* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class InstallXmlLoader { /** * @var InstallLanguages */ protected $language; /** * @var array List of languages stored as array(id_lang => iso) */ protected $languages = array(); /** * @var array Store in cache all loaded XML files */ protected $cache_xml_entity = array(); /** * @var array List of errors */ protected $errors = array(); protected $data_path; protected $lang_path; protected $img_path; public $path_type; protected $ids = array(); protected $primaries = array(); protected $delayed_inserts = array(); public function __construct() { $this->language = InstallLanguages::getInstance(); $this->setDefaultPath(); } /** * Set list of installed languages * * @param array $languages array(id_lang => iso) */ public function setLanguages(array $languages) { $this->languages = $languages; } public function setDefaultPath() { $this->path_type = 'common'; $this->data_path = _PS_INSTALL_DATA_PATH_.'xml/'; $this->lang_path = _PS_INSTALL_LANGS_PATH_; $this->img_path = _PS_INSTALL_DATA_PATH_.'img/'; } public function setFixturesPath($path = null) { if ($path === null) $path = _PS_INSTALL_FIXTURES_PATH_.'fashion/'; $this->path_type = 'fixture'; $this->data_path = $path.'data/'; $this->lang_path = $path.'langs/'; $this->img_path = $path.'img/'; } /** * Get list of errors * * @return array */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } /** * Add an error * * @param string $error */ public function setError($error) { $this->errors[] = $error; } /** * Store an ID related to an entity and its identifier (E.g. we want to save that product with ID "ipod_nano" has the ID 1) * * @param string $entity * @param string $identifier * @param int $id */ public function storeId($entity, $identifier, $id) { $this->ids[$entity.':'.$identifier] = $id; } /** * Retrieve an ID related to an entity and its identifier * * @param string $entity * @param string $identifier */ public function retrieveId($entity, $identifier) { return isset($this->ids[$entity.':'.$identifier]) ? $this->ids[$entity.':'.$identifier] : 0; } public function getIds() { return $this->ids; } public function setIds($ids) { $this->ids = $ids; } public function getSortedEntities() { // Browse all XML files from data/xml directory $entities = array(); $dependencies = array(); $fd = opendir($this->data_path); while ($file = readdir($fd)) if (preg_match('#^(.+)\.xml$#', $file, $m)) { $entity = $m[1]; $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); // Store entities dependencies (with field type="relation") if ($xml->fields) { foreach ($xml->fields->field as $field) { if ($field['relation'] && $field['relation'] != $entity) { if (!isset($dependencies[(string)$field['relation']])) $dependencies[(string)$field['relation']] = array(); $dependencies[(string)$field['relation']][] = $entity; } } } $entities[] = $entity; } closedir($fd); // Sort entities to populate database in good order (E.g. zones before countries) do { $current = (isset($sort_entities)) ? $sort_entities : array(); $sort_entities = array(); foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) { if (isset($dependencies[$entity])) { $min = count($entities) - 1; foreach ($dependencies[$entity] as $item) if (($key = array_search($item, $sort_entities)) !== false) $min = min($min, $key); if ($min == 0) array_unshift($sort_entities, $entity); else array_splice($sort_entities, $min, 0, array($entity)); } else $sort_entities[] = $entity; } $entities = $sort_entities; } while ($current != $sort_entities); return $sort_entities; } /** * Read all XML files from data folder and populate tables */ public function populateFromXmlFiles() { $entities = $this->getSortedEntities(); // Populate entities foreach ($entities as $entity) $this->populateEntity($entity); } /** * Populate an entity * * @param string $entity */ public function populateEntity($entity) { if (method_exists($this, 'populateEntity'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity))) { $this->{'populateEntity'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity)}(); return; } if (substr($entity, 0, 1) == '.' || substr($entity, 0, 1) == '_') return; $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); // Read list of fields if (!is_object($xml) || !