* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA / 2011-2015 EnvoiMoinsCher * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registred Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class Envoimoinscher extends CarrierModule { private static $cache = array(); /** * Array with environments of envoimoinscher web service. * @var array * @access protected */ protected $environments = array(); /** * List with civilities used on quotation and shippment order. * @var array * @access protected */ protected $civilities = array(); /** * List with order modes (automatic or manually) * @var array * @access protected */ protected $modes = array(); /** * Pricing types. * @var array * @access protected */ protected $pricing = array(); /** * Database instance. * @access private * @var Db */ private $model; /** * Limit for EMC's API calls when multishipping is activated. * Limit is here to avoid the timeouts. * @var int */ const MAX_LIMIT_FOR_MULTISHIPPING = 2; public $id_carrier; private static $api_results = false; private $link = null; private $website_url = null; public function __construct() { if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/includes/EnvoimoinscherModel.php'); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/includes/EnvoimoinscherHelper.php'); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/includes/EnvoimoinscherOrder.php'); // local parameters initialisation $this->environments = array( 'TEST' => array( 'link' => 'https://test.envoimoinscher.com', 'alias' => $this->l('of test') ), 'PROD' => array( 'link' => 'https://www.envoimoinscher.com', 'alias' => $this->l('of production') ) ); $this->civilities = array( 'M' => $this->l('M'), 'Mme' => $this->l('Mme'), 'Mlle' => $this->l('Miss') ); $this->modes = array( $this->l('automatic'), $this->l('manual') ); $this->pricing = array( 'real', 'scale' ); $this->name = 'envoimoinscher'; $this->tab = 'shipping_logistics'; $this->version = '3.3.4'; $this->local_version = '3.3.4'; $this->module_key = '5ec0f6a902604743acef4cae367a615a'; parent::__construct(); $this->author = $this->l('EnvoiMoinsCher'); $this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php'); $this->displayName = $this->l('EnvoiMoinsCher'); $this->ws_name = 'Prestashop'; $this->description = $this->l('Offer your customers a choice of delivery methods to increase your sales'); $this->model = new EnvoimoinscherModel(Db::getInstance(), $this->name); $this->link = new Link(); $this->website_url = $this->l('http:\/\/www.boxtale.com'); } /** * Install function. * @access public * @return boolean True if correct installation, false if not */ public function install() { // the module no longer compatible under PS1.5 if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) { $this->_errors[] = $this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER is not compatible with PrestaShop lower than 1.5.'); $error = '['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER is not compatible with PrestaShop lower than 1.5.'); Logger::addLog($error); return false; } // if curl's not avaliable, the module wont work if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { $error = '['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $this->l('installation : cannot install the module, curl is not available'); Logger::addLog($error); return false; } // Get default configuration state $states = OrderState::getOrderStates((int)$this->getContext()->language->id); $states_array = array(); foreach ($states as $state) { $states_array[] = $state['id_order_state']; if ($state['template'] === 'preparation') { $emc_cmd = (int)$state['id_order_state']; } elseif ($state['template'] === 'shipped') { $emc_envo = (int)$state['id_order_state']; } elseif ($state['template'] === 'order_canceled') { $emc_ann = (int)$state['id_order_state']; } elseif ($state['template'] == '') { $emc_liv = (int)$state['id_order_state']; } } // Set default configuration EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CMD', (int)$emc_cmd); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ENVO', (int)$emc_envo); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ANN', (int)$emc_ann); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LIV', (int)$emc_liv); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_USER', 0); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_SRV_MODE', EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_MASS', EnvoimoinscherModel::WITH_CHECK); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ASSU', ''); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_INDI', 1); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_MULTIPARCEL', false); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PICKUP_J1', '2'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT', '17'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PICKUP_J2', '3'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_NATURE', false); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ENV', 'TEST'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_TYPE', 'colis'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ORDER', 0); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_WRAPPING', '1-Boîte'); $languages = EnvoimoinscherModel::getLanguages(); $emcLabelDeliveryDate = array(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $emcLabelDeliveryDate[Tools::strtolower($language['language_code'])] = EnvoimoinscherHelper::getTranslation( serialize(array( 'fr-fr' => 'Livraison prévue : {DATE}', 'en-us' => 'Delivery on: {DATE}', 'es-es' => 'Entrega prevista: {DATE}' )), $language['language_code'] ); } EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LABEL_DELIVERY_DATE', serialize($emcLabelDeliveryDate)); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_TRACK_MODE', '2'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LAST_CARRIER_UPDATE', ''); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS', 0); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FILTER_TYPE_ORDER', 'all'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FILTER_STATUS', implode(';', $states_array)); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FILTER_CARRIERS', 'all'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FILTER_START_DATE', 'all'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_DISABLE_CART', 0); // Execute queries $sql_file = Tools::file_get_contents(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/sql/install.sql'); $sql_file = str_replace('{PREFIXE}', _DB_PREFIX_, $sql_file); $query = explode('-- REQUEST --', $sql_file); foreach ($query as $q) { if (Db::getInstance()->execute($q) === false) { Logger::addLog( '['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $this->l('installation : An error occured on the query : ') . $q ); $this->tablesRollback(); return false; } } if (parent::install() === false) { $this->tablesRollback(); return false; } //enable module for all shop $this->enable(true); // for this version of module, the hooks are only registered for, at least, Prestashop 1.4 $this->registerHook('processCarrier'); $this->registerHook('newOrder'); $this->registerHook('orderDetail'); $this->registerHook('displayCarrierList'); $this->registerHook('displayBeforeCarrier'); $this->registerHook('updateCarrier'); $this->registerHook('header'); $this->registerHook('adminOrder'); $this->registerHook('DisplayBackOfficeHeader'); // add the new tab $tab = new Tab(); $tab->class_name = 'AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'; $tab->id_parent = (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminParentShipping'); $tab->module = 'envoimoinscher'; // set tab name in all languages $languages = DB::getInstance()->executeS( 'SELECT id_lang, iso_code FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'lang`' ); foreach ($languages as $value) { $tab->name[$value['id_lang']] = ($value['iso_code'] == 'fr') ? 'EnvoiMoinsCher' : 'Boxtale'; } if ($tab->add() === false) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { Logger::addLog( '['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $this->l('installation : Impossible to add the EnvoiMoinsCher button in the menu') ); } $this->tablesRollback(); return false; } return true; } /** * Uninstall function. * @access public * @return void */ public function uninstall() { // remove column in table //$columns = DB::getInstance()->executeS('DESCRIBE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'carrier`'); //$column_to_remove = array('emc_services_id_es', 'emc_type'); // Column to remove // remove emc carriers $remove_emc_carriers = 'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier` set deleted = 1 where external_module_name = "' . $this->name . '"'; $remove_emc_tab = true; $id_tab = (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); if ($id_tab) { $tab = new Tab($id_tab); $remove_emc_tab = $tab->delete(); } // If execution doesn't work if ($this->tablesRollback() === false || parent::uninstall() === false || $remove_emc_tab == false || DB::getInstance()->Execute($remove_emc_carriers) === false ) { return false; } return true; } public function getContext() { return $this->context; } /** * Rollback SQL queries. * @access private * @return boolean */ private function tablesRollback() { $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(); $tables = array(); foreach ($helper->getTablesNames() as $table) { $tables[] = '`' . _DB_PREFIX_ . $table . '`'; } $remove_tables = 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . implode(',', $tables); $remove_configs = 'DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'configuration WHERE name LIKE "EMC_%"; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1'; return DB::getInstance()->execute($remove_tables) && DB::getInstance()->execute($remove_configs); } public function useLocalFancybox() { return _PS_VERSION_ < '1.5.3'; } public function useLocalBootstrap() { return _PS_VERSION_ < '1.6.0'; } /** * Configuration method. * @access public * @return void */ public function getContent() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $content = $this->postProcess(); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $emc_user = isset($config['EMC_USER']) ? (int)$config['EMC_USER'] : 0; // pass the module offline if we are in the installation process (avoid updates bug) if ((int)$emc_user == 0) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_SRV_MODE', EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG); } // we load all the carriers if the configuration allow it if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_LAST_CARRIER_UPDATE') == '') { $this->loadAllCarriers(false); } require_once('Env/WebService.php'); require_once('Env/User.php'); // get default contact data $address_if_filled = array( 'EMC_COMPANY' => false, 'EMC_ADDRESS' => false, 'EMC_POSTALCODE' => false, 'EMC_CITY' => false, 'EMC_TEL' => false, 'EMC_MAIL' => false ); // array with obligatory fields (must be filled up to make work this module) $obligatory = array( 'EMC_KEY_TEST', 'EMC_KEY_PROD', 'EMC_LOGIN', 'EMC_PASS', 'EMC_FNAME', 'EMC_LNAME', 'EMC_COMPANY', 'EMC_ADDRESS', 'EMC_POSTALCODE', 'EMC_CITY', 'EMC_TEL', 'EMC_MAIL', 'EMC_PICKUP_J1' ); // Avoid display error message about EMC_KEY_TEST or EMC_KEY_PROD $emc_env_key_api_name = 'EMC_KEY_' . EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENV'); if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig($emc_env_key_api_name . '_DONOTCHECK') == 1) { $emc_env_key_api_name_to_discard = 'EMC_KEY_' . (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENV') == 'TEST' ? 'PROD' : 'TEST'); $key = array_search($emc_env_key_api_name_to_discard, $obligatory); unset($obligatory[$key]); } // default configuration values $config['EMC_SERVICES'] = explode(',', $config['EMC_SERVICES']); $config['wsName'] = $this->ws_name; // ok $config['localVersion'] = $this->local_version; // ok foreach ($address_if_filled as $a => $address) { if ((!isset($config[$a]) || $config[$a] == '') && $address != false && $address != '') { $config[$a] = $address; EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig($a, $address); } } $datas = array( 'local_bootstrap' => $this->useLocalBootstrap(), 'introduction' => $this->getContentIntroduction(), 'missedValues' => ((int)$emc_user == 1 ? $this->makeMissedList($obligatory, $config) : array()), 'EMC_config' => $config, 'link' => new Link(), 'envUrl' => (!empty($config['EMC_ENV']) ? $this->environments[Tools::strtoupper($config['EMC_ENV'])]['link'] : null) ); if ((int)$emc_user == 0) { if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'create' || Tools::getValue('choice') == 'api' || Tools::getValue('choice') == 'get_key') { $datas['popup'] = $this->getContentEmc(); $datas['open_popup'] = true; $datas['step'] = "emc"; } elseif (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'proceed') { $datas['step'] = "intro"; $datas['open_popup'] = false; $datas['popup'] = $this->getContentIntroduction(); } else { $datas['step'] = "intro"; $datas['open_popup'] = true; $datas['popup'] = $this->getContentIntroduction(); } } $datas['emcBaseDir'] = _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/'; $smarty->assign($datas); $content .= $this->getContentBody(); return $content; } private function getContentBody() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $api_params = $this->model->getApiParams($this->ws_name, $this->version); $ver = explode('.', _PS_VERSION_); // on verifie si les offres ont ete mises a jour recement $last_update = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_LAST_CARRIER_UPDATE'); $send_offers_update_warning = true; if ($last_update != '') { $date_limit = time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 30); $date_update = strtotime($last_update); $send_offers_update_warning = $date_update < $date_limit; } // on vérifie la langue $foreign = ($this->getContext()->language->iso_code != 'fr'); $datas = array( 'default_tab' => count($this->getUpgrades()) > 0 ? 'help' : (Tools::isSubmit('EMC_tabs') ? Tools::getValue('EMC_tabs') : 'merchant'), 'tab_news' => $this->model->getApiNews($this->ws_name, $this->version), 'tpl_news' => _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/news.tpl', 'local_fancybox' => $this->useLocalFancybox(), 'foreign' => $foreign, 'need_update' => $send_offers_update_warning, 'PS_ver' => $ver[0], 'PS_subver' => $ver[1], 'module_version' => $this->version, 'API_errors' => $api_params['error_code'], 'EMC_config' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(), 'multiShipping' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ALLOW_MULTISHIPPING'), 'successForm' => (int)$cookie->success_form, 'modulePath' => $this->_path, 'website_url' => $this->website_url ); $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentBody.tpl'); } public function getContentHelp() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; //$helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(); $datas = array( 'emcBaseDir' => _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/', 'link' => new Link(), 'upgrades' => $this->parseUpgradeXml(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/sql/upgrades/upgrades.xml') ); $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentHelp.tpl'); } /** * Get ajax introduction content * @return template Smarty Template */ private function getContentIntroduction() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $datas = array( 'emcImgDir' => _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/views/img/' ); $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentIntroduction.tpl'); } /** * Get ajax EMC content * @return template Smarty Template */ private function getContentEmc() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $countries = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT c.iso_code, c.id_zone, cl.name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country c JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country_lang cl ON cl.id_country = c.id_country WHERE cl.id_lang = ' . (int)$cookie->id_lang . ' ORDER BY cl.name ASC'); $datas = array( // Country list 'countries' => $countries, 'baseDir' => __PS_BASE_URI__, 'lang' => $this->context->language->iso_code, 'token' => Tools::getValue('token') ); if (Tools::getValue('choice')) { $datas['choice'] = Tools::getValue('choice'); } $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentEmc.tpl'); } /** * Get ajax settings content * @return template Smarty Template */ private function getContentMerchant() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; //$id_lang = (int)$this->getContext()->language->id; $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); // Get configs require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Env/WebService.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Env/User.php'; $user = new EnvUser( array( 'user' => $config['EMC_LOGIN'], 'pass' => $config['EMC_PASS'], 'key' => $config['EMC_KEY_' . $config['EMC_ENV']] ) ); $user->setPlatformParams($this->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $this->version); $user->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($config['EMC_ENV'])); $user->setLocale($this->getContext()->language->language_code); $user->getUserDetails(); $datas = array( // Genders 'genders' => $this->civilities, // Time to pickup 'dispoStart' => $helper->getDispo(array('START')), 'dispoEnd' => $helper->getDispo(array('END')), // Configuration 'EMC_config' => $config, 'mailConfig' => isset($user->user_configuration['mails']) ? $user->user_configuration['mails'] : array() ); $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentMerchant.tpl'); } /** * Get ajax carriers content * @return template Smarty Template */ private function getContentCarriers($type) { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); if (!file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/controllers/admin/AdminCarrierWizardController.php')) { $carrierControllerUrl = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminCarriers').'&updatecarrier'; } else { $carrierControllerUrl = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminCarrierWizard'); } $datas = array( // Configuration 'EMC_config' => $config, 'srvModes' => array( 'config' => EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG, 'online' => EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_ONLINE ), 'families' => $this->model->getOffersFamilies(), 'familTableTpl' => $this->getTemplatePath('views/templates/admin/familyTpl.tpl'), 'disableServices' => isset($config['EMC_SRV_MODE']) && $config['EMC_SRV_MODE'] == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_ONLINE, 'pricing' => $this->pricing, 'operators' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getOperatorsForType($config['EMC_NATURE']), 'nameCategory' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getNameCategory($config['EMC_NATURE']), 'carrierControllerUrl' => $carrierControllerUrl ); $smarty->assign($datas); if ($type === 'Simple') { return $this->getContentCarriersSimple($smarty); } elseif ($type === 'Advanced') { return $this->getContentCarriersAdvanced($smarty); } } /** * Get ajax states * @return option list */ public function returnStates() { $states = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT s.iso_code, s.name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'state s LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country c ON (s.`id_country` = c.`id_country`) WHERE c.iso_code = "' . pSQL(Tools::getValue('id_country')) . '" AND s.active = 1 AND c.`contains_states` = 1 ORDER BY s.`name` ASC'); if (is_array($states) && !empty($states)) { $list = ''; foreach ($states as $state) { $list .= '' . "\n"; } } else { $list = 'false'; } die($list); } /** * Simple Carrier * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty * @return string Template parsed */ private function getContentCarriersSimple(Smarty $smarty) { $datas = array( 'urlChoixRelais' => Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getHttpHost() . __PS_BASE_URI__. 'index.php?fc=module&module=envoimoinscher&controller=ajax&option=choixRelais&locale='. $this->getContext()->language->language_code, 'link' => new Link() ); // add carriers $simpleEconomicCarriers = $this->model->getOffersByFamily(EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_ECONOMIQUE); $datas['simpleEconomicCarriers'] = $simpleEconomicCarriers; // manage titles index $titleCount = array(); foreach ($simpleEconomicCarriers as $type => $list) { $titleCount[$type] = isset($simpleEconomicCarriers[($type-1)]) ? ($titleCount[($type-1)] + count($simpleEconomicCarriers[($type-1)])) : 0; } $datas['titleCount'] = $titleCount; $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentCarriersSimple.tpl'); } /** * Simple Carrier * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty * @return string Template parsed */ private function getContentCarriersAdvanced(Smarty $smarty) { $rows = $this->model->getDimensions(); $datas = array( 'dims' => $rows, 'urlChoixRelais' => Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getHttpHost() . __PS_BASE_URI__. 