2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
< ? php
* 2007 - 2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ prestashop . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future . If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http :// www . prestashop . com for more information .
* @ author PrestaShop SA < contact @ prestashop . com >
* @ copyright 2007 - 2015 PrestaShop SA
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class BoOrder extends PaymentModule
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
public $active = 1 ;
public $name = 'bo_order' ;
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
public function __construct ()
$this -> displayName = $this -> l ( 'Back office order' );
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
* @ property Order $object
class AdminOrdersControllerCore extends AdminController
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
public $toolbar_title ;
protected $statuses_array = array ();
public function __construct ()
$this -> bootstrap = true ;
$this -> table = 'order' ;
$this -> className = 'Order' ;
$this -> lang = false ;
$this -> addRowAction ( 'view' );
$this -> explicitSelect = true ;
$this -> allow_export = true ;
$this -> deleted = false ;
$this -> context = Context :: getContext ();
$this -> _select = '
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
a . id_currency ,
a . id_order AS id_pdf ,
CONCAT ( LEFT ( c . `firstname` , 1 ), \ ' . \ ' , c . `lastname` ) AS `customer` ,
osl . `name` AS `osname` ,
os . `color` ,
IF (( SELECT so . id_order FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` so WHERE so . id_customer = a . id_customer AND so . id_order < a . id_order LIMIT 1 ) > 0 , 0 , 1 ) as new ,
country_lang . name as cname ,
IF ( a . valid , 1 , 0 ) badge_success ' ;
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
$this -> _join = '
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON ( c . `id_customer` = a . `id_customer` )
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` address ON address . id_address = a . id_address_delivery
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` country ON address . id_country = country . id_country
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` country_lang ON ( country . `id_country` = country_lang . `id_country` AND country_lang . `id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.' )
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state` os ON ( os . `id_order_state` = a . `current_state` )
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state_lang` osl ON ( os . `id_order_state` = osl . `id_order_state` AND osl . `id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.' ) ' ;
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
$this -> _orderBy = 'id_order' ;
$this -> _orderWay = 'DESC' ;
$this -> _use_found_rows = true ;
$statuses = OrderState :: getOrderStates (( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id );
foreach ( $statuses as $status ) {
$this -> statuses_array [ $status [ 'id_order_state' ]] = $status [ 'name' ];
$this -> fields_list = array (
'id_order' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'ID' ),
'align' => 'text-center' ,
'class' => 'fixed-width-xs'
'reference' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Reference' )
'new' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'New client' ),
'align' => 'text-center' ,
'type' => 'bool' ,
'tmpTableFilter' => true ,
'orderby' => false ,
'callback' => 'printNewCustomer'
'customer' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Customer' ),
'havingFilter' => true ,
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_B2B_ENABLE' )) {
$this -> fields_list = array_merge ( $this -> fields_list , array (
'company' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Company' ),
'filter_key' => 'c!company'
$this -> fields_list = array_merge ( $this -> fields_list , array (
'total_paid_tax_incl' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Total' ),
'align' => 'text-right' ,
'type' => 'price' ,
'currency' => true ,
'callback' => 'setOrderCurrency' ,
'badge_success' => true
'payment' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Payment' )
'osname' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Status' ),
'type' => 'select' ,
'color' => 'color' ,
'list' => $this -> statuses_array ,
'filter_key' => 'os!id_order_state' ,
'filter_type' => 'int' ,
'order_key' => 'osname'
'date_add' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Date' ),
'align' => 'text-right' ,
'type' => 'datetime' ,
'filter_key' => 'a!date_add'
'id_pdf' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'PDF' ),
'align' => 'text-center' ,
'callback' => 'printPDFIcons' ,
'orderby' => false ,
'search' => false ,
'remove_onclick' => true
if ( Country :: isCurrentlyUsed ( 'country' , true )) {
$result = Db :: getInstance ( _PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_ ) -> ExecuteS ( '
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
SELECT DISTINCT c . id_country , cl . `name`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o
'.Shop::addSqlAssociation(' orders ', ' o ').'
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a ON a . id_address = o . id_address_delivery
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` c ON a . id_country = c . id_country
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON ( c . `id_country` = cl . `id_country` AND cl . `id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.' )
ORDER BY cl . name ASC ' );
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
$country_array = array ();
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$country_array [ $row [ 'id_country' ]] = $row [ 'name' ];
$part1 = array_slice ( $this -> fields_list , 0 , 3 );
$part2 = array_slice ( $this -> fields_list , 3 );
$part1 [ 'cname' ] = array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Delivery' ),
'type' => 'select' ,
'list' => $country_array ,
'filter_key' => 'country!id_country' ,
'filter_type' => 'int' ,
'order_key' => 'cname'
$this -> fields_list = array_merge ( $part1 , $part2 );
$this -> shopLinkType = 'shop' ;
$this -> shopShareDatas = Shop :: SHARE_ORDER ;
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'id_order' )) {
// Save context (in order to apply cart rule)
$order = new Order (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
$this -> context -> cart = new Cart ( $order -> id_cart );
$this -> context -> customer = new Customer ( $order -> id_customer );
$this -> bulk_actions = array (
'updateOrderStatus' => array ( 'text' => $this -> l ( 'Change Order Status' ), 'icon' => 'icon-refresh' )
parent :: __construct ();
public static function setOrderCurrency ( $echo , $tr )
$order = new Order ( $tr [ 'id_order' ]);
return Tools :: displayPrice ( $echo , ( int ) $order -> id_currency );
public function initPageHeaderToolbar ()
parent :: initPageHeaderToolbar ();
if ( empty ( $this -> display )) {
$this -> page_header_toolbar_btn [ 'new_order' ] = array (
'href' => self :: $currentIndex . '&addorder&token=' . $this -> token ,
'desc' => $this -> l ( 'Add new order' , null , null , false ),
'icon' => 'process-icon-new'
if ( $this -> display == 'add' ) {
unset ( $this -> page_header_toolbar_btn [ 'save' ]);
if ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> getContext () != Shop :: CONTEXT_SHOP && isset ( $this -> page_header_toolbar_btn [ 'new_order' ])
&& Shop :: isFeatureActive ()) {
unset ( $this -> page_header_toolbar_btn [ 'new_order' ]);
public function renderForm ()
if ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> getContext () != Shop :: CONTEXT_SHOP && Shop :: isFeatureActive ()) {
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'You have to select a shop before creating new orders.' );
$id_cart = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_cart' );
$cart = new Cart (( int ) $id_cart );
if ( $id_cart && ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $cart )) {
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'This cart does not exists' );
if ( $id_cart && Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $cart ) && ! $cart -> id_customer ) {
$this -> errors [] = $this -> l ( 'The cart must have a customer' );
if ( count ( $this -> errors )) {
return false ;
parent :: renderForm ();
unset ( $this -> toolbar_btn [ 'save' ]);
$this -> addJqueryPlugin ( array ( 'autocomplete' , 'fancybox' , 'typewatch' ));
$defaults_order_state = array ( 'cheque' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_CHEQUE' ),
'bankwire' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_BANKWIRE' ),
'cashondelivery' => Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_COD_VALIDATION' ) ? ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_COD_VALIDATION' ) : ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_PREPARATION' ),
'other' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_PAYMENT' ));
$payment_modules = array ();
foreach ( PaymentModule :: getInstalledPaymentModules () as $p_module ) {
$payment_modules [] = Module :: getInstanceById (( int ) $p_module [ 'id_module' ]);
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'recyclable_pack' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_RECYCLABLE_PACK' ),
'gift_wrapping' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_GIFT_WRAPPING' ),
'cart' => $cart ,
'currencies' => Currency :: getCurrenciesByIdShop ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> id ),
'langs' => Language :: getLanguages ( true , Context :: getContext () -> shop -> id ),
'payment_modules' => $payment_modules ,
'order_states' => OrderState :: getOrderStates (( int ) Context :: getContext () -> language -> id ),
'defaults_order_state' => $defaults_order_state ,
'show_toolbar' => $this -> show_toolbar ,
'toolbar_btn' => $this -> toolbar_btn ,
'toolbar_scroll' => $this -> toolbar_scroll ,
'PS_CATALOG_MODE' => Configuration :: get ( 'PS_CATALOG_MODE' ),
'title' => array ( $this -> l ( 'Orders' ), $this -> l ( 'Create order' ))
$this -> content .= $this -> createTemplate ( 'form.tpl' ) -> fetch ();
public function initToolbar ()
if ( $this -> display == 'view' ) {
/** @var Order $order */
$order = $this -> loadObject ();
$customer = $this -> context -> customer ;
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminOrders' ));
$this -> toolbar_title [] = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Order %1$s from %2$s %3$s' ), $order -> reference , $customer -> firstname , $customer -> lastname );
$this -> addMetaTitle ( $this -> toolbar_title [ count ( $this -> toolbar_title ) - 1 ]);
if ( $order -> hasBeenShipped ()) {
$type = $this -> l ( 'Return products' );
} elseif ( $order -> hasBeenPaid ()) {
$type = $this -> l ( 'Standard refund' );
} else {
$type = $this -> l ( 'Cancel products' );
if ( ! $order -> hasBeenShipped () && ! $this -> lite_display ) {
$this -> toolbar_btn [ 'new' ] = array (
'short' => 'Create' ,
'href' => '#' ,
'desc' => $this -> l ( 'Add a product' ),
'class' => 'add_product'
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ORDER_RETURN' ) && ! $this -> lite_display ) {
$this -> toolbar_btn [ 'standard_refund' ] = array (
'short' => 'Create' ,
'href' => '' ,
'desc' => $type ,
'class' => 'process-icon-standardRefund'
if ( $order -> hasInvoice () && ! $this -> lite_display ) {
$this -> toolbar_btn [ 'partial_refund' ] = array (
'short' => 'Create' ,
'href' => '' ,
'desc' => $this -> l ( 'Partial refund' ),
'class' => 'process-icon-partialRefund'
$res = parent :: initToolbar ();
if ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> getContext () != Shop :: CONTEXT_SHOP && isset ( $this -> toolbar_btn [ 'new' ]) && Shop :: isFeatureActive ()) {
unset ( $this -> toolbar_btn [ 'new' ]);
return $res ;
public function setMedia ()
parent :: setMedia ();
$this -> addJqueryUI ( 'ui.datepicker' );
$this -> addJS ( _PS_JS_DIR_ . 'vendor/d3.v3.min.js' );
$this -> addJS ( 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false' );
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] == 1 && $this -> display == 'view' ) {
$this -> addJS ( _PS_JS_DIR_ . 'admin/orders.js' );
$this -> addJS ( _PS_JS_DIR_ . 'tools.js' );
$this -> addJqueryPlugin ( 'autocomplete' );
public function printPDFIcons ( $id_order , $tr )
static $valid_order_state = array ();
$order = new Order ( $id_order );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
return '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $valid_order_state [ $order -> current_state ])) {
$valid_order_state [ $order -> current_state ] = Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order -> getCurrentOrderState ());
if ( ! $valid_order_state [ $order -> current_state ]) {
return '' ;
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'order' => $order ,
'tr' => $tr
return $this -> createTemplate ( '_print_pdf_icon.tpl' ) -> fetch ();
public function printNewCustomer ( $id_order , $tr )
return ( $tr [ 'new' ] ? $this -> l ( 'Yes' ) : $this -> l ( 'No' ));
public function processBulkUpdateOrderStatus ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitUpdateOrderStatus' )
&& ( $id_order_state = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_state' ))) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] !== '1' ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} else {
$order_state = new OrderState ( $id_order_state );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_state )) {
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Order status #%d cannot be loaded' ), $id_order_state );
} else {
foreach ( Tools :: getValue ( 'orderBox' ) as $id_order ) {
$order = new Order (( int ) $id_order );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Order #%d cannot be loaded' ), $id_order );
} else {
$current_order_state = $order -> getCurrentOrderState ();
if ( $current_order_state -> id == $order_state -> id ) {
$this -> errors [] = $this -> displayWarning ( sprintf ( 'Order #%d has already been assigned this status.' , $id_order ));
} else {
$history = new OrderHistory ();
$history -> id_order = $order -> id ;
$history -> id_employee = ( int ) $this -> context -> employee -> id ;
$use_existings_payment = ! $order -> hasInvoice ();
$history -> changeIdOrderState (( int ) $order_state -> id , $order , $use_existings_payment );
$carrier = new Carrier ( $order -> id_carrier , $order -> id_lang );
$templateVars = array ();
if ( $history -> id_order_state == Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_SHIPPING' ) && $order -> shipping_number ) {
$templateVars = array ( '{followup}' => str_replace ( '@' , $order -> shipping_number , $carrier -> url ));
if ( $history -> addWithemail ( true , $templateVars )) {
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' )) {
foreach ( $order -> getProducts () as $product ) {
if ( StockAvailable :: dependsOnStock ( $product [ 'product_id' ])) {
StockAvailable :: synchronize ( $product [ 'product_id' ], ( int ) $product [ 'id_shop' ]);