$xml->fields) throw new PrestashopInstallerException('List of fields not found for entity '.$entity); if ($this->isMultilang($entity)) { $multilang_columns = $this->getColumns($entity, true); $xml_langs = array(); $default_lang = null; foreach ($this->languages as $id_lang => $iso) { if ($iso == $this->language->getLanguageIso()) $default_lang = $id_lang; try { $xml_langs[$id_lang] = $this->loadEntity($entity, $iso); } catch (PrestashopInstallerException $e) { $xml_langs[$id_lang] = null; } } } // Load all row for current entity and prepare data to be populated foreach ($xml->entities->$entity as $node) { $data = array(); $identifier = (string)$node['id']; // Read attributes foreach ($node->attributes() as $k => $v) if ($k != 'id') $data[$k] = (string)$v; // Read cdatas foreach ($node->children() as $child) $data[$child->getName()] = (string)$child; // Load multilang data $data_lang = array(); if ($this->isMultilang($entity)) { $xpath_query = $entity.'[@id="'.$identifier.'"]'; foreach ($xml_langs as $id_lang => $xml_lang) { if (!$xml_lang) continue; if (($node_lang = $xml_lang->xpath($xpath_query)) || ($node_lang = $xml_langs[$default_lang]->xpath($xpath_query))) { $node_lang = $node_lang[0]; foreach ($multilang_columns as $column => $is_text) { $value = ''; if ($node_lang[$column]) $value = (string)$node_lang[$column]; if ($node_lang->$column) $value = (string)$node_lang->$column; $data_lang[$column][$id_lang] = $value; } } } } $data = $this->rewriteRelationedData($entity, $data); if (method_exists($this, 'createEntity'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity))) { // Create entity with custom method in current class $method = 'createEntity'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity); $this->$method($identifier, $data, $data_lang); } else $this->createEntity($entity, $identifier, (string)$xml->fields['class'], $data, $data_lang); if ($xml->fields['image']) { if (method_exists($this, 'copyImages'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity))) $this->{'copyImages'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity)}($identifier, $data); else $this->copyImages($entity, $identifier, (string)$xml->fields['image'], $data); } } $this->flushDelayedInserts(); unset($this->cache_xml_entity[$this->path_type][$entity]); } protected function getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso) { return file_exists($this->lang_path.$iso.'/data/') ? $iso : 'en'; } /** * Special case for "tag" entity */ public function populateEntityTag() { foreach ($this->languages as $id_lang => $iso) { if (!file_exists($this->lang_path.$this->getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso).'/data/tag.xml')) continue; $xml = $this->loadEntity('tag', $this->getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso)); $tags = array(); foreach ($xml->tag as $tag_node) { $products = trim((string)$tag_node['products']); if (!$products) continue; foreach (explode(',', $products) as $product) { $product = trim($product); $product_id = $this->retrieveId('product', $product); if (!isset($tags[$product_id])) $tags[$product_id] = array(); $tags[$product_id][] = trim((string)$tag_node['name']); } } foreach ($tags as $id_product => $tag_list) Tag::addTags($id_lang, $id_product, $tag_list); } } /** * Load an entity XML file * * @param string $entity * @return SimpleXMLElement */ protected function loadEntity($entity, $iso = null) { if (!isset($this->cache_xml_entity[$this->path_type][$entity][$iso])) { if (substr($entity, 0, 1) == '.' || substr($entity, 0, 1) == '_') return; $path = $this->data_path.$entity.'.xml'; if ($iso) $path = $this->lang_path.$this->getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso).'/data/'.$entity.'.xml'; if (!file_exists($path)) throw new PrestashopInstallerException('XML data file '.$entity.'.xml not found'); $this->cache_xml_entity[$this->path_type][$entity][$iso] = @simplexml_load_file($path, 'InstallSimplexmlElement'); if (!$this->cache_xml_entity[$this->path_type][$entity][$iso]) throw new PrestashopInstallerException('XML data file '.$entity.'