2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
< ? php
if ( ! defined ( '_PS_VERSION_' ))
exit ;
//require _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'cmsps/cmsps.php';
class GsitemapOverride extends Gsitemap
/* @Override */
protected $metas_plus ;
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
private $sql_checks = array ();
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
/* @Override */
public function __construct ()
$this -> name = 'gsitemap' ;
$this -> tab = 'seo' ;
$this -> version = '3.0.5' ;
$this -> author = 'PrestaShop' ;
$this -> need_instance = 0 ;
$this -> bootstrap = true ;
parent :: __construct ();
$this -> displayName = $this -> l ( 'Google sitemap' );
$this -> description = $this -> l ( 'Generate your Google sitemap file' );
/* @Override */
$this -> type_array = array ( 'home' , 'meta' , 'product' , 'category' , 'manufacturer' , 'supplier' , 'cms' , 'module' );
$metas = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'meta` ORDER BY `id_meta` ASC' );
$disabled_metas = explode ( ',' , Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_DISABLE_LINKS' ));
foreach ( $metas as $meta )
if ( in_array ( $meta [ 'id_meta' ], $disabled_metas ))
if (( $key = array_search ( $meta [ 'page' ], $this -> type_array )) !== false )
unset ( $this -> type_array [ $key ]);
/* @Override */
$this -> metas_plus = array ( 'cmspscategory' , 'cmspspost' , 'cmspsedito' );
/* @Override */
public function getContent (){
/* Store the posted parameters and generate a new Google Sitemap files for the current Shop */
if ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'SubmitGsitemap' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_frequency' )));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_INDEX_CHECK' , '' );
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_check_image_file' )));
$meta = '' ;
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_meta' ))
$meta .= implode ( ', ' , Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_meta' ));
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_DISABLE_LINKS' , $meta );
$this -> emptySitemap ();
$this -> createSitemap ();
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'SubmitBlogCatGsitemap' ))
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_frequency' )));
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
$this -> createSpecificSitemap ( array ( 'cmspscategory' ), 1 );
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'SubmitBlogArticleGsitemap' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_frequency' )));
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
$this -> createSpecificSitemap ( array ( 'cmspspost' ), 2 );
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'SubmitBlogEditoGsitemap' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_frequency' )));
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
$this -> createSpecificSitemap ( array ( 'cmspsedito' ), 3 );
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'SubmitProductImgGsitemap' ))
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_frequency' )));
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
$this -> createSpecificSitemap ( array ( 'product' ), 4 , 0 , true );
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
elseif ( Tools :: isSubmit ( 'SubmitArticleImgGsitemap' ))
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' , pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gsitemap_frequency' )));
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
$this -> createSpecificSitemap ( array ( 'cmspspost' ), 5 , 0 , true );
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
/* if no posted form and the variable [continue] is found in the HTTP request variable keep creating sitemap */
elseif ( Tools :: getValue ( 'continue' ))
$this -> createSitemap ();
/* Empty the Shop domain cache */
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign (
array (
'gsitemap_form' => './index.php?tab=AdminModules&configure=gsitemap&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&tab_module=' . $this -> tab . '&module_name=gsitemap' ,
'gsitemap_cron' => _PS_BASE_URL_ . _MODULE_DIR_ . 'gsitemap/gsitemap-cron.php?token=' . substr ( Tools :: encrypt ( 'gsitemap/cron' ), 0 , 10 ) . '&id_shop=' . $this -> context -> shop -> id ,
'gsitemap_feed_exists' => file_exists ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . 'index_sitemap.xml' ),
'gsitemap_last_export' => Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_LAST_EXPORT' ),
'gsitemap_frequency' => Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' ),
'gsitemap_store_url' => 'http://' . Tools :: getShopDomain ( false , true ) . __PS_BASE_URI__ ,
