2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
< ? php
* 2007 - 2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ prestashop . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future . If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http :// www . prestashop . com for more information .
* @ author PrestaShop SA < contact @ prestashop . com >
* @ copyright 2007 - 2015 PrestaShop SA
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / osl - 3.0 . php Open Software License ( OSL 3.0 )
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @ property Cart $object
class AdminCartsControllerCore extends AdminController
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
public function __construct ()
$this -> bootstrap = true ;
$this -> table = 'cart' ;
$this -> className = 'Cart' ;
$this -> lang = false ;
$this -> explicitSelect = true ;
$this -> addRowAction ( 'view' );
$this -> addRowAction ( 'delete' );
$this -> allow_export = true ;
$this -> _orderWay = 'DESC' ;
$this -> _select = ' CONCAT ( LEFT ( c . `firstname` , 1 ), \ ' . \ ' , c . `lastname` ) `customer` , a . id_cart total , ca . name carrier ,
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
IF ( IFNULL ( o . id_order , \ '' . $this -> l ( 'Non ordered' ) . '\') = \'' . $this -> l ( 'Non ordered' ) . '\', IF(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(\'' . pSQL ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:00' , time ())) . '\', a.`date_add`)) > 86400, \'' . $this -> l ( 'Abandoned cart' ) . '\', \'' . $this -> l ( 'Non ordered' ) . '\'), o.id_order) AS status, IF(o.id_order, 1, 0) badge_success, IF(o.id_order, 0, 1) badge_danger, IF(co.id_guest, 1, 0) id_guest' ;
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
$this -> _join = 'LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . ' customer c ON ( c . id_customer = a . id_customer )
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.' currency cu ON ( cu . id_currency = a . id_currency )
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.' carrier ca ON ( ca . id_carrier = a . id_carrier )
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.' orders o ON ( o . id_cart = a . id_cart )
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'connections` co ON ( a . id_guest = co . id_guest AND TIME_TO_SEC ( TIMEDIFF ( \ '' . pSQL ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:00' , time ())) . '\', co.`date_add`)) < 1800)' ;
2015-09-22 18:22:11 +02:00
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'action' ) && Tools :: getValue ( 'action' ) == 'filterOnlyAbandonedCarts' ) {
$this -> _having = 'status = \'' . $this -> l ( 'Abandoned cart' ) . '\'' ;
} else {
$this -> _use_found_rows = false ;
$this -> fields_list = array (
'id_cart' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'ID' ),
'align' => 'text-center' ,
'class' => 'fixed-width-xs'
'status' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Order ID' ),
'align' => 'text-center' ,
'badge_danger' => true ,
'havingFilter' => true
'customer' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Customer' ),
'filter_key' => 'c!lastname'
'total' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Total' ),
'callback' => 'getOrderTotalUsingTaxCalculationMethod' ,
'orderby' => false ,
'search' => false ,
'align' => 'text-right' ,
'badge_success' => true
'carrier' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Carrier' ),
'align' => 'text-left' ,
'callback' => 'replaceZeroByShopName' ,
'filter_key' => 'ca!name'
'date_add' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Date' ),
'align' => 'text-left' ,
'type' => 'datetime' ,
'class' => 'fixed-width-lg' ,
'filter_key' => 'a!date_add'
'id_guest' => array (
'title' => $this -> l ( 'Online' ),
'align' => 'text-center' ,
'type' => 'bool' ,
'havingFilter' => true ,
'class' => 'fixed-width-xs' ,
'icon' => array ( 0 => 'icon-' , 1 => 'icon-user' )
$this -> shopLinkType = 'shop' ;
$this -> bulk_actions = array (
'delete' => array (
'text' => $this -> l ( 'Delete selected' ),
'confirm' => $this -> l ( 'Delete selected items?' ),
'icon' => 'icon-trash'
parent :: __construct ();
public function initPageHeaderToolbar ()
if ( empty ( $this -> display )) {
$this -> page_header_toolbar_btn [ 'export_cart' ] = array (
'href' => self :: $currentIndex . '&exportcart&token=' . $this -> token ,
'desc' => $this -> l ( 'Export carts' , null , null , false ),
'icon' => 'process-icon-export'
parent :: initPageHeaderToolbar ();
public function renderKpis ()
$time = time ();
$kpis = array ();
/* The data generation is located in AdminStatsControllerCore */
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-conversion-rate' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-sort-by-attributes-alt' ;
//$helper->chart = true;