'index.php?fc=module&module=envoimoinscher&controller=ajax&option=choixRelais&locale='. $this->getContext()->language->language_code, 'link' => new Link() ); // add carriers $advancedExpressCarriers = $this->model->getOffersByFamily(EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_EXPRESSISTE); $datas['advancedExpressCarriers'] = $advancedExpressCarriers; // manage titles index $titleCount = array(); foreach ($advancedExpressCarriers as $type => $list) { $titleCount[$type] = isset($advancedExpressCarriers[($type-1)]) ? ($titleCount[($type-1)] + count($advancedExpressCarriers[($type-1)])) : 0; } $datas['titleCount'] = $titleCount; $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentCarriersAdvanced.tpl'); } /** * Get ajax sends content * @return template Smarty Template */ private function getContentSends() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); // Get configs // Get pickup conf if (!isset($config['EMC_PICKUP_J1']) || !isset($config['EMC_PICKUP_J2']) || !isset($config['EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT']) ) { $pick_up_conf = array( 'j1' => 0, 'j2' => 0, 'split' => 17, ); } else { $pick_up_conf = array( 'j1' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_J1'], 'j2' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_J2'], 'split' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT'], ); } // delivery date label $languages = EnvoimoinscherModel::getLanguages(); $emcLabelDeliveryDate = unserialize($config['EMC_LABEL_DELIVERY_DATE']); // if languages are not declared yet, update them with an empty string foreach ($languages as $language) { if (!isset($emcLabelDeliveryDate[Tools::strtolower($language['language_code'])])) { $emcLabelDeliveryDate[Tools::strtolower($language['language_code'])] = ''; } } $datas = array( // Configuration 'local_fancybox' => $this->useLocalFancybox(), 'emcBaseDir' => _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/', 'EMC_config' => $config, 'labelDeliveryDate' => $emcLabelDeliveryDate, 'currentLanguage' => Tools::strtolower($this->getContext()->language->language_code), 'shipNature' => $this->model->getCategoriesTree(), 'pickupConf' => $pick_up_conf, 'weightUnit' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT'), 'link' => new Link(), 'disableServices' => isset($config['EMC_SRV_MODE']) && $config['EMC_SRV_MODE'] == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_ONLINE, 'families' => $this->model->getOffersFamilies(), 'familTableTpl' => $this->getTemplatePath('views/templates/admin/familyTpl.tpl') ); $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentSends.tpl'); } private function getContentSettings() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $id_lang = (int)$this->getContext()->language->id; $api_params = $this->model->getApiParams($this->ws_name, $this->version); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); // Get configs // we build the array $wrapping_types (wrapping type for POFR) $wrapping_types = array(); $wrapping_types[] = array( 'id' => '', 'name' => $this->l('Please choose a wrapping type') ); if (isset($api_params['POFR'])) { foreach ($api_params['POFR']['services'] as $api_param) { if (isset($api_param['parameters']['emballage.type_emballage'])) { foreach ($api_param['parameters']['emballage.type_emballage']['values'] as $type) { $wrapping_types[] = array( 'id' => $type, 'name' => $this->l(Tools::substr($type, strpos($type, '-') + 1)) ); } break; } } } //get enabled carriers $sql = 'SELECT id_carrier, name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier WHERE deleted=0'; $enabled_carriers = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $datas = array( 'EMC_config' => $config, 'states' => OrderState::getOrderStates($id_lang), 'shipWrappingAvailable' => count($wrapping_types) > 1, 'shipWrapping' => $wrapping_types, 'modes' => $this->model->getTrackingModes(), 'enabledCarriers' => $enabled_carriers, 'link' => new Link(), ); $smarty->assign($datas); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/getContentSettings.tpl'); } /** * Add CSS */ public function hookDisplayBackOfficeHeader() { if ((Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('controller')) === 'adminmodules' && Tools::getValue('configure') === 'envoimoinscher') || Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('controller')) === 'adminenvoimoinscher' ) { $this->getContext()->controller->addJquery(); $this->getContext()->controller->addJqueryUI('ui.datepicker'); $this->getContext()->controller->addCSS( $this->_path . '/views/css/back-office.css?version=' . $this->version, 'all' ); if ($this->getContext()->language->iso_code != 'fr') { $this->getContext()->controller->addCSS( $this->_path . '/views/css/back-office-foreign.css?version=' . $this->version, 'all' ); } } } /** * Tests if the web service of EnvoiMoinsCher is available. It allows user to estimate * shipping costs. * @access public * @return void */ public function tests() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $bd = Db::getInstance(); /* we first get every product with attributes */ $sql = 'SELECT distinct pl.name, p.id_product, al.name AS `attribute_name`, a.id_attribute_group, al.id_attribute FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p, ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_lang pl, ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute pa, ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute a, ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination pac, ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang al WHERE pa.id_product = p.id_product AND pl.id_product = p.id_product AND pa.id_product_attribute = pac.id_product_attribute AND pac.id_attribute = al.id_attribute AND pac.id_attribute = a.id_attribute AND pl.id_lang = ' . (int)$cookie->id_lang . ' ORDER BY pl.name'; $products_list = $bd->ExecuteS($sql); $products = array(); foreach ($products_list as $p) { if (!isset($products[$p['id_product']])) { $products[$p['id_product']] = array(); $products[$p['id_product']]['name'] = $p['name']; $products[$p['id_product']]['id_product'] = $p['id_product']; $products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'] = array(); } if (!isset($products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'][$p['id_attribute_group']])) { $products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'][$p['id_attribute_group']] = array(); } $products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'][$p['id_attribute_group']][$p['id_attribute']] = array(); $products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'][$p['id_attribute_group']][$p['id_attribute']]['id_attribute'] = $p['id_attribute']; $products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'][$p['id_attribute_group']][$p['id_attribute']]['attribute_name'] = $p['attribute_name']; } /* we now get every product without attributes */ $sql = 'SELECT pl.name, p.id_product FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p, ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_lang pl WHERE pl.id_product = p.id_product AND p.id_product NOT IN (SELECT id_product FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute) AND pl.id_lang = ' . (int)$cookie->id_lang . ' ORDER BY pl.name'; $products_list = $bd->ExecuteS($sql); foreach ($products_list as $p) { if (!isset($products[$p['id_product']])) { $products[$p['id_product']] = array(); $products[$p['id_product']]['name'] = $p['name']; $products[$p['id_product']]['id_product'] = $p['id_product']; $products[$p['id_product']]['attributes'] = array(); } } ksort($products); /* We start now the generation of products with their attributes */ $products_smarty = array(); //$i = 0; foreach ($products as $product) { $product_names = array(); $product_names[0]['name'] = $product['name']; $product_names[0]['value'] = $product['id_product']; foreach ($product['attributes'] as $attribute_group) { $tmp_product_names = $product_names; $product_names = array(); foreach ($attribute_group as $attribute) { foreach ($tmp_product_names as $tmp_product_name) { $product_names[count($product_names)] = array( 'name' => ($tmp_product_name['name'] . ' - ' . $attribute['attribute_name']), 'value' => ($tmp_product_name['value'] . '_' . $attribute['id_attribute']) ); } } } $products_smarty = array_merge($products_smarty, $product_names); } $smarty->assign('configEmc', $config); $smarty->assign('products', $products_smarty); $smarty->assign('token', Tools::getValue('token')); $smarty->assign('countries', Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT c.iso_code, cl.name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country c JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country_lang cl ON cl.id_country = c.id_country WHERE cl.id_lang = ' . (int)$cookie->id_lang . ' ORDER BY cl.name ASC' )); $smarty->assign('successForm', (int)$cookie->form_success); $smarty->assign('adminImg', _PS_ADMIN_IMG_); $smarty->assign('baseDir', __PS_BASE_URI__); $error = -1; $error_msg = ''; $cookie->form_success = 0; if (!empty($_POST) && Tools::isSubmit('submitForm')) { if (!Tools::getValue('fromPostalCode') || !Tools::getValue('fromCity') || !Tools::getValue('toPostalCode') || !Tools::getValue('toCity')) { $error = 1; $error_msg = $this->l('Please fill in zip code and city fields in order to make a simulation'); } else { // Get sender $from = array( 'pays' => 'FR', 'code_postal' => Tools::getValue('fromPostalCode'), 'ville' => Tools::getValue('fromCity'), 'type' => 'entreprise', 'societe' => $config['EMC_COMPANY'], 'adresse' => Tools::getValue('fromAddr') == false ? ' ' : Tools::getValue('fromAddr'), 'civilite' => $config['EMC_CIV'], 'prenom' => $config['EMC_FNAME'], 'nom' => $config['EMC_LNAME'], 'email' => $config['EMC_MAIL'], 'tel' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::normalizeTelephone($config['EMC_TEL']), 'infos' => $config['EMC_COMPL'] ); // Get recipient $country_iso = Tools::getValue('toCountry'); $to = array( 'pays' => $country_iso, 'code_postal' => Tools::getValue('toPostalCode'), 'ville' => Tools::getValue('toCity'), 'type' => 'particulier', 'adresse' => Tools::getValue('toAddr') == false ? ' ' : Tools::getValue('toAddr'), 'civilite' => $config['EMC_CIV'], 'prenom' => $config['EMC_FNAME'], 'nom' => $config['EMC_LNAME'], 'email' => $config['EMC_MAIL'], 'tel' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::normalizeTelephone($config['EMC_TEL']), 'infos' => $config['EMC_COMPL'] ); /* Create fake cart to calculate costs */ // Create fake customer $customer_tmp = new Customer(); $customer_tmp->firstname = $to['prenom']; $customer_tmp->lastname = $to['nom']; $customer_tmp->email = $to['email']; $customer_tmp->passwd = '26c1bba483c9b88321ce97df511539c6'; $customer_tmp->add(); // Create fake address $addr_tmp = new Address(); $addr_tmp->id_customer = $customer_tmp->id; $addr_tmp->id_country = $this->model->getCountryIdFromIso($to['pays']); $addr_tmp->postcode = $to['code_postal']; $addr_tmp->firstname = $to['prenom']; $addr_tmp->lastname = $to['nom']; $addr_tmp->address1 = $to['adresse']; $addr_tmp->city = $to['ville']; // required fieds to new customers $requiredAddressFields = $addr_tmp->getFieldsRequiredDatabase(); if (!empty($requiredAddressFields)) { foreach ($requiredAddressFields as $requiredAddressField) { if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "company") { $addr_tmp->company = 'placeholderCompany'; } if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "address2") { $addr_tmp->address2 = 'placeholderAddress2'; } if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "other") { $addr_tmp->other = 'placeholderOther'; } if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "phone") { $addr_tmp->phone = '0102030405'; } if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "phone_mobile") { $addr_tmp->phone_mobile = '0605040302'; } if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "vat_number") { $addr_tmp->vat_number = '01234567891011'; } if ($requiredAddressField["field_name"] == "dni") { $addr_tmp->dni = '11111111-A'; } } } $addr_tmp->alias = "TEMPORARY_ADDRESS_TO_DELETE"; $addr_tmp->save(); // Create fake cart $cart_tmp = new Cart(); $cart_tmp->id_currency = Currency::getDefaultCurrency()->id; $cart_tmp->id_customer = $customer_tmp->id; $cart_tmp->id_lang = $cookie->id_lang; $cart_tmp->id_address_delivery = $addr_tmp->id; $cart_tmp->add(); $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; // Get parcel info $attributes = explode('_', Tools::getValue('product')); $productId = array_shift($attributes); $productAttributeId = $this->model->getProductAttributeId($productId, $attributes); // add product to fake cart Db::getInstance()->insert('cart_product', array( 'id_product' => (int)$productId, 'id_product_attribute' => (int)$productAttributeId, 'id_cart' => (int)$cart_tmp->id, 'id_address_delivery' => (int)$addr_tmp->id, 'id_shop' => $shop->id, 'quantity' => 1, 'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); $weight = $this->model->getCartWeight($cart_tmp->id); $dimensions = $this->model->getDimensionsByWeight($weight); $parcels = array( 1 => array( 'poids' => $weight, 'longueur' => isset($dimensions[0]['length_ed']) ? $dimensions[0]['length_ed'] : 0, 'largeur' => isset($dimensions[0]['width_ed']) ? $dimensions[0]['width_ed'] : 0, 'hauteur' => isset($dimensions[0]['height_ed']) ? $dimensions[0]['height_ed'] : 0 ) ); // additional parameters $params = array( 'collecte' => $this->setCollectDate(array( 'j1' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_J1'], 'j2' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_J2'], 'split' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT'] )), 'delai' => 'aucun', 'code_contenu' => $config['EMC_NATURE'], 'valeur' => $cart_tmp->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), 'module' => $this->ws_name, 'version' => $this->local_version, 'emc_type' => $config['EMC_TYPE'], 'testPage' => true ); $offers = $this->getQuote($from, $to, $parcels, $params, false, false); if (isset($offers['isError']) && $offers['isError'] == 1) { $error = 1; $error_msg = $offers['message']; } elseif (count($offers) == 0) { $error = 1; $error_msg = $this->l('No offers found for your search'); } else { $error = 0; $out_offers = array(); // convert price from euro to default currency if necessary $defaultCurrency = new Currency((int)$cart_tmp->id_currency); if ($defaultCurrency->iso_code != 'EUR') { $euro = $this->model->getEuro(); foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $convertedPrice = Tools::convertPrice($offer['price']['tax-exclusive'], $euro, false); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - converting price for carrier %1$s to %2$s: %3$s%2$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $defaultCurrency->sign, $convertedPrice ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = $convertedPrice; } } // exclude from display carriers not in PS ranges/zones configuration $offers = $this->psCarriersExclude($offers, $cart_tmp->id); if (count($offers) == 0) { $error = 1; $error_msg = $this->l('No offers found for your search'); } // apply rate price if needed $offers = $this->applyRatePrice($offers, $cart_tmp->id); // set first carrier as default carrier for cart rule calculation $firstOffer = current($offers); $firstOfferCarrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode( $firstOffer['service']['code'], $firstOffer['operator']['code'] ); $cart_tmp->id_carrier = $firstOfferCarrierId; $cart_tmp->update(); // apply Prestashop configured extra charges $offers = $this->psPriceOverride($offers, $cart_tmp->id); // set carrier free according to Prestashop configuration $offers = $this->applyFree($offers, $cart_tmp->id); foreach ($offers as $offer) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode( $offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code'] ); $carrier_tax = Tax::getCarrierTaxRate( (int)$carrierId, (int)$cart_tmp->{EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')} ); $taxInclusive = (float)Tools::ps_round( (float)$offer['price']['tax-exclusive']*(1 + ($carrier_tax / 100)), 2 ); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - adding carrier tax %1$s%2$s to carrier %3$s: %4$s%5$s'), $carrier_tax, "%", $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $taxInclusive, $defaultCurrency->sign ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $out_offers[] = array( 'service' => $offer['service']['label'], 'operator' => $offer['operator']['label'], 'priceHT' => (float)Tools::ps_round((float)$offer['price']['tax-exclusive'], 2), 'priceTTC' => $taxInclusive, 'characteristics' => '-' . implode('
- ', $offer['characteristics']), 'currencySign' => $defaultCurrency->sign ); } $smarty->assign('offers', $out_offers); } // delete temporary objects $addr_tmp->delete(); $customer_tmp->delete(); $cart_tmp->delete(); } $smarty->assign('postData', $_POST); } $smarty->assign('errorMsg', $error_msg); $smarty->assign('isError', $error); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/tests.tpl'); } /** * Displays table with EnvoiMoinsCher orders on the backoffice. * @access public * @return Smarty Display Smarty template. */ public function ordersTable() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $params = array(); // init pagers require_once('lib/Pager.php'); //add language to params $params['lang'] = $cookie->id_lang; //add filters if (Tools::isSubmit('type_order')) { $params['filterBy']['type_order'] = Tools::getValue('type_order'); } else { $params['filterBy']['type_order'] = $config['EMC_FILTER_TYPE_ORDER']; } if (Tools::isSubmit('filter_id_order')) { $params['filterBy']['filter_id_order'] = (int)Tools::getValue('filter_id_order'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('status')) { $params['filterBy']['status'] = Tools::getValue('status'); } else { $params['filterBy']['status'] = explode(';', $config['EMC_FILTER_STATUS']); } if (Tools::isSubmit('carriers')) { $params['filterBy']['carriers'] = Tools::getValue('carriers'); } else { $params['filterBy']['carriers'] = $config['EMC_FILTER_CARRIERS']; } if (Tools::isSubmit('start_order_date')) { if ('all' != Tools::getValue('start_order_date')) { $params['filterBy']['start_order_date'] = Tools::getValue('start_order_date'); } } else { if ($config['EMC_FILTER_START_DATE'] != 'all') { $params['filterBy']['start_order_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 ' . $config['EMC_FILTER_START_DATE'])); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('end_order_date')) { if ('all' != Tools::getValue('end_order_date')) { $params['filterBy']['end_order_date'] = Tools::getValue('end_order_date'); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('recipient')) { $words = explode(' ', trim(Tools::getValue('recipient'))); foreach ($words as $key => $value) { $params['filterBy']['recipient'][$key] = $value; } } // generate filter url $filter_url = '&type_order=' . $params['filterBy']['type_order'] . (isset($params['filterBy']['filter_id_order']) ? '&filter_id_order=' . $params['filterBy']['filter_id_order'] : '') . '&carriers=' . $params['filterBy']['carriers'] . (isset($params['filterBy']['start_order_date']) ? '&start_order_date=' . $params['filterBy']['start_order_date'] : '') . (isset($params['filterBy']['end_order_date']) ? '&end_order_date=' . $params['filterBy']['end_order_date'] : '') . (isset($params['filterBy']['recipient']) ? '&recipient=' . implode('+', $params['filterBy']['recipient']) : ''); if (isset($params['filterBy']['status']) && is_array($params['filterBy']['status'])) { foreach ($params['filterBy']['status'] as $key => $value) { $filter_url .= '&status%5B%5D=' . $value; } } // get orders $orders_count = $this->model->getEligibleOrdersCount($params); $page = 1; if (Tools::isSubmit('p')) { $page = (int)Tools::getValue('p'); } $per_page = 100; $limits = array(); $pager = new Pager(array( 'url' => 'index.php?controller=AdminEnvoiMoinsCher', 'tag' => 'p', 'before' => 5, 'after' => 5, 'all' => $orders_count, 'page' => $page, 'perPage' => $per_page )); $start = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $limits = 'LIMIT ' . (int)$start . ',' . (int)$per_page; $smarty->assign('pager', $pager->setPages()); $orders = $this->model->getEligibleOrders($params, $limits); //get enabled carriers $sql = 'SELECT id_carrier, name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier WHERE deleted=0'; $enabled_carriers = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); // all orders to send $planning = $this->model->getLastPlanning(); $orders_to_send = Tools::jsonDecode($planning['orders_eopl'], true); $param_config = '&configure=envoimoinscher&tab_module=shipping_logistics&module_name=envoimoinscher&EMC_tabs=settings'; $smarty->assign('filters', $params['filterBy']); $smarty->assign('filterUrl', $filter_url); $smarty->assign('tab_news', $this->model->getApiNews($this->ws_name, $this->version)); $smarty->assign('tpl_news', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/news.tpl'); $smarty->assign('local_fancybox', $this->useLocalFancybox()); $smarty->assign('local_bootstrap', $this->useLocalBootstrap()); $smarty->assign('emcBaseDir', _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/'); $smarty->assign( 'tokenOrder', Tools::getAdminToken( 'AdminOrders' . (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminOrders') . (int)$cookie->id_employee ) ); $smarty->assign('token', Tools::getValue('token')); $smarty->assign('orders', $orders); $smarty->assign('ordersCount', count($orders)); $smarty->assign('ordersTodo', count($orders_to_send['todo'])); $smarty->assign('defaultStatus', $config['EMC_CMD']); $smarty->assign('withCheck', $config['EMC_MASS'] == EnvoimoinscherModel::WITH_CHECK); $smarty->assign('showTable', count($orders) > 0); $smarty->assign('successSend', (int)$cookie->success_send); $smarty->assign('errorLabels', (int)$cookie->error_labels); $smarty->assign('pagerTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/pager_template.tpl'); $smarty->assign( 'submenuTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/order_submenu_template.tpl' ); $smarty->assign( 'ordersTableTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/orders_table_template.tpl' ); $smarty->assign('massTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/massOrders.tpl'); $smarty->assign('ordersSendTop', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/table_send.tpl'); $smarty->assign('ordersSendBottom', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/table_send.tpl'); $smarty->assign('states', OrderState::getOrderStates((int)$this->getContext()->language->id)); $smarty->assign('enabledCarriers', $enabled_carriers); $smarty->assign('actual', ''); $smarty->assign('actual', ''); $smarty->assign('baseDir', __PS_BASE_URI__); $smarty->assign('configPage', $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules') . $param_config); $smarty->assign('normalOrderPassed', $cookie->normal_order_passed); $smarty->assign('massOrderPassed', $cookie->mass_order_passed); $cookie->normal_order_passed = -1; $cookie->mass_order_passed = -1; return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/orders.tpl'); } /** * Initializes mass order process. * @access public * @return void */ public function initOrder() { require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/WebService.php'); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/Quotation.php'); $admin_link_base = $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_TYPE')); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $emc_order = new EnvoimoinscherOrder($this->model); // check if any order has been selected if (!Tools::getValue('do') && !Tools::getValue('results') && !Tools::getValue('mide')) { // check if any order has been selected if (!Tools::isSubmit('orders')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base); } $orders = Tools::getValue('orders'); // Get orders $emc_order->constructOrdersLists($orders, Tools::getValue('typeDb')); // redirect to first order to do if ($config['EMC_MASS'] == EnvoimoinscherModel::WITH_CHECK || Tools::getValue('type') != 'withEmc') { Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&option=send&id_order=' . (int)$orders[0] . ''); } // redirect to orders main page Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base); } elseif ((int)Tools::getValue('do') == 1) { $result = array( 'result' => 1, 'doOthers' => 1 ); // do order actions $emc_order->setOrderId(0); $id_order = (int)$emc_order->getOrderId(); $result['id'] = $id_order; if ($id_order > 0) { $data = $this->model->prepareOrderInfo($emc_order->getOrderId(), $config); /* Not needed anymore if ($data['order'][0]['shipping_number'] != '') { $result['result'] = 0; $result['shipping_number'] = $data['order'][0]['shipping_number']; } else {*/ $emc_order->setOrderData($data); $emc_order->setPrestashopConfig($this->getModuleConfig()); $emc_order->setOfferData($this->getOfferToSendPage($data, $helper)); $result['result'] = (int)$emc_order->doOrder(); //} if (!