'gsitemap_links' => Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'gsitemap_sitemap` WHERE id_shop = ' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id ),
'store_metas' => Meta :: getMetasByIdLang (( int ) $this -> context -> cookie -> id_lang ),
'gsitemap_disable_metas' => explode ( ',' , Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_DISABLE_LINKS' )),
'gsitemap_disable_metas_plus' => explode ( ',' , Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_DISABLE_LINKS_PLUS' )),
'gsitemap_customer_limit' => array (
'max_exec_time' => ( int ) ini_get ( 'max_execution_time' ),
'memory_limit' => intval ( ini_get ( 'memory_limit' ))
'prestashop_ssl' => Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ),
'gsitemap_check_image_file' => Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' ),
'shop' => $this -> context -> shop
return $this -> display ( __FILE__ , 'views/templates/admin/configuration.tpl' );
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
public function createSitemap ( $id_shop = 0 )
if ( @ fopen ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . '/test.txt' , 'w' ) == false )
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'google_maps_error' , $this -> l ( 'An error occured while trying to check your file permissions. Please adjust your permissions to allow PrestaShop to write a file in your root directory.' ));
return false ;
@ unlink ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . 'test.txt' );
if ( $id_shop != 0 )
$this -> context -> shop = new Shop (( int ) $id_shop );
$type = Tools :: getValue ( 'type' ) ? Tools :: getValue ( 'type' ) : '' ;
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( true , $id_shop );
$lang_stop = Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ) ? true : false ;
$id_obj = Tools :: getValue ( 'id' ) ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id' ) : 0 ;
foreach ( $languages as $lang )
$i = 0 ;
$index = ( Tools :: getValue ( 'index' ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ) == $lang [ 'iso_code' ]) ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'index' ) : 0 ;
if ( $lang_stop && $lang [ 'iso_code' ] != Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ))
continue ;
elseif ( $lang_stop && $lang [ 'iso_code' ] == Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ))
$lang_stop = false ;
$link_sitemap = array ();
foreach ( $this -> type_array as $type_val )
if ( $type == '' || $type == $type_val )
$function = '_get' . ucfirst ( $type_val ) . 'Link' ;
if ( ! $this -> $function ( $link_sitemap , $lang , $index , $i , $id_obj ))
return false ;
$type = '' ;
$id_obj = 0 ;
$this -> _recursiveSitemapCreator ( $link_sitemap , $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index );
$page = '' ;
$index = 0 ;
$this -> _createIndexSitemap ();
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_LAST_EXPORT' , date ( 'r' ));
Tools :: file_get_contents ( 'http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=' . urlencode ( 'http' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . Tools :: getShopDomain ( false , true ) . $this -> context -> shop -> physical_uri . $this -> context -> shop -> virtual_uri . $this -> context -> shop -> id . '_index_sitemap.xml' ));
if ( $this -> cron )
die ();
header ( 'location: ./index.php?tab=AdminModules&configure=gsitemap&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&tab_module=' . $this -> tab . '&module_name=gsitemap&validation' );
die ();
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
public function createSpecificSitemap ( $functions = array (), $index , $id_shop = 0 , $img_url = false )
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
if ( @ fopen ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . '/test.txt' , 'w' ) == false )
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( 'google_maps_error' , $this -> l ( 'An error occured while trying to check your file permissions. Please adjust your permissions to allow PrestaShop to write a file in your root directory.' ));
return false ;
@ unlink ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . 'test.txt' );
if ( $id_shop != 0 )
$this -> context -> shop = new Shop (( int ) $id_shop );
$type = Tools :: getValue ( 'type' ) ? Tools :: getValue ( 'type' ) : '' ;
$languages = Language :: getLanguages ( true , $id_shop );
$lang_stop = Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ) ? true : false ;
$id_obj = Tools :: getValue ( 'id' ) ? ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id' ) : 0 ;
foreach ( $languages as $lang )
$i = 0 ;
// $index = (Tools::getValue('index') && Tools::getValue('lang') == $lang['iso_code']) ? (int)Tools::getValue('index') : 0;