.xml invalid'); } return $this->cache_xml_entity[$this->path_type][$entity][$iso]; } /** * Check fields related to an other entity, and replace their values by the ID created by the other entity * * @param string $entity * @param array $data */ protected function rewriteRelationedData($entity, array $data) { $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); foreach ($xml->fields->field as $field) if ($field['relation']) { $id = $this->retrieveId((string)$field['relation'], $data[(string)$field['name']]); if (!$id && $data[(string)$field['name']] && is_numeric($data[(string)$field['name']])) $id = $data[(string)$field['name']]; $data[(string)$field['name']] = $id; } return $data; } public function flushDelayedInserts() { foreach ($this->delayed_inserts as $entity => $queries) { $type = Db::INSERT_IGNORE; if ($entity == 'access') $type = Db::REPLACE; if (!Db::getInstance()->insert($entity, $queries, false, true, $type)) $this->setError($this->language->l('An SQL error occurred for entity %1$s: %2$s', $entity, Db::getInstance()->getMsgError())); unset($this->delayed_inserts[$entity]); } } /** * Create a simple entity with all its data and lang data * If a methode createEntity$entity exists, use it. Else if $classname is given, use it. Else do a simple insert in database. * * @param string $entity * @param string $identifier * @param string $classname * @param array $data * @param array $data_lang */ public function createEntity($entity, $identifier, $classname, array $data, array $data_lang = array()) { $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); if ($classname) { // Create entity with ObjectModel class $object = new $classname(); $object->hydrate($data); if ($data_lang) $object->hydrate($data_lang); $object->add(true, (isset($xml->fields['null'])) ? true : false); $entity_id = $object->id; unset($object); } else { // Generate primary key manually $primary = ''; $entity_id = 0; if (!$xml->fields['primary']) $primary = 'id_'.$entity; else if (strpos((string)$xml->fields['primary'], ',') === false) $primary = (string)$xml->fields['primary']; unset($xml); if ($primary) { $entity_id = $this->generatePrimary($entity, $primary); $data[$primary] = $entity_id; } // Store INSERT queries in order to optimize install with grouped inserts $this->delayed_inserts[$entity][] = array_map('pSQL', $data); if ($data_lang) { $real_data_lang = array(); foreach ($data_lang as $field => $list) foreach ($list as $id_lang => $value) $real_data_lang[$id_lang][$field] = $value; foreach ($real_data_lang as $id_lang => $insert_data_lang) { $insert_data_lang['id_'.$entity] = $entity_id; $insert_data_lang['id_lang'] = $id_lang; $this->delayed_inserts[$entity.'_lang'][] = array_map('pSQL', $insert_data_lang); } // Store INSERT queries for _shop associations $entity_asso = Shop::getAssoTable($entity); if ($entity_asso !== false && $entity_asso['type'] == 'shop') $this->delayed_inserts[$entity.'_shop'][] = array( 'id_shop' => 1, 'id_'.$entity => $entity_id, ); } } $this->storeId($entity, $identifier, $entity_id); } public function createEntityConfiguration($identifier, array $data, array $data_lang) { if (Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT id_configuration FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'configuration WHERE name = \''.pSQL($data['name']).'\'')) return; $entity = 'configuration'; $entity_id = $this->generatePrimary($entity, 'id_configuration'); $data['id_configuration'] = $entity_id; // Store INSERT queries in order to optimize install with grouped inserts $this->delayed_inserts[$entity][] = array_map('pSQL', $data); if ($data_lang) { $real_data_lang = array(); foreach ($data_lang as $field => $list) foreach ($list as $id_lang => $value) $real_data_lang[$id_lang][$field] = $value; foreach ($real_data_lang as $id_lang => $insert_data_lang) { $insert_data_lang['id_'.$entity] = $entity_id; $insert_data_lang['id_lang'] = $id_lang; $this->delayed_inserts[$entity.'_lang'][] = array_map('pSQL', $insert_data_lang); } } $this->storeId($entity, $identifier, $entity_id); } public function createEntityStockAvailable($identifier, array $data, array $data_lang) { $stock_available = new StockAvailable(); $stock_available->updateQuantity($data['id_product'], $data['id_product_attribute'], $data['quantity'], $data['id_shop']); } public function createEntityTab($identifier, array $data, array $data_lang) { static $position = array(); $entity = 'tab'; $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); if (!isset($position[$data['id_parent']])) $position[$data['id_parent']] = 0; $data['position'] = $position[$data['id_parent']]++; // Generate primary key manually $primary = ''; $entity_id = 0; if (!