$emc_order->doOtherOrders()) { $result['doOthers'] = 0; } } else { $result = array( 'result' => 0, 'doOthers' => 0 ); } } elseif (Tools::getValue('mode') == 'skip') { $emc_order->skipOrder((int)Tools::getValue('previous')); $emc_order->incrementSkipped(); $emc_order->updateOrdersList(); Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&id_order=' . (int)Tools::getValue('id_order') . '&option=send'); die(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('results') == 1) { $result = $emc_order->getFinalResult('array'); $emc_order->cleanOrders(true); } echo Tools::jsonEncode($result); die(); } /** * Cancels mass order. * @access public * @return void */ public function cancelOrder() { $emc_order = new EnvoimoinscherOrder($this->model); $emc_order->cleanOrders(); $admin_link_base = $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base); } /** * Displays table with done EnvoiMoinsCher orders. * @access public * @return Smarty Display Smarty template. */ public function ordersHistoryTable() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; // get filters $filters = ''; if (Tools::isSubmit('filter_id_order')) { $filters['filterBy']['filter_id_order'] = (int)Tools::getValue('filter_id_order'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('carriers')) { $filters['filterBy']['carriers'] = Tools::getValue('carriers'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('start_order_date')) { $filters['filterBy']['start_order_date'] = Tools::getValue('start_order_date'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('end_order_date')) { $filters['filterBy']['end_order_date'] = Tools::getValue('end_order_date'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('start_creation_date')) { $filters['filterBy']['start_creation_date'] = Tools::getValue('start_creation_date'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('end_creation_date')) { $filters['filterBy']['end_creation_date'] = Tools::getValue('end_creation_date'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('recipient')) { $words = explode(' ', trim(Tools::getValue('recipient'))); foreach ($words as $key => $value) { $filters['filterBy']['recipient'][$key] = $value; } } // construct filter request $sql = ''; if (!empty($filters['filterBy'])) { //by order id if (isset($filters['filterBy']['filter_id_order'])) { $sql .= ' AND o.id_order = ' . (int)$filters['filterBy']['filter_id_order']; } //by carrier if (isset($filters['filterBy']['carriers'])) { if ($filters['filterBy']['carriers'] == 'del') { $sql .= ' AND c.name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier WHERE deleted=0)'; } elseif ($filters['filterBy']['carriers'] != 'all') { $sql .= ' AND c.name LIKE "' . pSQL($filters['filterBy']['carriers']) . '"'; } } //by order date if (isset($filters['filterBy']['start_order_date'])) { $sql .= " AND eo.date_order_eor >= STR_TO_DATE('" . pSQL($filters['filterBy']['start_order_date']) . "', '%Y-%m-%d')"; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['end_order_date'])) { $sql .= " AND eo.date_order_eor < DATE_ADD(STR_TO_DATE('" . pSQL($filters['filterBy']['end_order_date']) . "', '%Y-%m-%d'), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"; } //by creation date if (isset($filters['filterBy']['start_creation_date'])) { $sql .= " AND o.date_add >= STR_TO_DATE('" . pSQL($filters['filterBy']['start_creation_date']) . "', '%Y-%m-%d')"; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['end_creation_date'])) { $sql .= " AND o.date_add < DATE_ADD(STR_TO_DATE('" . pSQL($filters['filterBy']['end_creation_date']) . "', '%Y-%m-%d'), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"; } //by recipient (string contained in company, first name, last name or email) if (isset($filters['filterBy']['recipient']) && !empty($filters['filterBy']['recipient'])) { foreach ($filters['filterBy']['recipient'] as $key => $value) { $sql .= ' AND (INSTR(a.firstname, "' . pSQL($value) . '") > 0 OR INSTR(a.lastname, "' . pSQL($value) . '") > 0 OR INSTR(cr.email, "' . pSQL($value) . '") > 0)'; } } } $smarty->assign( 'tokenOrder', Tools::getAdminToken( 'AdminOrders' . (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminOrders') . (int)$cookie->id_employee ) ); $count_query = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT COUNT(eo.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order) AS allCmd FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_orders eo JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders o ON eo.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order = o.id_order LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier oc ON oc.id_order = o.id_order LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier c ON (c.id_carrier = oc.id_carrier AND oc.id_carrier IS NOT NULL) OR (c.id_carrier = o.id_carrier AND oc.id_carrier IS NULL) JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address a ON a.id_address = o.id_address_delivery JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer cr ON cr.id_customer = a.id_customer WHERE eo.ref_emc_eor != ""' . $sql ); // set pager $page = 1; $per_page = 100; $all_pages = $count_query[0]['allCmd']; if (Tools::isSubmit('p')) { $page = (int)Tools::getValue('p'); } require_once('lib/Pager.php'); $pager = new Pager(array( 'url' => 'index.php?controller=AdminEnvoiMoinsCher&option=history', 'tag' => 'p', 'before' => 5, 'after' => 5, 'all' => $all_pages, 'page' => $page, 'perPage' => $per_page )); $start = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $smarty->assign('pager', $pager->setPages()); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // get EnvoiMoinsCher orders $orders = $this->model->getDoneOrders( array( 'lang' => $cookie->id_lang, 'start' => $start, 'limit' => $per_page, 'filters' => $sql ) ); // get additional sql to limit following requests $limit = ''; if (is_array($orders) && !empty($orders)) { $limit .= ' AND ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order IN ('; $i = 0; foreach ($orders as $key => $value) { if ($i != 0 && $value['PsOrderId'] != "") { $limit .= ','; } if ($value['PsOrderId'] != "") { $limit .= '"' . $value['PsOrderId'] . '"'; } $i++; } $limit .= ')'; } // get order ids with generated documents /*$ordersWithGeneratedDocuments = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders_id_order AS orderIds FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'emc_documents WHERE type_ed = "label" AND generated_ed = 1'.$limit );*/ $orders_with_documents = array(); foreach ($orders as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value['id_order'], $orders_with_documents)) { $orders_with_documents[] = $value['id_order']; } } // check if any document is generated $order_documents = array(); if (count($orders_with_documents) > 0) { $generated_documents = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_documents WHERE generated_ed = 1 AND ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order in (' . implode(',', $orders_with_documents) . ')' ); // get all documents for each order foreach ($generated_documents as $document) { $id = $document[_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order']; if (!isset($order_documents[$id])) { $order_documents[$id] = array(); } $order_documents[$id][$document['type_ed']] = $document['link_ed']; } } // get order ids to exclude from ajax process $no_ajax_order_ids_query = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT eo.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order AS orderIds FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_orders eo JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders o ON eo.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order = o.id_order LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier oc ON oc.id_order = o.id_order LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier c ON (c.id_carrier = oc.id_carrier AND oc.id_carrier IS NOT NULL) OR (c.id_carrier = o.id_carrier AND oc.id_carrier IS NULL) JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services es ON es.ref_carrier = c.id_reference JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_operators eop ON eop.code_eo = es.emc_operators_code_eo WHERE eo.ref_emc_eor != "" AND (eo.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order IN ( SELECT ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_documents d JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders o ON d.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order = o.id_order JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier c ON c.id_carrier = o.id_carrier JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services es ON es.ref_carrier = c.id_reference WHERE es.emc_operators_code_eo LIKE "POFR" AND d.type_ed = "remise") OR eo.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order IN ( SELECT ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_documents d JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders o ON d.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order = o.id_order JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier c ON c.id_carrier = o.id_carrier JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services es ON es.ref_carrier = c.id_reference WHERE es.emc_operators_code_eo NOT LIKE "POFR" AND d.type_ed = "label" AND d.generated_ed = 1) )' . $limit ); $no_ajax_order_ids = array(); foreach ($no_ajax_order_ids_query as $key => $value) { array_push($no_ajax_order_ids, $value['orderIds']); } //send filter settings back if (isset($filters['filterBy'])) { $smarty->assign('filters', $filters['filterBy']); $filter_url = ''; if (isset($filters['filterBy']['filter_id_order'])) { $filter_url .= '&filter_id_order=' . $filters['filterBy']['filter_id_order']; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['carriers'])) { $filter_url .= '&carriers=' . $filters['filterBy']['carriers']; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['start_order_date'])) { $filter_url .= '&start_order_date=' . $filters['filterBy']['start_order_date']; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['end_order_date'])) { $filter_url .= '&end_order_date=' . $filters['filterBy']['end_order_date']; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['start_order_date'])) { $filter_url .= '&start_creation_date=' . $filters['filterBy']['start_creation_date']; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['end_order_date'])) { $filter_url .= '&end_creation_date=' . $filters['filterBy']['end_creation_date']; } if (isset($filters['filterBy']['recipient'])) { $filter_url .= '&recipient='; $i = 0; foreach ($filters['filterBy']['recipient'] as $key => $value) { if ($i == 0) { $filter_url .= $value; } else { $filter_url .= '+' . $value; } $i++; } } $smarty->assign('filterUrl', $filter_url); } //get EMC enabled carriers $rq = 'SELECT id_carrier, name FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier WHERE deleted=0 AND external_module_name = "envoimoinscher"'; $enabled_carriers = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($rq); $smarty->assign('enabledCarriers', $enabled_carriers); $smarty->assign('tab_news', $this->model->getApiNews($this->ws_name, $this->version)); $smarty->assign('tpl_news', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/news.tpl'); $smarty->assign('local_fancybox', $this->useLocalFancybox()); $smarty->assign('local_bootstrap', $this->useLocalBootstrap()); $smarty->assign('emcBaseDir', _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/'); $smarty->assign('token', Tools::getValue('token')); $smarty->assign('orders', $orders); $smarty->assign('allOrders', count($orders)); $smarty->assign('noAjaxOrderIds', $no_ajax_order_ids); //$smarty->assign('labelGeneratedOrderIds', $labelGeneratedOrderIds); //$smarty->assign('remiseGeneratedOrderIds', $remiseGeneratedOrderIds); $smarty->assign('orderDocuments', $order_documents); $smarty->assign('successSend', (int)$cookie->success_send); $smarty->assign('errorLabels', (int)$cookie->error_labels); $smarty->assign('pagerTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/pager_template.tpl'); $smarty->assign( 'ordersTableTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/orders_history_table_template.tpl' ); $smarty->assign( 'submenuTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/order_submenu_template.tpl' ); $smarty->assign('actual', 'history'); $smarty->assign('baseDir', __PS_BASE_URI__); $cookie->success_send = 0; $cookie->error_labels = 0; return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/orders_history.tpl'); } /** * Prepares the page to send a EnvoiMoinsCher shipment command. * @access public * @return Smarty Displays Smarty template. */ public function send() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $html = ''; $order_id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); $post_data = $this->model->getPostData($order_id); $emc_order = new EnvoimoinscherOrder($this->model); $order_stats = $emc_order->getStats(); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_TYPE')); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $data = $this->model->prepareOrderInfo($order_id, $config, true, false); if ($data['is_dp'] == 1) { $url = Envoimoinscher::getMapByOpe( $data['code_eo'], Tools::substr($data['order'][0]['offerCode'], 5), $config['EMC_CITY'], $config['EMC_POSTALCODE'], $config['EMC_ADDRESS'], 'FR' ); $urlChoixRelais = Envoimoinscher::getMapByOpe( $data['code_eo'], Tools::substr($data['order'][0]['offerCode'], 5), $config['EMC_CITY'], $config['EMC_POSTALCODE'], $config['EMC_ADDRESS'], 'FR', 'depot.pointrelais' ); $helper->setFields( 'depot.pointrelais', array('helper' => '

' . $this->l('Get parcel point') . '
' . $this->l('If the popup do not show up : ') . '' . $this->l('clic here') . '

') ); } elseif ($data['is_dp'] == 2) { $helper->setFields( 'depot.pointrelais', array( 'type' => 'input', 'helper' => '', 'hidden' => true ) ); } $url = Envoimoinscher::getMapByOpe( $data['code_eo'], Tools::substr($data['order'][0]['offerCode'], 5), urlencode($data['delivery']['ville']), $data['delivery']['code_postal'], urlencode($data['delivery']['adresse']), $data['order'][0]['iso_code'] ); $urlChoixRelais = Envoimoinscher::getMapByOpe( $data['code_eo'], Tools::substr($data['order'][0]['offerCode'], 5), urlencode($data['delivery']['ville']), $data['delivery']['code_postal'], urlencode($data['delivery']['adresse']), $data['order'][0]['iso_code'], 'retrait.pointrelais' ); $helper->setFields( 'retrait.pointrelais', array('helper' => '

' . $this->l('Get parcel point') . '
' . $this->l('If the popup do not show up : ') . '' . $this->l('clic here') . '

') ); // Check if we have data from previous sending try //$show_dst_block = false; $delivery_info = $post_data['delivery']; if (count($delivery_info) > 1) { //$show_dst_block = true; $data['delivery'] = $delivery_info; } $emc_carrier = isset($data['order'][0]['external_module_name']) && $data['order'][0]['external_module_name'] == $this->name; $offer_data = $this->getOfferToSendPage($data, $helper, $post_data); $smarty->assign('local_fancybox', $this->useLocalFancybox()); $smarty->assign('proforma', $offer_data['isProforma']); $smarty->assign('proformaData', $offer_data['proforma']); $smarty->assign('offer', $offer_data['offer']); $smarty->assign('offers', $offer_data['allOffers']); $smarty->assign('offersNb', count($offer_data['allOffers'])); $smarty->assign('installedServices', $offer_data['installedSrv']); $smarty->assign('isFound', $offer_data['isFound']); $smarty->assign('isEMCCarrier', $emc_carrier); $smarty->assign('insuranceHtml', isset($offer_data['insuranceHtml']) ? $offer_data['insuranceHtml'] : ''); if (!$emc_carrier) { $data['order'][0]['label_es'] = $data['order'][0]['name']; $data['order'][0]['name_eo'] = $data['order'][0]['name']; } $smarty->assign('orderInfo', $data['order'][0]); $smarty->assign('deliveryInfo', $data['delivery']); $smarty->assign('shipperInfo', array( 'country' => 'FR', 'postalcode' => $config['EMC_POSTALCODE'], 'city' => $config['EMC_CITY'] )); $smarty->assign('orderId', $order_id); $smarty->assign('envUrl', $this->environments[$config['EMC_ENV']]['link']); $smarty->assign('multiParcel', $config['EMC_MULTIPARCEL'] == 'on'); $smarty->assign('token', Tools::getValue('token')); $smarty->assign('alreadyPassed', $this->isPassed($order_id)); $smarty->assign('isSendLocked', $this->isSendLocked($order_id)); $smarty->assign('emcBaseDir', _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/'); $weight = $data['productWeight']; $parcels = $post_data['parcels']; $parcels_length = count($parcels); if ($parcels_length < 2) { $parcels_length = ''; $parcels = array(); } else { $weight = 0; foreach ($parcels as $parcel) { $weight += (float)$parcel; } } $smarty->assign('parcels', $parcels); $smarty->assign('baseJs', _PS_JS_DIR_); $smarty->assign('dimensions', $data['dimensions']); $smarty->assign('parcelsLength', $parcels_length); unset($cookie->emc_order_parcels); $smarty->assign('adminImg', _PS_ADMIN_IMG_); $smarty->assign('baseDirCss', __PS_BASE_URI__); $smarty->assign('moduleBaseDir', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/'); $smarty->assign('showDstBlock', count($delivery_info) > 1 || (!$emc_carrier && !$offer_data['isFound'])); $smarty->assign('weight', $weight); $smarty->assign('tableTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/offersTable.tpl'); $smarty->assign( 'notFoundTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/offersNotFound.tpl' ); if (!empty($order_stats)) { $smarty->assign('ordersAll', $order_stats['total']); $smarty->assign('ordersDone', $order_stats['skipped'] + $order_stats['ok'] + $order_stats['errors']); $smarty->assign( 'orderTodo', $order_stats['total'] - ($order_stats['skipped'] + $order_stats['ok'] + $order_stats['errors']) ); } else { $smarty->assign('orderTodo', 0); $order_stats['total'] = 0; } $smarty->assign('nextOrderId', $emc_order->getNextOrderId()); $smarty->assign('massTemplate', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'envoimoinscher/views/templates/admin/massOrders.tpl'); $smarty->assign('checkAssu', ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ASSU') == 1)); if ($post_data['emcErrorSend'] == 1 && ($order_stats['total'] == 0 || $emc_order->isErrorType())) { $smarty->assign('errorMessage', $post_data['emcErrorTxt']); $smarty->assign('showErrorMessage', 1); $smarty->assign('errorType', 'order'); } elseif (count($offer_data['errors']) > 0) { $smarty->assign('errorMessage', implode('
', $offer_data['errors'])); $smarty->assign('showErrorMessage', 1); $smarty->assign('errorType', 'quote'); } $this->model->removeTemporaryPost($order_id); // Delete post values $cookie->normal_order_passed = -1; // show nothing on table page if ((float)$weight == 0) { $html .= parent::adminDisplayWarning( $this->l( 'Your order has not weight, please check your products.' ) ); } return $html . $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/send.tpl'); } /** * Gets offer for changed weight. * @access public * @return Displayed template. */ public function getOffersNewWeight() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $order_id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_TYPE')); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $data = $this->model->prepareOrderInfo($order_id, $config); $data['productWeight'] = (float)str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('weight')); // If option 'use content as parcel description' is checked if ((int)$config['EMC_CONTENT_AS_DESC'] == 1) { $category_row = EnvoimoinscherModel::getNameCategory($config['EMC_NATURE']); $data['default']['colis.description'] = $category_row; } $offer_data = $this->getOfferToSendPage($data, $helper, false); $smarty->assign('offer', $offer_data['offer']); $smarty->assign('orderInfo', $data['order'][0]); $smarty->assign('isFound', $offer_data['isFound']); $smarty->assign('installedServices', $offer_data['installedSrv']); $smarty->assign('offers', $offer_data['allOffers']); $smarty->assign('offersNb', count($offer_data['allOffers'])); $smarty->assign('isajax', 1); $smarty->assign('modifPrice', 1); // template was reloaded after weight or multi parcel change $smarty->assign('adminImg', _PS_ADMIN_IMG_); $smarty->assign('orderId', $order_id); $smarty->assign('token', Tools::getValue('token')); $smarty->assign('isEMCCarrier', $data['order'][0]['external_module_name'] == $this->name); if ($offer_data['isFound']) { return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/offersTable.tpl'); } else { return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/offersNotFound.tpl'); } } /** * Commands the shipping offer. * @access public * @return void */ public function command() { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_TYPE')); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $order_id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); $emc_order = new EnvoimoinscherOrder($this->model); $stats = $emc_order->getStats(); $is_mass_order = (isset($stats['total']) && $stats['total'] > 0); $emc_order->setOrderId($order_id); $data = $this->model->prepareOrderInfo($emc_order->getOrderId(), $config); $emc_order->setPrestashopConfig($this->getModuleConfig()); $emc_order->setOrderData($data); $emc_order->setOfferData($this->getOfferToSendPage($data, $helper)); $result = $emc_order->doOrder(false); if ($is_mass_order && ($result || (!$result && !$emc_order->isErrorType()))) { $emc_order->skipOrder($order_id); $emc_order->updateOrdersList(); } $admin_link_base = $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); if ($is_mass_order && $emc_order->doOtherOrders()) { if (!$result && $emc_order->isErrorType()) { Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&id_order=' . $order_id . '&option=send'); die(); } // make next order $this->model->removeTemporaryPost($order_id); $emc_order->setOrderId(0); Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&id_order=' . $emc_order->getOrderId() . '&option=send'); die(); } elseif ($is_mass_order && !$emc_order->doOtherOrders()) { $this->model->removeTemporaryPost($order_id); $cookie->mass_order_passed = 1; Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base); die(); } elseif (!$is_mass_order) { $cookie->normal_order_passed = (int)$result; if ($result) { Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base); die(); } } Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&id_order=' . $order_id . '&option=send'); die(); } /** * Replaces old offer by the new one. * @return Smarty Smarty template. */ public function replaceOffer() { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; require_once('Env/WebService.php'); require_once('Env/Quotation.php'); $order_id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); $code = explode('_', Tools::getValue('code')); if (ctype_alnum($code[0]) && ctype_alnum($code[1])) { $rows = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services es JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_operators eo ON eo.code_eo = es.emc_operators_code_eo LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier c ON c.id_carrier = es.id_carrier WHERE es.code_es = "' . $code[1] . '" AND es.emc_operators_code_eo = "' . $code[0] . '"'); if (count($rows) == 0 || (int)$rows[0]['id_carrier'] == 0) { // get default tracking urls $tracking_urls = EnvoimoinscherHelper::$tracking_urls; // carrier was not found, insert a new carrier (which is deleted) $data = array( 'name' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::getTranslation($rows[0]['srv_name_fo_es'], 'fr-fr'), 'active' => 0, 'is_module' => 1, 'need_range' => 1, 'deleted' => 1, 'range_behavior' => 1, 'shipping_external' => 1, 'external_module_name' => pSQL($this->name), 'url' => isset($tracking_urls[$rows[0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $rows[0]['code_es']]) ? pSQL($tracking_urls[$rows[0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $rows[0]['code_es']]) : '' ); $lang_data = array( 'id_lang' => (int)$cookie->id_lang, 'delay' => pSQL($rows[0]['desc_store_es']) ); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier', $data, 'INSERT'); $lang_data['id_carrier'] = (int)Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); DB::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier SET id_reference = '. $lang_data['id_carrier'] .' WHERE id_carrier = '.