if ( $lang_stop && $lang [ 'iso_code' ] != Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ))
continue ;
elseif ( $lang_stop && $lang [ 'iso_code' ] == Tools :: getValue ( 'lang' ))
$lang_stop = false ;
$link_sitemap = array ();
2015-11-06 12:02:21 +01:00
foreach ( $functions as $type_val )
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
if ( $type == '' || $type == $type_val )
$function = '_get' . ucfirst ( $type_val ) . 'Link' ;
2015-11-06 12:41:30 +01:00
if ( $img_url ) {
if ( ! $this -> $function ( $link_sitemap , $lang , $index , $i , $id_obj , true )){
return false ;
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
} elseif ( ! $this -> $function ( $link_sitemap , $lang , $index , $i , $id_obj )) {
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
return false ;
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
$type = '' ;
$id_obj = 0 ;
$this -> _recursiveSitemapCreator ( $link_sitemap , $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index );
$page = '' ;
$index = 0 ;
$this -> _createIndexSitemap ();
Configuration :: updateValue ( 'GSITEMAP_LAST_EXPORT' , date ( 'r' ));
switch ( $index ) {
case 1 :
Tools :: file_get_contents ( 'http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=' . urlencode ( 'http' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . Tools :: getShopDomain ( false , true ) . $this -> context -> shop -> physical_uri . $this -> context -> shop -> virtual_uri . $this -> context -> shop -> id . '_blog_sitemap.xml' ));
break ;
case 2 :
Tools :: file_get_contents ( 'http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=' . urlencode ( 'http' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . Tools :: getShopDomain ( false , true ) . $this -> context -> shop -> physical_uri . $this -> context -> shop -> virtual_uri . $this -> context -> shop -> id . '_img_sitemap.xml' ));
break ;
default :
break ;
/* if ( $this -> cron )
die (); */
if ( ! $this -> cron ){
header ( 'location: ./index.php?tab=AdminModules&configure=gsitemap&token=' . Tools :: getAdminTokenLite ( 'AdminModules' ) . '&tab_module=' . $this -> tab . '&module_name=gsitemap&validation' );
die ();
* @ param array $link_sitemap contain all the links for the Google Sitemap file to be generated
* @ param string $lang the language of link to add
* @ param int $index the index of the current Google Sitemap file
* @ return bool
private function _recursiveSitemapCreator ( $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index )
if ( ! count ( $link_sitemap ))
return false ;
$sitemap_link = $this -> context -> shop -> id . '_' . $lang . '_' . $index . '_sitemap.xml' ;
$write_fd = fopen ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . $sitemap_link , 'w' );
fwrite ( $write_fd , '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . " \r \n " . '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:image="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-image/1.1">' . " \r \n " );
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
foreach ( $link_sitemap as $key => $file )
fwrite ( $write_fd , '<url>' . " \r \n " );
$lastmod = ( isset ( $file [ 'lastmod' ]) && ! empty ( $file [ 'lastmod' ])) ? date ( 'c' , strtotime ( $file [ 'lastmod' ])) : null ;
$this -> _addSitemapNode ( $write_fd , htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $file [ 'link' ])), $this -> _getPriorityPage ( $file [ 'page' ]), Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_FREQUENCY' ), $lastmod );
if ( $file [ 'image' ])
$this -> _addSitemapNodeImage (
$write_fd , htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $file [ 'image' ][ 'link' ])), isset ( $file [ 'image' ][ 'title_img' ]) ? htmlspecialchars (
str_replace (
array (
" \r \n " ,
" \r " ,
" \n "
), '' , strip_tags ( $file [ 'image' ][ 'title_img' ])
) : '' , isset ( $file [ 'image' ][ 'caption' ]) ? htmlspecialchars (
str_replace (
array (
" \r \n " ,
" \r " ,
" \n "
), '' , strip_tags ( $file [ 'image' ][ 'caption' ])
) : ''
fwrite ( $write_fd , '</url>' . " \r \n " );
fwrite ( $write_fd , '</urlset>' . " \r \n " );
fclose ( $write_fd );
$this -> _saveSitemapLink ( $sitemap_link );
$index ++ ;
return true ;
* return the priority value set in the configuration parameters
* @ param string $page
* @ return float | string | bool
private function _getPriorityPage ( $page )
return Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_PRIORITY_' . Tools :: strtoupper ( $page )) ? Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_PRIORITY_' . Tools :: strtoupper ( $page )) : 0.1 ;
* Add a new line to the sitemap file
* @ param resource $fd file system object resource
* @ param string $loc string the URL of the object page
* @ param string $priority
