* @copyright 2007-2012 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 14001 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class WebserviceOutputJSON implements WebserviceOutputInterface { public $docUrl = ''; public $languages = array(); protected $wsUrl; protected $schemaToDisplay; /** * Current entity */ protected $currentEntity; /** * Current association */ protected $currentAssociatedEntity; /** * Json content */ protected $content = array(); public function __construct($languages = array()) { $this->languages = $languages; } public function setSchemaToDisplay($schema) { if (is_string($schema)) { $this->schemaToDisplay = $schema; } return $this; } public function getSchemaToDisplay() { return $this->schemaToDisplay; } public function setWsUrl($url) { $this->wsUrl = $url; return $this; } public function getWsUrl() { return $this->wsUrl; } public function getContentType() { return 'application/json'; } public function renderErrors($message, $code = null) { $this->content['errors'][] = array('code' => $code, 'message' => $message); return ''; } public function renderField($field) { $is_association = (isset($field['is_association']) && $field['is_association'] == true); if (is_array($field['value'])) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($this->languages as $id_lang) { $tmp[] = array('id' => $id_lang, 'value' => $field['value'][$id_lang]); } if (count($tmp) == 1) { $field['value'] = $tmp[0]['value']; } else { $field['value'] = $tmp; } } // Case 1 : fields of the current entity (not an association) if (!$is_association) { $this->currentEntity[$field['sqlId']] = $field['value']; } else { // Case 2 : fields of an associated entity to the current one $this->currentAssociatedEntity[] = array('name' => $field['entities_name'], 'key' => $field['sqlId'], 'value' => $field['value']); } return ''; } public function renderNodeHeader($node_name, $params, $more_attr = null, $has_child = true) { // api ? static $isAPICall = false; if ($node_name == 'api' && ($isAPICall == false)) { $isAPICall = true; } if ($isAPICall && !in_array($node_name, array('description', 'schema', 'api'))) { $this->content[] = $node_name; } if (isset($more_attr, $more_attr['id'])) { $this->content[$params['objectsNodeName']][] = array('id' => $more_attr['id']); } return ''; } public function getNodeName($params) { $node_name = ''; if (isset($params['objectNodeName'])) { $node_name = $params['objectNodeName']; } return $node_name; } public function renderNodeFooter($node_name, $params) { if (isset($params['objectNodeName']) && $params['objectNodeName'] == $node_name) { if (array_key_exists('display', $_GET)) { $this->content[$params['objectsNodeName']][] = $this->currentEntity; } else { $this->content[$params['objectNodeName']] = $this->currentEntity; } $this->currentEntity = array(); } if (count($this->currentAssociatedEntity)) { $current = array(); foreach ($this->currentAssociatedEntity as $element) { $current[$element['key']] = $element['value']; } //$this->currentEntity['associations'][$element['name']][][$element['key']] = $element['value']; $this->currentEntity['associations'][$element['name']][] = $current; $this->currentAssociatedEntity = array(); } } public function overrideContent($content) { $content = ''; $content .= json_encode($this->content); $content = preg_replace("/\\\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/e", "iconv('UCS-4LE','UTF-8',pack('V', hexdec('U$1')))", $content); return $content; } public function setLanguages($languages) { $this->languages = $languages; return $this; } public function renderAssociationWrapperHeader() { return ''; } public function renderAssociationWrapperFooter() { return ''; } public function renderAssociationHeader($obj, $params, $assoc_name, $closed_tags = false) { return ''; } public function renderAssociationFooter($obj, $params, $assoc_name) { return; } public function renderErrorsHeader() { return ''; } public function renderErrorsFooter() { return ''; } public function renderAssociationField($field) { return ''; } public function renderi18nField($field) { return ''; } }