(int)$lang_data['id_carrier']); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier_lang', $lang_data, 'INSERT'); // prestashop standard ... $carrier = array('id_carrier' => (int)$lang_data['id_carrier'], 'id_group' => 0); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier_group', $carrier, 'INSERT'); $rows[0]['id_carrier'] = $lang_data['id_carrier']; DB::getInstance()->Execute( 'UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services SET id_carrier = ' . (int)$lang_data['id_carrier'] . ', ref_carrier = ' . (int)$lang_data['id_carrier'] . ' WHERE id_es = ' . (int)$rows[0]['id_es'] . '' ); } // update carrier for this order (check first if order exists in order_carrier) $row = Db::getInstance()->getRow( 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier WHERE id_order = ' . (int)$order_id ); if ($row == false) { Db::getInstance()->update( 'orders', array( 'id_carrier' => (int)$rows[0]['id_carrier'], ), 'id_order = ' . (int)$order_id ); } else { Db::getInstance()->update( 'order_carrier', array( 'id_carrier' => (int)$rows[0]['id_carrier'], ), 'id_order = ' . (int)$order_id ); } } $admin_link_base = $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&option=send&id_order=' . $order_id); } /** * Tracking function. * @return Smarty Smarty template. */ public function getTracking() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $order_id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); // get tracking informations $order = $this->model->getOrderData($order_id); $smarty->assign('rows', $this->model->getTrackingInfos($order_id)); $smarty->assign('order', $order[0]); $smarty->assign('isAdmin', true); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/tracking.tpl'); } /** * Gets offer choosen by customer. * @access public * @param arrat $data Configuration data. * @return array */ public function getOfferToSendPage($data, $helper, $session_data = array()) { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); if (isset($session_data['quote']) && count($session_data['quote']) > 0) { $quote_data = $session_data['quote']; } if (isset($session_data['parcels']) && count($session_data['parcels']) > 0) { $data['parcels'] = $session_data['parcels']; } require_once('Env/WebService.php'); require_once('Env/Quotation.php'); // EnvoiMoinsCher library $cot_cl = new EnvQuotation( array( 'user' => $config['EMC_LOGIN'], 'pass' => $config['EMC_PASS'], 'key' => $config['EMC_KEY_' . $config['EMC_ENV']] ) ); $cot_cl->setPlatformParams($this->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $this->version); $quot_info = array( 'collecte' => $this->setCollectDate(array( 'j1' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_J1'], 'j2' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_J2'], 'split' => $config['EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT'], )), 'type_emballage.emballage' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_WRAPPING'), 'delai' => 'aucun', 'code_contenu' => $config['EMC_NATURE'], 'valeur' => (float)$data['order'][0]['total_products'], 'module' => $this->ws_name, 'version' => $this->local_version ); $cot_cl->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($config['EMC_ENV'])); $cot_cl->setLocale($this->getContext()->language->language_code); $cot_cl->setPerson( 'expediteur', array( 'pays' => 'FR', 'code_postal' => $config['EMC_POSTALCODE'], 'ville' => $config['EMC_CITY'], 'type' => 'entreprise', 'adresse' => $config['EMC_ADDRESS'] ) ); $cot_cl->setPerson( 'destinataire', array( 'pays' => $data['delivery']['pays'], 'code_postal' => $data['delivery']['code_postal'], 'ville' => $data['delivery']['ville'], 'type' => $data['delivery']['type'], 'adresse' => $data['delivery']['adresse'] ) ); $cot_cl->setType($config['EMC_TYPE'], $data['parcels']); @$cot_cl->getQuotation($quot_info); // Init params for Quotation $cot_cl->getOffers(false); // Get Offers $is_found = false; $final_offer = $proforma_data = array(); $is_proforma = false; // $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; foreach ($cot_cl->offers as $o => $offer) { if ($offer['operator']['code'] == $data['order'][0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] && $offer['service']['code'] == $data['order'][0]['code_es']) { // handle session data $offer['priceInsHT'] = (float)isset($offer['insurance']) ? $offer['insurance']['tax-exclusive'] : 0; $offer['priceInsTTC'] = (float)isset($offer['insurance']) ? $offer['insurance']['tax-inclusive'] : 0; $offer['priceHTNoIns'] = $offer['price']['tax-exclusive']; $offer['priceTTCNoIns'] = $offer['price']['tax-inclusive']; $offer['priceHT'] = $offer['price']['tax-exclusive'] + $offer['priceInsHT']; $offer['priceTTC'] = $offer['price']['tax-inclusive'] + $offer['priceInsTTC']; $offer['insurance'] = $data['default']['assurance.selection']; $offer['collect'] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($offer['collection']['date'])); $offer['delivery'] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($offer['delivery']['date'])); foreach ($offer['mandatory'] as $mandatory) { // special case : Chronopost (we have to pass an parameter for parcel point) $default_info = ''; if (isset($quote_data[$mandatory['code']])) { $default_info = $quote_data[$mandatory['code']]; } elseif (isset($data['default'][$mandatory['code']])) { $default_info = $data['default'][$mandatory['code']]; } $field_type = 'text'; if ($mandatory['code'] == 'depot.pointrelais' || $mandatory['code'] == 'retrait.pointrelais') { if (strpos($default_info, '-') !== false) { $data_def = explode('-', $default_info); if (count($data_def) > 1) { $info = $data_def[count($data_def) - 1]; } else { $info = $data_def[1]; } $default_info = $info; } if (preg_match('/POST/i', $mandatory['array'][0])) { $field_type = 'hidden'; } } $offer['output'][] = $helper->prepareMandatory($mandatory, $default_info, $field_type, true); } if (isset($offer['mandatory']['proforma.description_en']) && count($offer['mandatory']['proforma.description_en']) > 0) { $is_proforma = true; $proforma_data = $data['proforma']; $session_proforma = Tools::jsonDecode($cookie->emc_order_proforma, true); if (isset($session_proforma[1]) && count($session_proforma[1]) > 1) { $proforma_data = $session_proforma; } } $assurance_html = array(); if (isset($offer['options']['assurance']['parameters'])) { foreach ($offer['options']['assurance']['parameters'] as $a => $assurance) { $default = ''; if (isset($session_data['quote'][$a])) { $default = $session_data['quote'][$a]; } elseif (is_array($assurance['values']) && !empty($assurance['values'])) { $default = min(array_keys($assurance['values'])); } $helper->putNewInsuranceChoice($a, $assurance['values']); $mandatory = array('code' => $a, 'label' => $assurance['label']); $assurance_html[] = $helper->prepareMandatory($mandatory, $default, 'select'); } } $offer['insuranceHtml'] = $assurance_html; $is_found = true; $final_offer = $offer; break; } $cot_cl->offers[$o]['code'] = $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' . $offer['service']['code']; } $all_offers = array(); $installed_srv = array(); $all_offers = $cot_cl->offers; $services = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT *, CONCAT_WS("_", emc_operators_code_eo, code_es) AS offerCode FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services' ); foreach ($services as $service) { $installed_srv[] = $service['offerCode']; // add clean name for dropdown foreach ($all_offers as $o => $offer) { if (isset($offer['operator']['code']) && $service['emc_operators_code_eo'] == $offer['operator']['code'] && isset($offer['service']['code']) && $service['code_es'] == $offer['service']['code']) { $all_offers[$o]['label_es'] = $service['label_es']; } } } $errors = array(); if ($cot_cl->curl_error || $cot_cl->resp_error) { if ($cot_cl->curl_error_text != '') { $errors[] = $cot_cl->curl_error_text; } foreach ($cot_cl->resp_errors_list as $error) { $errors[] = $error['message']; } } unset($cookie->emc_order_data); unset($cookie->emc_order_proforma); unset($cookie->emc_delivery_contact); return array( 'offer' => $final_offer, 'allOffers' => $all_offers, 'errors' => $errors, 'installedSrv' => $installed_srv, 'isFound' => (bool)$is_found, 'isProforma' => $is_proforma, 'proforma' => $proforma_data); } /** * Make collect date. We can't collect on Sunday. * @access public * @var array $delays Delays array. * @return String Collect date. */ public function setCollectDate($delays) { $today = strtotime('Today'); $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i')); $time_split = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $today) . ' ' . (int)$delays['split'] . ':00'); if ($time < $time_split) { $days_delay = $delays['j1']; } else { $days_delay = $delays['j2']; } $result = strtotime('+' . $days_delay . 'days', $time); if (date('N', $result) == 7) { $result = strtotime('+1 day', $result); } return date('Y-m-d', $result); } /** * Returns missed fields list. * @param array $obligatory List with obligatory fields. * @param array $values Values to check. * @return array Empty array or with labels of missed fields. */ private function makeMissedList($obligatory, $values) { $missed = array(); $dictionnary = array( 'EMC_KEY_TEST' => $this->l('the test API key'), 'EMC_KEY_PROD' => $this->l('the production API key'), 'EMC_LOGIN' => $this->l('the EnvoiMoinsCher login'), 'EMC_PASS' => $this->l('the EnvoiMoinsCher password'), 'EMC_FNAME' => $this->l('the first name'), 'EMC_LNAME' => $this->l('the name'), 'EMC_COMPANY' => $this->l('the company'), 'EMC_ADDRESS' => $this->l('the address'), 'EMC_POSTALCODE' => $this->l('the postal code'), 'EMC_CITY' => $this->l('the town'), 'EMC_TEL' => $this->l('the phone number'), 'EMC_MAIL' => $this->l('the email address'), 'EMC_PICKUP_J1' => $this->l('the pickup day')); foreach ($values as $k => $value) { if (in_array($k, $obligatory) && trim($value) == '') { $missed[] = $dictionnary[$k]; } } return $missed; } /** * Returns false to not display carrier like a Prestashop carrier. These carriers are displayed by * hookExtraCarrier method. * @param array $ref List with cart data. * @param float $shipping_cost Cost of shipping. * @access public * @return false */ public function getOrderShippingCost($ref, $shipping_cost) { return $this->getOrderShippingCostSubFunction($ref, $this->id_carrier); } /** * Sub Function to getOrderShippingCost to be used from hookDisplayBeforeCarrier as well. * Gets results from cache or api call and stores results in cache * @param array $cart List with cart data. * @param int $carrierId The carrier id. * @access public * @return rate or false if carrier shouldn't be displayed */ public function getOrderShippingCostSubFunction($cart, $carrierId) { // exit if module is offline or multishipping is enabled if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_SRV_MODE') == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG || (int) EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ALLOW_MULTISHIPPING') == 1) { return false; } // if option disable cart 1 is enabled, we want an estimate until an address is set if ($cart->id_address_delivery == 0 && (int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_DISABLE_CART') == 1) { return $this->getPsRate($cart->id, $carrierId); } /* if option disable cart 2 is enabled, we want an estimate until carrier choice is done * for 5-step checkout: we should need to check if id_carrier is set, and exclude carrier choice page (step 2) * check on id_delivery_option needs to be done for 1st change of carrier * for one-page-checkout: for controllers involved in carrier choice, we give an estimate until address is set * for all other controllers, we give an estimate if address is not set or carrier choice is not done yet */ if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_DISABLE_CART') == 2) { $controller = $this->getContext()->controller; $controllerClass = get_class($controller); $carrierControllers = array( "OrderOpcController", "EnvoimoinscherAjaxModuleFrontController", "PageNotFoundController" ); if (((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 0 && Tools::getValue('step') != 2 && $cart->id_carrier == 0 && !Tools::isSubmit('id_delivery_option')) || ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 1 && ((($cart->id_carrier == 0 || $cart->id_address_delivery == 0) && !in_array($controllerClass, $carrierControllers)) || ($cart->id_address_delivery == 0 && in_array($controllerClass, $carrierControllers))))) { return $this->getPsRate($cart->id, $carrierId); } } // Get sender $from = $this->model->getSender(); // Get recipient $to = $this->model->getRecipient($cart->id, $cart->id_address_delivery); /* if address is not set and EMC_DISABLE_CART is set to 0, the default address is used */ /* check on values is useful for sites which use an account validation through email */ if ((empty($to) || (isset($to['code_postal']) && $to['code_postal'] == "") || (isset($to['ville']) && $to['ville'] == "") || (isset($to['pays']) && Tools::strlen($to['pays']) != 2)) && (int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_DISABLE_CART') == 0) { $to = $this->model->getDefaultAddress(); } // Get cart dimensions $weight = $this->model->getCartWeight($cart->id); $dimensions = $this->model->getDimensionsByWeight($weight); $parcels = array( 1 => array( 'poids' => $weight, 'longueur' => isset($dimensions[0]['length_ed']) ? $dimensions[0]['length_ed'] : 0, 'largeur' => isset($dimensions[0]['width_ed']) ? $dimensions[0]['width_ed'] : 0, 'hauteur' => isset($dimensions[0]['height_ed']) ? $dimensions[0]['height_ed'] : 0 ) ); $params = array( 'collecte' => $this->setCollectDate(array( 'j1' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_PICKUP_J1'), 'j2' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_PICKUP_J2'), 'split' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT'), )), 'delai' => 'aucun', 'code_contenu' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_NATURE'), 'valeur' => $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), 'module' => $this->ws_name, 'version' => $this->local_version, 'emc_type' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_TYPE') ); $offers = $this->getQuote($from, $to, $parcels, $params, false, true); // Store relay points and delivery date for display $points = array(); $delivery_dates = array(); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; if (count($offers) != 0) { foreach ($offers as $offer) { $tmpCarrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode($offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code']); if ($tmpCarrierId != 0) { // Store relay points if (isset($offer['mandatory']['retrait.pointrelais'])) { $points[$tmpCarrierId] = implode(',', $offer['mandatory']['retrait.pointrelais']['array']); } // Store delivery date if (isset($offer['delivery']['date'])) { $delivery_dates[$tmpCarrierId] = $offer['delivery']['date']; } } } } // put parcel points in cache $pointCode = $helper->getPointCode($cart->id); $this->model->setCache($pointCode, $points, 86400); // put delivery dates in cache $deliveryCode = $helper->getDeliveryDateCode($cart->id); $this->model->setCache($deliveryCode, $delivery_dates, 86400); // get cart rules (which use a code) if there is any $cart_rules_in_cart = $helper->getCartRules($cart->id); // cache offers override for a few seconds because PS calls this function for each carrier separately $offerProcessedCode = $helper->getOfferProcessedCode($offers, $cart->id, $cart_rules_in_cart); if (!$this->model->getCache($offerProcessedCode)) { if (count($offers) != 0) { // uncomment to see in logs why carriers don't show in front // (fonction is useless here because PS excludes carriers beforehand) // $offers = $this->psCarriersExclude($offers, $cart->id); // convert price from euro to default currency if necessary $defaultCurrency = new Currency(Currency::getDefaultCurrency()->id); if ($defaultCurrency->iso_code != 'EUR') { $euro = $this->model->getEuro(); foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $convertedPrice = Tools::convertPrice($offer['price']['tax-exclusive'], $euro, false); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - converting price for carrier %1$s to %2$s: %3$s%2$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $defaultCurrency->sign, $convertedPrice ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = $convertedPrice; } } // apply rate price if needed $offers = $this->applyRatePrice($offers, $cart->id); // apply Prestashop price configuration $offers = $this->psPriceOverride($offers, $cart->id); // convert price from default currency to cart currency if necessary $cartCurrency = new Currency($cart->id_currency); if ($cartCurrency->iso_code != $defaultCurrency->iso_code) { foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - converting price for carrier %1$s to %2$s: %3$s%2$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $cartCurrency->sign, Tools::convertPrice($offer['price']['tax-exclusive'], $cartCurrency, true) ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = Tools::convertPrice( $offer['price']['tax-exclusive'], $cartCurrency, true ); } } $offers = $this->model->makeCarrierIdKeys($offers); } $this->model->setCache($offerProcessedCode, $offers, 30); } else { $offers = $this->model->getCache($offerProcessedCode); } if (isset($offers[$carrierId])) { $return = $offers[$carrierId]['price']['tax-exclusive']; } else { $return = false; } return $return; } public function getPackageShippingCost($r, $s, $products = null) { return $this->getOrderShippingCost($r, 322); } /** * Returns false to not display carrier like a Prestashop carrier. These carriers are displayed by * hookExtraCarrier method. * @param array $ref List with cart data. * @param float $shipping_cost Cost of shipping. * @access public * @return false */ public function getOrderShippingCostExternal($ref) { return $this->getOrderShippingCost($ref, 322); } /** * Get rates as defined by carrier ranges for quotation bypass if EMC_DISABLE_CART is on. * @param int $cartId the cart id. * @param int $id_carrier The carrier id. * @access public * @return false or float */ public function getPsRate($cartId, $id_carrier) { $cart = new Cart($cartId); // check carrier is active for France $zoneId = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT id_zone FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country WHERE iso_code = "FR"'); $zoneId = $zoneId[0]['id_zone']; $carriers_zone = $this->model->getEmcCarriersByZone($zoneId, $cart->id_lang); $is_available = false; foreach ($carriers_zone as $carrier) { if ($carrier['id_carrier'] = $id_carrier) { $is_available = true; } } if (!$is_available) { return false; } $weight = $this->model->getCartWeightRaw($cartId); $rate = 0; $carrier = new Carrier($id_carrier); $is_weight_method = $carrier->getShippingMethod() == Carrier::SHIPPING_METHOD_WEIGHT ? true : false; if ($is_weight_method) { if (Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByWeight( $id_carrier, $weight, $zoneId )) { $rate = $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByWeight( $weight, $zoneId ); } } else { if (Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByPrice( $id_carrier, $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $zoneId, $cart->id_currency ) ) { $rate = $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice( $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $zoneId ); } } // check if there are additional costs (configured on products, calculated in cart) $additionalCost = 0; foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $product) { $additionalCost += $product['additional_shipping_cost']; } $rate += $additionalCost; // Handling cost if ($carrier->shipping_handling) { $shipping_handling = (float)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING'); $rate += $shipping_handling; } return $rate; } /** * Adds PS configuration additional costs to offers. * @param array $offers offers returned by API. * @returns array $offers with prices override. */ private function psPriceOverride($offers, $cartId) { $cart = new Cart($cartId); $defaultCurrency = new Currency(Currency::getDefaultCurrency()->id); $configuration = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigMultiple(array( 'PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING', 'EMC_ENABLED_LOGS' )); // check if there are additional costs (configured on products, calculated in cart) $additionalCost = 0; foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $product) { $additionalCost += $product['additional_shipping_cost'] * $product['cart_quantity']; } foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode($offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code']); // add additional costs if ($additionalCost != 0) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - adding to carrier %1$s additional shipping fees %2$s%3$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $additionalCost, $defaultCurrency->sign ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] += $additionalCost; } // add shipping handling costs $carrier = new Carrier($carrierId); if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']) && $carrier->shipping_handling && $configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING'] > 0) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - adding to carrier %1$s handling charges %2$s%3$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING'], $defaultCurrency->sign ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] += (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']; } } return $offers; } /** * Set carriers free according to Prestashop configuration. * @param array $offers offers returned by API. * @returns array $offers with prices override. */ private function applyFree($offers, $cartId) { $cart = new Cart($cartId); $configuration = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigMultiple(array( 'PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE', 'PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT', 'EMC_ENABLED_LOGS' )); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; // get carriers set free because of cart rules // code taken from Prestashop Cart.php class. May differ depending on PS version... $cart_rules = CartRule::getCustomerCartRules($cart->id_lang, $cart->id_customer, true, true, false, $cart); $cart_rules_in_cart = $helper->getCartRules($cart->id); $total_products_wt = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $total_products = $cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $free_carriers_rules = array(); foreach ($cart_rules as $cart_rule) { $total_price = $cart_rule['minimum_amount_tax'] ? $total_products_wt : $total_products; // if cart rule is "Shipping included", exit function if ($cart_rule['minimum_amount_shipping']) { // if cart rule involves making shipping free, send warning in logs if ($cart_rule['free_shipping']) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Cart rules must be set to Shipping excluded in order to work properly. '. 