* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class InstallLanguages { const DEFAULT_ISO = 'en'; /** * @var array List of available languages */ protected $languages; /** * @var string Current language */ protected $language; /** * @var InstallLanguage Default language (english) */ protected $default; protected static $_instance; public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$_instance) self::$_instance = new self(); return self::$_instance; } public function __construct() { // English language is required if (!file_exists(_PS_INSTALL_LANGS_PATH_.'en/language.xml')) throw new PrestashopInstallerException('English language is missing'); $this->languages = array( self::DEFAULT_ISO => new InstallLanguage(self::DEFAULT_ISO), ); // Load other languages foreach (scandir(_PS_INSTALL_LANGS_PATH_) as $lang) if ($lang[0] != '.' && is_dir(_PS_INSTALL_LANGS_PATH_.$lang) && $lang != self::DEFAULT_ISO && file_exists(_PS_INSTALL_LANGS_PATH_.$lang.'/install.php')) $this->languages[$lang] = new InstallLanguage($lang); uasort($this->languages, 'ps_usort_languages'); } /** * Set current language * * @param string $iso Language iso */ public function setLanguage($iso) { if (!in_array($iso, $this->getIsoList())) throw new PrestashopInstallerException('Language '.$iso.' not found'); $this->language = $iso; } /** * Get current language * * @return string */ public function getLanguageIso() { return $this->language; } /** * Get current language * * @return InstallLanguage */ public function getLanguage($iso = null) { if (!$iso) $iso = $this->language; return $this->languages[$iso]; } public function getIsoList() { return array_keys($this->languages); } /** * Get list of languages iso supported by installer * * @return array */ public function getLanguages() { return $this->languages; } /** * Get translated string * * @param string $str String to translate * @param ... All other params will be used with sprintf * @return string */ public function l($str) { $args = func_get_args(); $translation = $this->getLanguage()->getTranslation($args[0]); if (is_null($translation)) { $translation = $this->getLanguage(self::DEFAULT_ISO)->getTranslation($args[0]); if (is_null($translation)) $translation = $args[0]; } $args[0] = $translation; if(count($args) > 1) return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); else return $translation; } /** * Get an information from language (phone, links, etc.) * * @param string $key Information identifier */ public function getInformation($key, $with_default = true) { $information = $this->getLanguage()->getTranslation($key, 'informations'); if (is_null($information) && $with_default) return $this->getLanguage(self::DEFAULT_ISO)->getTranslation($key, 'informations'); return $information; } /** * Get list of countries for current language * * @return array */ public function getCountries() { static $countries = null; if (is_null($countries)) { $countries = array(); $countries_lang = $this->getLanguage()->getCountries(); $countries_default = $this->getLanguage(self::DEFAULT_ISO)->getCountries(); $xml = simplexml_load_file(_PS_INSTALL_DATA_PATH_.'xml/country.xml'); foreach ($xml->entities->country as $country) { $iso = strtolower((string)$country['iso_code']); $countries[$iso] = isset($countries_lang[$iso]) ? $countries_lang[$iso] : $countries_default[$iso]; } asort($countries); } return $countries; } /** * Parse HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and get first data matching list of available languages * * @return bool|array */ public function detectLanguage() { // This code is from a php.net comment : http://www.php.net/manual/fr/reserved.variables.server.php#94237 $split_languages = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if (!is_array($split_languages)) return false; foreach ($split_languages as $lang) { $pattern = '/^(?P[a-zA-Z]{2,8})'. '(?:-(?P[a-zA-Z]{2,8}))?(?:(?:;q=)'. '(?P\d\.\d))?$/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $lang, $m)) if (in_array($m['primarytag'], $this->getIsoList())) return $m; } return false; } } function ps_usort_languages($a, $b) { $aname = $a->getMetaInformation('name'); $bname = $b->getMetaInformation('name'); if ($aname == $bname) return 0; return ($aname < $bname) ? -1 : 1; }