update prod

This commit is contained in:
ToutPratique 2015-12-29 16:08:45 +01:00
parent 7bf5e9a791
commit f65632b5b8
2 changed files with 333 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
class Module extends ModuleCore
* Return available modules
* @param bool $use_config in order to use config.xml file in module dir
* @return array Modules
public static function getModulesOnDisk($use_config = false, $logged_on_addons = false, $id_employee = false)
global $_MODULES;
// Init var
$module_list = array();
$module_name_list = array();
$modules_name_to_cursor = array();
$errors = array();
// Get modules directory list and memory limit
$modules_dir = Module::getModulesDirOnDisk();
$modules_installed = array();
$result = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
SELECT m.name, m.version, mp.interest, module_shop.enable_device
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module` m
'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('module', 'm').'
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_preference` mp ON (mp.`module` = m.`name` AND mp.`id_employee` = '.(int)$id_employee.')');
foreach ($result as $row) {
$modules_installed[$row['name']] = $row;
foreach ($modules_dir as $module) {
if (Module::useTooMuchMemory()) {
$errors[] = Tools::displayError('All modules cannot be loaded due to memory limit restrictions, please increase your memory_limit value on your server configuration');
$iso = substr(Context::getContext()->language->iso_code, 0, 2);
// Check if config.xml module file exists and if it's not outdated
if ($iso == 'en') {
$config_file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/config.xml';
} else {
$config_file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/config_'.$iso.'.xml';
$xml_exist = (file_exists($config_file));
$need_new_config_file = $xml_exist ? (@filemtime($config_file) < @filemtime(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php')) : true;
// If config.xml exists and that the use config flag is at true
if ($use_config && $xml_exist && !$need_new_config_file) {
// Load config.xml
$xml_module = @simplexml_load_file($config_file);
if (!$xml_module) {
$errors[] = Tools::displayError(sprintf('%1s could not be loaded.', $config_file));
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
$errors[] = '['.$module.'] '.Tools::displayError('Error found in config file:').' '.htmlentities($error->message);
// If no errors in Xml, no need instand and no need new config.xml file, we load only translations
if (!count($errors) && (int)$xml_module->need_instance == 0) {
$file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.Context::getContext()->language->iso_code.'.php';
if (Tools::file_exists_cache($file) && include_once($file)) {
if (isset($_MODULE) && is_array($_MODULE)) {
$_MODULES = !empty($_MODULES) ? array_merge($_MODULES, $_MODULE) : $_MODULE;
$item = new stdClass();
$item->id = 0;
$item->warning = '';
foreach ($xml_module as $k => $v) {
$item->$k = (string)$v;
$item->displayName = stripslashes(Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->displayName), (string)$xml_module->name));
$item->description = stripslashes(Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->description), (string)$xml_module->name));
$item->author = stripslashes(Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->author), (string)$xml_module->name));
$item->author_uri = (isset($xml_module->author_uri) && $xml_module->author_uri) ? stripslashes($xml_module->author_uri) : false;
if (isset($xml_module->confirmUninstall)) {
$item->confirmUninstall = Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, html_entity_decode(Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->confirmUninstall)), (string)$xml_module->name);
$item->active = 0;
$item->onclick_option = false;
$item->trusted = Module::isModuleTrusted($item->name);
$module_list[] = $item;
$module_name_list[] = '\''.pSQL($item->name).'\'';
$modules_name_to_cursor[Tools::strtolower(strval($item->name))] = $item;
// If use config flag is at false or config.xml does not exist OR need instance OR need a new config.xml file
if (!$use_config || !$xml_exist || (isset($xml_module->need_instance) && (int)$xml_module->need_instance == 1) || $need_new_config_file) {
// If class does not exists, we include the file
if (!class_exists($module, false)) {
// Get content from php file
$file_path = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php';
$file = trim(file_get_contents(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php'));
if (substr($file, 0, 5) == '<?php') {
$file = substr($file, 5);
if (substr($file, -2) == '?>') {
$file = substr($file, 0, -2);
// If (false) is a trick to not load the class with "eval".