} else {
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'Cannot change status for order #%d.' ), $id_order );
if ( ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
public function renderList ()
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitBulkupdateOrderStatus' . $this -> table )) {
if ( Tools :: getIsset ( 'cancel' )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this -> token );
$this -> tpl_list_vars [ 'updateOrderStatus_mode' ] = true ;
$this -> tpl_list_vars [ 'order_statuses' ] = $this -> statuses_array ;
$this -> tpl_list_vars [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] = $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
$this -> tpl_list_vars [ 'POST' ] = $_POST ;
return parent :: renderList ();
public function postProcess ()
// If id_order is sent, we instanciate a new Order object
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'id_order' ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ) > 0 ) {
$order = new Order ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order cannot be found within your database.' );
ShopUrl :: cacheMainDomainForShop (( int ) $order -> id_shop );
/* Update shipping number */
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitShippingNumber' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_carrier' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_carrier )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order carrier ID is invalid.' );
} elseif ( ! Validate :: isTrackingNumber ( Tools :: getValue ( 'tracking_number' ))) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The tracking number is incorrect.' );
} else {
// update shipping number
// Keep these two following lines for backward compatibility, remove on 1.6 version
$order -> shipping_number = Tools :: getValue ( 'tracking_number' );
$order -> update ();
// Update order_carrier
$order_carrier -> tracking_number = pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'tracking_number' ));
if ( $order_carrier -> update ()) {
// Send mail to customer
$customer = new Customer (( int ) $order -> id_customer );
$carrier = new Carrier (( int ) $order -> id_carrier , $order -> id_lang );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $customer )) {
throw new PrestaShopException ( 'Can\'t load Customer object' );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $carrier )) {
throw new PrestaShopException ( 'Can\'t load Carrier object' );
$templateVars = array (
'{followup}' => str_replace ( '@' , $order -> shipping_number , $carrier -> url ),
'{firstname}' => $customer -> firstname ,
'{lastname}' => $customer -> lastname ,
'{id_order}' => $order -> id ,
'{shipping_number}' => $order -> shipping_number ,
'{order_name}' => $order -> getUniqReference ()
if ( @ Mail :: Send (( int ) $order -> id_lang , 'in_transit' , Mail :: l ( 'Package in transit' , ( int ) $order -> id_lang ), $templateVars ,
$customer -> email , $customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname , null , null , null , null ,
_PS_MAIL_DIR_ , true , ( int ) $order -> id_shop )) {
Hook :: exec ( 'actionAdminOrdersTrackingNumberUpdate' , array ( 'order' => $order , 'customer' => $customer , 'carrier' => $carrier ), null , false , true , false , $order -> id_shop );
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while sending an email to the customer.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order carrier cannot be updated.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
/* Change order status, add a new entry in order history and send an e-mail to the customer if needed */
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitState' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$order_state = new OrderState ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_state' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_state )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The new order status is invalid.' );
} else {
$current_order_state = $order -> getCurrentOrderState ();
if ( $current_order_state -> id != $order_state -> id ) {
// Create new OrderHistory
$history = new OrderHistory ();
$history -> id_order = $order -> id ;
$history -> id_employee = ( int ) $this -> context -> employee -> id ;
$use_existings_payment = false ;
if ( ! $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
$use_existings_payment = true ;
$history -> changeIdOrderState (( int ) $order_state -> id , $order , $use_existings_payment );
$carrier = new Carrier ( $order -> id_carrier , $order -> id_lang );
$templateVars = array ();
if ( $history -> id_order_state == Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_SHIPPING' ) && $order -> shipping_number ) {
$templateVars = array ( '{followup}' => str_replace ( '@' , $order -> shipping_number , $carrier -> url ));
// Save all changes
if ( $history -> addWithemail ( true , $templateVars )) {
// synchronizes quantities if needed..
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' )) {
foreach ( $order -> getProducts () as $product ) {
if ( StockAvailable :: dependsOnStock ( $product [ 'product_id' ])) {
StockAvailable :: synchronize ( $product [ 'product_id' ], ( int ) $product [ 'id_shop' ]);
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . ( int ) $order -> id . '&vieworder&token=' . $this -> token );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while changing order status, or we were unable to send an email to the customer.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order has already been assigned this status.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
/* Add a new message for the current order and send an e-mail to the customer if needed */
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitMessage' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$customer = new Customer ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customer' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $customer )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The customer is invalid.' );
} elseif ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'message' )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The message cannot be blank.' );
} else {
/* Get message rules and and check fields validity */
$rules = call_user_func ( array ( 'Message' , 'getValidationRules' ), 'Message' );
foreach ( $rules [ 'required' ] as $field ) {
if (( $value = Tools :: getValue ( $field )) == false && ( string ) $value != '0' ) {
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'id_' . $this -> table ) || $field != 'passwd' ) {
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'field %s is required.' ), $field );
foreach ( $rules [ 'size' ] as $field => $maxLength ) {
if ( Tools :: getValue ( $field ) && Tools :: strlen ( Tools :: getValue ( $field )) > $maxLength ) {
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'field %1$s is too long (%2$d chars max).' ), $field , $maxLength );
foreach ( $rules [ 'validate' ] as $field => $function ) {
if ( Tools :: getValue ( $field )) {
if ( ! Validate :: $function ( htmlentities ( Tools :: getValue ( $field ), ENT_COMPAT , 'UTF-8' ))) {
$this -> errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'field %s is invalid.' ), $field );
if ( ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
//check if a thread already exist
$id_customer_thread = CustomerThread :: getIdCustomerThreadByEmailAndIdOrder ( $customer -> email , $order -> id );
if ( ! $id_customer_thread ) {
$customer_thread = new CustomerThread ();
$customer_thread -> id_contact = 0 ;
$customer_thread -> id_customer = ( int ) $order -> id_customer ;
$customer_thread -> id_shop = ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id ;
$customer_thread -> id_order = ( int ) $order -> id ;
$customer_thread -> id_lang = ( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id ;
$customer_thread -> email = $customer -> email ;
$customer_thread -> status = 'open' ;
$customer_thread -> token = Tools :: passwdGen ( 12 );
$customer_thread -> add ();
} else {
$customer_thread = new CustomerThread (( int ) $id_customer_thread );
$customer_message = new CustomerMessage ();
$customer_message -> id_customer_thread = $customer_thread -> id ;
$customer_message -> id_employee = ( int ) $this -> context -> employee -> id ;
$customer_message -> message = Tools :: getValue ( 'message' );
$customer_message -> private = Tools :: getValue ( 'visibility' );
if ( ! $customer_message -> add ()) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while saving the message.' );
} elseif ( $customer_message -> private ) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . ( int ) $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=11&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$message = $customer_message -> message ;
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_MAIL_TYPE' , null , null , $order -> id_shop ) != Mail :: TYPE_TEXT ) {
$message = Tools :: nl2br ( $customer_message -> message );
$varsTpl = array (
'{lastname}' => $customer -> lastname ,
'{firstname}' => $customer -> firstname ,
'{id_order}' => $order -> id ,
'{order_name}' => $order -> getUniqReference (),
'{message}' => $message
if ( @ Mail :: Send (( int ) $order -> id_lang , 'order_merchant_comment' ,
Mail :: l ( 'New message regarding your order' , ( int ) $order -> id_lang ), $varsTpl , $customer -> email ,
$customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname , null , null , null , null , _PS_MAIL_DIR_ , true , ( int ) $order -> id_shop )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=11' . '&token=' . $this -> token );
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while sending an email to the customer.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete this.' );
/* Partial refund from order */
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'partialRefund' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] == '1' ) {
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'partialRefundProduct' ) && ( $refunds = Tools :: getValue ( 'partialRefundProduct' )) && is_array ( $refunds )) {
$amount = 0 ;
$order_detail_list = array ();
$full_quantity_list = array ();
foreach ( $refunds as $id_order_detail => $amount_detail ) {
$quantity = Tools :: getValue ( 'partialRefundProductQuantity' );
if ( ! $quantity [ $id_order_detail ]) {
continue ;
$full_quantity_list [ $id_order_detail ] = ( int ) $quantity [ $id_order_detail ];
$order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ] = array (
'quantity' => ( int ) $quantity [ $id_order_detail ],
'id_order_detail' => ( int ) $id_order_detail
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) $id_order_detail );
if ( empty ( $amount_detail )) {
$order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'unit_price' ] = ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'TaxMethod' ) ? $order_detail -> unit_price_tax_excl : $order_detail -> unit_price_tax_incl );
$order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'amount' ] = $order_detail -> unit_price_tax_incl * $order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'quantity' ];
} else {
$order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'amount' ] = ( float ) str_replace ( ',' , '.' , $amount_detail );
$order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'unit_price' ] = $order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'amount' ] / $order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'quantity' ];
$amount += $order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'amount' ];
if ( ! $order -> hasBeenDelivered () || ( $order -> hasBeenDelivered () && Tools :: isSubmit ( 'reinjectQuantities' )) && $order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'quantity' ] > 0 ) {
$this -> reinjectQuantity ( $order_detail , $order_detail_list [ $id_order_detail ][ 'quantity' ]);
$shipping_cost_amount = ( float ) str_replace ( ',' , '.' , Tools :: getValue ( 'partialRefundShippingCost' )) ? ( float ) str_replace ( ',' , '.' , Tools :: getValue ( 'partialRefundShippingCost' )) : false ;
if ( $amount == 0 && $shipping_cost_amount == 0 ) {
if ( ! empty ( $refunds )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please enter a quantity to proceed with your refund.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please enter an amount to proceed with your refund.' );
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
return false ;
$choosen = false ;
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
$voucher = 0 ;
if (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_voucher_off' ) == 1 ) {
$amount -= $voucher = ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'order_discount_price' );
} elseif (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_voucher_off' ) == 2 ) {
$choosen = true ;
$amount = $voucher = ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_voucher_choose' );
if ( $shipping_cost_amount > 0 ) {
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'TaxMethod' )) {
$tax = new Tax ();
$tax -> rate = $order -> carrier_tax_rate ;
$tax_calculator = new TaxCalculator ( array ( $tax ));
$amount += $tax_calculator -> addTaxes ( $shipping_cost_amount );
} else {
$amount += $shipping_cost_amount ;
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier (( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ());
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_carrier )) {
$order_carrier -> weight = ( float ) $order -> getTotalWeight ();
if ( $order_carrier -> update ()) {
$order -> weight = sprintf ( " %.3f " . Configuration :: get ( 'PS_WEIGHT_UNIT' ), $order_carrier -> weight );
if ( $amount >= 0 ) {
if ( ! OrderSlip :: create ( $order , $order_detail_list , $shipping_cost_amount , $voucher , $choosen ,
( Tools :: getValue ( 'TaxMethod' ) ? false : true ))) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot generate a partial credit slip.' );
} else {
Hook :: exec ( 'actionOrderSlipAdd' , array ( 'order' => $order , 'productList' => $order_detail_list , 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list ), null , false , true , false , $order -> id_shop );
$customer = new Customer (( int )( $order -> id_customer ));
$params [ '{lastname}' ] = $customer -> lastname ;
$params [ '{firstname}' ] = $customer -> firstname ;
$params [ '{id_order}' ] = $order -> id ;
$params [ '{order_name}' ] = $order -> getUniqReference ();
@ Mail :: Send (
( int ) $order -> id_lang ,
'credit_slip' ,
Mail :: l ( 'New credit slip regarding your order' , ( int ) $order -> id_lang ),
$params ,
$customer -> email ,
$customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
true ,
( int ) $order -> id_shop
foreach ( $order_detail_list as & $product ) {
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' )) {
StockAvailable :: synchronize ( $order_detail -> product_id );
// Generate voucher