$helper -> color = 'color1' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Conversion Rate' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( '30 days' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE' );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE_CHART' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> data = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE_CHART' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=conversion_rate' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'CONVERSION_RATE_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-carts' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-shopping-cart' ;
$helper -> color = 'color2' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Abandoned Carts' , null , null , false );
$date_from = date ( Context :: getContext () -> language -> date_format_lite , strtotime ( '-2 day' ));
$date_to = date ( Context :: getContext () -> language -> date_format_lite , strtotime ( '-1 day' ));
$helper -> subtitle = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'From %s to %s' , null , null , false ), $date_from , $date_to );
$helper -> href = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminCarts' ) . '&action=filterOnlyAbandonedCarts' ;
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'ABANDONED_CARTS' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'ABANDONED_CARTS' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=abandoned_cart' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'ABANDONED_CARTS_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-average-order' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-money' ;
$helper -> color = 'color3' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Average Order Value' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( '30 days' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'AVG_ORDER_VALUE' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = sprintf ( $this -> l ( '%s tax excl.' ), ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'AVG_ORDER_VALUE' ));
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'AVG_ORDER_VALUE_EXPIRE' ) < $time ) {
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=average_order_value' ;
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-net-profit-visitor' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-user' ;
$helper -> color = 'color4' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Net Profit per Visitor' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = $this -> l ( '30 days' , null , null , false );
if ( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'NETPROFIT_VISITOR' ) !== false ) {
$helper -> value = ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'NETPROFIT_VISITOR' );
$helper -> source = $this -> context -> link -> getAdminLink ( 'AdminStats' ) . '&ajax=1&action=getKpi&kpi=netprofit_visitor' ;
$helper -> refresh = ( bool )( ConfigurationKPI :: get ( 'NETPROFIT_VISITOR_EXPIRE' ) < $time );
$kpis [] = $helper -> generate ();
$helper = new HelperKpiRow ();
$helper -> kpis = $kpis ;
return $helper -> generate ();
public function renderView ()
/** @var Cart $cart */
if ( ! ( $cart = $this -> loadObject ( true ))) {
return ;
$customer = new Customer ( $cart -> id_customer );
$currency = new Currency ( $cart -> id_currency );
$this -> context -> cart = $cart ;
$this -> context -> currency = $currency ;
$this -> context -> customer = $customer ;
$this -> toolbar_title = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Cart #%06d' ), $this -> context -> cart -> id );
$products = $cart -> getProducts ();
$customized_datas = Product :: getAllCustomizedDatas (( int ) $cart -> id );
Product :: addCustomizationPrice ( $products , $customized_datas );
$summary = $cart -> getSummaryDetails ();
/* Display order information */
$id_order = ( int ) Order :: getOrderByCartId ( $cart -> id );
$order = new Order ( $id_order );
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $order )) {
$tax_calculation_method = $order -> getTaxCalculationMethod ();
$id_shop = ( int ) $order -> id_shop ;
} else {
$id_shop = ( int ) $cart -> id_shop ;
$tax_calculation_method = Group :: getPriceDisplayMethod ( Group :: getCurrent () -> id );
if ( $tax_calculation_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) {
$total_products = $summary [ 'total_products' ];
$total_discounts = $summary [ 'total_discounts_tax_exc' ];
$total_wrapping = $summary [ 'total_wrapping_tax_exc' ];
$total_price = $summary [ 'total_price_without_tax' ];
$total_shipping = $summary [ 'total_shipping_tax_exc' ];
} else {
$total_products = $summary [ 'total_products_wt' ];
$total_discounts = $summary [ 'total_discounts' ];
$total_wrapping = $summary [ 'total_wrapping' ];
$total_price = $summary [ 'total_price' ];
$total_shipping = $summary [ 'total_shipping' ];
