_uninstall_link' => $uninstall_link ,
'module_reset_link' => $reset_link ,
'module_update_link' => $update_link ,
'trad_link' => $trad_link ,
'module_languages' => Language :: getLanguages ( false ),
'theme_language_dir' => _THEME_LANG_DIR_ ,
'page_header_toolbar_title' => $this -> page_header_toolbar_title ,
'page_header_toolbar_btn' => $this -> page_header_toolbar_btn ,
'add_permission' => $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ],
'is_reset_ready' => $is_reset_ready ,
// Display checkbox in toolbar if multishop
if ( Shop :: isFeatureActive ())
if ( Shop :: getContext () == Shop :: CONTEXT_SHOP )
$shop_context = 'shop <strong>' . $this -> context -> shop -> name . '</strong>' ;
elseif ( Shop :: getContext () == Shop :: CONTEXT_GROUP )
$shop_group = new ShopGroup (( int ) Shop :: getContextShopGroupID ());
$shop_context = 'all shops of group shop <strong>' . $shop_group -> name . '</strong>' ;
$shop_context = 'all shops' ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'module' => $module ,
'display_multishop_checkbox' => true ,
'current_url' => $this -> getCurrentUrl ( 'enable' ),
'shop_context' => $shop_context ,
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'is_multishop' => Shop :: isFeatureActive (),
'multishop_context' => Shop :: CONTEXT_ALL | Shop :: CONTEXT_GROUP | Shop :: CONTEXT_SHOP
if ( Shop :: isFeatureActive () && isset ( Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop ))
Context :: getContext () -> shop = clone ( Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop );
unset ( Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop );
// Display module configuration
$header = $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/configure.tpl' );
$configuration_bar = $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/configuration_bar.tpl' );
$output = $header . $echo ;
if ( isset ( $this -> _modules_ad [ $module -> name ]))
$ad_modules = $this -> getModulesByInstallation ( $this -> _modules_ad [ $module -> name ]);
foreach ( $ad_modules [ 'not_installed' ] as $key => & $module )
if ( isset ( $module -> addons_buy_url ))
$module -> addons_buy_url = str_replace ( 'utm_source=v1trunk_api' , 'utm_source=back-office' , $module -> addons_buy_url )
. '&utm_medium=related-modules&utm_campaign=back-office-' . strtoupper ( $this -> context -> language -> iso_code )
. '&utm_content=' . (( $this -> context -> mode >= Context :: MODE_HOST_CONTRIB ) ? 'cloud' : 'download' );
if ( isset ( $module -> description_full ) && trim ( $module -> description_full ) != '' )
$module -> show_quick_view = true ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'ad_modules' => $ad_modules ,
'currentIndex' => self :: $currentIndex
$ad_bar = $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/ad_bar.tpl' );
$output .= $ad_bar ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'module_content' , $output . $configuration_bar );
elseif ( $echo === true )
$return = 13 ;
if ( $method == 'install' )
$return = 12 ;
$installed_modules [] = $module -> id ;
elseif ( $echo === false )
$module_errors [] = array ( 'name' => $name , 'message' => $module -> getErrors ());
if ( Shop :: isFeatureActive () && Shop :: getContext () != Shop :: CONTEXT_ALL && isset ( Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop ))
Context :: getContext () -> shop = clone ( Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop );
unset ( Context :: getContext () -> tmpOldShop );
if ( $key != 'configure' && Tools :: getIsset ( 'bpay' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( 'index.php?tab=AdminPayment&token=' . Tools :: getAdminToken ( 'AdminPayment' . ( int ) Tab :: getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminPayment' ) . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ));
if ( count ( $module_errors ))
// If error during module installation, no redirection