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'generateDiscountRefund' ) && ! count ( $this -> errors ) && $amount > 0 ) {
$cart_rule = new CartRule ();
$cart_rule -> description = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Credit slip for order #%d' ), $order -> id );
$language_ids = Language :: getIDs ( false );
foreach ( $language_ids as $id_lang ) {
// Define a temporary name
$cart_rule -> name [ $id_lang ] = sprintf ( 'V0C%1$dO%2$d' , $order -> id_customer , $order -> id );
// Define a temporary code
$cart_rule -> code = sprintf ( 'V0C%1$dO%2$d' , $order -> id_customer , $order -> id );
$cart_rule -> quantity = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> quantity_per_user = 1 ;
// Specific to the customer
$cart_rule -> id_customer = $order -> id_customer ;
$now = time ();
$cart_rule -> date_from = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $now );
$cart_rule -> date_to = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( '+1 year' ));
$cart_rule -> partial_use = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> active = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> reduction_amount = $amount ;
$cart_rule -> reduction_tax = true ;
$cart_rule -> minimum_amount_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
$cart_rule -> reduction_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
if ( ! $cart_rule -> add ()) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot generate a voucher.' );
} else {
// Update the voucher code and name
foreach ( $language_ids as $id_lang ) {
$cart_rule -> name [ $id_lang ] = sprintf ( 'V%1$dC%2$dO%3$d' , $cart_rule -> id , $order -> id_customer , $order -> id );
$cart_rule -> code = sprintf ( 'V%1$dC%2$dO%3$d' , $cart_rule -> id , $order -> id_customer , $order -> id );
if ( ! $cart_rule -> update ()) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot generate a voucher.' );
} else {
$currency = $this -> context -> currency ;
$customer = new Customer (( int )( $order -> id_customer ));
$params [ '{lastname}' ] = $customer -> lastname ;
$params [ '{firstname}' ] = $customer -> firstname ;
$params [ '{id_order}' ] = $order -> id ;
$params [ '{order_name}' ] = $order -> getUniqReference ();
$params [ '{voucher_amount}' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $cart_rule -> reduction_amount , $currency , false );
$params [ '{voucher_num}' ] = $cart_rule -> code ;
@ Mail :: Send (( int ) $order -> id_lang , 'voucher' , sprintf ( Mail :: l ( 'New voucher for your order #%s' , ( int ) $order -> id_lang ), $order -> reference ),
$params , $customer -> email , $customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname , null , null , null ,
null , _PS_MAIL_DIR_ , true , ( int ) $order -> id_shop );
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $refunds )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please enter a quantity to proceed with your refund.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please enter an amount to proceed with your refund.' );
// Redirect if no errors
if ( ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=30&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The partial refund data is incorrect.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete this.' );
/* Cancel product from order */
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'cancelProduct' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'delete' ] === '1' ) {
if ( ! Tools :: isSubmit ( 'id_order_detail' ) && ! Tools :: isSubmit ( 'id_customization' )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You must select a product.' );
} elseif ( ! Tools :: isSubmit ( 'cancelQuantity' ) && ! Tools :: isSubmit ( 'cancelCustomizationQuantity' )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You must enter a quantity.' );
} else {
$productList = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_detail' );
if ( $productList ) {
$productList = array_map ( 'intval' , $productList );
$customizationList = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customization' );
if ( $customizationList ) {
$customizationList = array_map ( 'intval' , $customizationList );
$qtyList = Tools :: getValue ( 'cancelQuantity' );
if ( $qtyList ) {
$qtyList = array_map ( 'intval' , $qtyList );
$customizationQtyList = Tools :: getValue ( 'cancelCustomizationQuantity' );
if ( $customizationQtyList ) {
$customizationQtyList = array_map ( 'intval' , $customizationQtyList );
$full_product_list = $productList ;
$full_quantity_list = $qtyList ;
if ( $customizationList ) {
foreach ( $customizationList as $key => $id_order_detail ) {
$full_product_list [( int ) $id_order_detail ] = $id_order_detail ;
if ( isset ( $customizationQtyList [ $key ])) {
$full_quantity_list [( int ) $id_order_detail ] += $customizationQtyList [ $key ];
if ( $productList || $customizationList ) {
if ( $productList ) {
$id_cart = Cart :: getCartIdByOrderId ( $order -> id );
$customization_quantities = Customization :: countQuantityByCart ( $id_cart );
foreach ( $productList as $key => $id_order_detail ) {
$qtyCancelProduct = abs ( $qtyList [ $key ]);
if ( ! $qtyCancelProduct ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'No quantity has been selected for this product.' );
$order_detail = new OrderDetail ( $id_order_detail );
$customization_quantity = 0 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $order_detail -> product_id , $customization_quantities ) && array_key_exists ( $order_detail -> product_attribute_id , $customization_quantities [ $order_detail -> product_id ])) {
$customization_quantity = ( int ) $customization_quantities [ $order_detail -> product_id ][ $order_detail -> product_attribute_id ];
if (( $order_detail -> product_quantity - $customization_quantity - $order_detail -> product_quantity_refunded - $order_detail -> product_quantity_return ) < $qtyCancelProduct ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An invalid quantity was selected for this product.' );
if ( $customizationList ) {
$customization_quantities = Customization :: retrieveQuantitiesFromIds ( array_keys ( $customizationList ));
foreach ( $customizationList as $id_customization => $id_order_detail ) {
$qtyCancelProduct = abs ( $customizationQtyList [ $id_customization ]);
$customization_quantity = $customization_quantities [ $id_customization ];
if ( ! $qtyCancelProduct ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'No quantity has been selected for this product.' );
if ( $qtyCancelProduct > ( $customization_quantity [ 'quantity' ] - ( $customization_quantity [ 'quantity_refunded' ] + $customization_quantity [ 'quantity_returned' ]))) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An invalid quantity was selected for this product.' );
if ( ! count ( $this -> errors ) && $productList ) {
foreach ( $productList as $key => $id_order_detail ) {
$qty_cancel_product = abs ( $qtyList [ $key ]);
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int )( $id_order_detail ));
if ( ! $order -> hasBeenDelivered () || ( $order -> hasBeenDelivered () && Tools :: isSubmit ( 'reinjectQuantities' )) && $qty_cancel_product > 0 ) {
$this -> reinjectQuantity ( $order_detail , $qty_cancel_product );
// Delete product
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) $id_order_detail );
if ( ! $order -> deleteProduct ( $order , $order_detail , $qty_cancel_product )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while attempting to delete the product.' ) . ' <span class="bold">' . $order_detail -> product_name . '</span>' ;
// Update weight SUM
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier (( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ());
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_carrier )) {
$order_carrier -> weight = ( float ) $order -> getTotalWeight ();
if ( $order_carrier -> update ()) {
$order -> weight = sprintf ( " %.3f " . Configuration :: get ( 'PS_WEIGHT_UNIT' ), $order_carrier -> weight );
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' ) && StockAvailable :: dependsOnStock ( $order_detail -> product_id )) {
StockAvailable :: synchronize ( $order_detail -> product_id );
Hook :: exec ( 'actionProductCancel' , array ( 'order' => $order , 'id_order_detail' => ( int ) $id_order_detail ), null , false , true , false , $order -> id_shop );
if ( ! count ( $this -> errors ) && $customizationList ) {
foreach ( $customizationList as $id_customization => $id_order_detail ) {
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int )( $id_order_detail ));
$qtyCancelProduct = abs ( $customizationQtyList [ $id_customization ]);
if ( ! $order -> deleteCustomization ( $id_customization , $qtyCancelProduct , $order_detail )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while attempting to delete product customization.' ) . ' ' . $id_customization ;
// E-mail params
if (( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'generateCreditSlip' ) || Tools :: isSubmit ( 'generateDiscount' )) && ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
$customer = new Customer (( int )( $order -> id_customer ));
$params [ '{lastname}' ] = $customer -> lastname ;
$params [ '{firstname}' ] = $customer -> firstname ;
$params [ '{id_order}' ] = $order -> id ;
$params [ '{order_name}' ] = $order -> getUniqReference ();
// Generate credit slip
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'generateCreditSlip' ) && ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
$product_list = array ();
$amount = $order_detail -> unit_price_tax_incl * $full_quantity_list [ $id_order_detail ];
$choosen = false ;
if (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_total_voucher_off' ) == 1 ) {
$amount -= $voucher = ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'order_discount_price' );
} elseif (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_total_voucher_off' ) == 2 ) {
$choosen = true ;
$amount = $voucher = ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_total_voucher_choose' );
foreach ( $full_product_list as $id_order_detail ) {
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) $id_order_detail );
$product_list [ $id_order_detail ] = array (
'id_order_detail' => $id_order_detail ,
'quantity' => $full_quantity_list [ $id_order_detail ],
'unit_price' => $order_detail -> unit_price_tax_excl ,
'amount' => isset ( $amount ) ? $amount : $order_detail -> unit_price_tax_incl * $full_quantity_list [ $id_order_detail ],
$shipping = Tools :: isSubmit ( 'shippingBack' ) ? null : false ;
if ( ! OrderSlip :: create ( $order , $product_list , $shipping , $voucher , $choosen )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'A credit slip cannot be generated. ' );
} else {
Hook :: exec ( 'actionOrderSlipAdd' , array ( 'order' => $order , 'productList' => $full_product_list , 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list ), null , false , true , false , $order -> id_shop );
@ Mail :: Send (
( int ) $order -> id_lang ,
'credit_slip' ,
Mail :: l ( 'New credit slip regarding your order' , ( int ) $order -> id_lang ),
$params ,
$customer -> email ,
$customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
true ,
( int ) $order -> id_shop
// Generate voucher
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'generateDiscount' ) && ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
$cartrule = new CartRule ();
$language_ids = Language :: getIDs (( bool ) $order );
$cartrule -> description = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Credit card slip for order #%d' ), $order -> id );
foreach ( $language_ids as $id_lang ) {
// Define a temporary name
$cartrule -> name [ $id_lang ] = 'V0C' . ( int )( $order -> id_customer ) . 'O' . ( int )( $order -> id );
// Define a temporary code
$cartrule -> code = 'V0C' . ( int )( $order -> id_customer ) . 'O' . ( int )( $order -> id );
$cartrule -> quantity = 1 ;
$cartrule -> quantity_per_user = 1 ;
// Specific to the customer
$cartrule -> id_customer = $order -> id_customer ;
$now = time ();
$cartrule -> date_from = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $now );
$cartrule -> date_to = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $now + ( 3600 * 24 * 365.25 )); /* 1 year */
$cartrule -> active = 1 ;
$products = $order -> getProducts ( false , $full_product_list , $full_quantity_list );
$total = 0 ;
foreach ( $products as $product ) {
$total += $product [ 'unit_price_tax_incl' ] * $product [ 'product_quantity' ];
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'shippingBack' )) {
$total += $order -> total_shipping ;
if (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_total_voucher_off' ) == 1 ) {
$total -= ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'order_discount_price' );
} elseif (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_total_voucher_off' ) == 2 ) {
$total = ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'refund_total_voucher_choose' );
$cartrule -> reduction_amount = $total ;
$cartrule -> reduction_tax = true ;
$cartrule -> minimum_amount_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
$cartrule -> reduction_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
if ( ! $cartrule -> add ()) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot generate a voucher.' );
} else {
// Update the voucher code and name
foreach ( $language_ids as $id_lang ) {
$cartrule -> name [ $id_lang ] = 'V' . ( int )( $cartrule -> id ) . 'C' . ( int )( $order -> id_customer ) . 'O' . $order -> id ;
$cartrule -> code = 'V' . ( int )( $cartrule -> id ) . 'C' . ( int )( $order -> id_customer ) . 'O' . $order -> id ;
if ( ! $cartrule -> update ()) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot generate a voucher.' );
} else {
$currency = $this -> context -> currency ;
$params [ '{voucher_amount}' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $cartrule -> reduction_amount , $currency , false );
$params [ '{voucher_num}' ] = $cartrule -> code ;
@ Mail :: Send (( int ) $order -> id_lang , 'voucher' , sprintf ( Mail :: l ( 'New voucher for your order #%s' , ( int ) $order -> id_lang ), $order -> reference ),
$params , $customer -> email , $customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname , null , null , null ,
null , _PS_MAIL_DIR_ , true , ( int ) $order -> id_shop );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'No product or quantity has been selected.' );
// Redirect if no errors
if ( ! count ( $this -> errors )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=31&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to delete this.' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'messageReaded' )) {
Message :: markAsReaded ( Tools :: getValue ( 'messageReaded' ), $this -> context -> employee -> id );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAddPayment' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$amount = str_replace ( ',' , '.' , Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_amount' ));