* @ param string $change_freq
* @ param int $last_mod the last modification date / time as a timestamp
private function _addSitemapNode ( $fd , $loc , $priority , $change_freq , $last_mod = null )
fwrite ( $fd , '<loc>' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS' ) ? '<![CDATA[' . $loc . ']]>' : $loc ) . '</loc>' . " \r \n " . '<priority>' . number_format ( $priority , 1 , '.' , '' ) . '</priority>' . " \r \n " . ( $last_mod ? '<lastmod>' . date ( 'c' , strtotime ( $last_mod )) . '</lastmod>' : '' ) . " \r \n " . '<changefreq>' . $change_freq . '</changefreq>' . " \r \n " );
private function _addSitemapNodeImage ( $fd , $link , $title , $caption )
fwrite ( $fd , '<image:image>' . " \r \n " . '<image:loc>' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS' ) ? '<![CDATA[' . $link . ']]>' : $link ) . '</image:loc>' . " \r \n " . '<image:caption><![CDATA[' . $caption . ']]></image:caption>' . " \r \n " . '<image:title><![CDATA[' . $title . ']]></image:title>' . " \r \n " . '</image:image>' . " \r \n " );
* Create the index file for all generated sitemaps
* @ return boolean
private function _createIndexSitemap ()
$sitemaps = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT `link` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'gsitemap_sitemap` WHERE id_shop = ' . $this -> context -> shop -> id );
if ( ! $sitemaps )
return false ;
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"></sitemapindex>' ;
$xml_feed = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xml );
foreach ( $sitemaps as $link )
$sitemap = $xml_feed -> addChild ( 'sitemap' );
$sitemap -> addChild ( 'loc' , 'http' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) && Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE' ) ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . Tools :: getShopDomain ( false , true ) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . $link [ 'link' ]);
$sitemap -> addChild ( 'lastmod' , date ( 'c' ));
file_put_contents ( $this -> normalizeDirectory ( _PS_ROOT_DIR_ ) . $this -> context -> shop -> id . '_index_sitemap.xml' , $xml_feed -> asXML ());
return true ;
private function tableColumnExists ( $table_name , $column = null )
if ( array_key_exists ( $table_name , $this -> sql_checks ))
if ( ! empty ( $column ) && array_key_exists ( $column , $this -> sql_checks [ $table_name ]))
return $this -> sql_checks [ $table_name ][ $column ];
return $this -> sql_checks [ $table_name ];
$table = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . $table_name . '\'' );
if ( empty ( $column ))
if ( count ( $table ) < 1 )
return $this -> sql_checks [ $table_name ] = false ;
$this -> sql_checks [ $table_name ] = true ;
$table = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . $table_name . '` LIMIT 1' );
return $this -> sql_checks [ $table_name ][ $column ] = array_key_exists ( $column , current ( $table ));
return true ;
* Store the generated Sitemap file to the database
* @ param string $sitemap the name of the generated Google Sitemap file
* @ return bool
private function _saveSitemapLink ( $sitemap )
if ( $sitemap )
return Db :: getInstance () -> Execute ( 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'gsitemap_sitemap` (`link`, id_shop) VALUES (\'' . pSQL ( $sitemap ) . '\', ' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id . ')' );
return false ;
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
* @ Override
private function _getHomeLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i )
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) && Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE' ))
$protocol = 'https://' ;
$protocol = 'http://' ;
return $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'home' ,
'page' => 'home' ,
'link' => $protocol . Tools :: getShopDomainSsl ( false ) . $this -> context -> shop -> getBaseURI () . ( method_exists ( 'Language' , 'isMultiLanguageActivated' ) ? Language :: isMultiLanguageActivated () ? $lang [ 'iso_code' ] . '/' : '' : '' ),
'image' => false
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , - 1
* @ Override
private function _getMetaLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_meta = 0 )
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$link = new Link ();
if ( version_compare ( _PS_VERSION_ , '1.6' , '>=' ))
$metas = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'meta` WHERE `configurable` > 0 AND `id_meta` >= ' . ( int ) $id_meta . ' ORDER BY `id_meta` ASC' );
$metas = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'meta` WHERE `id_meta` >= ' . ( int ) $id_meta . ' ORDER BY `id_meta` ASC' );
foreach ( $metas as $meta )
$url = '' ;
if ( ! in_array ( $meta [ 'id_meta' ], explode ( ',' , Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_DISABLE_LINKS' ))))
