326 lines
36 KiB
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2015-10-16 15:09:01 +02:00
/*! pimpmylog - 1.7.9 - 10b502eaf17be208850be61febb044c2fdb86207*/
* pimpmylog
* http://pimpmylog.com
* Copyright (c) 2015 Potsky, contributors
* Licensed under the GPLv3 license.
include_once 'inc/global.inc.php';
| Check PHP Version
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION , PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED ) < 0 ) {
$title = __( 'Oups!' );
$message = sprintf( __( 'PHP version %s is required but your server run %s.') , PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED , PHP_VERSION );
$link_url = HELP_URL;
$link_msg = __('Learn more');
include_once 'inc/error.inc.php';
| Check if configured
$config_file_name = get_config_file_name();
if ( is_null( $config_file_name ) ) {
$title = __( 'Welcome!' );
$message = '';
$message .= '<br/>';
$message .= __( 'Pimp my Log is not configured.');
$message .= '<br/><br/>';
$message .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span> ';
$message .= sprintf( __( 'You can manually copy <code>cfg/config.example.php</code> to %s in the root directory and change parameters. Then refresh this page.' ) , '<code>' . CONFIG_FILE_NAME . '</code>' );
$message .= '<br/><br/>';
$message .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty"></span> ';
$message .= __( 'Or let me try to configure it for you!' );
$message .= '<br/><br/>';
if ( SUHOSIN_LOADED === true ) {
$message .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><strong>';
$message .= sprintf( __('Suhosin extension is loaded, according to its configuration, Pimp My Log could not run normally... More information %shere%s.') , '<a href="' . SUHOSIN_URL . '">' , '</a>' );
$message .= '</strong></div>';
$message .= '<br/><br/>';
$link_url = 'inc/configure.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$link_msg = __('Configure now');
include_once 'inc/error.inc.php';
| Load config and constants
list( $badges , $files ) = config_load();
| Login
$current_user = Sentinel::attempt( $files );
| Check configuration
$errors = config_check( $files );
if ( $errors === false ) {
$title = __( 'Oups!' );
$message = '<br/>';
$message .= __( 'Your access is disabled, you cannot view any log file.' );
$message .= '<br/>';
$message .= __( 'Please contact your administrator.' );
$message .= '<br/><br/>';
$link_url = '?signout&l=' . $locale;
$link_msg = __('Sign out');
include_once 'inc/error.inc.php';
if ( is_array( $errors ) ) {
$title = __( 'Oups!' );
$message = '<br/>';
$message .= __( '<code>config.user.json</code> configuration file is buggy:' ) . '<ul>';
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
$message .= '<li>' . $error . '</li>';
$message .= '</ul>';
$message .= '<br/>';
$message .= __( 'If you want me to build the configuration for you, please remove file <code>config.user.json</code> at root and click below.' );
$message .= '<br/><br/>';
$link_url = 'inc/configure.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$link_msg = __('Configure now');
include_once 'inc/error.inc.php';
| Javascript lemma
$lemma = array(
'action' => __( 'Action' ),
'addadmin' => __( 'Add admin' ),
'adduser' => __( 'Add user' ),
'all_access' => __( 'All accesses granted' ),
'anonymous_ok' => __( 'Anonymous access has been successfully saved!' ),
'authlogerror' => __( 'There is no log to display and your are connected... It seems that global parameter <code>AUTH_LOG_FILE_COUNT</code> is set to 0. Change this parameter to a higher value to display logs.' ),
'changepwd' => __( 'Password changed' ),
'createdby' => __( 'Created by' ),
'creationdate' => __( 'Created at' ),
'date' => __( 'Date' ),
'deleteuser' => __( 'Delete user' ),
'display_log' => __( '1 log displayed,' ),
'display_nlogs' => __( '%s logs displayed,' ),
'error' => __( 'An error occurs!' ),
'form_invalid' => __( 'Form is invalid:' ),
'ip' => __( 'IP' ),
'lastlogin' => __( 'Last login' ),
'loadmore' => __( 'Still %s to load'),
'logincount' => __( 'Logins' ),
'new_log' => __( '1 new log is available' ),
'new_logs' => __( 'New logs are available' ),
'new_nlogs' => __( '%s new logs are available' ),
'no_log' => __( 'No log has been found.' ),
'notification_deny' => __( 'Notifications are denied for this site. Go to your browser preferences to enable notifications for this site.' ),
'profile_ok' => __( 'Your profile has been successfully saved!' ),
'reallydeleteuser' => __( 'Confirm' ),
'reallysigninuser' => __( 'Confirm' ),
'regex_invalid' => __( 'Search was done with regular engine' ),