$currency = new Currency ( Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_currency' ));
$order_has_invoice = $order -> hasInvoice ();
if ( $order_has_invoice ) {
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice ( Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_invoice' ));
} else {
$order_invoice = null ;
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order cannot be found' );
} elseif ( ! Validate :: isNegativePrice ( $amount ) || ! ( float ) $amount ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The amount is invalid.' );
} elseif ( ! Validate :: isGenericName ( Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_method' ))) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The selected payment method is invalid.' );
} elseif ( ! Validate :: isString ( Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_transaction_id' ))) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The transaction ID is invalid.' );
} elseif ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $currency )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The selected currency is invalid.' );
} elseif ( $order_has_invoice && ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_invoice )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The invoice is invalid.' );
} elseif ( ! Validate :: isDate ( Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_date' ))) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The date is invalid' );
} else {
if ( ! $order -> addOrderPayment ( $amount , Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_method' ), Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_transaction_id' ), $currency , Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_date' ), $order_invoice )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during payment.' );
} else {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitEditNote' )) {
$note = Tools :: getValue ( 'note' );
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_invoice' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_invoice ) && Validate :: isCleanHtml ( $note )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$order_invoice -> note = $note ;
if ( $order_invoice -> save ()) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order_invoice -> id_order . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The invoice note was not saved.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The invoice for edit note was unable to load. ' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAddOrder' ) && ( $id_cart = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_cart' )) &&
( $module_name = Tools :: getValue ( 'payment_module_name' )) &&
( $id_order_state = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_state' )) && Validate :: isModuleName ( $module_name )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'PS_CATALOG_MODE' )) {
$payment_module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( $module_name );
} else {
$payment_module = new BoOrder ();
$cart = new Cart (( int ) $id_cart );
Context :: getContext () -> currency = new Currency (( int ) $cart -> id_currency );
Context :: getContext () -> customer = new Customer (( int ) $cart -> id_customer );
$bad_delivery = false ;
if (( $bad_delivery = ( bool ) ! Address :: isCountryActiveById (( int ) $cart -> id_address_delivery ))
|| ! Address :: isCountryActiveById (( int ) $cart -> id_address_invoice )) {
if ( $bad_delivery ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This delivery address country is not active.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This invoice address country is not active.' );
} else {
$employee = new Employee (( int ) Context :: getContext () -> cookie -> id_employee );
$payment_module -> validateOrder (
( int ) $cart -> id , ( int ) $id_order_state ,
$cart -> getOrderTotal ( true , Cart :: BOTH ), $payment_module -> displayName , $this -> l ( 'Manual order -- Employee:' ) . ' ' .
substr ( $employee -> firstname , 0 , 1 ) . '. ' . $employee -> lastname , array (), null , false , $cart -> secure_key
if ( $payment_module -> currentOrder ) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $payment_module -> currentOrder . '&vieworder' . '&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to add this.' );
} elseif (( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAddressShipping' ) || Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAddressInvoice' )) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$address = new Address ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $address )) {
// Update the address on order
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAddressShipping' )) {
$order -> id_address_delivery = $address -> id ;
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitAddressInvoice' )) {
$order -> id_address_invoice = $address -> id ;
$order -> update ();
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This address can\'t be loaded' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitChangeCurrency' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'new_currency' ) != $order -> id_currency && ! $order -> valid ) {
$old_currency = new Currency ( $order -> id_currency );
$currency = new Currency ( Tools :: getValue ( 'new_currency' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $currency )) {
throw new PrestaShopException ( 'Can\'t load Currency object' );
// Update order detail amount
foreach ( $order -> getOrderDetailList () as $row ) {
$order_detail = new OrderDetail ( $row [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
$fields = array (
'ecotax' ,
'product_price' ,
'reduction_amount' ,
'total_shipping_price_tax_excl' ,
'total_shipping_price_tax_incl' ,
'total_price_tax_incl' ,
'total_price_tax_excl' ,
'product_quantity_discount' ,
'purchase_supplier_price' ,
'reduction_amount' ,
'reduction_amount_tax_incl' ,
'reduction_amount_tax_excl' ,
'unit_price_tax_incl' ,
'unit_price_tax_excl' ,
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
$order_detail -> { $field } = Tools :: convertPriceFull ( $order_detail -> { $field }, $old_currency , $currency );
$order_detail -> update ();
$order_detail -> updateTaxAmount ( $order );
$id_order_carrier = ( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ();
if ( $id_order_carrier ) {
$order_carrier = $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier (( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ());
$order_carrier -> shipping_cost_tax_excl = ( float ) Tools :: convertPriceFull ( $order_carrier -> shipping_cost_tax_excl , $old_currency , $currency );
$order_carrier -> shipping_cost_tax_incl = ( float ) Tools :: convertPriceFull ( $order_carrier -> shipping_cost_tax_incl , $old_currency , $currency );
$order_carrier -> update ();
// Update order && order_invoice amount
$fields = array (
'total_discounts' ,
'total_discounts_tax_incl' ,
'total_discounts_tax_excl' ,
'total_discount_tax_excl' ,
'total_discount_tax_incl' ,
'total_paid' ,
'total_paid_tax_incl' ,
'total_paid_tax_excl' ,
'total_paid_real' ,
'total_products' ,
'total_products_wt' ,
'total_shipping' ,
'total_shipping_tax_incl' ,
'total_shipping_tax_excl' ,
'total_wrapping' ,
'total_wrapping_tax_incl' ,
'total_wrapping_tax_excl' ,
$invoices = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
if ( $invoices ) {
foreach ( $invoices as $invoice ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( isset ( $invoice -> $field )) {
$invoice -> { $field } = Tools :: convertPriceFull ( $invoice -> { $field }, $old_currency , $currency );
$invoice -> save ();
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( isset ( $order -> $field )) {
$order -> { $field } = Tools :: convertPriceFull ( $order -> { $field }, $old_currency , $currency );
// Update currency in order
$order -> id_currency = $currency -> id ;
// Update exchange rate
$order -> conversion_rate = ( float ) $currency -> conversion_rate ;
$order -> update ();
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot change the currency.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitGenerateInvoice' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( ! Configuration :: get ( 'PS_INVOICE' , null , null , $order -> id_shop )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invoice management has been disabled.' );
} elseif ( $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This order already has an invoice.' );
} else {
$order -> setInvoice ( true );
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitDeleteVoucher' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$order_cart_rule = new OrderCartRule ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_cart_rule' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_cart_rule ) && $order_cart_rule -> id_order == $order -> id ) {
if ( $order_cart_rule -> id_order_invoice ) {
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice ( $order_cart_rule -> id_order_invoice );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_invoice )) {
throw new PrestaShopException ( 'Can\'t load Order Invoice object' );
// Update amounts of Order Invoice
$order_invoice -> total_discount_tax_excl -= $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_discount_tax_incl -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl += $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
// Update Order Invoice
$order_invoice -> update ();
// Update amounts of order
$order -> total_discounts -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_discounts_tax_incl -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_discounts_tax_excl -= $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_paid += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_incl += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_excl += $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
// Delete Order Cart Rule and update Order
$order_cart_rule -> delete ();
$order -> update ();
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot edit this cart rule.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'submitNewVoucher' ) && isset ( $order )) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_name' )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You must specify a name in order to create a new discount.' );
} else {
if ( $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
// If the discount is for only one invoice
if ( ! Tools :: isSubmit ( 'discount_all_invoices' )) {
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice ( Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_invoice' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_invoice )) {
throw new PrestaShopException ( 'Can\'t load Order Invoice object' );
$cart_rules = array ();
$discount_value = ( float ) str_replace ( ',' , '.' , Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_value' ));
switch ( Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_type' )) {
// Percent type
case 1 :
if ( $discount_value < 100 ) {
if ( isset ( $order_invoice )) {
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl * $discount_value / 100 , 2 );
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl * $discount_value / 100 , 2 );
// Update OrderInvoice
$this -> applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ], $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ]);
} elseif ( $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
$order_invoices_collection = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
foreach ( $order_invoices_collection as $order_invoice ) {
/** @var OrderInvoice $order_invoice */
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl * $discount_value / 100 , 2 );
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl * $discount_value / 100 , 2 );
// Update OrderInvoice
$this -> applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ], $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ]);
} else {
$cart_rules [ 0 ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $order -> total_paid_tax_incl * $discount_value / 100 , 2 );
$cart_rules [ 0 ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $order -> total_paid_tax_excl * $discount_value / 100 , 2 );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The discount value is invalid.' );
break ;
// Amount type
case 2 :
if ( isset ( $order_invoice )) {
if ( $discount_value > $order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The discount value is greater than the order invoice total.' );
} else {
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $discount_value , 2 );
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $discount_value / ( 1 + ( $order -> getTaxesAverageUsed () / 100 )), 2 );
// Update OrderInvoice
$this -> applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ], $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ]);
} elseif ( $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
$order_invoices_collection = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
foreach ( $order_invoices_collection as $order_invoice ) {
/** @var OrderInvoice $order_invoice */
if ( $discount_value > $order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The discount value is greater than the order invoice total.' ) . $order_invoice -> getInvoiceNumberFormatted ( Context :: getContext () -> language -> id , ( int ) $order -> id_shop ) . ')' ;
} else {
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $discount_value , 2 );
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $discount_value / ( 1 + ( $order -> getTaxesAverageUsed () / 100 )), 2 );
// Update OrderInvoice
$this -> applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ], $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ]);
} else {
if ( $discount_value > $order -> total_paid_tax_incl ) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The discount value is greater than the order total.' );
} else {
$cart_rules [ 0 ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $discount_value , 2 );
$cart_rules [ 0 ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( $discount_value / ( 1 + ( $order -> getTaxesAverageUsed () / 100 )), 2 );
break ;
// Free shipping type
case 3 :
if ( isset ( $order_invoice )) {
if ( $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl > 0 ) {
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl ;
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
// Update OrderInvoice
$this -> applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ], $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ]);
} elseif ( $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
$order_invoices_collection = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
foreach ( $order_invoices_collection as $order_invoice ) {
/** @var OrderInvoice $order_invoice */
if ( $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl <= 0 ) {
continue ;
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl ;
$cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