$html_error = $this -> generateHtmlMessage ( $module_errors );
if ( $key == 'uninstall' )
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'The following module(s) could not be uninstalled properly: %s.' ), $html_error );
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'The following module(s) could not be installed properly: %s.' ), $html_error );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'error_module' , 'true' );
if ( $return )
$params = ( count ( $installed_modules )) ? '&installed_modules=' . implode ( '|' , $installed_modules ) : '' ;
// If redirect parameter is present and module installed with success, we redirect on configuration module page
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'redirect' ) == 'config' && Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) != '' && $return == '12' && Module :: isInstalled ( pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ))))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( 'index.php?controller=adminmodules&configure=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) . '&token=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'token' ) . '&module_name=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) . $params );
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&conf=' . $return . '&token=' . $this -> token . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&anchor=' . ucfirst ( $module -> name ) . ( isset ( $modules_list_save ) ? '&modules_list=' . $modules_list_save : '' ) . $params );
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'update' ) || Tools :: getValue ( 'checkAndUpdate' ))
$updated = '&updated=1' ;
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'checkAndUpdate' ))
$updated = '&check=1' ;
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ))
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ))
unset ( $module );
$module_upgraded = implode ( '|' , $module_upgraded );
if ( isset ( $module_upgraded ) && $module_upgraded != '' )
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token . '&updated=1&module_name=' . $module_upgraded );
elseif ( isset ( $modules_list_save ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token . '&updated=1&module_name=' . $modules_list_save );
elseif ( isset ( $module ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token . $updated . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&anchor=' . ucfirst ( $module -> name ) . ( isset ( $modules_list_save ) ? '&modules_list=' . $modules_list_save : '' ));
protected function getModulesByInstallation ( $tab_modules_list = null )
$all_modules = Module :: getModulesOnDisk ( true , $this -> logged_on_addons , $this -> id_employee );
$all_unik_modules = array ();
$modules_list = array ( 'installed' => array (), 'not_installed' => array ());
foreach ( $all_modules as $mod )
if ( ! isset ( $all_unik_modules [ $mod -> name ]))
$all_unik_modules [ $mod -> name ] = $mod ;
$all_modules = $all_unik_modules ;
foreach ( $all_modules as $module )
if ( ! isset ( $tab_modules_list ) || in_array ( $module -> name , $tab_modules_list ))
$perm = true ;
if ( $module -> id )
$perm &= Module :: getPermissionStatic ( $module -> id , 'configure' );
$id_admin_module = Tab :: getIdFromClassName ( 'AdminModules' );
$access = Profile :: getProfileAccess ( $this -> context -> employee -> id_profile , $id_admin_module );
if ( ! $access [ 'edit' ])
$perm &= false ;
if ( in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_partners_modules ))
$module -> type = 'addonsPartner' ;
if ( $perm )
$this -> fillModuleData ( $module , 'array' );
if ( $module -> id )
$modules_list [ 'installed' ][] = $module ;
$modules_list [ 'not_installed' ][] = $module ;
return $modules_list ;
public function postProcess ()
// Parent Post Process
parent :: postProcess ();
// Get the list of installed module ans prepare it for ajax call.