'Check cart rule %1$s' ), $cart_rule['id_cart_rule'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 4); } continue; } if ($cart_rule['free_shipping'] && $cart_rule['carrier_restriction'] && $cart_rule['minimum_amount'] <= $total_price && (in_array((int)$cart_rule['id_cart_rule'], $cart_rules_in_cart) || $cart_rule['code'] == "")) { $cr = new CartRule((int)$cart_rule['id_cart_rule']); $context = Context::getContext(); if (!$context->cart) { $context = $context->cloneContext(); $context->cart = $cart; } // for the simulator we need to add a default carrier in cart if (!$context->cart->id_carrier) { $firstCarrier = current($offers); $context->cart->id_carrier = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode( $firstCarrier['service']['code'], $firstCarrier['operator']['code'] ); } if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cr) && $cr->checkValidity( $context, in_array((int)$cart_rule['id_cart_rule'], $cart_rules_in_cart), false, false )) { $carriers = $cr->getAssociatedRestrictions('carrier', true, false); if (is_array($carriers) && count($carriers) && isset($carriers['selected'])) { foreach ($carriers['selected'] as $carrier) { if (isset($carrier['id_carrier']) && $carrier['id_carrier']) { $free_carriers_rules[] = array('id_carrier' => (int)$carrier['id_carrier'], 'id_cart_rule' => $cart_rule['id_cart_rule'] ); } } } } } elseif ($cart_rule['free_shipping'] && $cart_rule['minimum_amount'] <= $total_price && (in_array((int)$cart_rule['id_cart_rule'], $cart_rules_in_cart) || $cart_rule['code'] == "")) { // in case no carrier has been selected, all must be set free foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode( $offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code'] ); $free_carriers_rules[] = array( 'id_carrier' => (int)$carrierId, 'id_cart_rule' => $cart_rule['id_cart_rule'] ); } } } foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode($offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code']); $carrier = new Carrier($carrierId); // check if carrier is set free if (isset($carrier->is_free) && $carrier->is_free) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - carrier %1$s is configured as a free carrier'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = 0; } // check if carrier is free because of cart rules foreach ($free_carriers_rules as $free_carriers_rule) { if (array_search($carrierId, $free_carriers_rule) !== false) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - carrier %1$s is set free by cart rule %2$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $free_carriers_rule['id_cart_rule'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = 0; } } } // check if free because of cart price $free_fees_price = 0; if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE'])) { $free_fees_price = (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']; } if ($cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING) >= (float)$free_fees_price && (float)$free_fees_price > 0) { if ((int)$configuration['EMC_ENABLED_LOGS'] == 1) { $message = $this->l('Quotation - all carriers free because of cart price'); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = 0; } return $offers; } // check if free because of cart weight if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT'])) { $weight = $this->model->getCartWeightRaw($cartId); if ($weight >= (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT'] && (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT'] > 0) { if ((int)$configuration['EMC_ENABLED_LOGS'] == 1) { $message = $this->l('Quotation - all carriers free because of cart weight'); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = 0; } return $offers; } } return $offers; } /** * Apply rate price if needed. * @param array $offers offers returned by API. * @returns array $offers with prices override. */ private function applyRatePrice($offers, $cartId) { $cart = new Cart($cartId); $recipient = $this->model->getRecipient($cartId, $cart->id_address_delivery); if (empty($recipient)) { $recipient = $this->model->getDefaultAddress(); } // get zone id for country $zoneId = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT id_zone FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country WHERE iso_code = "'.pSQL($recipient['pays']).'"' ); if (isset($zoneId[0]['id_zone'])) { $zoneId = $zoneId[0]['id_zone']; } else { $zoneId = 0; } $weight = $this->model->getCartWeightRaw($cartId); foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode($offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code']); switch ($this->model->isRatePrice($carrierId)) { case 0: break; case 1: $carrier = new Carrier($carrierId); if (Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByWeight( $carrierId, $weight, $zoneId ) ) { $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = (float)$carrier->getDeliveryPriceByWeight( $weight, $zoneId ); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - price range applied to %1$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } } break; case 2: $carrier = new Carrier($carrierId); if (Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByPrice( $carrierId, $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $zoneId, $cart->id_currency )) { $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = (float)$carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice( $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $zoneId ); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - price range applied to %1$s'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } } break; } } return $offers; } /** * Excludes carriers if they aren't in PS configured ranges/zones. Used in tests(). * @param array $offers offers array. * @param object $cartId cart id. * @returns boolean. Returns true if the carrier needs to be excluded, false if not. */ private function psCarriersExclude($offers, $cartId) { $cart = new Cart($cartId); $recipient = $this->model->getRecipient($cartId, $cart->id_address_delivery); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; // get zone id for country $zoneId = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT id_zone FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'country WHERE iso_code = "'.pSQL($recipient['pays']).'"' ); if (isset($zoneId[0]['id_zone'])) { $zoneId = $zoneId[0]['id_zone']; } else { $zoneId = 0; } // available carriers for this zone $carriersZone = $helper->makeCodeKeys($this->model->getEmcCarriersByZone($zoneId, $cart->id_lang)); // exclude carriers from offers if they are not active for this zone $weight = $this->model->getCartWeightRaw($cartId); foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { // because is not active in this zone if (!isset($carriersZone[$offer['operator']['code'] . '_' . $offer['service']['code']])) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - carrier %1$s not active for this zone'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode($offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code']); $carrier = new Carrier($carrierId); if ($carrier->getShippingMethod() == Carrier::SHIPPING_METHOD_WEIGHT) { // because weight is out of range if (!Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByWeight( $carrierId, $weight, $zoneId )) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - %1$s is removed because of price range configuration'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } } else { // because price is out of range if (!Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByPrice( $carrierId, $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $zoneId, $cart->id_currency )) { $offers[$key]['price']['tax-exclusive'] = $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice( $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $zoneId ); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - %1$s is removed because of price range configuration'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } } } // Get cart dimensions $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode($offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code']); $carrier = new Carrier($carrierId); // Product attributes at this time (PS are not taken into account by PS foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $product) { // check weight if ((float)$carrier->max_weight > 0 && (float)$carrier->max_weight < (float)$product['weight']) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Quotation - carrier %1$s is removed because product %2$s ' .'is over its configured max weight' ), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $product['id_product'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } // check width if ((float)$carrier->max_width > 0 && (float)$carrier->max_width < (float)$product['width']) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Quotation - carrier %1$s is removed because product %2$s ' .'is over its configured max width' ), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $product['id_product'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } // check length if ((float)$carrier->max_depth > 0 && (float)$carrier->max_depth < (float)$product['depth']) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Quotation - carrier %1$s is removed because product %2$s ' .'is over its configured max depth' ), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $product['id_product'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } // check height if ((float)$carrier->max_height > 0 && (float)$carrier->max_height < (float)$product['height']) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Quotation - carrier %1$s is removed because product %2$s ' .'is over its configured max height' ), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'], $product['id_product'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } // exclude because of product configuration $cacheKey = 'carrier_list_by_product'.(int)$product['id_product'].'-'.(int)$shop->id; if (!$this->model->getCache($cacheKey)) { $productCarriers = Db::getInstance()->executeS( 'SELECT c.id_carrier FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_carrier pc JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier c ON c.id_reference = pc.id_carrier_reference AND c.deleted = 0 WHERE pc.id_product = '.(int)$product['id_product'].' AND pc.id_shop = '.(int)$shop->id ); $this->model->setCache($cacheKey, $productCarriers, 30); } $productCarriers = $this->model->getCache($cacheKey); $availableCarriers = $helper->getProductCarrierIds($productCarriers); if ($availableCarriers) { $carrierId = $this->model->getCarrierIdByCode( $offer['service']['code'], $offer['operator']['code'] ); if (array_search($carrierId, $availableCarriers) === false) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Quotation - carrier %1$s is removed because at least one product ' .'has it deactivated' ), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' .$offer['service']['code'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } unset($offers[$key]); } } } } // TO DO exclude because of stock management return $offers; } /** * Checks user credentials. * @param array $data List of parameters. * @return int 1 if the credentials are valid, 0 if not. */ private function checkCredentials($data) { // always check the credentials and notify user if they aren't valid $options = array( CURLOPT_URL => $this->environments[$data['apiEnv']]['link'] . '/verifier_utilisateur.html', CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query(array( 'login' => $data['apiLogin'], 'key' => $data['apiKey'], 'store' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'platform' => 'Prestashop', 'tested' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1 ); $options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; $options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 0; $req = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($req, $options); $result = curl_exec($req); curl_close($req); $return = 1; // api connection problem was detected (wrong credentials) if (trim($result) != 1) { $return = 0; } return $return; } /** * Load all available carriers */ public function loadAllCarriers($ajax = true) { $result = array(); // on verifie qu'on est bien en mode de configuration if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_SRV_MODE') != EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG) { if ($ajax) { echo $this->l('Your module must be in offline mode.'); die(); } else { return false; } } // on recupere les services present $bd = Db::getInstance(); $sql_srv = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services'; $sql_ope = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_operators'; $services = $bd->ExecuteS($sql_srv); $operators = $bd->ExecuteS($sql_ope); // on recupere les services depuis le serveur envoimoinscher require_once('Env/WebService.php'); require_once('Env/CarriersList.php'); $login = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_LOGIN'); $pass = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_PASS'); $env = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENV'); $key = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_KEY_' . $env); $lib = new EnvCarriersList(array('user' => $login, 'pass' => $pass, 'key' => $key)); $lib->setPlatformParams($this->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $this->version); $lib->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($env)); $lib->setLocale('fr-fr'); // always check in french to keep label_es as is $lib->getCarriersList($this->ws_name, $this->version); if ($lib->curl_error) { if ($ajax) { echo $this->l('Error while updating your offers : '); foreach ($lib->resp_errors_list as $message) { echo '
' . $message['message']; } die(); } else { return false; } } elseif ($lib->resp_error) { if ($ajax) { echo $this->l('Error while updating your offers : '); foreach ($lib->resp_errors_list as $message) { echo '
' . $message['message']; } die(); } else { return false; } } $ope_no_change = array(); $ope_to_delete = array(); $ope_to_update = array(); $ope_to_insert = array(); $srv_no_change = array(); $srv_to_delete = array(); $srv_to_update = array(); $srv_to_insert = array(); $op_found = -1; $srv_found = -1; // on tri les transporteurs a rajouter, supprimer, modifier et ceux restant identique $last_ope_seen = ''; // on evite les doublons foreach ($lib->carriers as $carrier) { // modify language codes to match Prestashop conf ('fr_FR' => 'fr-fr') if (isset($carrier['translations'])) { foreach ($carrier['translations'] as $translated_field => $translations) { foreach ($translations as $lang_code => $text) { $carrier['translations'][$translated_field][Tools::strtolower( str_replace('_', '-', $lang_code) )] = $text; unset($carrier['translations'][$translated_field][$lang_code]); } } } // operateur trouve, on regarde s'il est different if ($last_ope_seen != $carrier['ope_code']) { $last_ope_seen = $carrier['ope_code']; // on compare l'operateur avec celui de la liste $op_found = -1; foreach ($operators as $id => $operator) { if ($operator['code_eo'] == $carrier['ope_code']) { $op_found = $id; if ($operator['name_eo'] != $carrier['ope_name']) { $ope_to_update[count($ope_to_update)] = $carrier; } else { $ope_no_change[count($ope_no_change)] = $carrier; } break; } } if ($op_found == -1) { $ope_to_insert[count($ope_to_insert)] = $carrier; } else { unset($operators[$op_found]); } } // on compare le service avec celui de la liste $srv_found = -1; foreach ($services as $id => $service) { if ($service['emc_operators_code_eo'] == $carrier['ope_code'] && $service['code_es'] == $carrier['srv_code']) { $srv_found = $id; // service trouve, on regarde s'il est different if ($service['label_es'] != $carrier['old_srv_name'] || $service['desc_store_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['description']) || $service['label_store_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['srv_name_bo']) || $service['srv_name_fo_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['srv_name_fo']) || $service['family_es'] != $carrier['family'] || $service['zone_fr_es'] != $carrier['zone_fr'] || $service['zone_eu_es'] != $carrier['zone_eu'] || $service['zone_int_es'] != $carrier['zone_int'] || $service['zone_restriction_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['zone_restriction']) || $service['details_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['details']) || $service['delivery_due_time_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['delivery_due_time']) || $service['delivery_type_es'] != $carrier['delivery_type'] || $service['is_parcel_pickup_point_es'] != $carrier['parcel_pickup_point'] || $service['is_parcel_dropoff_point_es'] != $carrier['parcel_dropoff_point'] || $service['pickup_place_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['pickup_place']) || $service['dropoff_place_es'] != serialize($carrier['translations']['dropoff_place']) ) { $srv_to_update[] = $carrier; } else { $srv_no_change[] = $carrier; } break; } } if ($srv_found == -1) { $srv_to_insert[] = $carrier; } else { unset($services[$srv_found]); } } $srv_to_delete = $services; $ope_to_delete = $operators; // On met à jour la base // Requête insert services $query = array(); $sql = ''; $first_line = true; if (count($srv_to_insert) > 0) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services VALUES'; foreach ($srv_to_insert as $service) { if (!$first_line) { $sql .= ','; } $first_line = false; $sql .= '(null,0,0,"' . pSQL($service['srv_code']) . '","' . pSQL($service['ope_code']) . '","' . pSQL($service['old_srv_name']) . '","' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['description'])) . '","' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['srv_name_bo'])) . '","' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['srv_name_fo'])) . '",' . (int)$service['family'] . ',' . (int)$service['zone_fr'] . ',' . (int)$service['zone_eu'] . ',' . (int)$service['zone_int'] . ',"' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['zone_restriction'])) . '","' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['details'])) . '","' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['delivery_due_time'])) . '",' . (int)$service['delivery_type'] . ',' . (int)$service['parcel_pickup_point'] . ',' . (int)$service['parcel_dropoff_point'] . ',"' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['pickup_place'])) . '","' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['dropoff_place'])) . '",1)'; } $sql .= ';'; $query[] = $sql; } // Requête insert opeateurs if (count($ope_to_insert) > 0) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_operators VALUES'; $first_line = true; foreach ($ope_to_insert as $operator) { if (!$first_line) { $sql .= ','; } $first_line = false; $sql .= '(null,"' . pSQL($operator['ope_name']) . '","' . pSQL($operator['ope_code']) . '")'; } $sql .= ';'; $query[] = $sql; } // Requête update services foreach ($srv_to_update as $service) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services SET label_es = "' . pSQL($service['old_srv_name']) . '" ,desc_store_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['description'])) . '" ,label_store_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['srv_name_bo'])) . '" ,srv_name_fo_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['srv_name_fo'])) . '" ,family_es = ' . (int)$service['family'] . ' ,zone_fr_es = ' . (int)$service['zone_fr'] . ' ,zone_eu_es = ' . (int)$service['zone_eu'] . ' ,zone_int_es = ' . (int)$service['zone_int'] . ' ,zone_restriction_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['zone_restriction'])) . '" ,details_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['details'])) . '" ,delivery_due_time_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['delivery_due_time'])) . '" ,delivery_type_es = ' . (int)$service['delivery_type'] . ' ,is_parcel_pickup_point_es = ' . (int)$service['parcel_pickup_point'] . ' ,is_parcel_dropoff_point_es = ' . (int)$service['parcel_dropoff_point'] . ' ,pickup_place_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['pickup_place'])) . '" ,dropoff_place_es = "' . pSQL(serialize($service['translations']['dropoff_place'])) . '" WHERE code_es = "' . pSQL($service['srv_code']) . '" AND emc_operators_code_eo = "' . pSQL($service['ope_code']) . '";'; $query[] = $sql; } // Requête update operateurs foreach ($ope_to_update as $operator) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_operators SET name_eo = "' . pSQL($operator['ope_name']) . '" WHERE code_eo = "' . pSQL($operator['ope_code']) . '";'; $query[] = $sql; } // Requête delete services if (count($srv_to_delete) > 0) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier SET deleted = 1 WHERE '; $first_line = true; foreach ($srv_to_delete as $service) { if (!$first_line) { $sql .= ' OR '; } $first_line = false; $sql .= 'id_carrier = ' . (int)$service['id_carrier']; } $sql .= ';'; $query[] = $sql; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services WHERE '; $first_line = true; foreach ($srv_to_delete as $service) { if (!$first_line) { $sql .= ' OR '; } $first_line = false; $sql .= 'id_es = ' . (int)$service['id_es']; } $sql .= ';'; $query[] = $sql; } // Requête delete operateurs $first_line = true; if (count($ope_to_delete) > 0) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_operators WHERE '; foreach ($ope_to_delete as $operator) { if (!$first_line) { $sql .= ' OR '; } $first_line = false; $sql .= 'id_eo = ' . (int)$operator['id_eo']; } $sql .