$v) { unset($process[$key][$k]); if (is_array($v)) { $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v; $process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)]; } else { $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v); } } } unset($process); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global internal parameters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | These constants are defined for internal use only, do not change | */ define( 'YEAR' , @date( "Y" ) ); define( 'PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED' , '5.2' ); define( 'CONFIG_FILE_MODE' , 0444 ); define( 'AUTH_CONFIGURATION_FILE' , 'config.auth.user.php' ); define( 'CONFIG_FILE_NAME' , 'config.user.php' ); define( 'CONFIG_FILE_NAME_BEFORE_1_5_0' , 'config.user.json' ); define( 'CONFIG_FILE_TEMP' , 'config.user.tmp.php' ); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global internal default parameters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | These constants are defined for internal use only. | These constants will overwrite custom global parameters if their are not defined | Overwrite them in your configuration file, not in this code directly ! | */ define( 'DEFAULT_AUTH_LOG_FILE_COUNT' , 100 ); define( 'DEFAULT_AUTO_UPGRADE' , false ); define( 'DEFAULT_CHECK_UPGRADE' , true ); define( 'DEFAULT_EXPORT' , true ); define( 'DEFAULT_FILE_SELECTOR' , 'bs' ); define( 'DEFAULT_FOOTER' , '© Potsky 2007-' . YEAR . ' - Pimp my Log'); define( 'DEFAULT_FORGOTTEN_YOUR_PASSWORD_URL' , 'http://support.pimpmylog.com/kb/misc/forgotten-your-password' ); define( 'DEFAULT_GEOIP_URL' , 'http://www.geoiptool.com/en/?IP=%p' ); define( 'DEFAULT_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS' , 'UA-XXXXX-X' ); define( 'DEFAULT_HELP_URL' , 'http://pimpmylog.com' ); define( 'DEFAULT_LOCALE' , 'gb_GB' ); define( 'DEFAULT_LOGS_MAX' , 50 ); define( 'DEFAULT_LOGS_REFRESH' , 0 ); define( 'DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_LOG_TIME' , 5 ); define( 'DEFAULT_NAV_TITLE' , '' ); define( 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION' , true ); define( 'DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE' , 'New logs [%f]' ); define( 'DEFAULT_PIMPMYLOG_ISSUE_LINK' , 'https://github.com/potsky/PimpMyLog/issues/' ); define( 'DEFAULT_PIMPMYLOG_VERSION_URL' , 'http://demo.pimpmylog.com/version.js' ); define( 'DEFAULT_PULL_TO_REFRESH' , true ); define( 'DEFAULT_SORT_LOG_FILES' , 'default' ); define( 'DEFAULT_TAG_DISPLAY_LOG_FILES_COUNT' , true ); define( 'DEFAULT_TAG_NOT_TAGGED_FILES_ON_TOP' , true ); define( 'DEFAULT_TAG_SORT_TAG' , 'displayiasc' ); define( 'DEFAULT_TITLE' , 'Pimp my Log' ); define( 'DEFAULT_TITLE_FILE' , 'Pimp my Log [%f]' ); define( 'DEFAULT_UPGRADE_MANUALLY_URL' , 'http://pimpmylog.com/getting-started/#update' ); define( 'DEFAULT_USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR' , 'config.user.d' ); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Lang parameters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | $locale_numeraljs is an associative array to convert a PHP locale to a | javascript locale used by numeralJS | */ $tz_available = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(); $locale_default = 'en_GB'; $locale_available = array( 'en_GB' => 'English', 'fr_FR' => 'Français', 'pt_BR' => 'Português do Brasil', ); $locale_numeraljs = array( 'en_GB' => 'en-gb', 'fr_FR' => 'fr', 'pt_BR' => 'pt-br', ); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Class autoloader |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | */ function my_autoloader( $ClassName ) { @include( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ClassName . ".php"); } spl_autoload_register('my_autoloader'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Functions declarations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Will be removed in PML v2.0, all functions will be grouped in classes | */ /** * htmlentities * * @param string $text the text key * * @return string the translation */ function h($text) { return htmlentities( $text ,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); } /** * htmlentities for echo * * @param string $text the text key * * @return string the translation */ function _h($text) { _e( htmlentities( $text ,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8') ); } /** * Simply return a localized text or empty string if the key is empty * Useful when localize variable which can be empty * * @param string $text the text key * * @return string the translation */ function __($text) { if ( empty( $text ) ) return ''; else return gettext( $text ); } /** * Simply echo a localized text * * @param string $text the text key * * @return void */ function _e($text) { echo __( $text ); } /** * Load all unset constants * * @return */ function load_default_constants() { $defaults = array( 'AUTH_LOG_FILE_COUNT', 'AUTO_UPGRADE', 'CHECK_UPGRADE', 'DEFAULT_HELP_URL', 'EXPORT', 'FILE_SELECTOR', 'FOOTER', 'FORGOTTEN_YOUR_PASSWORD_URL', 'GEOIP_URL', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS', 'LOCALE', 'LOGS_MAX', 'LOGS_REFRESH', 'MAX_SEARCH_LOG_TIME', 'NAV_TITLE', 'NOTIFICATION', 'NOTIFICATION_TITLE', 'PIMPMYLOG_ISSUE_LINK', 'PIMPMYLOG_VERSION_URL', 'PULL_TO_REFRESH', 'SORT_LOG_FILES', 'TAG_SORT_TAG', 'TAG_NOT_TAGGED_FILES_ON_TOP', 'TAG_DISPLAY_LOG_FILES_COUNT', 'TITLE', 'TITLE_FILE', 'UPGRADE_MANUALLY_URL', 'USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR', ); foreach ($defaults as $d) { if ( ! defined( $d ) ) { if ( defined( 'DEFAULT_' . $d ) ) { define( $d , constant( 'DEFAULT_' . $d ) ); } else { die( "Constant 'DEFAULT_$d' is not defined!" ); } } } } /** * Try to find the main configuration file path * Configuration file can be a PHP file since 1.5.0 or a json file below * Both files contains a JSON configuration array but the PHP version is not callable by a guest on web * * @return string the path in a string or null if not found */ function get_config_file_path() { $files = array( CONFIG_FILE_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_NAME_BEFORE_1_5_0, ); foreach ($files as $f) { if ( file_exists( PML_CONFIG_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f ) ) { return realpath( PML_CONFIG_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f ); } } return null; } /** * Return the configuration file name * * @param string $path the configuration file path or false if the function has to compute itself * * @return string the file name or null if configuration not found */ function get_config_file_name($path = false) { if ( $path === false ) $path = get_config_file_path(); if ( is_null( $path ) ) return null; return basename( $path ); } /** * Return the configuration array of a configuration file * * @param string $path the configuration file path or false to let the function load the global configuration * * @return array the configuration array or null if file is invalid or if configuration file does not exist */ function get_config_file($path = false) { if ( $path === false ) $path = get_config_file_path(); if ( is_null( $path ) ) return null; if ( strtolower( substr( $path , -3 , 3 ) ) === 'php' ) { ob_start(); require $path; $string = ob_get_clean(); } else { $string = @file_get_contents( $path ); } return json_decode( $string , true ); } /** * Load config file * * @param string $path the configuration file path * @param boolean $load_user_configuration_dir do we have to parse all user configuration files ? No for upgrade for example... * * @return array [ badges , files ] */ function config_load($load_user_configuration_dir = true) { $badges = false; $files = false; // Read config file $config = get_config_file(); if ( is_null( $config ) ) { return array( $badges , $files ); } // Get badges $badges = $config[ 'badges' ]; // Set user constant foreach ($config[ 'globals' ] as $cst => $val) { if ( $cst == strtoupper( $cst ) ) { @define( $cst , $val ); } } // Set unset constants load_default_constants(); // Set time limit @set_time_limit( MAX_SEARCH_LOG_TIME + 2 ); // Append files from the USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR if ( $load_user_configuration_dir === true ) { if ( is_dir( PML_CONFIG_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR ) ) { $dir = PML_CONFIG_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR; $userfiles = new RegexIterator( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $dir , RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS ), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD // Ignore "Permission denied" ), '/^.+\.