displayPaymentPaymentThis hook displays new elements on the payment page actionValidateOrderNew orders displayMaintenanceMaintenance PageThis hook displays new elements on the maintenance page actionPaymentConfirmationPayment confirmationThis hook displays new elements after the payment is validated displayPaymentReturnPayment return actionUpdateQuantityQuantity updateQuantity is updated only when a customer effectively places their order displayRightColumnRight column blocksThis hook displays new elements in the right-hand column displayLeftColumnLeft column blocksThis hook displays new elements in the left-hand column displayHomeHomepage contentThis hook displays new elements on the homepage HeaderPages html head sectionThis hook adds additional elements in the head section of your pages (head section of html) actionCartSaveCart creation and updateThis hook is displayed when a product is added to the cart or if the cart's content is modified actionAuthenticationSuccessful customer authenticationThis hook is displayed after a customer successfully signs in actionProductAddProduct creationThis hook is displayed after a product is created actionProductUpdateProduct updateThis hook is displayed after a product has been updated displayTopTop of pagesThis hook displays additional elements at the top of your pages displayRightColumnProductNew elements on the product page (right column)This hook displays new elements in the right-hand column of the product page actionProductDeleteProduct deletionThis hook is called when a product is deleted displayFooterProductProduct footerThis hook adds new blocks under the product's description displayInvoiceInvoiceThis hook displays new blocks on the invoice (order) actionOrderStatusUpdateOrder status update - EventThis hook launches modules when the status of an order changes. displayAdminOrderDisplay new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminOrderThis hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office displayAdminOrderTabOrderDisplay new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel OrderThis hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Order panel tabs displayAdminOrderTabShipDisplay new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel ShippingThis hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Shipping panel tabs displayAdminOrderContentOrderDisplay new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel OrderThis hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Order panel content displayAdminOrderContentShipDisplay new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel ShippingThis hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Shipping panel content displayFooterFooterThis hook displays new blocks in the footer displayPDFInvoicePDF InvoiceThis hook allows you to display additional information on PDF invoices displayInvoiceLegalFreeTextPDF Invoice - Legal Free TextThis hook allows you to modify the legal free text on PDF invoices displayAdminCustomersDisplay new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCustomersThis hook launches modules when the AdminCustomers tab is displayed in the Back Office displayOrderConfirmationOrder confirmation pageThis hook is called within an order's confirmation page actionCustomerAccountAddSuccessful customer account creationThis hook is called when a new customer creates an account successfully displayCustomerAccountCustomer account displayed in Front OfficeThis hook displays new elements on the customer account page displayCustomerIdentityFormCustomer identity form displayed in Front OfficeThis hook displays new elements on the form to update a customer identity actionOrderSlipAddOrder slip creationThis hook is called when a new credit slip is added regarding client order displayProductTabTabs on product pageThis hook is called on the product page's tab displayProductTabContentTabs content on the product pageThis hook is called on the product page's tab displayShoppingCartFooterShopping cart footerThis hook displays some specific information on the shopping cart's page displayCustomerAccountFormCustomer account creation formThis hook displays some information on the form to create a customer account displayAdminStatsModulesStats - Modules displayAdminStatsGraphEngineGraph engines actionOrderReturnReturned productThis hook is displayed when a customer returns a product displayProductButtonsProduct page actionsThis hook adds new action buttons on the product page displayBackOfficeHomeAdministration panel homepageThis hook is displayed on the admin panel's homepage displayAdminStatsGridEngineGrid engines actionWatermarkWatermark actionProductCancelProduct cancelledThis hook is called when you cancel a product in an order displayLeftColumnProductNew elements on the product page (left column)This hook displays new elements in the left-hand column of the product page actionProductOutOfStockOut-of-stock productThis hook displays new action buttons if a product is out of stock actionProductAttributeUpdateProduct attribute updateThis hook is displayed when a product's attribute is updated displayCarrierListExtra carrier (module mode) displayShoppingCartShopping cart - Additional buttonThis hook displays new action buttons within the shopping cart actionSearchSearch displayBeforePaymentRedirect during the