$xml->fields['primary']) $primary = 'id_'.$entity; else if (strpos((string)$xml->fields['primary'], ',') === false) $primary = (string)$xml->fields['primary']; if ($primary) { $entity_id = $this->generatePrimary($entity, $primary); $data[$primary] = $entity_id; } // Store INSERT queries in order to optimize install with grouped inserts $this->delayed_inserts[$entity][] = array_map('pSQL', $data); if ($data_lang) { $real_data_lang = array(); foreach ($data_lang as $field => $list) foreach ($list as $id_lang => $value) $real_data_lang[$id_lang][$field] = $value; foreach ($real_data_lang as $id_lang => $insert_data_lang) { $insert_data_lang['id_'.$entity] = $entity_id; $insert_data_lang['id_lang'] = $id_lang; $this->delayed_inserts[$entity.'_lang'][] = array_map('pSQL', $insert_data_lang); } } $this->storeId($entity, $identifier, $entity_id); } public function generatePrimary($entity, $primary) { if (!isset($this->primaries[$entity])) $this->primaries[$entity] = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT '.$primary.' FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.$entity.' ORDER BY '.$primary.' DESC'); return ++$this->primaries[$entity]; } public function copyImages($entity, $identifier, $path, array $data, $extension = 'jpg') { // Get list of image types $reference = array( 'product' => 'products', 'category' => 'categories', 'manufacturer' => 'manufacturers', 'supplier' => 'suppliers', 'scene' => 'scenes', 'store' => 'stores', ); $types = array(); if (isset($reference[$entity])) $types = ImageType::getImagesTypes($reference[$entity]); // For each path copy images $path = array_map('trim', explode(',', $path)); foreach ($path as $p) { $from_path = $this->img_path.$p.'/'; $dst_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.$p.'/'; $entity_id = $this->retrieveId($entity, $identifier); if (!@copy($from_path.$identifier.'.'.$extension, $dst_path.$entity_id.'.'.$extension)) { $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier, $entity)); return; } foreach ($types as $type) { $origin_file = $from_path.$identifier.'-'.$type['name'].'.'.$extension; $target_file = $dst_path.$entity_id.'-'.$type['name'].'.'.$extension; // Test if dest folder is writable if (!is_writable(dirname($target_file))) $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" (bad permissions on folder "%2$s")', $identifier.'-'.$type['name'], dirname($target_file))); // If a file named folder/entity-type.extension exists just copy it, this is an optimisation in order to prevent to much resize elseif (file_exists($origin_file)) { if (!@copy($origin_file, $target_file)) $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%s"', $identifier.'-'.$type['name'])); @chmod($target_file, 0644); } // Resize the image if no cache was prepared in fixtures elseif (!ImageManager::resize($from_path.$identifier.'.'.$extension, $target_file, $type['width'], $type['height'])) $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier.'-'.$type['name'], $entity)); } } Image::moveToNewFileSystem(); } public function copyImagesScene($identifier, array $data) { $this->copyImages('scene', $identifier, 'scenes', $data); $from_path = $this->img_path.'scenes/thumbs/'; $dst_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'scenes/thumbs/'; $entity_id = $this->retrieveId('scene', $identifier); if (!@copy($from_path.$identifier.'-m_scene_default.jpg', $dst_path.$entity_id.'-m_scene_default.jpg')) { $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier, 'scene')); return; } } public function copyImagesOrderState($identifier, array $data) { $this->copyImages('order_state', $identifier, 'os', $data, 'gif'); } public function copyImagesTab($identifier, array $data) { $from_path = $this->img_path.'t/'; $dst_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'t/'; if (file_exists($from_path.$data['class_name'].'.gif') && !file_exists($dst_path.$data['class_name'].'.gif'))//test if file exist in install dir and if do not exist in dest folder. if (!@copy($from_path.$data['class_name'].'.gif', $dst_path.$data['class_name'].'