Thibault GUILLAUME 58a8203ae2 prestashop v1
2015-07-06 16:58:50 +02:00

736 lines
15 KiB

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<country id="DE">
<country id="AT">
<country id="BE">
<country id="CA">
<country id="CN">
<country id="ES">
<country id="FI">
<country id="FR">
<country id="GR">
<country id="IT">
<country id="JP">
<country id="LU">
<country id="NL">
<country id="PL">
<country id="PT">
<country id="CZ">
<name>Republica Cehă</name>
<country id="GB">
<name>Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii</name>
<country id="SE">
<country id="CH">
<country id="DK">
<country id="US">
<name>Statele Unite ale Americii</name>
<country id="HK">
<country id="NO">
<country id="AU">
<country id="SG">
<country id="IE">
<country id="NZ">
<name>Noua Zeelandă</name>
<country id="KR">
<name>Coreea de Sud</name>
<country id="IL">
<country id="ZA">
<name>Africa de Sud</name>
<country id="NG">
<country id="CI">
<name>Ivory Coast</name>
<country id="TG">
<country id="BO">
<country id="MU">
<country id="RO">
<country id="SK">
<country id="DZ">
<country id="AS">
<name>Samoa Americană</name>
<country id="AD">
<country id="AO">
<country id="AI">
<country id="AG">
<name>Antigua și Barbuda</name>
<country id="AR">
<country id="AM">
<country id="AW">
<country id="AZ">
<country id="BS">
<country id="BH">
<country id="BD">
<country id="BB">
<country id="BY">
<country id="BZ">
<country id="BJ">
<country id="BM">
<country id="BT">
<country id="BW">
<country id="BR">
<country id="BN">
<country id="BF">
<name>Burkina Faso</name>
<country id="MM">
<name>Birmania (Myanmar)</name>
<country id="BI">
<country id="KH">
<country id="CM">
<country id="CV">
<name>Capul Verde</name>
<country id="CF">
<name>Centrafricană, Republica</name>
<country id="TD">
<country id="CL">
<country id="CO">
<country id="KM">
<country id="CD">
<name>Congo, Republica Democrată</name>
<country id="CG">
<name>Congo, Republica</name>
<country id="CR">
<name>Costa Rica</name>
<country id="HR">
<country id="CU">
<country id="CY">
<country id="DJ">
<country id="DM">
<country id="DO">
<name>Dominicană, Republica</name>
<country id="TL">
<name>Timorul de Est</name>
<country id="EC">
<country id="EG">
<country id="SV">
<name>El Salvador</name>
<country id="GQ">
<name>Guineea Ecuatorială</name>
<country id="ER">
<country id="EE">
<country id="ET">
<country id="FK">
<name>Falkland, Insulele</name>
<country id="FO">
<name>Faroe, Insulele</name>
<country id="FJ">
<country id="GA">
<country id="GM">
<country id="GE">
<country id="GH">
<country id="GD">
<country id="GL">
<country id="GI">
<country id="GP">
<country id="GU">
<country id="GT">
<country id="GG">
<country id="GN">
<country id="GW">
<country id="GY">
<country id="HT">
<country id="HM">
<name>Heard și McDonald, Insulele</name>
<country id="VA">
<country id="HN">
<country id="IS">
<country id="IN">
<country id="ID">
<country id="IR">
<country id="IQ">
<country id="IM">
<name>Man, Insula</name>
<country id="JM">
<country id="JE">
<country id="JO">
<country id="KZ">
<country id="KE">
<country id="KI">
<country id="KP">
<name>Coreea de Sud</name>
<country id="KW">
<country id="KG">
<country id="LA">
<country id="LV">
<country id="LB">
<country id="LS">
<country id="LR">
<country id="LY">
<country id="LI">
<country id="LT">
<country id="MO">
<country id="MK">
<country id="MG">
<country id="MW">
<country id="MY">