$url_rewrite = Db :: getInstance () -> getValue ( 'SELECT url_rewrite, id_shop FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'meta_lang` WHERE `id_meta` = ' . ( int ) $meta [ 'id_meta' ] . ' AND `id_shop` =' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id . ' AND `id_lang` = ' . ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
Dispatcher :: getInstance () -> addRoute ( $meta [ 'page' ], ( isset ( $url_rewrite ) ? $url_rewrite : $meta [ 'page' ]), $meta [ 'page' ], $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$uri_path = Dispatcher :: getInstance () -> createUrl ( $meta [ 'page' ], $lang [ 'id_lang' ], array (), ( bool ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS' ));
$url .= Tools :: getShopDomainSsl ( true ) . (( $this -> context -> shop -> virtual_uri ) ? __PS_BASE_URI__ . $this -> context -> shop -> virtual_uri : __PS_BASE_URI__ ) . ( Language :: isMultiLanguageActivated () ? $lang [ 'iso_code' ] . '/' : '' ) . ltrim ( $uri_path , '/' );
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'meta' ,
'page' => $meta [ 'page' ],
'link' => $url ,
'image' => false
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , $meta [ 'id_meta' ]
return false ;
return true ;
* @ Override
private function _getProductLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_product = 0 , $img_url = false )
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$products_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS ( 'SELECT `id_product` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_shop` WHERE `id_product` >= ' . intval ( $id_product ) . ' AND `active` = 1 AND `id_shop`=' . $this -> context -> shop -> id . ' ORDER BY `id_product` ASC' );
foreach ( $products_id as $product_id )
$product = new Product (( int ) $product_id [ 'id_product' ], false , ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getProductLink ( $product , $product -> link_rewrite , htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $product -> category )), $product -> ean13 , ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ], ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id , 0 , true );
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' ) == true || $img_url ) {
$id_image = Product :: getCover (( int ) $product_id [ 'id_product' ]);
if ( isset ( $id_image [ 'id_image' ]))
$image_link = $this -> context -> link -> getImageLink ( $product -> link_rewrite , $product -> id . '-' . ( int ) $id_image [ 'id_image' ], 'large_default' );
$image_link = ( ! in_array ( rtrim ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri , '/' ), explode ( '/' , $image_link ))) ? str_replace (
array (
'https' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri
), array (
'http' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri
), $image_link
) : $image_link ;
$file_headers = ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' )) ? @ get_headers ( $image_link ) : true ;
$image_product = array ();
if ( isset ( $image_link ) && ( $file_headers [ 0 ] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' || $file_headers === true ))
$image_product = array (
'title_img' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $product -> name )),
'caption' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $product -> description_short )),
'link' => $image_link
} else {
$image_product = false ;
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'product' ,
'page' => 'product' ,
'lastmod' => $product -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
'image' => $image_product
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , $product_id [ 'id_product' ]
return false ;
unset ( $image_link );
return true ;
private function _getSupplierLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_supplier = 0 )
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$suppliers_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
'SELECT s.`id_supplier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' supplier ` s
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'supplier_lang` sl ON s . `id_supplier` = sl . `id_supplier` ' .
( $this -> tableColumnExists ( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier_shop' ) ? 'INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier_shop` ss ON s.`id_supplier` = ss.`id_supplier`' : '' ) . '
WHERE s . `active` = 1 AND s . `id_supplier` >= ' . ( int ) $id_supplier .
( $this -> tableColumnExists ( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier_shop' ) ? ' AND ss.`id_shop` = ' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id : '' ) . '
AND sl . `id_lang` = '.(int)$lang[' id_lang '].'