(json|php)$/i', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH ); foreach ($userfiles as $userfile) { $filepath = realpath( $userfile[0] ); $c = get_config_file( $filepath ); if ( ! is_null( $c ) ) { foreach ($c as $k => $v) { $fileid = get_slug( str_replace( PML_CONFIG_BASE , '' , $filepath ) . '/' . $k ); $config[ 'files' ][ $fileid ] = $v; $config[ 'files' ][ $fileid ]['included_from'] = $filepath; } } } } } // Oups, there is no file... abort if ( ! isset( $config[ 'files' ] ) ) { return array( $badges , $files ); } // Try to generate the files tree if there are globs... $files_tmp = $config[ 'files' ]; $files = array(); foreach ($files_tmp as $fileid => $file) { $path = $file['path']; $count = max( 1 , @(int) $file['count']); $gpaths = glob( $path , GLOB_MARK | GLOB_NOCHECK ); if ( count( $gpaths ) == 0 ) { } else if ( count( $gpaths ) == 1 ) { $files[ $fileid ] = $file; $files[ $fileid ]['path'] = $gpaths[0]; } else { $new_paths = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($gpaths as $path) { $new_paths[ $path ] = filemtime( $path ); } // The most recent file will be the first arsort( $new_paths , SORT_NUMERIC ); // The first file id is the ID of the configuration file then others files are suffixed with _2, _3, etc... foreach ( $new_paths as $path => $lastmodified ) { $ext = ( $i > 1 ) ? '_' . $i : ''; $files[ $fileid . $ext ] = $file; $files[ $fileid . $ext ]['oid'] = $fileid; $files[ $fileid . $ext ]['odisplay'] = $files[ $fileid . $ext ]['display']; $files[ $fileid . $ext ]['path'] = $path; $files[ $fileid . $ext ]['display'] .= ' > ' . basename( $path ); if ($i >= $count) { break; } $i++; } } } // Remove forbidden files if ( Sentinel::isAuthSet() ) { // authentication is enabled on this instance $username = Sentinel::getCurrentUsername(); $final = array(); // Anonymous access only if ( is_null( $username ) ) { foreach ( $files as $fileid => $file ) { $a = $fileid; // glob file if ( isset( $files[ $fileid ]['oid'] ) ) { $a = $files[ $fileid ]['oid']; } if ( Sentinel::isLogAnonymous( $a ) ) { $final[ $fileid ] = $file; } } } // Anonymous access + User access else { foreach ( $files as $fileid => $file ) { $a = $fileid; // glob file if ( isset( $files[ $fileid ]['oid'] ) ) { $a = $files[ $fileid ]['oid']; } if ( ( Sentinel::userCanOnLogs( $a , 'r' , true , $username ) ) || ( Sentinel::isLogAnonymous( $a ) ) ) { $final[ $fileid ] = $file; } } } $files = $final; } // Fix missing values with defaults foreach ( $files as $fileid => $file ) { foreach (array( 'max' => LOGS_MAX, 'refresh' => LOGS_REFRESH, 'notify' => NOTIFICATION, ) as $fix => $value ) { if ( ! isset( $file[ $fix ] ) ) { $files[ $fileid ][ $fix ] = $value; } } } // Finally sort files if ( ! function_exists( 'display_asc' ) ) { function display_asc($a, $b) { return strcmp( $a["display"] , $b["display"] ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'display_desc' ) ) { function display_desc($a, $b) { return strcmp( $b["display"] , $a["display"] ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'display_insensitive_asc' ) ) { function display_insensitive_asc($a, $b) { return strcmp( $a["display"] , $b["display"] ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'display_insensitive_desc' ) ) { function display_insensitive_desc($a, $b) { return strcmp( $b["display"] , $a["display"] ); } } switch ( trim( str_replace( array( '-' , '_' , ' ' , 'nsensitive' ) , '' , SORT_LOG_FILES ) ) ) { case 'display': case 'displayasc': usort( $files , 'display_asc' ); break; case 'displayi': case 'displayiasc': usort( $files , 'display_insensitive_asc' ); break; case 'displaydesc': usort( $files , 'display_desc' ); break; case 'displayidesc': usort( $files , 'display_insensitive_desc' ); break; default: # do not sort break; } return array( $badges , $files ); } /** * Check the $files array and fix it with default values * If there is a problem, return an array of errors * If everything is ok, return true; * * @param array $files log files * * @return mixed true if ok, otherwise an array of errors */ function config_check( $files ) { $errors = array(); if ( ! is_array( $files ) ) { if ( Sentinel::isAuthSet() ) return false; $errors[] = __( 'No file is defined in files array' ); return $errors; } if ( count( $files ) === 0 ) { if ( Sentinel::isAuthSet() ) return false; $errors[] = __( 'No file is defined in files array' ); return $errors; } foreach ($files as $file_id => &$file) { // error foreach ( array( 'display' , 'path' , 'format' ) as $mandatory ) { if ( ! isset( $file[ $mandatory ] ) ) { $errors[] = sprintf( __( '%s is mandatory for file ID %s' ) , $mandatory , $file_id ); } } } if ( count($errors) == 0 ) { return true; } else { return $errors; } } /** * Extract tags from the confiuration files * * @param array $files the files configuration array * * @return array an array of tags with fileids */ function config_extract_tags( $files ) { $tags = array( '_' => array() ); foreach ( $files as $fileid => $file ) { // Tag found if ( isset( $file['tags'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $file['tags'] ) ) { foreach ( $file['tags'] as $tag ) { $tags[ strval( $tag ) ][] = $fileid; } } else { $tags[ strval( $file['tags'] ) ][] = $fileid; } } // No tag else { $tags[ '_' ][] = $fileid; } } switch ( trim( str_replace( array( '-' , '_' , ' ' , 'nsensitive' ) , '' , TAG_SORT_TAG ) ) ) { case 'display': case 'displayasc': if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION , '5.4.0' ) >= 0 ) { ksort( $tags , SORT_NATURAL ); } else { ksort( $tags ); } break; case 'displayi': case 'displayiasc': if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION , '5.4.0' ) >= 0 ) { ksort( $tags , SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE ); } else { ksort( $tags ); } break; case 'displaydesc': if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION , '5.4.0' ) >= 0 ) { krsort( $tags , SORT_NATURAL ); } else { krsort( $tags ); } break; case 'displayidesc': if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION , '5.4.0' ) >= 0 ) { krsort( $tags , SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE ); } else { krsort( $tags ); } break; default: # do not sort break; } return $tags; } /** * Get the list of refresh duration * The list is the default one below + : * - a custom value defined by user in PHP constant LOGS_REFRESH * - a custom value defined by user in all files in PHP array $files * The list must by unique and sorted * * @param array $files log files * * @return array the list of selectable values */ function get_refresh_options($files) { $options = array( 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 15, 30 => 30, 45 => 45, 60 => 60 ); $options[ (int) LOGS_REFRESH ] = (int) LOGS_REFRESH; foreach ($files as $file_id => $file) { $options[ (int) @$file['refresh'] ] = (int) @$file['refresh']; } unset( $options[0] ); sort( $options ); return $options; } /** * Get the list of displayed logs count * The list is the default one below + : * - a custom value defined by user in PHP constant LOGS_MAX * - a custom value defined by user in all files in PHP array $files * The list must by unique and sorted * * @param array $files log files * * @return array the list of selectable values */ function get_max_options($files) { $options = array( 5 => 5, 10 => 10, 20 => 20, 50 => 50, 100 => 100, 200 => 200 ); $options[ (int) LOGS_MAX ] = (int) LOGS_MAX; foreach ($files as $file_id => $file) { $options[ (int) @$file['max'] ] = (int) @$file['max']; } unset( $options[0] ); sort( $options ); return $options; } /** * Return a human representation of a size * * @param string $bytes the string representation (can be an int) * @param integer $decimals the number of digits in the float part * * @return string the human size */ function human_filesize( $bytes , $decimals = 0 ) { $sz = __( 'B KBMBGBTBPB' ); $factor = floor( ( strlen( $bytes ) - 1 ) / 3 ); return sprintf( "%.{$decimals}f" , $bytes / pow( 1024, $factor ) ) . @$sz[ (int)$factor * 2 ]; } /** * Get a Cross Script Request Forgery token * * @return string a token */ function csrf_get() { Session::start(); if ( ! isset( $_SESSION[ 'csrf_token' ] ) ) { $_SESSION[ 'csrf_token' ] = md5( uniqid( '' , true ) ); } Session::write_close(); return $_SESSION[ 'csrf_token' ]; } /** * Verify a Cross Script Request Forgery token * * @return boolean verified ? */ function csrf_verify() { Session::start(); $s = @$_SESSION[ 'csrf_token' ]; Session::write_close(); if ( ! isset( $_POST[ 'csrf_token' ] ) ) return false; return ( $s === @$_POST[ 'csrf_token' ] ); } /** * [get_slug description] * * @param string $string the string to slugify * @param string $separator the separator * * @return string th