foreach ( $products as $k => & $product ) {
if ( $tax_calculation_method == PS_TAX_EXC ) {
$product [ 'product_price' ] = $product [ 'price' ];
$product [ 'product_total' ] = $product [ 'total' ];
} else {
$product [ 'product_price' ] = $product [ 'price_wt' ];
$product [ 'product_total' ] = $product [ 'total_wt' ];
$image = array ();
if ( isset ( $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ]) && ( int ) $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ]) {
$image = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( 'SELECT id_image FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_image WHERE id_product_attribute = ' . ( int ) $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ]);
if ( ! isset ( $image [ 'id_image' ])) {
$image = Db :: getInstance () -> getRow ( 'SELECT id_image FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'image WHERE id_product = ' . ( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ] . ' AND cover = 1' );
$product [ 'qty_in_stock' ] = StockAvailable :: getQuantityAvailableByProduct ( $product [ 'id_product' ], isset ( $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ]) ? $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ] : null , ( int ) $id_shop );
$image_product = new Image ( $image [ 'id_image' ]);
$product [ 'image' ] = ( isset ( $image [ 'id_image' ]) ? ImageManager :: thumbnail ( _PS_IMG_DIR_ . 'p/' . $image_product -> getExistingImgPath () . '.jpg' , 'product_mini_' . ( int ) $product [ 'id_product' ] . ( isset ( $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ]) ? '_' . ( int ) $product [ 'id_product_attribute' ] : '' ) . '.jpg' , 45 , 'jpg' ) : '--' );
$helper = new HelperKpi ();
$helper -> id = 'box-kpi-cart' ;
$helper -> icon = 'icon-shopping-cart' ;
$helper -> color = 'color1' ;
$helper -> title = $this -> l ( 'Total Cart' , null , null , false );
$helper -> subtitle = sprintf ( $this -> l ( 'Cart #%06d' , null , null , false ), $cart -> id );
$helper -> value = Tools :: displayPrice ( $total_price , $currency );
$kpi = $helper -> generate ();
$this -> tpl_view_vars = array (
'kpi' => $kpi ,
'products' => $products ,
'discounts' => $cart -> getCartRules (),
'order' => $order ,
'cart' => $cart ,
'currency' => $currency ,
'customer' => $customer ,
'customer_stats' => $customer -> getStats (),
'total_products' => $total_products ,
'total_discounts' => $total_discounts ,
'total_wrapping' => $total_wrapping ,
'total_price' => $total_price ,
'total_shipping' => $total_shipping ,
'customized_datas' => $customized_datas ,
'tax_calculation_method' => $tax_calculation_method
return parent :: renderView ();
public function ajaxPreProcess ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$id_customer = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customer' );
$customer = new Customer (( int ) $id_customer );
$this -> context -> customer = $customer ;
$id_cart = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_cart' );
if ( ! $id_cart ) {
$id_cart = $customer -> getLastCart ( false );
$this -> context -> cart = new Cart (( int ) $id_cart );
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> recyclable = 0 ;
$this -> context -> cart -> gift = 0 ;
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_customer ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_customer = $id_customer ;
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $this -> context -> cart ) && $this -> context -> cart -> OrderExists ()) {
return ;
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> secure_key ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> secure_key = $this -> context -> customer -> secure_key ;
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_shop ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_shop = ( int ) $this -> context -> shop -> id ;
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_lang ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_lang = (( $id_lang = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_lang' )) ? $id_lang : Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ));
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_currency ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_currency = (( $id_currency = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_currency' )) ? $id_currency : Configuration :: get ( 'PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT' ));
$addresses = $customer -> getAddresses (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_lang );
$id_address_delivery = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address_delivery' );
$id_address_invoice = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address_delivery' );
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_address_invoice && isset ( $addresses [ 0 ])) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_address_invoice = ( int ) $addresses [ 0 ][ 'id_address' ];