order processThis hook redirects the user to the module instead of displaying payment modules actionCarrierUpdateCarrier UpdateThis hook is called when a carrier is updated actionOrderStatusPostUpdatePost update of order status displayCustomerAccountFormTopBlock above the form for create an accountThis hook is displayed above the customer's account creation form displayBackOfficeHeaderAdministration panel headerThis hook is displayed in the header of the admin panel displayBackOfficeTopAdministration panel hover the tabsThis hook is displayed on the roll hover of the tabs within the admin panel displayBackOfficeFooterAdministration panel footerThis hook is displayed within the admin panel's footer actionProductAttributeDeleteProduct attribute deletionThis hook is displayed when a product's attribute is deleted actionCarrierProcessCarrier process actionOrderDetailOrder detailThis hook is used to set the follow-up in Smarty when an order's detail is called displayBeforeCarrierBefore carriers listThis hook is displayed before the carrier list in Front Office displayOrderDetailOrder detailThis hook is displayed within the order's details in Front Office actionPaymentCCAddPayment CC added displayProductComparisonExtra product comparison actionCategoryAddCategory creationThis hook is displayed when a category is created actionCategoryUpdateCategory modificationThis hook is displayed when a category is modified actionCategoryDeleteCategory deletionThis hook is displayed when a category is deleted actionBeforeAuthenticationBefore authenticationThis hook is displayed before the customer's authentication displayPaymentTopTop of payment pageThis hook is displayed at the top of the payment page actionHtaccessCreateAfter htaccess creationThis hook is displayed after the htaccess creation actionAdminMetaSaveAfter saving the configuration in AdminMetaThis hook is displayed after saving the configuration in AdminMeta displayAttributeGroupFormAdd fields to the form 'attribute group'This hook adds fields to the form 'attribute group' actionAttributeGroupSaveSaving an attribute groupThis hook is called while saving an attributes group actionAttributeGroupDeleteDeleting attribute groupThis hook is called while deleting an attributes group displayFeatureFormAdd fields to the form 'feature'This hook adds fields to the form 'feature' actionFeatureSaveSaving attributes' featuresThis hook is called while saving an attributes features actionFeatureDeleteDeleting attributes' featuresThis hook is called while deleting an attributes features actionProductSaveSaving productsThis hook is called while saving products actionProductListOverrideAssign a products list to a categoryThis hook assigns a products list to a category displayAttributeGroupPostProcessOn post-process in admin attribute groupThis hook is called on post-process in admin attribute group displayFeaturePostProcessOn post-process in admin featureThis hook is called on post-process in admin feature displayFeatureValueFormAdd fields to the form 'feature value'This hook adds fields to the form 'feature value' displayFeatureValuePostProcessOn post-process in admin feature valueThis hook is called on post-process in admin feature value actionFeatureValueDeleteDeleting attributes' features' valuesThis hook is called while deleting an attributes features value actionFeatureValueSaveSaving an attributes features valueThis hook is called while saving an attributes features value displayAttributeFormAdd fields to the form 'attribute value'This hook adds fields to the form 'attribute value' actionAttributePostProcessOn post-process in admin feature valueThis hook is called on post-process in admin feature value actionAttributeDeleteDeleting an attributes features valueThis hook is called while deleting an attributes features value actionAttributeSaveSaving an attributes features valueThis hook is called while saving an attributes features value actionTaxManagerTax Manager Factory displayMyAccountBlockMy account blockThis hook displays extra information within the 'my account' block" actionModuleInstallBeforeactionModuleInstallBefore actionModuleInstallAfteractionModuleInstallAfter displayHomeTabHome Page TabsThis hook displays new elements on the homepage tabs displayHomeTabContentHome Page Tabs ContentThis hook displays new elements on the homepage tabs content displayTopColumnTop column blocksThis hook displays new elements in the top of columns displayBackOfficeCategoryDisplay new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCategoriesThis hook launches modules when the AdminCategories tab is displayed in the Back Office displayProductListFunctionalButtonsDisplay new elements in the Front Office, products listThis hook launches modules when the products list is displayed in the Front Office displayNavNavigation displayOverrideTemplateChange the default template of current controller actionAdminLoginControllerSetMediaSet media on admin login page headerThis hook is called after adding media to admin login page header actionOrderEditedOrder editedThis hook is called when an order is edited. actionEmailAddBeforeContentAdd extra content before mail contentThis hook is called just before fetching mail template actionEmailAddAfterContentAdd extra content after mail contentThis hook is called just after fetching mail template