= ';'; $query[] = $sql; } Db::getInstance()->execute('START TRANSACTION;'); foreach ($query as $q) { if ($q != '' && Db::getInstance()->execute($q) === false) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { Logger::addLog( '['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $this->l('Update : Error while updating your offers : ') . $q ); } if ($ajax) { Db::getInstance()->execute('ROLLBACK;'); echo $this->l('Error while updating your offers : ') . $q; die(); } else { return false; } } } Db::getInstance()->execute('COMMIT;'); $result = array(); $result['offers_added'] = array(); $result['offers_updated'] = array(); $result['offers_deleted'] = array(); foreach ($srv_to_insert as $service) { $result['offers_added'][count($result['offers_added'])] = $service['old_srv_name']; } foreach ($srv_to_update as $service) { $result['offers_updated'][count($result['offers_updated'])] = $service['old_srv_name']; } foreach ($srv_to_delete as $service) { $result['offers_deleted'][count($result['offers_deleted'])] = $service['label_es']; } $date = new DateTime(); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LAST_CARRIER_UPDATE', $date->format('Y-m-d')); // let's update categories while we're at it $this->model->updateCategories(); if ($ajax) { echo Tools::jsonEncode($result); die(); } else { return true; } } /** * Convert a date into string in the selected language * @param $date : date to convert * @param $dateTranslation : array of translation * @return the date in string format */ public function dateToString($date) { $date_data = explode('/', strftime('%w/%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($date))); return $this->l('day' . $date_data[0]) . ' ' . $date_data[1] . ' ' . $this->l('month' . $date_data[2]) . ' ' . $date_data[3]; } /** * Show parcel point informations on backoffice. * @access public * @param array $params List of params. * @return mixed Displayed template or nothing. */ public function hookAdminOrder($params) { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/includes/EnvoimoinscherHelper.php'); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; // check if order belongs to module and if the carrier handles parcel points $point = $this->model->getPointInfos($params['id_order']); if (isset($point['code'])) { $smarty->assign('point', $point); $smarty->assign('schedule', $helper->setSchedule($point['schedule'])); } $smarty->assign('multiParcels', ($parcels = $this->model->getParcelsInfos($params['id_order']))); $smarty->assign('multiSize', count($parcels)); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/hook/hookAdminOrder.tpl'); } /** * Handle carrier choice. If the carrier must have a parcel point, put the point in the session. * If the point wasn't specified, returns a error. It's called only for standard order mode. * @access public * @param array $params List of order params. * @param bool $redirect Redirect boolean. * @return void */ public function hookProcessCarrier($params, $redirect = true) { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; /*$price = 0.0; if ($redirect || !$redirect) { $price = 0.0; }*/ $cartId = (int)$params['cart']->id; $error_occured = false; $correct_code = true; $options = unserialize($params['cart']->delivery_option); foreach ($options as $o => $option) { $ope = $this->model->getCartCarrier($cartId, (int)str_replace(',', '', $option)); if (isset($ope) && count($ope) > 0) { if ($ope[0]['selected_point']) { $codes = explode('-', $ope[0]['selected_point']); if ((!isset($codes[0]) || !isset($codes[1])) || (isset($codes[0]) && isset($codes[1]) && (trim($codes[0]) != $ope[0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] || !ctype_alnum(trim($codes[1])))) ) { $correct_code = false; } } if (isset($ope[0]) && $ope[0]['is_parcel_pickup_point_es'] == 1 && !$correct_code && Tools::getValue('ajax') != 'true' && Tools::getValue('ajax') != 'true' ) { $error_occured = true; $error_message = sprintf($this->l('The mandatory parcel point has not been chosen for the cart %s'), $cartId); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $error_message, 4); } $variable = 'choosePoint' . $ope[0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] . $o; $cookie->$variable = 1; } /*$prices = Tools::jsonDecode($ope[0]['prices_eap'], true); if (isset($prices[$o]) && isset($prices[$o][$ope[0]['id_carrier']])) { $price = $price + $prices[$o][$ope[0]['id_carrier']]; }*/ } } if ($error_occured) { Tools::redirect('order.php?step=2'); return false; } /*Db::getInstance()->autoExecute( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_api_pricing', array('price_eap' => (float)$price), 'UPDATE', _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart_id_cart = ' . (int)$cartId . ' ' );*/ return true; } /** * Page of order confirmation. If the shipper choosen by user has a parcel point, we need to * insert it into emc_points table. * @access public * @param $params array List of order params. * @return void */ public function hooknewOrder($params) { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; $cookie->emc_carrier = ''; // Get cart carrier (if EnvoiMoinsCher, make some additional operations) $row = $this->model->getCartCarrierByCart($params['cart']->id); // if it's not our carrier, nothing to do here if ($row[0]['external_module_name'] !== $this->name) { return; } $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $cookie->emc_carrier = ''; if ($row[0]['selected_point']) { // Insert parcel point informations $point = explode('-', $row[0]['selected_point']); if (ctype_alnum(trim($point[0])) && ctype_alnum(trim($point[1])) && strpos(trim($point[0]), $row[0]['emc_operators_code_eo']) !== false) { $data = array( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order' => (int)$params['order']->id, 'point_ep' => pSQL(trim($point[1])), 'emc_operators_code_eo' => pSQL(trim($point[0])) ); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_points', $data, 'INSERT'); } } // deleted tmp data from cache $pointCode = $helper->getPointCode($params['cart']->id); $this->model->deleteFromCache($pointCode); $deliveryCode = $helper->getDeliveryDateCode($params['cart']->id); $this->model->deleteFromCache($deliveryCode); // delete expired values from cache $this->model->deleteExpiredFromCache(); return true; } /** * Handles tracking informations. * @param array $params List of params. * @return void */ public function hookOrderDetail($params) { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/includes/EnvoimoinscherHelper.php'); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; // get tracking informations $rows = $this->model->getTrackingByOrderAndCustomer(Tools::getValue('id_order'), $cookie->id_customer); $smarty->assign('rows', $rows); $smarty->assign('isAdmin', false); $point = $this->model->getPointInfos(Tools::getValue('id_order')); $is_point = 0; if (is_array($params)) { $is_point = 0; } if (isset($point['code'])) { $is_point = 1; $smarty->assign('point', $point); $smarty->assign('schedule', $helper->setSchedule($point['schedule'])); } $smarty->assign('showPoint', $is_point); echo $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/tracking.tpl'); } /** * When an EnvoiMoinsCher carrier is updated, call this method. * It inserts a new relation between the carrier of Prestashop and the service of * EnvoiMoinsCher. * @param array $params List of params used in the operation. * @return void */ public function hookupdateCarrier($params) { // if it's not our carrier, nothing to do here if ($params['carrier']->external_module_name !== $this->name) { return; } $data = array('id_carrier' => (int)$params['carrier']->id); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services', $data, 'UPDATE', 'ref_carrier = ' . (int)$params['carrier']->id_reference ); } /** * Header's hook. It displays included JavaScript for GoogleMaps API. * @access public * @return Displayed Smarty template. */ public function hookHeader() { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $controller = $this->getContext()->controller; $smarty->assign('emcBaseDir', _MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/'); $controllerClass = get_class($controller); $carrierControllers = array( "OrderOpcController", "EnvoimoinscherAjaxModuleFrontController", ); if (((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 0 && Tools::getValue('step') == 1) || ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 1 && in_array($controllerClass, $carrierControllers))) { $smarty->assign('loaderSrc', __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'img/loader.gif'); $host = Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getHttpHost().__PS_BASE_URI__ ; $smarty->assign('host', $host); $smarty->assign('closeMapTranslation', $this->l('close X')); $this->getContext()->controller->addJs('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyAFOrS3TAOJ97euuV0DGmMHIza4lRw709c'); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/hook/header_hook.tpl'); } } /** * Since Prestashop 1.5, this hook is used to display list of available carriers for each * of order addresses. * @access public * @param array $params Parameters array (cart object, address informations) * @return Display template. */ public function hookDisplayCarrierList($params) { // exit if module is offline or multishipping is enabled if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_SRV_MODE') == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG || (int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('PS_ALLOW_MULTISHIPPING') == 1) { return; } $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; $cart = $params['cart']; // adding this for $this->model->address to be filled in some cases $this->model->getRecipient($cart->id, $cart->id_address_delivery); $pointCode = $helper->getPointCode($cart->id); $points = $this->model->getCache($pointCode); if ($points) { $smarty->assign('points', $points); } else { $smarty->assign('points', array()); } $point = $this->model->getSelectedPoint($cart->id); $deliveryCode = $helper->getDeliveryDateCode($cart->id); $delivery = $this->model->getCache($deliveryCode); if ($delivery) { foreach ($delivery as $key => $value) { // we need to update carrier id in case there has been a change in the carriers $carrierId = $this->model->getActiveCarrierId($key); if ($carrierId) { unset($delivery[$key]); $delivery[$carrierId] = $this->dateToString($value); } } $smarty->assign('delivery', $delivery); } $deliveryLabel = EnvoimoinscherHelper::getTranslation( EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_LABEL_DELIVERY_DATE'), $this->getContext()->language->language_code ); $smarty->assign('point', $point); $smarty->assign('deliveryLabel', $deliveryLabel); $smarty->assign('id_address', $params['address']->id); $smarty->assign('destCountry', $this->model->getCountryIsoFromName($params['address']->country)); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/hook/envoimoinscher_carrier.tpl'); } /** * Hook to remove free emc carriers when they are not suitable for the order * @access public * @param array $params Parameters array (cart object, carriers, ...) * @return $params. */ public function hookDisplayBeforeCarrier(&$params) { $removeCarriers = array(); if (isset($params['delivery_option_list'])) { foreach ($params['delivery_option_list'] as $carrier_list_raw) { foreach ($carrier_list_raw as $key => $carrier_list) { // for some reason, $key has a comma at the end of it $carrier_id = str_replace(',', '', $key); // this test is used for Prestashop 1.5 $price_without_tax = ''; if (isset($carrier_list['carrier_list'])) { foreach ($carrier_list['carrier_list'] as $v) { $price_without_tax = $v['price_without_tax']; } } // check if carrier is set to free if ((isset($carrier_list['is_free']) && $carrier_list['is_free']) || $price_without_tax == 0) { // check if carrier is an emc carrier $emc_carrier_test = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier WHERE id_carrier = ' . (int)$carrier_id . ' AND external_module_name = "envoimoinscher"' ); if (!empty($emc_carrier_test)) { $rate = $this->getOrderShippingCostSubFunction($params['cart'], $carrier_id); // if $rate is false, add carrier to carriers to be removed if ($rate === false) { $removeCarriers[] = $key; } } } } } } // if $removeCarriers is not empty, remove unwanted carriers if (!empty($removeCarriers)) { $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $smarty->assign('removeCarriers', $removeCarriers); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/hook/hookDisplayBeforeCarrier.tpl'); } } /** * Checks if EnvoiMoinsCher order was already passed for this prestashop command. * @access private * @param int $order_id Id of order. * @return boolean True if passed, false if not. */ private function isPassed($order_id) { $row = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_orders WHERE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order = ' . (int)$order_id . '' ); $result = false; if (isset($row[0]) && $row[0][_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order'] != '') { $result = true; } return $result; } /** * Checks if the order is timed out. * @access private * @param int $order_id Id of order. * @return boolean True if passed, false if not. */ private function isSendLocked($order_id) { $row = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT eopt.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order FROM '._DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_orders_post eopt WHERE eopt.' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order = ' . (int)$order_id . ' AND eopt.type = "timeout" AND DATE_ADD(eopt.date_eopo, INTERVAL 5 MINUTE) > NOW()' ); $result = false; if (isset($row[0]) && $row[0][_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order'] != '') { $result = true; } return $result; } /** * Get parcel points from a carrier and address (passed in get values) * @access public * @return void */ public function getPoints() { require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/Env/WebService.php'); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/Env/ParcelPoint.php'); $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; // Load the parcel points for the chosen carrier and address $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; $carrier = (int)Tools::getValue('carrier'); $address_id = (int)Tools::getValue('addressId'); $env_cl = new Envoimoinscher; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $poi_cl = new EnvParcelPoint(array( 'user' => $config['EMC_LOGIN'], 'pass' => $config['EMC_PASS'], 'key' => $config['EMC_KEY_' . $config['EMC_ENV']])); $poi_cl->setPlatformParams($env_cl->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $env_cl->version); $poi_cl->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($config['EMC_ENV'])); $poi_cl->setLocale($this->getContext()->language->language_code); $poi_cl->construct_list = true; foreach (explode(',', Tools::getValue('points')) as $point) { if (Tools::getValue('country') == '' || ctype_alnum(Tools::getValue('country'))) { $poi_cl->getParcelPoint('dropoff_point', $point, Tools::getValue('country')); } } // add the inputs $inputs = array(); $inputs['address'] = array(); $inputs['address']['name'] = 'parcelPoints' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['address']['id'] = 'parcelPoints' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['address']['value'] = array(); $inputs['info'] = array(); $inputs['info']['name'] = 'parcelInfos' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['info']['id'] = 'parcelInfos' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['info']['value'] = array(); $inputs['name'] = array(); $inputs['name']['name'] = 'parcelNames' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['name']['id'] = 'parcelNames' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['name']['value'] = array(); $inputs['id'] = array(); $inputs['id']['name'] = 'parcelIds' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['id']['id'] = 'parcelIds' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['id']['value'] = array(); $inputs['count'] = array(); $inputs['count']['name'] = 'counter' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['count']['id'] = 'counter' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $inputs['count']['value'] = 0; // ANTADIS PATCH : // if the selected point is not in the list, ensure to erase the one saved in cart $list_has_current_selection = false; foreach ($poi_cl->points['dropoff_point'] as $point) { if ($point['name'] != '') { if ($point['code'] == Tools::getValue('pointValue')) { $list_has_current_selection = true; break; } } } if (!$list_has_current_selection) { Db::getInstance()->execute( 'UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_cart_tmp` SET `selected_point` = "" WHERE `id_cart` = '.(int)$this->getContext()->cookie->id_cart ); } // END ANTADIS PATCH // add parcel points $points = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($poi_cl->points['dropoff_point'] as $point) { if ($point['name'] != '') { $point['checked'] = $point['code'] == Tools::getValue('pointValue'); $point['js'] = 'selectPr(\'' . $point['code'] . '\', \'' . (int)Tools::getValue('carrier') . '\', \'' . $address_id . '\');'; $point['class'] = 'point' . $carrier . $address_id; $point['input_name'] = 'point' . $carrier . Tools::getValue('ope') . $address_id; $point['id'] = 'point' . $carrier . $point['code'] . $address_id; $inputs['address']['value'][] = $point['address'] . ', ' . $point['zipcode'] . ' ' . $point['city']; $inputs['info']['value'][] = implode('
', $helper->setSchedule($point['schedule'])); $inputs['name']['value'][] = $point['name']; $inputs['id']['value'][] = $point['code']; $points[] = $point; } $i++; } if ($i == 0) { return 'noPoint'; } $inputs['address']['value'] = implode('|', $inputs['address']['value']); $inputs['info']['value'] = implode('|', $inputs['info']['value']); $inputs['name']['value'] = implode('|', $inputs['name']['value']); $inputs['id']['value'] = implode('|', $inputs['id']['value']); $smarty->assign('points', $points); $smarty->assign('inputs', $inputs); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/front/get_points.tpl'); } /** * Sets parcel point in the database. * @access public * @param string $post_point Id of choosen parcel point. * @return void */ public function setPoint($post_point) { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $point = explode('-', $post_point); if (ctype_alnum(trim($point[0])) && ctype_alnum(trim($point[1]))) { $data = array( 'id_cart' => (int)$cookie->id_cart, 'selected_point' => pSQL(trim($post_point)) ); return Db::getInstance()->autoExecute( _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_cart_tmp', $data, 'REPLACE' ); } return 0; } /** * Return the quotation for the informations given. * This function SHOULD NOT include any PS configuration modifications on shipping, as this is what we store * in cache and we shouldn't have to empty the offers cache for any PS configuration modification * @access public * @param $from : departure address * @param $to : delivery address * @param $parcels : parcel configuration * @param $params : additional parameters * @param $curlMulti : true : the function will do a multirequest on all activated services, * else it will do a simple request * @param $cache : true : if cache should be used * @return array List with offers. */ public function getQuote($from, $to, $parcels, $params, $curlMulti = true, $cache = true) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - from %1$s %2$s to %3$s %4$s'), $from['code_postal'], $from['ville'], $to['code_postal'], $to['ville'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } // Get cache $pricingCode = EnvoimoinscherHelper::getPricingCode($from, $to, $parcels, $params, $curlMulti); if ($cache) { $offers = $this->model->getCache($pricingCode); if ($offers !== false) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = $this->l('Quotation - Cache used'); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } return $offers; } } $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); // check if call comes from tests() if (!isset($params['testPage'])) { $params['testPage'] = false; } // Create quotation object require_once('Env/WebService.php'); require_once('Env/Quotation.php'); $lib = new EnvQuotation( array( 'user' => $config['EMC_LOGIN'], 'pass' => $config['EMC_PASS'], 'key' => $config['EMC_KEY_' . $config['EMC_ENV']] ) ); $lib->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($config['EMC_ENV'])); $lib->setLocale($this->getContext()->language->language_code); $lib->setPlatformParams($this->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $this->version); // Initialize the quotation $lib->setPerson('expediteur', $from); $lib->setPerson('destinataire', $to); $lib->setType($params['emc_type'], $parcels); // Curl multi or single request on all activated carriers if (!$curlMulti) { // get all activated services $services = $helper->makeCodeKeys($this->model->getEmcCarriers()); if (count($services) == 0) { if ($params['testPage']) { $error_msg = $this->l( 'No carrier activated, please activate carriers before making a simulation' ); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = $this->l('Quotation - No carrier activated'); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } return array('isError' => 1, 'message' => $error_msg); } } $params['offers'] = array(); foreach ($services as $carrier_code => $carrier) { list($operator, $service) = explode('_', $carrier_code); array_push($params['offers'], $operator.$service); } $lib->getQuotation($params); $lib->getOffers(false); } else { // get all activated services $services = $helper->makeCodeKeys($this->model->getEmcCarriers()); if (count($services) == 0) { if ($params['testPage']) { $error_msg = $this->l( 'No carrier activated, please activate carriers before making a simulation' ); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = $this->l('Quotation - No carrier activated'); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } return array('isError' => 1, 'message' => $error_msg); } } foreach ($services as $carrier_code => $carrier) { list($operator, $service) = explode('_', $carrier_code); $params['operator'] = $operator; $params['service'] = $service; $lib->setParamMulti($params); } $lib->getQuotationMulti(); $lib->getOffersMulti(); } $offers = array(); if ($lib->curl_error) { $error_msg = $this->l('The shipment platform is currently unavailable'); if ($params['testPage']) { $offers = array('isError' => 1, 'message' => $error_msg); } Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $error_msg, 3); } elseif ($lib->resp_error) { if ($params['testPage']) { $offers = array('isError' => 1, 'message' => $lib->resp_errors_list[0]['message']); } $message = sprintf( $this->l('Error while recovering offers: %1$s'), $lib->resp_errors_list[0]['message'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 4); } else { $offers = $lib->offers; if (count($offers) != 0) { // If several offers have the same operator and service (Chrono18...), keep only the cheapest $checkOffers = array(); foreach ($offers as $key => $offer) { if (isset($checkOffers[$offer['operator']['code'].'_'.$offer['service']['code']])) { if ($offer['price']['tax-exclusive'] < $checkOffers[$offer['operator']['code'].'_'.$offer['service']['code']]['price']) { $checkOffers[$offer['operator']['code'].'_'.$offer['service']['code']] = array( 'key' => $key, 'price' => $offer['price']['tax-exclusive'] ); unset( $offers[$checkOffers[$offer['operator']['code'].'_'.$offer['service']['code']]['key']] ); } else { unset($offers[$key]); } } else { $checkOffers[$offer['operator']['code'].'_'.$offer['service']['code']] = array( 'key' => $key, 'price' => $offer['price']['tax-exclusive'] ); } } // Log API base prices if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { foreach ($offers as $offer) { $message = sprintf( $this->l('Quotation - API tax-exclusive price for %1$s is %2$s€'), $offer['operator']['code'] . '_' . $offer['service']['code'], $offer['price']['tax-exclusive'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } } } } if (count($offers) == 0) { if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS') == 1) { $message = sprintf( $this->l( 'Quotation - no offer found for shipping from %1$s %2$s to %3$s %4$s %5$s, ' .'the cart weighs %6$skg' ), $from['code_postal'], $from['ville'], $to['code_postal'], $to['ville'], $to['pays'], $parcels[1]['poids'] ); Logger::addLog('['.