'regex_valid' => __( 'Search was done with RegEx engine' ),
'resultcopied' => __( 'Result copied!' ),
'roles' => __( 'Roles' ),
'search_no_regex' => __( 'No log has been found with Reg Ex search %s' ),
'search_no_regular' => __( 'No log has been found with regular search %s' ),
'signin' => __( 'Sign in' ),
'signinas' => __( 'Sign in as' ),
'signinerr' => __( 'Sign in error' ),
'signinuser' => __('Sign in as'),
'signout' => __( 'Sign out' ),
'system' => __( 'System' ),
'toggle_column' => __( 'Toggle column %s' ),
'urlcopied' => __( 'URL copied!' ),
'user' => __( 'User' ),
'user_add_ok' => __( 'User has been successfully saved!' ),
'user_api_lastlogin' => __( 'Last API call' ),
'user_api_logincount' => __( 'API calls' ),
'user_at' => __( 'Access token' ),
'user_cb' => __( 'Created by' ),
'user_cd' => __( 'Created at' ),
'user_delete_ok' => __( 'User has been successfully deleted!' ),
'user_hp' => __( 'Presalt key' ),
'user_lastlogin' => __( 'Last login' ),
'user_logincount' => __( 'Logins' ),
'user_logs' => __( 'Log access' ),
'user_roles' => __( 'Roles' ),
'useragent' => __( 'User agent' ),
'username' => __( 'User name' ),
'users' => __( 'Users' ),
'youhavebeendisconnected' => __( 'You need to sign in' ),
| Session
$csrf = csrf_get();
?><!DOCTYPE html><!--[if lt IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7"><![endif]--><!--[if IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8"><![endif]--><!--[if IE 8]><html class="no-js lt-ie9"><![endif]--><!--[if gt IE 8]><!--><html class="no-js"><!--<![endif]--><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"><meta name="description" content=""><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><meta name="robots" content="none"><title><?php echo TITLE;?></title><?php include_once 'inc/favicon.inc.php'; ?><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/pml.min.css"><?php
// We inject the custom css file instead of loading it because of composer installations
// In composer installations, the css file is out of the public server scope
if ( file_exists( PML_CONFIG_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'css' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.inc.user.css' ) ) {
echo '<style>';
echo file_get_contents( PML_CONFIG_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'css' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.inc.user.css' );
echo '</style>';
} else {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/config.inc.css">';
?><script>var logs_refresh_default = <?php echo (int)LOGS_REFRESH;?>,
logs_max_default = <?php echo (int)LOGS_MAX;?>,
files = <?php echo json_encode($files);?>,
title_file = <?php echo json_encode( TITLE_FILE ); ?>,
notification_title = <?php echo json_encode( NOTIFICATION_TITLE ); ?>,
badges = <?php echo json_encode( $badges ); ?>,
lemma = <?php echo json_encode( $lemma ); ?>,
geoip_url = <?php echo json_encode( GEOIP_URL ); ?>,
pull_to_refresh = <?php echo ( PULL_TO_REFRESH === true ) ? 'true' : 'false';?>,
file_selector = <?php echo json_encode( FILE_SELECTOR ); ?>,
csrf_token = <?php echo json_encode( $csrf ); ?>,
querystring = <?php echo json_encode( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ); ?>,
currentuser = <?php echo json_encode( $current_user ); ?>,
export_default = <?php echo ( EXPORT === true ) ? 'true' : 'false';?>;
notification_default = <?php echo ( NOTIFICATION === true ) ? 'true' : 'false';?>;</script></head><body><!--[if lt IE 8]><p class="chromeframe">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href="http://browsehappy.com/">upgrade your browser</a> or <a href="http://www.google.com/chromeframe/?redirect=true">activate Google Chrome Frame</a> to improve your experience.</p><![endif]--><div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"><div class="logo" title="<?php _e('Reload the page with default parameters'); ?>"></div><div class="container"><div class="navbar-header"><button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse"><span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span></button><div class="navbar-brand"><span class="loader glyphicon glyphicon-refresh icon-spin" style="display:none"></span> <span class="loader glyphicon glyphicon-repeat" title="<?php _h( 'Click to refresh or press the R key' );?>" id="refresh"></span> <a href="?"><?php echo NAV_TITLE;?></a></div></div><div class="navbar-collapse collapse"><?php if ( count( $files ) > 1 ) : ?><?php if ( FILE_SELECTOR == 'bs' ) : ?><ul class="nav navbar-nav"><li class="dropdown" title="<?php _h( 'Select a log file to display' );?>"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span id="file_selector"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><?php