// This way require_once will works correctly
if (eval('if (false){ '.$file.' }') !== false) {
} else {
$errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (parse error in %2$s)'), $module, substr($file_path, strlen(_PS_ROOT_DIR_)));
// If class exists, we just instanciate it
if (class_exists($module, false)) {
$tmp_module = Adapter_ServiceLocator::get($module);
$item = new stdClass();
$item->id = $tmp_module->id;
$item->warning = $tmp_module->warning;
$item->name = $tmp_module->name;
$item->version = $tmp_module->version;
$item->tab = $tmp_module->tab;
$item->displayName = $tmp_module->displayName;
$item->description = stripslashes($tmp_module->description);
$item->author = $tmp_module->author;
$item->author_uri = (isset($tmp_module->author_uri) && $tmp_module->author_uri) ? $tmp_module->author_uri : false;
$item->limited_countries = $tmp_module->limited_countries;
$item->parent_class = get_parent_class($module);
$item->is_configurable = $tmp_module->is_configurable = method_exists($tmp_module, 'getContent') ? 1 : 0;
$item->need_instance = isset($tmp_module->need_instance) ? $tmp_module->need_instance : 0;
$item->active = $tmp_module->active;
$item->trusted = Module::isModuleTrusted($tmp_module->name);
$item->currencies = isset($tmp_module->currencies) ? $tmp_module->currencies : null;
$item->currencies_mode = isset($tmp_module->currencies_mode) ? $tmp_module->currencies_mode : null;
$item->confirmUninstall = isset($tmp_module->confirmUninstall) ? html_entity_decode($tmp_module->confirmUninstall) : null;
$item->description_full = stripslashes($tmp_module->description_full);
$item->additional_description = isset($tmp_module->additional_description) ? stripslashes($tmp_module->additional_description) : null;
$item->compatibility = isset($tmp_module->compatibility) ? (array)$tmp_module->compatibility : null;
$item->nb_rates = isset($tmp_module->nb_rates) ? (array)$tmp_module->nb_rates : null;
$item->avg_rate = isset($tmp_module->avg_rate) ? (array)$tmp_module->avg_rate : null;
$item->badges = isset($tmp_module->badges) ? (array)$tmp_module->badges : null;
$item->url = isset($tmp_module->url) ? $tmp_module->url : null;
$item->onclick_option = method_exists($module, 'onclickOption') ? true : false;
if ($item->onclick_option) {
$href = Context::getContext()->link->getAdminLink('Module', true).'&module_name='.$tmp_module->name.'&tab_module='.$tmp_module->tab;
$item->onclick_option_content = array();
$option_tab = array('desactive', 'reset', 'configure', 'delete');
foreach ($option_tab as $opt) {
$item->onclick_option_content[$opt] = $tmp_module->onclickOption($opt, $href);
$module_list[] = $item;
if (!$xml_exist || $need_new_config_file) {
self::$_generate_config_xml_mode = true;
self::$_generate_config_xml_mode = false;
} else {
$errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (class missing in %2$s)'), $module, substr($file_path, strlen(_PS_ROOT_DIR_)));
// Get modules information from database
if (!empty($module_name_list)) {
$list = Shop::getContextListShopID();
$sql = 'SELECT m.id_module, m.name, (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'module_shop ms WHERE m.id_module = ms.id_module AND ms.id_shop IN ('.implode(',', $list).')
) as total
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'module m
WHERE LOWER(m.name) IN ('.Tools::strtolower(implode(',', $module_name_list)).')';
$results = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (isset($modules_name_to_cursor[Tools::strtolower($result['name'])])) {
$module_cursor = $modules_name_to_cursor[Tools::strtolower($result['name'])];
$module_cursor->id = (int)$result['id_module'];
$module_cursor->active = ($result['total'] == count($list)) ? 1 : 0;
// // Get Default Country Modules and customer module
// $files_list = array(
// array('type' => 'addonsNative', 'file' => _PS_ROOT_DIR_.self::CACHE_FILE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_MODULES_LIST, 'loggedOnAddons' => 0),
// array('type' => 'addonsMustHave', 'file' => _PS_ROOT_DIR_.self::CACHE_FILE_MUST_HAVE_MODULES_LIST, 'loggedOnAddons' => 0),
// array('type' => 'addonsBought', 'file' => _PS_ROOT_DIR_.self::CACHE_FILE_CUSTOMER_MODULES_LIST, 'loggedOnAddons' => 1),
// );
// foreach ($files_list as $f) {
// if (file_exists($f['file']) && ($f['loggedOnAddons'] == 0 || $logged_on_addons)) {
// if (Module::useTooMuchMemory()) {
// $errors[] = Tools::displayError('All modules cannot be loaded due to memory limit restrictions, please increase your memory_limit value on your server configuration');
// break;
// }
// $file = $f['file'];
// $content = Tools::file_get_contents($file);
// $xml = @simplexml_load_string($content, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
// if ($xml && isset($xml->module)) {