} elseif ( $id_address_invoice ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_address_invoice = ( int ) $id_address_invoice ;
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery && isset ( $addresses [ 0 ])) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery = $addresses [ 0 ][ 'id_address' ];
} elseif ( $id_address_delivery ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery = ( int ) $id_address_delivery ;
$this -> context -> cart -> setNoMultishipping ();
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
$currency = new Currency (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_currency );
$this -> context -> currency = $currency ;
public function ajaxProcessDeleteProduct ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$errors = array ();
if (( ! $id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' )) || ! Validate :: isInt ( $id_product )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid product' );
if (( $id_product_attribute = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product_attribute' )) && ! Validate :: isInt ( $id_product_attribute )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid combination' );
if ( count ( $errors )) {
die ( Tools :: jsonEncode ( $errors ));
if ( $this -> context -> cart -> deleteProduct ( $id_product , $id_product_attribute , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customization' ))) {
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessUpdateCustomizationFields ()
$errors = array ();
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$errors = array ();
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'only_display' ) != 1 ) {
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id || ( ! $id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' ))) {
return ;
$product = new Product (( int ) $id_product );
if ( ! $customization_fields = $product -> getCustomizationFieldIds ()) {
return ;
foreach ( $customization_fields as $customization_field ) {
$field_id = 'customization_' . $id_product . '_' . $customization_field [ 'id_customization_field' ];
if ( $customization_field [ 'type' ] == Product :: CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD ) {
if ( ! Tools :: getValue ( $field_id )) {
if ( $customization_field [ 'required' ]) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please fill in all the required fields.' );
continue ;
if ( ! Validate :: isMessage ( Tools :: getValue ( $field_id ))) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid message' );
$this -> context -> cart -> addTextFieldToProduct (( int ) $product -> id , ( int ) $customization_field [ 'id_customization_field' ], Product :: CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD , Tools :: getValue ( $field_id ));
} elseif ( $customization_field [ 'type' ] == Product :: CUSTOMIZE_FILE ) {
if ( ! isset ( $_FILES [ $field_id ]) || ! isset ( $_FILES [ $field_id ][ 'tmp_name' ]) || empty ( $_FILES [ $field_id ][ 'tmp_name' ])) {
if ( $customization_field [ 'required' ]) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please fill in all the required fields.' );
continue ;
if ( $error = ImageManager :: validateUpload ( $_FILES [ $field_id ], ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_MAX_SIZE' ))) {
$errors [] = $error ;
if ( ! ( $tmp_name = tempnam ( _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ , 'PS' )) || ! move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES [ $field_id ][ 'tmp_name' ], $tmp_name )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during the image upload process.' );
$file_name = md5 ( uniqid ( rand (), true ));
if ( ! ImageManager :: resize ( $tmp_name , _PS_UPLOAD_DIR_ . $file_name )) {
continue ;
} elseif ( ! ImageManager :: resize ( $tmp_name , _PS_UPLOAD_DIR_ . $file_name . '_small' , ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_WIDTH' ), ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_HEIGHT' ))) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during the image upload process.' );
} elseif ( ! chmod ( _PS_UPLOAD_DIR_ . $file_name , 0777 ) || ! chmod ( _PS_UPLOAD_DIR_ . $file_name . '_small' , 0777 )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An error occurred during the image upload process.' );
} else {
$this -> context -> cart -> addPictureToProduct (( int ) $product -> id , ( int ) $customization_field [ 'id_customization_field' ], Product :: CUSTOMIZE_FILE , $file_name );
unlink ( $tmp_name );
$this -> setMedia ();
$this -> initFooter ();
$this -> context -> smarty -> assign ( array ( 'customization_errors' => implode ( '<br />' , $errors ),
'css_files' => $this -> css_files ));
return $this -> smartyOutputContent ( 'controllers/orders/form_customization_feedback.tpl' );