$notagged = '';
$tagged = '';
foreach ( config_extract_tags( $files ) as $tag => $f ) {
if ( $tag === '_' ) {
foreach ( $f as $file_id ) {
$selected = ( ( isset( $_GET['i'] ) ) && ( $_GET['i'] === $file_id ) ) ? ' active' : '';
$notagged .= '<li id="file_' . $file_id . '" data-file="' . $file_id . '" class="file_menup' . $selected . '"><a class="file_menu" href="#" title="';
$notagged .= ( isset( $files[ $file_id ][ 'included_from' ] ) ) ? h( sprintf( __('Log file #%s defined in %s' ) , $file_id , $files[ $file_id ]['included_from'] ) ) : h( sprintf( __( 'Log file #%s defined in main configuration file' ) , $file_id ) );
$notagged .= '">' . $files[ $file_id ]['display'] . '</a></li>';
} else {
$tagged .= '<li class="tag-' . get_slug( $tag ) . '"><a href="#">' . h( $tag );
if ( TAG_DISPLAY_LOG_FILES_COUNT === true ) $tagged .= ' <small class="text-muted">(' . count( $f ) . ')</small>';
$tagged .= '</a>';
$tagged .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">';
foreach ( $f as $file_id ) {
$selected = ( ( isset( $_GET['i'] ) ) && ( $_GET['i'] === $file_id ) ) ? ' active' : '';
$tagged .= '<li id="file_' . $file_id . '" data-file="' . $file_id . '" class="file_menup' . $selected . '"><a class="file_menu" href="#" title="';
$tagged .= ( isset( $files[ $file_id ]['included_from'] ) ) ? h( sprintf( __('Log file #%s defined in %s' ) , $file_id , $files[ $file_id ]['included_from'] ) ) : h( sprintf( __( 'Log file #%s defined in main configuration file' ) , $file_id ) );
$tagged .= '">' . $files[ $file_id ]['display'] . '</a></li>';
$tagged .= '</ul>';
$tagged .= '</li>';
if ( TAG_NOT_TAGGED_FILES_ON_TOP === true ) {
echo $notagged;
if ( ( ! empty( $tagged ) ) && ( ! empty( $notagged ) ) ) echo '<li class="divider"></li>';
echo $tagged;
} else {
echo $tagged;
if ( ( ! empty( $tagged ) ) && ( ! empty( $notagged ) ) ) echo '<li class="divider"></li>';
echo $notagged;
?></ul></li></ul><?php else : ?><form class="navbar-form navbar-left"><div class="form-group"><select id="file_selector_big" class="form-control input-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Select a log file to display' );?>"><?php
foreach ( $files as $file_id=>$file ) {
$selected = ( ( isset( $_GET['i'] ) ) && ( $_GET['i'] == $file_id ) ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
echo '<option value="' . $file_id . '"' . $selected . '>' . $file['display'] . '</option>';
?></select></div>&nbsp;</form><?php endif; ?><?php else : ?><?php
foreach ( $files as $file_id => $file ) {
$d = $file['display'];
$i = h( $file_id );
?><ul class="nav navbar-nav"><li id="singlelog" data-file="<?php echo $i; ?>"><a href="#"><?php echo $d; ?></a></li></ul><?php endif; ?><form class="navbar-form navbar-right"><?php if ( ( is_null( $current_user ) ) && ( Sentinel::isAnonymousEnabled( $files ) ) ) { ?><div class="form-group"><a href="?signin" class="btn-menu btn-primary btn-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Sign in' );?>"><?php _e('Sign in');?></a></div>&nbsp; <?php } ?><div class="form-group" id="searchctn"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm clearable" id="search" value="<?php echo h( @$_GET['s'] );?>" placeholder="<?php _h( 'Search in logs' );?>"></div>&nbsp;<div class="form-group"><select id="autorefresh" class="form-control input-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Select a duration to check for new logs automatically' );?>"><option value="0"><?php _e( 'No refresh' );?></option><?php
foreach ( get_refresh_options( $files ) as $r ) {
echo '<option value="' . $r . '">' . sprintf( __( 'Refresh %ss' ) , $r ) . '</option>';
?></select></div>&nbsp;<div class="form-group"><select id="max" class="form-control input-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Max count of logs to display' );?>"><?php
foreach ( get_max_options( $files ) as $r ) {
echo '<option value="' . $r . '">' . sprintf( ( (int)$r>1 ) ? __( '%s logs' ) : __( '%s log' ) , $r ) . '</option>';