if (( $list = Tools :: getValue ( 'installed_modules' )))
Context :: getContext () -> smarty -> assign ( 'installed_modules' , Tools :: jsonEncode ( explode ( '|' , $list )));
// If redirect parameter is present and module already installed, we redirect on configuration module page
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'redirect' ) == 'config' && Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) != '' && Module :: isInstalled ( pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ))))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( 'index.php?controller=adminmodules&configure=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) . '&token=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'token' ) . '&module_name=' . Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ));
// Execute filter or callback methods
$filter_methods = array ( 'filterModules' , 'resetFilterModules' , 'filterCategory' , 'unfilterCategory' );
$callback_methods = array ( 'reset' , 'download' , 'enable' , 'delete' , 'enable_device' , 'disable_device' );
$post_process_methods_list = array_merge (( array ) $filter_methods , ( array ) $callback_methods );
foreach ( $post_process_methods_list as $ppm )
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( $ppm ))
$ppm = 'postProcess' . ucfirst ( $ppm );
if ( method_exists ( $this , $ppm ))
$ppm_return = $this -> $ppm ();
// Call appropriate module callback
if ( ! isset ( $ppm_return ))
$this -> postProcessCallback ();
if ( $back = Tools :: getValue ( 'back' ))
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $back );
* Generate html errors for a module process
* @ param $module_errors
* @ return string
protected function generateHtmlMessage ( $module_errors )
$html_error = '' ;
if ( count ( $module_errors ))
$html_error = '<ul>' ;
foreach ( $module_errors as $module_error )
$html_error_description = '' ;
if ( count ( $module_error [ 'message' ]) > 0 )
foreach ( $module_error [ 'message' ] as $e )
$html_error_description .= '<br /> ' . $e ;
$html_error .= '<li><b>' . $module_error [ 'name' ] . '</b> : ' . $html_error_description . '</li>' ;
$html_error .= '</ul>' ;
return $html_error ;
public function initModulesList ( & $modules )
foreach ( $modules as $k => $module )
// Check add permissions, if add permissions not set, addons modules and uninstalled modules will not be displayed
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] !== '1' && isset ( $module -> type ) && ( $module -> type != 'addonsNative' || $module -> type != 'addonsBought' ))
unset ( $modules [ $k ]);
elseif ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ] !== '1' && ( ! isset ( $module -> id ) || $module -> id < 1 ))
unset ( $modules [ $k ]);
elseif ( $module -> id && ! Module :: getPermissionStatic ( $module -> id , 'view' ) && ! Module :: getPermissionStatic ( $module -> id , 'configure' ))
unset ( $modules [ $k ]);
// Init serial and modules author list
if ( ! in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_natives_modules ))
$this -> serial_modules .= $module -> name . ' ' . $module -> version . '-' . ( $module -> active ? 'a' : 'i' ) . " \n " ;
$module_author = $module -> author ;
if ( ! empty ( $module_author ) && ( $module_author != '' ))
$this -> modules_authors [ strtolower ( $module_author )] = 'notselected' ;
$this -> serial_modules = urlencode ( $this -> serial_modules );
public function makeModulesStats ( $module )
// Count Installed Modules
if ( isset ( $module -> id ) && $module -> id > 0 )
$this -> nb_modules_installed ++ ;
// Count Activated Modules
if ( isset ( $module -> id ) && $module -> id > 0 && $module -> active > 0 )
$this -> nb_modules_activated ++ ;
// Count Modules By Category
if ( isset ( $this -> list_modules_categories [ $module -> tab ][ 'nb' ]))
$this -> list_modules_categories [ $module -> tab ][ 'nb' ] ++ ;
$this -> list_modules_categories [ 'others' ][ 'nb' ] ++ ;
public function isModuleFiltered ( $module )
// If action on module, we display it
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) != '' && Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ) == $module -> name )
return false ;
// Filter on module name
$filter_name = Tools :: getValue ( 'filtername' );
if ( ! empty ( $filter_name ))
if ( stristr ( $module -> name , $filter_name ) === false && stristr ( $module -> displayName , $filter_name ) === false && stristr ( $module -> description , $filter_name ) === false )
return true ;
return false ;
// Filter on interest
if ( $module -> interest !== '' )
if ( $module -> interest === '0' )
return true ;
elseif (( int ) Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT `id_module_preference` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_preference` WHERE `module` = \'' . pSQL ( $module -> name ) . '\' AND `id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee . ' AND `interest` = 0' ) > 0 )
return true ;
// Filter on favorites
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ) == 'favorites' )
if (( int ) Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT `id_module_preference` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_preference` WHERE `module` = \'' . pSQL ( $module -> name ) . '\' AND `id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee . ' AND `favorite` = 1 AND (`interest` = 1 OR `interest` IS NULL)' ) < 1 )
return true ;
// Handle "others" category
if ( ! isset ( $this -> list_modules_categories [ $module -> tab ]))
$module -> tab = 'others' ;
// Filter on module category
