/* * 2007-2015 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ {if $PayPal_in_context_checkout == 1} window.paypalCheckoutReady = function() { paypal.checkout.setup("{$PayPal_in_context_checkout_merchant_id}", { environment: {if $PAYPAL_SANDBOX}"sandbox"{else}"production"{/if}, click: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); paypal.checkout.initXO(); updateFormDatas(); var str = ''; if($('#paypal_payment_form input[name="id_product"]').length > 0) str += '&id_product='+$('#paypal_payment_form input[name="id_product"]').val(); if($('#paypal_payment_form input[name="quantity"]').length > 0) str += '&quantity='+$('#paypal_payment_form input[name="quantity"]').val(); if($('#paypal_payment_form input[name="id_p_attr"]').length > 0) str += '&id_p_attr='+$('#paypal_payment_form input[name="id_p_attr"]').val(); $.support.cors = true; $.ajax({ url: "{$base_dir_ssl}modules/paypal/express_checkout/payment.php", type: "GET", data: '&ajax=1&onlytoken=1&express_checkout='+$('input[name="express_checkout"]').val()+'¤t_shop_url='+$('input[name="current_shop_url"]').val()+'&bn='+$('input[name="bn"]').val()+str, async: true, crossDomain: true, //Load the minibrowser with the redirection url in the success handler success: function (token) { var url = paypal.checkout.urlPrefix +token; //Loading Mini browser with redirect url, true for async AJAX calls paypal.checkout.startFlow(url); }, error: function (responseData, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("Error in ajax post"+responseData.statusText); //Gracefully Close the minibrowser in case of AJAX errors paypal.checkout.closeFlow(); } }); }, button: ['paypal_process_payment', 'payment_paypal_express_checkout'] }); } {/if} {literal} function updateFormDatas() { var nb = $('#quantity_wanted').val(); var id = $('#idCombination').val(); $('#paypal_payment_form input[name=quantity]').val(nb); $('#paypal_payment_form input[name=id_p_attr]').val(id); } $(document).ready( function() { if($('#in_context_checkout_enabled').val() != 1) { $('#payment_paypal_express_checkout').click(function() { $('#paypal_payment_form').submit(); return false; }); } $('#paypal_payment_form').live('submit', function() { updateFormDatas(); }); function displayExpressCheckoutShortcut() { var id_product = $('input[name="id_product"]').val(); var id_product_attribute = $('input[name="id_product_attribute"]').val(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: baseDir+'/modules/paypal/express_checkout/ajax.php', data: { get_qty: "1", id_product: id_product, id_product_attribute: id_product_attribute }, cache: false, success: function(result) { if (result == '1') { $('#container_express_checkout').slideDown(); } else { $('#container_express_checkout').slideUp(); } return true; } }); } $('select[name^="group_"]').change(function () { setTimeout(function(){displayExpressCheckoutShortcut()}, 500); }); $('.color_pick').click(function () { setTimeout(function(){displayExpressCheckoutShortcut()}, 500); }); if($('body#product').length > 0) setTimeout(function(){displayExpressCheckoutShortcut()}, 500); {/literal} {if isset($paypal_authorization)} {literal} /* 1.5 One page checkout*/ var qty = $('.qty-field.cart_quantity_input').val(); $('.qty-field.cart_quantity_input').after(qty); $('.qty-field.cart_quantity_input, .cart_total_bar, .cart_quantity_delete, #cart_voucher *').remove(); var br = $('.cart > a').prev(); br.prev().remove(); br.remove(); $('.cart.ui-content > a').remove(); var gift_fieldset = $('#gift_div').prev(); var gift_title = gift_fieldset.prev(); $('#gift_div, #gift_mobile_div').remove(); gift_fieldset.remove(); gift_title.remove(); {/literal} {/if} {if isset($paypal_confirmation)} {literal} $('#container_express_checkout').hide(); $('#cgv').live('click', function() { if ($('#cgv:checked').length != 0) $(location).attr('href', '{/literal}{$paypal_confirmation}{literal}'); }); // old jQuery compatibility $('#cgv').click(function() { if ($('#cgv:checked').length != 0) $(location).attr('href', '{/literal}{$paypal_confirmation}{literal}'); }); {/literal} {else if isset($paypal_order_opc)} {literal} $('#cgv').live('click', function() { if ($('#cgv:checked').length != 0) checkOrder(); }); // old jQuery compatibility $('#cgv').click(function() { if ($('#cgv:checked').length != 0) checkOrder(); }); {/literal} {/if} {literal} var modulePath = 'modules/paypal'; var subFolder = '/integral_evolution'; {/literal} {if $ssl_enabled} var baseDirPP = baseDir.replace('http:', 'https:'); {else} var baseDirPP = baseDir; {/if} {literal} var fullPath = baseDirPP + modulePath + subFolder; var confirmTimer = false; if ($('form[target="hss_iframe"]').length == 0) { if ($('select[name^="group_"]').length > 0) displayExpressCheckoutShortcut(); return false; } else { checkOrder(); } function checkOrder() { if(confirmTimer == false) confirmTimer = setInterval(getOrdersCount, 1000); } {/literal}{if isset($id_cart)}{literal} function getOrdersCount() { $.get( fullPath + '/confirm.php', { id_cart: '{/literal}{$id_cart}{literal}' }, function (data) { if ((typeof(data) != 'undefined') && (data > 0)) { clearInterval(confirmTimer); window.location.replace(fullPath + '/submit.php?id_cart={/literal}{$id_cart}{literal}'); $('p.payment_module, p.cart_navigation').hide(); } } ); } {/literal}{/if}{literal} }); {/literal}