ORDER BY s . `id_supplier` ASC '
foreach ( $suppliers_id as $supplier_id )
$supplier = new Supplier (( int ) $supplier_id [ 'id_supplier' ], $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getSupplierLink ( $supplier , $supplier -> link_rewrite , $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' ) == true ) {
$image_link = 'http://' . Tools :: getMediaServer ( _THEME_SUP_DIR_ ) . _THEME_SUP_DIR_ . (( ! file_exists ( _THEME_SUP_DIR_ . '/' . ( int ) $supplier -> id . '-medium_default.jpg' )) ? $lang [ 'iso_code' ] . '-default' : ( int ) $supplier -> id ) . '-medium_default.jpg' ;
$image_link = ( ! in_array ( rtrim ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri , '/' ), explode ( '/' , $image_link ))) ? str_replace (
array (
'https' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri
), array (
'http' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri
), $image_link
) : $image_link ;
$file_headers = ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' )) ? @ get_headers ( $image_link ) : true ;
$supplier_image = array ();
if ( $file_headers [ 0 ] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' || $file_headers === true )
$supplier_image = array (
'title_img' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $supplier -> name )),
'link' => 'http' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . Tools :: getMediaServer ( _THEME_SUP_DIR_ ) . _THEME_SUP_DIR_ . (( ! file_exists ( _THEME_SUP_DIR_ . '/' . ( int ) $supplier -> id . '-medium_default.jpg' )) ? $lang [ 'iso_code' ] . '-default' : ( int ) $supplier -> id ) . '-medium_default.jpg'
} else {
$supplier_image = false ;
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'supplier' ,
'page' => 'supplier' ,
'lastmod' => $supplier -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
'image' => $supplier_image
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , $supplier_id [ 'id_supplier' ]
return false ;
return true ;
* @ Override
private function _getCmsLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_cms = 0 )
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$cmss_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
'SELECT c.`id_cms` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cms` c INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cms_lang` cl ON c.`id_cms` = cl.`id_cms` ' .
( $this -> tableColumnExists ( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier_shop' ) ? 'INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cms_shop` cs ON c.`id_cms` = cs.`id_cms` ' : '' ) .
'INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' cms_category ` cc ON c . id_cms_category = cc . id_cms_category AND cc . active = 1
WHERE c . `active` = 1 AND c . `indexation` = 1 AND c . `id_cms` >= ' . ( int ) $id_cms .
( $this -> tableColumnExists ( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier_shop' ) ? ' AND cs.id_shop = ' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id : '' ) .
' AND cl.`id_lang` = ' . ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ] .
' ORDER BY c.`id_cms` ASC'
if ( is_array ( $cmss_id ))
foreach ( $cmss_id as $cms_id )
$cms = new CMS (( int ) $cms_id [ 'id_cms' ], $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$cms -> link_rewrite = urlencode (( is_array ( $cms -> link_rewrite ) ? $cms -> link_rewrite [( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]] : $cms -> link_rewrite ));
$url = $link -> getCMSLink ( $cms , null , null , $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'cms' ,
'page' => 'cms' ,
'link' => $url ,
'image' => false
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , $cms_id [ 'id_cms' ]
return false ;
return true ;
* @ Override
private function _getModuleLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $num_link = 0 )
$modules_links = Hook :: exec ( self :: HOOK_ADD_URLS , array ( 'lang' => $lang ), null , true );
if ( empty ( $modules_links ) || ! is_array ( $modules_links ))
return true ;
$links = array ();
foreach ( $modules_links as $module_links )
$links = array_merge ( $links , $module_links );
foreach ( $module_links as $n => $link )
if ( $num_link > $n )
continue ;
$link [ 'type' ] = 'module' ;
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap ( $link_sitemap , $link , $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , $n ))
return false ;
return true ;
* @ Override
private function _getCategoryLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_category = 0 )
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$categories_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
'SELECT c.id_category FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' category ` c
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs ON c . `id_category` = cs . `id_category`
WHERE c . `id_category` >= '.intval($id_category).' AND c . `active` = 1 AND c . `id_category` != 1 AND c . id_parent > 0 AND c . `id_category` > 0 AND cs . `id_shop` = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.' ORDER BY c . `id_category` ASC '
foreach ( $categories_id as $category_id )
$category = new Category (( int ) $category_id [ 'id_category' ], ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getCategoryLink ( $category , urlencode ( $category -> link_rewrite ), ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' ) == true ) {
if ( $category -> id_image )
$image_link = $this -> context -> link -> getCatImageLink ( $category -> link_rewrite , ( int ) $category -> id_image , 'category_default' );
$image_link = ( ! in_array ( rtrim ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri , '/' ), explode ( '/' , $image_link ))) ? str_replace (
array (
'https' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri
), array (
'http' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri
), $image_link
) : $image_link ;
$file_headers = ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' )) ? @ get_headers ( $image_link ) : true ;
$image_category = array ();
if ( isset ( $image_link ) && ( $file_headers [ 0 ] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' || $file_headers === true ))
$image_category = array (
'title_img' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $category -> name )),
'link' => $image_link
} else {
$image_category = false ;
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'category' ,
'page' => 'category' ,
'lastmod' => $category -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
'image' => $image_category
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , ( int ) $category_id [ 'id_category' ]
return false ;
unset ( $image_link );
return true ;
private function _getManufacturerLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_manufacturer = 0 )
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$manufacturers_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
'SELECT m.`id_manufacturer` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' manufacturer ` m
INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer_lang` ml on m . `id_manufacturer` = ml . `id_manufacturer` ' .