slugified string */ function get_slug($string, $separator = '-') { $accents_regex = '~&([a-z]{1,2})(?:acute|cedil|circ|grave|lig|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);~i'; $special_cases = array( '&' => 'and'); $string = mb_strtolower( trim( $string ), 'UTF-8' ); $string = str_replace( array_keys($special_cases), array_values( $special_cases), $string ); $string = preg_replace( $accents_regex, '$1', htmlentities( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ) ); $string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/u", "$separator", $string); $string = preg_replace("/[$separator]+/u", "$separator", $string); return $string; } /** * Indents a flat JSON string to make it more human-readable. * For PHP < 5.4 * * @param string $json The original JSON string to process. * * @return string Indented version of the original JSON string. */ function json_indent($json) { $result = ''; $pos = 0; $strLen = strlen($json); $indentStr = ' '; $newLine = "\n"; $prevChar = ''; $outOfQuotes = true; for ($i=0; $i<=$strLen; $i++) { $char = substr($json, $i, 1); if ($char == '"' && $prevChar != '\\') { $outOfQuotes = !$outOfQuotes; } elseif (($char == '}' || $char == ']') && $outOfQuotes) { $result .= $newLine; $pos --; for ($j=0; $j<$pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } $result .= $char; if ( ( $char == ',' || $char == '{' || $char == '[' ) && $outOfQuotes ) { $result .= $newLine; if ($char == '{' || $char == '[') { $pos ++; } for ($j = 0 ; $j < $pos ; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } $prevChar = $char; } return $result; } /** * Remove jsonp callback from a version file * * @param string $data the json file with callback * * @return string the json file without callback */ function clean_json_version($data) { return str_replace( array( '/*PSK*/pml_version_cb(/*PSK*/' , '/*PSK*/);/*PSK*/' , '/*PSK*/)/*PSK*/' ) , array( '' , '' , '' ) , $data ); } /** * Do nothing for set_error_handler PHP5.2 style * * @param integer $errno * @param string $errstr * * @return void */ function dumb_test($errno, $errstr) { } /** * Try to guess who runs the server * * @return string a user information */ function get_server_user() { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { return ''; } else if ( SAFE_MODE === true ) { // for Suhosin return ''; } else { // for PHP disabled_func set_error_handler( "dumb_test" ); $a = exec( 'whoami' ); restore_error_handler(); return $a; } } /** * Tell whether this is a associative array (object in javascript) or not (array in javascript) * * @param array $arr the array to test * * @return boolean true if $arr is an associative array */ function is_assoc($arr) { return array_keys( $arr ) !== range( 0 , count( $arr ) - 1 ); } /** * Generate a random string * * @param integer $l the string length * @param string $c a list of char in a string taken to generate the string * * @return string a random string of $l chars */ function mt_rand_str($l, $c = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') { for ($s = '', $cl = strlen($c)-1, $i = 0; $i < $l; $s .= $c[mt_rand(0, $cl)], ++$i); return $s; } /** * Get the local ip address of the current client according to proxy and more... * * @return string an ip address */ function get_client_ip() { $ip = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'] ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'] ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } /** * Get the current url * * @param boolean $q include the query string * * @return string current url */ function get_current_url( $q = false ) { if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ) { // only web, not unittests $s = &$_SERVER; $ssl = (!empty($s['HTTPS']) && $s['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? true:false; $sp = strtolower(@$s['SERVER_PROTOCOL']); $protocol = substr($sp, 0, strpos($sp, '/')) . (($ssl) ? 's' : ''); $port = @$s['SERVER_PORT']; $port = ((!$ssl && $port=='80') || ($ssl && $port=='443')) ? '' : ':'.$port; $host = isset( $s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] ) ? $s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : ( isset( $s['HTTP_HOST'] ) ? $s['HTTP_HOST'] : null ); $host = isset($host) ? $host : @$s['SERVER_NAME'] . $port; $uri = $protocol . '://' . $host . @$s['REQUEST_URI']; $segments = explode('?', $uri, 2); $url = $segments[0]; if ( $q === true ) { if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) { $url .