* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class CustomerThreadCore extends ObjectModel { public $id; public $id_shop; public $id_lang; public $id_contact; public $id_customer; public $id_order; public $id_product; public $status; public $email; public $token; public $date_add; public $date_upd; /** * @see ObjectModel::$definition */ public static $definition = array( 'table' => 'customer_thread', 'primary' => 'id_customer_thread', 'fields' => array( 'id_lang' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true), 'id_contact' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true), 'id_shop' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'), 'id_customer' =>array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'), 'id_order' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'), 'id_product' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'), 'email' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isEmail', 'size' => 254), 'token' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true), 'status' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING), 'date_add' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate'), 'date_upd' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isDate'), ), ); protected $webserviceParameters = array( 'fields' => array( 'id_lang' => array( 'xlink_resource' => 'languages' ), 'id_shop' => array( 'xlink_resource' => 'shops' ), 'id_customer' => array( 'xlink_resource' => 'customers' ), 'id_order' => array( 'xlink_resource' => 'orders' ), 'id_product' => array( 'xlink_resource' => 'products' ), ), 'associations' => array( 'customer_messages' => array( 'resource' => 'customer_message', 'id' => array('required' => true)), ) ); public function getWsCustomerMessages() { return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT `id_customer_message` id FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message` WHERE `id_customer_thread` = '.(int)$this->id); } public function delete() { if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($this->id)) { return false; } $return = true; $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT `id_customer_message` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message` WHERE `id_customer_thread` = '.(int)$this->id ); if (count($result)) { foreach ($result as $res) { $message = new CustomerMessage((int)$res['id_customer_message']); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($message)) { $return = false; } else { $return &= $message->delete(); } } } $return &= parent::delete(); return $return; } public static function getCustomerMessages($id_customer, $read = null, $id_order = null) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread ct LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message cm ON ct.id_customer_thread = cm.id_customer_thread WHERE id_customer = '.(int)$id_customer; if ($read !== null) { $sql .= ' AND cm.`read` = '.(int)$read; } if ($id_order !== null) { $sql .= ' AND ct.`id_order` = '.(int)$id_order; } return Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); } public static function getIdCustomerThreadByEmailAndIdOrder($email, $id_order) { return Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT cm.id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm WHERE cm.email = \''.pSQL($email).'\' AND cm.id_shop = '.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id.' AND cm.id_order = '.(int)$id_order ); } public static function getContacts() { return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT cl.*, COUNT(*) as total, ( SELECT id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread ct2 WHERE status = "open" AND ct.id_contact = ct2.id_contact '.Shop::addSqlRestriction().' ORDER BY date_upd ASC LIMIT 1 ) as id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread ct LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'contact_lang cl ON (cl.id_contact = ct.id_contact AND cl.id_lang = '.(int)Context::getContext()->language->id.') WHERE ct.status = "open" AND ct.id_contact IS NOT NULL AND cl.id_contact IS NOT NULL '.Shop::addSqlRestriction().' GROUP BY ct.id_contact HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 '); } public static function getTotalCustomerThreads($where = null) { if (is_null($where)) { return (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread WHERE 1 '.Shop::addSqlRestriction() ); } else { return (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread WHERE '.$where.Shop::addSqlRestriction() ); } } public static function getMessageCustomerThreads($id_customer_thread) { return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT ct.*, cm.*, cl.name subject, CONCAT(e.firstname, \' \', e.lastname) employee_name, CONCAT(c.firstname, \' \', c.lastname) customer_name, c.firstname FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread ct LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message cm ON (ct.id_customer_thread = cm.id_customer_thread) LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'contact_lang cl ON (cl.id_contact = ct.id_contact AND cl.id_lang = '.(int)Context::getContext()->language->id.') LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'employee e ON e.id_employee = cm.id_employee LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c ON (IFNULL(ct.id_customer, ct.email) = IFNULL(c.id_customer, c.email)) WHERE ct.id_customer_thread = '.(int)$id_customer_thread.' ORDER BY cm.date_add ASC '); } public static function getNextThread($id_customer_thread) { $context = Context::getContext(); return Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread ct WHERE ct.status = "open" AND ct.date_upd = ( SELECT date_add FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message WHERE (id_employee IS NULL OR id_employee = 0) AND id_customer_thread = '.(int)$id_customer_thread.' ORDER BY date_add DESC LIMIT 1 ) '.($context->cookie->{'customer_threadFilter_cl!id_contact'} ? 'AND ct.id_contact = '.(int)$context->cookie->{'customer_threadFilter_cl!id_contact'} : '').' '.($context->cookie->{'customer_threadFilter_l!id_lang'} ? 'AND ct.id_lang = '.(int)$context->cookie->{'customer_threadFilter_l!id_lang'} : ''). ' ORDER BY ct.date_upd ASC '); } }