( $this -> tableColumnExists ( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'manufacturer_shop' ) ? ' INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'manufacturer_shop` ms ON m.`id_manufacturer` = ms.`id_manufacturer` ' : '' ) .
' WHERE m.`active` = 1 AND m.`id_manufacturer` >= ' . ( int ) $id_manufacturer .
( $this -> tableColumnExists ( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'manufacturer_shop' ) ? ' AND ms.`id_shop` = ' . ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id : '' ) .
' AND ml.`id_lang` = ' . ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ] .
' ORDER BY m.`id_manufacturer` ASC'
foreach ( $manufacturers_id as $manufacturer_id )
$manufacturer = new Manufacturer (( int ) $manufacturer_id [ 'id_manufacturer' ], $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getManufacturerLink ( $manufacturer , $manufacturer -> link_rewrite , $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' ) == true ) {
$image_link = 'http' . ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) && Configuration :: get ( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE' ) ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . Tools :: getMediaServer ( _THEME_MANU_DIR_ ) . _THEME_MANU_DIR_ . (( ! file_exists ( _PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_ . '/' . ( int ) $manufacturer -> id . '-medium_default.jpg' )) ? $lang [ 'iso_code' ] . '-default' : ( int ) $manufacturer -> id ) . '-medium_default.jpg' ;
$image_link = ( ! in_array ( rtrim ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri , '/' ), explode ( '/' , $image_link ))) ? str_replace (
array (
'https' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri
), array (
'http' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri
), $image_link
) : $image_link ;
$file_headers = ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' )) ? @ get_headers ( $image_link ) : true ;
$manifacturer_image = array ();
if ( $file_headers [ 0 ] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' || $file_headers === true )
$manifacturer_image = array (
'title_img' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $manufacturer -> name )),
'caption' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $manufacturer -> short_description )),
'link' => $image_link
} else {
$manifacturer_image = false ;
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'manufacturer' ,
'page' => 'manufacturer' ,
'lastmod' => $manufacturer -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
'image' => $manifacturer_image
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , $manufacturer_id [ 'id_manufacturer' ]
return false ;
return true ;
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
* Hydrate $link_sitemap with cmspscategories link
* @ param array $link_sitemap contain all the links for the Google Sitemap file to be generated
* @ param string $lang language of link to add
* @ param int $index index of the current Google Sitemap file
* @ param int $i count of elements added to sitemap main array
* @ param int $id_category cmspscategories object identifier
* @ return bool
protected function _getCmspscategoryLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_category = 0 )
if ( ! class_exists ( 'CmsPS' )) {
require _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'cmsps/cmsps.php' ;
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$categories_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
' SELECT c . `id_category`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cmsps_categories` c
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cmsps_categories_shop` ls ON c . `id_category` = ls . `id_category`
WHERE c . `id_category` > '.(int)$id_category.'
AND ls . `id_shop` = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.'
