* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ global $smarty; $smarty->debugging = false; $smarty->debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; // Let user choose to force compilation $smarty->force_compile = (Configuration::get('PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE') == _PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE_) ? true : false; // But force compile_check since the performance impact is small and it is better for debugging $smarty->compile_check = true; function smartyTranslate($params, &$smarty) { $htmlentities = !isset($params['js']); $pdf = isset($params['pdf']); $addslashes = (isset($params['slashes']) || isset($params['js'])); $sprintf = isset($params['sprintf']) ? $params['sprintf'] : null; if ($pdf) return Translate::smartyPostProcessTranslation(Translate::getPdfTranslation($params['s'], $sprintf), $params); $filename = ((!isset($smarty->compiler_object) || !is_object($smarty->compiler_object->template)) ? $smarty->template_resource : $smarty->compiler_object->template->getTemplateFilepath()); // If the template is part of a module if (!empty($params['mod'])) return Translate::smartyPostProcessTranslation(Translate::getModuleTranslation($params['mod'], $params['s'], basename($filename, '.tpl'), $sprintf, isset($params['js'])), $params); // If the tpl is at the root of the template folder if (dirname($filename) == '.') $class = 'index'; // If the tpl is used by a Helper if (strpos($filename, 'helpers') === 0) $class = 'Helper'; // If the tpl is used by a Controller else { if (!empty(Context::getContext()->override_controller_name_for_translations)) $class = Context::getContext()->override_controller_name_for_translations; elseif (isset(Context::getContext()->controller)) { $class_name = get_class(Context::getContext()->controller); $class = substr($class_name, 0, strpos(Tools::strtolower($class_name), 'controller')); } else { // Split by \ and / to get the folder tree for the file $folder_tree = preg_split('#[/\\\]#', $filename); $key = array_search('controllers', $folder_tree); // If there was a match, construct the class name using the child folder name // Eg. xxx/controllers/customers/xxx => AdminCustomers if ($key !== false) $class = 'Admin'.Tools::toCamelCase($folder_tree[$key + 1], true); elseif (isset($folder_tree[0])) $class = 'Admin'.Tools::toCamelCase($folder_tree[0], true); } } return Translate::smartyPostProcessTranslation(Translate::getAdminTranslation($params['s'], $class, $addslashes, $htmlentities, $sprintf), $params); }