// foreach ($xml->module as $modaddons) {
// $flag_found = 0;
// foreach ($module_list as $k => &$m) {
// if (Tools::strtolower($m->name) == Tools::strtolower($modaddons->name) && !isset($m->available_on_addons)) {
// $flag_found = 1;
// if ($m->version != $modaddons->version && version_compare($m->version, $modaddons->version) === -1) {
// $module_list[$k]->version_addons = $modaddons->version;
// }
// }
// }
// if ($flag_found == 0) {
// $item = new stdClass();
// $item->id = 0;
// $item->warning = '';
// $item->type = strip_tags((string)$f['type']);
// $item->name = strip_tags((string)$modaddons->name);
// $item->version = strip_tags((string)$modaddons->version);
// $item->tab = strip_tags((string)$modaddons->tab);
// $item->displayName = strip_tags((string)$modaddons->displayName);
// $item->description = stripslashes(strip_tags((string)$modaddons->description));
// $item->description_full = stripslashes(strip_tags((string)$modaddons->description_full));
// $item->author = strip_tags((string)$modaddons->author);
// $item->limited_countries = array();
// $item->parent_class = '';
// $item->onclick_option = false;
// $item->is_configurable = 0;
// $item->need_instance = 0;
// $item->not_on_disk = 1;
// $item->available_on_addons = 1;
// $item->trusted = Module::isModuleTrusted($item->name);
// $item->active = 0;
// $item->description_full = stripslashes($modaddons->description_full);
// $item->additional_description = isset($modaddons->additional_description) ? stripslashes($modaddons->additional_description) : null;
// $item->compatibility = isset($modaddons->compatibility) ? (array)$modaddons->compatibility : null;
// $item->nb_rates = isset($modaddons->nb_rates) ? (array)$modaddons->nb_rates : null;
// $item->avg_rate = isset($modaddons->avg_rate) ? (array)$modaddons->avg_rate : null;
// $item->badges = isset($modaddons->badges) ? (array)$modaddons->badges : null;
// $item->url = isset($modaddons->url) ? $modaddons->url : null;
// if (isset($modaddons->img)) {
// if (!file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.md5((int)$modaddons->id.'-'.$modaddons->name).'.jpg')) {
// if (!file_put_contents(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.md5((int)$modaddons->id.'-'.$modaddons->name).'.jpg', Tools::file_get_contents($modaddons->img))) {
// copy(_PS_IMG_DIR_.'404.gif', _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.md5((int)$modaddons->id.'-'.$modaddons->name).'.jpg');
// }
// }
// if (file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.md5((int)$modaddons->id.'-'.$modaddons->name).'.jpg')) {
// $item->image = '../img/tmp/'.md5((int)$modaddons->id.'-'.$modaddons->name).'.jpg';
// }
// }
// if ($item->type == 'addonsMustHave') {
// $item->addons_buy_url = strip_tags((string)$modaddons->url);
// $prices = (array)$modaddons->price;
// $id_default_currency = Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT');
// foreach ($prices as $currency => $price) {
// if ($id_currency = Currency::getIdByIsoCode($currency)) {
// $item->price = (float)$price;
// $item->id_currency = (int)$id_currency;
// if ($id_default_currency == $id_currency) {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// $module_list[$modaddons->id.'-'.$item->name] = $item;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
foreach ($module_list as $key => &$module) {
if (defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_') && in_array($module->name, self::$hosted_modules_blacklist)) {
} elseif (isset($modules_installed[$module->name])) {
$module->installed = true;
$module->database_version = $modules_installed[$module->name]['version'];
$module->interest = $modules_installed[$module->name]['interest'];
$module->enable_device = $modules_installed[$module->name]['enable_device'];
} else {
$module->installed = false;
$module->database_version = 0;
$module->interest = 0;
usort($module_list, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a->displayName, $b->displayName);'));
if ($errors) {
if (!isset(Context::getContext()->controller) && !Context::getContext()->controller->controller_name) {
echo '<div class="alert error"><h3>'.Tools::displayError('The following module(s) could not be loaded').':</h3><ol>';
foreach ($errors as $error) {
echo '<li>'.$error.'</li>';
echo '</ol></div>';
} else {
foreach ($errors as $error) {
Context::getContext()->controller->errors[] = $error;
return $module_list;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class IndexController extends IndexControllerCore
'posts_home_2' => array_slice($posts, 3, 4),
'posts_home_3' => array_slice($posts, 7, 3),
'posts_home_4' => array_slice($posts, 10, 3),
'posts_home_5' => array_slice($posts, 11, 1)
'posts_home_5' => array_slice($posts, 13, 1)