ORDER BY c . `id_category` ASC '
foreach ( $categories_id as $category_id )
$category = new CmsPsCategory (( int ) $category_id [ 'id_category' ], ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getCategoryCmsLink (( int ) $category -> id );
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'cmspscategory' ,
'page' => 'categorycms' ,
'lastmod' => $category -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
'image' => false
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , ( int ) $category -> id
return false ;
unset ( $image_url );
return true ;
* Hydrate $link_sitemap with cmspsposts link
* @ param array $link_sitemap contain all the links for the Google Sitemap file to be generated
* @ param string $lang language of link to add
* @ param int $index index of the current Google Sitemap file
* @ param int $i count of elements added to sitemap main array
* @ param int $id_post cmspsposts object identifier
* @ return bool
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
protected function _getCmspspostLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_post = 0 , $img_url = false )
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
if ( ! class_exists ( 'CmsPS' )) {
require _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'cmsps/cmsps.php' ;
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$posts_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
' SELECT p . `id_post`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cmsps_posts` p
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cmsps_posts_shop` ps ON p . `id_post` = ps . `id_post`
WHERE p . `id_post` > '.(int)$id_post.'
AND ps . `id_shop` = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.'
ORDER BY p . `id_post` ASC '
foreach ( $posts_id as $post_id )
$post = new CmsPsPost (( int ) $post_id [ 'id_post' ], ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getPostCmsLink (( int ) $post -> id , ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
if ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' ) == true || $img_url ) {
$image_post = array ();
$image_url = $this -> context -> link -> getPostCmsImageLink (( int ) $post -> id , 'small' );
$image_url = ( ! in_array ( rtrim ( Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri , '/' ), explode ( '/' , $image_url ))) ? str_replace (
array (
'https' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri
), array (
'http' ,
Context :: getContext () -> shop -> domain . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> physical_uri . Context :: getContext () -> shop -> virtual_uri
), $image_url
) : $image_url ;
$file_headers = ( Configuration :: get ( 'GSITEMAP_CHECK_IMAGE_FILE' )) ? @ get_headers ( $image_url ) : true ;
if ( isset ( $image_url ) && ( $file_headers [ 0 ] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' || $file_headers === true ))
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
$image_post = array (
'title_img' => htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( $post -> title )),
'link' => $image_url
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
} else {
$image_post = false ;
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'cmspspost' ,
'page' => 'postcms' ,
'lastmod' => $post -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
'image' => $image_post
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , ( int ) $post -> id
return false ;
unset ( $image_url );
return true ;
* Hydrate $link_sitemap with cmspseditos link
* @ param array $link_sitemap contain all the links for the Google Sitemap file to be generated
* @ param string $lang language of link to add
* @ param int $index index of the current Google Sitemap file
* @ param int $i count of elements added to sitemap main array
* @ param int $id_edito cmspseditos object identifier
* @ return bool
protected function _getCmspseditoLink ( & $link_sitemap , $lang , & $index , & $i , $id_edito = 0 )
if ( ! class_exists ( 'CmsPS' )) {
require _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'cmsps/cmsps.php' ;
$link = new Link ();
if ( method_exists ( 'ShopUrl' , 'resetMainDomainCache' ))
ShopUrl :: resetMainDomainCache ();
$editos_id = Db :: getInstance () -> ExecuteS (
' SELECT e . `id_edito`
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cmsps_editos` e
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cmsps_editos_shop` es ON e . `id_edito` = es . `id_edito`
WHERE e . `id_edito` > '.(int)$id_edito.'
AND es . `id_shop` = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.'
ORDER BY e . `id_edito` ASC '
foreach ( $editos_id as $edito_id )
$edito = new CmsPsEdito (( int ) $edito_id [ 'id_edito' ], ( int ) $lang [ 'id_lang' ]);
$url = $link -> getPostEditoLink (( int ) $edito -> id );
if ( ! $this -> _addLinkToSitemap (
$link_sitemap , array (
'type' => 'cmspsedito' ,
'page' => 'editocms' ,
'lastmod' => $edito -> date_upd ,
'link' => $url ,
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
'image' => false
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00
), $lang [ 'iso_code' ], $index , $i , ( int ) $edito -> id
return false ;
unset ( $image_url );
return true ;
2015-11-06 11:18:45 +01:00
2015-10-14 14:39:48 +02:00