public function ajaxProcessUpdateQty ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$errors = array ();
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id ) {
return ;
if ( $this -> context -> cart -> OrderExists ()) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'An order has already been placed with this cart.' );
} elseif ( ! ( $id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' )) || ! ( $product = new Product (( int ) $id_product , true , $this -> context -> language -> id ))) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid product' );
} elseif ( ! ( $qty = Tools :: getValue ( 'qty' )) || $qty == 0 ) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid quantity' );
// Don't try to use a product if not instanciated before due to errors
if ( isset ( $product ) && $product -> id ) {
if (( $id_product_attribute = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product_attribute' )) != 0 ) {
if ( ! Product :: isAvailableWhenOutOfStock ( $product -> out_of_stock ) && ! Attribute :: checkAttributeQty (( int ) $id_product_attribute , ( int ) $qty )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'There is not enough product in stock.' );
} elseif ( ! $product -> checkQty (( int ) $qty )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'There is not enough product in stock.' );
if ( ! ( $id_customization = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customization' , 0 )) && ! $product -> hasAllRequiredCustomizableFields ()) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Please fill in all the required fields.' );
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
} else {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'This product cannot be added to the cart.' );
if ( ! count ( $errors )) {
if (( int ) $qty < 0 ) {
$qty = str_replace ( '-' , '' , $qty );
$operator = 'down' ;
} else {
$operator = 'up' ;
if ( ! ( $qty_upd = $this -> context -> cart -> updateQty ( $qty , $id_product , ( int ) $id_product_attribute , ( int ) $id_customization , $operator ))) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.' );
} elseif ( $qty_upd < 0 ) {
$minimal_qty = $id_product_attribute ? Attribute :: getAttributeMinimalQty (( int ) $id_product_attribute ) : $product -> minimal_quantity ;
$errors [] = sprintf ( Tools :: displayError ( 'You must add a minimum quantity of %d' , false ), $minimal_qty );
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( array_merge ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars (), array ( 'errors' => $errors )));
public function ajaxProcessUpdateDeliveryOption ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$delivery_option = Tools :: getValue ( 'delivery_option' );
if ( $delivery_option !== false ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> setDeliveryOption ( array ( $this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery => $delivery_option ));
if ( Validate :: isBool (( $recyclable = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'recyclable' )))) {
$this -> context -> cart -> recyclable = $recyclable ;
if ( Validate :: isBool (( $gift = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'gift' )))) {
$this -> context -> cart -> gift = $gift ;
if ( Validate :: isMessage (( $gift_message = pSQL ( Tools :: getValue ( 'gift_message' ))))) {
$this -> context -> cart -> gift_message = $gift_message ;
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessUpdateOrderMessage ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$id_message = false ;
if ( $old_message = Message :: getMessageByCartId (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id )) {
$id_message = $old_message [ 'id_message' ];
$message = new Message (( int ) $id_message );
if ( $message_content = Tools :: getValue ( 'message' )) {
if ( Validate :: isMessage ( $message_content )) {
$message -> message = $message_content ;
$message -> id_cart = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id ;
$message -> id_customer = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_customer ;
$message -> save ();
} elseif ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $message )) {
$message -> delete ();
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessUpdateCurrency ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$currency = new Currency (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_currency' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $currency ) && ! $currency -> deleted && $currency -> active ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_currency = ( int ) $currency -> id ;
$this -> context -> currency = $currency ;
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessUpdateLang ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$lang = new Language (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_lang' ));
if ( Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $lang ) && $lang -> active ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_lang = ( int ) $lang -> id ;
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessDuplicateOrder ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$errors = array ();
if ( ! $id_order = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_order' )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid order' );
$cart = Cart :: getCartByOrderId ( $id_order );
$new_cart = $cart -> duplicate ();
if ( ! $new_cart || ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $new_cart [ 'cart' ])) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order cannot be renewed.' );
} elseif ( ! $new_cart [ 'success' ]) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'The order cannot be renewed.' );
} else {
$this -> context -> cart = $new_cart [ 'cart' ];
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessDeleteVoucher ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
if ( $this -> context -> cart -> removeCartRule (( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_cart_rule' ))) {
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessupdateFreeShipping ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
if ( ! $id_cart_rule = CartRule :: getIdByCode ( CartRule :: BO_ORDER_CODE_PREFIX . ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id )) {
$cart_rule = new CartRule ();
$cart_rule -> code = CartRule :: BO_ORDER_CODE_PREFIX . ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id ;
$cart_rule -> name = array ( Configuration :: get ( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ) => $this -> l ( 'Free Shipping' , 'AdminTab' , false , false ));
$cart_rule -> id_customer = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_customer ;
$cart_rule -> free_shipping = true ;
$cart_rule -> quantity = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> quantity_per_user = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> minimum_amount_currency = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_currency ;
$cart_rule -> reduction_currency = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_currency ;
$cart_rule -> date_from = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , time ());
$cart_rule -> date_to = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , time () + 24 * 36000 );
$cart_rule -> active = 1 ;
$cart_rule -> add ();
} else {
$cart_rule = new CartRule (( int ) $id_cart_rule );
$this -> context -> cart -> removeCartRule (( int ) $cart_rule -> id );
if ( Tools :: getValue ( 'free_shipping' )) {
$this -> context -> cart -> addCartRule (( int ) $cart_rule -> id );
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessAddVoucher ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
$errors = array ();
if ( ! ( $id_cart_rule = Tools :: getValue ( 'id_cart_rule' )) || ! $cart_rule = new CartRule (( int ) $id_cart_rule )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Invalid voucher.' );
} elseif ( $err = $cart_rule -> checkValidity ( $this -> context )) {
$errors [] = $err ;
if ( ! count ( $errors )) {
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> addCartRule (( int ) $cart_rule -> id )) {
$errors [] = Tools :: displayError ( 'Can\'t add the voucher.' );
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( array_merge ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars (), array ( 'errors' => $errors )));
public function ajaxProcessUpdateAddress ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( array ( 'addresses' => $this -> context -> customer -> getAddresses (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_lang )));
public function ajaxProcessUpdateAddresses ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
if (( $id_address_delivery = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address_delivery' )) &&
( $address_delivery = new Address (( int ) $id_address_delivery )) &&
$address_delivery -> id_customer == $this -> context -> cart -> id_customer ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery = ( int ) $address_delivery -> id ;
if (( $id_address_invoice = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_address_invoice' )) &&
( $address_invoice = new Address (( int ) $id_address_invoice )) &&
$address_invoice -> id_customer = $this -> context -> cart -> id_customer ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> id_address_invoice = ( int ) $address_invoice -> id ;
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
protected function getCartSummary ()
$summary = $this -> context -> cart -> getSummaryDetails ( null , true );
$currency = Context :: getContext () -> currency ;
if ( count ( $summary [ 'products' ])) {