.gif')) { $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier, 'tab')); return; } } public function copyImagesImage($identifier) { $path = $this->img_path.'p/'; $image = new Image($this->retrieveId('image', $identifier)); $dst_path = $image->getPathForCreation(); if (!@copy($path.$identifier.'.jpg', $dst_path.'.'.$image->image_format)) { $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier, 'product')); return; } @chmod($dst_path.'.'.$image->image_format, 0644); $types = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products'); foreach ($types as $type) { $origin_file = $path.$identifier.'-'.$type['name'].'.jpg'; $target_file = $dst_path.'-'.$type['name'].'.'.$image->image_format; // Test if dest folder is writable if (!is_writable(dirname($target_file))) $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" (bad permissions on folder "%2$s")', $identifier.'-'.$type['name'], dirname($target_file))); // If a file named folder/entity-type.jpg exists just copy it, this is an optimisation in order to prevent to much resize else if (file_exists($origin_file)) { if (!@copy($origin_file, $target_file)) $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier.'-'.$type['name'], 'product')); @chmod($target_file, 0644); } // Resize the image if no cache was prepared in fixtures else if (!ImageManager::resize($path.$identifier.'.jpg', $target_file, $type['width'], $type['height'])) $this->setError($this->language->l('Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"', $identifier.'-'.$type['name'], 'product')); } } public function getTables() { static $tables = null; if (is_null($tables)) { $tables = array(); foreach (Db::getInstance()->executeS('SHOW TABLES') as $row) { $table = current($row); if (preg_match('#^'._DB_PREFIX_.'(.+?)(_lang)?$#i', $table, $m)) $tables[$m[1]] = (isset($m[2]) && $m[2]) ? true : false; } } return $tables; } public function hasElements($table) { return (bool)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.$table); } public function getColumns($table, $multilang = false, array $exclude = array()) { static $columns = array(); if ($multilang) return ($this->isMultilang($table)) ? $this->getColumns($table.'_lang', false, array('id_'.$table)) : array(); if (!isset($columns[$table])) { $columns[$table] = array(); $sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.bqSQL($table).'`'; foreach (Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql) as $row) $columns[$table][$row['Field']] = $this->checkIfTypeIsText($row['Type']); } $exclude = array_merge(array('id_'.$table, 'date_add', 'date_upd', 'deleted', 'id_lang'), $exclude); $list = array(); foreach ($columns[$table] as $k => $v) if (!in_array($k, $exclude)) $list[$k] = $v; return $list; } public function getClasses($path = null) { static $cache = null; if (!is_null($cache)) return $cache; $dir = $path; if (is_null($dir)) $dir = _PS_CLASS_DIR_; $classes = array(); foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) if ($file[0] != '.' && $file != 'index.php') { if (is_dir($dir.$file)) $classes = array_merge($classes, $this->getClasses($dir.$file.'/')); else if (preg_match('#^(.+)\.php$#', $file, $m)) $classes[] = $m[1]; } sort($classes); if (is_null($path)) $cache = $classes; return $classes; } public function checkIfTypeIsText($type) { if (preg_match('#^(longtext|text|tinytext)#i', $type)) return true; if (preg_match('#^varchar\(([0-9]+)\)$#i', $type, $m)) return intval($m[1]) >= 64 ? true : false; return false; } public function isMultilang($entity) { $tables = $this->getTables(); return isset($tables[$entity]) && $tables[$entity]; } public function entityExists($entity) { return file_exists($this->data_path.$entity.'.xml'); } public function getEntitiesList() { $entities = array(); foreach (scandir($this->data_path) as $file) if ($file[0] != '.' && preg_match('#^(.+)\.xml$#', $file, $m)) $entities[] = $m[1]; return $entities; } public function getEntityInfo($entity) { $info = array( 'config' => array( 'id' => '', 'primary' => '', 'class' => '', 'sql' => '', 'ordersql' => '', 'image' => '', 'null' => '', ), 'fields' => array(), ); if (!$this->entityExists($entity)) return $info; $xml = @simplexml_load_file($this->data_path.$entity.'.xml', 'InstallSimplexmlElement'); if (!