<country id="MV">
<country id="ML">
<country id="MT">
<country id="MH">
<name>Marshall, Insulele</name>
<country id="MQ">
<country id="MR">
<country id="HU">
<country id="YT">
<country id="MX">
<country id="FM">
<country id="MD">
<country id="MC">
<country id="MN">
<country id="ME">
<country id="MS">
<country id="MA">
<country id="MZ">
<country id="NA">
<country id="NR">
<country id="NP">
<country id="AN">
<name>Antilele Olandeze</name>
<country id="NC">
<name>Noua Caledonie</name>
<country id="NI">
<country id="NE">
<country id="NU">
<country id="NF">
<name>Norfolk, Insula</name>
<country id="MP">
<name>Mariana de Nord, Insulele</name>
<country id="OM">
<country id="PK">
<country id="PW">
<country id="PS">
<name>Teritoriile Palestiniene</name>
<country id="PA">
<country id="PG">
<name>Papua New Guinea</name>
<country id="PY">
<country id="PE">
<country id="PH">
<country id="PN">
<country id="PR">
<name>Puerto Rico</name>
<country id="QA">
<country id="RE">
<name>Reunion, Insula</name>
<country id="RU">
<name>Rusă, Federația</name>
<country id="RW">
<country id="BL">
<name>Saint Barthelemy</name>
<country id="KN">
<name>Saint Kitts and Nevis</name>
<country id="LC">
<name>Saint Lucia</name>
<country id="MF">
<name>Saint Martin</name>
<country id="PM">
<name>Saint Pierre and Miquelon</name>
<country id="VC">
<name>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</name>
<country id="WS">
<country id="SM">
<name>San Marino</name>
<country id="ST">
<name>S&#xE3;o Tom&#xE9; și Pr&#xED;ncipe</name>
<country id="SA">
<name>Arabia Saudită</name>
<country id="SN">
<country id="RS">
<country id="SC">
<country id="SL">
<name>Sierra Leone</name>
<country id="SI">
<country id="SB">
<name>Solomon, Insulele</name>
<country id="SO">
<country id="GS">
<name>Georgia de Sud și Sandwich de Sud, Insulele</name>
<country id="LK">
<name>Sri Lanka</name>
<country id="SD">
<country id="SR">
<country id="SJ">
<name>Svalbard and Jan Mayen</name>
<country id="SZ">
<country id="SY">
<country id="TW">
<country id="TJ">
<country id="TZ">
<country id="TH">
<country id="TK">
<country id="TO">
<country id="TT">
<name>Trinidad și Tobago</name>
<country id="TN">
<country id="TR">
<country id="TM">
<country id="TC">
<name>Turks și Caicos, Insulele</name>
<country id="TV">
<country id="UG">
<country id="UA">
<country id="AE">
<name>Emiratele Arabe Unite</name>
<country id="UY">
<country id="UZ">
<country id="VU">
<country id="VE">
<country id="VN">
<country id="VG">
<name>Virgin Britanice, Insulele</name>
<country id="VI">
<name>Virgin Americane, Insulele</name>
<country id="WF">
<name>Wallis și Futuna</name>
<country id="EH">
<name>Sahara de Vest</name>
<country id="YE">
<country id="ZM">
<country id="ZW">
<country id="AL">
<country id="AF">
<country id="AQ">
<country id="BA">
<name>Bosnia și Herțegovina</name>
<country id="BV">
<name>Bouvet, Insula</name>
<country id="IO">
<name>Teritoriul Britanic al Oceanului Indian</name>
<country id="BG">
<country id="KY">
<name>Cayman, Insulele</name>
<country id="CX">
<name>Christmas, Insula</name>
<country id="CC">
<name>Cocos (Keeling), Insulele</name>
<country id="CK">
<name>Cook, Insulele</name>
<country id="GF">
<name>Guiana Franceză</name>
<country id="PF">
<name>Polinezia Franceză</name>
<country id="TF">
<name>Teritoriile Franceze de Sud</name>
<country id="AX">
<name>&#xC5;land, Insulele</name>