// Update OrderInvoice
$this -> applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_incl' ], $cart_rules [ $order_invoice -> id ][ 'value_tax_excl' ]);
} else {
$cart_rules [ 0 ][ 'value_tax_incl' ] = $order -> total_shipping_tax_incl ;
$cart_rules [ 0 ][ 'value_tax_excl' ] = $order -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
break ;
default :
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The discount type is invalid.' );
$res = true ;
foreach ( $cart_rules as & $cart_rule ) {
$cartRuleObj = new CartRule ();
$cartRuleObj -> date_from = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( '-1 hour' , strtotime ( $order -> date_add )));
$cartRuleObj -> date_to = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( '+1 hour' ));
$cartRuleObj -> name [ Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' )] = Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_name' );
$cartRuleObj -> quantity = 0 ;
$cartRuleObj -> quantity_per_user = 1 ;
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_type' ) == 1 ) {
$cartRuleObj -> reduction_percent = $discount_value ;
} elseif ( Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_type' ) == 2 ) {
$cartRuleObj -> reduction_amount = $cart_rule [ 'value_tax_excl' ];
} elseif ( Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_type' ) == 3 ) {
$cartRuleObj -> free_shipping = 1 ;
$cartRuleObj -> active = 0 ;
if ( $res = $cartRuleObj -> add ()) {
$cart_rule [ 'id' ] = $cartRuleObj -> id ;
} else {
break ;
if ( $res ) {
foreach ( $cart_rules as $id_order_invoice => $cart_rule ) {
// Create OrderCartRule
$order_cart_rule = new OrderCartRule ();
$order_cart_rule -> id_order = $order -> id ;
$order_cart_rule -> id_cart_rule = $cart_rule [ 'id' ];
$order_cart_rule -> id_order_invoice = $id_order_invoice ;
$order_cart_rule -> name = Tools :: getValue ( 'discount_name' );
$order_cart_rule -> value = $cart_rule [ 'value_tax_incl' ];
$order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl = $cart_rule [ 'value_tax_excl' ];
$res &= $order_cart_rule -> add ();
$order -> total_discounts += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_discounts_tax_incl += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_discounts_tax_excl += $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_paid -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
// Update Order
$res &= $order -> update ();
if ( $res ) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=4&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during the OrderCartRule creation' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
} elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'sendStateEmail' ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'sendStateEmail' ) > 0 && Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ) > 0 ) {
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$order_state = new OrderState (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'sendStateEmail' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_state )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while loading order status.' );
} else {
$history = new OrderHistory (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_history' ));
$carrier = new Carrier ( $order -> id_carrier , $order -> id_lang );
$templateVars = array ();
if ( $order_state -> id == Configuration :: get ( 'PS_OS_SHIPPING' ) && $order -> shipping_number ) {
$templateVars = array ( '{followup}' => str_replace ( '@' , $order -> shipping_number , $carrier -> url ));
if ( $history -> sendEmail ( $order , $templateVars )) {
Tools :: redirectAdmin ( self :: $currentIndex . '&id_order=' . $order -> id . '&vieworder&conf=10&token=' . $this -> token );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer.' );
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You do not have permission to edit this.' );
parent :: postProcess ();
public function renderKpis ()
$time = time ();
$kpis = array ();
/* The data generation is located in AdminStatsControllerCore */
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-conversion-rate' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-sort-by-attributes-alt' ;
//$helper->chart = true;
$helper -> color = 'color1' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Conversion Rate' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( '30 days' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE' );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE_CHART' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> data = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE_CHART' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=conversion_rate' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-carts' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-shopping-cart' ;
$helper -> color = 'color2' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Abandoned Carts' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( 'Today' , null , null , false );
$helper -> href = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminCarts' ) . '&action=filterOnlyAbandonedCarts' ;
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'ABANDONED_CARTS' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'ABANDONED_CARTS' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=abandoned_cart' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'ABANDONED_CARTS_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-average-order' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-money' ;
$helper -> color = 'color3' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Average Order Value' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( '30 days' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'AVG_ORDER_VALUE' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = sprintf ( $this -> l ( '%s tax excl.' ), ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'AVG_ORDER_VALUE' ));
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=average_order_value' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'AVG_ORDER_VALUE_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-net-profit-visit' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-user' ;
$helper -> color = 'color4' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Net Profit per Visit' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( '30 days' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'NETPROFIT_VISIT' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'NETPROFIT_VISIT' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=netprofit_visit' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'NETPROFIT_VISIT_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpiRow ();
$helper -> kpis = $kpis ;
return $helper -> generate ();
public function renderView ()
$order = new Order ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order cannot be found within your database.' );
$customer = new Customer ( $order -> id_customer );
$carrier = new Carrier ( $order -> id_carrier );
$products = $this -> getProducts ( $order );
$currency = new Currency (( int ) $order -> id_currency );
// Carrier module call
$carrier_module_call = null ;
if ( $carrier -> is_module ) {
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( $carrier -> external_module_name );
if ( method_exists ( $module , 'displayInfoByCart' )) {
$carrier_module_call = call_user_func ( array ( $module , 'displayInfoByCart' ), $order -> id_cart );
// Retrieve addresses information
$addressInvoice = new Address ( $order -> id_address_invoice , $this -> context -> language -> id );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $addressInvoice ) && $addressInvoice -> id_state ) {
$invoiceState = new State (( int ) $addressInvoice -> id_state );
if ( $order -> id_address_invoice == $order -> id_address_delivery ) {
$addressDelivery = $addressInvoice ;
if ( isset ( $invoiceState )) {
$deliveryState = $invoiceState ;
} else {
$addressDelivery = new Address ( $order -> id_address_delivery , $this -> context -> language -> id );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $addressDelivery ) && $addressDelivery -> id_state ) {
$deliveryState = new State (( int )( $addressDelivery -> id_state ));
$this -> toolbar_title = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Order #%1$d (%2$s) - %3$s %4$s' ), $order -> id , $order -> reference , $customer -> firstname , $customer -> lastname );
if ( Shop :: isFeatureActive ()) {
$shop = new Shop (( int ) $order -> id_shop );
$this -> toolbar_title .= ' - ' . sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Shop: %s' ), $shop -> name );
// gets warehouses to ship products, if and only if advanced stock management is activated
$warehouse_list = null ;
$order_details = $order -> getOrderDetailList ();
foreach ( $order_details as $order_detail ) {
$product = new Product ( $order_detail [ 'product_id' ]);
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' )
&& $product -> advanced_stock_management ) {
$warehouses = Warehouse :: getWarehousesByProductId ( $order_detail [ 'product_id' ], $order_detail [ 'product_attribute_id' ]);
foreach ( $warehouses as $warehouse ) {
if ( ! isset ( $warehouse_list [ $warehouse [ 'id_warehouse' ]])) {
$warehouse_list [ $warehouse [ 'id_warehouse' ]] = $warehouse ;
$payment_methods = array ();
foreach ( PaymentModule :: getInstalledPaymentModules () as $payment ) {
$module = Module :: getInstanceByName ( $payment [ 'name' ]);
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $module ) && $module -> active ) {
$payment_methods [] = $module -> displayName ;
// display warning if there are products out of stock
$display_out_of_stock_warning = false ;
$current_order_state = $order -> getCurrentOrderState ();
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' ) && ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $current_order_state ) || ( $current_order_state -> delivery != 1 && $current_order_state -> shipped != 1 ))) {
$display_out_of_stock_warning = true ;
// products current stock (from stock_available)
foreach ( $products as & $product ) {
// Get total customized quantity for current product
$customized_product_quantity = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $product [ 'customizedDatas' ])) {
foreach ( $product [ 'customizedDatas' ] as $customizationPerAddress ) {
foreach ( $customizationPerAddress as $customizationId => $customization ) {
$customized_product_quantity += ( int ) $customization [ 'quantity' ];
$product [ 'customized_product_quantity' ] = $customized_product_quantity ;
$product [ 'current_stock' ] = StockAvailable :: getQuantityAvailableByProduct ( $product [ 'product_id' ], $product [ 'product_attribute_id' ], $product [ 'id_shop' ]);
$resume = OrderSlip :: getProductSlipResume ( $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
$product [ 'quantity_refundable' ] = $product [ 'product_quantity' ] - $resume [ 'product_quantity' ];
$product [ 'amount_refundable' ] = $product [ 'total_price_tax_excl' ] - $resume [ 'amount_tax_excl' ];
$product [ 'amount_refundable_tax_incl' ] = $product [ 'total_price_tax_incl' ] - $resume [ 'amount_tax_incl' ];
$product [ 'amount_refund' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $resume [ 'amount_tax_incl' ], $currency );
$product [ 'refund_history' ] = OrderSlip :: getProductSlipDetail ( $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
$product [ 'return_history' ] = OrderReturn :: getProductReturnDetail ( $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
// if the current stock requires a warning
if ( $product [ 'current_stock' ] == 0 && $display_out_of_stock_warning ) {
$this -> displayWarning ( $this -> l ( 'This product is out of stock: ' ) . ' ' . $product [ 'product_name' ]);
if ( $product [ 'id_warehouse' ] != 0 ) {
$warehouse = new Warehouse (( int ) $product [ 'id_warehouse' ]);
$product [ 'warehouse_name' ] = $warehouse -> name ;
$warehouse_location = WarehouseProductLocation :: getProductLocation ( $product [ 'product_id' ], $product [ 'product_attribute_id' ], $product [ 'id_warehouse' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $warehouse_location )) {
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = $warehouse_location ;
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = false ;
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_name' ] = '--' ;
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = false ;
$gender = new Gender (( int ) $customer -> id_gender , $this -> context -> language -> id );
$history = $order -> getHistory ( $this -> context -> language -> id );
foreach ( $history as & $order_state ) {
$order_state [ 'text-color' ] = Tools :: getBrightness ( $order_state [ 'color' ]) < 128 ? 'white' : 'black' ;
// Smarty assign
$this -> tpl_view_vars = array (
'order' => $order ,
'cart' => new Cart ( $order -> id_cart ),
'customer' => $customer ,
'gender' => $gender ,
'customer_addresses' => $customer -> getAddresses ( $this -> context -> language -> id ),
'addresses' => array (
'delivery' => $addressDelivery ,
'deliveryState' => isset ( $deliveryState ) ? $deliveryState : null ,
'invoice' => $addressInvoice ,
'invoiceState' => isset ( $invoiceState ) ? $invoiceState : null
'customerStats' => $customer -> getStats (),
'products' => $products ,
'discounts' => $order -> getCartRules (),
'orders_total_paid_tax_incl' => $order -> getOrdersTotalPaid (), // Get the sum of total_paid_tax_incl of the order with similar reference
'total_paid' => $order -> getTotalPaid (),
'returns' => OrderReturn :: getOrdersReturn ( $order -> id_customer , $order -> id ),
'customer_thread_message' => CustomerThread :: getCustomerMessages ( $order -> id_customer , null , $order -> id ),
'orderMessages' => OrderMessage :: getOrderMessages ( $order -> id_lang ),
'messages' => Message :: getMessagesByOrderId ( $order -> id , true ),
'carrier' => new Carrier ( $order -> id_carrier ),
'history' => $history ,
'states' => OrderState :: getOrderStates ( $this -> context -> language -> id ),
'warehouse_list' => $warehouse_list ,
'sources' => ConnectionsSource :: getOrderSources ( $order -> id ),
'currentState' => $order -> getCurrentOrderState (),
'currency' => new Currency ( $order -> id_currency ),
'currencies' => Currency :: getCurrenciesByIdShop ( $order -> id_shop ),
'previousOrder' => $order -> getPreviousOrderId (),
'nextOrder' => $order -> getNextOrderId (),
'current_index' => self :: $currentIndex ,
'carrierModuleCall' => $carrier_module_call ,
'iso_code_lang' => $this -> context -> language -> iso_code ,
'id_lang' => $this -> context -> language -> id ,
'can_edit' => ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] == 1 ),
'current_id_lang' => $this -> context -> language -> id ,
'invoices_collection' => $order -> getInvoicesCollection (),
'not_paid_invoices_collection' => $order -> getNotPaidInvoicesCollection (),
'payment_methods' => $payment_methods ,