$xml) return $info; if ($xml->fields['id']) $info['config']['id'] = (string)$xml->fields['id']; if ($xml->fields['primary']) $info['config']['primary'] = (string)$xml->fields['primary']; if ($xml->fields['class']) $info['config']['class'] = (string)$xml->fields['class']; if ($xml->fields['sql']) $info['config']['sql'] = (string)$xml->fields['sql']; if ($xml->fields['ordersql']) $info['config']['ordersql'] = (string)$xml->fields['ordersql']; if ($xml->fields['null']) $info['config']['null'] = (string)$xml->fields['null']; if ($xml->fields['image']) $info['config']['image'] = (string)$xml->fields['image']; foreach ($xml->fields->field as $field) { $column = (string)$field['name']; $info['fields'][$column] = array(); if (isset($field['relation'])) $info['fields'][$column]['relation'] = (string)$field['relation']; } return $info; } public function getDependencies() { $entities = array(); foreach ($this->getEntitiesList() as $entity) $entities[$entity] = $this->getEntityInfo($entity); $dependencies = array(); foreach ($entities as $entity => $info) { foreach ($info['fields'] as $field => $info_field) { if (isset($info_field['relation']) && $info_field['relation'] != $entity) { if (!isset($dependencies[$info_field['relation']])) $dependencies[$info_field['relation']] = array(); $dependencies[$info_field['relation']][] = $entity; } } } return $dependencies; } public function generateEntitySchema($entity, array $fields, array $config) { if ($this->entityExists($entity)) $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); else $xml = new InstallSimplexmlElement(''); unset($xml->fields); // Fill attributes (config) $xml_fields = $xml->addChild('fields'); foreach ($config as $k => $v) if ($v) $xml_fields[$k] = $v; // Create list of fields foreach ($fields as $column => $info) { $field = $xml_fields->addChild('field'); $field['name'] = $column; if (isset($info['relation'])) $field['relation'] = $info['relation']; } // Recreate entities nodes, in order to have the node after the node $store_entities = clone $xml->entities; unset($xml->entities); $xml->addChild('entities', $store_entities); $xml->asXML($this->data_path.$entity.'.xml'); } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function generateAllEntityFiles() { $entities = array(); foreach ($this->getEntitiesList() as $entity) $entities[$entity] = $this->getEntityInfo($entity); $this->generateEntityFiles($entities); } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function generateEntityFiles($entities) { $dependencies = $this->getDependencies(); // Sort entities to populate database in good order (E.g. zones before countries) do { $current = (isset($sort_entities)) ? $sort_entities : array(); $sort_entities = array(); foreach ($entities as $entity) { if (isset($dependencies[$entity])) { $min = count($entities) - 1; foreach ($dependencies[$entity] as $item) if (($key = array_search($item, $sort_entities)) !== false) $min = min($min, $key); if ($min == 0) array_unshift($sort_entities, $entity); else array_splice($sort_entities, $min, 0, array($entity)); } else $sort_entities[] = $entity; } $entities = $sort_entities; } while ($current != $sort_entities); foreach ($sort_entities as $entity) $this->generateEntityContent($entity); } public function generateEntityContent($entity) { $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); if (method_exists($this, 'getEntityContents'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity))) $content = $this->{'getEntityContents'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity)}($entity); else $content = $this->getEntityContents($entity); unset($xml->entities); $entities = $xml->addChild('entities'); $this->createXmlEntityNodes($entity, $content['nodes'], $entities); $xml->asXML($this->data_path.$entity.'.xml'); // Generate multilang XML files if ($content['nodes_lang']) foreach ($content['nodes_lang'] as $id_lang => $nodes) { if (!isset($this->languages[$id_lang])) continue; $iso = $this->languages[$id_lang]; if (!is_dir($this->lang_path.$this->getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso).'/data')) mkdir($this->lang_path.$this->getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso).'/data'); $xml_node = new InstallSimplexmlElement(''); $this->createXmlEntityNodes($entity, $nodes, $xml_node); $xml_node->asXML($this->lang_path.