* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class UploaderCore { const DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 10485760; private $_check_file_size; private $_accept_types; private $_files; private $_max_size; private $_name; private $_save_path; public function __construct($name = null) { $this->setName($name); $this->setCheckFileSize(true); $this->files = array(); } public function setAcceptTypes($value) { $this->_accept_types = $value; return $this; } public function getAcceptTypes() { return $this->_accept_types; } public function setCheckFileSize($value) { $this->_check_file_size = $value; return $this; } public function getFilePath($file_name = null) { if (!isset($file_name)) { return tempnam($this->getSavePath(), $this->getUniqueFileName()); } return $this->getSavePath().$file_name; } public function getFiles() { if (!isset($this->_files)) { $this->_files = array(); } return $this->_files; } public function setMaxSize($value) { $this->_max_size = intval($value); return $this; } public function getMaxSize() { if (!isset($this->_max_size) || empty($this->_max_size)) { $this->setMaxSize(self::DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE); } return $this->_max_size; } public function setName($value) { $this->_name = $value; return $this; } public function getName() { return $this->_name; } public function setSavePath($value) { $this->_save_path = $value; return $this; } public function getPostMaxSizeBytes() { $post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size'); $bytes = trim($post_max_size); $last = strtolower($post_max_size[strlen($post_max_size) - 1]); switch ($last) { case 'g': $bytes *= 1024; case 'm': $bytes *= 1024; case 'k': $bytes *= 1024; } if ($bytes == '') { $bytes = null; } return $bytes; } public function getSavePath() { if (!isset($this->_save_path)) { $this->setSavePath(_PS_UPLOAD_DIR_); } return $this->_normalizeDirectory($this->_save_path); } public function getUniqueFileName($prefix = 'PS') { return uniqid($prefix, true); } public function checkFileSize() { return (isset($this->_check_file_size) && $this->_check_file_size); } public function process($dest = null) { $upload = isset($_FILES[$this->getName()]) ? $_FILES[$this->getName()] : null; if ($upload && is_array($upload['tmp_name'])) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($upload['tmp_name'] as $index => $value) { $tmp[$index] = array( 'tmp_name' => $upload['tmp_name'][$index], 'name' => $upload['name'][$index], 'size' => $upload['size'][$index], 'type' => $upload['type'][$index], 'error' => $upload['error'][$index] ); $this->files[] = $this->upload($tmp[$index], $dest); } } elseif ($upload) { $this->files[] = $this->upload($upload, $dest); } return $this->files; } public function upload($file, $dest = null) { if ($this->validate($file)) { if (isset($dest) && is_dir($dest)) { $file_path = $dest; } else { $file_path = $this->getFilePath(isset($dest) ? $dest : $file['name']); } if ($file['tmp_name'] && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $file_path); } else { // Non-multipart uploads (PUT method support) file_put_contents($file_path, fopen('php://input', 'r')); } $file_size = $this->_getFileSize($file_path, true); if ($file_size === $file['size']) { $file['save_path'] = $file_path; } else { $file['size'] = $file_size; unlink($file_path); $file['error'] = Tools::displayError('Server file size is different from local file size'); } } return $file; } protected function checkUploadError($error_code) { $error = 0; switch ($error_code) { case 1: $error = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The uploaded file exceeds %s'), ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); break; case 2: $error = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The uploaded file exceeds %s'), ini_get('post_max_size')); break; case 3: $error = Tools::displayError('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'); break; case 4: $error = Tools::displayError('No file was uploaded'); break; case 6: $error = Tools::displayError('Missing temporary folder'); break; case 7: $error = Tools::displayError('Failed to write file to disk'); break; case 8: $error = Tools::displayError('A PHP extension stopped the file upload'); break; default; break; } return $error; } protected function validate(&$file) { $file['error'] = $this->checkUploadError($file['error']); $post_max_size = $this->getPostMaxSizeBytes(); if ($post_max_size && ($this->_getServerVars('CONTENT_LENGTH') > $post_max_size)) { $file['error'] = Tools::displayError('The uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.ini'); return false; } if (preg_match('/\%00/', $file['name'])) { $file['error'] = Tools::displayError('Invalid file name'); return false; } $types = $this->getAcceptTypes(); //TODO check mime type. if (isset($types) && !in_array(pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $types)) { $file['error'] = Tools::displayError('Filetype not allowed'); return false; } if ($this->checkFileSize() && $file['size'] > $this->getMaxSize()) { $file['error'] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('File (size : %1s) is too big (max : %2s)'), $file['size'], $this->getMaxSize()); return false; } return true; } protected function _getFileSize($file_path, $clear_stat_cache = false) { if ($clear_stat_cache) { clearstatcache(true, $file_path); } return filesize($file_path); } protected function _getServerVars($var) { return (isset($_SERVER[$var]) ? $_SERVER[$var] : ''); } protected function _normalizeDirectory($directory) { $last = $directory[strlen($directory) - 1]; if (in_array($last, array('/', '\\'))) { $directory[strlen($directory) - 1] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $directory; } $directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $directory; } }