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } return $url; } return null; } /** * Tell if the provided IP address is local or not * * @param string $ip an ipv4 address * * @return boolean true if address is local */ function is_not_local_ip( $ip ) { $ip = trim( $ip ); if ( $ip === '' ) { return false; } return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE); } /** * Return a 404 error * * @return void */ function http404() { header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' 404 Not Found'); die(); } /** * Return a 403 error * * @return void */ function http403() { header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' 403 Forbidden'); die(); } /** * Return a 500 error * * @return void */ function http500() { header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' 500 Internal Server Error'); die(); } /** * Clean an array recursivly * * @param array $input the array to clean up * * @return array the cleaned array */ function array_filter_recursive($input) { foreach ($input as &$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_filter_recursive($value); } else if (is_object($value)) { $value = array_filter_recursive((array)$value); } } return array_filter($input); } /** * Return the current Pimp My Log Version * * @return string the version string or empty if not available */ function get_current_pml_version() { $v = ''; $file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../version.js'; if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { $j = json_decode( clean_json_version( @file_get_contents( $file ) ) , true ); $v = @$j[ 'version' ]; } return $v; } /** * Return the current Pimp My Log Version * * @return string the version string or empty if not available */ function get_current_pml_version_infos() { $i = array(); $file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../version.js'; if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { $j = json_decode( clean_json_version( @file_get_contents( $file ) ) , true ); $v = @$j[ 'version' ]; $i = @$j[ 'changelog' ][ $v ]; $i['v'] = $v; } return $i; } /** * Generate a xml string of the provided array * * @param array $array the array to convert in XML * @param string $node_name the node name for numerical arrays * * @return string the xml string */ function generate_xml_from_array( $array, $node_name ) { $xml = ''; if (is_array($array) || is_object($array)) { foreach ($array as $key=>$value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $key = $node_name; } $xml .= '<' . $key . '>' . generate_xml_from_array( $value, $node_name) . ''; } } else { $xml = htmlspecialchars($array, ENT_QUOTES); } return $xml; } /** * Return a csv file from an array * * @param array $array * * @return null|string */ function array2csv( $array ) { if ( count( $array ) == 0 ) { return null; } ob_start(); $df = fopen( "php://output" , 'w' ); fputcsv( $df , array_keys( reset( $array ) ) , "\t" ); foreach ( $array as $row ) { fputcsv( $df , $row , "\t" ); } fclose( $df ); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Return a UTC timestamp from a timestamp computed in a specific timezone * * @param integer $timestamp the epoch timestamp * @param string $tzfrom the timezone where the timesamp has been computed * * @return integer the epoch in UTC */ function get_non_UTC_timstamp( $timestamp = null , $tzfrom = null ) { if ( is_null( $tzfrom ) ) { $tzfrom = date_default_timezone_get(); } if ( is_null( $timestamp ) ) { $timestamp = time(); } $d = new DateTime( "@" . $timestamp ); $d->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( $tzfrom ) ); return $timestamp - $d->getOffset(); } /** * Try to guess if Pimp My Log is installed with composer * * @return boolean */ function upgrade_is_composer() { $a = false; // Catch errors for people who has activated open_basedir restrictions set_error_handler( "dumb_test" ); if ( basename( PML_BASE ) !