'invoice_management_active' => Configuration :: get ( 'PS_INVOICE' , null , null , $order -> id_shop ),
'display_warehouse' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' ),
'HOOK_CONTENT_ORDER' => Hook :: exec ( 'displayAdminOrderContentOrder' , array (
'order' => $order ,
'products' => $products ,
'customer' => $customer )
'HOOK_CONTENT_SHIP' => Hook :: exec ( 'displayAdminOrderContentShip' , array (
'order' => $order ,
'products' => $products ,
'customer' => $customer )
'HOOK_TAB_ORDER' => Hook :: exec ( 'displayAdminOrderTabOrder' , array (
'order' => $order ,
'products' => $products ,
'customer' => $customer )
'HOOK_TAB_SHIP' => Hook :: exec ( 'displayAdminOrderTabShip' , array (
'order' => $order ,
'products' => $products ,
'customer' => $customer )
return parent :: renderView ();
public function ajaxProcessSearchProducts ()
Context :: getContext () -> customer = new Customer (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customer' ));
$currency = new Currency (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_currency' ));
if ( $products = Product :: searchByName (( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_search' )))) {
foreach ( $products as & $product ) {
// Formatted price
$product [ 'formatted_price' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( Tools :: convertPrice ( $product [ 'price_tax_incl' ], $currency ), $currency );
// Concret price
$product [ 'price_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( Tools :: convertPrice ( $product [ 'price_tax_incl' ], $currency ), 2 );
$product [ 'price_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( Tools :: convertPrice ( $product [ 'price_tax_excl' ], $currency ), 2 );
$productObj = new Product (( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ], false , ( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id );
$combinations = array ();
$attributes = $productObj -> getAttributesGroups (( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id );
// Tax rate for this customer
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'id_address' )) {
$product [ 'tax_rate' ] = $productObj -> getTaxesRate ( new Address ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address' )));
$product [ 'warehouse_list' ] = array ();
foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {
if ( ! isset ( $combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'attributes' ])) {
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'attributes' ] = '' ;
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'attributes' ] .= $attribute [ 'attribute_name' ] . ' - ' ;
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'id_product_attribute' ] = $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ];
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'default_on' ] = $attribute [ 'default_on' ];
if ( ! isset ( $combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'price' ])) {
$price_tax_incl = Product :: getPriceStatic (( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ], true , $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]);
$price_tax_excl = Product :: getPriceStatic (( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ], false , $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]);
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'price_tax_incl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( Tools :: convertPrice ( $price_tax_incl , $currency ), 2 );
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'price_tax_excl' ] = Tools :: ps_round ( Tools :: convertPrice ( $price_tax_excl , $currency ), 2 );
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'formatted_price' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( Tools :: convertPrice ( $price_tax_excl , $currency ), $currency );
if ( ! isset ( $combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'qty_in_stock' ])) {
$combinations [ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]][ 'qty_in_stock' ] = StockAvailable :: getQuantityAvailableByProduct (( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ], $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ], ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id );
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' ) && ( int ) $product [ 'advanced_stock_management' ] == 1 ) {
$product [ 'warehouse_list' ][ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]] = Warehouse :: getProductWarehouseList ( $product [ 'id_product' ], $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]);
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_list' ][ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]] = array ();
$product [ 'stock' ][ $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]] = Product :: getRealQuantity ( $product [ 'id_product' ], $attribute [ 'id_product_attribute' ]);
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' ) && ( int ) $product [ 'advanced_stock_management' ] == 1 ) {
$product [ 'warehouse_list' ][ 0 ] = Warehouse :: getProductWarehouseList ( $product [ 'id_product' ]);
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_list' ][ 0 ] = array ();
$product [ 'stock' ][ 0 ] = StockAvailable :: getQuantityAvailableByProduct (( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ], 0 , ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id );
foreach ( $combinations as & $combination ) {
$combination [ 'attributes' ] = rtrim ( $combination [ 'attributes' ], ' - ' );
$product [ 'combinations' ] = $combinations ;
if ( $product [ 'customizable' ]) {
$product_instance = new Product (( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ]);
$product [ 'customization_fields' ] = $product_instance -> getCustomizationFields ( $this -> context -> language -> id );
$to_return = array (
'products' => $products ,
'found' => true
} else {
$to_return = array ( 'found' => false );
$this -> content = Tools :: jsonEncode ( $to_return );
public function ajaxProcessSendMailValidateOrder ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$cart = new Cart (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_cart' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $cart )) {
$customer = new Customer (( int ) $cart -> id_customer );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $customer )) {
$mailVars = array (
'{order_link}' => Context :: getContext () -> link -> getPageLink ( 'order' , false , ( int ) $cart -> id_lang , 'step=3&recover_cart=' . ( int ) $cart -> id . '&token_cart=' . md5 ( _COOKIE_KEY_ . 'recover_cart_' . ( int ) $cart -> id )),
'{firstname}' => $customer -> firstname ,
'{lastname}' => $customer -> lastname
if ( Mail :: Send (( int ) $cart -> id_lang , 'backoffice_order' , Mail :: l ( 'Process the payment of your order' , ( int ) $cart -> id_lang ), $mailVars , $customer -> email ,
$customer -> firstname . ' ' . $customer -> lastname , null , null , null , null , _PS_MAIL_DIR_ , true , $cart -> id_shop )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'errors' => false , 'result' => $this -> l ( 'The email was sent to your customer.' ))));
$this -> content = Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'errors' => true , 'result' => $this -> l ( 'Error in sending the email to your customer.' )));
public function ajaxProcessAddProductOnOrder ()
// Load object
$order = new Order (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The order object cannot be loaded.' )
$old_cart_rules = Context :: getContext () -> cart -> getCartRules ();
if ( $order -> hasBeenShipped ()) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot add products to delivered orders. ' )
$product_informations = $_POST [ 'add_product' ];
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_invoice' ])) {
$invoice_informations = $_POST [ 'add_invoice' ];
} else {
$invoice_informations = array ();
$product = new Product ( $product_informations [ 'product_id' ], false , $order -> id_lang );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $product )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The product object cannot be loaded.' )
if ( isset ( $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ]) && $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ]) {
$combination = new Combination ( $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ]);
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $combination )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The combination object cannot be loaded.' )
// Total method
$total_method = Cart :: BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING ;
// Create new cart
$cart = new Cart ();
$cart -> id_shop_group = $order -> id_shop_group ;
$cart -> id_shop = $order -> id_shop ;
$cart -> id_customer = $order -> id_customer ;
$cart -> id_carrier = $order -> id_carrier ;
$cart -> id_address_delivery = $order -> id_address_delivery ;
$cart -> id_address_invoice = $order -> id_address_invoice ;
$cart -> id_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
$cart -> id_lang = $order -> id_lang ;
$cart -> secure_key = $order -> secure_key ;
// Save new cart
$cart -> add ();
// Save context (in order to apply cart rule)
$this -> context -> cart = $cart ;
$this -> context -> customer = new Customer ( $order -> id_customer );
// always add taxes even if there are not displayed to the customer
$use_taxes = true ;
$initial_product_price_tax_incl = Product :: getPriceStatic ( $product -> id , $use_taxes , isset ( $combination ) ? $combination -> id : null , 2 , null , false , true , 1 ,
false , $order -> id_customer , $cart -> id , $order -> { Configuration :: get ( 'PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE' , null , null , $order -> id_shop )});
// Creating specific price if needed
if ( $product_informations [ 'product_price_tax_incl' ] != $initial_product_price_tax_incl ) {
$specific_price = new SpecificPrice ();
$specific_price -> id_shop = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_shop_group = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_currency = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_country = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_group = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_customer = $order -> id_customer ;
$specific_price -> id_product = $product -> id ;
if ( isset ( $combination )) {
$specific_price -> id_product_attribute = $combination -> id ;
} else {
$specific_price -> id_product_attribute = 0 ;
$specific_price -> price = $product_informations [ 'product_price_tax_excl' ];
$specific_price -> from_quantity = 1 ;
$specific_price -> reduction = 0 ;
$specific_price -> reduction_type = 'amount' ;
$specific_price -> reduction_tax = 0 ;
$specific_price -> from = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ;
$specific_price -> to = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ;
$specific_price -> add ();
// Add product to cart
$update_quantity = $cart -> updateQty ( $product_informations [ 'product_quantity' ], $product -> id , isset ( $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ]) ? $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ] : null ,
isset ( $combination ) ? $combination -> id : null , 'up' , 0 , new Shop ( $cart -> id_shop ));
if ( $update_quantity < 0 ) {
// If product has attribute, minimal quantity is set with minimal quantity of attribute
$minimal_quantity = ( $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ]) ? Attribute :: getAttributeMinimalQty ( $product_informations [ 'product_attribute_id' ]) : $product -> minimal_quantity ;
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'error' => sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'You must add %d minimum quantity' , false ), $minimal_quantity ))));
} elseif ( ! $update_quantity ) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.' , false ))));
// If order is valid, we can create a new invoice or edit an existing invoice
if ( $order -> hasInvoice ()) {
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice ( $product_informations [ 'invoice' ]);
// Create new invoice
if ( $order_invoice -> id == 0 ) {
// If we create a new invoice, we calculate shipping cost
$total_method = Cart :: BOTH ;
// Create Cart rule in order to make free shipping
if ( isset ( $invoice_informations [ 'free_shipping' ]) && $invoice_informations [ 'free_shipping' ]) {
$cart_rule = new CartRule ();
$cart_rule -> id_customer = $order -> id_customer ;
$cart_rule -> name = array (
Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ) => $this -> l ( '[Generated] CartRule for Free Shipping' )
$cart_rule -> date_from = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , time ());
$cart_rule -> date_to = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , time () + 24 * 3600 );
$cart_rule -> quantity = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> quantity_per_user = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> minimum_amount_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
$cart_rule -> reduction_currency = $order -> id_currency ;
$cart_rule -> free_shipping = true ;
$cart_rule -> active = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> add ();
// Add cart rule to cart and in order
$cart -> addCartRule ( $cart_rule -> id );
$values = array (
'tax_incl' => $cart_rule -> getContextualValue ( true ),
'tax_excl' => $cart_rule -> getContextualValue ( false )
$order -> addCartRule ( $cart_rule -> id , $cart_rule -> name [ Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' )], $values );
$order_invoice -> id_order = $order -> id ;
if ( $order_invoice -> number ) {
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER' , false , false , null , $order -> id_shop );
} else {
$order_invoice -> number = Order :: getLastInvoiceNumber () + 1 ;
$invoice_address = new Address (( int ) $order -> { Configuration :: get ( 'PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE' , null , null , $order -> id_shop )});
$carrier = new Carrier (( int ) $order -> id_carrier );
$tax_calculator = $carrier -> getTaxCalculator ( $invoice_address );
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl = Tools :: ps_round (( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , $total_method ), 2 );
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl = Tools :: ps_round (( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , $total_method ), 2 );
$order_invoice -> total_products = ( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , Cart :: ONLY_PRODUCTS );
$order_invoice -> total_products_wt = ( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , Cart :: ONLY_PRODUCTS );
$order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl = ( float ) $cart -> getTotalShippingCost ( null , false );
$order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl = ( float ) $cart -> getTotalShippingCost ();
$order_invoice -> total_wrapping_tax_excl = abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , Cart :: ONLY_WRAPPING ));