$this->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'][' . time() . '] ' . $message, 1); } } // Cache API results $this->model->setCache($pricingCode, $offers, 86400); return $offers; } /** * Gets environment's url. * @access public * @param string $env Environment key. * @return string Environment's url. */ public function getEnvironment($env) { return $this->environments[$env]['link']; } /** * Get the upgrade list of the module */ public function getUpgrades() { return $this->parseUpgradeXml(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/sql/upgrades/upgrades.xml'); } /** * Executes upgrade queries. * @access public * @return Displayed template */ public function makeUpgrade() { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $smarty = $this->getContext()->smarty; $error = false; $list = $this->getUpgrades(); $id = (int)Tools::getValue('up_id'); $queries = explode( '-- REQUEST --', Tools::file_get_contents(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/sql/upgrades/' . $list[$id]['file']) ); foreach ($queries as $q => $query) { $query = str_replace('{PREFIXE}', _DB_PREFIX_, $query); if (trim($query) != '' && !Db::getInstance()->Execute($query)) { $error = true; break; } unset($queries[$q]); } if (count($queries) > 0) { file_put_contents( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/sql/upgrades/' . $list[$id]['file'], implode('-- REQUEST --', $queries) ); } else { $error = $this->removeUpgradeItem($id, _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/sql/upgrades/upgrades.xml'); unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/sql/upgrades/' . $list[$id]['file']); } $smarty->assign('error', $error); $smarty->assign('adminImg', _PS_ADMIN_IMG_); $smarty->assign( 'token', Tools::getAdminToken( 'AdminModules' . (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModules') . (int)$cookie->id_employee ) ); return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/admin/upgrade.tpl'); } /** * Parse upgraded XML file and get list of upgrades. * @access private * @param string $file File name. * @return array List with upgrades. */ private function parseUpgradeXml($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return array(); } $result = array(); $dom_cl = new DOMDocument(); $dom_cl->load($file); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom_cl); $upgrades = $xpath->evaluate('/upgrades/upgrade'); foreach ($upgrades as $upgrade) { $date = strtotime($upgrade->getElementsByTagName('date')->item(0)->nodeValue); $result[$upgrade->getElementsByTagName('id')->item(0)->nodeValue] = array( 'from' => $upgrade->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'to' => $upgrade->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'date' => date('d-m-Y', $date), 'description' => $upgrade->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'file' => $upgrade->getElementsByTagName('file')->item(0)->nodeValue); } return $result; } /** * Removes upgraded item from XML file. * @access private * @param int $id Id of upgraded item. * @param string $file File name. * @return boolean True if executed correctly, false otherwise. */ private function removeUpgradeItem($id, $file) { $error = true; $dom_cl = new DOMDocument(); $dom_cl->load($file); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom_cl); $main = $xpath->evaluate('/upgrades')->item(0); $upgrades = $xpath->evaluate('/upgrades/upgrade'); foreach ($upgrades as $upgrade) { if ($upgrade->getElementsByTagName('id')->item(0)->nodeValue == $id) { $main->removeChild($upgrade); $error = false; } } file_put_contents($file, $dom_cl->saveXML()); return $error; } /** * Downloads one or more EnvoiMoinsCher's labels. * @access public * @return void */ public function downloadLabels() { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $orders_to_get = array(); $refs = array(); $url = ''; $base_url = ''; $type = ''; $envoi = ''; if (Tools::isSubmit('orders')) { foreach (Tools::getValue('orders') as $ord) { $orders_to_get[] = (int)$ord; } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('order')) { $orders_to_get[] = (int)Tools::getValue('order'); } // We need order's infos for the document's url and references if (count($orders_to_get) > 0) { $references = $this->model->getReferencesToLabels($orders_to_get); foreach ($references as $reference) { $refs[] = $reference['ref_emc_eor']; } } // We now query the document if (count($refs) > 0) { // Get the document's base url $base_url = explode('?', $references[0]['link_ed']); $base_url = $base_url[0]; // Set url's params if (Tools::getValue('sendValueRemises')) { $type = 'remise'; } else { $type = 'bordereau'; } $envoi = implode(',', $refs); // Set url $url = $base_url . '?type=' . $type . '&envoi=' . $envoi; // Send the pdf request $cookie->error_labels = 0; $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper; $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $options = array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Authorization: ' . $helper->encode($config['EMC_LOGIN'] . ':' . $config['EMC_PASS'])), CURLOPT_CAINFO => dirname(__FILE__) . '/ca/ca-bundle.crt', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2 ); $req = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($req, $options); $result = curl_exec($req); curl_close($req); // We now display the pdf header('Content-type: application/pdf'); if ($type == 'remise') { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="remises.pdf"'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bordereaux.pdf"'); } echo $result; die(); } $cookie->error_labels = 1; $admin_link_base = $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&option=history'); } public function checkUpdates() { $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $result = array(); $filename = $this->getEnvironment($config['EMC_ENV']) . '/api/check_updates.html?module=' . $this->ws_name . '&version=' . $this->local_version; $updates = (array)Tools::jsonDecode(Tools::file_get_contents($filename)); foreach ($updates as $u => $update) { $info = (array)$update; $result[] = array( 'version' => $u, 'name' => $info['name'], 'description' => $info['description'], 'url' => $this->getEnvironment($config['EMC_ENV']) . $info['url']); } echo Tools::jsonEncode($result); die(); } public function lookForCarrierUpdates() { require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/WebService.php'); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/Carrier.php'); require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/Service.php'); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $ser_class = new EnvService(array( 'user' => $config['EMC_LOGIN'], 'pass' => $config['EMC_PASS'], 'key' => $config['EMC_KEY_' . $config['EMC_ENV']])); $ser_class->setPlatformParams($this->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $this->version); $ser_class->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($config['EMC_ENV'])); $ser_class->setLocale($this->getContext()->language->language_code); $ser_class->setParam(array('module' => $this->ws_name, 'version' => $this->local_version)); $ser_class->setGetParams(); $ser_class->getServices(); $offers = $this->model->getOffers; $installed = array(); $checksums = array(); $offers_json = array('added' => array(), 'updated' => array(), 'deleted' => array()); $deleted = 0; $added = 0; $updated = 0; foreach ($offers as $offer) { $installed[$offer['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $offer['code_es']] = $offer; $checksums[$offer['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $offer['code_es']] = sha1( $offer['desc_store_es'] . $offer['family_es'] ); } foreach ($ser_class->carriers as $c => $carrier) { foreach ($carrier['services'] as $service) { $code = $c . '_' . $service['code']; $exists = isset($installed[$code]); $service_infos = array('label_backoffice' => '', 'label_store' => ''); if (isset($service['apiOptions']['prestashop'])) { $service_infos = array( 'label_backoffice' => html_entity_decode($service['apiOptions']['prestashop']['label_backoffice']), 'label_store' => html_entity_decode($service['apiOptions']['prestashop']['label_store']), 'offer_family' => (int)$service['apiOptions']['prestashop']['offer_family']); } $srv_checksum = sha1( $service_infos['label_backoffice'] . $service_infos['label_store'] . $service_infos['offer_family'] ); if (!$exists && $service['is_pluggable']) { // install new service and remove from $installed array $service['srvInfos'] = $service_infos; if ($this->model->insertService($service, $carrier)) { $carrier_lower = Tools::strtolower($carrier['code']); file_put_contents( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/img/detail_' . $carrier_lower . '.jpg', Tools::file_get_contents($carrier['logo_modules']) ); $added++; $offers_json['added'][] = $service['label']; } } elseif ($exists && !$service['is_pluggable']) { // uninstall carrier if ($this->model->uninstallService($code)) { $deleted++; $offers_json['deleted'][] = $service['label']; } } elseif ($exists && $checksums[$code] != $srv_checksum) { // new data available, must update $parts = explode('_', $code); $up_data = array( 'desc_store_es' => pSQL($service_infos['label_store']), 'family_es' => (int)$service_infos['offer_family'] ); if ($this->model->updateService($up_data, $parts[0], $parts[1])) { $updated++; $offers_json['updated'][] = $service['label']; } unset($installed[$code]); } elseif ($exists && isset($installed[$code])) { unset($installed[$code]); } } } // clean up old services in Prestashop database foreach ($installed as $code => $offer) { if ($this->model->uninstallService($code)) { $deleted++; $offers_json['deleted'][] = $offer['label_es']; } } echo Tools::jsonEncode(array( 'added' => $added, 'updated' => $updated, 'deleted' => $deleted, 'addedOffers' => implode(',', $offers_json['added']), 'updatedOffers' => implode(',', $offers_json['updated']), 'deletedOffers' => implode(',', $offers_json['deleted']))); die(); } public function checkLabelsAvailability() { $orders_id = explode(';', Tools::getValue('orders')); if (count($orders_id) > 0) { $documents = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_documents WHERE generated_ed = 1 AND ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders_id_order in (' . implode(',', array_map('intval', $orders_id)) . ')' ); // get all documents for each order $order_documents = array(); foreach ($documents as $document) { $id = $document['ps_orders_id_order']; if (!isset($order_documents[$id])) { $order_documents[$id] = array(); } $order_documents[$id][] = array( 'type' => $document['type_ed'], 'name' => $this->l('download ' . $document['type_ed']), 'url' => $document['link_ed'] ); } } echo Tools::jsonEncode($order_documents); die(); } /** * Puts EnvoiMoinsCher's choosen carrier * @access public * @param int $ope Operator's id. * @param boolean $is_discount True if discount is applied, false otherwise. * @return void */ public function putOpe($ope, $is_discount) { $cookie = $this->getContext()->cookie; $cookie->emc_carrier = (int)$ope; $cookie->emc_discount = $is_discount; } private function getModuleConfig() { return array('wsName' => $this->ws_name, 'version' => $this->local_version, 'is13' => false); } /** * Edit delivery address when order hasn't EMC carrier and the order address is incorrect (bad postal code etc.) * @access public * @return void */ public function editAddress() { $order_id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); // get old address data $address = $this->model->getOrderData($order_id); $company = $address[0]['company']; if (Tools::getValue('dest_company')) { $company = Tools::getValue('dest_company'); } $perso_alias = '_perso_' . $order_id; // insert new address row $insert_row = array( 'id_country' => (int)$address[0]['id_country'], 'id_state' => (int)$address[0]['id_state'], 'id_customer' => (int)$address[0]['id_customer'], 'id_manufacturer' => (int)$address[0]['id_manufacturer'], 'id_supplier' => (int)$address[0]['id_supplier'], 'alias' => pSQL(str_replace($perso_alias, '', $address[0]['alias']) . $perso_alias), 'company' => pSQL($company), 'lastname' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('dest_lname')), 'firstname' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('dest_fname')), 'address1' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('dest_add')), 'address2' => pSQL($address[0]['address2']), 'postcode' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('dest_code')), 'city' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('dest_city')), 'other' => pSQL($address[0]['other']), 'phone' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('dest_tel')), 'phone_mobile' => pSQL($address[0]['phone_mobile']), 'vat_number' => pSQL($address[0]['vat_number']), 'dni' => pSQL($address[0]['dni']), 'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'date_upd' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'active' => 0, 'deleted' => 1 ); // update id_address_delivery field on orders table $this->model->putNewAddress($order_id, $insert_row, $address[0]); $admin_link_base = $this->link->getAdminLink('AdminEnvoiMoinsCher'); Tools::redirectAdmin($admin_link_base . '&option=send&id_order=' . $order_id); die(); } /** * Cleans pricing cache. It deletes only pricing older than 2 days. * @access public * @return void */ public function cleanCache() { $result = array('error' => 1); if ($this->model->cleanCache()) { $result['error'] = 0; } echo Tools::jsonEncode($result); die(); } /** * Process * @return mixed */ private function postProcess() { $this->link = 'index.php?controller=' . Tools::getValue('controller') . '&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&configure=' . $this->name . '&tab_module=' . $this->tab . '&module_name=' . $this->name; $this->getContext()->smarty->assign('EMC_link', $this->link); // Onboarding popup $emc_user = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_USER'); if ((int)$emc_user == 0 && !Tools::isSubmit('ajax')) { // If we need to previous configuration if (Tools::isSubmit('previous')) { Tools::redirectAdmin($this->link); return; } // EMC configuration if (Tools::getValue('btnEmc')) { return $this->postProcessEmc(); } } // Save status if (Tools::getValue('EMC_Status') && Tools::getValue('ajax')) { $status = Tools::getValue('EMC_Status') === 'true' ? EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_ONLINE : EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG; EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_SRV_MODE', $status); if ($status == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_ONLINE) { $this->model->passToOnlineMode(); } Tools::jsonEncode(true); exit; } elseif (Tools::getValue('EMC_Env') && Tools::getValue('ajax')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ENV', Tools::getValue('EMC_Env')); Tools::jsonEncode(true); exit; } elseif (Tools::getValue('ajax')) { $tab = Tools::ucfirst(Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('EMC_tab'))); /** Merchant Account **/ if ($tab === 'Merchant') { echo $this->getContentMerchant(); } elseif ($tab === 'Sends') { echo $this->getContentSends(); } elseif ($tab === 'Settings') { echo $this->getContentSettings(); } elseif ($tab === 'Simple_carriers') { echo $this->getContentCarriers('Simple'); } elseif ($tab === 'Advanced_carriers') { echo $this->getContentCarriers('Advanced'); } elseif ($tab === 'Help') { echo $this->getContentHelp(); } exit; } elseif (Tools::getValue('btnMerchant')) { return $this->postProcessMerchant(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('btnCarriersSimple')) { return $this->postProcessCarriersSimple(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('btnCarriersAdvanced')) { return $this->postProcessCarriersAdvanced(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('btnSends')) { return $this->postProcessSends(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('btnSettings')) { if (Tools::getValue('EMC_track_mode') && Tools::getValue('EMC_ann') && Tools::getValue('EMC_envo') && Tools::getValue('EMC_cmd') && Tools::getValue('EMC_liv') ) { // Update configuration EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_INDI', Tools::getValue('EMC_indiv')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_MULTIPARCEL', Tools::getValue('EMC_multiparcel')); // Track mode EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_TRACK_MODE', (int)Tools::getValue('EMC_track_mode')); // Status EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ANN', Tools::getValue('EMC_ann')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ENVO', Tools::getValue('EMC_envo')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CMD', Tools::getValue('EMC_cmd')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LIV', Tools::getValue('EMC_liv')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_DISABLE_CART', Tools::getValue('EMC_disable_cart')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ENABLED_LOGS', Tools::getValue('EMC_enabled_logs')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FILTER_TYPE_ORDER', Tools::getValue('EMC_filter_type_order')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig( 'EMC_FILTER_STATUS', implode(';', Tools::getValue('EMC_filter_status')) ); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FILTER_CARRIERS', Tools::getValue('EMC_filter_carriers')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig( 'EMC_FILTER_START_DATE', Tools::getValue('EMC_filter_start_order_date') ); Tools::redirectAdmin($this->link . '&EMC_tabs=settings&conf=6'); } else { return $this->displayError($this->l('Please check your form, some fields are requried')); } } } private function postProcessIntroduction() { } private function postProcessEmc() { $errors = array(); $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(); // Validation for account creation form if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'create') { // validate gender if (Tools::getValue('contact_civ')) { if (Tools::getValue('contact_civ') == 'M.') { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CIV', 'M'); } else { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CIV', 'Mme'); } } // validate surname if (Tools::getValue('contact_nom')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LNAME', Tools::getValue('contact_nom')); } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your surname'); } // validate first name if (Tools::getValue('contact_prenom')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FNAME', Tools::getValue('contact_prenom')); } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your first name'); } // validate occupation if (!Tools::getValue('profession')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your occupation'); } // validate email if (!Tools::getValue('contact_email')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your email address'); } if (!Tools::getValue('contact_email2')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please confirm your email address'); } elseif (Tools::getValue('contact_email') != Tools::getValue('contact_email2')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please verify your email address and its confirmation'); } elseif (!$helper->validateEmail(Tools::getValue('contact_email'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify a valid email address'); } else { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_MAIL', Tools::getValue('contact_email')); } // validate login if (Tools::getValue('login')) { if (!$helper->validateAlpha(Tools::getValue('login'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Your ID may only contain alphanumerical characters'); } else { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LOGIN', Tools::getValue('login')); } } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify a login'); } // validate password if (!Tools::getValue('password')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please enter your password'); } if (!Tools::getValue('confirm_password')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please confirm your password'); } elseif (Tools::getValue('password') != Tools::getValue('confirm_password')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please verify your password and its confirmation'); } elseif (Tools::strlen(Tools::getValue('password')) < 6) { $errors[] = $this->l('Your password must contain at least 6 characters'); } else { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PASS', Tools::getValue('password')); } // validate company if (Tools::getValue('contact_ste')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_COMPANY', Tools::getValue('contact_ste')); } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your company'); } // validate address if (Tools::getValue('adresse1')) { // save address only if country is France if (Tools::getValue('pz_iso') == 'FR') { $address = Tools::getValue('adresse1'); if (Tools::isSubmit('adresse2')) { $address .= ' ' . Tools::getValue('adresse2'); } if (Tools::isSubmit('adresse3')) { $address .= ' ' . Tools::getValue('adresse3'); } EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ADDRESS', $address); } } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your address'); } // validate postcode if (Tools::getValue('contact_cp')) { // save postcode only if country is France if (Tools::getValue('pz_iso') == 'FR') { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_POSTALCODE', Tools::getValue('contact_cp')); } } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your postal code'); } // validate city if (Tools::getValue('contact_ville')) { // save city only if country is France if (Tools::getValue('pz_iso') == 'FR') { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CITY', Tools::getValue('contact_ville')); } } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your city'); } // validate phone if (Tools::getValue('contact_tel')) { if (!