* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class UpgraderCore { const DEFAULT_CHECK_VERSION_DELAY_HOURS = 24; public $rss_version_link; public $rss_md5file_link_dir; /** * @var bool contains true if last version is not installed */ protected $need_upgrade = false; protected $changed_files = array(); protected $missing_files = array(); public $version_name; public $version_num; public $version_is_modified = null; /** * @var string contains hte url where to download the file */ public $link; public $autoupgrade; public $autoupgrade_module; public $autoupgrade_last_version; public $autoupgrade_module_link; public $changelog; public $md5; public function __construct($autoload = false) { $this->rss_version_link = _PS_API_URL_.'/xml/upgrader.xml'; $this->rss_md5file_link_dir = _PS_API_URL_.'/xml/md5/'; if ($autoload) { $this->loadFromConfig(); // checkPSVersion to get need_upgrade $this->checkPSVersion(); } } public function __get($var) { if ($var == 'need_upgrade') { return $this->isLastVersion(); } } /** * downloadLast download the last version of PrestaShop and save it in $dest/$filename * * @param string $dest directory where to save the file * @param string $filename new filename * @return bool * * @TODO ftp if copy is not possible (safe_mode for example) */ public function downloadLast($dest, $filename = 'prestashop.zip') { if (empty($this->link)) { $this->checkPSVersion(); } $destPath = realpath($dest).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename; if (@copy($this->link, $destPath)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function isLastVersion() { if (empty($this->link)) { $this->checkPSVersion(); } return $this->need_upgrade; } /** * checkPSVersion ask to prestashop.com if there is a new version. return an array if yes, false otherwise * * @return mixed */ public function checkPSVersion($force = false) { if (class_exists('Configuration')) { $last_check = Configuration::get('PS_LAST_VERSION_CHECK'); } else { $last_check = 0; } // if we use the autoupgrade process, we will never refresh it // except if no check has been done before if ($force || ($last_check < time() - (3600 * Upgrader::DEFAULT_CHECK_VERSION_DELAY_HOURS))) { libxml_set_streams_context(@stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 3)))); if ($feed = @simplexml_load_file($this->rss_version_link)) { $this->version_name = (string)$feed->version->name; $this->version_num = (string)$feed->version->num; $this->link = (string)$feed->download->link; $this->md5 = (string)$feed->download->md5; $this->changelog = (string)$feed->download->changelog; $this->autoupgrade = (int)$feed->autoupgrade; $this->autoupgrade_module = (int)$feed->autoupgrade_module; $this->autoupgrade_last_version = (string)$feed->autoupgrade_last_version; $this->autoupgrade_module_link = (string)$feed->autoupgrade_module_link; $this->desc = (string)$feed->desc; $config_last_version = array( 'name' => $this->version_name, 'num' => $this->version_num, 'link' => $this->link, 'md5' => $this->md5, 'autoupgrade' => $this->autoupgrade, 'autoupgrade_module' => $this->autoupgrade_module, 'autoupgrade_last_version' => $this->autoupgrade_last_version, 'autoupgrade_module_link' => $this->autoupgrade_module_link, 'changelog' => $this->changelog, 'desc' => $this->desc ); if (class_exists('Configuration')) { Configuration::updateValue('PS_LAST_VERSION', serialize($config_last_version)); Configuration::updateValue('PS_LAST_VERSION_CHECK', time()); } } } else { $this->loadFromConfig(); } // retro-compatibility : // return array(name,link) if you don't use the last version // false otherwise if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, $this->version_num, '<')) { $this->need_upgrade = true; return array('name' => $this->version_name, 'link' => $this->link); } else { return false; } } /** * load the last version informations stocked in base * * @return Upgrader */ public function loadFromConfig() { $last_version_check = Tools::unSerialize(Configuration::get('PS_LAST_VERSION')); if ($last_version_check) { if (isset($last_version_check['name'])) { $this->version_name = $last_version_check['name']; } if (isset($last_version_check['num'])) { $this->version_num = $last_version_check['num']; } if (isset($last_version_check['link'])) { $this->link = $last_version_check['link']; } if (isset($last_version_check['autoupgrade'])) { $this->autoupgrade = $last_version_check['autoupgrade']; } if (isset($last_version_check['autoupgrade_module'])) { $this->autoupgrade_module = $last_version_check['autoupgrade_module']; } if (isset($last_version_check['autoupgrade_last_version'])) { $this->autoupgrade_last_version = $last_version_check['autoupgrade_last_version']; } if (isset($last_version_check['autoupgrade_module_link'])) { $this->autoupgrade_module_link = $last_version_check['autoupgrade_module_link']; } if (isset($last_version_check['md5'])) { $this->md5 = $last_version_check['md5']; } if (isset($last_version_check['desc'])) { $this->desc = $last_version_check['desc']; } if (isset($last_version_check['changelog'])) { $this->changelog = $last_version_check['changelog']; } } return $this; } /** * return an array of files * that the md5file does not match to the original md5file (provided by $rss_md5file_link_dir ) * @return array */ public function getChangedFilesList() { if (is_array($this->changed_files) && count($this->changed_files) == 0) { libxml_set_streams_context(@stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 3)))); $checksum = @simplexml_load_file($this->rss_md5file_link_dir._PS_VERSION_.'.xml'); if ($checksum == false) { $this->changed_files = false; } else { $this->browseXmlAndCompare($checksum->ps_root_dir[0]); } } return $this->changed_files; } /** populate $this->changed_files with $path * in sub arrays mail, translation and core items * @param string $path filepath to add, relative to _PS_ROOT_DIR_ */ protected function addChangedFile($path) { $this->version_is_modified = true; if (strpos($path, 'mails/') !== false) { $this->changed_files['mail'][] = $path; } elseif ( strpos($path, '/en.php') !== false || strpos($path, '/fr.php') !== false || strpos($path, '/es.php') !== false || strpos($path, '/it.php') !== false || strpos($path, '/de.php') !== false || strpos($path, 'translations/') !== false ) { $this->changed_files['translation'][] = $path; } else { $this->changed_files['core'][] = $path; } } /** populate $this->missing_files with $path * @param string $path filepath to add, relative to _PS_ROOT_DIR_ */ protected function addMissingFile($path) { $this->version_is_modified = true; $this->missing_files[] = $path; } protected function browseXmlAndCompare($node, &$current_path = array(), $level = 1) { foreach ($node as $key => $child) { /** @var SimpleXMLElement $child */ if (is_object($child) && $child->getName() == 'dir') { $current_path[$level] = (string)$child['name']; $this->browseXmlAndCompare($child, $current_path, $level + 1); } elseif (is_object($child) && $child->getName() == 'md5file') { // We will store only relative path. // absolute path is only used for file_exists and compare $relative_path = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < $level; $i++) { $relative_path .= $current_path[$i].'/'; } $relative_path .= (string)$child['name']; $fullpath = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$relative_path; $fullpath = str_replace('ps_root_dir', _PS_ROOT_DIR_, $fullpath); // replace default admin dir by current one $fullpath = str_replace(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/admin', _PS_ADMIN_DIR_, $fullpath); if (!file_exists($fullpath)) { $this->addMissingFile($relative_path); } elseif (!$this->compareChecksum($fullpath, (string)$child)) { $this->addChangedFile($relative_path); } // else, file is original (and ok) } } } protected function compareChecksum($path, $original_sum) { if (md5_file($path) == $original_sum) { return true; } return false; } public function isAuthenticPrestashopVersion() { $this->getChangedFilesList(); return !$this->version_is_modified; } }