$this->getFallBackToDefaultLanguage($iso).'/data/'.$entity.'.xml'); } if ($xml->fields['image']) { if (method_exists($this, 'backupImage'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity))) $this->{'backupImage'.Tools::toCamelCase($entity)}((string)$xml->fields['image']); else $this->backupImage($entity, (string)$xml->fields['image']); } } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function getEntityContents($entity) { $xml = $this->loadEntity($entity); $primary = (isset($xml->fields['primary']) && $xml->fields['primary']) ? (string)$xml->fields['primary'] : 'id_'.$entity; $is_multilang = $this->isMultilang($entity); // Check if current table is an association table (if multiple primary keys) $is_association = false; if (strpos($primary, ',') !== false) { $is_association = true; $primary = array_map('trim', explode(',', $primary)); } // Build query $sql = new DbQuery(); $sql->select('a.*'); $sql->from($entity, 'a'); if ($is_multilang) { $sql->select('b.*'); $sql->leftJoin($entity.'_lang', 'b', 'a.'.$primary.' = b.'.$primary); } if (isset($xml->fields['sql']) && $xml->fields['sql']) $sql->where((string)$xml->fields['sql']); if (!$is_association) { $sql->select('a.'.$primary); if (!isset($xml->fields['ordersql']) || !$xml->fields['ordersql']) $sql->orderBy('a.'.$primary); } if ($is_multilang && (!isset($xml->fields['ordersql']) || !$xml->fields['ordersql'])) $sql->orderBy('b.id_lang'); if (isset($xml->fields['ordersql']) && $xml->fields['ordersql']) $sql->orderBy((string)$xml->fields['ordersql']); // Get multilang columns $alias_multilang = array(); if ($is_multilang) { $columns = $this->getColumns($entity); $multilang_columns = $this->getColumns($entity, true); // If some columns from _lang table have same name than original table, rename them (E.g. value in configuration) foreach ($multilang_columns as $c => $is_text) if (isset($columns[$c])) { $alias = $c.'_alias'; $alias_multilang[$c] = $alias; $sql->select('a.'.$c.' as '.$c.', b.'.$c.' as '.$alias); } } // Get all results $nodes = $nodes_lang = array(); $results = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); if (Db::getInstance()->getNumberError()) $this->setError($this->language->l('SQL error on query %s', $sql)); else { foreach ($results as $row) { // Store common columns if ($is_association) { $id = $entity; foreach ($primary as $key) $id .= '_'.$row[$key]; } else $id = $this->generateId($entity, $row[$primary], $row, (isset($xml->fields['id']) && $xml->fields['id']) ? (string)$xml->fields['id'] : null); if (!isset($nodes[$id])) { $node = array(); foreach ($xml->fields->field as $field) { $column = (string)$field['name']; if (isset($field['relation'])) { $sql = 'SELECT `id_'.bqSQL($field['relation']).'` FROM `'.bqSQL(_DB_PREFIX_.$field['relation']).'` WHERE `id_'.bqSQL($field['relation']).'` = '.(int)$row[$column]; $node[$column] = $this->generateId((string)$field['relation'], Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql)); // A little trick to allow storage of some hard values, like '-1' for tab.id_parent if (!$node[$column] && $row[$column]) $node[$column] = $row[$column]; } else $node[$column] = $row[$column]; } $nodes[$id] = $node; } // Store multilang columns if ($is_multilang && $row['id_lang']) { $node = array(); foreach ($multilang_columns as $column => $is_text) $node[$column] = $row[isset($alias_multilang[$column]) ? $alias_multilang[$column] : $column]; $nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']][$id] = $node; } } } return array( 'nodes' => $nodes, 'nodes_lang' => $nodes_lang, ); } public function getEntityContentsTag() { $nodes_lang = array(); $sql = 'SELECT t.id_tag, t.id_lang, t.name, pt.id_product FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'tag t LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag pt ON t.id_tag = pt.id_tag ORDER BY id_lang'; foreach (Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql) as $row) { $identifier = $this->generateId('tag', $row['id_tag']); if (!isset($nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']])) $nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']] = array(); if (!isset($nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']][$identifier])) $nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']][$identifier] = array( 'name' => $row['name'], 'products' => '', ); $nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']][$identifier]['products'] .