$category_filtered = array ();
$filter_categories = explode ( '|' , Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ));
if ( count ( $filter_categories ) > 0 )
foreach ( $filter_categories as $fc )
if ( ! empty ( $fc ))
$category_filtered [ $fc ] = 1 ;
if ( count ( $category_filtered ) > 0 && ! isset ( $category_filtered [ $module -> tab ]))
return true ;
// Filter on module type and author
$show_type_modules = $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_TYPE_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ];
if ( $show_type_modules == 'nativeModules' && ! in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_natives_modules ))
return true ;
elseif ( $show_type_modules == 'partnerModules' && ! in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_partners_modules ))
return true ;
elseif ( $show_type_modules == 'addonsModules' && ( ! isset ( $module -> type ) || $module -> type != 'addonsBought' ))
return true ;
elseif ( $show_type_modules == 'mustHaveModules' && ( ! isset ( $module -> type ) || $module -> type != 'addonsMustHave' ))
return true ;
elseif ( $show_type_modules == 'otherModules' && ( in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_partners_modules ) || in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_natives_modules )))
return true ;
elseif ( strpos ( $show_type_modules , 'authorModules[' ) !== false )
// setting selected author in authors set
$author_selected = substr ( str_replace ( array ( 'authorModules[' , " \ ' " ), array ( '' , " ' " ), $show_type_modules ), 0 , - 1 );
$this -> modules_authors [ $author_selected ] = 'selected' ;
if ( empty ( $module -> author ) || strtolower ( $module -> author ) != $author_selected )
return true ;
// Filter on install status
$show_installed_modules = $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_INSTALLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ];
if ( $show_installed_modules == 'installed' && ! $module -> id )
return true ;
if ( $show_installed_modules == 'uninstalled' && $module -> id )
return true ;
// Filter on active status
$show_enabled_modules = $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_ENABLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ];
if ( $show_enabled_modules == 'enabled' && ! $module -> active )
return true ;
if ( $show_enabled_modules == 'disabled' && $module -> active )
return true ;
// Filter on country
$show_country_modules = $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_COUNTRY_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ];
if ( $show_country_modules && ( isset ( $module -> limited_countries ) && ! empty ( $module -> limited_countries )
&& (( is_array ( $module -> limited_countries ) && count ( $module -> limited_countries )
&& ! in_array ( strtolower ( $this -> iso_default_country ), $module -> limited_countries ))
|| ( ! is_array ( $module -> limited_countries ) && strtolower ( $this -> iso_default_country ) != strval ( $module -> limited_countries )))))
return true ;
// Module has not been filtered
return false ;
public function renderKpis ()
$time = time ();
$kpis = array ();
/* The data generation is located in AdminStatsControllerCore */
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-installed-modules' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-puzzle-piece' ;
$helper -> color = 'color1' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Installed Modules' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'INSTALLED_MODULES' ) !== false && ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'INSTALLED_MODULES' ) != '' )
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'INSTALLED_MODULES' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=installed_modules' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'INSTALLED_MODULES_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-disabled-modules' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-off' ;
$helper -> color = 'color2' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Disabled Modules' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'DISABLED_MODULES' ) !== false && ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'DISABLED_MODULES' ) != '' )
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'DISABLED_MODULES' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=disabled_modules' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'DISABLED_MODULES_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-update-modules' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-refresh' ;
$helper -> color = 'color3' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Modules to update' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'UPDATE_MODULES' ) !== false && ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'UPDATE_MODULES' ) != '' )
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'UPDATE_MODULES' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=update_modules' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'UPDATE_MODULES_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpiRow ();
$helper -> kpis = $kpis ;
return $helper -> generate ();
public function initModal ()
parent :: initModal ();
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'trad_link' => 'index.php?tab=AdminTranslations&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminTranslations' ) . '&type=modules&lang=' ,
'module_languages' => Language :: getLanguages ( false ),
'module_name' => Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ),