$order_invoice -> total_wrapping_tax_incl = abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , Cart :: ONLY_WRAPPING ));
$order_invoice -> shipping_tax_computation_method = ( int ) $tax_calculator -> computation_method ;
// Update current order field, only shipping because other field is updated later
$order -> total_shipping += $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_shipping_tax_excl += $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_shipping_tax_incl += ( $use_taxes ) ? $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl : $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_wrapping += abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , Cart :: ONLY_WRAPPING ));
$order -> total_wrapping_tax_excl += abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , Cart :: ONLY_WRAPPING ));
$order -> total_wrapping_tax_incl += abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , Cart :: ONLY_WRAPPING ));
$order_invoice -> add ();
$order_invoice -> saveCarrierTaxCalculator ( $tax_calculator -> getTaxesAmount ( $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ));
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier ();
$order_carrier -> id_order = ( int ) $order -> id ;
$order_carrier -> id_carrier = ( int ) $order -> id_carrier ;
$order_carrier -> id_order_invoice = ( int ) $order_invoice -> id ;
$order_carrier -> weight = ( float ) $cart -> getTotalWeight ();
$order_carrier -> shipping_cost_tax_excl = ( float ) $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
$order_carrier -> shipping_cost_tax_incl = ( $use_taxes ) ? ( float ) $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl : ( float ) $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
$order_carrier -> add ();
// Update current invoice
else {
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl += Tools :: ps_round (( float )( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , $total_method )), 2 );
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl += Tools :: ps_round (( float )( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , $total_method )), 2 );
$order_invoice -> total_products += ( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , Cart :: ONLY_PRODUCTS );
$order_invoice -> total_products_wt += ( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , Cart :: ONLY_PRODUCTS );
$order_invoice -> update ();
// Create Order detail information
$order_detail = new OrderDetail ();
$order_detail -> createList ( $order , $cart , $order -> getCurrentOrderState (), $cart -> getProducts (), ( isset ( $order_invoice ) ? $order_invoice -> id : 0 ), $use_taxes , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'add_product_warehouse' ));
// update totals amount of order
$order -> total_products += ( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , Cart :: ONLY_PRODUCTS );
$order -> total_products_wt += ( float ) $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , Cart :: ONLY_PRODUCTS );
$order -> total_paid += Tools :: ps_round (( float )( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( true , $total_method )), 2 );
$order -> total_paid_tax_excl += Tools :: ps_round (( float )( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , $total_method )), 2 );
$order -> total_paid_tax_incl += Tools :: ps_round (( float )( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( $use_taxes , $total_method )), 2 );
if ( isset ( $order_invoice ) && Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_invoice )) {
$order -> total_shipping = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_shipping_tax_incl = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_shipping_tax_excl = $order_invoice -> total_shipping_tax_excl ;
// discount
$order -> total_discounts += ( float ) abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( true , Cart :: ONLY_DISCOUNTS ));
$order -> total_discounts_tax_excl += ( float ) abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( false , Cart :: ONLY_DISCOUNTS ));
$order -> total_discounts_tax_incl += ( float ) abs ( $cart -> getOrderTotal ( true , Cart :: ONLY_DISCOUNTS ));
// Save changes of order
$order -> update ();
// Update weight SUM
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier (( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ());
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_carrier )) {
$order_carrier -> weight = ( float ) $order -> getTotalWeight ();
if ( $order_carrier -> update ()) {
$order -> weight = sprintf ( " %.3f " . Configuration :: get ( 'PS_WEIGHT_UNIT' ), $order_carrier -> weight );
// Update Tax lines
$order_detail -> updateTaxAmount ( $order );
// Delete specific price if exists
if ( isset ( $specific_price )) {
$specific_price -> delete ();
$products = $this -> getProducts ( $order );
// Get the last product
$product = end ( $products );
$resume = OrderSlip :: getProductSlipResume (( int ) $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
$product [ 'quantity_refundable' ] = $product [ 'product_quantity' ] - $resume [ 'product_quantity' ];
$product [ 'amount_refundable' ] = $product [ 'total_price_tax_excl' ] - $resume [ 'amount_tax_excl' ];
$product [ 'amount_refund' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $resume [ 'amount_tax_incl' ]);
$product [ 'return_history' ] = OrderReturn :: getProductReturnDetail (( int ) $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
$product [ 'refund_history' ] = OrderSlip :: getProductSlipDetail (( int ) $product [ 'id_order_detail' ]);
if ( $product [ 'id_warehouse' ] != 0 ) {
$warehouse = new Warehouse (( int ) $product [ 'id_warehouse' ]);
$product [ 'warehouse_name' ] = $warehouse -> name ;
$warehouse_location = WarehouseProductLocation :: getProductLocation ( $product [ 'product_id' ], $product [ 'product_attribute_id' ], $product [ 'id_warehouse' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $warehouse_location )) {
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = $warehouse_location ;
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = false ;
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_name' ] = '--' ;
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = false ;
// Get invoices collection
$invoice_collection = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
$invoice_array = array ();
foreach ( $invoice_collection as $invoice ) {
/** @var OrderInvoice $invoice */
$invoice -> name = $invoice -> getInvoiceNumberFormatted ( Context :: getContext () -> language -> id , ( int ) $order -> id_shop );
$invoice_array [] = $invoice ;
// Assign to smarty informations in order to show the new product line
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'product' => $product ,
'order' => $order ,
'currency' => new Currency ( $order -> id_currency ),
'can_edit' => $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ],
'invoices_collection' => $invoice_collection ,
'current_id_lang' => Context :: getContext () -> language -> id ,
'link' => Context :: getContext () -> link ,
'current_index' => self :: $currentIndex ,
'display_warehouse' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' )
$this -> sendChangedNotification ( $order );
$new_cart_rules = Context :: getContext () -> cart -> getCartRules ();
sort ( $old_cart_rules );
sort ( $new_cart_rules );
$result = array_diff ( $new_cart_rules , $old_cart_rules );
$refresh = false ;
$res = true ;
foreach ( $result as $cart_rule ) {
$refresh = true ;
// Create OrderCartRule
$rule = new CartRule ( $cart_rule [ 'id_cart_rule' ]);
$values = array (
'tax_incl' => $rule -> getContextualValue ( true ),
'tax_excl' => $rule -> getContextualValue ( false )
$order_cart_rule = new OrderCartRule ();
$order_cart_rule -> id_order = $order -> id ;
$order_cart_rule -> id_cart_rule = $cart_rule [ 'id_cart_rule' ];
$order_cart_rule -> id_order_invoice = $order_invoice -> id ;
$order_cart_rule -> name = $cart_rule [ 'name' ];
$order_cart_rule -> value = $values [ 'tax_incl' ];
$order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl = $values [ 'tax_excl' ];
$res &= $order_cart_rule -> add ();
$order -> total_discounts += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_discounts_tax_incl += $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_discounts_tax_excl += $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_paid -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_cart_rule -> value ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_cart_rule -> value_tax_excl ;
// Update Order
$res &= $order -> update ();
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => true ,
'view' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_product_line.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'can_edit' => $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ],
'order' => $order ,
'invoices' => $invoice_array ,
'documents_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_documents.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'shipping_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_shipping.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'discount_form_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_discount_form.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'refresh' => $refresh
public function sendChangedNotification ( Order $order = null )
if ( is_null ( $order )) {
$order = new Order ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
Hook :: exec ( 'actionOrderEdited' , array ( 'order' => $order ));
public function ajaxProcessLoadProductInformation ()
$order_detail = new OrderDetail ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_detail' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_detail )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The OrderDetail object cannot be loaded.' )
$product = new Product ( $order_detail -> product_id );
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $product )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The product object cannot be loaded.' )
$address = new Address ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $address )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The address object cannot be loaded.' )
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => true ,
'product' => $product ,
'tax_rate' => $product -> getTaxesRate ( $address ),
'price_tax_incl' => Product :: getPriceStatic ( $product -> id , true , $order_detail -> product_attribute_id , 2 ),
'price_tax_excl' => Product :: getPriceStatic ( $product -> id , false , $order_detail -> product_attribute_id , 2 ),
'reduction_percent' => $order_detail -> reduction_percent
public function ajaxProcessEditProductOnOrder ()
// Return value
$res = true ;
$order = new Order (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'product_id_order_detail' ));
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'product_invoice' )) {
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'product_invoice' ));
// Check fields validity
$this -> doEditProductValidation ( $order_detail , $order , isset ( $order_invoice ) ? $order_invoice : null );
// If multiple product_quantity, the order details concern a product customized
$product_quantity = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ))) {
foreach ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ) as $id_customization => $qty ) {
// Update quantity of each customization
Db :: getInstance () -> update ( 'customization' , array ( 'quantity' => ( int ) $qty ), 'id_customization = ' . ( int ) $id_customization );
// Calculate the real quantity of the product
$product_quantity += $qty ;
} else {
$product_quantity = Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' );
$product_price_tax_incl = Tools :: ps_round ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_price_tax_incl' ), 2 );
$product_price_tax_excl = Tools :: ps_round ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_price_tax_excl' ), 2 );
$total_products_tax_incl = $product_price_tax_incl * $product_quantity ;
$total_products_tax_excl = $product_price_tax_excl * $product_quantity ;
// Calculate differences of price (Before / After)
$diff_price_tax_incl = $total_products_tax_incl - $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$diff_price_tax_excl = $total_products_tax_excl - $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
// Apply change on OrderInvoice
if ( isset ( $order_invoice )) {
// If OrderInvoice to use is different, we update the old invoice and new invoice
if ( $order_detail -> id_order_invoice != $order_invoice -> id ) {
$old_order_invoice = new OrderInvoice ( $order_detail -> id_order_invoice );
// We remove cost of products
$old_order_invoice -> total_products -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$old_order_invoice -> total_products_wt -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$old_order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$old_order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$res &= $old_order_invoice -> update ();
$order_invoice -> total_products += $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_products_wt += $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl += $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl += $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$order_detail -> id_order_invoice = $order_invoice -> id ;
if ( $diff_price_tax_incl != 0 && $diff_price_tax_excl != 0 ) {
$order_detail -> unit_price_tax_excl = $product_price_tax_excl ;
$order_detail -> unit_price_tax_incl = $product_price_tax_incl ;
$order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl += $diff_price_tax_incl ;
$order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl += $diff_price_tax_excl ;
if ( isset ( $order_invoice )) {
// Apply changes on OrderInvoice
$order_invoice -> total_products += $diff_price_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_products_wt += $diff_price_tax_incl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl += $diff_price_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl += $diff_price_tax_incl ;
// Apply changes on Order
$order = new Order ( $order_detail -> id_order );
$order -> total_products += $diff_price_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_products_wt += $diff_price_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_paid += $diff_price_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_excl += $diff_price_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_incl += $diff_price_tax_incl ;
$res &= $order -> update ();
$old_quantity = $order_detail -> product_quantity ;
$order_detail -> product_quantity = $product_quantity ;
$order_detail -> reduction_percent = 0 ;
// update taxes
$res &= $order_detail -> updateTaxAmount ( $order );
// Save order detail
$res &= $order_detail -> update ();
// Update weight SUM
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier (( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ());
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_carrier )) {