?></select></div>&nbsp;<div class="form-group"><button style="display:none" type="button" id="notification" class="btn-menu btn-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Desktop notifications on supported modern browsers' );?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bell"></span> <span class="visible-xs-* visible-sm-* hidden-md hidden-lg"><?php _e( 'Notifications' ); ?></span></button></div></form><ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"><li class="dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="thmenuicon glyphicon glyphicon-th"></span> <span class="visible-xs-* visible-sm-* hidden-md hidden-lg"><?php _h('Displayed columns');?></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu thmenu" style="padding: 15px"><li><a href="#" class="visible-lg-* visible-md-* hidden-sm hidden-xs" title="<?php _h('Displayed columns');?>"><?php _h('Displayed columns');?></a></li></ul></li><li class="dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span> <span class="visible-xs-* visible-sm-* hidden-md hidden-lg"><?php _h('Settings');?></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu cogmenu" style="padding: 15px"><li><a href="#" id="cog-wide" class="cog btn btn-default" data-cog="wideview" data-value="<?php echo (in_array(@$_GET['w'], array('true','on','1',''))) ? 'on' : 'off' ; ?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php _e('Wide view');?>&nbsp; <span class="cogon" style="<?php echo (in_array(@$_GET['w'], array('true','on','1',''))) ? '' : 'display:none' ; ?>"><?php _e('on')?></span> <span class="cogoff" style="<?php echo (in_array(@$_GET['w'], array('false','off','0'))) ? '' : 'display:none' ; ?>"><?php _e('off')?></span></a></li><li><a href="#" id="clear-markers" class="btn btn-default" title="<?php _h('Click on a date field to mark a row');?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bookmark"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php _e('Clear markers');?></a></li><li><select id="cog-lang" class="form-control input-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Language' );?>"><?php if ( GETTEXT_SUPPORT === true ): ?><option value=""><?php _e( 'Change language...' );?></option><?php
foreach ( $locale_available as $l => $n ) {
echo '<option value="' . $l . '"';
if ( $l == $locale ) echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $n . '</option>';
?><?php else : ?><option value=""><?php _e( 'Language cannot be changed' );?></option><?php endif; ?></select></li><li><select id="cog-tz" class="form-control input-sm" title="<?php _h( 'Timezone' );?>"><option value=""><?php _e( 'Change timezone...' );?></option><?php
foreach ( $tz_available as $n ) {
echo '<option value="' . $n . '"';
if ( $n == $tz ) echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $n . '</option>';
?></select></li></ul></li><?php if ( ! is_null( $current_user ) ) { ?><li class="dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" title="<?php echo h( sprintf( __('You are currently connected as %s') , $current_user ) ); ?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> <span class="visible-xs-* visible-sm-* hidden-md hidden-lg"><?php _h('User settings');?></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><?php if ( Sentinel::isAdmin() ) { ?><li><a href="#" title="<?php _h('Click here to manager users'); ?>" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#umModal"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flash"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php _e('Manage users'); ?></a></li><?php } ?><li><a href="#" title="<?php _h('Click here to view your profile'); ?>" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#prModal"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php _e('Profile'); ?></a></li><li><a href="#" title="<?php _h('Click here to change your password'); ?>" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cpModal"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php _e('Change password'); ?></a></li><li><a href="?signout&l=<?php echo $locale;?>" title="<?php _h('Click here to sign out'); ?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php _e('Sign out'); ?></a></li></ul></li><?php } ?></ul></div></div></div><?php if ( PULL_TO_REFRESH === true ) { ?><div id="hook" class="hook"><div id="loader" class="hook-loader"><div class="hook-spinner"></div></div><span id="hook-text"></span></div><?php } ?><div class="container"><?php if ( isset( $_SESSION['upgradegitpullok'] ) ) :
unset( $_SESSION['upgradegitpullok'] );
$infos = get_current_pml_version_infos();
$print = '<strong>' . sprintf( __('Welcome in version %s') , $infos['v'] ) . '</strong>';
if ( isset( $infos['welcome'] ) ) {
$print .= '<br/>' . $infos['welcome'] . '<br/>';
$print .= '<br/>';
$print .= sprintf( __('The changelog and all informations about this version are available on the %sblog%s.') , '<a href="http://pimpmylog.com/blog/" target="_blank">' , '</a>' );