$modal_content = $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/modal_translation.tpl' );
$this -> modals [] = array (
'modal_id' => 'moduleTradLangSelect' ,
'modal_class' => 'modal-sm' ,
'modal_title' => $this -> l ( 'Translate this module' ),
'modal_content' => $modal_content
$modal_content = $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/' . (( $this -> context -> mode == Context :: MODE_HOST ) ? 'modal_not_trusted_blocked.tpl' : 'modal_not_trusted.tpl' ));
$this -> modals [] = array (
'modal_id' => 'moduleNotTrusted' ,
'modal_class' => 'modal-lg' ,
'modal_title' => ( $this -> context -> mode == Context :: MODE_HOST ) ? $this -> l ( 'This module cannot be installed' ) : $this -> l ( 'Important Notice' ),
'modal_content' => $modal_content
$modal_content = $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/modal_not_trusted_country.tpl' );
$this -> modals [] = array (
'modal_id' => 'moduleNotTrustedCountry' ,
'modal_class' => 'modal-lg' ,
'modal_title' => $this -> l ( 'This module is Untrusted for your country' ),
'modal_content' => $modal_content
public function initContent ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'addnewmodule' ) && $this -> context -> mode == Context :: MODE_HOST )
$this -> display = 'add' ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array ( 'iso_code' => $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ));
return parent :: initContent ();
$this -> meta_title = 'Modules' ;
// If we are on a module configuration, no need to load all modules
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'configure' ) != '' )
return true ;
$this -> initToolbar ();
$this -> initPageHeaderToolbar ();
// Init
$smarty = $this -> context -> smarty ;
$autocomplete_list = 'var moduleList = [' ;
$category_filtered = array ();
$filter_categories = explode ( '|' , Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SHOW_CAT_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ));
if ( count ( $filter_categories ) > 0 )
foreach ( $filter_categories as $fc )
if ( ! empty ( $fc ))
$category_filtered [ $fc ] = 1 ;
if ( empty ( $category_filtered ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'tab_module' ))
$category_filtered [ Tools :: getValue ( 'tab_module' )] = 1 ;
foreach ( $this -> list_modules_categories as $k => $v )
$this -> list_modules_categories [ $k ][ 'nb' ] = 0 ;
// Retrieve Modules Preferences
$modules_preferences = '' ;
$tab_modules_preferences = array ();
$modules_preferences_tmp = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_preference` WHERE `id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee );
$tab_modules_preferences_tmp = Db :: getInstance () -> executeS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tab_module_preference` WHERE `id_employee` = ' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee );
foreach ( $tab_modules_preferences_tmp as $i => $j )
$tab_modules_preferences [ $j [ 'module' ]][] = $j [ 'id_tab' ];
foreach ( $modules_preferences_tmp as $k => $v )
if ( $v [ 'interest' ] == null )
unset ( $v [ 'interest' ]);
if ( $v [ 'favorite' ] == null )
unset ( $v [ 'favorite' ]);
$modules_preferences [ $v [ 'module' ]] = $v ;
// Retrieve Modules List
$modules = Module :: getModulesOnDisk ( true , $this -> logged_on_addons , $this -> id_employee );
$this -> initModulesList ( $modules );
$this -> nb_modules_total = count ( $modules );
$module_errors = array ();
$module_success = array ();
$upgrade_available = array ();
$dont_filter = false ;
//Add succes message for one module update
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'updated' ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ))
$module_names = ( string ) Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' );
if ( strpos ( $module_names , '|' ))
$module_names = explode ( '|' , $module_names );
$dont_filter = true ;
if ( ! is_array ( $module_names ))
$module_names = ( array ) $module_names ;
foreach ( $modules as $km => $module )
if ( in_array ( $module -> name , $module_names ))
$module_success [] = array ( 'name' => $module -> displayName , 'message' => array (
0 => sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Current version: %s' ), $module -> version )));
// Browse modules list
foreach ( $modules as $km => $module )
//if we are in favorites view we only display installed modules
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'select' ) == 'favorites' && ! $module -> id )
unset ( $modules [ $km ]);
continue ;
// Upgrade Module process, init check if a module could be upgraded
if ( Module :: initUpgradeModule ( $module ))
// When the XML cache file is up-to-date, the module may not be loaded yet
if ( ! class_exists ( $module -> name ))
if ( ! file_exists ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $module -> name . '/' . $module -> name . '.php' ))
continue ;
require_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $module -> name . '/' . $module -> name . '.php' );
if ( $object = new $module -> name ())
/** @var Module $object */
$object -> runUpgradeModule ();
if (( count ( $errors_module_list = $object -> getErrors ())))
$module_errors [] = array ( 'name' => $module -> displayName , 'message' => $errors_module_list );
elseif (( count ( $conf_module_list = $object -> getConfirmations ())))
$module_success [] = array ( 'name' => $module -> displayName , 'message' => $conf_module_list );
unset ( $object );
// Module can't be upgraded if not file exist but can change the database version...