$order_carrier -> weight = ( float ) $order -> getTotalWeight ();
$res &= $order_carrier -> update ();
if ( $res ) {
$order -> weight = sprintf ( " %.3f " . Configuration :: get ( 'PS_WEIGHT_UNIT' ), $order_carrier -> weight );
// Save order invoice
if ( isset ( $order_invoice )) {
$res &= $order_invoice -> update ();
// Update product available quantity
StockAvailable :: updateQuantity ( $order_detail -> product_id , $order_detail -> product_attribute_id , ( $old_quantity - $order_detail -> product_quantity ), $order -> id_shop );
$products = $this -> getProducts ( $order );
// Get the last product
$product = $products [ $order_detail -> id ];
$resume = OrderSlip :: getProductSlipResume ( $order_detail -> id );
$product [ 'quantity_refundable' ] = $product [ 'product_quantity' ] - $resume [ 'product_quantity' ];
$product [ 'amount_refundable' ] = $product [ 'total_price_tax_excl' ] - $resume [ 'amount_tax_excl' ];
$product [ 'amount_refund' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $resume [ 'amount_tax_incl' ]);
$product [ 'refund_history' ] = OrderSlip :: getProductSlipDetail ( $order_detail -> id );
if ( $product [ 'id_warehouse' ] != 0 ) {
$warehouse = new Warehouse (( int ) $product [ 'id_warehouse' ]);
$product [ 'warehouse_name' ] = $warehouse -> name ;
$warehouse_location = WarehouseProductLocation :: getProductLocation ( $product [ 'product_id' ], $product [ 'product_attribute_id' ], $product [ 'id_warehouse' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $warehouse_location )) {
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = $warehouse_location ;
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = false ;
} else {
$product [ 'warehouse_name' ] = '--' ;
$product [ 'warehouse_location' ] = false ;
// Get invoices collection
$invoice_collection = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
$invoice_array = array ();
foreach ( $invoice_collection as $invoice ) {
/** @var OrderInvoice $invoice */
$invoice -> name = $invoice -> getInvoiceNumberFormatted ( Context :: getContext () -> language -> id , ( int ) $order -> id_shop );
$invoice_array [] = $invoice ;
// Assign to smarty informations in order to show the new product line
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'product' => $product ,
'order' => $order ,
'currency' => new Currency ( $order -> id_currency ),
'can_edit' => $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ],
'invoices_collection' => $invoice_collection ,
'current_id_lang' => Context :: getContext () -> language -> id ,
'link' => Context :: getContext () -> link ,
'current_index' => self :: $currentIndex ,
'display_warehouse' => ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' )
if ( ! $res ) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => $res ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while editing the product line.' )
if ( is_array ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ))) {
$view = $this -> createTemplate ( '_customized_data.tpl' ) -> fetch ();
} else {
$view = $this -> createTemplate ( '_product_line.tpl' ) -> fetch ();
$this -> sendChangedNotification ( $order );
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => $res ,
'view' => $view ,
'can_edit' => $this -> tabAccess [ 'add' ],
'invoices_collection' => $invoice_collection ,
'order' => $order ,
'invoices' => $invoice_array ,
'documents_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_documents.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'shipping_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_shipping.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'customized_product' => is_array ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ))
public function ajaxProcessDeleteProductLine ()
$res = true ;
$order_detail = new OrderDetail (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order_detail' ));
$order = new Order (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' ));
$this -> doDeleteProductLineValidation ( $order_detail , $order );
// Update OrderInvoice of this OrderDetail
if ( $order_detail -> id_order_invoice != 0 ) {
$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice ( $order_detail -> id_order_invoice );
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$order_invoice -> total_products -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_products_wt -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$res &= $order_invoice -> update ();
// Update Order
$order -> total_paid -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_incl -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$order -> total_paid_tax_excl -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_products -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_excl ;
$order -> total_products_wt -= $order_detail -> total_price_tax_incl ;
$res &= $order -> update ();
// Reinject quantity in stock
$this -> reinjectQuantity ( $order_detail , $order_detail -> product_quantity , true );
// Update weight SUM
$order_carrier = new OrderCarrier (( int ) $order -> getIdOrderCarrier ());
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_carrier )) {
$order_carrier -> weight = ( float ) $order -> getTotalWeight ();
$res &= $order_carrier -> update ();
if ( $res ) {
$order -> weight = sprintf ( " %.3f " . Configuration :: get ( 'PS_WEIGHT_UNIT' ), $order_carrier -> weight );
if ( ! $res ) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => $res ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred while attempting to delete the product line.' )
// Get invoices collection
$invoice_collection = $order -> getInvoicesCollection ();
$invoice_array = array ();
foreach ( $invoice_collection as $invoice ) {
/** @var OrderInvoice $invoice */
$invoice -> name = $invoice -> getInvoiceNumberFormatted ( Context :: getContext () -> language -> id , ( int ) $order -> id_shop );
$invoice_array [] = $invoice ;
// Assign to smarty informations in order to show the new product line
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'order' => $order ,
'currency' => new Currency ( $order -> id_currency ),
'invoices_collection' => $invoice_collection ,
'current_id_lang' => Context :: getContext () -> language -> id ,
'link' => Context :: getContext () -> link ,
'current_index' => self :: $currentIndex
$this -> sendChangedNotification ( $order );
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => $res ,
'order' => $order ,
'invoices' => $invoice_array ,
'documents_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_documents.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
'shipping_html' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_shipping.tpl' ) -> fetch ()
protected function doEditProductValidation ( OrderDetail $order_detail , Order $order , OrderInvoice $order_invoice = null )
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_detail )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The Order Detail object could not be loaded.' )
if ( ! empty ( $order_invoice ) && ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_invoice )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The invoice object cannot be loaded.' )
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The order object cannot be loaded.' )
if ( $order_detail -> id_order != $order -> id ) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot edit the order detail for this order.' )
// We can't edit a delivered order
if ( $order -> hasBeenDelivered ()) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot edit a delivered order.' )
if ( ! empty ( $order_invoice ) && $order_invoice -> id_order != Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot use this invoice for the order' )
// Clean price
$product_price_tax_incl = str_replace ( ',' , '.' , Tools :: getValue ( 'product_price_tax_incl' ));
$product_price_tax_excl = str_replace ( ',' , '.' , Tools :: getValue ( 'product_price_tax_excl' ));
if ( ! Validate :: isPrice ( $product_price_tax_incl ) || ! Validate :: isPrice ( $product_price_tax_excl )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid price' )
if ( ! is_array ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' )) && ! Validate :: isUnsignedInt ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ))) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid quantity' )
} elseif ( is_array ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ))) {
foreach ( Tools :: getValue ( 'product_quantity' ) as $qty ) {
if ( ! Validate :: isUnsignedInt ( $qty )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid quantity' )
protected function doDeleteProductLineValidation ( OrderDetail $order_detail , Order $order )
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order_detail )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The Order Detail object could not be loaded.' )
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'The order object cannot be loaded.' )
if ( $order_detail -> id_order != $order -> id ) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot delete the order detail.' )
// We can't edit a delivered order
if ( $order -> hasBeenDelivered ()) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => false ,
'error' => Tools :: displayError ( 'You cannot edit a delivered order.' )
* @ param Order $order
* @ return array
protected function getProducts ( $order )
$products = $order -> getProducts ();
foreach ( $products as & $product ) {
if ( $product [ 'image' ] != null ) {
$name = 'product_mini_' . ( int ) $product [ 'product_id' ] . ( isset ( $product [ 'product_attribute_id' ]) ? '_' . ( int ) $product [ 'product_attribute_id' ] : '' ) . '.jpg' ;
// generate image cache, only for back office
$product [ 'image_tag' ] = ImageManager :: thumbnail ( _PS_IMG_DIR_ . 'p/' . $product [ 'image' ] -> getExistingImgPath () . '.jpg' , $name , 45 , 'jpg' );
if ( file_exists ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $name )) {
$product [ 'image_size' ] = getimagesize ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $name );
} else {
$product [ 'image_size' ] = false ;
ksort ( $products );
return $products ;
* @ param OrderDetail $order_detail
* @ param int $qty_cancel_product
* @ param bool $delete
protected function reinjectQuantity ( $order_detail , $qty_cancel_product , $delete = false )
// Reinject product
$reinjectable_quantity = ( int ) $order_detail -> product_quantity - ( int ) $order_detail -> product_quantity_reinjected ;
$quantity_to_reinject = $qty_cancel_product > $reinjectable_quantity ? $reinjectable_quantity : $qty_cancel_product ;
// @since 1.5.0 : Advanced Stock Management
$product_to_inject = new Product ( $order_detail -> product_id , false , ( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id , ( int ) $order_detail -> id_shop );
$product = new Product ( $order_detail -> product_id , false , ( int ) $this -> context -> language -> id , ( int ) $order_detail -> id_shop );
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT' ) && $product -> advanced_stock_management && $order_detail -> id_warehouse != 0 ) {
$manager = StockManagerFactory :: getManager ();
$movements = StockMvt :: getNegativeStockMvts (
$order_detail -> id_order ,
$order_detail -> product_id ,
$order_detail -> product_attribute_id ,
$left_to_reinject = $quantity_to_reinject ;
foreach ( $movements as $movement ) {
if ( $left_to_reinject > $movement [ 'physical_quantity' ]) {
$quantity_to_reinject = $movement [ 'physical_quantity' ];
$left_to_reinject -= $quantity_to_reinject ;
if ( Pack :: isPack (( int ) $product -> id )) {
// Gets items
if ( $product -> pack_stock_type == 1 || $product -> pack_stock_type == 2 || ( $product -> pack_stock_type == 3 && Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE' ) > 0 )) {
$products_pack = Pack :: getItems (( int ) $product -> id , ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ));
// Foreach item
foreach ( $products_pack as $product_pack ) {
if ( $product_pack -> advanced_stock_management == 1 ) {
$manager -> addProduct (
$product_pack -> id ,
$product_pack -> id_pack_product_attribute ,
new Warehouse ( $movement [ 'id_warehouse' ]),
$product_pack -> pack_quantity * $quantity_to_reinject ,
null ,
$movement [ 'price_te' ],
if ( $product -> pack_stock_type == 0 || $product -> pack_stock_type == 2 ||
( $product -> pack_stock_type == 3 && ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE' ) == 0 || Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE' ) == 2 ))) {
$manager -> addProduct (
$order_detail -> product_id ,
$order_detail -> product_attribute_id ,
new Warehouse ( $movement [ 'id_warehouse' ]),
$quantity_to_reinject ,
null ,
$movement [ 'price_te' ],
} else {
$manager -> addProduct (
$order_detail -> product_id ,
$order_detail -> product_attribute_id ,
new Warehouse ( $movement [ 'id_warehouse' ]),
$quantity_to_reinject ,
null ,
$movement [ 'price_te' ],
$id_product = $order_detail -> product_id ;
if ( $delete ) {
$order_detail -> delete ();
StockAvailable :: synchronize ( $id_product );
} elseif ( $order_detail -> id_warehouse == 0 ) {
StockAvailable :: updateQuantity (
$order_detail -> product_id ,
$order_detail -> product_attribute_id ,
$quantity_to_reinject ,
$order_detail -> id_shop
if ( $delete ) {
$order_detail -> delete ();
} else {
$this -> errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This product cannot be re-stocked.' );
* @ param OrderInvoice $order_invoice
* @ param float $value_tax_incl
* @ param float $value_tax_excl
protected function applyDiscountOnInvoice ( $order_invoice , $value_tax_incl , $value_tax_excl )
// Update OrderInvoice
$order_invoice -> total_discount_tax_incl += $value_tax_incl ;
$order_invoice -> total_discount_tax_excl += $value_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_incl -= $value_tax_incl ;
$order_invoice -> total_paid_tax_excl -= $value_tax_excl ;
$order_invoice -> update ();
public function ajaxProcessChangePaymentMethod ()
$customer = new Customer ( Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customer' ));
$modules = Module :: getAuthorizedModules ( $customer -> id_default_group );
$authorized_modules = array ();
if ( ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $customer ) || ! is_array ( $modules )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'result' => false )));
foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
$authorized_modules [] = ( int ) $module [ 'id_module' ];
$payment_modules = array ();
foreach ( PaymentModule :: getInstalledPaymentModules () as $p_module ) {
if ( in_array (( int ) $p_module [ 'id_module' ], $authorized_modules )) {
$payment_modules [] = Module :: getInstanceById (( int ) $p_module [ 'id_module' ]);
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array (
'payment_modules' => $payment_modules ,
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( array (
'result' => true ,
'view' => $this -> createTemplate ( '_select_payment.tpl' ) -> fetch (),
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00