foreach ( $summary [ 'products' ] as & $product ) {
$product [ 'numeric_price' ] = $product [ 'price' ];
$product [ 'numeric_total' ] = $product [ 'total' ];
$product [ 'price' ] = str_replace ( $currency -> sign , '' , Tools :: displayPrice ( $product [ 'price' ], $currency ));
$product [ 'total' ] = str_replace ( $currency -> sign , '' , Tools :: displayPrice ( $product [ 'total' ], $currency ));
$product [ 'image_link' ] = $this -> context -> link -> getImageLink ( $product [ 'link_rewrite' ], $product [ 'id_image' ], 'small_default' );
if ( ! isset ( $product [ 'attributes_small' ])) {
$product [ 'attributes_small' ] = '' ;
$product [ 'customized_datas' ] = Product :: getAllCustomizedDatas (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id , null , true );
if ( count ( $summary [ 'discounts' ])) {
foreach ( $summary [ 'discounts' ] as & $voucher ) {
$voucher [ 'value_real' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $voucher [ 'value_real' ], $currency );
if ( isset ( $summary [ 'gift_products' ]) && count ( $summary [ 'gift_products' ])) {
foreach ( $summary [ 'gift_products' ] as & $product ) {
$product [ 'image_link' ] = $this -> context -> link -> getImageLink ( $product [ 'link_rewrite' ], $product [ 'id_image' ], 'small_default' );
if ( ! isset ( $product [ 'attributes_small' ])) {
$product [ 'attributes_small' ] = '' ;
return $summary ;
protected function getDeliveryOptionList ()
$delivery_option_list_formated = array ();
$delivery_option_list = $this -> context -> cart -> getDeliveryOptionList ();
if ( ! count ( $delivery_option_list )) {
return array ();
$id_default_carrier = ( int ) Configuration :: get ( 'PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT' );
foreach ( current ( $delivery_option_list ) as $key => $delivery_option ) {
$name = '' ;
$first = true ;
$id_default_carrier_delivery = false ;
foreach ( $delivery_option [ 'carrier_list' ] as $carrier ) {
if ( ! $first ) {
$name .= ', ' ;
} else {
$first = false ;
$name .= $carrier [ 'instance' ] -> name ;
if ( $delivery_option [ 'unique_carrier' ]) {
$name .= ' - ' . $carrier [ 'instance' ] -> delay [ $this -> context -> employee -> id_lang ];
if ( ! $id_default_carrier_delivery ) {
$id_default_carrier_delivery = ( int ) $carrier [ 'instance' ] -> id ;
if ( $carrier [ 'instance' ] -> id == $id_default_carrier ) {
$id_default_carrier_delivery = $id_default_carrier ;
if ( ! $this -> context -> cart -> id_carrier ) {
$this -> context -> cart -> setDeliveryOption ( array ( $this -> context -> cart -> id_address_delivery => ( int ) $carrier [ 'instance' ] -> id . ',' ));
$this -> context -> cart -> save ();
$delivery_option_list_formated [] = array ( 'name' => $name , 'key' => $key );
return $delivery_option_list_formated ;
public function displayAjaxSearchCarts ()
$id_customer = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_customer' );
$carts = Cart :: getCustomerCarts (( int ) $id_customer );
$orders = Order :: getCustomerOrders (( int ) $id_customer );
$customer = new Customer (( int ) $id_customer );
if ( count ( $carts )) {
foreach ( $carts as $key => & $cart ) {
$cart_obj = new Cart (( int ) $cart [ 'id_cart' ]);
if ( $cart [ 'id_cart' ] == $this -> context -> cart -> id || ! Validate :: isLoadedObject ( $cart_obj ) || $cart_obj -> OrderExists ()) {
unset ( $carts [ $key ]);
$currency = new Currency (( int ) $cart [ 'id_currency' ]);
$cart [ 'total_price' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $cart_obj -> getOrderTotal (), $currency );
if ( count ( $orders )) {
foreach ( $orders as & $order ) {
$order [ 'total_paid_real' ] = Tools :: displayPrice ( $order [ 'total_paid_real' ], $currency );
if ( $orders || $carts ) {
$to_return = array_merge ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars (),
array ( 'carts' => $carts ,
'orders' => $orders ,
'found' => true ));
} else {
$to_return = array_merge ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars (), array ( 'found' => false ));
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $to_return );
public function ajaxReturnVars ()
$id_cart = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id ;
$message_content = '' ;
if ( $message = Message :: getMessageByCartId (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id )) {
$message_content = $message [ 'message' ];
$cart_rules = $this -> context -> cart -> getCartRules ( CartRule :: FILTER_ACTION_SHIPPING );
$free_shipping = false ;
if ( count ( $cart_rules )) {
foreach ( $cart_rules as $cart_rule ) {
if ( $cart_rule [ 'id_cart_rule' ] == CartRule :: getIdByCode ( CartRule :: BO_ORDER_CODE_PREFIX . ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id )) {
$free_shipping = true ;
break ;
$addresses = $this -> context -> customer -> getAddresses (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_lang );