// User has to be prevented
elseif ( Module :: getUpgradeStatus ( $module -> name ))
// When the XML cache file is up-to-date, the module may not be loaded yet
if ( ! class_exists ( $module -> name ))
if ( file_exists ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $module -> name . '/' . $module -> name . '.php' ))
require_once ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $module -> name . '/' . $module -> name . '.php' );
$object = new $module -> name ();
$module_success [] = array ( 'name' => $module -> name , 'message' => array (
0 => sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Current version: %s' ), $object -> version ),
1 => $this -> l ( 'No file upgrades applied (none exist).' ))
continue ;
unset ( $object );
// Make modules stats
$this -> makeModulesStats ( $module );
// Assign warnings
if ( $module -> active && isset ( $module -> warning ) && ! empty ( $module -> warning ) && ! $this -> ajax )
$href = Context :: getContext () -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' , true ) . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&configure=' . $module -> name ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'text' , sprintf ( $this -> l ( '%1$s: %2$s' ), $module -> displayName , $module -> warning ));
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'module_link' , $href );
$this -> displayWarning ( $this -> context -> smarty -> fetch ( 'controllers/modules/warning_module.tpl' ));
// AutoComplete array
$autocomplete_list .= Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'displayName' => ( string ) $module -> displayName ,
'desc' => ( string ) $module -> description ,
'name' => ( string ) $module -> name ,
'author' => ( string ) $module -> author ,
'image' => ( isset ( $module -> image ) ? ( string ) $module -> image : '' ),
'option' => '' ,
)) . ', ' ;
// Apply filter
if ( $this -> isModuleFiltered ( $module ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'select' ) != 'favorites' )
unset ( $modules [ $km ]);
if ( isset ( $modules_preferences [ $modules [ $km ] -> name ]))
$modules [ $km ] -> preferences = $modules_preferences [ $modules [ $km ] -> name ];
$this -> fillModuleData ( $module , 'array' );
$module -> categoryName = ( isset ( $this -> list_modules_categories [ $module -> tab ][ 'name' ]) ? $this -> list_modules_categories [ $module -> tab ][ 'name' ] : $this -> list_modules_categories [ 'others' ][ 'name' ]);
unset ( $object );
if ( $module -> installed && isset ( $module -> version_addons ) && $module -> version_addons )
$upgrade_available [] = array ( 'anchor' => ucfirst ( $module -> name ), 'name' => $module -> name , 'displayName' => $module -> displayName );
if ( in_array ( $module -> name , $this -> list_partners_modules ))
$module -> type = 'addonsPartner' ;
if ( isset ( $module -> description_full ) && trim ( $module -> description_full ) != '' )
$module -> show_quick_view = true ;
// Don't display categories without modules
$cleaned_list = array ();
foreach ( $this -> list_modules_categories as $k => $list )
if ( $list [ 'nb' ] > 0 )
$cleaned_list [ $k ] = $list ;
// Actually used for the report of the upgraded errors
if ( count ( $module_errors ))
$html = $this -> generateHtmlMessage ( $module_errors );
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'The following module(s) were not upgraded successfully: %s.' ), $html );
if ( count ( $module_success ))
$html = $this -> generateHtmlMessage ( $module_success );
$this -> confirmations [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'The following module(s) were upgraded successfully: %s.' ), $html );
ConfigurationKPI :: updateValue ( 'UPDATE_MODULES' , count ( $upgrade_available ));
if ( count ( $upgrade_available ) == 0 && ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'check' ) == 1 )