= (($nodes_lang[$row['id_lang']][$identifier]['products']) ? ',' : '').$this->generateId('product', $row['id_product']); } return array( 'nodes' => array(), 'nodes_lang' => $nodes_lang, ); } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function generateId($entity, $primary, array $row = array(), $id_format = null) { static $ids = array(); if (isset($ids[$entity][$primary])) return $ids[$entity][$primary]; if (!isset($ids[$entity])) $ids[$entity] = array(); if (!$primary) return ''; if (!$id_format || !$row || !$row[$id_format]) $ids[$entity][$primary] = $entity.'_'.$primary; else { $value = $row[$id_format]; $value = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_-]#i', '_', $value); $value = preg_replace('#_+#', '_', $value); $value = preg_replace('#^_+#', '', $value); $value = preg_replace('#_+$#', '', $value); $store_identifier = $value; $i = 1; while (in_array($store_identifier, $ids[$entity])) $store_identifier = $value.'_'.$i++; $ids[$entity][$primary] = $store_identifier; } return $ids[$entity][$primary]; } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function createXmlEntityNodes($entity, array $nodes, SimpleXMLElement $entities) { $types = array_merge($this->getColumns($entity), $this->getColumns($entity, true)); foreach ($nodes as $id => $node) { $entity_node = $entities->addChild($entity); $entity_node['id'] = $id; foreach ($node as $k => $v) { if (isset($types[$k]) && $types[$k]) $entity_node->addChild($k, $v); else $entity_node[$k] = $v; } } } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function backupImage($entity, $path) { $reference = array( 'product' => 'products', 'category' => 'categories', 'manufacturer' => 'manufacturers', 'supplier' => 'suppliers', 'scene' => 'scenes', 'store' => 'stores', ); $types = array(); if (isset($reference[$entity])) { $types = array(); foreach (ImageType::getImagesTypes($reference[$entity]) as $type) $types[] = $type['name']; } $path_list = array_map('trim', explode(',', $path)); foreach ($path_list as $p) { $backup_path = $this->img_path.$p.'/'; $from_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.$p.'/'; if (!is_dir($backup_path) && !mkdir($backup_path)) $this->setError(sprintf('Cannot create directory %s', $backup_path)); foreach (scandir($from_path) as $file) if ($file[0] != '.' && preg_match('#^(([0-9]+)(-('.implode('|', $types).'))?)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$#i', $file, $m)) { $file_id = $m[2]; $file_type = $m[3]; $file_extension = $m[5]; copy($from_path.$file, $backup_path.$this->generateId($entity, $file_id).$file_type.'.'.$file_extension); } } } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function backupImageImage() { $types = array(); foreach (ImageType::getImagesTypes('products') as $type) $types[] = $type['name']; $backup_path = $this->img_path.'p/'; $from_path = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_; if (!is_dir($backup_path) && !mkdir($backup_path)) $this->setError(sprintf('Cannot create directory %s', $backup_path)); foreach (Image::getAllImages() as $image) { $image = new Image($image['id_image']); $image_path = $image->getExistingImgPath(); if (file_exists($from_path.$image_path.'.'.$image->image_format)) copy($from_path.$image_path.'.'.$image->image_format, $backup_path.$this->generateId('image', $image->id).'.'.$image->image_format); foreach ($types as $type) if (file_exists($from_path.$image_path.'-'.$type.'.'.$image->image_format)) copy($from_path.$image_path.'-'.$type.'.'.$image->image_format, $backup_path.$this->generateId('image', $image->id).'-'.$type.'.'.$image->image_format); } } /** * ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE */ public function backupImageTab() { $backup_path = $this->img_path.'t/'; $from_path = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'t/'; if (!is_dir($backup_path) && !mkdir($backup_path)) $this->setError(sprintf('Cannot create directory %s', $backup_path)); $xml = $this->loadEntity('tab'); foreach ($xml->entities->tab as $tab) if (file_exists($from_path.$tab->class_name.'.gif')) copy($from_path.$tab->class_name.'.gif', $backup_path.$tab->class_name.'.gif'); } }