?><div><br><div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissable"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> <?php echo $print; ?></div></div><?php endif; ?><div id="upgradeerrorctn" style="display:none"><br><div class="alert alert-danger" id="upgradeerror"></div></div><div id="error" style="display:none"><br><div class="alert alert-danger fade in"><h4>Oups!</h4><p id="errortxt"></p></div></div><div class="result"><br><div id="upgrademessages"></div><div id="upgrademessage"></div><div id="singlenotice"></div><div id="notice"></div><div id="nolog" style="display:none" class="alert alert-info fade in"></div></div></div><div class="containerwide result tableresult"><div class="table-responsive"><table id="logs" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed logs"><thead id="logshead"></thead><tbody id="logsbody"></tbody></table></div><div class="row" id="export" style="display:none"><div class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-4 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-2 col-lg-offset-4"><button style="width:100%; margin-bottom:1em" type="button" class="loadmore btn btn-xs btn-primary" data-loading-text="<?php _h('Loading...');?>" data-nomore-text="<?php _h('No more data');?>"><?php _e('Load more');?></button></div><div class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-0 col-md-4 col-md-offset-0 col-lg-2 col-lg-offset-0"><div class="btn-group" style="width:100%"><button style="width:100%" type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-warning dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><?php _e('Export');?>&nbsp;<span class="caret"></span></button><ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('ATOM')"><?php _e('ATOM');?></a></li><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('CSV')"><?php _e('CSV');?></a></li><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('JSON')"><?php _e('JSON');?></a></li><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('JSONP')"><?php _e('JSONP (with callback)');?></a></li><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('JSONPR')"><?php _e('JSON Pretty Print');?></a></li><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('RSS')"><?php _e('RSS');?></a></li><li><a href="#" onclick="get_rss('XML')"><?php _e('XML');?></a></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="row" id="noexport" style="display:none"><div class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2 col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 col-lg-2 col-lg-offset-5"><button style="width:100%; margin-bottom:1em" type="button" class="loadmore btn btn-xs btn-primary" data-loading-text="<?php _h('Loading...');?>" data-nomore-text="<?php _h('No more data');?>"><?php _e('Load more');?></button></div></div></div><div class="container"><br><div class="result"><small id="footer"></small></div><hr><footer class="text-muted"><small><?php echo FOOTER;?>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="inc/test.php"><?php _e('Debugger'); ?></a> &nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#changeLogModal"><?php _e('Change log'); ?></a> <span id="upgradefooter"></span></small></footer></div><div class="modal fade" id="exModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only"><?php _e('Close');?></span></button><h4 class="modal-title" id="exModalLabel"><?php _e('Export');?>&nbsp;<code id="exModalFormat"></code></h4></div><div class="modal-body"><h3><?php _e('Webservice URL'); ?></h3><div class="alert alert-info" id="exModalWar"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span>&nbsp;<?php _e('Your URL seems to be local so it won\'t be reachable by external browsers and services' );?></div><pre><code id="exModalUrl"></code></pre><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-8"><a class="btn btn-xs btn-primary clipboardex"><?php _e('Copy to clipboard'); ?></a></div><div class="col-xs-4 text-right"><a class="btn btn-xs btn-primary" id="exModalOpen" target="_blank"><?php _e('Open'); ?></a></div></div><br><blockquote><p><?php _e('Feel free to change these p
$fid = h( $file_id );
$display = $files[ $file_id ][ 'display' ];
$paths = $files[ $file_id ][ 'path' ];
$color = 'default';
if ( isset( $files[ $file_id ][ 'oid' ] ) ) {
if ( $files[ $file_id ][ 'oid' ] !== $file_id ) continue;
$display = $files[ $file_id ][ 'odisplay' ];
if ( isset( $files[ $file_id ][ 'count' ] ) ) {
$remain = (int)$files[ $file_id ][ 'count' ] - 1;
if ( $remain === 1 ) {
$paths .= ' ' . __( 'and an other file defined by glob pattern' );
else if ( $remain > 1 ) {
$paths .= ' ' . sprintf( __( 'and %s other possible files defined by glob pattern' ) , $remain );
$color = 'warning';
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