foreach ( $addresses as & $data ) {
$address = new Address (( int ) $data [ 'id_address' ]);
$data [ 'formated_address' ] = AddressFormat :: generateAddress ( $address , array (), " <br /> " );
return array (
'summary' => $this -> getCartSummary (),
'delivery_option_list' => $this -> getDeliveryOptionList (),
'cart' => $this -> context -> cart ,
'currency' => new Currency ( $this -> context -> cart -> id_currency ),
'addresses' => $addresses ,
'id_cart' => $id_cart ,
'order_message' => $message_content ,
'link_order' => $this -> context -> link -> getPageLink (
'order' , false ,
( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id_lang ,
'step=3&recover_cart=' . $id_cart . '&token_cart=' . md5 ( _COOKIE_KEY_ . 'recover_cart_' . $id_cart )
'free_shipping' => ( int ) $free_shipping
public function initToolbar ()
parent :: initToolbar ();
unset ( $this -> toolbar_btn [ 'new' ]);
public function displayAjaxGetSummary ()
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public function ajaxProcessUpdateProductPrice ()
if ( $this -> tabAccess [ 'edit' ] === '1' ) {
SpecificPrice :: deleteByIdCart (( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id , ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' ), ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product_attribute' ));
$specific_price = new SpecificPrice ();
$specific_price -> id_cart = ( int ) $this -> context -> cart -> id ;
$specific_price -> id_shop = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_shop_group = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_currency = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_country = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_group = 0 ;
$specific_price -> id_customer = ( int ) $this -> context -> customer -> id ;
$specific_price -> id_product = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product' );
$specific_price -> id_product_attribute = ( int ) Tools :: getValue ( 'id_product_attribute' );
$specific_price -> price = ( float ) Tools :: getValue ( 'price' );
$specific_price -> from_quantity = 1 ;
$specific_price -> reduction = 0 ;
$specific_price -> reduction_type = 'amount' ;
$specific_price -> from = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ;
$specific_price -> to = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ;
$specific_price -> add ();
echo Tools :: jsonEncode ( $this -> ajaxReturnVars ());
public static function getOrderTotalUsingTaxCalculationMethod ( $id_cart )
$context = Context :: getContext ();
$context -> cart = new Cart ( $id_cart );
$context -> currency = new Currency (( int ) $context -> cart -> id_currency );
$context -> customer = new Customer (( int ) $context -> cart -> id_customer );
return Cart :: getTotalCart ( $id_cart , true , Cart :: BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING );
public static function replaceZeroByShopName ( $echo , $tr )
return ( $echo == '0' ? Carrier :: getCarrierNameFromShopName () : $echo );
public function displayDeleteLink ( $token = null , $id , $name = null )
// don't display ordered carts
foreach ( $this -> _list as $row ) {
if ( $row [ 'id_cart' ] == $id && isset ( $row [ 'id_order' ]) && is_numeric ( $row [ 'id_order' ])) {
return ;
return $this -> helper -> displayDeleteLink ( $token , $id , $name );
public function renderList ()
if ( ! ( $this -> fields_list && is_array ( $this -> fields_list ))) {
return false ;
$this -> getList ( $this -> context -> language -> id );
$helper = new HelperList ();
// Empty list is ok
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> _list )) {
$this -> displayWarning ( $this -> l ( 'Bad SQL query' , 'Helper' ) . '<br />' . htmlspecialchars ( $this -> _list_error ));
return false ;
$this -> setHelperDisplay ( $helper );
$helper -> tpl_vars = $this -> tpl_list_vars ;
$helper -> tpl_delete_link_vars = $this -> tpl_delete_link_vars ;
// For compatibility reasons, we have to check standard actions in class attributes
foreach ( $this -> actions_available as $action ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $action , $this -> actions ) && isset ( $this -> $action ) && $this -> $action ) {
$this -> actions [] = $action ;
$helper -> is_cms = $this -> is_cms ;
$skip_list = array ();
foreach ( $this -> _list as $row ) {
if ( isset ( $row [ 'id_order' ]) && is_numeric ( $row [ 'id_order' ])) {
$skip_list [] = $row [ 'id_cart' ];
if ( array_key_exists ( 'delete' , $helper -> list_skip_actions )) {
$helper -> list_skip_actions [ 'delete' ] = array_merge ( $helper -> list_skip_actions [ 'delete' ], ( array ) $skip_list );
} else {
$helper -> list_skip_actions [ 'delete' ] = ( array ) $skip_list ;
$list = $helper -> generateList ( $this -> _list , $this -> fields_list );
return $list ;
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00