$helper->validatePhone(Tools::getValue('contact_tel'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify a valid phone number'); } else { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_TEL', Tools::getValue('contact_tel')); } } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify your telephone number'); } // validate siret if (!Tools::getValue('contact_stesiret')) { if (Tools::getValue('pz_iso') == 'FR') { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify the SIRET (business identification) number'); } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify the legal registration or enrolment number in the country'); } } elseif (Tools::getValue('pz_iso') == 'FR' && Tools::strlen(Tools::getValue('contact_stesiret')) != 14) { $errors[] = $this->l( 'The SIRET (business identification) number is invalid. Please verify that it contains 14 figures' ); } // validate cgv if (!Tools::getValue('cgv')) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please check the General Terms of Sale before proceeding'); } if (!empty($errors)) { return $this->displayError( $this->l('The following errors have occurred:') . '' ); } } // Validation for "get key" form if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'get_key') { // validate login if (Tools::getValue('login')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LOGIN', Tools::getValue('login')); } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please specify a login'); } // validate password if (Tools::getValue('password')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PASS', Tools::getValue('password')); } else { $errors[] = $this->l('Please enter your password'); } // validate cgv if (Tools::getValue('cgv') == false) { $errors[] = $this->l('Please check the General Terms of Sale before proceeding'); } if (!empty($errors)) { return $this->displayError( $this->l('The following errors have occurred:') . '' ); } } // Save "get key" form info if user has already got an API key and has filled in the form nonetheless if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'proceed') { // save login if (Tools::getValue('login')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LOGIN', Tools::getValue('login')); } // save password if (Tools::getValue('password')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PASS', Tools::getValue('password')); } } if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'get_key' || Tools::getValue('choice') == 'create') { $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); $options = array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Authorization: ' . $helper->encode($config['EMC_LOGIN'] . ':' . $config['EMC_PASS'])), CURLOPT_CAINFO => dirname(__FILE__) . '/ca/ca-bundle.crt', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_POST => true ); if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'create') { $url = 'http://www.envoimoinscher.com/ajax/validate-inscription.txt.vtl'; $password = $helper->encryptPassword(pSQL(Tools::getValue('password'))); $confirm_password = $helper->encryptPassword(pSQL(Tools::getValue('confirm_password'))); $postfields = array( 'module' => 'prestashop', 'moduleEMC' => true, 'facturation.contact_civ' => Tools::getValue('contact_civ'), 'facturation.contact_nom' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_nom'))), 'facturation.contact_prenom' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_prenom'))), 'user.profession' => Tools::getValue('profession'), 'user.logiciel' => Tools::getValue('logiciel'), 'user.partner_code' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('partner_code'))), 'facturation.url' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('url'))), 'facturation.contact_email' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_email'))), 'facturation.contact_email2' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_email2'))), 'user.login' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('login'))), 'user.password' => urlencode($password), 'user.confirm_password' => urlencode($confirm_password), 'facturation.contact_ste' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_ste'))), 'facturation.adresse1' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('adresse1'))), 'facturation.adresse2' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('adresse2'))), 'facturation.adresse3' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('adresse3'))), 'facturation.pays_iso' => Tools::getValue('pz_iso'), 'facturation.codepostal' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_cp'))) . ' ' . pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_ville'))), 'facturation.contact_tel' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_tel'))), 'facturation.contact_stesiret' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_stesiret'))), 'facturation.contact_tvaintra' => pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('contact_tvaintra'))), 'facturation.contact_locale' => Tools::getValue('contact_locale'), 'cgv' => Tools::getValue('cgv'), 'newsletterEmc' => Tools::getValue('newsletterEmc'), 'newsletterCom' => Tools::getValue('newsletterCom'), ); if (Tools::isSubmit('contact_etat')) { $postfields['facturation.contact_etat'] = Tools::getValue('contact_etat'); } } else { $url = 'http://ecommerce.envoimoinscher.com/ajax/validate-api-key.txt.vtl'; $postfields = array( 'facturation.logiciel' => Tools::getValue('logiciel'), 'user.login' => pSQL(Tools::getValue('login')), 'cgv' => Tools::getValue('cgv'), ); } $options[CURLOPT_URL] = $url; $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = http_build_query($postfields); $req = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($req, $options); $result = curl_exec($req); // Manage errors $curl_info = curl_getinfo($req); if (curl_errno($req) > 0) { $errors[] = curl_error($req); } elseif ($curl_info['http_code'] != '200' && $curl_info['http_code'] != '400' && $curl_info['http_code'] != '401') { $message = 'There has been an error sending the request. The server could not respond correctly. '; $message .= 'Please contact our technical assistance at informationAPI@boxtale.com (error: '; $errors[] = $this->l($message) . $curl_info['http_code'] . ')'; } curl_close($req); if (!empty($errors)) { return $this->displayError( $this->l('The following errors have occurred:') . '' ); } else { $errors = Tools::jsonDecode($result); if (1 !== $errors) { $errors = array_unique((array)$errors); $error_string = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($errors as $value) { if ($i != 0) { $error_string .= '
  • '; } $i += 1; $error_string .= $value; } return $this->displayError( $this->l('The following errors have occurred:') . '' ); } else { EnvoimoinscherModel::getAPIkeys(); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_USER', 1); if (Tools::getValue('choice') == 'create') { return $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Your account information is now complete.')); } else { return $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Your API keys have been successfully generated.')); } } } } } /** * Set Merchant configuration * @return string Error message */ private function postProcessMerchant() { // Check form if (Tools::getValue('EMC_login') && Tools::getValue('EMC_pass') && Tools::getValue('EMC_gender') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_firstname') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_lastname') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_company') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_address') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_postcode') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_town') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_phone') && Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_email') && ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_USER') == 0 || ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_USER') == 1 && Tools::getValue('EMC_api_test') && Tools::getValue('EMC_api_prod'))) ) { // Update Value settings EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LOGIN', Tools::getValue('EMC_login')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PASS', Tools::getValue('EMC_pass')); if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_USER') == 1) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_KEY_TEST', Tools::getValue('EMC_api_test')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_KEY_PROD', Tools::getValue('EMC_api_prod')); } EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CIV', Tools::getValue('EMC_gender')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_FNAME', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_firstname')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LNAME', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_lastname')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_COMPANY', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_company')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_ADDRESS', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_address')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_COMPL', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_more_infos')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_POSTALCODE', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_postcode')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CITY', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_town')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_TEL', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_phone')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_MAIL', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_email')); // Remove the EMC_KEY_TEST_DONOTCHECK and EMC_KEY_PROD_DONOTCHECK flags after // entering the production and test API keys if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_KEY_TEST') != '' && EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_KEY_PROD') != '') { if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_KEY_TEST_DONOTCHECK') == 1) { Configuration::deleteByName('EMC_KEY_TEST_DONOTCHECK'); } if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_KEY_PROD_DONOTCHECK') == 1) { Configuration::deleteByName('EMC_KEY_PROD_DONOTCHECK'); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('EMC_exp_start_pickup')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_DISPO_HDE', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_start_pickup')); } if (Tools::isSubmit('EMC_exp_end_pickup')) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_DISPO_HLE', Tools::getValue('EMC_exp_end_pickup')); } // update e-mail configuration require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Env/WebService.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Env/User.php'; $login = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_LOGIN'); $pass = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_PASS'); $env = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENV'); $key = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_KEY_' . $env); $user = new EnvUser(array('user' => $login, 'pass' => $pass, 'key' => $key)); $user->setPlatformParams($this->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $this->version); $user->setEnv(Tools::strtolower($env)); $user->setLocale($this->getContext()->language->language_code); $user->postEmailConfiguration( array( 'label' => Tools::getValue('EMC_mail_label', ''), 'notification' => Tools::getValue('EMC_mail_notif', ''), 'bill' => Tools::getValue('EMC_mail_bill', '') ) ); // If no first time if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_USER') == 1) { Tools::redirectAdmin($this->link . '&EMC_tabs=merchant&conf=6'); } else { if (EnvoimoinscherModel::getAPIkeys()) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_USER', 1); return $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Your account information is now complete.')); } else { return $this->displayError( $this->l('You should create an account or retrieve API keys before you can use this module.') ); } } } else { return $this->displayError($this->l('Please check your form, some fields are required')); } } private function postProcessCarriersParcelPoints() { $parcel_points = Tools::getValue('parcel_point'); // fetch the 32 last char -- PS config field accept <= 32 char in PS 1.5 if (count($parcel_points) > 0) { foreach ($parcel_points as $carrier => $code) { EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PP_' . Tools::strtoupper(Tools::substr($carrier, -25)), $code); } } } /** * Set Carriers configuration * @return string Error message */ private function postProcessCarriersAdvanced() { $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); // do operation on offers only when "configuration" is checked if ($config['EMC_SRV_MODE'] == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG) { if (Tools::getValue('btnCarriersAdvanced')) { $this->postProcessCarriersParcelPoints(); $from_weight = 0; // Initialize //update dimensions for ($i = 1; $i <= Tools::getValue('countDims'); $i++) { $data = array( 'length_ed' => (int)Tools::getValue('length' . $i), 'width_ed' => (int)Tools::getValue('width' . $i), 'height_ed' => (int)Tools::getValue('height' . $i), 'weight_from_ed' => (float)$from_weight, 'weight_ed' => (float)Tools::getValue('weight' . $i) ); $from_weight = $data['weight_ed']; $this->model->updateDimensions($data, (int)Tools::getValue('id' . $i)); } // handle services (insert only new services; delete only not choosen ones) $all_ser = (array)Tools::getValue('offers'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_SERVICES', implode(',', $all_ser)); $full_list = array(); foreach ($all_ser as $serv) { $full_list[] = '\'' . pSQL($serv) . '\''; } $not_in = array(); $srv_list = $helper->makeCodeKeys($this->model->getOffers( EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_EXPRESSISTE, ' AND CONCAT_WS("_", es.`emc_operators_code_eo` , es.`code_es` ) IN (' . implode(',', $full_list) . ') ' )); // get default tracking urls $tracking_urls = EnvoimoinscherHelper::$tracking_urls; foreach ($srv_list as $service) { $pricing = ( Tools::getValue( $service['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $service['code_es'] . '_emc' ) == 'real' ) ? (EnvoimoinscherModel::REAL_PRICE) : (EnvoimoinscherModel::RATE_PRICE); // EMC column $data = array( 'id_es' => (int)$service['id_es'], 'pricing_es' => $pricing, // not translatable at the moment 'name' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::getTranslation($service['srv_name_fo_es'], 'fr-fr'), 'active' => 1, 'is_module' => 1, 'need_range' => 1, 'range_behavior' => 1, 'shipping_external' => 1, 'external_module_name' => $this->name, 'url' => isset($tracking_urls[$service['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $service['code_es']]) ? pSQL($tracking_urls[$service['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $service['code_es']]) : '' ); $carrier_id = $this->model->saveCarrier($data, $service); if ($carrier_id === false) { return false; } $not_in[] = (int)$carrier_id; DB::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services SET id_carrier = ' . (int)$carrier_id . ', pricing_es = ' . $pricing . ' WHERE id_es = ' . (int)$service['id_es'] . ''); } // Carriers have been saved $not_in_carrier = ''; if (count($not_in) > 0) { $not_in_carrier = 'AND c.`id_carrier` NOT IN (' . implode(',', $not_in) . ')'; } // get all EnvoiMoinsCher services (to remove images) $image_rmv = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier` AS c INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services` AS es ON c.`id_carrier` = es.`id_carrier` AND es.`family_es` = "' . EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_EXPRESSISTE . '" WHERE c.`external_module_name` = "envoimoinscher" AND c.`deleted` = 0 ' . $not_in_carrier . ''; $services_emc = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); foreach ($services_emc as $service_emc) { $image_rmv[] = (int)$service_emc['id_carrier']; } $delete_sql = 'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier` AS c INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services` AS es ON c.`id_carrier` = es.`id_carrier` AND es.`family_es` = "' . EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_EXPRESSISTE . '" SET c.`deleted` = 1 WHERE c.`external_module_name` = "envoimoinscher" ' . $not_in_carrier . ''; Db::getInstance()->Execute($delete_sql); // remove images too foreach ($image_rmv as $image) { unlink(_PS_IMG_DIR_ . 's/' . $image . '.jpg'); } Tools::redirectAdmin($this->link . '&EMC_tabs=advanced_carriers&conf=6'); } } else { return $this->displayError($this->l('Please set the module in config mode')); } } private function postProcessCarriersSimple() { $helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper(); $config = EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfigData(); // do operation on offers only when 'configuration' is checked if ($config['EMC_SRV_MODE'] == EnvoimoinscherModel::MODE_CONFIG) { $this->postProcessCarriersParcelPoints(); // handle services (insert only new services; delete only not choosen ones) $all_ser = (array)Tools::getValue('offers'); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_SERVICES', implode(',', $all_ser)); $full_list = array(); foreach ($all_ser as $serv) { $full_list[] = '\'' . pSQL($serv) . '\''; } $not_in = array(); $srv_list = $helper->makeCodeKeys( $this->model->getOffers( EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_ECONOMIQUE, ' AND CONCAT_WS("_", es.`emc_operators_code_eo` , es.`code_es` ) IN (' . implode(',', $full_list) . ') ' ) ); // get default tracking urls $tracking_urls = EnvoimoinscherHelper::$tracking_urls; foreach ($srv_list as $service) { $pricing = ( Tools::getValue( $service['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $service['code_es'] . '_emc' ) == 'real' ) ? (EnvoimoinscherModel::REAL_PRICE) : (EnvoimoinscherModel::RATE_PRICE); // EMC column $data = array( 'id_es' => (int)$service['id_es'], 'pricing_es' => $pricing, // not translatable for the moment 'name' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::getTranslation($service['srv_name_fo_es'], 'fr-fr'), 'active' => 1, 'is_module' => 1, 'need_range' => 1, 'range_behavior' => 1, 'shipping_external' => 1, 'external_module_name' => $this->name, 'url' => isset($tracking_urls[$service['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $service['code_es']]) ? pSQL($tracking_urls[$service['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '_' . $service['code_es']]) : '' ); $carrier_id = $this->model->saveCarrier($data, $service); if ($carrier_id === false) { return false; } $not_in[] = (int)$carrier_id; DB::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services SET id_carrier = ' . (int)$carrier_id . ', pricing_es = ' . $pricing . ' WHERE id_es = ' . (int)$service['id_es'] . ''); } // Carriers have been saved $not_in_carrier = ''; if (count($not_in) > 0) { $not_in_carrier = 'AND c.`id_carrier` NOT IN (' . implode(',', $not_in) . ')'; } // get all EnvoiMoinsCher services (to remove images) $image_rmv = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier` AS c INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services` AS es ON c.`id_carrier` = es.`id_carrier` AND es.`family_es` = "' . EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_ECONOMIQUE . '" WHERE c.`external_module_name` = "envoimoinscher" AND c.`deleted` = 0 ' . $not_in_carrier . ''; $services_emc = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); foreach ($services_emc as $service_emc) { $image_rmv[] = (int)$service_emc['id_carrier']; } $delete_sql = 'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier` AS c INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'emc_services` AS es ON c.`id_carrier` = es.`id_carrier` AND es.`family_es` = "' . EnvoimoinscherModel::FAM_ECONOMIQUE . '" SET c.`deleted` = 1 WHERE c.`external_module_name` = "envoimoinscher" ' . $not_in_carrier . ''; Db::getInstance()->Execute($delete_sql); // remove images too foreach ($image_rmv as $image) { unlink(_PS_IMG_DIR_ . 's/' . $image . '.jpg'); } Tools::redirectAdmin( $this->link . '&EMC_tabs=simple_carriers&conf=6' ); } else { return $this->displayError($this->l('Please set the module in config mode')); } } /** * Set Sends configuration * @return mixed Error message */ private function postProcessSends() { if (Tools::getValue('EMC_nature') && (Tools::getValue('pickupDay1') != 0 || (Tools::isSubmit('pickupDay1') && Tools::getValue('pickupDay1') == 0)) && (Tools::getValue('pickupDay2') != 0 || (Tools::isSubmit('pickupDay2') && Tools::getValue('pickupDay2') == 0)) && (Tools::getValue('pickupSplit') != 0 || (Tools::isSubmit('pickupSplit') && Tools::getValue('pickupSplit') == 0)) ) { // Update configuration EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_NATURE', Tools::getValue('EMC_nature')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_CONTENT_AS_DESC', (int)Tools::getValue('contentAsDesc')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig( 'EMC_AVERAGE_WEIGHT', str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('EMC_default_weight')) ); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig( 'EMC_ASSU', Tools::isSubmit('EMC_use_axa') ? Tools::getValue('EMC_use_axa') : 0 ); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PICKUP_J1', Tools::getValue('pickupDay1')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PICKUP_J2', Tools::getValue('pickupDay2')); EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_PICKUP_SPLIT', Tools::getValue('pickupSplit')); // delivery date label $languages = EnvoimoinscherModel::getLanguages(); $emcLabelDeliveryDate = array(); foreach ($languages as $language) { if (Tools::isSubmit('labelDeliveryDate'.Tools::strtolower($language['language_code']))) { $emcLabelDeliveryDate[Tools::strtolower($language['language_code'])] = Tools::getValue( 'labelDeliveryDate'.Tools::strtolower($language['language_code']) ); } else { $emcLabelDeliveryDate[Tools::strtolower($language['language_code'])] = ''; } } EnvoimoinscherModel::updateConfig('EMC_LABEL_DELIVERY_DATE', serialize($emcLabelDeliveryDate)); Tools::redirectAdmin($this->link . '&EMC_tabs=sends&conf=6'); } else { return $this->displayError($this->l('Please check your form, some fields are required')); } } /** * Create carrier */ public static function createEnvoimoinscherCarrier($config) { return $config; } /** * Mondial Relay plugin does that : * $carrier = $params['carrier']; * $order = $params['order']; * if ($carrier->is_module AND $order->shipping_number) * { * $module = $carrier->external_module_name; * include_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php'); * $module_carrier = new $module(); * $smarty->assign('followup', $module_carrier->getFollowup($order->shipping_number)); * } * else if ($carrier->url AND $order->shipping_number) * $smarty->assign('followup', str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url)); * ... * We need to add this method to avoid the problems with displaying of order detail. */ public function getFollowup() { return ''; } public static function getMapByOpe( $ope, $srv = false, $city = false, $postalcode = false, $address = false, $country = false, $inputCallBack = false ) { if ($inputCallBack) { return Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getHttpHost() . __PS_BASE_URI__. 'index.php?fc=module&module=envoimoinscher&controller=ajax&option=choixRelais&ope='.$ope. '&srv='.$srv.'&inputCallBack='.$inputCallBack. '&cp='.($postalcode ? $postalcode : EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_POSTALCODE')). '&ville='.urlencode(($city ? $city : EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_CITY'))). '&country='.($country ? $country : 'FR'). '&locale='.Context::getContext()->language->language_code; } $link = (EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_ENV') == 'TEST') ? '//test.envoimoinscher.com' : '//www.envoimoinscher.com'; $link .= '/choix-relais.html?cp=' . ($postalcode ? $postalcode : EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_POSTALCODE')) . '&ville=' . urlencode(($city ? $city : EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_CITY'))) . '&country=' . ($country ? $country : 'FR') . '&srv=' . $srv . '&ope=' . $ope; return $link; } public function handlePush() { return $this->model->handlePush(); } }