== 'pimp-my-log' ) $a = false; else if ( ! is_dir( PML_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'potsky' ) ) $a = false; else if ( ! is_dir( PML_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' ) ) $a = false; else if ( ! file_exists( PML_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.json' ) ) $a = false; else $a = true; restore_error_handler(); return $a; } /** * Try to guess if Pimp My Log is installed with git * * @return boolean */ function upgrade_is_git() { if ( SAFE_MODE === true ) return false; if ( ! is_dir( PML_BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.git' ) ) return false; return true; } /** * Try to guess if Pimp My Log can pull with git * * @return mixed */ function upgrade_can_git_pull() { if ( SAFE_MODE === true ) return false; $base = PML_BASE; // Check if git is callable and if all files are not changed $a = exec('cd ' . escapeshellarg( $base ) . '; git status -s' , $lines , $code ); // Error while executing this comand if ( $code !== 0 ) return array( $code , $lines); // Error, files have been modified if ( count( $lines ) !== 0 ) return array( $code , $lines); // can write all files with this webserver user ? $canwrite = true; $lines = array(); $git = mb_strlen( realpath( $base ) ) + 1; $pmlfiles = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $base ), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ); foreach ($pmlfiles as $f) { // Ignore all .git/* files if ( ( mb_substr( $f->getPathname() , $git , 4 ) ) === '.git' ) continue; // check if this file is writable if ( ! $f->isWritable() ) { // check if it ignored or not $b = exec( "git ls-files " . escapeshellarg( $f->getPathname() ) ); if ( ! empty( $b ) ) { $canwrite = false; $lines[] = $f->getPathname(); } } } if ( $canwrite === false ) return array( 2706 , $lines ); return true; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Uniq ID |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | We generate a uniq ID for the current user in order to track how many people | are currently using Pimp My Log. This value is stored in a cookie in order to | keep it | */ if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ) { // only web, not unittests if ( ! isset( $_COOKIE['u'] ) ) { $uuid = sha1( json_encode( $_SERVER ) . uniqid( '' , true ) ); setcookie( 'u' , $uuid , time()+60*60*24*3000 , '/' ); } else { $uuid = $_COOKIE['u']; } } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Timezone |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | */ $tz = ''; if ( isset( $_POST['tz'] ) ) { $tz = $_POST['tz']; } elseif ( isset( $_GET['tz'] ) ) { $tz = $_GET['tz']; } elseif ( defined( 'USER_TIME_ZONE' ) ) { $tz = USER_TIME_ZONE; } if ( ! in_array( $tz , $tz_available ) ) { $tz = @date('e'); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Define locale and translation |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | */ $lang = ''; $locale = $locale_default; $localejs = $locale_numeraljs[ $locale_default ]; if ( function_exists( 'bindtextdomain' ) ) { if ( isset( $_GET['l'] ) ) { $locale = $_GET['l']; } elseif ( isset( $_COOKIE['pmllocale'] ) ) { $locale = $_COOKIE['pmllocale']; } elseif ( defined( 'LOCALE' ) ) { $locale = LOCALE; } elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] ) ) { @list( $locale, $dumb ) = @explode( ',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 2 ); } $locale = str_replace( '-', '_', $locale ); @list( $lang, $b ) = explode( '_', $locale ); $locale = strtolower( $lang ).'_'.strtoupper( $b ); if ( ! array_key_exists( $locale, $locale_available ) ) { $locale = $locale_default; } putenv( 'LC_ALL=' . $locale ); putenv( 'LANGUAGE=' . $locale ); if ( ( ! isset( $_COOKIE['pmllocale'] ) ) || ( $_COOKIE['pmllocale'] !== $locale ) ) { if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ) { // only web, not unittests setcookie( 'pmllocale' , $locale , time()+60*60*24*3000 ); } } if ($lang == 'fr') { setlocale( LC_ALL , $locale , $locale . '.utf8' , 'fra' ); } elseif ($lang == 'de') { setlocale( LC_ALL , $locale , $locale . '.utf8' , 'deu_deu' , 'de' , 'ge' ); } else { setlocale( LC_ALL , $locale , $locale . '.utf8' ); } bindtextdomain( 'messages' , dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../lang' ); bind_textdomain_codeset( 'messages' , 'UTF-8' ); textdomain( 'messages' ); define( 'GETTEXT_SUPPORT' , true ); } else { /** * Fallback function for retrieving texts * * @param string $text the string to display * * @return string the same string but not translated! */ function gettext($text) { return $text; } define( 'GETTEXT_SUPPORT' , false ); } ?>