$this -> confirmations [] = $this -> l ( 'Everything is up-to-date' );
// Init tpl vars for smarty
$tpl_vars = array (
'token' => $this -> token ,
'upgrade_available' => $upgrade_available ,
'currentIndex' => self :: $currentIndex ,
'dirNameCurrentIndex' => dirname ( self :: $currentIndex ),
'ajaxCurrentIndex' => str_replace ( 'index' , 'ajax-tab' , self :: $currentIndex ),
'autocompleteList' => rtrim ( $autocomplete_list , ' ,' ) . '];' ,
'showTypeModules' => $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_TYPE_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ],
'showCountryModules' => $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_COUNTRY_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ],
'showInstalledModules' => $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_INSTALLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ],
'showEnabledModules' => $this -> filter_configuration [ 'PS_SHOW_ENABLED_MODULES_' . ( int ) $this -> id_employee ],
'nameCountryDefault' => Country :: getNameById ( $this -> context -> language -> id , Configuration :: get ( 'PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT' )),
'isoCountryDefault' => $this -> iso_default_country ,
'categoryFiltered' => $category_filtered ,
'modules' => $modules ,
'nb_modules' => $this -> nb_modules_total ,
'nb_modules_favorites' => count ( $this -> context -> employee -> favoriteModulesList ()),
'nb_modules_installed' => $this -> nb_modules_installed ,
'nb_modules_uninstalled' => $this -> nb_modules_total - $this -> nb_modules_installed ,
'nb_modules_activated' => $this -> nb_modules_activated ,
'nb_modules_unactivated' => $this -> nb_modules_installed - $this -> nb_modules_activated ,
'list_modules_categories' => $cleaned_list ,
'list_modules_authors' => $this -> modules_authors ,
'add_permission' => $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ],
'tab_modules_preferences' => $tab_modules_preferences ,
'kpis' => $this -> renderKpis (),
'module_name' => Tools :: getValue ( 'module_name' ),
'page_header_toolbar_title' => $this -> page_header_toolbar_title ,
'page_header_toolbar_btn' => $this -> page_header_toolbar_btn ,
'modules_uri' => __PS_BASE_URI__ . basename ( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ ),
'dont_filter' => $dont_filter ,
'is_contributor' => ( int ) $this -> context -> cookie -> is_contributor
if ( $this -> logged_on_addons )
$tpl_vars [ 'logged_on_addons' ] = 1 ;
$tpl_vars [ 'username_addons' ] = $this -> context -> cookie -> username_addons ;
$smarty -> assign ( $tpl_vars );
public function ajaxProcessGetModuleQuickView ()
$modules = Module :: getModulesOnDisk ();
foreach ( $modules as $module )
if ( $module -> name == Tools :: getValue ( 'module' ))
break ;
$url = $module -> url ;
if ( isset ( $module -> type ) && ( $module -> type == 'addonsPartner' || $module -> type == 'addonsNative' ))
$url = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&install=' . urlencode ( $module -> name ) . '&tab_module=' . $module -> tab . '&module_name=' . $module -> name . '&anchor=' . ucfirst ( $module -> name );
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'displayName' => $module -> displayName ,
'image' => $module -> image ,
'nb_rates' => ( int ) $module -> nb_rates [ 0 ],
'avg_rate' => ( int ) $module -> avg_rate [ 0 ],
'badges' => $module -> badges ,
'compatibility' => $module -> compatibility ,
'description_full' => $module -> description_full ,
'additional_description' => $module -> additional_description ,
'is_addons_partner' => ( isset ( $module -> type ) && ( $module -> type == 'addonsPartner' || $module -> type == 'addonsNative' )),
'url' => $url ,
'price' => $module -> price
$this -> smartyOutputContent ( 'controllers/modules/quickview.tpl' );